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SpriteAnimateJustAFewTimes Method
Start a new animation. It will complete the animation the number of times you specify. For example, if your sprite is walking, and one animation is one step, specifying 4 here will result in your sprite taking 4 steps and then the animation stops. You will want to make sure you are checking for when the animation stops, using the SpriteAnimationComplete event, checking the Sprite.AnimationDone flag.

Namespace:  SpriteLibrary
Assembly:  SpriteLibrary (in SpriteLibrary.dll) Version: (
public void AnimateJustAFewTimes(
	int WhichAnimation,
	int HowManyAnimations,
	int AnimationFrameToEndOn = -1


Type: SystemInt32
The animation index you want to use
Type: SystemInt32
The number of animations to do before it stops
AnimationFrameToEndOn (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
Once the animation has finished, display this animation frame. -1, or any number that is not an actual frame, will show the last frame of the animation.
See Also