
523 lines
50 KiB

DeviceConfig.cs:31: lblHelp.Text = "Select the network card or interface for that network card that you wish to edit. " +
DeviceConfig.cs:32: "Then press the [edit] button to make changes to that. Press the [-] to remove it, and press [+] to add another.";
DeviceConfig.cs:75: if (ClonedItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
DeviceConfig.cs:106: btnGateway.Text = "Gateway: " + ndCLonedItem.GetGateway().GetIP.ToIpString();
DeviceConfig.cs:144: lbArpTable.Items.Add("Arp Table MAC\tIPAddress");
DeviceConfig.cs:147: lbArpTable.Items.Add(ae.MACAddress + "\t" + ae.IPAddr);
DeviceConfig.cs:152: string selectedNicName = "";
DeviceConfig.cs:154: selectedNicName = Regex.Replace(selectedNicName, " .*", "");
DeviceConfig.cs:155: selectedNicName = Regex.Replace(selectedNicName, "\\*", "");
DeviceConfig.cs:213: MessageBox.Show("The name '" + otext + "' is being used as part of this puzzle and this machine cannot be named that.");
DeviceConfig.cs:222: if (ClonedItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
DeviceConfig.cs:294: if (ClonedItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
DeviceConfig.cs:347: if (ClonedItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
DeviceConfig.cs:353: selectedNIC = Regex.Replace(selectedNIC, " .*", "");
DeviceConfig.cs:354: selectedNIC = Regex.Replace(selectedNIC, "\\*", "");
IPAddress.cs:99: public bool Edit(NetworkDevice FromWhat, string message="")
IPAddress.cs:102: if (message != "")
IPAddress.cs:122: _mask = "".ParseIp();
IPAddress.cs:127: if(mySplitVal[0] == "10")
IPAddress.cs:129: _mask = "".ParseIp();
IPAddress.cs:131: if (mySplitVal[0] == "172")
IPAddress.cs:133: _mask = "".ParseIp();
IPAddress.cs:135: if (mySplitVal[0] == "192")
IPAddress.cs:137: _mask = "".ParseIp();
IPAddress.cs:226: string tstring = "IP:" +PadIt(_ip.ToIpString())+
IPAddress.cs:227: " Mask:" + PadIt(_mask.ToIpString())+
IPAddress.cs:228: " GW:" + PadIt(gw);
IPAddress.cs:245: return String.Join(".", parts);
IPAddressEntry.cs:32: string hostname = "";
IPAddressEntry.cs:48: if (!lNM.Contains("255"))
IPAddressEntry.cs:49: lNM = "";
LanguageString.cs:14: public string text="";
LanguageString.cs:15: public string language="en";
LanguageString.cs:30: if(Regex.IsMatch(theNode.Name.ToLower(),"^[a-z][a-z]_" + tag))
LanguageString.cs:34: language = Regex.Replace(theNode.Name.ToLower(), "_" + tag, "");
LanguageString.cs:39: language = "en";
LanguageString.cs:55: string tag = "";
LanguageString.cs:113: if(language != "en")
LanguageString.cs:115: return GetText("en");
LanguageString.cs:123: return "";
LinkEditor.cs:72: string SrcHost="";
LinkEditor.cs:75: string DstHost="";
LinkEditor.cs:78: string SrcNic = "";
LinkEditor.cs:88: string DstNic = "";
LinkEditor.cs:154: if (SrcNic != "")
LinkEditor.cs:160: if (DstNic != "")
LinkEditor.cs:175: if (Regex.IsMatch(SrcNic, "^wport") || Regex.IsMatch(SrcNic, "^wlan"))
ListBoxWindow.cs:47: if (str == SelectedTag || (SelectedTag == "ALL" && Regex.IsMatch(str,"Level")))
ListBoxWindow.cs:78: lbWindowData.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 8);
ListBoxWindow.cs:86: lbWindowData.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 8);
ListBoxWindow.cs:139: newCB.Name = "checkBox" + count.ToString();
ListBoxWindow.cs:159: return "Level_" + PI.Level;
ListBoxWindow.cs:168: string selected = "";
ListBoxWindow.cs:220: shown_name = "* " + shown_name;
ListBoxWindow.cs:230: if(selected != null && selected != "")
ListBoxWindow.cs:251: TheName = Regex.Replace(TheName, @"^\* ", "");
NB.cs:95: HostName = "";
NB.cs:96: NicName = "";
NB.cs:131: get { return HostID.ToString()+"-"+NicID.ToString(); }
NB.cs:213: PuzzleTags.Add("Level_" + Individual.InnerText);
NB.cs:228: public static string BroadcastMACString = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"; //The broadcast MAC address
NB.cs:229: public static string BroadcastIPString = ""; //the generic broadcast IP address
NB.cs:230: public static string ZeroIPString = "";
NB.cs:231: public static string LoopbackIPString = "";
NB.cs:232: public static int LinkStep = 8;//The percentage of the link we move at each "tick"
NB.cs:236: public static string[,] LanguageChoices = { { "English", "en" }, { "French", "fr" } };
NB.cs:287: myresource = new ResourceManager("EduNetworkBuilder.Resources.languages.edustrings", MyAssembly);
NB.cs:326: string answer="";
NB.cs:328: if (answer == null) return "";
NB.cs:336: return "H_" + What.ToString() + "_Key";
NB.cs:340: return "H_" + What.ToString() + "_Title";
NB.cs:362: if (lang == "") lang = "en";
NB.cs:364: string StartingItem = "";
NB.cs:376: LanguageForm.Text = "Choose Language";
NB.cs:380: lblText.Text = "Choose a Language:";
NB.cs:403: btnAccept.Text = "OK";
NB.cs:513: if(What.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
NB.cs:515: if (What.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkLink")
NB.cs:526: if(myfrm.Name == "Context")
NB.cs:537: tForm.Name = "Context";
NB.cs:563: sBuilder.Append(number.ToString("X2"));
NB.cs:595: "Invalid Bit " + BitNumber.ToString() + "! (Should be from 0 to 7)");
NB.cs:608: "Invalid Bit" + BitNumber.ToString() + "! (Should be from 0 to 7)");
NetTest.cs:14: public string sHost = "";
NetTest.cs:15: public string dHost = "";
NetTest.cs:114: string toreturn = "";
NetTest.cs:119: toreturn = "Has a problem";
NetTest.cs:127: toreturn = "Needs the gateway set";
NetTest.cs:130:// toreturn = "Cannot ping";
NetTest.cs:133: toreturn = "Needs a route set";
NetTest.cs:136: toreturn = "Needs a local IP";
NetTest.cs:139: toreturn = "Needs to be connected to the network.";
NetTest.cs:142: toreturn = "Needs to find ARP from some device";
NetTest.cs:145: toreturn = "Needs a DHCP IP address";
NetTest.cs:148: toreturn = "Must ping a host.";
