allpuzzles=[ { "EduNetworkBuilder": { "Network": { "name": "Level0-Help", "fr_message": "Pour apprendre comment ce programme fonctionne, nous allons d'abord vous familiariser avec l'aide. La plupart des énigmes que vous faites, vous voudrez faire avec le moins d'aide possible. Mais, il y a de l'aide quand vous en avez besoin. Pour ce puzzle, cliquez sur l'un des quatre niveaux d'aide (boutons ronds) sur la droite. Passez ensuite la souris sur le PC et voyez les messages. Lorsque vous avez survolé tous les boutons (et appuyé sur la touche?), Ce casse-tête sera terminé.", "en_message": "To learn how this program works, first we will acquaint you with the 'Help.' Most of the puzzles you do, you will want to do with as little help as possible. But, there is help when you need it. For this puzzle, click one of the four help-levels (round buttons) on the right. Then mouse-over the PC and see the messages. When you have moused-over for all the buttons (and pressed the ? box), this puzzle will be completed.", "en_title": "Learn how help works", "en_url": "", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "0", "sortorder": "0", "uniqueidentifier": "106", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "True", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": { "hostname": "pc0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "100", "location": "400,420", "mytype": "pc", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "100", "nicid": "101", "hostname": "pc0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "101", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": "eth0", "myid": { "hostid": "100", "nicid": "102", "hostname": "pc0", "nicname": "eth0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "102", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "eth0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } } ] }, "nettest": [ { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "none", "thetest": "HelpRequest" }, { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "basic", "thetest": "HelpRequest" }, { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "hints", "thetest": "HelpRequest" }, { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "full", "thetest": "HelpRequest" }, { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "?Button", "thetest": "HelpRequest" }, { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "ViewButton", "thetest": "HelpRequest" }, { "shost": "Help", "dhost": "Read", "thetest": "ReadContextHelp" } ], "tag": "Help", "VLANName": { "@ID": "1", "@Color": "Blue", "#text": "Default" } } } } , { "EduNetworkBuilder": { "Network": { "name": "Level0-NeedsLink", "en_message": "Plug in the network to the computer that needs it. Click on the link icon (the line) and drag the pointer from the switch to the computer. When you release the mouse button, the link window will pop up. Choose the ports you want to connect, and you should be finished.", "fr_message": "Branchez le réseau à l'ordinateur qui en a besoin. Cliquez sur l'icône du lien (la ligne) et faites glisser le pointeur du commutateur vers l'ordinateur. Lorsque vous relâchez le bouton de la souris, la fenêtre de lien apparaîtra. Choisissez les ports que vous souhaitez connecter, et vous devriez avoir terminé.", "en_title": "Plug in network", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "0", "sortorder": "1", "uniqueidentifier": "118", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "False", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "net_switch0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "100", "location": "394,150", "mytype": "net_switch", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "100", "nicid": "101", "hostname": "net_switch0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "101", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "management_interface", "management_interface" ], "nicname": 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You can put either the IP address or host-name of the device you are trying to ping in the box that pops up asking you for an IP.", "fr_message": "Cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur PC0 et cochez laptop0 et laptop1. Vous pouvez mettre l'adresse IP ou le nom d'hôte du périphérique que vous essayez de cingler dans la zone qui apparaît pour vous demander une adresse IP.", "en_title": "Ping Test", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "0", "sortorder": "1", "uniqueidentifier": "130", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "False", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "laptop0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "103", "location": "559,560", "mytype": "laptop", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", "nicid": "104", "hostname": "laptop0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "104", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" 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Maintenant, il veut que vous trouviez l'commutateur.\n\nQue faites-vous lorsque vous savez où se trouve quelque chose, mais pas exactement? Vous allez à l'appareil, vous savez qu'il est branché et suivez le fil.\nPour résoudre ce problème, faites glisser le commutateur autour, puis retrouvez l'autre extrémité du fil et faites-le glisser sur l'endroit vide pour le \"trouver\". Ensuite, modifiez l'adresse IP du commutateur manquant.", "en_message": "Your boss bought a switch and plugged it into your network, but did not tell you where he put it. Now he wants you to find it.\nWhat do you do when you know where something is, but not exactly? You go to the device you know it is plugged into and follow the wire.