2024-04-17 17:14:07 -05:00

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
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\pard\nowidctlpar\sa200\sl276\slmult1\b\f0\fs22\lang9 Version 1.0.55\par
\b0 *Changed the timeout fro 10 seconds to 12. Some puzzles that were supposed to work were timing out just short of the packet getting there.\b\par
Version 1.0.54\b0\par
* Minor changefor developers allowing more information about what is happening during regression testing. \par
\b Version 1.0.53\par
*\b0 Show a line between devices when dragging ethernet cables. Makes it easier to see.\par
* Tried highlighting what you are supposed to be filling out next, when creating network links.\b\par
Version 1.0.52\par
\b0 * Change publish URL to an actual domain.\b\par
Version 1.0.51\par
\b0 * Added small time-based delay when printing packets; on fast computers the packets would fly by too fast.\par
\b Version 1.0.50\par
\b0 * Added regression testing for making sure we do not break things while making changes to the UI or how the system works.\par
* Added regression tests for most all the networks\par
* Able to change gateway if the primary network connection does not have DHCP. There was an issue with a puzzle because of this.\par
* Do not check firewall rules if the firewall checkmark is turned off. You can disable the firewall rules by turning off the firewall.\par
* Get the reload button working properly. You can reload a puzzle and it will reset to its original state.\par
* Better listing of puzzles and highlighting the next puzzle to do.\par
* When resetting a switch, reset the vlans on that switch. Somewhere this broke and we needed to put it back.\par
* Added some action debugging. No impact on users, just developers.\par
* Better processing of wireless link autojoin\par
\b Version 1.0.49\par
\b0 * Change level1_practice5. It had been a puzzle with two DHCP servers, but we have not taught that concept yet. I change it so the DHCP server was passing out bad DHCP. IPs already exist.\par
* Fixed a few bugs in other \ldblquote practice\rdblquote levels.\par
* Made a test for a network loop. So we can have a \ldblquote ping without looping\rdblquote test. So we need to have a successful ping that does not cause a network loop.\par
* Fixed an issue with wireless bridges. They were routing packets instead of forwarding packets, which broke them in a few instances.\par
* Make it so a NIC can spray. It creates bad packets that just keep coming.\par
* Fix some issues with wireless links. Some puzzles had saved multiple wireless links to the same device, which ended up having some rather bizarre issues. Since all wireless links are rebuilt on load, I made it so none of the wireless links are saved, and if they are loaded, they are discarded. It solved a number of issues. \par
\b Version 1.0.48\par
\b0 * Fix a traversal class not serializable error\par
* Close the file -> load toolstrip menu after a load. It had remained annoyingly open.\par
* Added a bunch of \ldblquote practice\rdblquote puzzles. These are for practicing troubleshooting. They do not give you a lot of information about what the problem is; you need to do a bit more testing and trying things to figure them out.\par
* Added a bunch of level5 practice puzzles. More physical networking and wireless than routing issues.\par
* Added the solved versions of the office networks. One with wireless linking between them, and the other having physical wires.\par
\b Version 1.0.47\par
\b0 * YAY! The long-awaited ctrl-z / ctrl-y works. Undo / redo.\par
* Lock a device to a location\par
* Add a tree. Wireless packets cannot go through a tree.\par
* Add background shapes. So we can draw a building and have understandable line of sight.\par
* Add a wireless line of sight puzzle.\par
* Went through old puzzles and locked some items in their locations. Makes some puzzles need to be solved the way the puzzle was intended to be solved.\par
\b Version 1.0.46\par
\b0 * Added a frozen device. Fix it with a reboot. (power off / power on)\par
* Added a bad power-supply (device catches fire when powered on. Need to replace the device to fix)\par
* Added bad electricity. (device continues to catch fire, even after being replaced, until a UPS is added)\par
* Can right-click a network wire. Delete, edit, replace.\par
* Added frozen device, bad power-supply and Needs UPS as ways to randomly break networks.\par
* Optimize the redrawing of the screen packets. Speeded it up considerably\par
* Add puzzles for frozen device, bad power-supply, and needs a UPS.\par
\b Version 1.0.45\par
\b0 * More infrastructure for translating the main program\par
\b Version 1.0.44\par
\b0 * Added ability to add a video URL to a help topic\par
* Added video URL for individual puzzles\par
* Added some initial videos\par
* More work on translation window (most people will not see this)\par
* Fix order of help-level radio-buttons.\par
* Some puzzles are properly translated to French\par
\b Version 1.0.43\par
\b0 * Added the title to the translation window. Puzzle titles can now be translated.\par