NetTest.cs:151: toreturn = "Get mouse-over help";
NetTest.cs:154: toreturn = "Should fail to ping a specific host";
NetTest.cs:157: toreturn = "Needs change to DHCP server:";
NetTest.cs:160: toreturn = "Is Locked";
NetTest.cs:163: toreturn = "Has Locked DHCP";
NetTest.cs:166: toreturn = "Has Locked IP";
NetTest.cs:169: toreturn = "Has Locked NIC";
NetTest.cs:172: toreturn = "Has Locked Route";
NetTest.cs:175: toreturn = "Has Locked Gateway";
NetTest.cs:187: toreturn = "Needs the gateway set to:";
NetTest.cs:190:// toreturn = "Cannot ping host:";
NetTest.cs:193: toreturn = "Needs a route to network:";
NetTest.cs:196: toreturn = "Needs an IP local to host:";
NetTest.cs:199: toreturn = "Needs a link to host:";
NetTest.cs:202: toreturn = "Needs to find ARP from:";
NetTest.cs:205: toreturn = "Needs a DHCP IP address from server:";
NetTest.cs:208: toreturn = "Must ping:";
NetTest.cs:211: toreturn = "Get mouse-over help of level:";
NetTest.cs:214: toreturn = "Needs to try to ping (and fail):";
NetTest.cs:217: toreturn = "DHCP Server enabled = ";
NetTest.cs:221: toreturn = "Is Locked:";
NetTest.cs:224: toreturn = "Has Locked DHCP:";
NetTest.cs:227: toreturn = "Has Locked IP:";
NetTest.cs:230: toreturn = "Has Locked NIC:";
NetTest.cs:233: toreturn = "Has Locked Route:";
NetTest.cs:236: toreturn = "Has Locked Gateway:";
NetTest.cs:244: toreturn = "";
NetTest.cs:252: string toreturn = "";
NetTest.cs:255: return TestDescription(amount) + " " + sHost;
NetTest.cs:260: toreturn = sHost + " " + TestDescription(amount);
NetTest.cs:263: toreturn = sHost + " " + TestDescription(amount);
NetTest.cs:266: toreturn = sHost + " " + TestDescription(amount) + " " + dHost;
NetTest.cs:269: toreturn = "";
NetTest.cs:359: //The IP address chosen is "local" to the source host. So it should ping between them
NetTest.cs:405: //dHost is either "true" or "false"
NetTestEditor.cs:108: cbDest.Items.Add("?Button");
NetTestEditor.cs:116: theNames.Remove("None");
NetTestEditor.cs:121: cbDest.Items.Add("Read");
NetTestEditor.cs:125: cbDest.Items.Add("All");
Network.cs:20: public string PuzzleName="";
Network.cs:37: private IPAddress lastAddress = new IPAddress("");
Network.cs:38: public string NetworkFilename = "";
Network.cs:54: NetMessage = new LanguageStrings("message");
Network.cs:55: NetTitle = new LanguageStrings("title");
Network.cs:87: Load(@"C:\Users\tyoung\Desktop\Test.enbx");
Network.cs:157: //Tags.Add("Level_" + Individual.InnerText);
Network.cs:167: if(Regex.IsMatch(Individual.Name.ToLower(),"message"))
Network.cs:172: if (Regex.IsMatch(Individual.Name.ToLower(), "title"))
Network.cs:183: if (NetMessage.GetText() != "" && !AlreadyDisplayedMessage)
Network.cs:207: Save(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "Test.enbx"));
Network.cs:221: writer.WriteComment("This is a network file for EduNetworkBuilder.");
Network.cs:327: if (tItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
Network.cs:342: if (tItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
Network.cs:357: if(tItem.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
Network.cs:396: if(NetComponents[looper].GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkLink")
Network.cs:421: if (NC.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkLink")
Network.cs:461: if(tString != "")
Network.cs:503: if (nt.ColorItemsIfNeeded(HintsToDisplay != NetTestVerbosity.none)) //only change the color if we are not "none"
Network.cs:524: if (NC.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkLink")
Network.cs:530: if (NC.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
Network.cs:667: if (PuzzleName != "" && PuzzleName != null)
Network.cs:677: DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show("Solved! Would you like to open the puzzle box to go to the next puzzle? 'No' will let you continue to play with this one.","Solved",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
Network.cs:730: if (nt.TheTest == NetTestType.HelpRequest && sHost == "" && dHost == nt.dHost && dHost == "?Button")
Network.cs:748: if (nc.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
Network.cs:803: Console.WriteLine("Debugging");
Network.cs:809: Console.WriteLine("Debugging");
Network.cs:812: myPackets[loop].AddMessage(, "Packet Tick Counter reached. Did the packet go into an infinite loop?");
Network.cs:836: Console.WriteLine("Total seconds = " + Duration.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " Stopping.");
Network.cs:839: pkt.Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.packet, "Network", "The packet timed out.");
Network.cs:840: pkt.Tracking.Status = "The packet timed out and was dropped.";
Network.cs:895: Console.WriteLine("----All Done----");
Network.cs:927: if (nc.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkLink")
Network.cs:935: if (nc.GetType().ToString() == "EduNetworkBuilder.NetworkDevice")
Network.cs:1089: //Console.WriteLine("position=" + HowFar.ToString());
Network.cs:1099: //Console.WriteLine("position=" + HowFar.ToString());
NetworkBuilder.cs:24: public Network myNetwork = new Network("");
NetworkBuilder.cs:26: private string selectedButton = "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:37: public string ChosenLanguage = "en"; //The language to try to load
NetworkBuilder.cs:58: myTooltip.SetToolTip(rbHelp1, "Show no help for the puzzle");
