{ "EduNetworkBuilder": { "Network": { "en_message": "There is no switch. Add one and link the devices to it. Click on the switch and add it to the network (make sure you add a switch and not a hub). Then, drag links from the switch to the computers, choosing the ports to connect.", "fr_message": "Il n'y a pas de commutateur. Ajoutez-en un et associez-y les appareils. Cliquez sur le commutateur et ajoutez-le au réseau (assurez-vous d'ajouter un commutateur et non un concentrateur). Ensuite, faites glisser les liens du commutateur vers les ordinateurs, en choisissant les ports à connecter.", "en_title": "No Switch", "height": "1024", "width": "1024", "itemsize": "100", "showlabels": "none", "level": "0", "sortorder": "2", "uniqueidentifier": "119", "startinghelplevel": "full", "vlansenabled": "False", "VLANPacketColors": "False", "device": [ { "hostname": "pc0", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "100", "location": "187,465", "mytype": "pc", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "100", "nicid": "101", "hostname": "pc0", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "101", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": "eth0", "myid": { "hostid": "100", "nicid": "102", "hostname": "pc0", "nicname": "eth0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "102", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "eth0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } } ] }, { "hostname": "pc1", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "103", "location": "562,472", "mytype": "pc", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", "nicid": "104", "hostname": "pc1", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "104", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": "eth0", "myid": { "hostid": "103", "nicid": "105", "hostname": "pc1", "nicname": "eth0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "105", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "eth0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } } ] }, { "hostname": "pc2", "size": "100", "uniqueidentifier": "116", "location": "378,455", "mytype": "pc", "isdns": "False", "isdhcp": "False", "gateway": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "gw" }, "nic": [ { "nictype": [ "lo", "lo" ], "nicname": "lo0", "myid": { "hostid": "116", "nicid": "117", "hostname": "pc2", "nicname": "lo0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "117", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "lo0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } }, { "nictype": [ "eth", "eth" ], "nicname": "eth0", "myid": { "hostid": "116", "nicid": "118", "hostname": "pc2", "nicname": "eth0" }, "uniqueidentifier": "118", "usesdhcp": "False", "ssid": null, "interface": { "nicname": "eth0", "myip": { "ip": "", "mask": "", "gateway": "", "type": "ip" }, "VLAN": { "@ID": "1", "#text": "Untagged" } } } ] } ], "nettest": [ { "shost": "pc0", "dhost": "net_switch0", "thetest": "NeedsLinkToDevice" }, { "shost": "pc1", "dhost": "net_switch0", "thetest": "NeedsLinkToDevice" }, { "shost": "pc2", "dhost": "net_switch0", "thetest": "NeedsLinkToDevice" } ], "tag": [ "Link", "Switch" ], "VLANName": { "@ID": "1", "@Color": "Blue", "#text": "Default" } } } }