using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; using System.Drawing.Imaging; namespace EduNetworkBuilder { [Serializable] public class NetworkDevice : NetworkComponent { protected List NICs = new List(); protected NB_IPAddress DefaultGW = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString, NB.ZeroIPString,; protected Image MyImage = null; protected Point MyLocation; public int Size; protected List ArpTable = new List(); protected NetworkComponentType myType = NetworkComponentType.none; protected List RouteTable = new List(); protected List DHCPRanges = new List(); protected List DHCPLeases = new List(); protected List IPConnections = new List(); protected bool isDNSServer = false; protected bool isDHCPServer = false; public bool CanServeDHCP = false; public bool CanUseDHCP = false; public bool MustUseDHCP = false; public bool CanAddNics = false; public bool HasAdvFirewall = false; public bool IsBurned = false; public Color BackgroundColor = Color.Empty; protected Color MorphColor = Color.Empty; public List FirewallRules = new List(); public bool PowerOff = false; private List tracertmessages = new List(); public NetworkDevice(NetworkComponentType what, string tHostname, Point tLocation, NicType firstNic = NicType.eth) { hostname = tHostname; MyLocation = tLocation; myType = what; SetImageFromType(what); NetworkCard tnic = new NetworkCard(0,GetUniqueIdentifier,hostname,NicType.lo); NICs.Add(tnic); if (what == NetworkComponentType.net_switch || what == NetworkComponentType.net_hub) { if (firstNic != NicType.none) { tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.management_interface); NICs.Add(tnic); } for(int looper=1; looper < 8; looper++) { tnic = new NetworkCard(looper, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.port); NICs.Add(tnic); } } else { if (firstNic != NicType.none) { tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname); NICs.Add(tnic); } if(what == NetworkComponentType.router) { tnic = new NetworkCard(1, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname); NICs.Add(tnic); } //**********Wireless*********** //Add a wireless network card to laptops, wireless bridge and wireless repeater if (what == NetworkComponentType.laptop ) { tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname,NicType.wlan); //Add a wireless nic tnic.UsesDHCP = true; NICs.Add(tnic); } if (what == NetworkComponentType.wbridge) { NICs.Clear(); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.lo); NICs.Add(tnic); //tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.management_interface); //NICs.Add(tnic); --we use the wlan port for this tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wlan); //Add a wireless nic NICs.Add(tnic); //A bridge is a switch with a wireless link, add 4 ports for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.port); //Add a wireless nic NICs.Add(tnic); } } if (what == NetworkComponentType.wap) { NICs.Clear(); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.lo); NICs.Add(tnic); //tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.management_interface); //NICs.Add(tnic); --we use the wlan port for this tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.eth); //Add a physical network card NICs.Add(tnic); //A bridge is a switch with an ethernet nic, add some wireless ports for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++) { tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wport); //Add a wireless nic NICs.Add(tnic); } } if (what == NetworkComponentType.wrepeater) { NICs.Clear(); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.lo); NICs.Add(tnic); //tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.management_interface); //NICs.Add(tnic); --we use the wlan interface tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wlan); //Add a wireless nic NICs.Add(tnic); tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wport); //Add a wireless port NICs.Add(tnic); } if (what == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { NICs.Clear(); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.lo); NICs.Add(tnic); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.management_interface); NICs.Add(tnic); //A wireless router has multiple ports for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.port); //Add a switched port NICs.Add(tnic); } for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { tnic = new NetworkCard(NICs.Count(), GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wport); //Add a wireless port NICs.Add(tnic); } //Add one vpn port tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.vpn); NICs.Insert(1, tnic); //Make this first in the list - becomes second //Add one wan port tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wan); NICs.Insert(1, tnic); //Make this first in the list } if (what == NetworkComponentType.firewall) { //Have two lan ports tnic = new NetworkCard(1, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.eth); NICs.Add(tnic); //Add one wan port tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wan); NICs.Insert(1,tnic); //Make this first in the list } if (what == NetworkComponentType.cellphone || what == NetworkComponentType.tablet) { NICs.Clear(); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.lo); NICs.Add(tnic); tnic = new NetworkCard(0, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, NicType.wlan); tnic.UsesDHCP = true; NICs.Add(tnic); } } ApplyRulesToDevice(); } public int CountNics(NicType TheType) { int count = 0; foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if(nic.GetNicType == TheType) { count++; } } return count; } public void AddNic(NicType TheType = NicType.eth) { NetworkCard tnic; int count = CountNics(TheType); tnic = new NetworkCard(count, GetUniqueIdentifier, hostname, TheType); NICs.Add(tnic); ApplyRulesToDevice(); } private void ApplyRulesToDevice() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.server || myType == NetworkComponentType.firewall) { CanServeDHCP = true; CanUseDHCP = false; MustUseDHCP = false; CanAddNics = true; setNicsCanUseDHCP(false); } if (myType == NetworkComponentType.router) { CanServeDHCP = false; CanUseDHCP = false; MustUseDHCP = false; CanAddNics = true; setNicsCanUseDHCP(false); } if (myType == NetworkComponentType.pc || myType == NetworkComponentType.laptop || myType == NetworkComponentType.copier || myType == NetworkComponentType.printer || myType == NetworkComponentType.tablet || myType == NetworkComponentType.cellphone) { CanServeDHCP = false; CanUseDHCP = true; MustUseDHCP = false; CanAddNics = true; setNicsCanUseDHCP(true); } if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch || myType == NetworkComponentType.net_hub || myType == NetworkComponentType.wap || myType == NetworkComponentType.wbridge || myType == NetworkComponentType.wrepeater) { CanServeDHCP = false; CanUseDHCP = true; MustUseDHCP = false; CanAddNics = false; setNicsCanUseDHCP(true); } if (myType == NetworkComponentType.ip_phone) { CanServeDHCP = false; CanUseDHCP = true; MustUseDHCP = true; CanAddNics = false; setNicsCanUseDHCP(true); } if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { CanServeDHCP = true; CanUseDHCP = true; MustUseDHCP = false; CanAddNics = false; setNicsCanUseDHCP(true); } } private void setNicsCanUseDHCP(bool CanUse) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { //if the device must use DHCP. we set it here. if (MustUseDHCP && nic.CanUseDHCP) { nic.UsesDHCP = true; nic.MustUseDHCP = true; } else { //we can only turn it off. nic.CanUseDHCP = CanUse && nic.CanUseDHCP; nic.MustUseDHCP = false; } } } public NetworkDevice(XmlNode theNode) { IsDirty = true; Load(theNode); SetImageFromType(myType); } public override void Destroy() { Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkLink nl; if (myNet != null) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if(nic.ConnectedLink != -1) { nl = myNet.GetLinkFromID(nic.ConnectedLink); if(nl != null) { myNet.RemoveComponent(nl); nl.Destroy(); } nic.ConnectedLink = -1; } } } } public void EditGateway(Form ParentForm) { DefaultGW.Edit(this,ParentForm,NB.Translate("ND_EdtGteway")); } public NB_IPAddress GetGateway() { if(CanUseDHCP) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if(nic.UsesDHCP) { List tlist = nic.IPAddressList(); if(tlist.Count > 0) { NB_IPAddress newIP = new NB_IPAddress(tlist[0].GetGateway.ToIpString()); return newIP; } } } } return DefaultGW; } public NetworkComponentType GetNetType() { return myType; } public bool isFrozen() { Network mynet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (mynet.ItemHasTest(hostname, NetTestType.DeviceIsFrozen)) { if (!mynet.ItemTestIsComplete(hostname, NetTestType.DeviceIsFrozen)) { return true; } } return false; } public override void Load(XmlNode theNode) { NetworkCard newNic; foreach (XmlNode Individual in theNode.ChildNodes) { XmlNodeType myNodetype = Individual.NodeType; if (myNodetype == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch(Individual.Name.ToLower()) { case "location": string[] pointstr = Individual.InnerText.Split(','); int x, y; int.TryParse(pointstr[0], out x); int.TryParse(pointstr[1], out y); MyLocation = new Point(x, y); break; case "size": int.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out Size); break; case "uniqueidentifier": int.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out UniqueIdentifier); break; case "gateway": DefaultGW = new NB_IPAddress(Individual); break; case "hostname": hostname = Individual.InnerText; break; case "mytype": myType = NB.ParseEnum(Individual.InnerText); break; case "nic": newNic = new NetworkCard(Individual); NICs.Add(newNic); break; case "route": NB_IPAddress ip = new NB_IPAddress(Individual); RouteTable.Add(ip); break; case "isdns": bool.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out isDNSServer); break; case "isburned": bool.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out IsBurned); break; case "isdhcp": bool.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out isDHCPServer); break; case "dhcprange": NB_IPAddress dhcpip = new NB_IPAddress(Individual); DHCPRanges.Add(dhcpip); break; case "hasadvfirewall": bool.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out HasAdvFirewall); break; case "firwallrule": FirewallRule fwr = new FirewallRule(Individual); FirewallRules.Add(fwr); break; case "morphcolor": MorphColor = Color.FromName(Individual.InnerText); break; case "poweroff": bool.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out PowerOff); break; case "invisible": case "isinvisible": bool.TryParse(Individual.InnerText, out isInvisible); break; } } } ApplyRulesToDevice(); } public override void Save(XmlWriter writer) { writer.WriteStartElement("device"); writer.WriteElementString("hostname", hostname); writer.WriteElementString("size", Size.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("uniqueidentifier", UniqueIdentifier.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("location", MyLocation.X.ToString() + "," + MyLocation.Y.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("mytype", myType.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("isdns", isDNSServer.