NetworkBuilder.cs:59: myTooltip.SetToolTip(rbHelp2, "Show the color of the items making the puzzle.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:60: myTooltip.SetToolTip(rbHelp3, "Color-code & give minor mouse-over help for the puzzle.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:61: myTooltip.SetToolTip(rbHelp4, "Color-code & give decent mouse-over help for the puzzle.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:62: myTooltip.SetToolTip(btnHelp, "Show the message describing the puzzle.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:64: lblStatus.Text = "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:128: LanguageResources = new ResourceManager("EduNetworkBuilder.Resources.languages.edustrings", MyAssembly);
NetworkBuilder.cs:155: if (answer == null) return "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:236: myNetwork.NoteActionDone(NetTestType.ReadContextHelp, me.Name, "Read");
NetworkBuilder.cs:275: BuildButton("btnSwitch", Properties.Resources.Switch, "Add a switch to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:276: BuildButton("btnHub", Properties.Resources.Hub, "Add a hub to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:277: BuildButton("btnServer", Properties.Resources.Server, "Add a server to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:278: BuildButton("btnLaptop", Properties.Resources.Laptop, "Add a laptop to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:279: BuildButton("btnPC", Properties.Resources.PC, "Add a PC to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:280: BuildButton("btnRouter", Properties.Resources.Router, "Add a Router to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:281: BuildButton("btnIPPhone", Properties.Resources.ip_phone, "Add an IP-Phone to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:282: BuildButton("btnFirewall", Properties.Resources.firewall, "Add a firewall to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:283: BuildButton("btnPrinter", Properties.Resources.Printer, "Add a printer to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:284: BuildButton("btnCopier", Properties.Resources.Copier, "Add a copier to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:285: BuildButton("btnMicrowave", Properties.Resources.microwave, "Add a microwave to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:286: BuildButton("btnFluorescent", Properties.Resources.fluorescent, "Add a light to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:287: BuildButton("btnWAP", Properties.Resources.wap, "Add a Wireless Access Point to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:288: BuildButton("btnWRouter", Properties.Resources.WRouter, "Add a Wireless Router to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:289: BuildButton("btnWBridge", Properties.Resources.WBridge, "Add a Wireless Bridge to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:290: BuildButton("btnWRepeater", Properties.Resources.WRepeater, "Add a Wireless Repeater to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:291: BuildButton("btnCellphone", Properties.Resources.cellphone, "Add a Cellhone to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:292: BuildButton("btnTablet", Properties.Resources.tablet, "Add a Tablet to the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:293: BuildButton("btnLink",, "Use a network cable to connect network components.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:294: BuildButton("btnSelect",, "Select items from the network.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:338: if (myNetwork.NetworkFilename != "")
NetworkBuilder.cs:367: Text = "EduNetworkBuilder";
NetworkBuilder.cs:368: if (myNetwork.NetTitle.GetText() != "")
NetworkBuilder.cs:369: Text += ": " + myNetwork.NetTitle.GetText();
NetworkBuilder.cs:370: if (myNetwork.NetMessage.GetText() != "")
NetworkBuilder.cs:432: System.Resources.ResourceManager("EduNetworkBuilder.Properties.Resources",
NetworkBuilder.cs:440: MessageBox.Show("Skipping Invalid Puzzle: '" + str + "'");
NetworkBuilder.cs:449: //Console.WriteLine("Puzzle: " + str + " " + newPuzzle.PuzzleTitle);
NetworkBuilder.cs:472: if(Regex.IsMatch(str,"^Level"))
NetworkBuilder.cs:519: lblStatus.Text = "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:520: selectedButton = "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:547: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Ping " + tStr);
NetworkBuilder.cs:552: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Arp " + tStr);
NetworkBuilder.cs:558: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Ping [host]");
NetworkBuilder.cs:560: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Arp Request [host]");
NetworkBuilder.cs:562: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Clear Arp Table");
NetworkBuilder.cs:569: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Delete");
NetworkBuilder.cs:575: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Edit");
NetworkBuilder.cs:584: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("DHCP Request");
NetworkBuilder.cs:589: pbNetworkView.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Remove Link To " + host);
NetworkBuilder.cs:608: released = Regex.Replace(released, ".* ", "");
NetworkBuilder.cs:672: todo = destination.Edit(ItemClickedOn, "Ping IP");
NetworkBuilder.cs:685: string dest = Regex.Replace(itemname, "Ping ", "");
NetworkBuilder.cs:699: string dest = Regex.Replace(itemname, "Arp ", "");
NetworkBuilder.cs:713: IPAddress destination = new IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString, "", IPAddressType.ip_only);
NetworkBuilder.cs:714: todo = destination.Edit(ItemClickedOn, "Arp Request");
NetworkBuilder.cs:731: lblStatus.Text = "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:754: if (selectedButton == "btnLink")
NetworkBuilder.cs:861: string newtooltip = "";
NetworkBuilder.cs:875: myNetwork = new Network("");
NetworkBuilder.cs:896: mydialog.Filter = "EduNet File (*.enbx)|*.enbx";
NetworkBuilder.cs:899: if (LastPath != null && LastPath != "") mydialog.FileName = LastPath;
