2506 lines
131 KiB

<?php /** @noinspection PhpMissingDocCommentInspection */
* TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
* TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
* added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact TimeTrex headquarters at Unit 22 - 2475 Dobbin Rd. Suite
* #292 West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9, Canada or at email address info@timetrex.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
* version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
* "Powered by TimeTrex" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
* feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
* the words "Powered by TimeTrex".
class MiscTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
* @var bool
private $legal_entity_id;
* @var bool
private $company_id;
public function setUp(): void {
Debug::text( 'Running setUp(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US', LC_ALL, true ); //This fixes problems with NumberFormat when the locale is changed and not changed back.
TTDate::setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver', true ); //Due to being a singleton and PHPUnit resetting the state, always force the timezone to be set.
public function tearDown(): void {
Debug::text( 'Running tearDown(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
* @group testEncryptionA
function testEncryptionA() {
//Make sure we force the salt so its consistent even when the timetrex.ini.php is not.
global $config_vars;
$config_vars['other']['salt'] = 'f0328b0863222ff98b848537fe1038b2';
$str = 'This is a sample string to be encrypted and decrytped.';
$encrypted_str = Misc::encrypt( $str );
$decrypted_str = Misc::decrypt( $encrypted_str );
$this->assertEquals( $str, $decrypted_str );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '<=' ) ) { //PHP v7.2+ no longer has MCRYPT extension.
//can we still decrypt version 1?
$mastercard_unencrypted = 5454545454545454;
$mastercard_old_encrypted = 'oqp5HtmFgYCiqnke2YWBgA==';
$decrypted_str = Misc::decrypt( $mastercard_old_encrypted );
$this->assertEquals( $mastercard_unencrypted, $decrypted_str );
$visa_unencrypted = 4111111111111111;
$visa_old_encrypted = '4G30xI80TEZf8RFMRPE56w==';
//testing upgrading encryption from version1 to version2
$decrypted_str = Misc::decrypt( $visa_old_encrypted );
//does v1 decryption work?
$this->assertEquals( $visa_unencrypted, $decrypted_str );
//does v1 upgrade cleanly to v2 encrypt?
$new_encrypted_value = Misc::encrypt( $decrypted_str );
$decrypted_str = Misc::decrypt( $new_encrypted_value );
$this->assertEquals( $visa_unencrypted, $decrypted_str );
//decrypt unencrypted data
$this->assertEquals( $visa_unencrypted, Misc::decrypt( $visa_unencrypted ) );
//check the case for the colon.
$x = 'x:z';
$this->assertEquals( $x, Misc::decrypt( $x ) );
//Test that changing the salt will not decrypt the string.
$str = 'This is a sample string to be encrypted and decrytped.';
$encrypted_str = Misc::encrypt( $str );
$config_vars['other']['salt'] = 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz';
$decrypted_str = Misc::decrypt( $encrypted_str );
$this->assertNotEquals( $str, $decrypted_str );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerA
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerA() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
//if ( $db_host_arr[2] == 100 ) {
// $db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'].'9', $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
//} else {
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
//Debug::Arr( $db_connection_obj, 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1);
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [];
$max = 1000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'write' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$this->assertGreaterThan( 400, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertLessThan( 600, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 400, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertLessThan( 600, $retarr[1] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerB
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerB() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
[ $host, 'write', 200 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
//if ( $db_host_arr[2] == 100 ) {
// $db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'].'9', $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
//} else {
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
//Debug::Arr( $db_connection_obj, 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1);
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [];
$max = 1000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'write' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$this->assertGreaterThan( 200, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertLessThan( 450, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 450, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertLessThan( 800, $retarr[1] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerC
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerC() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 0 ],
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0 ];
$max = 1000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'write' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$diff = abs( $retarr[0] - $retarr[1] );
$this->assertEquals( 1000, $diff );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerD
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerD() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 0 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0 ];
$max = 1000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
//$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'write' );
$connection_id = $db->getLoadBalancedConnection( 'write' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$diff = abs( $retarr[0] - $retarr[1] );
$this->assertEquals( 1000, $diff );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerE
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerE() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 10 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 200 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0 ];
$max = 1000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'readonly' );
//$connection_id = $db->getLoadBalancedConnection( 'write' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$this->assertGreaterThan( 1, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertLessThan( 100, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 250, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertLessThan( 400, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 550, $retarr[2] );
$this->assertLessThan( 750, $retarr[2] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerF
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerF() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 10 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 200 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$db->removeConnection( 1 ); //Remove first slave to test failover.
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0 ];
$max = 1000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
//$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'readonly' );
$connection_id = $db->getLoadBalancedConnection( 'readonly' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$this->assertGreaterThan( 1, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertLessThan( 100, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 800, $retarr[2] );
$this->assertLessThan( 1000, $retarr[2] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerG
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerG() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0 ];
$max = 100;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$db->Execute( 'SELECT 1' );
//$connection_id = $db->getConnectionByWeight( 'readonly' );
$connection_id = $db->getLoadBalancedConnection( 'readonly' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
if ( $retarr[0] > 0 ) {
$this->assertEquals( 100, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[2] );
} else if ( $retarr[1] > 0 ) {
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertEquals( 100, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[2] );
} else if ( $retarr[2] > 0 ) {
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[0] );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertEquals( 100, $retarr[2] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerH
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerH() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 0 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0 ];
$max = 100;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
//Test going in/out of transactions to make sure they are pinned to the master properly.
if ( $i == 10 || $i == 80 ) {
$db->Execute( 'SELECT 1' );
if ( $i == 20 || $i == 90 ) {
$connection_id = $db->getLoadBalancedConnection( 'readonly' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$this->assertEquals( 20, $retarr[0] ); //20 transaction in total pinned to master.
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 0, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 100, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 0, $retarr[2] );
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 100, $retarr[2] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerI
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerI() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 0 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
$retarr = [ 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0 ];
$max = 100;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
//Test going in/out of *nested* transactions to make sure they are pinned to the master properly.
if ( $i == 10 || $i == 15 ) {
$db->Execute( 'SELECT 1' );
if ( $i == 20 || $i == 25 ) {
$connection_id = $db->getLoadBalancedConnection( 'readonly' );
if ( !isset( $retarr[$connection_id] ) ) {
$retarr[$connection_id] = 0;
$this->assertEquals( 15, $retarr[0] ); //15 transaction in total pinned to master.
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 0, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 100, $retarr[1] );
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 0, $retarr[2] );
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 100, $retarr[2] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerSessionVarsA
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerSessionVarsA() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
if ( strncmp( $db->databaseType, 'postgres', 8 ) == 0 ) {
$db->getConnectionById( 0 );
$db->getConnectionById( 1 );
$time_zone = 'America/New_York';
//SET calls should be intercepted and run on the entire cluster automatically.
$db->Execute( 'SET SESSION TIME ZONE ' . '\''. $time_zone .'\'' );
$results = $db->ClusterExecute( 'SHOW TIME ZONE', false, true, true ); //Only existing connections.
$this->assertCount( 2, $results ); //Only two connections established so far.
foreach ( $results as $key => $rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key . ' Result: ' . $rs->fields['TimeZone'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( !$rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'], 'Query failed!' );
} else {
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'] );
//Test cluster wide execution.
$db->ClusterExecute( 'SET SESSION TIME ZONE ' . $db->qstr( $time_zone ), false, true, false );
$results = $db->ClusterExecute( 'SHOW TIME ZONE', false, true, false );
$this->assertCount( 3, $results );
foreach ( $results as $key => $rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key . ' Result: ' . $rs->fields['TimeZone'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( !$rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'], 'Query failed!' );
} else {
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'] );
* @group MiscTest_testDatabaseLoadBalancerSessionVarsB
function testDatabaseLoadBalancerSessionVarsB() {
global $config_vars;
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'adodb-loadbalancer.inc.php' );
$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer();
//In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host.
