611 lines
17 KiB

/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
* Holds code shared between all processors
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category Payment
* @package Payment_Process
* @author Ian Eure <ieure@php.net>
* @author Joe Stump <joe@joestump.net>
* @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0
* @version CVS: $Id: Common.php,v 1.32 2005/12/13 00:00:29 jstump Exp $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Payment_Process
class Payment_Process_Common {
// {{{ Private Properties
* Options.
* @var array
* @see setOptions()
* @access private;
var $_options = '';
* Array of fields which are required.
* @var array
* @access private
* @see _makeRequired()
var $_required = array();
* Processor-specific data.
* @access private
* @var array
var $_data = array();
* $_driver
* @author Joe Stump <joe@joestump.net>
* @var string $_driver
* @access private
var $_driver = null;
* PEAR::Log instance
* @var object
* @access protected
* @see Log
var $_log;
* Mapping between API fields and processors'
* @var mixed $_typeFieldMap
* @access protected
var $_typeFieldMap = array();
* Reference to payment type
* An internal reference to the Payment_Process_Type that is currently
* being processed.
* @var mixed $_payment Instance of Payment_Type
* @access protected
* @see Payment_Process_Common::setPayment()
var $_payment = null;
// }}}
// {{{ Public Properties
* Your login name to use for authentication to the online processor.
* @var string
var $login = '';
* Your password to use for authentication to the online processor.
* @var string
var $password = '';
* Processing action.
* This should be set to one of the PAYMENT_PROCESS_ACTION_* constants.
* @var int
var $action = '';
* A description of the transaction (used by some processors to send
* information to the client, normally not a required field).
* @var string
var $description = '';
* The transaction amount.
* @var double
var $amount = 0;
* An invoice number.
* @var mixed string or int
var $invoiceNumber = '';
* Customer identifier
* @var mixed string or int
var $customerId = '';
* Transaction source.
* This should be set to one of the PAYMENT_PROCESS_SOURCE_* constants.
* @var int
var $transactionSource;
// }}}
// {{{ __construct($options = false)
* __construct
* PHP 5.x constructor
* @author Joe Stump <joe@joestump.net>
* @access public
function __construct($options = false)
// }}}
// {{{ setPayment(&$payment)
* Sets payment
* Returns false if payment could not be set. This usually means the
* payment type is not valid or that the payment type is valid, but did
* not validate. It could also mean that the payment type is not supported
* by the given processor.
* @param mixed $payment Object of Payment_Process_Type
* @return bool
* @access public
* @author Joe Stump <joe@joestump.net>
function setPayment(&$payment)
if (isset($this->_typeFieldMap[$payment->getType()]) &&
is_array($this->_typeFieldMap[$payment->getType()]) &&
count($this->_typeFieldMap[$payment->getType()])) {
$result = Payment_Process_Type::isValid($payment);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$this->_payment = $payment;
// Map over the payment specific fields. Check out
// $_typeFieldMap for more information.
$paymentType = $payment->getType();
foreach ($this->_typeFieldMap[$paymentType] as $generic => $specific) {
$func = '_handle'.ucfirst($generic);
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
$result = $this->$func();
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
// TODO This may screw things up - the problem is that
// CC information is no longer member variables, so we
// can't overwrite it. You could always handle this
// with a _handle funciton. I don't think it will cause
// problems, but it could.
if (!isset($this->_data[$specific])) {
$this->_data[$specific] = $this->_payment->$generic;
return true;
return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid type field map');
// }}}
// {{{ setFrom($where)
* Set many fields.
* @param array $where Associative array of data to set, in the format
* 'field' => 'value',
* @return void
function setFrom($where)
foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
if (isset($where[$field])) {
$this->$field = $where[$field];
// }}}
// {{{ process()
* Processes the transaction.
* This function should be overloaded by the processor.
function process()
return PEAR::raiseError("process() is not implemented in this processor.", PAYMENT_PROCESS_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED);
// }}}
// {{{ &processCallback()
* processCallback
* This should be overridden in driver classes. It will be used to process
* communications from gateways to your application. For instance, the
* Authorize.net gateway will post information about pending transactions
* to a URL you specify. This function should handle such requests
* @return object Payment_Process_Result on success, PEAR_Error on failure
function &processCallback()
return PEAR::raiseError('processCallback() not implemented',
// }}}
// {{{ validate()
* validate
* Validates data before processing. This function may be overloaded by
* the processor.
* @return boolean true if validation succeeded, PEAR_Error if it failed.
function validate()
foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
$func = '_validate'.ucfirst($field);
// Don't validate unset optional fields
if (! $this->isRequired($field) && !strlen($this->$field)) {
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
$res = $this->$func();
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
} elseif (is_bool($res) && $res == false) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Validation of field "'.$field.'" failed.', PAYMENT_PROCESS_ERROR_INVALID);
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ set($field, $value)
* Set a value.
* This will set a value, such as the credit card number. If the requested
* field is not part of the basic set of supported fields, it is set in
* $_options.
* @param string $field The field to set
* @param string $value The value to set
* @return void
function set($field, $value)
if (!$this->fieldExists($field)) {
return PEAR::raiseError('Field "' . $field . '" does not exist.', PAYMENT_PROCESS_ERROR_INVALID);
$this->$field = $value;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ isRequired($field)
* Determine if a field is required.
* @param string $field Field to check
* @return boolean true if required, false if optional.
function isRequired($field)
return (isset($this->_required[$field]));
// }}}
// {{{ fieldExists($field)
* Determines if a field exists.
