
448 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace EduNetworkBuilder
public partial class VLANConfig : Form
NetworkDevice TheDevice = null;
BindingList<VLANName> VLANNames = new BindingList<VLANName>();
DataTable VlanBindings = new DataTable();
List<NetworkInterface> interfaces = new List<NetworkInterface>();
BindingList<VLANName> StashedVLANNameList = new BindingList<VLANName>();
List<bool> LockedIFs = new List<bool>();
bool LockedNames = false;
bool processing = false;
public VLANConfig(NetworkDevice ToEdit)
processing = true;
TheDevice = ToEdit;
this.Icon = Properties.Resources.NBIco;
processing = false;
dgv_VLANAssignments.DataBindingComplete += AssignmentsDataBindingComplete;
dgv_VLANNames.DataBindingComplete += NamesDataBindingComplete;
void AssignmentsDataBindingComplete(object Sender, EventArgs e)
//Lock any interfaces / NICs that are locked by tests
for (int i = 0; i < LockedIFs.Count; i++)
if (i < dgv_VLANAssignments.Rows.Count)
dgv_VLANAssignments.Rows[i].ReadOnly = LockedIFs[i];
void NamesDataBindingComplete(object Sender, EventArgs e)
Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork();
if (dgv_VLANNames.Columns.Count > 0)
dgv_VLANNames.Columns[0].ReadOnly = LockedNames;
dgv_VLANNames.Columns[1].ReadOnly = LockedNames;
if(theNet.VLANPacketColors && dgv_VLANNames.Columns.Count > 2)
dgv_VLANNames.Columns[2].ReadOnly = LockedNames;
if (LockedNames)
dgv_VLANNames.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
private void UpdateForm()
if (processing) return;
string hostname = "";
LockedNames = false;
if (TheDevice != null)
hostname = TheDevice.hostname;
UpdateNamesFromForm(); //Read in any changes so far
processing = true;
//Bind the vlan names
Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork();
int selectedrow = -1;
int selectedcol = -1;
if (dgv_VLANAssignments.CurrentCell != null)
selectedrow = dgv_VLANAssignments.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
selectedcol = dgv_VLANAssignments.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex;
//theNet.VlanNames.Sort((x, y) => x.ID.CompareTo(y.ID));
List<VLANName> tList = theNet.VlanNames.OrderBy(x => x.ID).ToList();
StashedVLANNameList = new BindingList<VLANName>(tList);
dgv_VLANNames.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dgv_VLANNames.DataSource = StashedVLANNameList;
dgv_VLANNames.AllowUserToAddRows = true;
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DGVTB = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
DGVTB.ValueType = typeof(string);
DGVTB.DataPropertyName = "ID";
DGVTB.Name = "ID";
DGVTB.HeaderText = "ID";
//The VLAN name
DGVTB = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
DGVTB.ValueType = typeof(string);
DGVTB.DataPropertyName = "Name";
DGVTB.Name = "Name";
DGVTB.HeaderText = "Name";
if (theNet.VLANPacketColors)
//The VLAN color. (optional)
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn DGVCBC = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
DGVCBC.ValueType = typeof(string);
DGVCBC.DataPropertyName = "PacketColorString";
DGVCBC.Name = "Color";
DGVCBC.HeaderText = "Color";
if (TheDevice != null)
if (theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, "", NetTestType.LockVLANNames) ||
theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, "", NetTestType.LockVLANsOnHost))
LockedNames = true;
LockedNames = false;
//Start building the VLAN/Interface list
VlanBindings.Columns.Add("IF", typeof(string));
foreach (VLANName vn in theNet.VlanNames)
VlanBindings.Columns.Add(vn.Name, typeof(string));
List<string> theNics = TheDevice.NICNames();
//Fill out the interfaces
foreach (string oneNic in theNics)
NetworkCard NIC = TheDevice.NicFromName(oneNic);
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.lo) continue;
//if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) continue; //so we can lock outselves out
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.wport) continue;
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.wlan) continue;
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.vpn) continue;
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.none) continue;
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.tun) continue;
bool locked = false;
//Lock the interface if it needs to be locked
if (TheDevice != null) {
if (theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, oneNic, NetTestType.LockNic))
locked = true;
if (theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, oneNic, NetTestType.LockAll))
locked = true;
if (theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, oneNic, NetTestType.LockNicVLAN))
locked = true;
if (theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, oneNic, NetTestType.LockVLANsOnHost))
locked = true;
bool pastlock = locked;
for (int i = 0; i < NIC.IFCount; i++)
locked = pastlock;
NetworkInterface nif = NIC.GetInterface(i);
if (TheDevice != null)
//If the interface itself is locked...
if (theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, nif.nic_name, NetTestType.LockInterfaceVLAN))
locked = true;
DataRow DR = VlanBindings.NewRow();
DR["IF"] = nif.nic_name;
foreach (VLANName vn in theNet.VlanNames)
DR[vn.Name] = nif.GetVLANTag(vn.ID).ToString();
dgv_VLANAssignments.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn scol = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
scol.ValueType = typeof(string);
scol.DataPropertyName = "IF";
scol.Name = "IF";
scol.HeaderText = "Interface";
scol.ReadOnly = true;
scol.Frozen = true;
List<string> enumvalues = new List<string>();
foreach (VLANTagType vtt in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VLANTagType)))
foreach (VLANName vn in theNet.VlanNames)
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn col = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
col.Name = vn.Name;
col.DataPropertyName = vn.Name;
col.DataSource = enumvalues;
col.Width = 75;
dgv_VLANAssignments.DataSource = VlanBindings;
int many = theNet.VlanNames.Count;
if (many > 3) many = 3;
int checksize = 50 + 120 + (many * 80) + 25; //the record indicator, and the size of the name. + width of each item
if (Width < checksize) Width = checksize; //Make it fit better
processing = false;
if (selectedcol >=0 && selectedcol < dgv_VLANAssignments.Columns.Count && selectedrow < dgv_VLANAssignments.Rows.Count)
dgv_VLANAssignments.CurrentCell = dgv_VLANAssignments.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[selectedcol];
bool NamesGridHasID(int id)
string IDString = id.ToString();
foreach (DataRow DR in dgv_VLANNames.Rows)
if (DR["ID"].ToString() == IDString)
return true;
return false;
bool VLANNamesHasID(BindingList<VLANName> names, int id)
foreach (VLANName VN in names)
if (VN.ID == id)
return true;
return false;
void UpdateNamesFromForm()
Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork();
if (dgv_VLANNames.RowCount == 0) return;//If we have not put anything in it yet.