$host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $config_vars['database']['host'] );
$host = $host_arr[0][0];
$db_hosts = [
[ $host, 'write', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
[ $host, 'readonly', 100 ],
foreach ( $db_hosts as $db_host_arr ) {
Debug::Text( 'Adding DB Connection...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$db_connection_obj = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $config_vars['database']['type'], $db_host_arr[1], $db_host_arr[2], (bool)$config_vars['database']['persistent_connections'], $db_host_arr[0], $config_vars['database']['user'], $config_vars['database']['password'], $config_vars['database']['database_name'] );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->SetFetchMode( ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC );
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->noBlobs = true; //Optimization to tell ADODB to not bother checking for blobs in any result set.
$db_connection_obj->getADODbObject()->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
$db->addConnection( $db_connection_obj );
unset( $type, $db_connection_obj );
if ( strncmp( $db->databaseType, 'postgres', 8 ) == 0 ) {
$time_zone = 'America/New_York';
$db->setSessionVariable( 'TIME ZONE', '\''. $time_zone .'\'' );
$db->getConnectionById( 0 );
$db->getConnectionById( 1 );
$results = $db->ClusterExecute( 'SHOW TIME ZONE', false, true, true ); //Only existing connections.
$this->assertCount( 2, $results ); //Only two connections established so far.
foreach ( $results as $key => $rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key . ' Result: ' . $rs->fields['TimeZone'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( !$rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'], 'Query failed!' );
} else {
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'] );
$db->getConnectionById( 2 );
//Test cluster wide execution.
$results = $db->ClusterExecute( 'SHOW TIME ZONE', false, true, false );
$this->assertCount( 3, $results );
foreach ( $results as $key => $rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key . ' Result: ' . $rs->fields['TimeZone'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( !$rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'], 'Query failed!' );
} else {
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'] );
//Change timezone, make sure it happens across all connections.
$time_zone = 'America/Chicago';
$db->setSessionVariable( 'TIME ZONE', '\''. $time_zone .'\'' );
//Test cluster wide execution.
$results = $db->ClusterExecute( 'SHOW TIME ZONE', false, true, false );
$this->assertCount( 3, $results );
foreach ( $results as $key => $rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key . ' Result: ' . $rs->fields['TimeZone'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( !$rs ) {
Debug::Text( 'Testing result from connection: ' . $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'], 'Query failed!' );
} else {
$this->assertEquals( $time_zone, $rs->fields['TimeZone'] );
* @group MiscTest_testBeforeAndAfterDecimal
function testBeforeAndAfterDecimal() {
$this->assertEquals( '0', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '53', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 53 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-53', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -53 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '3', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 3.14 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-3', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -3.14 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-3', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -3.1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '510', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 510.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-510', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -510.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789012', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 123456789012.12 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234567890', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 1234567890.1234 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 123456789.123456789 ) ); // Float precision overflow
$this->assertEquals( '123456789', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( '123456789.123456789' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-123456789012', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -123456789012.12 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-1234567890', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -1234567890.1234 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-123456789', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -123456789.123456789 ) ); // Float precision overflow
$this->assertEquals( '-123456789', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( '-123456789.123456789' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '10', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -3.1, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -3.1, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '14', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 3.14 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '14', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -3.14 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '90', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 510.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '90', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -510.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -123456789.123456789, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 123456789012.12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 1234567890.1234, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12346', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 123456789.123456789, false ) ); // Float precision overflow
$this->assertEquals( '123456789', Misc::getAfterDecimal( '123456789.123456789', false ) ); //Passed as string, so no float precision overflow.
$this->assertEquals( '12', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -123456789012.12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -1234567890.1234, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12346', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -123456789.123456789, false ) ); // Float precision overflow
$this->assertEquals( '123456789', Misc::getAfterDecimal( '-123456789.123456789', false ) ); //Passed as string, so no float precision overflow.
* @group MiscTest_testFormatNumber
function testFormatNumber() {
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.00', true ), '100.00' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100', true ), '100.00' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.01000', true ), '100.01' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.0101', true ), '100.0101' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.0100', true, 1, 2 ), '100.01' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.0123', true, 1, 2 ), '100.01' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.1', true, 1, 2 ), '100.1' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100', true, 1, 2 ), '100.0' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.1000', false, 1, 2 ), '100.1' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.1234', false, 1, 2 ), '100.12' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100', false, 1, 2 ), '100' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100', false ), '100' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.12345', false ), '100.12' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.0000', true, 0, 2 ), '100' );
$this->assertSame( TTi18n::FormatNumber( '100.0000', true, 0, 2 ), '100' ); //Make sure we don't get "100."
* @group MiscTest_testMoneyFormat
function testMoneyFormat() {
//see the I18nTest that compares this function to the numberformat in i18n.
Debug::Text( 'Thousands Separator: ' . TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() . ' Decimal Symbol: ' . TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == ',' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == '.' ) {
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.152, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.151, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.15, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.15, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.10', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.1, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12345.50', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.5, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.12', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12,345.12', Misc::MoneyFormat( -12345.12345 ) );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
Debug::Text( 'Thousands Separator: ' . TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() . ' Decimal Symbol: ' . TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
$this->assertEquals( '12.345,12', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.345,12', Misc::MoneyFormat( -12345.12345 ) );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
* @group MiscTest_testUnitConvert
function testUnitConvert() {
$this->assertEquals( 1, UnitConvert::convert( 'mm', 'mm', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000, UnitConvert::convert( 'm', 'mm', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0.001, UnitConvert::convert( 'mm', 'm', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000, UnitConvert::convert( 'km', 'm', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0.001, UnitConvert::convert( 'm', 'km', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1609344, UnitConvert::convert( 'mi', 'mm', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( UnitConvert::convert( 'mm', 'mi', 1 ), ( 1 / 1609344 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0.62137119223733395, UnitConvert::convert( 'km', 'mi', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.6093439999999999, UnitConvert::convert( 'mi', 'km', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0.00062137119223733392, UnitConvert::convert( 'm', 'mi', 1 ) );
* @group MiscTest_testPasswordStrength
function testPasswordStrength() {
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '1' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '1234' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '12345' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '123456' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '1234567' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '12345678' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '123456789' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '1234567890' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '12345678901' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '123456789012' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '1234567890123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '12345678901234' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '123456789012345' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '987654321' ) ); //Backwards
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'a' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'ab' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abc' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcd' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcde' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdef' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefg' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefgh' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghi' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghij' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghijk' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghijkl' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghijklm' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghijklmn' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefghijklmno' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'ihgfedcba' ) ); //Backwards
//Half letters, half numbers
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'a1' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'ab12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abc123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcd1234' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcde12345' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdef123456' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefg1234567' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdefgh12345678' ) );
//All the same char.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'aaaaaa' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'aaabbb' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'aaaccc' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '111111' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '111222' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '111333' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '123123' ) );
//Some what real passwords.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'test' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'pear' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'orange' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '!Qa12' ) ); //Unique, but not enough characters to make it difficult.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '2000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '696969' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'trustno1' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abababababababab' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcabcabcabcabc' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcdabcdabcdabcd' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abcd.abcd^abcd#abcd' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'abc123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'test123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'admin123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'pear123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'pear1234' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'pear12345' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 4, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'orange123456' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'car123456789' ) ); //Too many consecutive.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'cars123456789' ) ); //Too many consecutive.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'orange123456789' ) ); //Too many consecutive.
$this->assertEquals( 6, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'superabundant123456789' ) ); //Too many consecutive.
$this->assertEquals( 4, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'cars.8.apple' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 4, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'cars.8#apple' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'password' ) ); //Dictionary word
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'Password' ) ); //Dictionary word
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'password1' ) ); //Dictionary word with one extra char.