* Use the translated titles for the puzzle names on the puzzle selection box\par
\b Version 1.0.42\par
\b0 * Fixed some bugs with working in French \endash puzzles would not show\par
* Fixed bug in French \endash \ldblquote Ping to\rdblquote would not work\par
* Added a translation box when working on puzzles. Ctrl-click the network message in the options window to pull up a translation box. Look at two languages simultaneously. Has save button to save your changes from there.\par
\b Version 1.0.41\par
\b0 * Have the ability to randomly break a network. If you want to just test your brain for fun, or if you are a teacher and just want to generate some homework of some sort. This can help.\par
* Added another solved network (InternetHomeAndOffice)\par
* Give us more options for viewing text under devices. This lets us see things much more cleanly.\par
* Allow different captioning systems. Hostname only, IP only, host + IP, none, full\par
* firewall rules can now affect VPN traffic. You can block from a VPN to the office VLAN, for example. Also, can block guest VLAN from pinging something across the VPN.\par
\b Version 1.0.40\par
\b0 * Jumping ahead version numbers. Adding Educational Mode (see doc on the wiki for a description of the basic functionality added) {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK }}{\fldrslt{\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs22\par
* Added the ability to make msi files for better deployment in multi-user settings\par
* Adjusted drag functionality so we do not jostle devices around accidentally\par
* Fixed bug when trying to ping wireless devices by name\par
* Fixed a bug pinging\par
* Fixed lots of other bugs\par
\b Version 1.0.33\par
\b0 * Fixed a major bug in settings that would blow up new installs.\par
* ctrl-right-click a device to add \ldblquote hide\rdblquote to the context menu.\par
* From the puzzle menu you can ctrl-alt click items to mark them as solved.\par
* Display bad subnet masks (that cannot be displayed using CIDR notation) as /?\par
* Allow pings from devices that are locked. A bug made it so we could not change the address we wanted to ping to; all ip-addresses were locked, even a \ldblquote ping to\rdblquote address.\par
* Minor bug: If we ping a local IP that does not exist, the error message we were getting was the wrong error message. Fixed that.\par
* When wireless device is powered off, remove all wireless links. Links connected to WLAN had been reconnected. Fixed that.\par
* Cannot go into the network options if we have loaded the network from resources. This way we cannot \ldblquote cheat\rdblquote by changing the network options. This is in preparation for setting this up for school use. Making it harder for students to cheat on homework assignments.\par
\b Version 1.0.32\par
\b0 * Allow dragging of items\par
* Select multiple items for dragging by using a nice big drag-box.\par
* Highlight the multiple items if selecting them\par
* Allow the ESC key to clear the selected items.\par
* Can right-click and delete of multiple selected items\par
* Can right-click and change color of multiple selected items\par
* Fixed some tracert bugs\par
* lots of minor fixes so is more stable on Linux\par
* Saves settings in ~/.conf/EduNetworkbuilder_config.xml file on Linux\par
* Cannot edit something that is powered off. Also, cannot ping, do DHCP refresh, etc.\par
* Fixed losing the VPN password changes when editing VPN Info.\par
* Fixed anchoring of puzzle filter box.\par
* Added invisible items. Forgotten switches and unseen network wires. Right now, the only way to make something hidden is by editing the file and saying <invisible>true</invisible> on it.\par
\b Version 1.0.31\par
\b0 * Added powering off switches, routers, and the like\par
* Added traceroute\par
* Added a few puzzles for those\par
* Moved to a new git repository\par
* Changed the default location of popups. They worked very strange in a multi-window environment.\par
\b Version 1.0.30\par
\b0 * Another downloadable (zip only, stable) version.\b\par
Version 1.0.29\par
\b0 * Lots of VLAN butfixes\par
* Fixed ping-fail test\par
* Lots more VLAN puzzles\par
* Update VLAN documentation\par
\b Version 1.0.28\par
\b0 * Initial VLAN release\par
\b Version 1.0.27\par
\b0 * Made distribution easier by CD (does updates from web, but we also have a downloadable zip you can install from)\par
\b Version 1.0.26\par
\b0 * Major graphics overhaul\par
- Packets move on timer\par
- Graphics drawn "smarter"\par
- Result is that things flow smoother. Loopback2 also works much nicer. \par
* Fixed minor issue with "help" puzzle\par
* Made help "?" button turn red when it is part of the puzzle\par
* Put checkmark to display names and IPs of devices on front form.\par
* Add a NetTest to show people to click on the "display Device names and IP" checkmark\b\par
Version 1.0.25\par
\b0 * Minor changes to help file\par
* Fixed size of labels on IP-Address editor box\par
* Hide gateway label when we do not need it. (ip-address editor)\par
* rename "mixed network" puzzle to be "adding devices" (the puzzle was about adding devices)\par
* Changed layout of many messages\par