NetworkBuilder.cs:902: if(!Regex.IsMatch(mydialog.FileName,@"^.*.enbx$"))
NetworkBuilder.cs:904: MessageBox.Show("EduNetworkBuilder can only open .enbx files. If this is a valid edunetwork file, please rename it.");
NetworkBuilder.cs:919: if (oldfile != null && oldfile != "" && File.Exists(oldfile))
NetworkBuilder.cs:940: mydialog.Filter = "EduNet File (*.enbx)|*.enbx";
NetworkBuilder.cs:943: if (myNetwork.NetworkFilename != "")
NetworkBuilder.cs:1050: todo = destination.Edit(null, "Ping IP");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1068: System.Resources.ResourceManager("EduNetworkBuilder.Properties.Resources",
NetworkBuilder.cs:1085: LoadNetworkFromResource("OneNet");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1091: LoadNetworkFromResource("TwoNets");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1097: LoadNetworkFromResource("DHCP");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1103: LoadNetworkFromResource("OneNet");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1110: LoadNetworkFromResource("TwoNets");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1117: LoadNetworkFromResource("DHCP");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1124: LoadNetworkFromResource("ThreeNets");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1130: LoadNetworkFromResource("ThreeNets");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1166: //MessageBox.Show("Trying Localpath: " + uri.LocalPath);
NetworkBuilder.cs:1167: //MessageBox.Show("isUNC: " + uri.IsUnc.ToString());
NetworkBuilder.cs:1168: //MessageBox.Show("isFile: " + uri.IsFile.ToString());
NetworkBuilder.cs:1191: bool didsomething = myNetwork.NoteActionDone(NetTestType.HelpRequest, "", "?Button");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1204: rtwin = new RTFWindow("Help: " + myNetwork.NetTitle.GetText(), myNetwork.NetMessage.GetText(), myNetwork.NetTests);
NetworkBuilder.cs:1247: LoadNetworkFromResource("firewalls");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1253: LoadNetworkFromResource("firewalls");
NetworkBuilder.cs:1269: DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show("Changing the language can only be done when the program starts: Close the program and prompt for a new language when you start it again?","Are you Sure?",MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
NetworkCard.cs:26: private string _nic_name="";
NetworkCard.cs:42: nInterface = new NetworkInterface(NicName(), "", "", myID);
NetworkCard.cs:116: myID.Save(writer, "myid");
NetworkCard.cs:120: if(EncryptionKey != "")
NetworkCard.cs:122: if (SSID != "")
NetworkCard.cs:126: TunnelEndpoint.Save(writer, "tunnelendpoint");
NetworkCard.cs:171: string connected = " ";
NetworkCard.cs:172: if (isConnected(true)) connected = "*";
NetworkCard.cs:175: return NicName() + connected + " " + MAC;
NetworkCard.cs:196: string DHCPString = "";
NetworkCard.cs:197: if (UsesDHCP && CanUseDHCP) DHCPString = "DHCP: ";
NetworkCard.cs:366: Tracker.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, myID.HostName, "Found local interface: ip" + nIF.myIP.GetIP.ToIpString() +
NetworkCard.cs:367: " gw:" + nIF.myIP.GetMask.ToIpString());
NetworkCard.cs:369: Tracker.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, myID.HostName, " IP of local: " + theIP.GetIPString + " " + theIP.GetGateway.ToIpString());
NetworkCard.cs:419: //if(nPacket.sourceMAC == null || nPacket.sourceMAC == "" || nPacket.isFresh)
NetworkCard.cs:425: if (nPacket.destMAC == null || nPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:433: if(nPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:435: nPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, " No Machine matching that IP address on this subnet. " + nPacket.destIP.GetIPString);
NetworkCard.cs:438: string hostname = "No Host";
NetworkCard.cs:440: nPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No Machine matching that IP address on this subnet. " + nPacket.destIP.GetIPString;
NetworkCard.cs:450: nPacket.PacketDump(myID.HostName + "-" + _nic_name, DebugPausePoint.packet_out);
NetworkCard.cs:480: nPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.natting, WhereFrom.hostname, "MASQ: Changing outbound IP to: " + nf.myIP.GetIPString);
NetworkCard.cs:484: if (nPacket.destMAC == null || nPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:488: if (nPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:490: nPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, " No Machine matching that IP address on this subnet. " + nPacket.destIP.GetIPString);
NetworkCard.cs:493: string hostname = "No Host";
NetworkCard.cs:495: nPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No Machine matching that IP address on this subnet. " + nPacket.destIP.GetIPString;
NetworkCard.cs:505: nPacket.PacketDump(myID.HostName + "-" + _nic_name, DebugPausePoint.packet_out);
NetworkCard.cs:524: EncryptionKey = "";
NetworkCard.cs:537: if((tPacket.InboundNic != null && tPacket.InboundNic.GetNicType == NicType.wan) || tPacket.InboundNic == null || tPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:540: if(nPacket.sourceMAC == null || nPacket.sourceMAC == "" || nPacket.isFresh)
NetworkCard.cs:543: string getMAC="";
NetworkCard.cs:548: if (getMAC != "") nPacket.destMAC = getMAC;
NetworkCard.cs:554: if (nPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:556: nPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, " No Machine matching that IP address on this subnet. " + nPacket.destIP.GetIPString);
NetworkCard.cs:559: string hostname = "No Host";
NetworkCard.cs:561: nPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No Machine matching that IP address on this subnet. " + nPacket.destIP.GetIPString;