* @author Ian Eure <ieure@php.net>
* @param string $field Field to check
* @return boolean true if field exists, false otherwise
function fieldExists($field)
return @in_array($field, $this->getFields());
// }}}
// {{{ getFields()
* Get a list of fields.
* This function returns an array containing all the possible fields which
* may be set.
* @author Ian Eure <ieure@php.net>
* @access public
* @return array Array of valid fields.
function getFields()
$vars = array_keys(get_class_vars(get_class($this)));
foreach ($vars as $idx => $field) {
if ($field[0] == '_') {
return $vars;
// }}}
// {{{ setOptions($options = false, $defaultOptions = false)
* Set class options.
* @author Ian Eure <ieure@php.net>
* @param Array $options Options to set
* @param Array $defaultOptions Default options
* @return void
function setOptions($options = false, $defaultOptions = false)
$defaultOptions = $defaultOptions ? $defaultOptions : $this->_defaultOptions; $this->_options = @array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
// }}}
// {{{ getOption($option)
* Get an option value.
* @author Ian Eure <ieure@php.net>
* @param string $option Option to get
* @return mixed Option value
function getOption($option)
return @$this->_options[$option];
// }}}
// {{{ setOption($option,$value)
* Set an option value
* @author Joe Stump <joe@joestump.net>
* @access public
* @param string $option Option name to set
* @param mixed $value Value to set
function setOption($option,$value)
return ($this->_options[$option] = $value);
// }}}
// {{{ getResult()
* Gets transaction result.
* This function should be overloaded by the processor.
function getResult()
return PEAR::raiseError("getResult() is not implemented in this processor.", PAYMENT_PROCESS_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED);
// }}}
// {{{ _isDefinedConstant($value, $class)
* See if a value is a defined constant.
* This function checks to see if $value is defined in one of
* PAYMENT_PROCESS_{$class}_*. It's used to verify that e.g.
* $object->action is one of PAYMENT_PROCESS_ACTION_NORMAL,
* @access private
* @param mixed $value Value to check
* @param mixed $class Constant class to check
* @return boolean true if it is defined, false otherwise.
function _isDefinedConst($value, $class)
$constClass = 'PAYMENT_PROCESS_'.strtoupper($class).'_';
$length = strlen($constClass);
$consts = get_defined_constants();
$found = false;
foreach ($consts as $constant => $constVal) {
if (strncmp($constClass, $constant, $length) === 0 &&
$constVal == $value) {
$found = true;
return $found;
// }}}
// {{{ _makeRequired()
* Mark a field (or fields) as being required.
* @param string $field Field name
* @param string ...
* @return boolean always true.
function _makeRequired()
foreach (func_get_args() as $field) {
$this->_required[$field] = true;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ _makeOptional()
* Mark a field as being optional.
* @param string $field Field name
* @param ...
* @return boolean always true.
function _makeOptional()
foreach (func_get_args() as $field) {
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ _validateType()
* Validates transaction type.
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure.
* @access private
function _validateType()
return $this->_isDefinedConst($this->type, 'type');
// }}}
// {{{ _validateAction()
* Validates transaction action.
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure.
* @access private
function _validateAction()
return (isset($GLOBALS['_Payment_Process_'.$this->_driver][$this->action]));
// }}}
// {{{ _validateSource()
* Validates transaction source.
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure.
* @access private
function _validateSource()
return $this->_isDefinedConst($this->transactionSource, 'source');
// }}}
// {{{ _validateAmount()
* Validates the charge amount.
* Charge amount must be 8 characters long, double-precision.
* Current min/max are rather arbitrarily set to $0.99 and $99999.99,
* respectively.
* @return boolean true on success, false otherwise
function _validateAmount()
return Validate::number($this->amount, array(
'decimal' => '.',
'dec_prec' => 2,
'min' => 0.99,
'max' => 99999.99
// }}}
// {{{ _handleAction()
* Handles action
* Actions are defined in $GLOBALS['_Payment_Process_DriverName'] and then
* handled here. We may decide to abstract the defines in the driver.
* @access private
function _handleAction()
$this->_data[$this->_fieldMap['action']] = $GLOBALS['_Payment_Process_'.$this->_driver][$this->action];
// }}}
// {{{ _prepare()
* Prepares the POST data.
* This function handles translating the data set in the front-end to the
* format needed by the back-end. The prepared data is stored in
* $this->_data. If a '_handleField' method exists in this class (e.g.
* '_handleCardNumber()'), that function is called and /must/ set
* $this->_data correctly. If no field-handler function exists, the data
* from the front-end is mapped into $_data using $this->_fieldMap.
* @return array Data to POST
* @access private
function _prepare()
* FIXME - because this only loops through stuff in the fieldMap, we
* can't have handlers for stuff which isn't specified in there.
* But the whole point of having a _handler() is that you need
* to do something more than simple mapping.
foreach ($this->_fieldMap as $generic => $specific) {
$func = '_handle'.ucfirst($generic);
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
$result = $this->$func();
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
// TODO This may screw things up - the problem is that
// CC information is no longer member variables, so we
// can't overwrite it. You could always handle this with
// a _handle funciton. I don't think it will cause problems,
// but it could.
if (!isset($this->_data[$specific])) {
if (isset($this->$generic)) {
$this->_data[$specific] = $this->$generic;
// Form of payments data overrides those set in the
// Payment_Process_Common.
if (isset($this->_payment->$generic)) {
$this->_data[$specific] = $this->_payment->$generic;
return true;
// }}}