* Save the level we are working on. Allows us to finish level 5 before level 3 if we want to.\par
* Make network-loop puzzles sit next to each-other\par
* Make it so network-loop2 puzzle asks for second ping after first one finishes \par
* Lots of work towards the French translation\b\par
Version 1.0.24 \par
\b0 * Add sound when ctrl-s is pressed so we know we saved.\par
* Add sound fail when save is canceled (will use it later if ctrl-s fails)\par
* Added some wireless puzzles\par
* Fix issue with WAP not forwarding packets correctly\par
* Clear out old status message if we do something. So we do not say "saved" forever...\par
* Fixed bad gateway on wireless router issue\par
* Fixed wbridge misbehaving. (issue with gateway)\par
* Added wireless items to help and context help topics\par
* Thanks to Peter Wilson for so much of the translation backbone.\par
* Lots of translation string changes. The French translation should be soon in coming.\par
\b Version 1.0.23 09/20/2015\par
\b0 * Fixed issues with broadcast packets\par
* Fixed a network loop issue\par
* Fixed issue with multiple interfaces and being able to go out a different interface than we came in on\par
* Fixed many small bugs that crept in when fixing other bugs. Now all puzzles seem to play correctly\b\par
Version 1.0.22 09/01/2015\b0\par
* Added ssid and keys for wireless links\par
* Wireless will auto-disconnect if link is too long\par
* Wireless will auto-connect if ssid and key match, if link is short enough\par
* Packets will drop on wireless links if distance is too great\par
* wport has no interface (cannot edit IP address)\par
* wireless router works properly - forwards broadcast packets\par
* wireless router handles dhcp requests properly (both responds to it but also passes it on)\par
* right-clicking light and microwave no longer has ping, arp, edit, and other context menus\par
* added net-test for DHCP server status (on/off)\par
* If multiple DHCP servers, client randomly chooses which to keep.\par
*Add Wireless Puzzle\par
*Fix many wireless device bugs\line\b Version 1.0.21 08/15/2015\b0\par
* Added a microwave and fluorescent light. They corrupt data when packets run close to them.\par
* Added some packet corruption puzzles\par
* Fixed window resize-on-load issue where the help window popped up first, then the builder window resized over to hide the help window. \par
\b Version 1.0.20 08/12/2015\b0\par
* wports do not display on tooltips or when printing the device info\par
* Added ctrl-s to quick-save a network we are working on\par
* commented out wireless devices for now - doing a big demo and wireless is not yet complete\par
* added search box to help\par
\b Version 1.0.19 08/08/2015\b0\par
*Updated context help for most puzzles that introduce new ideas.\par
* Sorted Help topics when adding them in net-tests.\par
* Added some images to the help to help clarify things.\par
* Start with the help windows being the same "height" as the network window.\par
* Open Help so it can be kept open while the puzzles progress.\par
* Deal with minimized state better (used to shrink window to smallest possible state)\par
* Remember size and location of main window between uses.\par
\b Version 1.0.18 08/08/2015\b0\par
* Added Context Help for puzzles.\par
- Each puzzle can have context help\par
- There is a net-test to have us read help\par
* fixed minor problem with a "ding" sound when we load a puzzle that has something locked.\par
\b Version 1.0.17 08/01/2015\b0\par
* Added more help\par
* Much progress made in preparing for a French translation\par
* allow for Puzzle's description to be in another language\par
* Added more to help\par
* Removed edit -> cut, paste, copy, undo. They never did anything. So why have them?\par
* Save box starts in the directory of the file we opened (if we have one)\par
* Choose a language at startup if one has never been chosen, and have option to change language.\par
* Added another puzzle, showing what happens (or does not happen) if we have two networks that use the same IP addresses, and we want to build a VPN between them.\par
\b Version 1.0.16 07/18/2015\b0\par
* Added ability to break links (bad network wire)\par
* "connection lights" on network cards / ports when we edit devices\par
* Test for "needs link to" does not succeed if the link in question is a broken link\par
* Added a puzzle to show you how to find broken links \par
* Used broken links in other puzzles\par
* Fixed bug: switches could not use DHCP for many different reasons. Now it works for them.\par
\b Version 1.0.15 07/11/2015\b0\par
* Added ping time progress bar\par
* Fixed issue with things timing out before they completed. If the network screen is too large, it makes it go just a tiny bit slower and various things would fail. When the first packet successfully makes it to the far end, it recomputes the time needed and gives extra time.\par
* Added context menu ping. If an item is supposed to ping something, right-clicking adds the ping test to the menu. Takes some of the guess-work out of things.\par
