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4 Commits

2 changed files with 315 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -31,13 +31,17 @@ function textMenuPrint(TextToPrint, selectedindex = -1, highlightedindex = -1)
//If we get here, it is already created. Get the context
var cTMCctx = cachedTextMenuCanvas.getContext('2d');
var rect;
//Fill in the background
cTMCctx.fillStyle = tmWindowBackground;
cTMCctx.fillRect(0,0, cachedTextMenuCanvas.width, cachedTextMenuCanvas.height);
//Put the X there so we can click on it
cTMCctx.drawImage(imageFromName("x"),cachedTextMenuCanvas.width - tmScrollBarWidth,0,tmScrollBarWidth,tmMenuBarHight);
rect = makeRectangle(cachedTextMenuCanvas.width - tmScrollBarWidth, 0, tmScrollBarWidth, tmMenuBarHight, tmOutsideXMargin, tmOutsideYMargin);
cTMCctx.drawImage(imageFromName("x"),,, rect.deltax, rect.deltay);
registerActionStruct("square", rect, null, textwindow_XClick);
//Put the DownArrow there so we can click on it
cTMCctx.drawImage(imageFromName("ArrowUp"),cachedTextMenuCanvas.width - tmScrollBarWidth,tmMenuBarHight,tmScrollBarWidth,tmMenuBarHight);
@ -165,15 +169,7 @@ function TextWindow_handleMouseUp(evt)
//We clicked the X
//Dispose of the text window
//dispose of temp canvas; will recreate later if needed
cachedTextMenuCanvas = null;
cachedTextMenuTextCanvas = null;
//Redraw the screen
@ -195,6 +191,19 @@ function TextWindow_handleMouseUp(evt)
mouseDidMovement=false; //reset it after we raise the button
function textwindow_XClick(point, object) {
//When the x is clicked, we do not care about the position or object. There is no object
//Dispose of the text window
uiMode = 0;
//dispose of temp canvas; will recreate later if needed
cachedTextMenuCanvas = null;
cachedTextMenuTextCanvas = null;
//Redraw the screen
function PrintPuzzleSelectMenu(level=0)
var levellist=networkNamesMatchingText("Level"+level);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ var mouseDidMovement=false;
var imageSize=40;
var small_button_size = 20;
var uiDeviceInfoLevel = 1; //What do we display when we look at the network
var uiActions = [];//a list of things on the screen we can click on or process.
var ui_highlightRect = null;
var ui_HadHighlight = false;
//The user interface mode. 0=network, 1=network information, 2=puzzle-selection menu
var uiMode=1;
@ -25,7 +28,9 @@ const imageCollection = loadImages(
"shapes", "square", "switch",
"tablet", "tree", "vidimage",
"wap", "wbridge", "wrepeater",
"wrouter", "x", "info", "menu"],
"wrouter", "x", "info", "menu",
"eye", "queryuser",
["img/ArrowUp.png", "img/ArrowDown.png", "img/Animations.png",
"img/BurnMark.png", "img/cellphone.png", "img/Circle.png",
"img/Copier.png", "img/firewall.png", "img/fluorescent.png",
@ -36,7 +41,9 @@ const imageCollection = loadImages(
"img/Switch.png", "img/tablet.png", "img/tree.png",
"img/VidImage.png", "img/WAP.png", "img/WBridge.png",
"img/WRepeater.png", "img/WRouter.png", "img/X.png",
"img/info.png", "img/menu.png"],
"img/info.png", "img/menu.png", "img/eye.png",
InitializeGameMenu // this is called when all images have loaded.
@ -86,37 +93,73 @@ function PrintScreen(WhatPassedIn=-1)
var what=uiMode;
if(WhatPassedIn >=0) what=WhatPassedIn;
//Clear out any old ActionStructs. They will get filled in as we print the screen.