$this->assertEquals( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'password11' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '1password' ) ); //Dictionary word with one extra char.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'password!' ) ); //Dictionary word with one extra char.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( '!password' ) ); //Dictionary word with one extra char.
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'qwerty' ) ); //Dictionary word
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'dragon' ) ); //Dictionary word
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'superabundant' ) ); //Dictionary word
$this->assertEquals( 5, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'Super.Abundant#41' ) ); //Dictionary word
$this->assertEquals( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'pearappleorange' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 5, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'pear.apple@orange#strawberry' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 4, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'superabundant123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 5, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'Superabundant.123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 5, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'Super^91Pear.87' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 5, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'Super^91Bop.87' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 7, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( 'a1j8U4y7K2qA.#@5.' ) );
* @group MiscTest_testRandomPasswordStregth
function testRandomPasswordStregth() {
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++ ) {
$random_password = TTPassword::generateRandomPassword( 14 );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 3, TTPassword::getPasswordStrength( $random_password ), $random_password ); //14 character random password should always be above 3 on the password strength.
* @group testLockFile
function testLockFile() {
global $config_vars;
$lock_file_name = $config_vars['cache']['dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'unit_test' . '.lock';
@unlink( $lock_file_name );
//Test with default timeout.
$lock_file = new LockFile( $lock_file_name );
if ( $lock_file->exists() == false ) {
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $lock_file->getCurrentPID() );
$this->assertEquals( true, $lock_file->isPIDRunning( $lock_file->getCurrentPID() ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, $lock_file->exists() );
$this->assertEquals( false, $lock_file->exists() );
//Test with really short timeout
$lock_file = new LockFile( $lock_file_name );
$lock_file->max_lock_file_age = 1;
if ( $lock_file->exists() == false ) {
Debug::Text( ' Sleeping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
sleep( 2 );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $lock_file->getCurrentPID() );
$this->assertEquals( true, $lock_file->isPIDRunning( $lock_file->getCurrentPID() ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, $lock_file->exists() );
$this->assertEquals( false, $lock_file->exists() );
//Test without PID
$lock_file = new LockFile( $lock_file_name );
$lock_file->use_pid = false;
$lock_file->max_lock_file_age = 1;
if ( $lock_file->exists() == false ) {
sleep( 2 );
$this->assertEquals( false, $lock_file->getCurrentPID() );
$this->assertEquals( false, $lock_file->isPIDRunning( $lock_file->getCurrentPID() ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $lock_file->exists() );
$this->assertEquals( false, $lock_file->exists() );
* @group testRemoteHTTP
function testRemoteHTTP() {
global $config_vars;
$url = 'www.timetrex.com/blank.html';
$header_size = (int)Misc::getRemoteHTTPFileSize( 'http://' . $url );
$this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$header_size ); //30 Bytes.
$header_size = (int)Misc::getRemoteHTTPFileSize( 'https://' . $url );
$this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$header_size ); //30 Bytes.
$temp_file_name = tempnam( $config_vars['cache']['dir'], 'unit_test_http_' );
$size = Misc::downloadHTTPFile( 'http://' . $url, $temp_file_name );
//Debug::Text( ' Temp File Name: '. $temp_file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$this->assertEquals( (int)$size, (int)$header_size ); //Make sure the downloaded size matches the header size too.
$this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$size ); //30 Bytes.
$this->assertEquals( filesize( $temp_file_name ), (int)$size ); //30 Bytes.
unlink( $temp_file_name );
$temp_file_name = tempnam( $config_vars['cache']['dir'], 'unit_test_http_' );
//Debug::Text( ' Temp File Name: '. $temp_file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$size = (int)Misc::downloadHTTPFile( 'https://' . $url, $temp_file_name );
$this->assertEquals( (int)$size, (int)$header_size ); //Make sure the downloaded size matches the header size too.
$this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$size ); //30 Bytes.
$this->assertEquals( filesize( $temp_file_name ), (int)$size ); //30 Bytes.
unlink( $temp_file_name );
//Test downloading to the same file that should already exist from above.
//Debug::Text( ' Temp File Name: '. $temp_file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$size = (int)Misc::downloadHTTPFile( 'https://' . $url, $temp_file_name );
$this->assertEquals( (int)$size, (int)$header_size ); //Make sure the downloaded size matches the header size too.
$this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$size ); //30 Bytes.
$this->assertEquals( filesize( $temp_file_name ), (int)$size ); //30 Bytes.
unlink( $temp_file_name );
//Test downloading to a directory without permissions, or one that doesn't exist.
$temp_file_name = '/root' . tempnam( $config_vars['cache']['dir'], 'unit_test_http_' );
Debug::Text( ' Temp File Name: ' . $temp_file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$retval = Misc::downloadHTTPFile( 'https://' . $url, $temp_file_name );
$this->assertEquals( false, $retval ); //Download should fail without PHP warnings.
@unlink( $temp_file_name );
* @group testgetAmountToLimit
function testgetAmountToLimit() {
//Positive Amount and Positive Limit, should return amount up to the limit.
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 1, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 50, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 50, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 98, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 98, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 99, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 101, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 200, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 201, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 1001, 100 ) );
//Positive Amount and Negative Limit should always return 0
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 101, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 99, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 98, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 0, -100 ) );
//Positive amounts and 0 limit should always return the amount.
$this->assertEquals( 101, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 101, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 99, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 98, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 98, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 0, 0 ) );
//Negative amounts, but positive limits should always return 0.
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -101, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -99, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -98, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 0, 100 ) );
//Negative amounts and 0 limit should always return the amount.
$this->assertEquals( -101, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -101, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -99, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -98, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -98, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 0, 0 ) );
//Negative amounts and negative limits should be treated as "getAmountDownToLimit".
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -1001, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -200, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -101, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -99, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -98, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -98, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -50, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -50, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -1, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -1, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -0, -100 ) );
//Test non-float/integer limit
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, null ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, null ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, '' ) );
//Test float/int 0 limit
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( 100, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( -100, 0 ) );
//Amount DIff. - Positive Amount and Positive Limit, should return amount up to the limit.
$this->assertEquals( 300, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -200, 100 ) ); //This could be 0, or +300, or 100?
$this->assertEquals( 101, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1, 100 ) ); //This could be 0, or +101
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 99, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 50, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 50, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 98, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 99, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 100, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 101, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 200, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 201, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1001, 100 ) );
//Amount Diff Negative amounts and negative limits should be treated as "getAmountDownToLimit".
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1001, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -200, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -101, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -100, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -1, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -99, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -2, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -98, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -50, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -50, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -99, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -0, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -100, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 0, -100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -101, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1, -100 ) ); //This could be 0, or -101
$this->assertEquals( -300, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 200, -100 ) ); //This could be 0, or -300
//When limit is 0, the result should be the opposite sign of the amount. Treated as AmountDifferenceDownToLimit essentially.
$this->assertEquals( 5000, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -5000, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 50, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -50, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -2, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 0, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -1, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -2, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 2, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -50, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 50, 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -5000, Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 5000, 0 ) );
//Mimic how UserDeduction handles Fixed Amount w/Target for Loan amounts.
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1001, 0 ), 100 ) ); //0 is the amount difference, so the result is 0.
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 101, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 100, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 99, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 0, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -99, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -100, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -101, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1001, 0 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1001, 1 ), 100 ) ); //0 is the amount difference, so the result is 0.
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 101, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 100, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 99, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 0, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 2, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -99, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -100, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -101, 1 ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1001, 1 ), 100 ) );
//UserDeduction could possibly uses abs() so a limit of 0 will continue to work if the amount is higher or lower than it.
// Since the Tax/Deduction record is almost always a Employee Deduction, the resulting amount should always be a positive value.