NetworkCard.cs:571: if (nPacket.sourceMAC == null || nPacket.sourceMAC == "")
NetworkCard.cs:582: if (nPacket.destMAC == null || nPacket.destMAC == "" && tPacket.OutboundIP != null)
NetworkCard.cs:650: tPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.natting, nd.hostname, "MASQ: Changing source IP back to: " + oAddress.GetIPString);
NetworkCard.cs:656: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, "The packet was rejected by the firewall.");
NetworkCard.cs:657: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, " The packet was not expected by the firewall, so it was rejected.");
NetworkCard.cs:660: string hostname = "No Host";
NetworkCard.cs:662: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " The packet was rejected by the firewall.. Dropped.";
NetworkCard.cs:673: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing,"The Packet was destined for a different machine (MAC Address): Rejected");
NetworkCard.cs:674: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, string.Format(" Device MAC: {0} did not match packet: {1}", MAC, tPacket.destMAC));
NetworkCard.cs:677: string hostname = "No Host";
NetworkCard.cs:679: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Packet destined for another machine. Dropped.";
NetworkCard.cs:706: throw new ArgumentException("The type must be serializable.", "source");
NetworkCardEditor.cs:42: string btnval = "";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:50: lblVPNEnd.Text = "VPN Endpoint:";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:62: lblVPNEncrypt.Text = "Encryption Key:";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:81: lblVPNEnd.Text = "SSID:";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:91: lblVPNEncrypt.Text = "Wireless Key:";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:145: string btnval = "";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:166: lblLinkStatus.Text = "Connected";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:168: lblLinkStatus.Text = "Disconnected";
NetworkCardEditor.cs:192: MyNicToEdit.TunnelEndpoint = new IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString, "", IPAddressType.ip_only);
NetworkCardEditor.cs:194: MyNicToEdit.TunnelEndpoint.Edit(nd,"Endpoint");
NetworkComponent.cs:18: public bool IsDirty = true; //If something has changed and it needs to be re-drawn. It starts as "true"
NetworkComponent.cs:20: public string hostname = "";
NetworkComponent.cs:88: throw new ArgumentException("The type must be serializable.", "source");
NetworkDevice.cs:295: DefaultGW.Edit(this,"Default Gateway");
NetworkDevice.cs:390: DefaultGW.Save(writer, "gateway");
NetworkDevice.cs:397: ip.Save(writer, "route");
NetworkDevice.cs:401: dhcp.Save(writer, "dhcprange");
NetworkDevice.cs:439: answer += "\n" + addr;
NetworkDevice.cs:449: answer += "\n" + tString;
NetworkDevice.cs:707: MessageBox.Show("The network card," + NICs[index].NicName() + " is locked as part of the puzzle.", "Locked NIC");
NetworkDevice.cs:720: if (nic.SSID == "") continue;
NetworkDevice.cs:844: tstr = Regex.Replace(name, " .*", "");
NetworkDevice.cs:871: Font stringFont = new Font("Consolas", 17);
NetworkDevice.cs:919: string title = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:921: title += "if: ";
NetworkDevice.cs:923: title += nic.NicName() + ": ";
NetworkDevice.cs:961: return new HostNicID(-1, -1, hostname, "");
NetworkDevice.cs:995: if (dest.GetMask != 0 && dest.GetMask.ToIpString() != "")
NetworkDevice.cs:1130: Packet DHCPPacket = new Packet(this, "", NB.BroadcastMACString, "DHCP Request", PacketType.dhcp_request);
NetworkDevice.cs:1140: Packet PingPacket = new Packet(this,Destination,"Ping",PacketType.ping_request);
NetworkDevice.cs:1148: Packet ArpPacket = new Packet(this, Destination, "Arp Request", PacketType.arp_request);
NetworkDevice.cs:1155: public void TunnelPacketFromHere(IPAddress Destination, Packet Payload, string Encryption = "")
NetworkDevice.cs:1164: if (Encryption != "")
NetworkDevice.cs:1166: Packet TunnelPacket = new Packet(this, Destination, "Tunnel", TunType);
NetworkDevice.cs:1201: //Console.WriteLine(hostname + ": packet=" + tPacket.MyType.ToString());
NetworkDevice.cs:1202: //Console.WriteLine(" " + hostname + ": d:" + ipc.destIP.GetIPString + " s:" + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString);
NetworkDevice.cs:1204: // Console.WriteLine(" Broadcast");
NetworkDevice.cs:1212: //Console.WriteLine(" " + hostname + ": True");
NetworkDevice.cs:1268: // Set the "we have processed it" flag
NetworkDevice.cs:1286: Console.WriteLine("Debug");
NetworkDevice.cs:1289: //if we are supposed to route (do-not-route flag not set) or if the packet is "fresh"
NetworkDevice.cs:1300: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " No route to host: " + tPacket.destIP.GetIPString);
NetworkDevice.cs:1301: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No route to host: " + tPacket.destIP.GetIPString;
NetworkDevice.cs:1437: if (tPacket.destMAC == "")
NetworkDevice.cs:1441: //The packet was not successfully sent anywhere. DMac = "". This means no host with the specified IP
NetworkDevice.cs:1442: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " Failed: No such IP on the local network - Arp only searches the local network.");
NetworkDevice.cs:1443: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Failed: No such IP on the local network.";
NetworkDevice.cs:1448: //The packet was not successfully sent anywhere. DMac = "". This means no host with the specified IP
NetworkDevice.cs:1449: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " Failed: No such IP.");
NetworkDevice.cs:1450: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Failed: No such IP.";