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("isdhcp", isDHCPServer.ToString()); if(IsBurned) writer.WriteElementString("isburned", IsBurned.ToString()); if (HasAdvFirewall) writer.WriteElementString("hasadvfirewall", HasAdvFirewall.ToString()); if (MorphColor != Color.Empty) writer.WriteElementString("morphcolor", MorphColor.Name); if(PowerOff == true) writer.WriteElementString("poweroff", PowerOff.ToString()); if (isInvisible == true) writer.WriteElementString("isinvisible", isInvisible.ToString()); DefaultGW.Save(writer, "gateway"); foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { nic.Save(writer); } foreach (NB_IPAddress ip in RouteTable) { ip.Save(writer, "route"); } foreach (NB_IPAddress dhcp in DHCPRanges) { dhcp.Save(writer, "dhcprange"); } if (HasAdvFirewall) { foreach (FirewallRule fwr in FirewallRules) { fwr.Save(writer, "firwallrule"); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); } public bool IsLockedInLocation() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.tree) return true; //Trees are always stationary Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (myNet.ItemHasTest(hostname, NetTestType.LockLocation)) return true; return false; } public void SetDNSServer(bool isDNS) { isDNSServer = isDNS; } public bool GetIsDNSServer() { return isDNSServer; } public void SetAdvFirewall(bool AdvFirewall) { HasAdvFirewall = AdvFirewall; } public void SetDHCPServer(bool isDHCP) { isDHCPServer = isDHCP; } public bool GetIsDHCPServer() { return isDHCPServer; } public string TooltipString() { string answer = hostname; //Add IP Addresses that are assigned if (myType == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) return NB.Translate("ND_FluorescentTooltip"); if (myType == NetworkComponentType.microwave) return NB.Translate("ND_MicrowaveTooltip"); foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.wport || nic.GetNicType == NicType.port) continue; foreach(string addr in nic.IPAddresses()) { answer += "\n" + addr; } } if(BackgroundColor != Color.Empty) { //There is something wrong with it? Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); List DeviceMessages = myNet.GetTestMessages(hostname); foreach (string tString in DeviceMessages) { answer += "\n" + tString; } } return answer; } public List ListOfConnectedHosts() { List thelist = new List(); foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if(nic.ConnectedLink != -1) { Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkLink Link = myNet.GetLinkFromID(nic.ConnectedLink); if(Link != null) { NetworkDevice tmp = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(Link.Src); if (tmp == null) continue; if (tmp.hostname != hostname) thelist.Add(tmp.hostname); tmp = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(Link.Dst); if (tmp.hostname != hostname) thelist.Add(tmp.hostname); } } } return thelist; } public void RemoveLinkTo(string host) { Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkLink Link; NetworkDevice item; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.ConnectedLink != -1) { Link = myNet.GetLinkFromID(nic.ConnectedLink); if (Link != null) { item = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(Link.Dst); if (item.hostname == host) { myNet.RemoveComponent(Link); return; } item = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(Link.Src); if (item.hostname == host) { myNet.RemoveComponent(Link); return; } } } } } /// /// Check to see if the device has a link to the specified host /// /// public bool HasLinkTo(string host) { Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkLink Link; NetworkDevice item; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.ConnectedLink != -1) { Link = myNet.GetLinkFromID(nic.ConnectedLink); if (Link != null) { if (Link.theLinkType == LinkType.broken) return false; //A broken link does not work item = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(Link.Dst); if (item.hostname == host) { return true; } item = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(Link.Src); if (item.hostname == host) { return true; } } } } return false; } private void SetImageFromType(NetworkComponentType what) { switch (what) { case NetworkComponentType.laptop: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Laptop; break; case NetworkComponentType.pc: MyImage = Properties.Resources.PC; break; case NetworkComponentType.server: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Server; break; case NetworkComponentType.net_hub: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Hub; break; case NetworkComponentType.net_switch: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Switch; break; case NetworkComponentType.wap: MyImage = Properties.Resources.wap; break; case NetworkComponentType.wrepeater: MyImage = Properties.Resources.WRepeater; break; case NetworkComponentType.wbridge: MyImage = Properties.Resources.WBridge; break; case NetworkComponentType.wrouter: MyImage = Properties.Resources.WRouter; break; case NetworkComponentType.router: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Router; break; case NetworkComponentType.ip_phone: MyImage = Properties.Resources.ip_phone; break; case NetworkComponentType.firewall: MyImage = Properties.Resources.firewall; break; case NetworkComponentType.printer: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Printer; break; case NetworkComponentType.copier: MyImage = Properties.Resources.Copier; break; case NetworkComponentType.fluorescent: MyImage = Properties.Resources.fluorescent; break; case NetworkComponentType.microwave: MyImage = Properties.Resources.microwave; break; case NetworkComponentType.cellphone: MyImage = Properties.Resources.cellphone; break; case NetworkComponentType.tablet: MyImage = Properties.Resources.tablet; break; case NetworkComponentType.tree: MyImage = Properties.Resources.tree; break; } } //This function heavily borrowed from: public Image ColoredImage(Image BaseImage) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(BaseImage); BitmapData bData = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, BaseImage.Width, BaseImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, b.PixelFormat); /* GetBitsPerPixel just does a switch on the PixelFormat and returns the number */ int bitsPerPixel = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bData.PixelFormat); /*the size of the image in bytes */ int size = bData.Stride * bData.Height; /*Allocate buffer for image*/ byte[] data = new byte[size]; /*This overload copies data of /size/ into /data/ from location specified (/Scan0/)*/ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bData.Scan0, data, 0, size); List HasScreens = new List() { NetworkComponentType.cellphone,NetworkComponentType.ip_phone, NetworkComponentType.laptop, NetworkComponentType.microwave, NetworkComponentType.pc, NetworkComponentType.tablet, }; for (int i = 0; i < size; i += bitsPerPixel / 8) { //double magnitude = 1 / 3d * (data[i] + data[i + 1] + data[i + 2]); if (PowerOff) { byte bcol = data[i]; //This is the blue color byte gcol = data[i + 1]; //this is the green color byte rcol = data[i + 2]; //This is the red color byte acol = data[i + 3]; //this is the transparency //Check to see if it is green. If so, we make it mostly not-green. if (rcol == 70 && gcol == 217 && bcol == 31) data[i + 1] = 0; //set green to none if(HasScreens.Contains(myType)) { //5c7df9 - blue color //46d91f - green color if (rcol == 92 && gcol == 125 && bcol == 249) { data[i] = 0; //set blue to none on items that have screens data[i+1] = 0; //set green to none on items that have screens data[i+2] = 0; //set red to none on items that have screens } } } //data[i] is the first of 3 bytes of color if (MorphColor != Color.Empty) { if (data[i + 3] != 0) //We only change the color if it is not transparent. { data[i] = (byte)((data[i] + MorphColor.B) / 2); data[i + 1] = (byte)((data[i + 1] + MorphColor.G) / 2); data[i + 2] = (byte)((data[i + 2] + MorphColor.R) / 2); } } } /* This override copies the data back into the location specified */ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data, 0, bData.Scan0, data.Length); b.UnlockBits(bData); return b; } /// /// We concoct a burn image overlay the same shape of the object we are drawing. Loop through the image /// and turn the burn-image transparent everywhere the original image is transparent. Then, draw the /// shaped burn-image on top of the original image. /// /// /// A burnt-looking network device. public Image BurnedImage(Image BaseImage) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(BaseImage); //Make a burn image that is the same size as the base image Bitmap Burn = new Bitmap(b.Width, b.Height); Graphics.FromImage(Burn).DrawImage(Properties.Resources.BurnMark, new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height)); BitmapData bData = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, BaseImage.Width, BaseImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, b.PixelFormat); BitmapData burnData = Burn.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, BaseImage.Width, BaseImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, b.PixelFormat); /* GetBitsPerPixel just does a switch on the PixelFormat and returns the number */ int bitsPerPixel = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bData.PixelFormat); /*the size of the image in bytes */ int size = bData.Stride * bData.Height; /*Allocate buffer for image*/ byte[] OrigImagedata = new byte[size]; byte[] BurnImagedata = new byte[size]; /*This overload copies data of /size/ into /data/ from location specified (/Scan0/)*/ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bData.Scan0, OrigImagedata, 0, size); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(burnData.Scan0, BurnImagedata, 0, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i += bitsPerPixel / 8) { //double magnitude = 1 / 3d * (data[i] + data[i + 1] + data[i + 2]); if (OrigImagedata[i + 3] == 0) //If the original image is transparent, make the burn image transparent { BurnImagedata[i + 3] = 0;//Make it transparent //Console.Write(" " + i); } else { //Console.Write("no"); } } Console.WriteLine(""); /* This override copies the data back into the location specified */ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(OrigImagedata, 0, bData.Scan0, OrigImagedata.Length); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(BurnImagedata, 0, burnData.Scan0, OrigImagedata.Length); b.UnlockBits(bData); Burn.UnlockBits(burnData); Graphics.FromImage(b).DrawImage(Burn, new Point(0,0)); return b; } public bool AtLocation(Point location) { if (location.X >= MyLocation.X && location.X <= MyLocation.X + Size && location.Y >= MyLocation.Y && location.Y <= MyLocation.Y + Size) return true; return false; } public Point myLocation() { return MyLocation; } /// /// returns the centerpoint of the device /// /// a point that is the center of the device public Point GetCenter() { int delta = Size / 2; return new Point(MyLocation.X + delta, MyLocation.Y + delta); } public Rectangle GetMyRectangle() { return new Rectangle(MyLocation.X, MyLocation.Y, Size, Size); } private Point AdjustedForRectangle(Point Location, Rectangle rec) { int x = Location.X; int y = Location.Y; if (x < rec.X) x = rec.X; if (x > rec.X + rec.Width - Size) x = rec.X + rec.Width - Size; if (y < rec.Y) y = rec.Y; if (y > rec.Y + rec.Height - Size) y = rec.Y + rec.Height - Size; return new Point(x, y); } private void TryPutLocation(Point Location) { Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (myNet == null) { MyLocation = Location; // We cannot do checking. Hope for the best. return; } Point AdjustPoint = AdjustedForRectangle(Location, new Rectangle(0, 0, myNet.myWidth, myNet.myHeight)); foreach(string Name in myNet.DeviceLockedToShapes(hostname)) { AdjustPoint = AdjustedForRectangle(AdjustPoint, myNet.RectangleByNamedShape(Name)); } MyLocation = AdjustPoint; IsDirty = true; } public void ChangeLocation(Point Location) { TryPutLocation(NB.GetSnapped(Location)); } public void ChangeLocationUnsnapped(Point Location) { TryPutLocation(Location); } public void SetSize(int tSize) { if (Size != tSize) IsDirty = true; Size = tSize; } public void AddNicInterface(int NicIndex) { if (NicIndex >= 0 && NicIndex < NICs.Count()) { NICs[NicIndex].AddInterface(); } } public void EditNicInterface(int NicIndex, int ifIndex, Form ParentForm) { if(NicIndex >=0 && NicIndex < NICs.Count()) { NICs[NicIndex].EditInterface(ifIndex, ParentForm); } } public void DeleteNicInterface(int NicIndex, int ifIndex) { if (NicIndex >= 0 && NicIndex < NICs.Count()) { NICs[NicIndex].DeleteInterface(ifIndex); } } public void EditNicInterface(string NicName, int ifIndex, Form ParentForm) { NetworkCard nic = NicFromName(NicName); if (nic != null) { nic.EditInterface(ifIndex, ParentForm); } } /// /// Duplicate the ssid and key to all NICs of identical type on this device /// /// The ssid to set