// This seems like a way to shoot the user in the foot though as it would allow incorrect setup where balance amount is positive rather than negative to "kinda work"
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1001, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -101, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -100, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -99, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( -1, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 0, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 99, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 99, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 100, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 101, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 100, Misc::getAmountToLimit( abs( Misc::getAmountDifferenceToLimit( 1001, 0 ) ), 100 ) );
* @group testgetAmountAroundLimit
function testgetAmountAroundLimit() {
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 100, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 0, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 99, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 50, 'under_limit' => 50, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 50, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 99, 'under_limit' => 1, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 99, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 100, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 100, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 100, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 101, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 100, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 50 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 150, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 100, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 101 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 201, 0, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 90, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 0, 10, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 89, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 10, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 49, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 50, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 2, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 97, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 1, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 98, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 99, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 100, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 101, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 5 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 105, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 100 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 200, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 10, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 0, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 9, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 8, 'under_limit' => 2, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 8, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 9, 'under_limit' => 1, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 9, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 10, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 11, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 2 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 12, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 40 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 50, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 0, 100, 100 ) );
//Test with negative amounts around the limit.
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 11, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -11, 'under_limit' => 21, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -11, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -10, 'under_limit' => 15, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -10, 95, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -5, 'under_limit' => 5, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -10, 105, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -10, 110, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 10 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -10, 120, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -11, 111, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 10 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -10, 120, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -11, 'under_limit' => 11, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -11, 100, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 11, 90, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -1, 101, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -1, 'under_limit' => 1, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -1, 100, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 9 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 10, 99, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 8 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -1, 109, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 3 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -5, 108, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -2, 'under_limit' => 2, 'over_limit' => 0 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( -5, 103, 100 ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 2, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 3 ], Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 5, 98, 100 ) );
//Test an example that may be used in a report to ensure the YTD amount never exceeds the limit.
$ytd_amount = 0;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 0, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 100, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 0, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 10, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 90, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 10, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 50, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 50, 'under_limit' => 40, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 60, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 30, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 30, 'under_limit' => 10, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 90, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 9, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 9, 'under_limit' => 1, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 99, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 1, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 100, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 1, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 1 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 100, $ytd_amount );
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( 99, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 99 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 100, $ytd_amount );
//Test an example that may be used in a report to ensure the YTD amount never exceeds the limit. Include negative amounts too.
$ytd_amount = 0;
$ytd_adjusted_amount = 0;
$current_amount = 0;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 100, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 0, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = 10;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 10, 'under_limit' => 90, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 10, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 10, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = 50;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 50, 'under_limit' => 40, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 60, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 60, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = 30;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 30, 'under_limit' => 10, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 90, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 90, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = -10;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -10, 'under_limit' => 20, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 80, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 80, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = 30;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 20, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 10 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 110, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 100, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = -5;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => 0, 'under_limit' => 0, 'over_limit' => 5 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 105, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 100, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
$current_amount = -10;
$tmp_amount_around_limit_arr = Misc::getAmountAroundLimit( $current_amount, $ytd_amount, 100 );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'adjusted_amount' => -5, 'under_limit' => 5, 'over_limit' => 0 ], $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr );
$ytd_amount += $current_amount;
$ytd_adjusted_amount += $tmp_amount_around_limit_arr['adjusted_amount'];
$this->assertEquals( 95, $ytd_amount );
$this->assertEquals( 95, $ytd_adjusted_amount );
* @group testMoneyRoundDifference
function testMoneyRoundDifference() {
$this->assertEquals( 0.00, Misc::MoneyRoundDifference( '100.01', 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -0.001, Misc::MoneyRoundDifference( '100.011', 2 ) ); //Rounded Value=100.01, Different is -0.001
$this->assertEquals( 0.005, Misc::MoneyRoundDifference( '100.015', 2 ) ); //Rounded Value=100.02, Different is -0.001
$this->assertEquals( 0.001, Misc::MoneyRoundDifference( '100.019', 2 ) ); //Rounded Value=100.02, Different is -0.001
$this->assertEquals( 0.0000001, Misc::MoneyRoundDifference( '100.0199999', 2 ) );
* @group testIsSubDirectory
function testIsSubDirectory() {
$parent_dir = '/';
$child_dir = '/var';
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var';
$child_dir = '/usr';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var';
$child_dir = '/usr/';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var/';
$child_dir = '/usr/';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
//Test with directories that do not exist.
$parent_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688';
$child_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688Test';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688/';
$child_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688Test/';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688Test';
$child_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688';
$child_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688/storage';
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
$parent_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688/';
$child_dir = '/var/www/TimeTrex556688/storage/';
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
//This directory should exist for this test to be accurate.
$parent_dir = '/etc/cron.d';
$child_dir = '/etc/cron.daily';
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::isSubDirectory( $child_dir, $parent_dir ) );
* @group testSOAPClient
function testSOAPClient() {
$ttsc = TTnew( 'TimeTrexSoapClient' ); /** @var TimeTrexSoapClient $ttsc */
$this->assertEquals( true, $ttsc->ping() );
* @group testCensorString
function testCensorString() {
$this->assertEquals( '*', Misc::censorString( '0' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '**', Misc::censorString( '00' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0*0', Misc::censorString( '000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0**0', Misc::censorString( '0000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0***0', Misc::censorString( '00000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00**00', Misc::censorString( '000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00***00', Misc::censorString( '0000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00****00', Misc::censorString( '00000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '000***000', Misc::censorString( '000000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123***789', Misc::censorString( '123456789' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456********567890', Misc::censorString( '12345678901234567890' ) );
//censorString( $str, $censor_char = '*', $min_first_chunk_size = NULL, $ma*_first_chunk_size = NULL, $min_last_chunk_size = NULL, $ma*_last_chunk_size = NULL )
$this->assertEquals( '4111********4444', Misc::censorString( '4111222233334444', '*', 4, 4, 4, 4 ) );
$uf = TTnew( 'UserFactory' ); /** @var UserFactory $uf */
$this->assertEquals( '*', $uf->getSecureSIN( '0' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '**', $uf->getSecureSIN( '00' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '***', $uf->getSecureSIN( '000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '****', $uf->getSecureSIN( '0000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '*****', $uf->getSecureSIN( '00000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '******', $uf->getSecureSIN( '000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0**0000', $uf->getSecureSIN( '0000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0***0000', $uf->getSecureSIN( '00000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0****0000', $uf->getSecureSIN( '000000000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1****6789', $uf->getSecureSIN( '123456789' ) );
* @group testUUID
function testUUIDUniqueness() {
//Make sure UUIDs are unique at least across 1 million tight iterations.
$max = 1000000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$uuid_arr[] = TTUUID::generateUUID();
$unique_uuid_arr = array_unique( $uuid_arr );
$this->assertSameSize( $uuid_arr, $unique_uuid_arr );
unset( $uuid_arr, $unique_uuid_arr );
* @group testUUIDTruncate
function testUUIDTruncate() {
//Make sure UUIDs converted from INTs still get the most unique UUID data first.
$this->assertEquals( '000000192136', TTUUID::truncateUUID( TTUUID::getConversionPrefix() . '-000000192136', 12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '000000191922', TTUUID::truncateUUID( TTUUID::getConversionPrefix() . '-000000191922', 12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '9af47bc0af20', TTUUID::truncateUUID( '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922', 12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '24dc7bc0af20', TTUUID::truncateUUID( '11e7b349-24dc-7bc0-af20-21ea65522ba3', 12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '9af4e9e0b077', TTUUID::truncateUUID( '11e7a84a-9af4-e9e0-b077-21ea65522ba3', 12, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '9af4-e9e0-b0', TTUUID::truncateUUID( '11e7a84a-9af4-e9e0-b077-21ea65522ba3', 12, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '9af4-e9e0-b077', TTUUID::truncateUUID( '11e7a84a-9af4-e9e0-b077-21ea65522ba3', 15, true ) ); //Only 14 chars due to trailing dash being removed.
* @group testUUIDParsing
function testUUIDParsing() {
//Make sure UUIDs converted from INTs still get the most unique UUID data first.
