diff --git a/SpriteLibrary/SpriteInfo.cs b/SpriteLibrary/SpriteInfo.cs
index 3407aac..7a312b5 100644
--- a/SpriteLibrary/SpriteInfo.cs
+++ b/SpriteLibrary/SpriteInfo.cs
@@ -9,19 +9,89 @@ using System.Resources;
namespace SpriteLibrary
- public enum AnimationType { SpriteDefinition=0, Rotation=1, Mirror=2 }
+ ///
+ /// The SpriteInfo only recognizes a few ways to create a sprite. Here are the different ways.
+ ///
+ public enum AnimationType {
+ ///
+ /// A Sprite definition knows an image, an X and Y, a size, and a few other items.
+ ///
+ SpriteDefinition =0,
+ ///
+ /// A rotated sprite is based off a pre-existing animation, but it is rotated by some degrees.
+ ///
+ Rotation =1,
+ ///
+ /// A mirrored sprite is based off a pre-existing animation, but is mirrored vertically or horizontally.
+ ///
+ Mirror =2 }
+ ///
+ /// An AnimationInfo class is used by the SpriteInfo class to
+ /// contain the instructions for creating a sprite through the dictionary. Most people will not want
+ /// to manually use these. It is simplest to use the
+ /// SpriteDatabase.OpenEditWindow function and use the built-in sprite editor. That editor will create a file
+ /// that can be used in the database without your needing to know about the AnimationInfo.
+ /// Again, you do not want to use these within
+ /// your program. Let the SpriteDatabase use this. The reason these are visible to the program is because
+ /// This code uses "XML Serialization" to load and save. XML Serialization requires the items you are
+ /// serializing to be "public", which makes them visible.
+ ///
public class AnimationInfo
+ ///
+ /// The FieldsToUse tracks which of the values in AnimationInfo are important
+ ///
public AnimationType FieldsToUse = AnimationType.SpriteDefinition;
+ ///
+ /// If the sprite is either a mirror sprite, or a rotated sprite, it must be based off of
+ /// a pre-existing animation. This value states which animation we copy.
+ ///
public int AnimationToUse = 0;
+ ///
+ /// If the sprite is a rotated copy of a pre-existing sprite, this value tells how many degrees to
+ /// rotate the sprite.
+ ///
public int RotationDegrees=0;
+ ///
+ /// If the sprite is a mirrored copy of a pre-existing sprite, this value states whether or not
+ /// the sprite is mirrored Horizontally.
+ ///
public bool MirrorHorizontally = false;
+ ///
+ /// If the sprite is a mirrored copy of a pre-existing sprite, this value states whether or not
+ /// the sprite is mirrored Vertically.
+ ///
public bool MirrorVertically = false;
+ ///
+ /// If the sprite is based off of an image, this value is the starting point of the top-left corner
+ /// of the sprite on the image. You will also want to include a Width and Height.
+ ///
public Point StartPoint = new Point(-1, -1);
+ ///
+ /// This is the image name which contains the sprite. This image should be in the Properties.Resources
+ /// of your project. The name you want to give is case-sensitive, and should be the exact name as
+ /// listed in Properties.Resources. For example, if your image name were Properties.Resources.Runner
+ /// you would want to use the string "Runner" Note the caps are identical, and we have removed the
+ /// "Properties.Resources. from the front.
+ ///
public string ImageName = "";
+ ///
+ /// The width of the sprite to pull from the specified image.
+ ///
public int Width = -1;
+ ///
+ /// The height of the sprite to pull from the specified image.
+ ///
public int Height = -1;
+ ///
+ /// The number of frames to pull, one following the other, from the specified image.
+ ///
public int NumFrames = 1;
+ ///
+ /// The delay in milliseconds in-between frames of the sprite. This number is not exact, but is pretty
+ /// close to what happens. Never use a number less than 20.
+ ///
public int AnimSpeed = 200;
@@ -34,10 +104,33 @@ namespace SpriteLibrary
+ ///
+ /// A class which is used by the SpriteDatabase to build
+ /// Sprites. You should not need to use this in your programming. It is simplest to use the Load/Save features
+ /// of the SpriteDatabase, which will load and save the SpriteInfo.
+ /// Again, you do not want to use these within
+ /// your program. Let the SpriteDatabase use this. The reason these are visible to the program is because
+ /// This code uses "XML Serialization" to load and save. XML Serialization requires the items you are
+ /// serializing to be "public", which makes them visible.
+ ///
public class SpriteInfo
+ ///
+ /// The name of the sprite. It should be unique within your application
+ ///
public string SpriteName = "";
+ ///
+ /// The percentage size when the sprite is normally displayed. For example: If the image you drew your
+ /// sprite on has your sprite drawn on a 200x200 grid, but you want your sprite to normally be 100x100,
+ /// you would tell it to be 50 (50 percent of the original size).
+ ///
public int ViewPercent = 100; //The percent size of the sprite. 100 is full. 50 is half-size
+ ///
+ /// This is the list of animations that make up the sprite. Again, you do not want to use these within
+ /// your program. Let the SpriteDatabase use this. The reason these are visible to the program is because
+ /// This code uses "XML Serialization" to load and save. XML Serialization requires the items you are
+ /// serializing to be "public", which makes them visible.
+ ///
public List Animations = new List();
@@ -65,7 +158,16 @@ namespace SpriteLibrary
- public Sprite CreateSprite(SpriteController ControllerToUse, SpriteDatabase TheDatabaseToUse)
+ ///
+ /// Create a sprite using the database sprite information. This does not do any checking to make sure
+ /// the named sprite already exists. Usually, what you want to do is to create your SpriteController and
+ /// register your SpriteDatabase with the controller. Then, when you ask the SpriteController for a sprite,
+ /// if that sprite does not exist yet, it will create it from the database.
+ ///
+ /// The sprite controller that will end up controlling the sprite
+ /// The database
+ ///
+ internal Sprite CreateSprite(SpriteController ControllerToUse, SpriteDatabase TheDatabaseToUse)
Sprite DestSprite = null;
if (ControllerToUse == null) return null;