NetworkDevice.cs:1457: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " No local interface to send packet out.");
NetworkDevice.cs:1458: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No local interface to send packet out";
NetworkDevice.cs:1534: nPacket = new Packet(this, tPacket.sourceIP, "", PacketType.ping_answer);
NetworkDevice.cs:1540: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tPing success: The ping reached the destination." + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString();
NetworkDevice.cs:1573: nPacket.destMAC = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1574: nPacket.sourceMAC = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1581: tPacket.AddMessage(, "The broadcast ping reached a destination that was not on the same network");
NetworkDevice.cs:1582: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\t" + "The broadcast ping reached a destination that was not on the same network" + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + hostname;
NetworkDevice.cs:1594: tPacket.AddMessage(, "Success! The ping returned from its destination." + " But some was lost: health=" + );
NetworkDevice.cs:1596: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + string.Format(":\tPing partial success: {0}% packet loss. {1} -> {2}", left , tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(),tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString());
NetworkDevice.cs:1602: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tPing success: The ping returned from its destination" + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString();
NetworkDevice.cs:1617: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tPing failed: Arrived at a machine that was not expecting it and was rejected." + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString();
NetworkDevice.cs:1653: if (tstrings.Count > 0 && !Regex.IsMatch(tstrings[0], ""))
NetworkDevice.cs:1662: nPacket.destMAC = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1663: tPacket.sourceMAC = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1669: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tArp Request found IP: " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString + " on MAC: "+ nPacket.sourceMAC;
NetworkDevice.cs:1687: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tArp request success: Who Has " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " tell " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " = " + tPacket.sourceMAC;
NetworkDevice.cs:1694: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tARP failed: Arrived at a machine that was not expecting it and was rejected." + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString();
NetworkDevice.cs:1732: nPacket.OutboundMAC = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1737: string IP = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1739: if(IP == "" && nPacket.WhereAmI != null) {
NetworkDevice.cs:1743: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tDHCP Request found Server: " + IP;
NetworkDevice.cs:1763: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tDHCP request/answer. " + tPacket.payloadIP.GetIP.ToIpString();
NetworkDevice.cs:1771: tPacket.AddMessage(, "ND_ProcessArrival_PackReturnErr1");
NetworkDevice.cs:1772: string sIP = "?.?.?.?";
NetworkDevice.cs:1775: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + ":\tDHCP Request failed: Arrived at a machine that was not expecting it and was rejected." + sIP + " -> " + tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString();
NetworkDevice.cs:1890: string DHCPGW = "";
NetworkDevice.cs:1899: if(nic.UsesDHCP && nic.CanUseDHCP && DHCPGW == "")
NetworkDevice.cs:1918: if (DHCPGW != "")
NetworkDevice.cs:1926: if((tPacket.OutboundMAC == null || tPacket.OutboundMAC == "") &&
NetworkDevice.cs:1928: (tPacket.sourceMAC == "" || tPacket.sourceMAC == null))
NetworkDevice.cs:1952: if ((tPacket.OutboundMAC == null || tPacket.OutboundMAC == "") &&
NetworkDevice.cs:1954: (tPacket.sourceMAC == "" || tPacket.sourceMAC == null))
NetworkDevice.cs:1960: if (!nic.HasIP(new IPAddress("").GetIP)) //don't bother pinging on the loopback
NetworkDevice.cs:1984: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " ERROR: DHCP Server does not have gateway set. DHCP server failing" + tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString());
NetworkDevice.cs:1985: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " ERROR: DHCP Server does not have gateway set. DHCP server failing";
NetworkDevice.cs:1991: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " ERROR: No route or local interface for packet. " + tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString());
NetworkDevice.cs:1992: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No route or local interface for packet.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2005: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " ERROR: No local Network Card for packet. :" + tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString());
NetworkDevice.cs:2006: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No route or local network card for packet.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2017: tPacket.AddMessage(, hostname + " ERROR: No local interface for packet. :" + tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString());
NetworkDevice.cs:2018: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " No route or local interface for packet.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2025: if (tPacket.destMAC == "" || tPacket.destMAC == null) //was != broadcast-mac
NetworkDevice.cs:2033: if (tPacket.OutboundMAC == "")