$this->assertEquals( '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922', TTUUID::castUUID( ' 11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922 ' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922', TTUUID::castUUID( '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922' ) );
/** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( [ '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922' ] ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( null, TTUUID::castUUID( null, true ) ); //Allow NULLs
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( null, false ) ); //Don't allow NULLs
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', TTUUID::castUUID( '0' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, TTUUID::isUUID( '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922' ) );
/** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */
$this->assertEquals( false, TTUUID::isUUID( [ '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922' ] ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, TTUUID::isUUID( ' 11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922 ' ) ); //This is not trimmed as it has to be able to go straight into PostgreSQL without complaint.
$tmp_primary_key_is_uuid = $PRIMARY_KEY_IS_UUID; //Save current UUID key setting.
$this->assertEquals( 0, TTUUID::castUUID( '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( null, TTUUID::castUUID( null, true ) ); //Allow NULLs
$this->assertEquals( 0, TTUUID::castUUID( null, false ) ); //Don't allow NULLs
$this->assertEquals( 0, TTUUID::castUUID( false ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, TTUUID::castUUID( true ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, TTUUID::castUUID( 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, TTUUID::castUUID( '0' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 0, TTUUID::castUUID( 'a1e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 110000000, TTUUID::castUUID( '11e7b349-9af4-7bc0-af20-999999191922' ) ); //PHP quirk in casting to int because it starts with a digit.
$this->assertEquals( 123456789, TTUUID::castUUID( 123456789 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 123456789, TTUUID::castUUID( '123456789' ) );
$PRIMARY_KEY_IS_UUID = $tmp_primary_key_is_uuid; //Restore original UUID key setting.
* @group testUUIDSorting
function testUUIDSorting() {
//Make sure UUIDs can be sorted and appear in time order as they were created.
$max = 10000;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
$uuid_arr[] = TTUUID::generateUUID();
$sorted_uuid_arr = $uuid_arr;
sort( $sorted_uuid_arr );
$diff_uuid_arr = array_diff_assoc( $uuid_arr, $sorted_uuid_arr );
$this->assertCount( 0, $diff_uuid_arr );
//Reverse the sort and confirm all differences.
rsort( $sorted_uuid_arr );
$diff_uuid_arr = array_diff_assoc( $uuid_arr, $sorted_uuid_arr );
$this->assertEquals( count( $diff_uuid_arr ), $max );
//Use a strcmp sort and confirm it still is in the correct order.
usort( $sorted_uuid_arr, 'strcmp' );
$diff_uuid_arr = array_diff_assoc( $uuid_arr, $sorted_uuid_arr );
$this->assertCount( 0, $diff_uuid_arr );
//Natural sort will be the wrong order and therefore have many differences.
usort( $sorted_uuid_arr, 'strnatcasecmp' );
$diff_uuid_arr = array_diff_assoc( $uuid_arr, $sorted_uuid_arr );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, count( $diff_uuid_arr ) );
unset( $uuid_arr, $sorted_uuid_arr, $diff_uuid_arr );
* @group testStringToUUID
function testStringToUUID() {
$this->assertEquals( 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( false ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( null ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( '') );
$this->assertEquals( 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffff1', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( '1') );
$this->assertEquals( 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-123456789012', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( '123456789012') );
$this->assertEquals( '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( '12345678901234567890123456789012') );
$this->assertEquals( '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012', TTUUID::convertStringToUUID( '12345678901234567890123456789012ZZZZZZ') );
* @group testRemoveTrailingZeros
function testRemoveTrailingZeros() {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$this->assertEquals( 12.9, Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.90 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.900 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.9000 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.9000, 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -12.9, Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.90 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.900 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.9000 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.9000, 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.9' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.90' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.900' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.9000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.9000', 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.9' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.90' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.900' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.9000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.9000', 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,9', 1 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,90', 2 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,900', 3 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,9000', 4 ) ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
$this->assertEquals( 12.9, Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.90 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.900 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.9000 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 12.9000, 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( -12.9, Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.9 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.90 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.900 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.9000 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( -12.9000, 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.9' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.90' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.900' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.9000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '12.9000', 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.9' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.90' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.900' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.9000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.900', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '-12.9000', 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,9', 1 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,90', 2 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,900', 3 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,9000', 4 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,9', 1 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,90', 2 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,900', 3 ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.90', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( TTi18n::parseFloat( '12,9000', 4 ) ) );
* @group testMoneyRound
function testMoneyRound() {
$this->assertEquals( 1.12, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.1234, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.12, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.12456, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.13, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.1256, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1234567890.15, Misc::MoneyRound( 1234567890.145, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1234567890123456780.15, Misc::MoneyRound( 1234567890123456780.145, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1234567890123456789123456789.15, Misc::MoneyRound( 1234567890123456789123456789.145, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000000000000000000000000000000000.15, Misc::MoneyRound( 1000000000000000000000000000000000.145, 2 ) );
$currency_obj = new CurrencyFactory();
$currency_obj->setRoundDecimalPlaces( 3 );
$this->assertEquals( 1.123, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.1234, null, $currency_obj ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.124, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.12444, null, $currency_obj ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.126, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.1256, null, $currency_obj ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.123, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.1234, 2, $currency_obj ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.124, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.12444, 2, $currency_obj ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1.126, Misc::MoneyRound( 1.1256, 2, $currency_obj ) );
* @group testInArrayKey
function testOptionGetByValue() {
$options = [
10 => 'test1',
20 => 'Test2',
30 => 'TEST3',
$this->assertEquals( 10, Option::getByValue( 'test1', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( 10, Option::getByValue( 'Test1', $options ) ); //Test case insensitive match
$this->assertEquals( 10, Option::getByValue( 'TEST1', $options ) ); //Test case insensitive match
$this->assertEquals( 20, Option::getByValue( 'Test2', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( 20, Option::getByValue( 'test2', $options ) ); //Test case insensitive match
$this->assertEquals( 20, Option::getByValue( 'TEST2', $options ) ); //Test case insensitive match
$this->assertEquals( 30, Option::getByValue( 'TEST3', $options ) );
* @group testFloatComparison
function testFloatComparison() {
$float1 = (float)845.92;
$float2 = (float)14.3;
$float3 = (float)860.22;
$added_floats = ( $float1 + $float2 ); //860.22
if ( $added_floats == $float3 ) {
$this->assertTrue( false ); //This is to show the float comparison problem. Actual value should be opposite of this.
} else {
$this->assertTrue( true );
if ( $added_floats >= $float3 ) {
$this->assertTrue( false ); //This is to show the float comparison problem. Actual value should be opposite of this.
} else {
$this->assertTrue( true );
$this->assertEquals( 0, bccomp( $added_floats, $float3 ) ); //0=Equal
$this->assertEquals( 0, bccomp( $added_floats, (float)860.22 ) ); //0=Equal
$this->assertEquals( 1, bccomp( $added_floats, (float)860.21 ) ); //1=Greater Than
$this->assertEquals( -1, bccomp( $added_floats, (float)860.23 ) ); //-1=Less Than
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, $float3, '==' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.22, '==' ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.21, '==' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.22, '>=' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.21, '>=' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.01, '>=' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.22, '<=' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.23, '<=' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.33, '<=' ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.22, '>' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.21, '>' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.01, '>' ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.22, '<' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.23, '<' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, Misc::compareFloat( $added_floats, (float)860.33, '<' ) );
* @group testStripDuplicateSlashes
function testStripDuplicateSlashes() {
$this->assertEquals( 'http://www.domain.com/test/test2/test3/api.php', Environment::stripDuplicateSlashes( 'http://www.domain.com//test//test2//test3/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'www.domain.com/test/test2/test3/api.php', Environment::stripDuplicateSlashes( 'www.domain.com//test//test2//test3/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '/api/json/api.php', Environment::stripDuplicateSlashes( '/api//json//api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '/api/json/api.php', Environment::stripDuplicateSlashes( '//api//json//api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '/api/json/api.php', Environment::stripDuplicateSlashes( '//////api///////json//////api.php' ) );
* @group testAuthenticationParseEndPointAPI
function testAuthenticationParseEndPointAPI() {
global $config_vars;
define( 'TIMETREX_JSON_API', true ); //Need to have at least API define() set.