console.log("PrintingScreen for mode: " + what);
var rect;
if(what == 0)
//The network drawing mode. Print the network
//Clear the old screen
MainCanvas_ctx.fillStyle = maincanvasBackground;
MainCanvas_ctx.fillRect(0,0, MainCanvas.width, MainCanvas.height);
//Draw the puzzle-select button
//Put the X there so we can click on it
MainCanvas_ctx.drawImage(imageFromName("menu"),MainCanvas.width - small_button_size,0,small_button_size,small_button_size);
//The network drawing mode. Print the network
//Clear the old screen
MainCanvas_ctx.fillStyle = maincanvasBackground;
MainCanvas_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, MainCanvas.width, MainCanvas.height);
//Draw the info button
MainCanvas_ctx.drawImage(imageFromName("info"),MainCanvas.width - small_button_size,small_button_size,small_button_size,small_button_size);
else if(what == 1) //PuzzleDescription/Info
//Do any highlight we need to
if (ui_highlightRect !== null) {
//console.log("trying to highlight something: " + JSON.stringify(ui_highlightRect));
MainCanvas_ctx.fillStyle = "white";
MainCanvas_ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3; //mostly transparent
if (ui_highlightRect.shapeText == "square")
MainCanvas_ctx.fillRect(,, ui_highlightRect.deltax, ui_highlightRect.deltay);
else if (ui_highlightRect.shapeText == "line") {
var oldWidth = MainCanvas_ctx.lineWidth;
MainCanvas_ctx.lineWidth += 4;
MainCanvas_ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
MainCanvas_ctx.lineTo(ui_highlightRect.dx, ui_highlightRect.dy);
MainCanvas_ctx.lineWidth = oldWidth;
MainCanvas_ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
MainCanvas_ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; //reset
MainCanvas_ctx.fillStyle = "black"; //reset
ui_HadHighlight = true;
else ui_HadHighlight = false;
//Draw the puzzle-select button
//Put the X there so we can click on it
rect = makeRectangle(MainCanvas.width - small_button_size, 0, small_button_size, small_button_size);
registerActionStruct("square", rect, null, ui_PuzzleChoiceMenuLeftClick, null, generic_mouseoverHighlight);
//Draw the info button
rect = makeRectangle(MainCanvas.width - small_button_size, small_button_size, small_button_size, small_button_size);
MainCanvas_ctx.drawImage(imageFromName("info"),,, rect.deltax, rect.deltay);
registerActionStruct("square", rect, null, ui_InfoLeftClick, null, generic_mouseoverHighlight);
//Draw the eye button
rect = makeRectangle(MainCanvas.width - small_button_size, small_button_size * 2, small_button_size, small_button_size);
MainCanvas_ctx.drawImage(imageFromName("eye"),,, rect.deltax, rect.deltay);
registerActionStruct("square", rect, null, ui_eyeLeftClick, null, generic_mouseoverHighlight);
else if(what == 1) //PuzzleDescription/Info
//Display the text about the puzzle
else if(what == 2) //PuzzleSelect
else if(what == 2) //PuzzleSelect
function handleTouchStart(evt)
@ -151,6 +194,79 @@ function handleMouseDown(evt)
if(uiMode==0) SelectMenu_handleMouseDown(mouseDownLocation);
function CheckForActions(actionPoint, action) {
if (uiActions.length >= 0) {
var checkit = false;
var inside = false;
for (var index = 0; index < uiActions.length; index++) {
if (action == "leftclick" && uiActions[index].funcLeftClick !== null) checkit = true;
if (action == "rightclick" && uiActions[index].funcRightClick !== null) checkit = true;
if (action == "mouseover" && uiActions[index].funcMouseover !== null) checkit = true;
checklocation = uiActions[index];
var point = newPointFromPair(actionPoint.pageX - checklocation.shapePoints.offsetx, actionPoint.pageY - checklocation.shapePoints.offsety);
if (checkit) {
//See if the click is inside the shape
if (checklocation.shapeText == "square") {
if (pointInRect(point, checklocation.shapePoints))
inside = true;
if (checklocation.shapeText == "line") {
if (pointInRect(point, checklocation.shapePoints)) {
//console.log("inside line square");
//We are inside the box. Now determine if we are on the line...
var d1 = distance(,, actionPoint.pageX, actionPoint.pageY);
d1 += distance(checklocation.shapePoints.dx, checklocation.shapePoints.dy, actionPoint.pageX, actionPoint.pageY);
var d2 = distance(,, checklocation.shapePoints.dx, checklocation.shapePoints.dy);
if (Math.abs(d1 - d2) < 3) {
inside = true;
//console.log("on a line!");
if (inside) {
//console.log("Is inside");
switch (action) {
case "leftclick":
if (checklocation.funcLeftClick != null) {
checklocation.funcLeftClick(actionPoint, checklocation);
//console.log("Successfully did a UI action");
return true;
case "mouseover":
if (checklocation.funcMouseover != null) {
checklocation.funcMouseover(actionPoint, checklocation);
//console.log("Successfully did a UI action");
return true;
return false;
function pointInRect(point, rectangle) {
if (point.x >= Math.min(,rectangle.dx)) {
if (point.x <= Math.max(, rectangle.dx)) {
if (point.y >= Math.min(, rectangle.dy)) {
if (point.y <= Math.max(, rectangle.dy)) {
return true;
return false;
//return the distance between two points
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
function handleMouseUp(evt)
@ -170,59 +286,83 @@ function handleMouseUp(evt)
{ //If we are not dragging, it is a click
var myevt = copyLocation(evt);
//console.log("evt:" + JSON.stringify(myevt));
if (CheckForActions(myevt, "leftclick")) return; //If we did this, do not do anything else.