\nTo solve this, drag the switch around, and then find the other end of the wire and \"drag\" on the empty spot to \"find\" it. Then, change the IP address of the missing switch.", "fr_title": "Où ai-je mis cela?", "en_title": "Where did I put that?", "en_url": "", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "0", "sortorder": "5", "uniqueidentifier": "141", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "True", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "laptop0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "103", "location": "559,560", "mytype": "laptop", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", "nicid": "104", "hostname": "laptop0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "104", "usesdhcp": "False", "encryptionkey": null, "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": 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Ping laptop1 and see where the packet dies. Open one of the devices connected to that link and you will see that, even though the device has a link connected to it, it does not have a \"connection light\" saying it is connected. (The connection-light is the * at the end of the eth name). You can also edit the network card to see if it thinks it is connected. Remove the broken network wire by right-clicking one of the devices at either end and removing the link. Then add the link again. A successful ping tells you if you got it working.", "fr_message": "Ceci montre ce qui se passe s'il existe un fil de réseau brisé dans votre réseau. Pinger le laptop1 pour voir où le paquet est en train de s'éteindre. Ouvrez l'un des périphériques connectés à ce lien et vous verrez que même si le périphérique possède un lien qui lui est connecté, il ne dispose pas d'une \"lumière de connexion\" indiquant qu'il est connecté. (La lumière de connexion est le * à la fin du nom de l’Ethernet). 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Un pinge réussi vous dit si vous l'avez mis en fonctionnement.", "en_title": "Broken Link", "fr_title": "Lien brisé", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "0", "sortorder": "6", "uniqueidentifier": "131", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "True", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "laptop0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "103", "location": "559,560", "mytype": "laptop", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", "nicid": "104", "hostname": "laptop0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "104", "usesdhcp": "False", "encryptionkey": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": "eth0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", 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Then, try pinging.", "en_title": "Bad Netmask", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "1", "sortorder": "9.7", "uniqueidentifier": "160", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "True", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "net_switch0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "112", "location": "109,397", "mytype": "net_switch", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "112", "nicid": "113", "hostname": "net_switch0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "113", "usesdhcp": "False", "encryptionkey": null, "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "management_interface", "management_interface" ], "nicname": "management_interface0", "myid": { "hostid": 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Pour résoudre ce casse-tête, changez les ports VLAN du commutateur en \"non étiquetés\" pour tous les ports, puis envoyez un ping à l'autre PC", "en_title": "Forbidden VLANs", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "none", "level": "6", "sortorder": "1", "uniqueidentifier": "130", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "True", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "laptop0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "103", "location": "559,560", "mytype": "laptop", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", "nicid": "104", "hostname": "laptop0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "104", "usesdhcp": "False", "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": 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This allows packets to go to all the switches, and let the switches determine what devices they can go to from there.\nTo complete this puzzle, check both switches. One of them does not have the port1 VLAN (which is what the switches are connected to each-other on) Tagged. Set the VLAN to tagged and then see if you can do the pings.", "fr_message": "Les ports de commutation peuvent avoir trois états:\nNon partagé\nTagged\nInterdit\nLorsque vous connectez switch-to-switch, ils doivent être \"Tagged\". Cela crée un \"tronçon\", ou un lien de base qui peut passer n'importe quel VLAN. Cela permet aux paquets d'accéder à tous les commutateurs et permet aux commutateurs de déterminer les périphériques auxquels ils peuvent accéder.\nPour compléter ce puzzle, vérifiez les deux commutateurs. L'un d'eux n'a pas le VLAN port1 (qui est ce que les commutateurs sont connectés les uns aux autres) Tagged. Définir le VLAN à étiqueté et ensuite voir si vous pouvez faire les pings.", "en_title": "Tagged VLANs", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "full", "level": "6", "sortorder": "3", "uniqueidentifier": "145", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "True", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "net_switch0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "100", "location": "240,390", "mytype": "net_switch", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "100", "nicid": "101", "hostname": "net_switch0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "101", "usesdhcp": "False", "encryptionkey": null, "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "management_interface", "management_interface" ], 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Most managed switches have a \"Management VLAN\" that you can communicate with the Management IP on. When that IP address is not accessible, you are locked out of the switch. You can also lock yourself out by forgetting the password, or forgetting the IP address. \n\nIn EduNetworkBuilder, the only real way to lock yourself out is by setting all the VLANs on the management interface to \"forbidden\", or, if you \"forbid\" the vlan that the management interface uses.\n\nThis puzzle has one switch that you have been locked out of. Reset it (right-click). Then, you need to set the trunk-port (port1) to tagged for both vlans, and set the port that pc2 is on to be on vlan 2.", "fr_message": "Par défaut, les commutateurs sont gérés à l'aide de l'adresse IP \"Interface de gestion\". La plupart des commutateurs gérés ont un \"VLAN de gestion\" sur lequel vous pouvez communiquer avec l'IP de gestion. Lorsque cette adresse IP n'est pas accessible, vous êtes verrouillé hors du commutateur. Vous pouvez également vous verrouiller en oubliant le mot de passe ou en oubliant l'adresse IP.\n\nDans EduNetworkBuilder, le seul vrai moyen de se verrouiller est de mettre tous les VLAN de l'interface de gestion sur «interdit», ou, si vous «interdisez» le vlan que l'interface de gestion utilise.\n\nCe puzzle a un interrupteur que vous avez été bloqué. Réinitialisez-le (clic droit). 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