using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Drawing; using System.Xml; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.IO; namespace EduNetworkBuilder { [Serializable] public class NetTest { public string sHost = ""; public string dHost = ""; public Color WrongColor = Color.Red; public NetTestType TheTest = NetTestType.NeedsDefaultGW; public bool TaskWasDone = false; public int PacketNumber = -1; public NetTest(string srcHost, string dstHost, NetTestType tTest) { sHost = srcHost; dHost = dstHost; TheTest = tTest; SetInitialDoneState(); } public NetTest(NetTest FromWhat) { sHost = FromWhat.sHost; dHost = FromWhat.dHost; TheTest = FromWhat.TheTest; SetInitialDoneState(); } public NetTest(XmlNode theNode) { foreach (XmlNode Individual in theNode.ChildNodes) { XmlNodeType myNodetype = Individual.NodeType; if (myNodetype == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (Individual.Name.ToLower()) { case "sourcehost": case "shost": sHost = Individual.InnerText; break; case "desthost": case "dhost": dHost = Individual.InnerText; break; case "thetest": TheTest = NB.ParseEnum(Individual.InnerText); break; } } } SetInitialDoneState(); } public void SetInitialDoneState() { switch (TheTest) { case NetTestType.LockAll: case NetTestType.LockDHCP: case NetTestType.LockGateway: case NetTestType.LockIP: case NetTestType.LockNic: case NetTestType.LockRoute: case NetTestType.LockInterfaceVLAN: case NetTestType.LockNicVLAN: case NetTestType.LockVLANNames: case NetTestType.LockVLANsOnHost: TaskWasDone = true; break; } } public void Save(XmlWriter writer) { writer.WriteStartElement("nettest"); writer.WriteElementString("shost", sHost); writer.WriteElementString("dhost", dHost); writer.WriteElementString("thetest", TheTest.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); } public void UpdateValuesFromAnother(NetTest WhatFrom) { dHost = WhatFrom.dHost; sHost = WhatFrom.sHost; TheTest = WhatFrom.TheTest; WrongColor = WhatFrom.WrongColor; } public bool Equals(NetTest CompareTo) { if (sHost != CompareTo.sHost) return false; if (dHost != CompareTo.dHost) return false; if (TheTest != CompareTo.TheTest) return false; if (WrongColor != CompareTo.WrongColor) return false; return true; } public bool Edit() { NetTestEditor nte = new NetTestEditor(this); NetTest copy = new NetTest(this); nte.ShowDialog(); if (copy.Equals(this)) return false; return true; } private string TestDescription(NetTestVerbosity amount) { string toreturn = ""; switch(amount) { case NetTestVerbosity.basic: if(TheTest != NetTestType.ReadContextHelp) toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDscriptProblem"); else toreturn = NB.Translate("_ReadContext"); break; case NetTestVerbosity.hints: switch (TheTest) { case NetTestType.NeedsDefaultGW: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDscriptGteway"); break; // case NetTestType.NeedsPingToHost: // toreturn = "Cannot ping"; // break; case NetTestType.NeedsRouteToNet: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDscriptRout"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsLocalIPTo: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDscriptIP"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsLinkToDevice: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptConnect"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyArps: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptARP"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyDHCPs: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptDHCPIP"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyTraceroutes: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptTraceroute"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyPings: case NetTestType.SuccessfullyPingsAgain: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptPing"); break; case NetTestType.HelpRequest: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptHelp"); break; case NetTestType.FailedPing: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptPingHost"); break; case NetTestType.DHCPServerEnabled: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptDHCP"); break; case NetTestType.LockAll: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLock"); break; case NetTestType.LockDHCP: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockDHCP"); break; case NetTestType.LockIP: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockIP"); break; case NetTestType.LockNic: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockNIC"); break; case NetTestType.LockRoute: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockRout"); break; case NetTestType.LockGateway: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptGteway"); break; case NetTestType.LockVLANNames: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockVLANNames"); break; case NetTestType.LockVLANsOnHost: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockVLAN"); break; case NetTestType.LockNicVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockNicVLAN"); break; case NetTestType.LockInterfaceVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockInterfaceVLAN"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsTaggedVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptNeedsTaggedVLAN"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsUntaggedVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptNeedsUntaggedVLAN"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsForbiddenVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptNeedsForbiddenVLAN"); break; case NetTestType.ReadContextHelp: toreturn = NB.Translate("_ReadContext"); break; } break; case NetTestVerbosity.full: switch (TheTest) { case NetTestType.NeedsDefaultGW: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptGteway2"); break; // case NetTestType.NeedsPingToHost: // toreturn = "Cannot ping host:"; // break; case NetTestType.NeedsRouteToNet: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptRout2"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsLocalIPTo: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptIP2"); break; case NetTestType.NeedsLinkToDevice: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLink"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyArps: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptARP2"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyDHCPs: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptDHCPIP2"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyTraceroutes: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptTraceroute2"); break; case NetTestType.SuccessfullyPings: case NetTestType.SuccessfullyPingsAgain: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptPing2"); break; case NetTestType.HelpRequest: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptHelp2"); break; case NetTestType.FailedPing: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptPingFail"); break; case NetTestType.DHCPServerEnabled: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptDHCP2"); break; case NetTestType.LockAll: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLock") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockDHCP: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockDHCP") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockIP: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockIP") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockNic: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockNIC") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockRoute: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockRout") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockGateway: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptGteway") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockVLANNames: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockVLANNames") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockVLANsOnHost: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockVLAN") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockNicVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockNicVLAN") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.LockInterfaceVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptLockInterfaceVLAN") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.NeedsTaggedVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptNeedsTaggedVLAN") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.NeedsUntaggedVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptNeedsUntaggedVLAN") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.NeedsForbiddenVLAN: toreturn = NB.Translate("NT_TstDiscriptNeedsForbiddenVLAN") + ":"; break; case NetTestType.ReadContextHelp: toreturn = NB.Translate("_ReadContext"); break; } break; case NetTestVerbosity.none: toreturn = ""; break; } return toreturn; } public string GetDescription(NetTestVerbosity amount) { string toreturn = ""; if(TheTest == NetTestType.ReadContextHelp) { return TestDescription(amount) + " " + sHost; } switch(amount) { case NetTestVerbosity.basic: toreturn = sHost + " " + TestDescription(amount); break; case NetTestVerbosity.hints: toreturn = sHost + " " + TestDescription(amount); break; case NetTestVerbosity.full: toreturn = sHost + " " + TestDescription(amount) + " " + dHost; break; case NetTestVerbosity.none: toreturn = ""; break; } return toreturn; } public bool TestPiecesExist() { Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkDevice Source = theNet.GetDeviceFromName(sHost); NetworkDevice Dest = theNet.GetDeviceFromName(dHost); if (Source == null) return false; if (TheTest == NetTestType.DHCPServerEnabled) return true; //dest does not matter if (Dest == null) return false; return true; } public bool ColorItemsIfNeeded(bool ChangeColor) { bool WasDone = TaskWasDone; if(!TestComplete()) { if(TheTest == NetTestType.ReadContextHelp && ChangeColor) { BuilderWindow myWin = NB.GetBuilderWin(); if(myWin != null) { Control ctl = myWin.GetControlNamed(sHost); if (ctl == null) return false; ctl.BackColor = WrongColor; } return true; } if (TheTest == NetTestType.HelpRequest && dHost == "?Button" && ChangeColor) { BuilderWindow myWin = NB.GetBuilderWin(); if (myWin != null) { Control ctl = myWin.GetControlNamed("btnHelp"); if (ctl == null) return false; if(ctl.BackColor != WrongColor) ctl.BackColor = WrongColor; } return true; } if (TheTest == NetTestType.HelpRequest && dHost == "ViewButton" && ChangeColor) { BuilderWindow myWin = NB.GetBuilderWin(); if (myWin != null) { Control ctl = myWin.GetControlNamed("cbViewTitles"); if (ctl == null) return false; if (ctl.BackColor != WrongColor) ctl.BackColor = WrongColor; } return true; } Network theNet = NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkDevice Source = theNet.GetDeviceFromName(sHost); if(Source!= null) { if (ChangeColor) { Source.BackgroundColor = WrongColor; Source.IsDirty = true; //Make sure we re-draw it } return true; //We have a test that is not completed } return true; } if(WasDone == false) { //We just solved it for the first time TaskWasDone = true; NB.PlaySound(NBSoundType.success); NB.MarkToUpdate(); } return false; //No need to color anything } public void SetDone(int PacketID = -1) { if(TaskWasDone == false) { if (TheTest == NetTestType.FailedPing || TheTest == NetTestType.SuccessfullyArps || TheTest == NetTestType.SuccessfullyDHCPs || TheTest == NetTestType.SuccessfullyPings || TheTest == NetTestType.SuccessfullyPingsAgain || TheTest == NetTestType.SuccessfullyTraceroutes) PacketNumber = PacketID; //Track the packetID of the first packet to complete the task NB.PlaySound(NBSoundType.success); NB.MarkToUpdate(); } TaskWasDone = true; } public string GetInterfaceFromVLANInterfaceRequirement() { Match result = Regex.Match(dHost, @"(?