NetworkDevice.cs:2195: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Failed: no card available to use.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2234: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, hostname + " Packet request fell on deaf ears. This is not a DHCP server.");
NetworkDevice.cs:2235: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Failed: Not a DHCP Server. Packet Dropped.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2242: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, hostname + " Not a router");
NetworkDevice.cs:2243: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " This device is not a router. Packet dropped.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2252: tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, hostname + " The device had no local IPs. Quietly dropped.");
NetworkDevice.cs:2253: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Failed: no IPs local to the packet.";
NetworkDevice.cs:2313: return "";
NetworkDevice.cs:2323: return "";
NetworkDevice.cs:2333: return new HostNicID(-1,-1,"","");
NetworkDevice.cs:2342: return new HostNicID(-1, -1, "", "");
NetworkDevice.cs:2349: if (arp == "")
NetworkDevice.cs:2374: if (found == "")
NetworkDevice.cs:2460: if (ip.GetIP.ToIpString() != "")
NetworkDevice.cs:2464: theStrings.Add("IF:" + ip.GetIP.ToIpString().PadLeft(15) + " Range: " +
NetworkDevice.cs:2465: ip.GetMask.ToIpString() + " - " + ip.GetGateway.ToIpString());
NetworkDevice.cs:2481: if (ip.GetIP.ToIpString() != "" && InterfaceIP.IsLocal(ip))
NetworkInterface.cs:50: myIP.Save(writer, "myip");
NetworkInterface.cs:59: tstring += " - " + myIP.GetMask.ToIpString();
NetworkInterface.cs:64: mask = Regex.Replace(mask, "0", "");
NetworkInterface.cs:66: tstring += "/" + count.ToString();
NetworkInterface.cs:107: tPacket.sourceIP = new IPAddress(myIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), "", IPAddressType.ip_only); //We only want the IP address
NetworkLink.cs:50: if(IsWireless && AccessPoint != null && Client != null && AccessPoint.SSID != null && AccessPoint.SSID != "")
NetworkLink.cs:65: MessageBox.Show("The SSID and Key have been updated on the client.");
NetworkLink.cs:120: SrcNic.Save(writer, "SrcNic");
NetworkLink.cs:121: DstNic.Save(writer, "DstNic");
NetworkLink.cs:287: //Console.WriteLine(" health=" +;
NetworkLink.cs:306: tPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, "The packet was corrupted. The network wire may run too close to electricity or fluorescent lighting, or the wireless path is being interfered by a microwave, wireless phone, or other radio device.");
NetworkLink.cs:307: tPacket.Tracking.Status = "The packet got corrupted and was dropped.";
NetworkLink.cs:314: tPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, "The packet tried to use a broken network wire and was corrupted.");
NetworkLink.cs:315: tPacket.Tracking.Status = "The packet got corrupted and was dropped.";
NetworkLink.cs:333: tPacket.AddMessage(, "Oops! We do not have anything at the end of the network wire. This should not happen!");
NetworkLink.cs:334: tPacket.Tracking.Status = hostname + " Nothing at far end of the wire. This should never happen..";
OptionsWindow.cs:31: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbItemSize, "The size of an item (switch, PC, etc). Default is 100.");
OptionsWindow.cs:32: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblItemSize, "The size of an item (switch, PC, etc). Default is 100.");
OptionsWindow.cs:33: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbMessage, "The message given when the network is loaded. Instructions.");
OptionsWindow.cs:34: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblNetMessage, "The message given when the network is loaded. Instructions.");
OptionsWindow.cs:35: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbNetworkTitle, "The title of the network window.");
OptionsWindow.cs:36: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblNetTitle, "The title of the network window.");
OptionsWindow.cs:37: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblNetSize, "The height and width of the network graphics area.");
OptionsWindow.cs:38: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbNetworkX, "The width of the network window graphics area.");
OptionsWindow.cs:39: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbNetworkY, "The Height of the network window graphics area.");
OptionsWindow.cs:40: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lbTags, "The Tags that this puzzle is saved as (only for puzzles)");
OptionsWindow.cs:41: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblTags, "The Tags that this puzzle is saved as (only for puzzles)");
OptionsWindow.cs:42: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lbTests, "The things that need to be solved before the puzzle is completed.");
OptionsWindow.cs:43: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblTests, "The things that need to be solved before the puzzle is completed.");
OptionsWindow.cs:44: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblLevel, "The Level that this puzzle is stored in.");
OptionsWindow.cs:45: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbLevel, "The Level that this puzzle is stored in.");
OptionsWindow.cs:46: myToolTip.SetToolTip(lblSortOrder, "How this is sorted within the list of puzzles.");
OptionsWindow.cs:47: myToolTip.SetToolTip(tbSortOrder, "How this is sorted within the list of puzzles.");
OptionsWindow.cs:78: tbSortOrder.Text = myNet.SortOrder.ToString("00.000");
OptionsWindow.cs:85: if (what != "")
OptionsWindow.cs:141: NT = new NetTest("", "", NetTestType.NeedsDefaultGW);
OptionsWindow.cs:183: lbTests.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Add");
OptionsWindow.cs:185: lbTests.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Edit");