//if (dgv_VLANNames.RowCount == theNet.VlanNames.Count) return; //Nothing was added or removed.
BindingList<VLANName> oList = new BindingList<VLANName>();
foreach (VLANName vn in theNet.VlanNames)
oList.Add(vn); //stash it for keeping colors for now
theNet.VlanNames.Clear(); //Remove them all. We will re-add them
//add it if it was added
int id;
foreach (DataGridViewRow DR in dgv_VLANNames.Rows)
id = -1;
if (DR.Cells["ID"] == null || DR.Cells["ID"].Value == null) continue;
int.TryParse(DR.Cells["ID"].Value.ToString(), out id);
if (id > 0)
if (!VLANNamesHasID(theNet.VlanNames, id))
Color tColor = Color.Blue;
if(theNet.VlanNames.Count < oList.Count ) tColor = oList[theNet.VlanNames.Count].PacketColor;
if (DR.Cells["Name"].Value == null) //When we are still adding
theNet.VlanNames.Add(new VLANName(id, "----", tColor));
theNet.VlanNames.Add(new VLANName(id, DR.Cells["Name"].Value.ToString(),tColor));
if (!VLANNamesHasID(theNet.VlanNames, 1))
theNet.VlanNames.Add(new VLANName(1, "Default"));
private void btnDone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//We will probably do a lot more than this later.
private void dgv_VLANNames_CellParsing(object sender, DataGridViewCellParsingEventArgs e)
//BindingList<VLANName> tempitem = new BindingList<VLANName>();
//VLANName current = ((BindingList<VLANName>)dgv_VLANNames.DataSource)[e.RowIndex];
//string key = current.ID.ToString();
//int id = current.ID;
//string value = current.Name;
//string cellValue = e.Value.ToString();
//if (e.ColumnIndex == 0) key = cellValue;
//else value = cellValue;
//((BindingList<VLANName>)dgv_VLANNames.DataSource)[e.RowIndex] = new VLANName { ID = id, Name = value };
private void dgv_VLANNames_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (!processing)
private void dgv_VLANNames_RowsRemoved(object sender, DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs e)
//if (!processing)
// UpdateForm();
private void dgv_VLANNames_CellValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
string headerText = dgv_VLANNames.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name;
if (processing) return;
dgv_VLANNames.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText = ""; //clear the old one out
Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork();
if (headerText.Equals("ID"))
// Confirm that the cell is not empty.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.FormattedValue.ToString()))
dgv_VLANNames.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText =
"The ID cannot be empty";
e.Cancel = true;
int value;
int.TryParse(e.FormattedValue.ToString(), out value);
if (value <= 0)
dgv_VLANNames.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText =
"The ID cannot be negative or zero";
e.Cancel = true;
//Verify that the ID is unique. it is a zero-based index
for (int i = 0; i < StashedVLANNameList.Count; i++)
if (e.RowIndex == i) continue; //do not check ourself
if (StashedVLANNameList[i].ID == value)
dgv_VLANNames.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText =
"You cannot duplicate VLAN IDs. They must be unique";
e.Cancel = true;
//MessageBox.Show(e.RowIndex.ToString() + " out of " + StashedVLANNameList.Count);
if (headerText.Equals("Color"))
//Checking the color
Console.WriteLine("Here "+ e.RowIndex);
private void dgv_VLANNames_UserDeletedRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (!processing)
private void SetIFVLAN(string ifname, int ID, VLANTagType Tag)
List<string> theNics = TheDevice.NICNames();
foreach (string oneNic in theNics)
NetworkCard NIC = TheDevice.NicFromName(oneNic);
if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.lo) continue;
//if (NIC.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < NIC.IFCount; i++)
NetworkInterface nif = NIC.GetInterface(i);
if (nif.nic_name == ifname)
nif.SetVLANTag(ID, Tag);
private void dgv_VLANAssignments_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
//We are working on a vlan tag.
Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork();
if (e.ColumnIndex == 0) return; //we should never get here.
VLANTagType VTT = NB.TryParseEnum<VLANTagType>(dgv_VLANAssignments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString(), VLANTagType.Forbidden);
string Which = dgv_VLANAssignments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
string VLANName = dgv_VLANAssignments.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText;
int ID = theNet.VLANIDFromName(VLANName);
SetIFVLAN(Which, ID, VTT);
private void dgv_VLANAssignments_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dgv_VLANAssignments.IsCurrentCellDirty)
// This fires the cell value changed handler below
private void VLANConfig_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
BuilderWindow BW = NB.GetBuilderWin();
if (BW != null)
Point tLocation = new Point(BW.Location.X + ((BW.Width - Width) / 2), BW.Location.Y + ((BW.Height - Height) / 2));
Location = tLocation;