using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Globalization; using System.Resources; namespace EduNetworkBuilder { public partial class IPAddressEntry : Form { IPAddress WhatToEdit; IPAddress DHCPInterface=null; bool WellDone = true; NetworkDevice ParentDevice = null; Point StartLocation = new Point (50,50); public IPAddressEntry(IPAddress toEdit, NetworkDevice ToEdit, Form ParentForm, bool JustPinging=false) { InitializeComponent(); LanguagifyComponents(); if(ParentForm != null) { Point NewPoint = new Point(ParentForm.Location.X + (ParentForm.Width / 2), ParentForm.Location.Y + (ParentForm.Height / 2)); StartLocation = NewPoint; } ParentDevice = ToEdit; Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); IPAddress lastIP = myNet.RetrieveLastIP(); WhatToEdit = toEdit; string hostname = ""; if (ToEdit != null) hostname = ToEdit.hostname; if (toEdit.GetIP.ToIpString() == NB.ZeroIPString) { string lIP = lastIP.GetIP.ToIpString(); string lNM = lastIP.GetMask.ToIpString(); string lGW = lastIP.GetGateway.ToIpString(); switch (WhatToEdit.GetAddressType) { case lNM = NB.ZeroIPString; lGW = NB.ZeroIPString; break; case IPAddressType.ip: case IPAddressType.ip_only: if (!lNM.Contains("255")) lNM = ""; lGW = NB.ZeroIPString; break; case IPAddressType.route: break; } WhatToEdit.Reparse(lIP, lNM, lGW); } UpdateFieldsFromAddress(); switch (WhatToEdit.GetAddressType) { case tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbGateway.Visible = false; //This just confuses people tbIPAddress.Enabled = true; tbNetmask.Enabled = false; lblGateway.Visible = false; break; case IPAddressType.ip: tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbIPAddress.Enabled = true; tbNetmask.Enabled = true; break; case IPAddressType.route: tbGateway.Enabled = true; tbIPAddress.Enabled = true; tbNetmask.Enabled = true; break; case IPAddressType.ip_only: tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbIPAddress.Enabled = true; tbNetmask.Enabled = false; break; } //Disable anythingthatis locked switch (WhatToEdit.GetAddressType) { case if (myNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, tbIPAddress.Text, NetTestType.LockGateway)) { tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbIPAddress.Enabled = false; tbNetmask.Enabled = false; } break; case IPAddressType.ip: if (myNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, tbIPAddress.Text, NetTestType.LockIP)) { tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbIPAddress.Enabled = false; tbNetmask.Enabled = false; } break; case IPAddressType.route: if (myNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, tbIPAddress.Text, NetTestType.LockRoute)) { tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbIPAddress.Enabled = false; tbNetmask.Enabled = false; } break; case IPAddressType.ip_only: if (!JustPinging && myNet.ItemIsLocked(hostname, tbIPAddress.Text, NetTestType.LockIP)) { tbIPAddress.Enabled = false; } break; } } private void LanguagifyComponents() { //ResourceManager RM = NB.GetResource(); //CultureInfo CI = NB.GetCulture(); Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_lblIP"); Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_lblNetmask"); Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_lblGateway"); Text = NB.Translate("_Cancel"); Text = NB.Translate("_OK"); Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_Form"); } private void UpdateFieldsFromAddress() { tbIPAddress.Text = WhatToEdit.GetIP.ToIpString(); tbNetmask.Text = WhatToEdit.GetMask.ToIpString(); tbGateway.Text = WhatToEdit.GetGateway.ToIpString(); } private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WhatToEdit.Reparse(tbIPAddress.Text, tbNetmask.Text, tbGateway.Text); Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); myNet.StoreLastIP(WhatToEdit); Close(); } public bool Edit() { Location = StartLocation; ShowDialog(); return WellDone; } public bool Edit(NetworkDevice ToEdit, IPAddress DHCPif) { DHCPInterface = DHCPif; lblIP.Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_EditIf"); lblNetmask.Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_EditStart"); lblGateway.Text = NB.Translate("IPAE_EditEnd"); tbIPAddress.Enabled = false; tbGateway.Enabled = true; tbNetmask.Enabled = true; Network myNet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (myNet.ItemIsLocked(ToEdit.hostname, tbIPAddress.Text, NetTestType.LockDHCP)) { tbGateway.Enabled = false; tbIPAddress.Enabled = false; tbNetmask.Enabled = false; } Location = StartLocation; ShowDialog(); return WellDone; } private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateFieldsFromAddress(); WellDone = false; Close(); } private void tbGateway_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { Network mynet = NB.GetNetwork(); if (ParentDevice != null) { IPAddress tAddress = mynet.DNSLookup(ParentDevice, tbGateway.Text); } UInt32 taddress = tbGateway.Text.ParseIp(); UInt32 startaddress = tbNetmask.Text.ParseIp(); tbGateway.Text = taddress.ToIpString(); if (DHCPInterface != null) { //We also check to verify that the address is in the correct range if (!DHCPInterface.IsLocal(new IPAddress(tbGateway.Text))) { e.Cancel = true; MessageBox.Show(NB.Translate("IPAE_tbGateValEndIPRange")); } if (taddress < startaddress) { e.Cancel = true; MessageBox.Show(NB.Translate("IPAE_tbGateValIPEqualLarger")); } } } private void tbNetmask_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { UInt32 taddress = tbNetmask.Text.ParseIp(); tbNetmask.Text = taddress.ToIpString(); if (DHCPInterface != null) { //We also check to verify that the address is in the correct range if (!DHCPInterface.IsLocal(new IPAddress(tbNetmask.Text))) { e.Cancel = true; MessageBox.Show(NB.Translate("IPAE_tbNtmskValEndIPRange")); } } } private void tbIPAddress_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { UInt32 taddress; Network mynet = NB.GetNetwork(); IPAddress tIPAddress = null; if (ParentDevice != null) { tIPAddress = mynet.DNSLookup(ParentDevice, tbIPAddress.Text); } if(tIPAddress != null) { taddress = tIPAddress.GetIP; } else taddress = tbIPAddress.Text.ParseIp(); tbIPAddress.Text = taddress.ToIpString(); } public void SetText(string text) { this.Text = text; } private void IPAddressEntry_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { Point tLocation = new Point (StartLocation.X - Width, StartLocation.Y - Height); if (tLocation.X < 0 || tLocation.Y < 0) tLocation = new Point(50, 50); Location = tLocation; } } }