if(uiMode==1) TextWindow_handleMouseUp(evt);
else if(uiMode==2) TextWindow_handleMouseUp(evt);
else if(uiMode==0 && evt.pageX >= MainCanvas.width - small_button_size)
console.log("clicked far enough x wise");
//We may be clicking on one of the small buttons
if(evt.pageY < small_button_size)
//We clicked on the puzzle-select menu
console.log("PuzzleSelect pressed");
} else if(evt.pageY < small_button_size *2)
console.log("Selected info button");
//It is the info button
mouseDidMovement=false; //reset it after we raise the button
function ui_PuzzleChoiceMenuLeftClick(evt) {
//We clicked on the puzzle-select menu
console.log("PuzzleSelect pressed in action");
uiMode = 2;
function ui_eyeLeftClick(evt) {
console.log("Selected 'eye' button in action");
//It is the eye button
if (uiDeviceInfoLevel > 3) uiDeviceInfoLevel = 0;
function ui_InfoLeftClick(evt) {
console.log("Selected info button in action");
//It is the info button
uiMode = 1;
function handleMouseMove(evt)
let deltaX = evt.pageX - mouseDownLocation.pageX;
let deltaY = evt.pageY - mouseDownLocation.pageY;
if(isNaN(deltaY)) deltaY=0;
if(isNaN(deltaX)) deltaX=0;
//we are dragging
//console.log('mousemove ' + evt.pageX + " " + evt.pageY + " delta " + deltaY );
if(uiMode == 0)
let deltaX = evt.pageX - mouseDownLocation.pageX;
let deltaY = evt.pageY - mouseDownLocation.pageY;
if(isNaN(deltaY)) deltaY=0;
if(isNaN(deltaX)) deltaX=0;
//we are dragging
//console.log('mousemove ' + evt.pageX + " " + evt.pageY + " delta " + deltaY );
if(uiMode == 0)
else //Mouse is not down. Not dragging
var needrefresh = false;
var oldRect = structuredClone(ui_highlightRect);
if (!CheckForActions(evt, "mouseover")) {
//We did not find anything
if (JSON.stringify(ui_highlightRect) === JSON.stringify(oldRect)) {
else {
//console.log("Rects are not equal:" + JSON.stringify(ui_highlightRect) + " - " + JSON.stringify(oldRect) )
needrefresh = true;
ui_highlightRect = null; //nothing to highlight
if (ui_HadHighlight) { needrefresh = true; }
if (needrefresh) {
function copyLocation({ pageX, pageY }) {
@ -234,25 +374,31 @@ function PrintNetworkLink(linkToPrint)
//We should have passed in a working link, make sure it exists
if(linkToPrint !== null)
if(linkToPrint.SrcNic !== null && linkToPrint.DestNic !== null)
//console.log("printing link from " + linkToPrint.SrcNic.hostname);
sdevice = deviceFromID(linkToPrint.SrcNic.hostid);
ddevice = deviceFromID(linkToPrint.DstNic.hostid);
if(sdevice !== null && ddevice !== null)
//We have an existing link with two devices. Find the device locations and print
var spoint = convertXYPointToActual(newPointFromString(sdevice.location));
var dpoint = convertXYPointToActual(newPointFromString(ddevice.location));
if(linkToPrint.SrcNic !== null && linkToPrint.DestNic !== null)
//console.log("printing link from " + linkToPrint.SrcNic.hostname);
sdevice = deviceFromID(linkToPrint.SrcNic.hostid);
ddevice = deviceFromID(linkToPrint.DstNic.hostid);
if(sdevice !== null && ddevice !== null)
//We have an existing link with two devices. Find the device locations and print
var spoint = convertXYPointToActual(newPointFromString(sdevice.location));
var dpoint = convertXYPointToActual(newPointFromString(ddevice.location));
//Now we draw a line between them
//Make an actionstruct
var actionLine = makeLine(spoint.x, spoint.y, dpoint.x, dpoint.y);
registerActionStruct("line", actionLine, linkToPrint, null, null, generic_mouseoverHighlight);
var old
//Now we draw a line between them
function PrintAllNetworkLinks()
@ -275,18 +421,22 @@ function PrintNetworkDevice(ToPrint)
if(ToPrint !== null)
var rect = deviceRectangle(ToPrint);
var actionrect = makeRectangle(rect.spoint.x, rect.spoint.y, rect.width, rect.height);
var dname = ToPrint.mytype;
if(dname=="net_switch") dname="switch";
if(dname=="net_hub") dname="hub";
//console.log("printing device " + dname);
MainCanvas_ctx.drawImage(imageFromName(dname), rect.spoint.x, rect.spoint.y, rect.width, rect.height);
registerActionStruct("square", actionrect, ToPrint, null, null, generic_mouseoverHighlight);
//Now, we see if we need to print the name, or a list of IPs..