$authentication = new Authentication;
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/interface';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/interface/';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/interface//';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '//interface//';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/interface//////';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '//////interface//////';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/timetrex/interface';
$this->assertEquals( 'json/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/timetrex//api/json/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/timetrex//api/soap/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'report/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/timetrex//api/report/api.php' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'time_clock/api', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/timetrex//api/time_clock/api.php' ) );
* @group testAuthenticationParseEndPointLegacySOAP
function testAuthenticationParseEndPointLegacySOAP() {
global $config_vars;
define( 'TIMETREX_LEGACY_SOAP_API', true ); //Its possible TIMETREX_JSON_API is still defined when this run, if the above function runs first.
$authentication = new Authentication;
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/interface';
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/soap/server.php' ) );
$config_vars['path']['base_url'] = '/timetrex/interface';
$this->assertEquals( 'soap/server', $authentication->parseEndPointID( '/timetrex//soap/server.php' ) );
* @group testHumanSizeToBytes
function testHumanSizeToBytes() {
$this->assertEquals( -1, convertHumanSizeToBytes( '-1' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, convertHumanSizeToBytes( '1' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000, convertHumanSizeToBytes( '1000' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000, convertHumanSizeToBytes( '1K' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000000, convertHumanSizeToBytes( '1M' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1000000000, convertHumanSizeToBytes( '1G' ) );
* @group testFilesDelete
function testFilesDelete() {
//Check to make sure all files listed in files.delete don't exist, as they should already be deleted or this should be a fresh GIT checkout.
// This ensures that a files isn't added to files.delete that is still in GIT.
$file_list = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files.delete';
if ( file_exists( $file_list ) ) {
$file_list_data = file_get_contents( $file_list );
$files = explode( "\n", $file_list_data );
unset( $file_list_data );
if ( is_array( $files ) ) {
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( $file != '' ) {
$file = Environment::getBasePath() . str_replace( [ '/', '\\' ], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file ); //Prefix base path to all files.
$this->assertEquals( false, file_exists( $file ), 'File still exists in GIT: '. $file );
* @group testMimeType
function testMimeType() {
$this->assertEquals( 'text/x-php', Misc::getMimeType( __FILE__ ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'image/jpeg', Misc::getMimeType( Environment::getBasePath() .'/interface/images/powered_by.jpg' ) );
* @group testSharedMemory
function testSharedMemory() {
$random_key = uniqid( 'unit_test', true );
$data = 'test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123test123';
$prev_umask = umask( 0117 ); //Make cached files group read/write so unit tests can be run as someone other than www-data.
$shared_memory = new SharedMemory();
$save_result = $shared_memory->set( $random_key, $data );
$this->assertEquals( true, $save_result );
$get_result = $shared_memory->get( $random_key );
$this->assertEquals( $data, $get_result );
$delete_result = $shared_memory->delete( $random_key );
$this->assertEquals( true, $delete_result );
//Key should be deleted and not return anything now.
$get_result = $shared_memory->get( $random_key );
$this->assertEquals( false, $get_result );
umask( $prev_umask );
* @group testComposerPackages
function testComposerPackages() {
//Non-Pear packages
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Browser') );
require_once ( Environment::getBasePath() . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cbschuld' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'browser.php' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Browser.php' );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Browser') );
// Composer PEAR packages. These should not need to be required() first, but should still work if they are.
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('PEAR') );
require_once( 'PEAR.php' );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('PEAR') );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Mail') );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Mail_mime') );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Mail_mimePart') );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('MIME_Type') );
//PEAR packages in classes/pear/ -- Make sure they don't conflict with Composer packages.
// *NOTE* These need to be manually required and can't use the autoloader directly.
$this->assertEquals( false, class_exists('HTTP_Download') );
require_once( 'HTTP/Download.php' );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('HTTP_Download') );
$this->assertEquals( false, class_exists('Config') );
require_once( 'Config.php' );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Config') );
$this->assertEquals( false, class_exists('Numbers_Words') );
require_once( 'Numbers/Words.php' );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Numbers_Words') );
$this->assertEquals( false, class_exists('Validate') );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Validate') );
$this->assertEquals( false, class_exists('Validate_Finance_CreditCard') );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Validate_Finance_CreditCard') );
$this->assertEquals( false, class_exists('Payment_Process') );
require_once( 'Payment/Process.php' );
$this->assertEquals( true, class_exists('Payment_Process') );
* @group testOptionGetByFuzzyValue
function testOptionGetByFuzzyValue() {
$options = [
10 => 'Active',
20 => 'Inactive',
30 => 'Leave - Maternity',
40 => 'Leave - Illness',
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'A', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Activ', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Active', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Active|', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( '"Active"', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, Option::getByFuzzyValue( '"Act"', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, Option::getByFuzzyValue( '"Aktive"', $options ) ); //Exact match, so ignore metaphone and fail this match.
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Aktive', $options ) ); //Metaphone match
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 10 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Aktiv', $options ) ); //Metaphone ending wildcard match.
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 30, 1 => 40 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Leave', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 30, 1 => 40 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Leeve', $options ) ); //Metaphone ending wildcard match.
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 40 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Leave - Illness', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Leave|', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 40 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Leave*Illness', $options ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 0 => 40 ], Option::getByFuzzyValue( 'Leave%Illness', $options ) );
* @group testCountFuturePayPeriodsBiWeekly
function testCountFuturePayPeriodsBiWeekly() {
$dd = new DemoData();
$dd->setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures.
$dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests.
$this->company_id = $dd->createCompany();
$this->legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $this->company_id, 10 );
Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$dd->createCurrency( $this->company_id, 10 );
$dd->createUserWageGroups( $this->company_id );
$this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->company_id ) );
//Create Bi-Weekly (26 Pay Periods Schedule)
$pps_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodScheduleFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodScheduleFactory $pps_obj */
$pps_obj->setName( 'Bi-Weekly (26)' );
$pps_obj->setType( 20 );
$pps_obj->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$pps_obj->setAnchorDate( TTDate::strtotime( '01-Jan-2000' ) );
$pps_obj->setShiftAssignedDay( 10 );
$pps_obj->setDayStartTime( 0 );
$pps_obj->setNewDayTriggerTime( 14400 );
$pps_obj->setMaximumShiftTime( 57600 );
$pps_obj->setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver' );
$pps_obj->setStartWeekDay( 0 );
$pps_obj->setStartDayOfWeek( 0 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyType( 10 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyBeforeEndDate( 0 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyBeforeTransactionDate( 0 );
$pps_obj->setCreateDaysInAdvance( 16 );
$pps_obj->setAutoCloseAfterDays( 3 );
$pps_obj->setPrimaryDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setPrimaryTransactionDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setSecondaryDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setSecondaryTransactionDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( false );
$pps_obj->setTransactionDate( 7 );
$pps_obj->setTransactionDateBusinessDay( 2 );
//Get ID so we can use it later.
