Tim Young edited this page 2017-08-11 20:00:16 +02:00


I like to do things to figure out how to use it. This is a simple walk-through which will show you a lot of the features of the EduNetworkBuilder teaching system.

Open EduNetworkBuilder

Go to edit -> class setup

Create yourself a teacher account. Put your name there. Go ahead and enter the full-name also. Close out of EduNetworkBuilder

Now, make yourself a csv file with the following info:

tiyoung, Tim Young, 1234
ansmith, Andrew Smith, abcd
fastair, Fred A Stair

Double-click your teacher file to open it and go to classwork. Click on Students and import the student file (CSV) that we just created.

Now, click exit. It should take you to the main EduNetworkBuilder screen. Go to "samples" -> puzzles, and select a puzzle. Do not solve the puzzle. Say to yourself, "I want to give this to my students!"

Then, go to "edit" -> "Add to classwork"

Change some of the information about the classwork. (due date, etc)

then, click "exit" to go back to the main screen, find another two puzzles and add each of them.

Then, in your profile, go to "classwork" -> "students" -> "all homework to students." This will put all the items you currently have created into the students accounts.

Then, go to "class" -> "Generate student files". Choose a directory. It will fill this directory with files for each of the students. You can "give them to students" (via email, file-shares, etc) for them to work on.

Exit out of EduNetworkBuilder and double-click the tiyoung student file. His password was 1234. You are now that student. From the profile, select a homework, launch it, and see if you can solve it. Go to "edit" -> "submit homework" when you are done with it. The submitted homework gets written to their file when they exit out.

Now, open up your teacher file. Go to "Classwork" -> "Students" -> "Read in student homework." You select the directory where the student homework is stored, and it reads in all the files there. (so, when they give them back to you, you drop them all in one directory.) It reads in the file names that it had generated, finds any new submissions, and adds them to the respective students.

Now, find the tiyoung student, and find the homework that had been submitted. "launch" it. run it through the tests to ensure it is actually solved. Then, go to "edit" -> "mark as graded."

Now, tell yourself that you want to add another, harder homework. Still as your teacher account, open a new puzzle, a hard one, and "Add to Classwork." Because the student files have already been written, we do not want to re-write all the student files. Instead, we want to just save this homework to a separate file that the students can open up individually. In your profile, go to "Classwork" -> "Students" -> "Export Homework." This will let you choose the homework to export into the one file. Then, give that homework file to the students. They should double-click their student file to open EduNetworkBuilder to their account. Then they should go to "file" -> "open" to pull in the homework file. That will add the homework to their account, along with the due-dates you specified.