everything to /// the Key to set everything to /// the type of nic (must be a wireless type) private void duplicateSSIDnKey(string SSID, string Key, NicType NType) { if (NType != NicType.wport && NType != NicType.wlan) return; // Not a wireless port. Do nothing. foreach(NetworkCard NC in NICs) { if(NC.GetNicType == NType) { NC.SSID = SSID; NC.WirelessKey = Key; } } } public void EditNic(int index) { if (index < 0) return; if (index > NICs.Count) return; NICs[index].Edit(); //If the nic was a wireless, make sure we copy the ssid and key to all other of identical type if (NICs[index].GetNicType == NicType.wport || NICs[index].GetNicType == NicType.wlan) { duplicateSSIDnKey(NICs[index].SSID, NICs[index].WirelessKey, NICs[index].GetNicType); } } public void DeleteNic(int index) { if (index < 0) return; if (index > NICs.Count) return; if (NICs[index].GetNicType == NicType.lo) return; if (NICs[index].GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) return; if (NICs[index].GetNicType == NicType.none) return; Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork(); if(!theNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname,NICs[index].NicName(),NetTestType.LockNic)) { if (theNet != null) theNet.RemoveLinksToNic(NICs[index].myID); NICs.RemoveAt(index); } else { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_DelNicNicLockStr"), NICs[index].NicName()), NB.Translate("ND_DelNicNicLock")); } } public bool AutoJoinWireless() { bool didsomething = false; bool tryit = false; Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (PowerOff) return false; //We do not do anything if we are powered off foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { tryit = false; if (nic.GetNicType != NicType.wlan) continue; if (nic.SSID == "") continue; if (!nic.isConnected(false)) tryit = true; if(!tryit) { //Check distance and power for AP NetworkComponent nc = myNet.GetComponentFromID(nic.ConnectedLink); if(nc != null) { NetworkLink nl = (NetworkLink)nc; double distance = nl.LinkDistance(); if (distance > NB.WirelessReconnectDistance) tryit = true; //Make sure the far end is powered on HostNicID EndPoint = nl.Dst; if (nic.myID.HostID == EndPoint.HostID) EndPoint = nl.Src; NetworkDevice End = myNet.GetDeviceFromID(EndPoint); if (End != null && End.PowerOff) tryit = true; } } //Tryit tells us if we should try to reconnect. if (tryit) { if(nic.isConnected(false)) { //remove old connection NetworkLink oNL = myNet.GetLinkFromID(nic.ConnectedLink); if(oNL != null) { myNet.RemoveComponent(oNL); oNL.Destroy(); } } //We want to find the closest device with an open wport that matches ssid/key and connect to it. NetworkCard Closest = myNet.BestWirelessLinkForDevice(nic); if(Closest != null) { NetworkLink newLink = new NetworkLink(nic.myID, Closest.myID, LinkType.wireless); nic.ConnectedLink = newLink.GetUniqueIdentifier; Closest.ConnectedLink = newLink.GetUniqueIdentifier; myNet.AddItem(newLink); didsomething = true; } } } return didsomething; } public NetworkCard HasWPortSSIDKey(string SSID, string Key) { if (SSID == null) return null; if (Key == null) return null; foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if(nic.GetNicType == NicType.wport && !nic.isConnected(false)) { if (nic.SSID == SSID && nic.EncryptionKey == Key) return nic; } } return null; } public List NetworkCardStrings(bool OnlyUnused=true, bool OnlyLinkable=false, NicType fromNic = NicType.none) { List macStrings = new List(); int counter = 0; bool CanUse = true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.microwave || myType == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) return macStrings; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (OnlyUnused) CanUse = nic.ConnectedLink == -1; //if it is not linked to anything if (OnlyLinkable && nic.GetNicType == NicType.vpn) CanUse = false; if (OnlyLinkable && nic.GetNicType == NicType.tun) CanUse = false; if (fromNic != NicType.none && fromNic == NicType.wlan && nic.GetNicType != NicType.wport) CanUse = false; if (fromNic != NicType.none && fromNic == NicType.wport && nic.GetNicType != NicType.wlan) CanUse = false; if (nic.GetNicType != NicType.lo && (nic.GetNicType != NicType.management_interface || OnlyUnused == false)) { if(CanUse) macStrings.Add(nic.NicString(counter++)); } } return macStrings; } public List NetworkCardInterfaceStrings(int index) { List myList = new List(); if (myType == NetworkComponentType.microwave || myType == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) return myList; if (index >= 0 && index < NICs.Count) { myList.AddRange(NICs[index].IPAddresses()); } return myList; } public List NetworkCardInterfaceStrings(string NicName) { List myList = new List(); NetworkCard nic = NicFromName(NicName); if(nic != null) { myList.AddRange(nic.IPAddresses()); } return myList; } public NetworkCard NicFromID(int ID) { foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetUniqueIdentifier == ID) return nic; } return null; } public NetworkCard NicFromID(HostNicID ID) { return NicFromID(ID.NicID); } public NetworkCard NicFromName(string name) { string tstr = name; tstr = Regex.Replace(name, " .*", ""); foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.NicName() == tstr) return nic; } return null; } /// /// returns true if it has a connection to something. /// /// public bool isConnected() { return false; } private void ValidateSize() { if (Size > 200) Size = 200; if (Size < 10) Size = 10; DateTime Test = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); } public void CenterString(Image BaseImage, int x, int y, string ToPrint, Color ToDraw) { string measureString = ToPrint; Font stringFont = new Font("Consolas", 17); Color othercolor = Color.White; if (ToDraw == Color.White) othercolor = Color.Black; // Measure string. SizeF stringSize = new SizeF(); Graphics myGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(BaseImage); stringSize = myGraphics.MeasureString(measureString, stringFont); Brush myBrush = new SolidBrush(ToDraw); Brush otherBrush = new SolidBrush(othercolor); // Draw string to screen. myGraphics.DrawString(measureString, stringFont, otherBrush, new PointF(x - (stringSize.Width / 2) +1, y +1)); myGraphics.DrawString(measureString, stringFont, myBrush, new PointF(x - (stringSize.Width / 2), y)); } public override void Print(Image BaseImage, CaptionType DrawTitle) { ValidateSize(); if (MyImage == null) return; //nothing to print if (BaseImage == null) return; //nothing to print on if (MyLocation.X < 0 || MyLocation.X > BaseImage.Width) return; if (MyLocation.Y < 0 || MyLocation.Y > BaseImage.Height) return; Rectangle Location = new Rectangle(MyLocation.X, MyLocation.Y, Size, Size); if (!isInvisible) { if (IsLockedInLocation()) //We darken the area around it slightly to show it is locked { Color darken = Color.Black; Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(32, darken.R, darken.G, darken.B)); Pen DrawPen = new Pen(brush, 2); Graphics.FromImage(BaseImage).DrawEllipse(DrawPen, Location); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.Invalidate(Location); } if (BackgroundColor != Color.Empty) { Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, BackgroundColor.R, BackgroundColor.G, BackgroundColor.B)); Graphics.FromImage(BaseImage).FillRectangle(brush, Location); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.Invalidate(Location); } Image tImage = MyImage; if (MorphColor != Color.Empty || PowerOff == true) tImage = ColoredImage(MyImage); if (IsBurned) tImage = BurnedImage(tImage); Graphics.FromImage(BaseImage).DrawImage(tImage, MyLocation.X, MyLocation.Y, Size, Size); if (DrawTitle != CaptionType.none) { int x = MyLocation.X + (Size / 2); int y = MyLocation.Y + Size - (Size / 6); int gap = 22; List toShow = DeviceCaptions(DrawTitle); for(int counter=0; counter < toShow.Count; counter++) { CenterString(BaseImage, x, y + (counter * gap), toShow[counter], Color.Black); } } } //if it is not invisible IsDirty = false; //We printed it, now we are content that we are clean } private List DeviceCaptions(CaptionType What) { List WhatToShow = new List(); if (myType == NetworkComponentType.tree) return WhatToShow; //return nothing switch(What) { case CaptionType.none: break; //nothing to show case CaptionType.full: WhatToShow.Add(hostname); if (myType == NetworkComponentType.microwave || myType == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) break; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetNicType != NicType.lo && nic.GetNicType != NicType.port && nic.GetNicType != NicType.wport) { string title = ""; if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) title += "if: "; else title += nic.NicName() + ": "; foreach (string addr_str in nic.IPAddresses(true)) { WhatToShow.Add(title + addr_str); } } } break; case WhatToShow.Add(hostname); break; case CaptionType.host_ip: WhatToShow.Add(hostname); if (myType == NetworkComponentType.microwave || myType == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) break; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetNicType != NicType.lo && nic.GetNicType != NicType.port && nic.GetNicType != NicType.wport) { string title = ""; foreach (string addr_str in nic.IPAddresses(true)) { WhatToShow.Add(title + addr_str); } } } break; case CaptionType.ip: if (myType == NetworkComponentType.microwave || myType == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) break; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetNicType != NicType.lo && nic.GetNicType != NicType.port && nic.GetNicType != NicType.wport) { string title = ""; foreach (string addr_str in nic.IPAddresses(true)) { WhatToShow.Add(title + addr_str); } } } break; } return WhatToShow; } /// /// Check all the network cards on this device to see if it has a nic with the given MAC address /// /// The MAC address we are looking for /// True if we have it, false if we do not. public override bool HasMac(string MAC) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.MAC == MAC) return true; } return false; } /// /// Get the host nic IDentifier for the specified MAC address /// /// The index of the network card /// The unique host-nic-ID public HostNicID GetHostNicID(int MacIndex) { if (MacIndex < 0 || MacIndex > NICs.Count()) return new HostNicID(-1, -1, hostname, ""); return NICs[MacIndex].myID; } /// /// Get the host nic IDentifier for the specified MAC address /// /// The index of the network card /// The unique host-nic-ID public List GetHostNicIDs() { List tList = new List(); for (int looper = 0; looper < NICs.Count; looper++) { tList.Add(NICs[looper].myID); } return tList; } public bool HasIPAddress(NB_IPAddress dest) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.HasIPAddresses(dest)) return true; } return false; } public NB_IPAddress RouteMatching(NB_IPAddress dest) { //If we are comparing a route that has a 'special' netmask, make sure it is the right netmask foreach (NB_IPAddress ip in RouteTable) { if (dest.GetMask != 0 && dest.GetMask.ToIpString() != "") { if (dest.GetMask == ip.GetMask && ip.IsLocal(dest)) return ip; } else { if (ip.IsLocal(dest)) return ip; } } return null; } public bool HasRouteMatching(NB_IPAddress dest) { NB_IPAddress matched = RouteMatching(dest); if (matched != null) return true; return false; } public bool HasRouteMatching(string destString) { NB_IPAddress dest = new NB_IPAddress(destString); if (dest.GetIPString == NB.ZeroIPString) return false; return HasRouteMatching(dest); } //public bool HasBroadcastAddress(IPAddress dest) //{ // foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) // { // if (nic.HasBroadcastAddresses(dest)) // return true; // } // return false; //} public bool HasBroadcastAddress(NB_IPAddress dest) { if (dest.BroadcastAddress == dest.GetIP) return true; foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.HasBroadcastAddresses(dest)) return true; } return false; } public bool HasBroadcastAddress(Packet tPacket) { return HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP); } public bool