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<div class="tt-overlaymenu" v-if="items[0].visible !== false && items.length > 1">
<Menu ref="menu" :model="wrapped_items_without_header" :popup="true" appendTo="body"/>
<Button class="menu-button" type="button" :label="items[0].label" :icon="!items[0].label ? items[0].icon : 'pi pi-chevron-down'" iconPos="right" @click="toggleMenu"/>
* This is a special version of the split-button menu, using the overlay menu, which has a header instead of the currently 'active' action button.
* So where the click of a 'Save & Next' button in a menu will swap the active button to Save & Next, clicking a menu item in a Navigation menu, will leave the label as Navigation.
* As there is no 'active action' the label and menu open button are one button, instead of split.
* There are two ways of making an action group menu with a header.
* 1) Define a header in the getCustomContextMenuModel function or similar, setting action_group and action_group_header. Like TimeSheet Navigation menu.
* 2) Define a single object in getCustomContextMenuModel, setting the action_group and action_group_header, and then including an 'items' array containing your sub menu items. Like TimeSheet Print menu.
* Having 2 options is more complicated, but its there to stay compatible with the legacy context menu. Option 1 is needed to stay compatible with the Save, Delete, and Navigation groups. And Option 2 is needed for the way the old menu defined items like the Print menu.
* Once the old menu and format is gone, we can refactor to simplify this behaviour.
* Note: permission_result: false is needed on the header items to make sure the old menu ignores this item.
* Note: the "v-if && items.length > 1" portion above is to ensure that the menu button is hidden if the items list contains only the header and nothing else. Hence the more than 1 criteria.
import Menu from 'primevue/menu';
import Button from 'primevue/button';
export default {
name: "TTOverlayMenuButton",
props: {
items: [Array, Object],
computed: {
wrapped_items_without_header() {
return this.wrapItemCommands(this.items).slice(1); // We slice 1st item away so that the header item is not included. TODO: This means visible: false is no longer needed on the header, remove this from all code.
methods: {
toggleMenu(event) {
wrapItemCommands( items_array ) {
// TODO: Consolidate this with the function in TTSplitButton (maybe in TTContextButton), and the command function in ContextMenuManager.convertBackBoneMenuModelToPrimeVue so that we are not parsing the command functions in more than one place.
// Have to do this, currently see no quick way to detect when a button menu item has been clicked.
var new_array = items_array.map((item, item_index) => {
// The below is technically a Vue anti-pattern, as we are in effect also modifying the parent data.
// Normally data goes parent => child components, and events go child => parent. And then its up to the parent to handle that event to update data where needed.
// But in this case, we just want to manipulate data before it goes further down the line, but due to JS pass by reference, the parent gets updated here too.
// Perhaps fix this later on, after a Proof of concept for the SplitButtons has been achieved.
var original_command = item.command;
item.command = Global.debounce( () => {
// Intercept the item click before running the original command as normal.
original_command( item.id ); // trigger the original command, and pass in the item.id of the button icon. TODO: item.id is non-generic logic. Not ideal for a 'dumb' component.
}, Global.calcDebounceWaitTimeBasedOnNetwork(), true );
return item;
} );
return new_array;
components: {
<style scoped>
.tt-overlaymenu { /* Copy the p-splitbutton CSS to allow in-line display */
display: inline-flex;
.menu-button {
width: 100%;