$pay_period_schedule_id = $pps_obj->getNextInsertId();
$pps_obj->setId( $pay_period_schedule_id );
if ( $pps_obj->isValid() ) {
$pps_obj->Save( false, true );
$pp_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodFactory $pp_obj */
$pp_obj->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$pp_obj->setPayPeriodSchedule( $pay_period_schedule_id );
$pp_obj->setStartDate( TTDate::strtotime( '16-Dec-2000' ) );
$pp_obj->setEndDate( TTDate::strtotime( '31-Dec-2000' ) );
$pp_obj->setTransactionDate( TTDate::strtotime( '01-Jan-2001' ) );
$pp_obj->setPrimary( true );
$pp_obj->setEnableImportOrphanedData( false );
$pp_obj->setStatus( 10 );
if ( $pp_obj->isValid() ) {
$pp_obj->Save( false );
$this->assertEquals( 26, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate() ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 52, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 1, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 78, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 2, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 104, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 3, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 130, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 4, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 156, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 5, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 183, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 6, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 27 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 209, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 7, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 235, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 8, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 261, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 9, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 287, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 10, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 313, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 11, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 339, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 12, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 365, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 13, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 391, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 14, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 417, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 15, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 443, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 16, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 470, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 17, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 27 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 496, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 18, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 522, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 19, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 548, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 20, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 574, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 21, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 600, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 22, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 626, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 23, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 652, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 24, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 678, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 25, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 704, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 26, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 730, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 27, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 757, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 28, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 27 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 783, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 29, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 809, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 30, 'year' ) ) ) );
* @group testCountFuturePayPeriodsBiWeeklyTwoYearsInFuture
function testCountFuturePayPeriodsBiWeeklyTwoYearsInFuture() {
$dd = new DemoData();
$dd->setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures.
$dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests.
$this->company_id = $dd->createCompany();
$this->legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $this->company_id, 10 );
Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$dd->createCurrency( $this->company_id, 10 );
$dd->createUserWageGroups( $this->company_id );
$this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->company_id ) );
//Create Bi-Weekly (26 Pay Periods Schedule)
$pps_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodScheduleFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodScheduleFactory $pps_obj */
//Get 01-Jan two years in the future.
$start_period_epoch = TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::getTime() ), 380, 'day' ) );
$pps_obj->setName( 'Bi-Weekly (26)' );
$pps_obj->setType( 20 );
$pps_obj->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$pps_obj->setAnchorDate( $start_period_epoch );
$pps_obj->setShiftAssignedDay( 10 );
$pps_obj->setDayStartTime( 0 );
$pps_obj->setNewDayTriggerTime( 14400 );
$pps_obj->setMaximumShiftTime( 57600 );
$pps_obj->setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver' );
$pps_obj->setStartWeekDay( 0 );
$pps_obj->setStartDayOfWeek( 0 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyType( 10 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyBeforeEndDate( 0 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyBeforeTransactionDate( 0 );
$pps_obj->setCreateDaysInAdvance( 16 );
$pps_obj->setAutoCloseAfterDays( 3 );
$pps_obj->setPrimaryDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setPrimaryTransactionDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setSecondaryDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setSecondaryTransactionDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( false );
$pps_obj->setTransactionDate( 7 );
$pps_obj->setTransactionDateBusinessDay( 2 );
//Get ID so we can use it later.
$pay_period_schedule_id = $pps_obj->getNextInsertId();
$pps_obj->setId( $pay_period_schedule_id );
if ( $pps_obj->isValid() ) {
$pps_obj->Save( false, true );
$pp_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodFactory $pp_obj */
$pp_obj->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$pp_obj->setPayPeriodSchedule( $pay_period_schedule_id );
$pp_obj->setStartDate( TTDate::incrementDate( $start_period_epoch, -15, 'day' ) );
$pp_obj->setEndDate( TTDate::incrementDate( $start_period_epoch, -1, 'day' ) );
$pp_obj->setTransactionDate( $start_period_epoch );
$pp_obj->setPrimary( true );
$pp_obj->setEnableImportOrphanedData( false );
$pp_obj->setStatus( 10 );
if ( $pp_obj->isValid() ) {
$pp_obj->Save( false );
$this->assertEquals( 26, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, $start_period_epoch, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate() ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 52, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, $start_period_epoch, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 1, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 78, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, $start_period_epoch, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 2, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 104, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, $start_period_epoch, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 3, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 130, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, $start_period_epoch, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 4, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 157, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, $start_period_epoch, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 5, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 27 PP.
* @group testCountFuturePayPeriodsWeekly
function testCountFuturePayPeriodsWeekly() {
$dd = new DemoData();
$dd->setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures.
$dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests.
$this->company_id = $dd->createCompany();
$this->legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $this->company_id, 10 );
Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$dd->createCurrency( $this->company_id, 10 );
$dd->createUserWageGroups( $this->company_id );
$this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->company_id ) );
//Create Bi-Weekly (26 Pay Periods Schedule)
$pps_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodScheduleFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodScheduleFactory $pps_obj */
$pps_obj->setName( 'Weekly (52)' );
$pps_obj->setType( 10 );
$pps_obj->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$pps_obj->setAnchorDate( TTDate::strtotime( '01-Jan-2000' ) );
$pps_obj->setShiftAssignedDay( 10 );
$pps_obj->setDayStartTime( 0 );
$pps_obj->setNewDayTriggerTime( 14400 );
$pps_obj->setMaximumShiftTime( 57600 );
$pps_obj->setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver' );
$pps_obj->setStartWeekDay( 0 );
$pps_obj->setStartDayOfWeek( 0 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyType( 10 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyBeforeEndDate( 0 );
$pps_obj->setTimeSheetVerifyBeforeTransactionDate( 0 );
$pps_obj->setCreateDaysInAdvance( 16 );
$pps_obj->setAutoCloseAfterDays( 3 );
$pps_obj->setPrimaryDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setPrimaryTransactionDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setSecondaryDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setSecondaryTransactionDayOfMonth( 1 );
$pps_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( false );
$pps_obj->setTransactionDate( 7 );
$pps_obj->setTransactionDateBusinessDay( 2 );
//Get ID so we can use it later.
$pay_period_schedule_id = $pps_obj->getNextInsertId();
$pps_obj->setId( $pay_period_schedule_id );
if ( $pps_obj->isValid() ) {
$pps_obj->Save( false, true );
$pp_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodFactory $pp_obj */
$pp_obj->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$pp_obj->setPayPeriodSchedule( $pay_period_schedule_id );
$pp_obj->setStartDate( TTDate::strtotime( '24-Dec-2000' ) );
$pp_obj->setEndDate( TTDate::strtotime( '31-Dec-2000' ) );
$pp_obj->setTransactionDate( TTDate::strtotime( '01-Jan-2001' ) );
$pp_obj->setPrimary( true );
$pp_obj->setEnableImportOrphanedData( false );
$pp_obj->setStatus( 10 );
if ( $pp_obj->isValid() ) {
$pp_obj->Save( false );
$this->assertEquals( 52, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate() ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 104, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 1, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 156, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 2, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 208, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 3, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 260, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 4, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 312, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 5, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 365, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 6, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 53 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 417, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 7, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 469, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 8, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 521, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 9, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 573, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 10, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 626, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 11, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 53 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 678, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 12, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 730, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 13, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 782, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 14, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 834, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 15, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 886, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 16, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 939, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 17, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 53 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 991, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 18, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1043, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 19, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1095, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 20, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1147, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 21, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1199, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 22, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1252, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 23, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 53 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 1304, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 24, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1356, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 25, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1408, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 26, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1460, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 27, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1513, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 28, 'year' ) ) ) ); //This year has 53 PP.
$this->assertEquals( 1565, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 29, 'year' ) ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1617, $pps_obj->countFuturePayPeriods( $pp_obj, null, TTDate::getEndYearEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 30, 'year' ) ) ) );
* @group testSanitizeFileName
function testSanitizeFileName() {
$this->assertEquals( 'my_company', Misc::sanitizeFileName( 'My Company' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'my_company-123_abc', Misc::sanitizeFileName( 'My Company-123_ABC' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'my_company-123_abc.pdf', Misc::sanitizeFileName( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf' ) ); //Make sure extension is maintained.