OptionsWindow.cs:187: lbTests.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Delete");
OptionsWindow.cs:204: lbTests.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Add");
OptionsWindow.cs:206: lbTests.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Edit");
OptionsWindow.cs:208: lbTests.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Delete");
OptionsWindow.cs:256: lbTags.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Add");
OptionsWindow.cs:260: lbTags.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Edit");
OptionsWindow.cs:262: lbTags.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Read");
OptionsWindow.cs:264: lbTags.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Delete");
OptionsWindow.cs:286: tlist.Remove("None");
OptionsWindow.cs:293: if(value != "" && Choice.Items.Contains(value))
OptionsWindow.cs:302: Done.Text = "Done";
OptionsWindow.cs:311: QuestionForm.Height = Done.Location.Y + Done.Height + 5; //This is too small for the form, it autosizes to "big enough"
OptionsWindow.cs:334: newstring = QuickPrompt("Edit Tag", "Tag:", myNet.SuggestedReadings[lbTags.SelectedIndex].ToString());
OptionsWindow.cs:335: if (newstring != "")
OptionsWindow.cs:349: newstring = QuickPrompt("Edit Tag", "Tag:", "");
OptionsWindow.cs:350: if (newstring != "")
OptionsWindow.cs:365: tbSortOrder.Text = value.ToString("00.000");
Packet.cs:32: PacketDump(" " + status, DebugPausePoint.packet_kill);
Packet.cs:48: public string payloadData = ""; //Contains the mac-address, or ip-address string, or something else
Packet.cs:49: public string EncryptionString = "";
Packet.cs:62: public string OutboundMAC = "";
Packet.cs:63: public string OutboundDestMAC = "";
Packet.cs:109: Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, WhereAmI, "Packet duplicated");
Packet.cs:124: Tracking.AddMessage(, start, theType.ToString() + "Packet Created");
Packet.cs:125: Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, start, " MAC:" + source + " -> " + dest);
Packet.cs:137: Tracking.AddMessage(, start, "Packet Created");
Packet.cs:138: Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, start, " IP:" + source + " -> " + dest);
Packet.cs:156: Tracking.AddMessage(, start, "Packet Created");
Packet.cs:157: Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, start, " IP:" + sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + dest.GetIP.ToIpString());
Packet.cs:164: Tracking.AddMessage(, start, "Packet Created");
Packet.cs:165: //Tracking.AddMessage(DebugLevel.routing, start, " IP:" + sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + dest.GetIP.ToIpString());
Packet.cs:226: //The packet is "inside" the device.
Packet.cs:229: // Here the packet is just about to exit. Maybe we need to set the "source IP"
Packet.cs:254: if (dMAC != "" || destMAC == NB.BroadcastMACString)
Packet.cs:264: Tracking.AddMessage(, WhereAmI, "Unable to find a mac address for the IP address: " + dest.GetIP.ToIpString());
Packet.cs:265: Tracking.Status = WhereAmI.hostname + " Failed: Unable to find a MAC address for the specified IP.";
Packet.cs:280: AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, "The packet was dropped because we lost where it was. WhereAmI == null!");
Packet.cs:281: Tracking.Status = "NO_Host" + " Lost location of packet..";
Packet.cs:290: //The packet is "inside" the device.
Packet.cs:293: // Here the packet is just about to exit. Maybe we need to set the "source IP"
Packet.cs:300: AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, "The packet was dropped because we lost where it was. WhereAmI == null!");
Packet.cs:301: Tracking.Status = "NO_Host" + " Lost location of packet..";
Packet.cs:312: AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, "The packet was dropped because we lost where it was. WhereAmI == null!");
Packet.cs:313: Tracking.Status = "NO_Host" + " Lost location of packet..";
Packet.cs:337: OutboundMAC = "";
Packet.cs:343: Console.WriteLine("Starting on link. SMAC: " + sourceMAC + " DMAC: " + destMAC);
Packet.cs:344: AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, " Starting on link");
Packet.cs:369: Tracking.AddMessage(, "Packet", "Packet failed to reach any IP. No such IP on network: " + destIP.GetIPString);
Packet.cs:370: Tracking.Status = "Packet failed to reach IP: " + destIP.GetIPString;
Packet.cs:429: position = Regex.Replace(position, "packet_", "");
Packet.cs:434: Console.WriteLine("Pausing");
Packet.cs:438: Console.WriteLine(hostname + ": " + MyType.ToString());
Packet.cs:439: Console.Write(hostname + ": " + position + " PACKET: dstIP:" + dIP);
Packet.cs:440: Console.WriteLine(" dstMAC:" + destMAC);
Packet.cs:441: Console.Write(hostname + ": " + position + " PACKET: srcIP:" + sIP);
Packet.cs:442: Console.WriteLine(" srcMAC:" + sourceMAC);
Packet.cs:443: Console.WriteLine("---");
Packet.cs:445: AddMessage(DebugLevel.packet, hostname + ": " + position + " PACKET: dstIP:" + dIP + " dstMAC:" + destMAC);
Packet.cs:446: AddMessage(DebugLevel.packet, hostname + ": " + position + " PACKET: srcIP:" + sIP + " srcMAC:" + sourceMAC);
Packet.cs:453: throw new ArgumentException("The type must be serializable.", "source");
PacketMessage.cs:34: public string _Status = ""; //Usually "success" or "failed"
PacketMessage.cs:47: throw new ArgumentException("The type must be serializable.", "source");
PacketMessage.cs:76: string host = "unknown";
PacketMessage.cs:91: tString = tmessage.HostName + " \t" + tmessage.WhatLevel.ToString() + "\t" + tmessage.Message;
PacketMessage.cs:103: tString = time.ToString() + " ms " + Status;
RTFWindow.cs:131: if (tbFind.Text == "") return; //We do nothing if nothing to find.
RTFWindow.cs:153: MessageBox.Show("Not found.");