Updates for final bug fixes and preparation for next release
This commit is contained in:
@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ namespace EduNetworkBuilder
if (dest == null) return false;
foreach (NetworkInterface iface in interfaces)
if (iface.myIP.BroadcastAddress == 0) continue; //a netmask of causes grief
if (iface.myIP.BroadcastAddress == dest.GetIP)
return true;//If they are pinging the broadcast IP
if (iface.myIP.GetIPString == NB.BroadcastIPString)
@ -1028,6 +1028,7 @@ namespace EduNetworkBuilder
public bool HasBroadcastAddress(IPAddress dest)
if (dest.BroadcastAddress == dest.GetIP) return true;
foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs)
if (nic.HasBroadcastAddresses(dest))
@ -1367,8 +1368,10 @@ namespace EduNetworkBuilder
// if (nic == tPacket.InboundNic) break; //this case is dealt with in nic.SendPacketOutNic
//Pass it to the NIC to send out each nic+interface.
//The nic checks to see if it works and then processes it
if (!tPacket.isFresh && HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP)) break;
//The nic checks to see if it works and then processes it
if(myType != NetworkComponentType.wbridge && myType != NetworkComponentType.wrepeater)
if (!tPacket.isFresh && HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP))
string tMAC = tPacket.destMAC;
string ttMAC = tPacket.OutboundDestMAC;
if (BroadcastMatch && tPacket.MyType != PacketType.dhcp_answer)
@ -1701,6 +1704,13 @@ namespace EduNetworkBuilder
dst = RequestDHCPLease(tPacket.sourceMAC, tPacket.InboundInterface.myIP);
//if we the packet came in on a port...
if (tPacket.InboundNic.GetNicType == NicType.wport || tPacket.InboundNic.GetNicType == NicType.port)
IPAddress theIP = HubManagementIP();
if (theIP != null)
dst = RequestDHCPLease(tPacket.sourceMAC, theIP);
string tmac = nPacket.sourceMAC;
nPacket.sourceMAC = tPacket.OutboundMAC;
if (tPacket.InboundInterface != null)
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.10240}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\b\f0\fs22\lang9 Version 1.0.23 \par
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\b\f0\fs22\lang9 Version 1.0.23 09/20/2015\par
\b0 * Fixed issues with broadcast packets\par
* Fixed a network loop issue\par
* Fixed issue with multiple interfaces and being able to go out a different interface than we came in on\b\par
* Fixed issue with multiple interfaces and being able to go out a different interface than we came in on\par
* Fixed many small bugs that crept in when fixing other bugs. Now all puzzles seem to play correctly\b\par
Version 1.0.22 09/01/2015\b0\par
* Added ssid and keys for wireless links\par
* Wireless will auto-disconnect if link is too long\par
Reference in New Issue
Block a user