//This file contains the information about the puzzle (network) //Each puzzle is stored in the allpuzzles variable. We need to select one and use it var puzzle=networkFromName("Level0-Ping"); //var puzzle=networkFromName("Level0-NeedsLink"); //var puzzle=networkFromName("Level0_NetworkLoop"); //var puzzle=networkFromName("Level0_NetworkLoop2"); //var puzzle=networkFromName("Level0-SimpleDHCP"); //console.log(puzzle.name); var device=deviceFromName("laptop0"); if(device !== null) {console.log("We found laptop0");} else { console.log("Seems to be null"); } function switchPuzzle(target) { var newpuzzle=null; if(typeof(target)==="string") newpuzzle = networkFromName(target); if(typeof(target)==="number") newpuzzle = networkFromIndex(target); if(newpuzzle!= null) { puzzle = newpuzzle; PrintScreen(); } } function networkFromName(what) { let index=0; while (index < allpuzzles.length) { //console.log(allpuzzles[index].EduNetworkBuilder.Network.name); if(allpuzzles[index].EduNetworkBuilder.Network.name == what) { console.log("Found " + what + " at index " + index); return networkFromIndex(index); } index++; } } function networkFromIndex(what) { if(typeof(what)==="number" && what >= 0 && what < allpuzzles.length){ var newitem = structuredClone(allpuzzles[what].EduNetworkBuilder.Network); if (typeof (newitem.nettest) == "object") { var oneitem = newitem.nettest; //this is an object newitem.nettest = []; newitem.nettest.push(oneitem); //make it an one-item array. } return newitem; } return null; } function deviceHasProblem(Device) { var hostname = Device.hostname; console.log("Looking for tests on " + hostname + " and have: " + puzzle.nettest.length) for (var index = 0; index < puzzle.nettest.length; index++) { console.log("Found test: " + puzzle.nettest[index].shost) if (puzzle.nettest[index].shost == hostname) { if (puzzle.nettest[index].solved == null) { //It has not yet been solved. console.log("Found problem on device: " + hostname) return true; } } } return false; } function networkNamesMatchingText(textToMatch) { var list = []; var re = new RegExp(textToMatch); let index=0; while (index < allpuzzles.length) { //console.log(allpuzzles[index].EduNetworkBuilder.Network.name); if(re.test(allpuzzles[index].EduNetworkBuilder.Network.name)) { //console.log("Found " + textToMatch + " at index " + index + " " + allpuzzles[index].EduNetworkBuilder.Network.name); list.push(allpuzzles[index].EduNetworkBuilder.Network.name); } index++; } return list; } function deviceFromName(what) { if (puzzle == null) return null; //If the puzzle has not been set, return a null let index=0; while (index < puzzle.device.length) { if (puzzle.device[index].hostname == what) return puzzle.device[index]; //return the device that matches index++; } return null; //No match. return a null value } function deviceFromID(what) { if (puzzle == null) return null; //If the puzzle has not been set, return a null let index=0; while (index < puzzle.device.length) { if (puzzle.device[index].uniqueidentifier == what) return puzzle.device[index]; //return the device that matches index++; } return null; //No match. return a null value } //return a list of all the ip addresses a device has function ipsFromDevice(what) { var ipaddresses = []; for (var i = 0; i < what.nic.length; i++) { ipaddresses = ipaddresses.concat(ipsFromNic(what.nic[i])); } //console.log("Adding to nics " + ipaddresses.length); return ipaddresses; } function ipsFromInterface(what, nictype) { var ipaddresses = []; if (typeof (what.myip) === "array") { for (var x = 0; x < what.myip.length; x++) { var one = { nic: what.nicname, ip: what.myip[x].ip, mask: what.myip[x].mask, cidrip: what.myip[x].ip + "/" + NetmaskToCIDR(what.myip[x].mask), nictype: nictype, }; ipaddresses.push(one); } } else if (typeof (what.myip) === "object") { var one = { nic: what.nicname, ip: what.myip.ip, mask: what.myip.mask, cidrip: what.myip.ip + "/" + NetmaskToCIDR(what.myip.mask), nictype: nictype, }; ipaddresses.push(one); //console.log("found an ip object: " + JSON.stringify(one) + " " + nictype); } return ipaddresses; } function ipsFromNic(what) { var ipaddresses = []; //console.log("Looking at a nic: " + JSON.stringify(what)); if (typeof (what.interface) === "array") { for (var i = 0; i < what.interface.length; i++) { //console.log("Trying to add a nic." + what.interface[i].nicname); ipaddresses=ipaddresses.concat(ipsFromInterface(what.interface[i],what.nictype[0])); } } else if (typeof (what.interface) === "object") ipaddresses=ipaddresses.concat(ipsFromInterface(what.interface, what.nictype[0])); return ipaddresses; } function NetmaskToCIDR(mask) { var cidr = 0; var maskNodes = mask.match(/(\d+)/g); for (var i in maskNodes) { cidr += (((maskNodes[i] >>> 0).toString(2)).match(/1/g) || []).length; } return cidr; }