DoesRouting() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.router) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.firewall) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wap) return true; return false; } public bool CanBeLockedOut() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch) return true; //if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) return true; return false; } public bool DoesForwarding() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_hub) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wap) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wbridge) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrepeater) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) return true; return false; } public bool DoesFirewall() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.firewall) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) return true; return false; } public bool DoesVLANs() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch) return true; //if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) // return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.firewall) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.router) return true; return false; } public override List arp(UInt32 IP) { List arps = new List(); foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.HasIP(IP)) arps.Add(nic.MAC); } return arps; } public override void UpdateFromComponent(NetworkComponent CopyFrom) { if (CopyFrom.GetType() != this.GetType()) return; //we cannot copy from it if it is different NetworkDevice ndCopyFrom = (NetworkDevice)CopyFrom; hostname = ndCopyFrom.hostname; Size = ndCopyFrom.Size; DefaultGW = ndCopyFrom.DefaultGW; MyImage = new Bitmap(ndCopyFrom.MyImage); CanAddNics = ndCopyFrom.CanAddNics; CanServeDHCP = ndCopyFrom.CanServeDHCP; CanUseDHCP = ndCopyFrom.CanUseDHCP; MustUseDHCP = ndCopyFrom.MustUseDHCP; isDHCPServer = ndCopyFrom.isDHCPServer; isDNSServer = ndCopyFrom.isDNSServer; HasAdvFirewall = ndCopyFrom.HasAdvFirewall; MyLocation = ndCopyFrom.MyLocation; NICs.Clear(); foreach(NetworkCard nic in ndCopyFrom.NICs) { NICs.Add(NetworkCard.Clone(nic)); } FirewallRules.Clear(); FirewallRules.AddRange(ndCopyFrom.FirewallRules); RouteTable.Clear(); RouteTable.AddRange(ndCopyFrom.RouteTable); DHCPRanges.Clear(); DHCPRanges.AddRange(ndCopyFrom.DHCPRanges); DHCPLeases.Clear(); DHCPLeases.AddRange(ndCopyFrom.DHCPLeases); } public void DHCPRequestFromHere() { if (isFrozen() || IsBurned || PowerOff) return; bool tryit = false; if (CanUseDHCP) { foreach (NetworkCard tnic in NICs) { if (tnic.UsesDHCP) tryit = true; } } if (tryit) { //We need to create a packet foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { nic.SetIPForDHCP(); //clear the source IP } Packet DHCPPacket = new Packet(this, "", NB.BroadcastMACString, NB.Translate("NB_NetViewDHCP"), PacketType.dhcp_request); DHCPPacket.destIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.BroadcastIPString); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.addPacket(DHCPPacket); } } public void ClearDHCPInfo() { bool tryit = false; if (CanUseDHCP) { foreach (NetworkCard tnic in NICs) { if (tnic.UsesDHCP) tryit = true; } } if (tryit) { foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { nic.SetIPForDHCP(); //clear the source IP } } } public void PingFromHere(NB_IPAddress Destination) { if (isFrozen() || IsBurned || PowerOff) return; //We need to create a packet Packet PingPacket = new Packet(this,Destination, NB.Translate("H_Ping_Title"), PacketType.ping_request); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); string dHost = myNet.ReverseDNSLookup(this, Destination); myNet.RegisterPingTest(hostname, dHost); myNet.addPacket(PingPacket); } public void TracerouteFromHere(NB_IPAddress Destination) { //We need to create a traceroute packet - start with 1 TTL //We pass it the destination as the payload string, so we have that for all traceroutes. Packet TracertPacket = new Packet(this, Destination, Destination.GetIPString, PacketType.tracert_request, -1, 1); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.addPacket(TracertPacket); tracertmessages.Clear(); //Start with a fresh bunch of messages } public void AskArpFromHere(NB_IPAddress Destination, PacketMessage Tracker=null) { //We need to create a packet if (isFrozen() || IsBurned || PowerOff) return; Packet ArpPacket = new Packet(this, Destination, NB.Translate("H_ARP_Title2"), PacketType.arp_request); if (Tracker != null) ArpPacket.ReplaceMessage(Tracker); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.addPacket(ArpPacket); } public void TunnelPacketFromHere(NB_IPAddress Destination, Packet Payload, string Encryption = "") { if(Destination == null) { Payload.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; Payload.Tracking.AddMessage(, hostname, NB.Translate("ND_TunnelPacketFromHere_Error")); return; } PacketType TunType = PacketType.tun_packet; if (Encryption != "") TunType = PacketType.vpn_packet; Packet TunnelPacket = new Packet(this, Destination, NB.Translate("ND_TunlPckTunl"), TunType); TunnelPacket.payloadPacket = Payload; TunnelPacket.EncryptionString = Encryption; if(Payload != null) Payload.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, NB.Translate("ND_TunnelPacketFromHere_Message")); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.addPacket(TunnelPacket); } public void StoreOutgoingPacketInfo(Packet tpacket, ResponseToPacket response = ResponseToPacket.accept) { IPConnectionEntry ipc; if (response == ResponseToPacket.accept) { ipc = new IPConnectionEntry(tpacket.destIP, tpacket.MyType, ResponseToPacket.accept); }else { ipc = new IPConnectionEntry(tpacket.destIP, tpacket.MyType, ResponseToPacket.masq, tpacket.sourceIP); } IPConnections.Add(ipc); } public void ClearIPConnectionInfo() { IPConnections.Clear(); } public void LockUsOutOfDevice() { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.lo) continue; nic.LockUsOutOfCard(); } } public ResponseToPacket HowToRespondToPacket(Packet tPacket) { bool typesMatch=false; if (tPacket.sourceIP == null) return ResponseToPacket.reject; if (tPacket.TsourceIP != null && !tPacket.TsourceIP.IsLocal(tPacket.destIP) && !HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP)) return ResponseToPacket.none; foreach(IPConnectionEntry ipc in IPConnections) { if (ipc.destIP.GetIP == tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP || HasBroadcastAddress(ipc.destIP)) { if (ipc.What == PacketType.arp_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.arp_answer) typesMatch = true; if (ipc.What == PacketType.dhcp_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_answer) { //Console.WriteLine(" " + NB.LeftPad(hostname) + ": True"); typesMatch = true; } if (ipc.What == PacketType.ping_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.ping_answer) typesMatch = true; if (ipc.What == PacketType.tracert_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tracert_reply) typesMatch = true; if (typesMatch) { return ipc.Response; } } if (ipc.What == PacketType.tracert_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tracert_reply) return ipc.Response; } //If we get here, we were not expecting the packet return ResponseToPacket.reject; } public NB_IPAddress PacketMasqueradeSource(Packet tPacket) { bool typesMatch = false; foreach (IPConnectionEntry ipc in IPConnections) { if (ipc.destIP.GetIP == tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP && ipc.Response == ResponseToPacket.masq) { if (ipc.What == PacketType.ping_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.ping_answer) typesMatch = true; if (ipc.What == PacketType.tracert_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tracert_reply) typesMatch = true; if (typesMatch) { return ipc.internalIP; } } else { if (ipc.What == PacketType.tracert_request && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tracert_reply) return ipc.internalIP; } } //If we get here, we were not expecting the packet return null; } public bool IsWirelessForwarder() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrepeater) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wap) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wbridge) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) return true; return false; } public bool LocalMatches(Packet tPacket) { //return false; //the tSourceIP is local to something on the device //The dest IP exists on the device. //If we have multiple IPs, the tdest is one, and the actual dest is another bool MatchesSource = false; bool MatchesDest = false; foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { //If no IPs are defined, is it which is local to everything if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.port) continue; if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.wport) continue; if (nic.HasLocalInterface(tPacket.TsourceIP)) MatchesSource = true; if (nic.HasIPAddresses(tPacket.destIP)) MatchesDest = true; } if (MatchesDest && MatchesSource) return true; return false; } public override void ProcessPacket(Packet tPacket) { //Psuedo code for processing a packet //We have already come in the interface and nic //We will set the outbound nic in this process here //All packets terminate in the device and either stop or are duplicated and sent out the next link //Store the nic this came from so we skip sending the packet back out the same one // We only skip sending it out the same one if it is a port. //See if it arrives here. // We route it if the dmac is this machine, but the dstIP does not match the IP of this machine // if the dstIP matches exactly, it ends here. // if the dstIP matches (broadcast), we process it but it still continues // Set the "we have processed it" flag // and we process arrival bool MacAddressMatch = HasMac(tPacket.destMAC); //It is an exact match if it is coming from a local source. bool HasIp = HasIPAddress(tPacket.destIP); bool ExactMatch = HasIp && (tPacket.TsourceIP == null || tPacket.TsourceIP.IsLocal(tPacket.destIP)); bool LocalMatch = LocalMatches(tPacket); bool BroadcastMatch = HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP); bool NeedsRouting = MacAddressMatch && (!ExactMatch && !BroadcastMatch); if(ExactMatch || BroadcastMatch || LocalMatch) { //Change this. Need a new ProcessArrival if (tPacket.MyType != PacketType.dhcp_answer) //If it is a match, it should be handled elsewhere ProcessArrival(tPacket); if (ExactMatch && tPacket.isFinshed()) return; } if (tPacket.DebugOn) Console.WriteLine("Debug"); //Routing //if we are supposed to route (do-not-route flag not set) or if the packet is "fresh" // determine which nic it is supposed to exit. // loop through all the routes and nics to see if local delivery or if we use a gateway if(MacAddressMatch || tPacket.isFresh) { //It was destined for here, or it is starting from scratch. See if we need to route it. if (tPacket.destIP == null) tPacket.destIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); NB_IPAddress dest = DestinationFromIP(tPacket.destIP); //Get the IP, or GW if(dest.GetIPString == NB.ZeroIPString && tPacket.destIP.GetIPString != NB.BroadcastIPString) { //No gateway set and no route... string errString = string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoRouteStr"), hostname, tPacket.destIP.GetIPString); tPacket.AddMessage(, errString); tPacket.Tracking.Status = errString; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } tPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(this.hostname, TraversalTechnology.ip_address,""); //We will use an outbound ip. if (dest.GetIP == tPacket.destIP.GetIP) { //It is a local packet. Let it go out the interface it needs to go out tPacket.OutboundIP = tPacket.destIP; tPacket.TsourceIP = null; } else if(tPacket.destIP.GetIPString != NB.BroadcastIPString) { //it needs to go to a gateway. Set the next destination is the GW tPacket.OutboundIP = dest; tPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(this.hostname, TraversalTechnology.gateway,""); //We just used a gateway tPacket.TsourceIP = null; } else { tPacket.OutboundIP = tPacket.destIP; tPacket.TsourceIP = null; } } if (tPacket.isFinshed() && !BroadcastMatch) return; NetworkCard dNic = null; NetworkCard sNic = null; if (DoesForwarding()) { foreach (ArpEntry arp in ArpTable) { if (arp.MACAddress == tPacket.destMAC) { dNic = NicFromID(arp.NicOnWhichItIsFound); break; } //if (arp.MACAddress == tPacket.sourceMAC) //{ // sNic = NicFromID(arp.NicOnWhichItIsFound); //} } } sNic = tPacket.InboundNic; //We get the inbound nic from here. //Delivery //Loop through all nics (skip the interface) it came in on // if it is a port, gen a new packet and send it out the port // if it is broadcast, or if we have not processed it. // if it is lo or management interface, skip the nic // if it is a nic and we are supposed to route it, pass it to the nic. // The nic will send it out all its interfaces // If we need arp, the nic/interface holds onto it until the arp returns // Store the nic on the packet, store the interface on the packet // Resume processing at the nic level, not the device level when the arp comes back int count = 0; bool PacketSentOutWAN = false; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { NicType NT = nic.GetNicType; //bridges and waps are basically switches if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wap || myType == NetworkComponentType.wbridge) NT = NicType.port; switch(NT) { case NicType.lo: case NicType.management_interface: case NicType.none: break; //Do nothing case NicType.eth: case NicType.tun: case NicType.vpn: case NicType.wan: case NicType.wlan: //If the packet is a new packet and is not connecting to itself //or, if it is routing away. if ((tPacket.isFresh && !ExactMatch ) || (NeedsRouting && DoesRouting()) || IsWirelessForwarder()) { // if (nic == tPacket.InboundNic) break; //this case is dealt with in nic.SendPacketOutNic //Pass it to the NIC to send out each nic+interface. //The nic checks to see if it works and then processes it if(myType != NetworkComponentType.wbridge && myType != NetworkComponentType.wrepeater) if (!tPacket.isFresh && HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP)) break; string tMAC = tPacket.destMAC; string ttMAC = tPacket.OutboundDestMAC; tPacket.VLANID = NB.UntaggedVLAN; //we are routing, so we adopt the outgoing vlanID - state it needs to be tagged if (BroadcastMatch && tPacket.MyType != PacketType.dhcp_answer) tPacket.OutboundDestMAC = NB.BroadcastMACString; tPacket.destMAC = tPacket.OutboundDestMAC; if (nic.SendPacketOutNIC(tPacket)) { count++; if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.wan) PacketSentOutWAN = true; } tPacket.destMAC = tMAC; tPacket.OutboundDestMAC = ttMAC; } break; case NicType.port: case NicType.wport: if (PacketSentOutWAN) { continue; //do not send packets out of ports if they have been sent out a WAN nic } NetworkCard tdNic = dNic; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { //On wRouters, the wPorts are hubs, but the ports are switches if (dNic != null && dNic.GetNicType == NicType.wport && nic.GetNicType == NicType.wport) tdNic = null; } else { if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.port && myType == NetworkComponentType.net_hub) tdNic = null; //Hubs/WAPs never know the dnic. They still need the sNic, however if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.wport) tdNic = null; //Hubs/WAPs never know the dnic. They still need the sNic, however } if (!ExactMatch && (!MacAddressMatch || ForwardsPackets())) { //If the packet does not terminate here, and we are not routing it to here... //Pass it to the port. The port duplicates it and sends it out //Do not send it out the port it came in on (sNic) //If we know the dNic, only send it out that //But if we do not know a dnic, send it out all of them (except the sNic) if (sNic != nic && (tdNic == null || (tdNic != null && tdNic.ConnectedLink == -1) || tdNic == nic)) { tPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(hostname, TraversalTechnology.forward,""); if (nic.SendPacketOutNIC(tPacket)) { count++; } } } break; } } //The packet has either been duplicated or has finished if(count == 0) { if (tPacket.destMAC == "") { if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.arp_request) { //The packet was not successfully sent anywhere. DMac = "". This means no host with the specified IP tPacket.AddMessage(, string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ArpNoIPLocalStr"), hostname)); tPacket.Tracking.Status = string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoIPLocalStr"), hostname); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; } else { //The packet was not successfully sent anywhere. DMac = "". This means no host with the specified IP tPacket.AddMessage(, string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoIPStr"), hostname)); tPacket.Tracking.Status = string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoIPStr"), hostname); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; } } else { //The packet was not successfully sent anywhere. No interface to send out the packet tPacket.AddMessage(, string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoLocalIfStr"), hostname)); tPacket.Tracking.Status = string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoLocalIfStr"), hostname); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; } } if (tPacket.MyStatus != PacketStatus.finished_failed && tPacket.MyStatus != PacketStatus.finished_ok) { tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished; } } public void ProcessArrival(Packet tPacket) { Packet nPacket; Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tun_packet || tPacket.MyType == PacketType.vpn_packet) { tPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(,this,NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_Arrived")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_Arrived"); //If the encryption matches, we succeed. Otherwise, we fail tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; //It stops here nPacket = tPacket.payloadPacket; if (nPacket.TraversalInformation != null && tPacket.TraversalInformation != null) nPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(tPacket.TraversalInformation); NetworkCard nc = LocalNic(nPacket.TsourceIP, true); nPacket.TsourceIP = null; if (nc != null) { if (nPacket != null) { if (nPacket.destMAC != nc.MAC) { nPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.Translate("ND_ProssArr_Error1"); nPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, NB.Translate("ND_ProssArr_Error")); nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; myNet.addPacket(nPacket); //so it gets pulled out apropriately tPacket.payloadPacket = null; return; } else if (tPacket.EncryptionString == nc.EncryptionKey) { nPacket.destMAC = nc.MAC; //This is already the case, but we need to set it again for some reason. nPacket.InboundInterface = nc.InterfaceFromName(nc.NicName()) ; nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.processing; nPacket.WhereAmI = this; nPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_CommingOut")); myNet.addPacket(nPacket); tPacket.payloadPacket = null; if (ProcessTracertPacket(nPacket)) { return; //the packet stops if it gets bounced. } return; } else { nPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_EncryptErr1"); nPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_EncryptErr2")); nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; myNet.addPacket(nPacket); //so it gets pulled out apropriately tPacket.payloadPacket = null; return; } } else { //There is no nic that matches the incoming IP nPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.Translate("ND_ProssArr_Error1"); nPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, NB.Translate("ND_ProssArr_Error")); nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; myNet.addPacket(nPacket); //so it gets pulled out apropriately return; } } } if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.ping_request) { myNet.RegisterTimeOfArrival(); bool isbroadcast = HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket); if (!isbroadcast || (isbroadcast && HasLocalNic(tPacket.sourceIP))) { //We would be responding to it. We have an odd case for switches. //Verify that the management IP can talk to the packet if(CanBeLockedOut()) { //only a few devices have management ips NetworkCard nic = HubManagementCard(); if(nic != null) { NetworkInterface nif = nic.GetInterface(0); //management interfaces only have one ip if(nif != null) { VLANTagType VTT = nif.GetVLANTag(tPacket.VLANID); if(VTT == VLANTagType.Forbidden) { //we cannot ping! The packet is blocked by vlan //Console.WriteLine("blocked by vlan"); tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackVLANErr")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackVLANErr")) + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + hostname; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } } } } tPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(hostname, TraversalTechnology.arrived,""); nPacket = new Packet(this, tPacket.sourceIP, "", PacketType.ping_answer, tPacket.packetID); nPacket.OriginalDestIP = tPacket.destIP; nPacket.isFresh = true; //So it starts from here nPacket.Tracking = new PacketMessage(); myNet.addPacket(nPacket); tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_PingReached1")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " Ping " + NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_PingReached1") + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + "-> " + tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString(); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; NB_IPAddress tip = nPacket.sourceIP; if (!HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP)) { nPacket.sourceIP = tPacket.destIP; nPacket.TsourceIP = tPacket.destIP; } else { nPacket.sourceIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); nPacket.TsourceIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); } if (tip.GetIP.ToIpString() != NB.ZeroIPString) nPacket.destIP = tip; if (tPacket.isFresh) { //The packet reached itself. At this moment, the packet does not yet have the source information set //We just need to set the dest // nPacket.destIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.LoopbackIPString); } if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_hub || myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch || myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { //put mac of management interface on packet //dmac is originating mac nPacket.destMAC = tPacket.sourceMAC; nPacket.OutboundDestMAC = tPacket.sourceMAC; nPacket.sourceMAC = HubManagementMAC(); } else { nPacket.destMAC = ""; nPacket.sourceMAC = ""; } nPacket.MyType = PacketType.ping_answer; nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.processing; } else { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProssArr_PingErr")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArr_PingErr")) + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString() + " -> " + hostname; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; } return; } if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.ping_answer) { ResponseToPacket response = HowToRespondToPacket(tPacket); if (response == ResponseToPacket.none) return; //We do not do anything with it here. if (response == ResponseToPacket.accept || (HasIPAddress(tPacket.destIP) && (tPacket.TsourceIP == null || tPacket.destIP.IsLocal(tPacket.TsourceIP)))) { if ( < 100) { tPacket.AddMessage(, string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrSomeLostStr"), ); int left = 100 -; tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrPartialStr"), left , tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(),tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; } else { tPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(hostname, TraversalTechnology.arrived,""); tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_PingReturn1")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrSuccessStr"), tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; if (tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP != 0) { myNet.NotePacketArrived(tPacket.MyType, this, tPacket.destIP, tPacket.OriginalDestIP, tPacket.packetID); } else { myNet.NotePacketArrived(tPacket.MyType, this, tPacket.destIP, tPacket.sourceIP, tPacket.packetID); } } } else { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_PackReturnErr1")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrPngFailStr"), tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; } return; } //Tracert_request is processed on the link arrival if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tracert_reply) { ResponseToPacket response = HowToRespondToPacket(tPacket); if (response == ResponseToPacket.none || response == ResponseToPacket.masq) return; //We do not do anything with it here. //The reply got here. This packet is done NB_IPAddress origStart = new NB_IPAddress(tPacket.payloadData); int ttl = tPacket.OrigTTL + 1; //Console.WriteLine("Tracert: " + tPacket.OrigTTL + " " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString); //Console.WriteLine("Tracert: -- " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString + " " + origStart.GetIPString); //If we had not landed on the actual dest... tPacket.TraversalInformation.AddPath(hostname, TraversalTechnology.arrived,""); tracertmessages.Add(NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_TracertReply") + " " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString); if (tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString != origStart.GetIPString && ttl < 10) { Packet trPacket = new Packet(this, origStart, origStart.GetIPString, PacketType.tracert_request, -1, ttl); myNet.addPacket(trPacket); myNet.ResetPacketTimeout(); } if (tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString == origStart.GetIPString) { myNet.NotePacketArrived(tPacket.MyType, this, tPacket.destIP, tPacket.sourceIP, tPacket.packetID); foreach(string message in tracertmessages) { tPacket.Tracking.AddMessage(, this, message); Console.WriteLine(message); } tracertmessages.Clear(); } tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_TracertReply") + " " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_TracertReply") + " " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; return; } if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.arp_request) { //The arp request may not be asking for this IP. if(HasIPAddress(tPacket.destIP)) { nPacket = new Packet(tPacket); nPacket.isFresh = true; //So it starts from here nPacket.Tracking = new PacketMessage(); myNet.addPacket(nPacket); NetworkCard nic = LocalNic(nPacket.sourceIP); HostNicID theID = new HostNicID(); if (nic != null) theID = nic.myID; if (nPacket.TsourceIP == null) nPacket.TsourceIP = nPacket.sourceIP; StoreArp(nPacket.sourceMAC, nPacket.TsourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), theID); //This is the IP we are looking for, send response back NB_IPAddress tip = nPacket.sourceIP; nPacket.sourceIP = nPacket.destIP; nPacket.TsourceIP = nPacket.destIP; nPacket.destIP = tip; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_hub || myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch || myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { //put mac of management interface on packet //dmac is originating mac nPacket.destMAC = nPacket.sourceMAC; nPacket.OutboundDestMAC = nPacket.sourceMAC; List tstrings = new List(); foreach(NetworkCard tNic in NICs) { tstrings.Clear(); tstrings.AddRange(tNic.IPAddresses()); if (tstrings.Count > 0 && !Regex.IsMatch(tstrings[0], "")) { nPacket.sourceMAC = tNic.MAC; break; } } } else { nPacket.destMAC = ""; tPacket.sourceMAC = ""; } nPacket.MyType = PacketType.arp_answer; nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.processing; tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_ArpReached1")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrArp")) + "IP: " + tPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString + " MAC: "+ nPacket.sourceMAC; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; } else { tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished; //We just drop it } return; } if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.arp_answer) { ResponseToPacket response = HowToRespondToPacket(tPacket); if (response == ResponseToPacket.accept) { NetworkCard nic = LocalNic(tPacket.destIP); HostNicID myid = nic.myID; StoreArp(tPacket.sourceMAC, tPacket.TsourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), myid); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrArpSuccessStr"), tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), tPacket.sourceMAC); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; //Yay! myNet.NotePacketArrived(tPacket.MyType, this, tPacket.destIP, tPacket.sourceIP, tPacket.packetID); } else { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_PackReturnErr1")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrArpFailStr"), tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(), tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; } return; } if(tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_request && isDHCPServer) { nPacket = new Packet(tPacket); nPacket.isFresh = true; //So it starts from here nPacket.Tracking = new PacketMessage(); myNet.addPacket(nPacket); //We need to find a dhcp IP for this. NB_IPAddress dst; if (tPacket.InboundInterface == null) { dst = RequestDHCPLease(tPacket.sourceMAC, tPacket.OutboundIP); nPacket.OutboundIP = tPacket.OutboundIP; } else { dst = RequestDHCPLease(tPacket.sourceMAC, tPacket.InboundInterface.myIP); nPacket.OutboundIP = tPacket.InboundInterface.myIP; } //if the packet came in on a port... if (tPacket.InboundNic != null && (tPacket.InboundNic.GetNicType == NicType.wport || tPacket.InboundNic.GetNicType == NicType.port)) { NB_IPAddress theIP = HubManagementIP(); if (theIP != null) dst = RequestDHCPLease(tPacket.sourceMAC, theIP); } string tmac = nPacket.sourceMAC; nPacket.sourceMAC = tPacket.OutboundMAC; if (tPacket.InboundInterface != null) nPacket.sourceIP = tPacket.InboundInterface.myIP; else nPacket.sourceIP = tPacket.OutboundIP; nPacket.destMAC = tmac; nPacket.OutboundDestMAC = tmac; nPacket.payloadIP = dst; nPacket.MyType = PacketType.dhcp_answer; nPacket.OutboundMAC = ""; nPacket.OutboundIP = null; nPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.processing; tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_DHCPReach1")); string IP = ""; if (nPacket.sourceIP != null) IP = nPacket.sourceIP.GetIPString; if(IP == "" && nPacket.WhereAmI != null) { NB_IPAddress tIP = HubManagementIP(); if (tIP != null) IP = tIP.GetIPString; } tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrDHCPStr"), IP); //If we are a wireless router, we need to keep passing the broadcast request on if(!DoesForwarding()) tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; return; } if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_answer) { ResponseToPacket response = HowToRespondToPacket(tPacket); if (response == ResponseToPacket.accept) { NetworkCard tnic = tPacket.OutboundNic; if (tnic == null || tnic.GetNicType == NicType.port || tnic.GetNicType == NicType.wport) tnic = HubManagementCard(); if (tnic != null) { if (tPacket.payloadIP == null) tPacket.payloadIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); tnic.SetIPForDHCP(tPacket.payloadIP); IsDirty = true; //If we need to redraw the device IP tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrDHCPAnsStr"), tPacket.payloadIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; //Yay! myNet.NotePacketArrived(tPacket.MyType, this, tPacket.payloadIP, tPacket.sourceIP, tPacket.packetID); return; } } else if(!tPacket.isFresh && !ForwardsPackets()) { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_PackReturnErr1")); string sIP = "?.?.?.?"; if (tPacket.sourceIP != null) sIP = tPacket.sourceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_ProssArrDHCPFailStr"), sIP, tPacket.destIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; } return; } //Fall-through, if nothing else happens tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished; //Different things may have different finished things. } public NB_IPAddress LocalDeviceIP(NetworkDevice FromWhat) { NetworkInterface nif; List myList = FromWhat.IPAddressList(); foreach (NB_IPAddress ip in myList.ToList()) { foreach (NetworkCard tNic in NICs) { if (tNic.GetNicType == NicType.lo) continue; //Don't check loopback nics if (tNic.GetNicType == NicType.port) continue; //Don't check ports nif = tNic.LocalInterface(ip, null); if(nif != null && nif.myIP.GetIPString != NB.ZeroIPString) { return nif.myIP; } } } //If we get here, we do not have a local IP return null; } public NB_IPAddress HubManagementIP() { List IPAddresses = new List(); foreach (NetworkCard tNic in NICs) { if(tNic.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) { IPAddresses.AddRange(tNic.IPAddressList()); } } if (IPAddresses.Count > 0) return IPAddresses[0]; return null; } public NetworkCard HubManagementCard() { foreach (NetworkCard tNic in NICs) { if (tNic.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) { return tNic; } } return null; } public string HubManagementMAC() { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) return nic.MAC; } return null; } public bool DeviceIsLockedOutByVLANs() { if (!CanBeLockedOut()) return false; //We can only be locked out of a few things. NetworkCard nic = HubManagementCard(); if (nic == null) return false; //this should never happen. Eject for now. NetworkInterface nif = nic.GetInterface(0); if (nif == null) return false;//this should never happen. Eject for now. int managementID = nif.GetNonForbiddenVLANID(); bool lockedOUT = true; foreach(NetworkCard tCard in NICs) { if (tCard.GetNicType == NicType.lo) continue; if (tCard.GetNicType == NicType.management_interface) continue; NetworkInterface tNIF = tCard.InterfaceFromVlanTag(managementID); if(tNIF != null) { lockedOUT = false; break; } } return lockedOUT; } public List IPAddressList() { List thelist = new List(); foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { thelist.AddRange(nic.IPAddressList()); } return thelist; } public List SubnetList() { List thelist = new List(); foreach(NB_IPAddress taddr in IPAddressList()) { if(!thelist.Contains(taddr.NetworkAddress.ToIpString())) { thelist.Add(taddr.NetworkAddress.ToIpString()); } } return thelist; } public List BroadcastList() { List thelist = new List(); foreach (NB_IPAddress taddr in IPAddressList()) { if (!thelist.Contains(taddr.BroadcastAddress.ToIpString())) { thelist.Add(taddr.BroadcastAddress.ToIpString()); } } return thelist; } /// /// Return either the destination IP or the gateway IP /// /// The target IP /// The IP the packet should be going to public NB_IPAddress DestinationFromIP(NB_IPAddress dest, NetworkCard oNic = null) { NetworkInterface nIF = null; NetworkCard tCard = null; NB_IPAddress DestAddr; string DHCPGW = ""; foreach( NB_IPAddress ip in RouteTable) { if (ip.IsLocal(dest)) return new NB_IPAddress(ip.GetGateway.ToIpString());//We return the gateway } foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { tCard = nic; if(nic.UsesDHCP && nic.CanUseDHCP && DHCPGW == "") { DHCPGW = nic.FirstIP().GetGateway.ToIpString(); } nIF = nic.LocalInterface(dest,null); if (nIF != null && nIF.myIP.GetIPString != NB.ZeroIPString) { DestAddr = dest; //We found it. Send it to the destination return DestAddr; } } if (oNic != null) { List tlist = oNic.IPAddressList(); if(tlist.Count > 0 && tlist[0].GetGateway.ToIpString() != NB.ZeroIPString) { return new NB_IPAddress(tlist[0].GetGateway.ToIpString()); } } if (DHCPGW != "") return new NB_IPAddress(DHCPGW); //if we get here, we do not know where to send it. Use the default gw. return DefaultGW; } public bool PrepPacketForSending(Packet tPacket, NB_IPAddress dest) { if((tPacket.OutboundMAC == null || tPacket.OutboundMAC == "") && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_request && (tPacket.sourceMAC == "" || tPacket.sourceMAC == null)) { // Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { //Make one DHCP request for every nic that is a DHCP nic if(nic.UsesDHCP && CanUseDHCP) { nic.SetIPForDHCP(); Packet nPacket = new Packet(tPacket); nPacket.OutboundIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); nPacket.OutboundMAC = nic.MAC; nPacket.OutboundNic = nic; nPacket.OutboundIF = nic.GetInterface(0); nPacket.Tracking = new PacketMessage(); //we are starting. Each one should have a different tracker myNet.addPacket(nPacket); } } tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished; //we have replaced it with other ones return false; } if ((tPacket.OutboundMAC == null || tPacket.OutboundMAC == "") && HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP) && (tPacket.sourceMAC == "" || tPacket.sourceMAC == null)) { // Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (!nic.HasIP(new NB_IPAddress("").GetIP)) //don't bother pinging on the loopback { //Make one Broadcast ping for every nic that has an IP Packet nPacket = new Packet(tPacket); nPacket.OutboundIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); nPacket.OutboundMAC = nic.MAC; nPacket.destMAC = NB.BroadcastMACString; nPacket.OutboundNic = nic; nPacket.OutboundIF = nic.GetInterface(0); nPacket.Tracking = new PacketMessage(); //we are starting. Each one should have a different tracker myNet.addPacket(nPacket); } } tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished; //we have replaced it with other ones return false; } if (tPacket.OutboundIP == null || tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString() == NB.ZeroIPString && tPacket.MyType != PacketType.dhcp_request) { tPacket.OutboundIP = DestinationFromIP(dest,tPacket.OutboundNic); if (tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString() == NB.ZeroIPString) { if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_answer) { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackGtewyErr")) + " " + tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackGtewyErr")); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return false; } else { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackRoutErr")) +" "+ tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackRoutErr"); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return false; } } } //If we get here, we have the local destination (dest or gateway) we are looking for. //Now we find the nic and interface if (tPacket.OutboundNic == null) { tPacket.OutboundNic = LocalNic(tPacket.OutboundIP); if (tPacket.OutboundNic == null) { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackNICErr")) + " :"+ tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackNICErr"); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return false; } } //If we get here, the nic is not null. Find the IF corresponding to the outbound IP if (tPacket.OutboundIF == null) { tPacket.OutboundIF = tPacket.OutboundNic.LocalInterface(tPacket.OutboundIP, tPacket.Tracking); if (tPacket.OutboundIF == null) { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackRoutErr")) + " :" + tPacket.OutboundIP.GetIP.ToIpString()); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + NB.Translate("ND_PrepPackRoutErr"); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return false; } } tPacket.TsourceIP = tPacket.OutboundIF.myIP; // if (tPacket.destMAC == "" || tPacket.destMAC == null) //was != broadcast-mac { tPacket.OutboundMAC = ArpFromIP(tPacket.OutboundIP); } else { tPacket.OutboundMAC = tPacket.destMAC; } if (tPacket.OutboundMAC == "") { bool todo = true; if (tPacket.OutboundNic != null && tPacket.OutboundNic.GetNicType == NicType.lo) todo = false; if (HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP)) { tPacket.OutboundMAC = NB.BroadcastMACString; todo = false; } if (todo) { AskArpFromHere(tPacket.OutboundIP); //we do not have a mac address for it. Need to do an arp. tPacket.TickTTL = 300; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.waiting_for_arp; return false; } } return true; } /// /// Return the network card that is considered "local" for the given IP /// /// The IP Address we are looking for /// a network card, or null if nothing matches public NetworkCard LocalNic(NB_IPAddress toFind, bool skipZero= false) { NetworkInterface nIF; foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { nIF = nic.LocalInterface(toFind, null); if (nIF != null) { if (nIF.myIP.GetIPString == NB.ZeroIPString) continue; return nic; } } if(!skipZero) { foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { nIF = nic.LocalInterface(toFind, null); if (nIF != null) { return nic; } } } return null; } public List NICRouteStrings() { List answer = new List(); string GW = DefaultGW.GetIP.ToIpString(); foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { answer.AddRange(nic.NICRouteStrings(GW)); } return answer; } public List NICNames() { List answer = new List(); string GW = DefaultGW.GetIP.ToIpString(); foreach (NetworkCard nic in NICs) { answer.Add(nic.NicName()); } return answer; } private NB_IPAddress IPFromTypeNic(NicType What) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NB.Randomize(NICs).ToList()) { if(nic.GetNicType == What) { foreach(NB_IPAddress ip in nic.IPAddressList()) { if (ip.GetIPString != NB.ZeroIPString && ip.GetIPString != NB.LoopbackIPString) return ip; } } } return null; } public NB_IPAddress BestIPForThis(NetworkDevice Source=null) { NB_IPAddress answer=null; if(Source != null) { answer = LocalDeviceIP(Source); if (answer != null && answer.GetIPString != NB.ZeroIPString) return answer; } //If we have a WAN Nic, use that first answer = IPFromTypeNic(NicType.wan); if (answer != null) return answer; answer = IPFromTypeNic(NicType.management_interface); if (answer != null) return answer; //Otherwise, choose an eth nic answer = IPFromTypeNic(NicType.eth); if (answer != null) return answer; //Otherwise, choose an wireless nic answer = IPFromTypeNic(NicType.wlan); if (answer != null) return answer; return null; } public List DeviceRouteStrings() { List answer = new List(); foreach (NB_IPAddress ip in RouteTable) { answer.Add(ip.IPFormat()); } return answer; } public void AddRoute(NB_IPAddress route) { RouteTable.Add(route); } public List ListRoutes() { return RouteTable; } public void EditRoute(int index, Form ParentForm) { if (index < 0) return; if (index >= RouteTable.Count) return; RouteTable[index].Edit(this, ParentForm); } public void DeleteRoute(int index) { if (index < 0) return; if (index >= RouteTable.Count) return; RouteTable.RemoveAt(index); } public override void DoInput(Packet tPacket) { } public void DoInputFromLink(Packet tPacket, HostNicID arrivalNic) { //We are entering into the computer NetworkCard nc = NicFromID(arrivalNic); //Say tell the packet that we are no longer on the link tPacket.WhereAmI = this; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.processing; // if(PowerOff) { //A packet came in, but the power was off on the device. tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_DoInputFromLink_PowerOff")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_DoInputFromLink_PowerOff")); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } tPacket.PacketDump(hostname, DebugPausePoint.packet_in); if(nc == null) { tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_DoInputFromLink_CardFail1")); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_DoInputFromLink_CardFail2")); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } if(tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_answer) if(tPacket.destMAC == nc.MAC ) { //We have arrived back tPacket.OutboundNic = nc; ProcessArrival(tPacket); return; } NetworkInterface nf = nc.LocalInterface(tPacket.sourceIP, tPacket.Tracking); if(nf == null) { nf = nc.LocalInterface(tPacket.TsourceIP, tPacket.Tracking); } if(nf == null) { nf = nc.PrimaryInterface(); } if (nf == null && tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_request && isDHCPServer ) { //It is a broadcast. We need to figure out which nic it came in on // And then, figure out which interface, so we know which IP to dole out NetworkInterface inif = nc.InterfaceFromVlanTag(tPacket); tPacket.InboundInterface = inif; List addresses = nc.IPAddressList(); if (addresses.Count > 0) { if (tPacket.TsourceIP == null) tPacket.TsourceIP = tPacket.sourceIP; tPacket.OutboundIP = addresses[0]; tPacket.OutboundNic = nc; tPacket.OutboundMAC = nc.MAC; tPacket.WhereAmI = this; ProcessArrival(tPacket); return; } } if (!ForwardsPackets()) { //Traceroute bounce-back if(tPacket.MyType == PacketType.tracert_request) { if (ProcessTracertPacket(tPacket)) return; //the packet stops if it gets bounced. } if (tPacket.MyType == PacketType.dhcp_request && !isDHCPServer) { tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " +string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_DoInFromLnkDeaf"))); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_DoInFromLnkNoDHCP")); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } if ((tPacket.MyType == PacketType.ping_answer || tPacket.MyType== PacketType.ping_request) && !RoutesPackets() && (!HasIPAddress(tPacket.destIP) && !HasBroadcastAddress(tPacket.destIP))) { tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " +string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NotRouter"))); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NotRouter2")); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } } if(nf == null && myType != NetworkComponentType.net_switch && myType != NetworkComponentType.net_hub && myType != NetworkComponentType.wbridge && myType != NetworkComponentType.wrepeater && myType != NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { tPacket.AddMessage(DebugLevel.debug, NB.LeftPad(hostname) + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoLocIP"))); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " " + string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_NoLocIP2")); tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_failed; return; } //Now we pass it to the interface if (nf != null) nf.ProcessInboundPacket(tPacket); //Now we pass it to the nic if (nc != null) nc.ProcessInboundPacket(tPacket); //if (hostname != null) // Console.WriteLine("Starting on device: " + hostname + " VLANID = " + tPacket.VLANID.ToString()); if(!tPacket.ready_to_delete) tPacket.StartOnDevice(this); } public bool ProcessTracertPacket(Packet tPacket) { tPacket.TTL--; //If it is a router, or this is the destination if (tPacket.TTL < 1 && (RoutesPackets() || HasMac(tPacket.destMAC))) { //The packet reached the end of its ttl. Bounce back. //this packet ends, another begins. Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); //There is a fringe case. Do not bounce back if the target device is on the same LAN that this packet came in on // Otherwise, the traceroute gets an odd reply. // Do not do a tracert reply if the src and dest are local to each-other, and if this is not the device that is the endpoint bool LocalToEachOther = tPacket.sourceIP.IsLocal(new NB_IPAddress(tPacket.payloadData)); if (LocalToEachOther && RoutesPackets() && !HasMac(tPacket.destMAC)) return false; //We create a new packet Packet nPacket = new Packet(this, tPacket.sourceIP, tPacket.payloadData, PacketType.tracert_reply, tPacket.packetID); nPacket.OrigTTL = tPacket.OrigTTL; nPacket.OriginalDestIP = tPacket.destIP; nPacket.isFresh = true; //So it starts from here nPacket.Tracking = new PacketMessage(); //The original packet stops here tPacket.AddMessage(, NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_TracerouteArrived") + " " + hostname); tPacket.Tracking.Status = NB.LeftPad(hostname) + " Traceroute: " + NB.Translate("ND_ProcessArrival_TracerouteArrived") + " " + hostname; tPacket.MyStatus = PacketStatus.finished_ok; //Console.WriteLine(" Tracert bounce: " + tPacket.OrigTTL + " " + hostname + " " + tPacket.payloadData); //Finish setting up the new packet - sending it back nPacket.sourceIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); nPacket.TsourceIP = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); myNet.addPacket(nPacket); //Console.WriteLine(" Tracert bounce pkt:" + nPacket.OrigTTL + nPacket.payloadData); return true; } return false; } /// /// Return true if this is a switch/hub/wap /// /// public bool ForwardsPackets() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_hub) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.net_switch) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wap) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrepeater) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wbridge) return true; return false; } /// /// Return true if this device routes packets. Router, firewall, etc. /// /// public bool RoutesPackets() { if (myType == NetworkComponentType.router) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.firewall) return true; if (myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) return true; return false; } public bool IsNotNetDevice() { if (GetNetType() == NetworkComponentType.fluorescent) return false; if (GetNetType() == NetworkComponentType.microwave) return false; return true; } public override void DoOutput(Packet tPacket) { } public string ArpFromIP(string IPAddress) { foreach(ArpEntry arp in ArpTable) { if (arp.IPAddr == IPAddress) return arp.MACAddress; } return ""; } public string IPFromArp(string MAC) { foreach (ArpEntry arp in ArpTable) { if (arp.MACAddress == MAC) return arp.IPAddr; } return ""; } public HostNicID NicIDFromArp(string MAC) { foreach (ArpEntry arp in ArpTable) { if (arp.MACAddress == MAC) return arp.NicOnWhichItIsFound; } return new HostNicID(-1,-1,"",""); } public HostNicID NicIDFromIP(string IP) { foreach (ArpEntry arp in ArpTable) { if (arp.IPAddr == IP) return arp.NicOnWhichItIsFound; } return new HostNicID(-1, -1, "", ""); } public string LookupArpFromIP(string IPAddress) { string arp = ArpFromIP(IPAddress); if (arp == "") { Network mynet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (mynet != null) { List arps = mynet.arp(IPAddress.ParseIp()); if (arps.Count > 0) { return arps[0]; } } } return arp; } public string ArpFromIP(NB_IPAddress IPAddress) { return ArpFromIP(IPAddress.GetIP.ToIpString()); } public void StoreArp(string mac, string ip, HostNicID NicID) { ArpEntry AE = new ArpEntry(mac, ip, NicID); string found = ArpFromIP(ip); if (found == "") { ArpTable.Add(AE); } if(IPFromArp(mac) != ip && ip != NB.ZeroIPString) { foreach (ArpEntry arp in ArpTable.ToList()) { if (arp.MACAddress == mac) { ArpTable.Remove(arp); } } ArpTable.Add(AE); } } public void ChangeColor(Color ColorTo) { MorphColor = ColorTo; } public List GetArps() { return ArpTable; } public void ClearArps() { ArpTable.Clear(); } /// /// Clear out all the IP addresses on the device /// public void ClearIPs() { ClearArps(); RouteTable.Clear(); DefaultGW = new NB_IPAddress(NB.ZeroIPString); foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if(nic.GetNicType != NicType.port) nic.ClearIPs(); } } /******************************************** * DHCP Stuff ********************************************/ public void CheckDHCPRangesAgainstInterfaces() { bool found = false; List theInterfaces = IPAddressList(); foreach(NB_IPAddress dhcpIP in DHCPRanges.ToList()) { found = false; foreach (NB_IPAddress interfaceIP in theInterfaces) { if(interfaceIP.GetIP == dhcpIP.GetIP) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { DHCPRanges.Remove(dhcpIP); } } foreach (NB_IPAddress interfaceIP in theInterfaces) { found = false; foreach (NB_IPAddress dhcpIP in DHCPRanges) { if (interfaceIP.GetIP == dhcpIP.GetIP) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { DHCPRanges.Add(new NB_IPAddress(interfaceIP.GetIP.ToIpString(),NB.ZeroIPString,NB.ZeroIPString)); } } } public List DHCPStrings(bool WithAdditionalInfo=true) { List theStrings = new List(); foreach(NB_IPAddress ip in DHCPRanges) { if (ip.GetIP.ToIpString() != "") { if (WithAdditionalInfo) { theStrings.Add(string.Format(NB.Translate("ND_DHCPStrIFStr"), ip.GetIP.ToIpString().PadLeft(15), ip.GetMask.ToIpString(),ip.GetGateway.ToIpString())); } else { theStrings.Add(ip.GetIP.ToIpString()); } } } return theStrings; } public NB_IPAddress DHCPRangeMatchingInterface(NB_IPAddress InterfaceIP) { if (InterfaceIP == null) return null; foreach (NB_IPAddress ip in DHCPRanges) { if (ip.GetIP.ToIpString() != "" && InterfaceIP.IsLocal(ip)) return ip; } return null; } public void EditDHCP(int index, Form ParentForm) { if (index > DHCPRanges.Count) return; if (index < 0) return; bool found = false; NB_IPAddress ifIP = null; List theInterfaces = IPAddressList(); foreach (NB_IPAddress interfaceIP in theInterfaces) { if(interfaceIP.GetIP == DHCPRanges[index].GetIP) { ifIP = interfaceIP; found = true; } } if (!found) return; DHCPRanges[index].Edit(this, ifIP, ParentForm); //We need to pass the interface that is local to this DHCPLeases.Clear(); } public NB_IPAddress LookupDHCPLease(string MAC, NB_IPAddress NIC_IP) { NB_IPAddress gateway; NetworkComponentType NCT = myType; if(myType == NetworkComponentType.wrouter) { //If we are a wireless router, we could be set up as an access point, or as a router/firewall //If the default gateway is on the LAN, we use the gateway. If the default gateway is on the WAN, //We use the IP of the firewall IP. (NIC_IP) NB_IPAddress tGateway = GetGateway(); NetworkCard lNic = LocalNic(tGateway); if(lNic != null && lNic.GetNicType == NicType.wan) { //The gateway is on the WAN. We will give it our own IP as if we are a firewall NCT = NetworkComponentType.firewall; } else { //The gateway is on the LAN. We pretend we are an Access Point. NCT = NetworkComponentType.wap; } } if (NCT != NetworkComponentType.firewall) { gateway = GetGateway(); } else { gateway = NIC_IP; //Return the firewall IP that it came in on } foreach(ArpEntry dhcp in DHCPLeases) { if (dhcp.MACAddress == MAC && dhcp.IPAddr != NB.ZeroIPString && NIC_IP != null && gateway != null) { NB_IPAddress addr = new NB_IPAddress(dhcp.IPAddr, NIC_IP.GetMask.ToIpString(), gateway.GetIP.ToIpString()); if (addr.IsLocal(NIC_IP)) return addr; } } return null; } public bool IPAlreadyUsed(string IP) { foreach (ArpEntry dhcp in DHCPLeases) { if (dhcp.IPAddr == IP) return true; } return false; } public void MakeDHCPLease(string IP, string MAC) { ArpEntry me = new ArpEntry(MAC, IP, new HostNicID()); DHCPLeases.Add(me); } /// /// Look up the MAC address and return the appropriate IP, or make a new IP. Uses the interface IP of the server to know what range to use. /// /// The mac of the requesting machine /// the IP of the server nic /// an IPAddress IP/Mask/GW public NB_IPAddress RequestDHCPLease(string MAC, NB_IPAddress NIC_IP) { if (NIC_IP == null) NIC_IP = HubManagementIP(); NB_IPAddress tAddress = LookupDHCPLease(MAC, NIC_IP); if (tAddress != null && NIC_IP.IsLocal(tAddress)) return tAddress; //if we are here, we need to find an address to give. bool stillOK = true; NB_IPAddress startaddress = DHCPRangeMatchingInterface(NIC_IP); if (startaddress == null) return null; UInt32 sIPNum = startaddress.GetMask; UInt32 eIPNum = startaddress.GetGateway; string ipstring; while(stillOK) { ipstring = sIPNum.ToIpString(); tAddress = new NB_IPAddress(ipstring, NIC_IP.GetMask.ToIpString(),NB.ZeroIPString); if (!IPAlreadyUsed(ipstring)) { MakeDHCPLease(ipstring, MAC); NB_IPAddress gateway = GetGateway(); //If the gateway is not local to the IP address we are giving out, give the IP of this device if(!tAddress.IsLocal(gateway)) { gateway = NIC_IP; //Return the firewall IP that it came in on } return new NB_IPAddress(ipstring,NIC_IP.GetMask.ToIpString(),gateway.GetIP.ToIpString()); } sIPNum++; if(sIPNum > eIPNum) { //We have used up all the range stillOK = false; break; } } return null; //If we get here, we are done for. Nothing to give out } /// /// Return true if this device has at least one nic that can be configured from DHCP /// /// True if the device has a nic that can be configured with DHCP public bool HasDHCPNic() { foreach(NetworkCard card in NICs) { if (card.UsesDHCP) return true; } return false; } public bool HasLocalNic(NB_IPAddress dest) { foreach(NetworkCard nic in NICs) { if (nic.HasLocalInterface(dest)) return true; } return false; } public bool FirewallAllows(string inIF, string outIF) { foreach(FirewallRule fwr in FirewallRules) { if(fwr.Source == inIF && fwr.Destination == outIF) { if (fwr.Action == FirewallRuleType.Allow) return true; if (fwr.Action == FirewallRuleType.Drop) return false; } } return true; } #region Break Things public bool BreakSSID(string nicname) { List choices = new List() { "FBI_Surveillance_Van", "EduNetworkBuilderSSID","Bad_SSID", "FreeWifi","HackMe","default","linksys",}; //find the nic. Change the ssid on it choices.AddRange(new string[]{hostname+"_ssid", hostname+"FreeWireless", hostname+"AddHoc" }); choices = NB.Randomize(choices); string choice = choices[0]; //grab the first one NetworkCard nic = NicFromName(nicname); if (nic == null) return false; //we could not do it. if (nic.SSID == choice) return false; nic.SSID = choice; //change it return true; } public bool BreakWirelessKey(string nicname) { //find the nic. NetworkCard nic = NicFromName(nicname); if (nic == null) return false; //we could not do it. List choices = new List() { "Key", "Llave","ChangeMe", "Password","key","default","admin",}; choices.Add(nic.WirelessKey.ToUpper()); choices.Add(nic.WirelessKey.ToLower()); if (nic.WirelessKey.Length > 4) choices.Add(nic.WirelessKey.Substring(0, 2) + nic.WirelessKey.Substring(2, 1).ToUpper() + nic.WirelessKey.Substring(3)); choices = NB.Randomize(choices); string choice = choices[0]; //grab the first one if (nic.WirelessKey == choice) return false; nic.WirelessKey = choice; //change it return true; } public bool BreakVPNKey(string nicname) { //find the nic. NetworkCard nic = NicFromName(nicname); if (nic == null) return false; //we could not do it. List choices = new List() { "Key", "Llave","ChangeMe", "Password","key","default","admin",}; choices.Add(nic.EncryptionKey.ToUpper()); choices.Add(nic.EncryptionKey.ToLower()); if (nic.EncryptionKey.Length > 4) choices.Add(nic.EncryptionKey.Substring(0, 2) + nic.EncryptionKey.Substring(2, 1).ToUpper() + nic.EncryptionKey.Substring(3)); choices = NB.Randomize(choices); string choice = choices[0]; //grab the first one if (nic.WirelessKey == choice) return false; nic.WirelessKey = choice; //change it return true; } public bool BreakIPAddress(string nicname) { NetworkCard nic = NicFromName(nicname); if (nic == null) return false; NetworkInterface nif = nic.InterfaceFromName(nicname); if (nif == null) return false; NB_IPAddress newaddress = new NB_IPAddress(""); Random rnd = NB.GetRandom(); switch(rnd.Next(8)) { case 0: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPAddress32(); break; case 1: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPAddressMangle(); break; case 2: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPAddressRandom(); break; case 3: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPAddressZero(); break; case 4: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPNetmask32(); break; case 5: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPNetmaskMangle(); break; case 6: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPNetmaskRandom(); break; case 7: newaddress = nif.myIP.BreakIPNetmaskZero(); break; } if(nif.myIP != newaddress) { nif.myIP = newaddress; return true; } return false; } public bool BreakGateway() { NB_IPAddress newaddress = new NB_IPAddress(""); Random rnd = NB.GetRandom(); switch (rnd.Next(8)) { case 0: newaddress = DefaultGW.BreakIPAddress32(); break; case 1: newaddress = DefaultGW.BreakIPAddressMangle(); break; case 2: newaddress = DefaultGW.BreakIPAddressRandom(); break; case 3: newaddress = DefaultGW.BreakIPAddressZero(); break; } if (DefaultGW != newaddress) { DefaultGW = newaddress; return true; } return false; } #endregion } }