[A-z:0-9]+) - (?\d+)"); if (result.Groups["interface"] != null) return result.Groups["interface"].Value; return ""; } public int GetIDFromVLANInterfaceRequirement() { int answer = -1; Match result = Regex.Match(dHost, @"(?[A-z:0-9]+) - (?\d+)"); if (result.Groups["id"] != null) int.TryParse( result.Groups["id"].Value, out answer); return answer; } /// /// See if the test has been solved /// /// public bool TestComplete(Network UseThisNet = null) { Network theNet = UseThisNet; if(theNet == null) theNet= NB.GetNetwork(); NetworkDevice Source = theNet.GetDeviceFromName(sHost); NetworkDevice Dest = theNet.GetDeviceFromName(dHost); IPAddress gw; IPAddress tAddr; switch(TheTest) { case NetTestType.NeedsDefaultGW: if (Source == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. if (Dest == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. gw = Source.GetGateway(); if(Dest.HasIPAddress(gw)) { //It has the IP. Is it local to the source? if(Source.LocalNic(gw) != null) { //The default gw is set to the IP of the dest //The IP address chosen is "local" to the source host. So it should ping between them return true; } } return false; //Something is not set right. case NetTestType.NeedsRouteToNet: if (Source == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. tAddr = theNet.DNSLookup(Source,dHost); if (tAddr == null || tAddr.GetIPString == NB.ZeroIPString) tAddr = new IPAddress(dHost); if (Source.HasRouteMatching(tAddr)) { IPAddress route = Source.RouteMatching(tAddr); if (Source.LocalNic(new IPAddress(route.GetGateway.ToIpString())) == null) return false; //The gateway specified is not local to the device. We cannot get to it return true; } return false; //if we get here, it has failed somehow case NetTestType.NeedsLocalIPTo: if (Source == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. if (Dest == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. tAddr = Source.LocalDeviceIP(Dest); IPAddress dAddress = Dest.LocalDeviceIP(Source); if (Dest.HasIPAddress(tAddr)) return false; //They gave the same address to the source that the dest has. if (!theNet.HasUniqueIP(tAddr, Source)) return false; //Verify we have not given the IP to someone else if (tAddr != null && tAddr.GetIPString != NB.ZeroIPString) { if(dAddress != null & dAddress.GetMask == tAddr.GetMask) return true; } return false; //Something is not set right. case NetTestType.NeedsLinkToDevice: if (Source == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. if (Dest == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. if (Source.HasLinkTo(dHost)) return true; return false; //Something is not set right. case NetTestType.SuccessfullyArps: case NetTestType.SuccessfullyDHCPs: case NetTestType.SuccessfullyPings: case NetTestType.SuccessfullyPingsAgain: case NetTestType.SuccessfullyTraceroutes: case NetTestType.HelpRequest: case NetTestType.ReadContextHelp: case NetTestType.FailedPing: return TaskWasDone; //This variable will tell us if these tests have been done. case NetTestType.DHCPServerEnabled: if (Source == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. //dHost is either "true" or "false" string srvr = Source.GetIsDHCPServer().ToString().ToLower(); string shouldbe = dHost.ToLower(); if (srvr == shouldbe) return true; break; case NetTestType.NeedsForbiddenVLAN: case NetTestType.NeedsTaggedVLAN: case NetTestType.NeedsUntaggedVLAN: if (Source == null) return false; //Unable to do it. Do not count it against them. string ifname = GetInterfaceFromVLANInterfaceRequirement(); if (ifname == "") return false; //unable to do it. string nicname = Regex.Replace(ifname, @":\w*",""); int id = GetIDFromVLANInterfaceRequirement(); //Find the nic NetworkCard nic = Source.NicFromName(nicname); if (nic == null) return false; //no matching nic //find the interface NetworkInterface nif = nic.InterfaceFromName(ifname); if (nif == null) return false; //no matchint interface //find the entry for the vlan VLANInfo vi = nif.GetVLANInfo(id); if (vi == null) return false; //No such vlan or something. if (TheTest == NetTestType.NeedsForbiddenVLAN && vi.Tag == VLANTagType.Forbidden) return true; if (TheTest == NetTestType.NeedsUntaggedVLAN && vi.Tag == VLANTagType.Untagged) return true; if (TheTest == NetTestType.NeedsTaggedVLAN && vi.Tag == VLANTagType.Tagged) return true; break; case NetTestType.LockAll: case NetTestType.LockDHCP: case NetTestType.LockIP: case NetTestType.LockNic: case NetTestType.LockRoute: case NetTestType.LockGateway: case NetTestType.LockInterfaceVLAN: case NetTestType.LockNicVLAN: case NetTestType.LockVLANsOnHost: case NetTestType.LockVLANNames: return true; //Nothing to solve. We just lock it so it cannot be changed. } return false; } public static T Clone(T source) { if (!typeof(T).IsSerializable) { throw new ArgumentException(NB.Translate("NC_CloneSerialzable"), NB.Translate("_source")); } // Don't serialize a null object, simply return the default for that object if (Object.ReferenceEquals(source, null)) { return default(T); } IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Stream stream = new MemoryStream(); using (stream) { formatter.Serialize(stream, source); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return (T)formatter.Deserialize(stream); } } } }