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '......My Company-123_ABC.pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( '../../../My Company-123_ABC.pdf' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company-123_ABC.......pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company-123_ABC../../../.pdf' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf..', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf../' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company..123..ABC.pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company../123../ABC.pdf' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '......My Company-123_ABC.pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( '..\..\..\My Company-123_ABC.pdf' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company-123_ABC.......pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company-123_ABC..\..\..\.pdf' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf..', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company-123_ABC.pdf..\\' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'My Company..123..ABC.pdf', Misc::stripDirectoryTraversal( 'My Company..\123..\ABC.pdf' ) );
* @group testSortPrefix
function testSortPrefix() {
$this->assertEquals( [ 'test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-0000-test1' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-00000-test1' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-000000000-test1' => 'Test1'] ) ); //Handle up to 9 digits.
$this->assertEquals( [ 'test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-1234-test1' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-12345-test1' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-123456789-test1' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ '-123A-test1' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-123A-test1' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ '-123A-MyReportColumn:05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-123A-MyReportColumn:05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'MyReportColumn:05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-1234-MyReportColumn:05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' => 'Test1'] ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'MyReportColumn:05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' => 'Test1'], Misc::trimSortPrefix( [ '-123456789-MyReportColumn:05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' => 'Test1'] ) );
function testGroupByA() {
$data = [
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => null, 'avg' => null, 'min' => null, 'min_not_null' => null, 'max' => null, 'max_not_null' => null, 'first' => null, 'last' => null, 'count' => null, 'concat' => null ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 1, 'avg' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'min_not_null' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'max_not_null' => 1, 'first' => 1, 'last' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'concat' => 'one' ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 2, 'avg' => 2, 'min' => 2, 'min_not_null' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'max_not_null' => 2, 'first' => 2, 'last' => 2, 'count' => 2, 'concat' => 'two' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => null, 'avg' => null, 'min' => null, 'min_not_null' => null, 'max' => null, 'max_not_null' => null, 'first' => null, 'last' => null, 'count' => null, 'concat' => null ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 1, 'avg' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'min_not_null' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'max_not_null' => 1, 'first' => 1, 'last' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'concat' => 'one' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 2, 'avg' => 2, 'min' => 2, 'min_not_null' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'max_not_null' => 2, 'first' => 2, 'last' => 2, 'count' => 2, 'concat' => 'two' ],
$group_by = [ 'name' => true, 'sum' => 'sum', 'avg' => 'avg', 'min' => 'min', 'min_not_null' => 'min_not_null', 'max' => 'max', 'max_not_null' => 'max', 'first' => 'first', 'last' => 'last', 'count' => 'count', 'concat' => 'concat' ];
$result = Group::GroupBy( $data, $group_by );
$expected = [
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'John',
'sum' => '3.0000000000',
'avg' => '1.0000000000',
'min' => NULL,
'min_not_null' => 1,
'max' => 2,
'max_not_null' => 2,
'first' => NULL,
'last' => 2,
'count' => 3,
'concat' => 'one -- two',
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'Jane',
'sum' => '3.0000000000',
'avg' => '1.0000000000',
'min' => NULL,
'min_not_null' => 1,
'max' => 2,
'max_not_null' => 2,
'first' => NULL,
'last' => 2,
'count' => 3,
'concat' => 'one -- two',
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
function testGroupByB() {
$data = [
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 3, 'avg' => 3, 'min' => 3, 'min_not_null' => 3, 'max' => 3, 'max_not_null' => 3, 'first' => 3, 'last' => 3, 'count' => 3, 'concat' => 'three' ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 1, 'avg' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'min_not_null' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'max_not_null' => 1, 'first' => 1, 'last' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'concat' => 'one' ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 2, 'avg' => 2, 'min' => 2, 'min_not_null' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'max_not_null' => 2, 'first' => 2, 'last' => 2, 'count' => 2, 'concat' => 'two' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 3, 'avg' => 3, 'min' => 3, 'min_not_null' => 3, 'max' => 3, 'max_not_null' => 3, 'first' => 3, 'last' => 3, 'count' => 3, 'concat' => 'three' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 1, 'avg' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'min_not_null' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'max_not_null' => 1, 'first' => 1, 'last' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'concat' => 'one' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 2, 'avg' => 2, 'min' => 2, 'min_not_null' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'max_not_null' => 2, 'first' => 2, 'last' => 2, 'count' => 2, 'concat' => 'two' ],
$group_by = [ 'name' => true, 'sum' => 'sum', 'avg' => 'avg', 'min' => 'min', 'min_not_null' => 'min_not_null', 'max' => 'max', 'max_not_null' => 'max', 'first' => 'first', 'last' => 'last', 'count' => 'count', 'concat' => 'concat' ];
$result = Group::GroupBy( $data, $group_by );
$expected = [
0 => array (
'name' => 'John',
'sum' => '6.0000000000',
'avg' => '2.0000000000',
'min' => 1,
'min_not_null' => 1,
'max' => 3,
'max_not_null' => 3,
'first' => 3,
'last' => 2,
'count' => 3,
'concat' => 'three -- one -- two',
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'Jane',
'sum' => '6.0000000000',
'avg' => '2.0000000000',
'min' => 1,
'min_not_null' => 1,
'max' => 3,
'max_not_null' => 3,
'first' => 3,
'last' => 2,
'count' => 3,
'concat' => 'three -- one -- two',
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
function testGroupByC() {
$data = [
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 3, 'avg' => 3, 'min' => 3, 'min_not_null' => 3, 'max' => 3, 'max_not_null' => 3, 'first' => 3, 'last' => 3, 'count' => 3, 'concat' => 'three' ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 1, 'avg' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'min_not_null' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'max_not_null' => 1, 'first' => 1, 'last' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'concat' => 'one' ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => 2, 'avg' => 2, 'min' => 2, 'min_not_null' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'max_not_null' => 2, 'first' => 2, 'last' => 2, 'count' => 2, 'concat' => 'two' ],
[ 'name' => 'John', 'sum' => null, 'avg' => null, 'min' => null, 'min_not_null' => null, 'max' => null, 'max_not_null' => null, 'first' => null, 'last' => null, 'count' => null, 'concat' => null ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 3, 'avg' => 3, 'min' => 3, 'min_not_null' => 3, 'max' => 3, 'max_not_null' => 3, 'first' => 3, 'last' => 3, 'count' => 3, 'concat' => 'three' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 1, 'avg' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'min_not_null' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'max_not_null' => 1, 'first' => 1, 'last' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'concat' => 'one' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => 2, 'avg' => 2, 'min' => 2, 'min_not_null' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'max_not_null' => 2, 'first' => 2, 'last' => 2, 'count' => 2, 'concat' => 'two' ],
[ 'name' => 'Jane', 'sum' => null, 'avg' => null, 'min' => null, 'min_not_null' => null, 'max' => null, 'max_not_null' => null, 'first' => null, 'last' => null, 'count' => null, 'concat' => null ],
$group_by = [ 'name' => true, 'sum' => 'sum', 'avg' => 'avg', 'min' => 'min', 'min_not_null' => 'min_not_null', 'max' => 'max', 'max_not_null' => 'max', 'first' => 'first', 'last' => 'last', 'count' => 'count', 'concat' => 'concat' ];
$result = Group::GroupBy( $data, $group_by );
$expected = [
0 => array (
'name' => 'John',
'sum' => '6.0000000000',
'avg' => '1.5000000000',
'min' => null,
'min_not_null' => 1,
'max' => 3,
'max_not_null' => 3,
'first' => 3,
'last' => null,
'count' => 4,
'concat' => 'three -- one -- two',
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'Jane',
'sum' => '6.0000000000',
'avg' => '1.5000000000',
'min' => null,
'min_not_null' => 1,
'max' => 3,
'max_not_null' => 3,
'first' => 3,
'last' => null,
'count' => 4,
'concat' => 'three -- one -- two',
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );