@ECHO OFF CLS REM This is an example script to show how to use the Help Library Manager Launcher to remove an MS Help Viewer file. REM You can use this as an example for creating a script to run from your product's uninstaller. REM NOTE: If not executed from within the same folder as the executable, a full path is required on the executable. IF "%1%"=="" GOTO MissingVersion IF "%1%"=="1.0" GOTO HelpViewer1 GOTO HelpViewer2 :HelpViewer1 REM Help Viewer 1.0 HelpLibraryManagerLauncher.exe /product "VS" /version "100" /locale en-us /uninstall /silent /vendor "Vendor Name" /productName "SpriteLibrary" /mediaBookList "SpriteLibrary" GOTO Exit :HelpViewer2 REM Help Viewer 2.x HelpLibraryManagerLauncher.exe /viewerVersion %1 /locale en-us /wait 0 /operation uninstall /vendor "Vendor Name" /productName "SpriteLibrary" /bookList "SpriteLibrary" GOTO Exit :MissingVersion ECHO A help viewer version parameter is required :Exit