
54 lines
2.3 KiB

//Extend the "ListFactory" if you want your plugin to affect it AND the base Factory class.
//Extend just the "Factory" if you just want it to affect just it, and not account for objects read/modified through iterators.
class TimesheetDetailReportPlugin extends TimesheetDetailReport {
function timesheetSignature( $user_data ) {
//Custom signature lines for specific companies based on the "id" column from the company table.
if ( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() == 1001 ) {
$border = 0;
$this->pdf->SetFont($this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize(10) );
$margins = $this->pdf->getMargins();
$total_width = $this->pdf->getPageWidth()-$margins['left']-$margins['right'];
$buffer = ($total_width-200)/4;
$line_h = $this->_pdf_scaleSize(6);
//Signature lines
$this->pdf->MultiCell($total_width,5, TTi18n::gettext('CUSTOM SIGNATURE LINE - By signing this timesheet I hereby certify that the above time accurately and fully reflects the time that').' '. $user_data['first_name'] .' '. $user_data['last_name'] .' '.TTi18n::gettext('worked during the designated period.'), $border, 'L');
$this->pdf->Ln( $line_h );
$this->pdf->Cell(40+$buffer, $line_h, TTi18n::gettext('Employee Signature').':', $border, 0, 'L');
$this->pdf->Cell(60+$buffer, $line_h, '_____________________________' , $border, 0, 'C');
$this->pdf->Cell(40+$buffer, $line_h, TTi18n::gettext('Supervisor Signature').':', $border, 0, 'R');
$this->pdf->Cell(60+$buffer, $line_h, '_____________________________' , $border, 0, 'C');
$this->pdf->Ln( $line_h );
$this->pdf->Cell(40+$buffer, $line_h, '', $border, 0, 'R');
$this->pdf->Cell(60+$buffer, $line_h, $user_data['first_name'] .' '. $user_data['last_name'] , $border, 0, 'C');
$this->pdf->Ln( $line_h );
$this->pdf->Cell(140+($buffer*3), $line_h, '', $border, 0, 'R');
$this->pdf->Cell(60+$buffer, $line_h, '_____________________________' , $border, 0, 'C');
$this->pdf->Ln( $line_h );
$this->pdf->Cell(140+($buffer*3), $line_h, '', $border, 0, 'R');
$this->pdf->Cell(60+$buffer, $line_h, TTi18n::gettext('(print name)'), $border, 0, 'C');
return TRUE;
} else {
//Fall back to default signature line.
return parent::timesheetSignature( $user_data );