var xpoint =;
var ystart = rect.epoint.y; //the bottom-most Y point
var gap = 3;
var delta;
var ipaddresses = ipsFromDevice(ToPrint);
console.log("addresses: " + JSON.stringify(ipaddresses));
//console.log("addresses: " + JSON.stringify(ipaddresses));
switch (uiDeviceInfoLevel) {
case 0:
//Do not print anything
@ -297,7 +447,7 @@ function PrintNetworkDevice(ToPrint)
case 2:
case 3:
console.log("printing device " + ToPrint.hostname);
//console.log("printing device " + ToPrint.hostname);
//Print both the name and the IP addresses
if (uiDeviceInfoLevel == 2) {
delta = printCenteredText(MainCanvas_ctx, ToPrint.hostname, xpoint, ystart) + gap;
@ -306,11 +456,11 @@ function PrintNetworkDevice(ToPrint)
//print the ip addresses
for (var x = 0; x < ipaddresses.length; x++) {
//Print the IP address if the type is correct.
switch (ipaddresses[x].nictype) {
case "eth":
case "management_interface":
console.log("Found a " + ipaddresses[x].nictype)
//console.log("Found a " + ipaddresses[x].nictype)
let mystring = ipaddresses[x].cidrip;
delta = printCenteredText(MainCanvas_ctx, mystring, xpoint, ystart);
ystart += (delta / 2);
@ -402,3 +552,73 @@ function deviceRectangle(theDevice)
return rect;
function makeRectangle(x1, y1, deltax, deltay, offsetx = 0, offsety = 0) {
//The offset is for when we are drawing on a cached surface. It adds x or y to the point we are looking at
var struct = {
sx: x1,
sy: y1,
dx: x1 + deltax,
dy: y1 + deltay,
deltay: deltay,
deltax: deltax,
offsetx: offsetx,
offsety: offsety,
return struct;
function makeLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, offsetx = 0, offsety = 0) {
var linestruct = makeRectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, offsetx, offsety);
//console.log("Creating a line: " + JSON.stringify(linestruct));
return linestruct;
//Make a structure to hold all our data
function actionStruct(shapeText, shapePoints, theObject=null, funcLeftClick=null, funcRightClick=null, funcMouseover=null) {
var struct = {
shapeText: shapeText,
shapePoints: structuredClone(shapePoints),
theObject: theObject,
funcLeftClick: funcLeftClick,
funcRightClick: funcRightClick,
funcMouseover: funcMouseover,
shapePoints.shapeText = shapeText;
return struct;
function registerActionStruct(shapeText, shapePoints, theObject=null, funcLeftClick=null, funcRightClick=null, funcMouseover=null) {
//Make an object with all the data
var what = actionStruct(shapeText, shapePoints, theObject, funcLeftClick, funcRightClick, funcMouseover);
//console.log("Pushing an action: " + shapeText);
//Push it onto the uiActions list
uiActions.unshift(what); //Put it at the beginning of the list
//console.log("ActionList: " + JSON.stringify(uiActions));
function clearActionStructs() {
uiActions = [];
//This takes generic information for us to highlight the background
function generic_mouseoverHighlight(point, actionrec) {
//console.log("Found highlight " + JSON.stringify(actionrec));
//The point is the place where the mouse is, but the actionrec.shapePoints is the rectangle (or shape) we want to highlight
var oldrec = structuredClone(ui_highlightRect);
if (actionrec.shapeText == "square") {
ui_highlightRect = structuredClone(actionrec.shapePoints);
ui_highlightRect.shapeText = "square";
//console.log("setting highlights to:" + JSON.stringify(ui_highlightRect));
if (actionrec.shapeText == "line") {
ui_highlightRect = structuredClone(actionrec.shapePoints);
ui_highlightRect.shapeText = "line";
//console.log("setting highlights to:" + JSON.stringify(ui_highlightRect));
if (JSON.stringify(ui_highlightRect) === JSON.stringify(oldrec)) {
//they are the same. Nothing to do
PrintScreen(); //two different areas. Need to print the screen