* Fixed minor issue with this change log. Had two 1.0.11 versions & somehow was stating we were at version 10.x.x instead of 1.x.x (sigh) \par
* Fixed the VPNify puzzle. Had a goof in it.\par
* Made it so you cannot connect a link to a VPN. A VPN should be a virtual connection, not a physical connection.\par
\b Version 1.0.14 07/10/2015\b0\par
* When we finish a puzzle, allow us to auto-open the "next puzzle" box.\par
* Added lots more puzzles\par
* Added more help & documentation\par
* Made it so test for local IP also checked to make sure the subnet-masks matched\par
* Made it so the test for a matching route compared netmasks\par
* Added a printer object\par
* Added a copier object\par
\b Version 1.0.13 06/21/2015\b0\par
* Fixed issues with arp - arp could go through routers. Now works correctly\par
* Made it test for puzzle completion after adding devices\par
* Made it test for completion after changing / deleting devices\par
* Let you delete / add NICs on PCs, primarily so we can solve the duplicate MAC puzzle\par
* Replaced the "Network Loop" puzzle with the correct one.\par
\b Version 1.0.12 06/20/2015\b0\par
* Added VPN and TUN nic types\par
* Fixed numerous small bugs\par
* Fixed bug with early solution to failed ping test\par
* Added "ding" when a test is solved.\par
* Added a "firewall" network that has a firewall and vpns\par
* Added numerous firewall / vpn puzzles\par
* Fixed a DNS issue. It now more intelligently finds the right IP address when you ping it\par
\b Version 1.0.11 06/14/2015\b0\par
* Added the ability to lock various important features to make puzzles better\par
* Able to add interfaces (multiple IPs on a Network Card)\par
* Right-click context menu to add net-tests. \par
* Del key now deletes the last item we had clicked on\par
* Can add NICs (on some devices)\par
* Can delete NICs\par
* Fixed minor bug with broadcast pinging solving ping test for individual computers\par
\b Version 1.0.10 06/13/2015\b0\par
* Renamed puzzles to manage them easier\par
* Deal with duplicate IPs, and what happens when a packet returns to a computer that did not send it.\par
* Change to the help window so you can keep the window open while working with the puzzle.\par
* Change to the donation link. Not that it will ever be used, but it makes me feel better having a few places for people to donate to if they wish.\par
* Minor change for how broadcast packets work, specifically dealing with duplicate IP addresses.\par
* Added a "firewall" device & WAN port with masquerade\par
* Added a FailedPing test so we can ping things that must fail (show the firewall works)\par
* added more to the help\par
* added more puzzles\par
\b Version 05/29/2015\b0\par
* Add a grid to the network map. It makes things easier to straighten up\par
* Sorted and organized the puzzles\par
* Made a level for each puzzle.\par
* Tracked the puzzles which have been completed\par
* When we open the puzzle list, we now show the first level of puzzles that have an uncompleted puzzle.\par
* Added more "tests", viewing help, pinging, arp, and dhcp.\par
* Reset buttons when we load a new network.\par
* Added a bunch more puzzles\par
* Sometimes the remembered IP gets annoying when it remembers odd gateways and numbers we cannot change. Fixed that in many cases.\par
\b Version 05/25/2015\b0\par
* Always Start with level0 puzzles for now\par
* Fixed the icon when program running\par
* Added an infrastructure for Puzzles (needs work)\par
* Added a number of basic puzzles\par
* Fixed DHCP Leases. Now it clears leases when you change the DHCP server range.\par
\b Version 05/16/2015\b0\par
* Added file association so we can double-click an enbx file\par
* Fixed the icon so it looks right (removed left edge)\par
\b Version 05/16/2015\b0\par
* Able to delete a route (right click route and delete it)\par
* Add map title as something we can load/save\par
* Add message as something we can load and save\par
* Changing size of items affects all items\par
* Allow entering a hostname in the IP address field (ping / gateway)\par
\b Version 04/26/2015\b0\par
* Fixed ping from switch\par
* Fixed error message when pinging IP that does not exist\par
\b Version 04/26/2015\b0\par
* Fixed broadcast ping\par
*Fixed dhcp request error\par
\b Version 04/15/2015\par
\b0 * Added "file" -> "new" to erase and start a clean new network\par
* Fixed pc2 to have gateway on "solved"->"Two Networks"\par
* Fixed - only machines capable of doing DHCP do dhcp request if we do DHCP request on all\par
* Changed - major overhaul to tcp-stack.\par
* Downgrade - Arp temporarily removed from system while tcp-stack overhaul completed\par
\b Version 4/19/2015\b0\par
* Added IP-Phone\par
* Packets terminate at the far end - this makes it easier to see packets go both directions\par
* Packets are randomized in transit - Allows packets to arrive at slightly different times\par
\b Version 4/11/2015\b0\par
* DHCP selection on nics is not functioning correctly\par
* Various small bug-fixes\par
\b Version 4/10/2015\b0\par
This is the initial alpha build\par
* basic pinging\par
* basic arp\par
* Routers\par
* Switches/Hubs\par
* PCs/Laptops\par
* Network Links (ethernet)\par
* Basic DHCP\par