selenium_config = $selenium_config; Debug::text( 'Running setUp(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); TTDate::setTimeZone( 'Etc/GMT+8', true ); //Due to being a singleton and PHPUnit resetting the state, always force the timezone to be set. $this->setHost( $selenium_config['host'] ); $this->setPort( (int)$selenium_config['port'] ); $this->setBrowser( $selenium_config['browser'] ); $this->setBrowserUrl( $selenium_config['default_url'] ); $this->setDesiredCapabilities( [ 'chromeOptions' => [ 'args' => [ '--incognito' ], ] ] ); //Use incognito mode to help prevent caching between sessions and saving passwords and such. $this->setDesiredCapabilities( [ 'goog:chromeOptions' => [ 'w3c' => false, ], ] ); } public function tearDown(): void { Debug::text( 'Running tearDown(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } function goToLogin( $user ) { Debug::text( 'Login to: ' . $this->selenium_config['default_url'] . ' Username: ' . $user, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->url( $this->selenium_config['default_url'] ); sleep( 2.5 ); //have to be sure that Global.js is loaded before we start trying to use it. $this->setUnitTestMode( $user ); $this->waitUntilByCssSelector( '#user_name' ); } function Login( $user, $pass ) { //disable the overlay to speed up testing $this->goToLogin( $user ); $this->waitThenClick( '#user_name' ); $this->keys( $user ); //$this->keys('demoadmin2'); $this->waitThenClick( '#password' ); $this->keys( $pass ); $this->waitThenClick( '#login_btn' ); sleep( 1 ); //wait for login $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); $this->waitUntilById( 'topbar-company-logo' ); //the css not() selector is there to differentiate the various calls in the server log. //needed as development mode reloads and clears the variables. $javascript = [ 'script' => 'Global.setUnitTestMode();', 'args' => [] ]; $this->execute( $javascript ); Debug::text( 'Login Complete...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } function Logout() { //because we could want to log out from any point $this->goToDashboard(); $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); $this->waitUntilById( 'profile-button' ); $this->byId( 'profile-button' )->click(); $this->waitUntilById( 'profile-menu-Logout' ); $this->byId( 'profile-menu-Logout' )->click(); $this->waitUntilById( 'user_name' ); Debug::text( 'Logout...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } function waitUntilById( $id, $timeout = null ) { if ( $timeout == null ) { $timeout = $this->default_wait_timeout; } $this->waitUntil( function () use ( $id ) { $javascript = [ 'script' => "$('#overlay.overlay:visible').length", 'args' => [] ]; if ( $this->execute( $javascript ) == 0 && $this->byId( $id ) ) { return true; } return null; }, $timeout ); } function changeLanguageLogin( $language_value ) { $this->waitUntilByCssSelector( '#language-selector' ); $language_selector = $this->byId( 'language-selector' ); $language_selector->click(); $language_options = $language_selector->elements( $this->using( 'css selector' )->value( 'option' ) ); foreach ( $language_options as $language_option ) { if ( $language_option->value() == $language_value ) { $language_option->click(); break; } } } function changeLanguagePreference( $language_value ) { $this->goToDashboard(); $this->waitUntilById( 'profile-button' ); $this->byId( 'profile-button' )->click(); $this->waitUntilById( 'profile-menu-LoginUserPreference' ); $this->byId( 'profile-menu-LoginUserPreference' )->click(); $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); $language_selector = $this->byCssSelector( '#tab_preferences_content_div select:first-of-type' ); $language_selector->click(); $language_options = $language_selector->elements( $this->using( 'css selector' )->value( 'option' ) ); foreach ( $language_options as $language_option ) { if ( $language_option->value() == $language_value ) { $language_option->click(); break; } } $this->byId( 'context-button-save' )->click(); $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); } function waitUntilByCssSelector( $selector, $timeout = null ) { if ( $timeout == null ) { $timeout = $this->default_wait_timeout; } $this->waitUntil( function () use ( $selector ) { $javascript = [ 'script' => "$('#overlay.overlay:visible').length", 'args' => [] ]; if ( $this->execute( $javascript ) == 0 && $this->byCssSelector( $selector ) ) { return true; } return null; }, $timeout ); } function takeScreenshot( $screenshot_file_name, $create_dir = true ) { if ( $create_dir === true ) { $dirname = dirname( $screenshot_file_name ); if ( file_exists( $dirname ) == false ) { mkdir( $dirname, 0777, true ); } } $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); // get the mousepointer and focus away from hover effects and flashing cursors // these cause significant differences in the screenshots. $this->waitUntilByCssSelector( '#powered_by,#copy_right_logo' ); $this->moveto( $this->byCssSelector( '#powered_by,#copy_right_logo' ) ); $this->waitUntilByCssSelector( '#powered_by,#copy_right_logo' ); $retval = file_put_contents( $screenshot_file_name, $this->currentScreenshot() ); chmod( $screenshot_file_name, 0777 ); return $retval; } function getOSUser() { if ( function_exists( 'posix_geteuid' ) && function_exists( 'posix_getpwuid' ) ) { $user = posix_getpwuid( posix_geteuid() ); Debug::Text( 'Webserver running as User: ' . $user['name'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $user['name']; } return false; } function goToDashboard() { $this->waitUntilById( 'topbar-company-logo' ); $this->byId( 'topbar-company-logo' )->byXPath("./..")->click(); //click on the logo parent (href) to go to the dashboard //dashboard will reliably use init_complete after everything is loaded. $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); } function waitForUIInitComplete() { $this->waitForUIInitCompleteLoops = 0; $this->waitUntil( function ( $_self_ ) { //Global.getUIReadyStatus will be == 2 when the screens are finished loading. $javascript = [ 'script' => 'if ( ( typeof Global != "undefined" && Global.getUIReadyStatus() == 2 ) && ( typeof TTPromise != "undefined" && TTPromise.isPendingPromises() == false ) ) { return true; } else { return false; }', 'args' => [] ]; $js_retval = $this->execute( $javascript ); Debug::Text( 'waitForUI result: ' . var_export( $js_retval, true ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( isset( $js_retval ) && $js_retval == true ) { return true; } else { $ui_ready_status = $this->execute( [ 'script' => 'if ( typeof Global != "undefined" ) { return Global.getUIReadyStatus(); } else { return null; }', 'args' => [] ] ); $pending_promises = $this->execute( [ 'script' => 'if ( typeof TTPromise != "undefined" ) { return TTPromise.isPendingPromises(); } else { return null; }', 'args' => [] ] ); Debug::Text( ' waitForUI UIReadyStatus: ' . var_export( $ui_ready_status, true ) . ' Pending Promises: ' . var_export( $pending_promises, true ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $_self_->waitForUIInitCompleteLoops > 10 ) { //trigger checking promises again to workaround selenium bug where they resolve without firing function $this->execute( [ 'script' => 'TTPromise.wait()', 'args' => [] ] ); Debug::Text( ' waitForUI Triggering TTPromise.wait()... Loops: ' . $this->waitForUIInitCompleteLoops, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } $_self_->waitForUIInitCompleteLoops++; return null; } }, 60000 ); //Wait for up to 60 seconds. } function setUnitTestMode( $username ) { $sf = TTnew( 'StationFactory' ); /** @var StationFactory $sf */ $slf = TTnew( 'StationListFactory' ); /** @var StationListFactory $slf */ $slf->getByStationId( 'UNITTEST' ); if ( $slf->getRecordCount() == 0 ) { $ulf = TTNew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getByUserName( $username ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $sf->setCompany( $ulf->getCurrent()->getCompany() ); $sf->setStatus( 20 ); $sf->setType( 10 ); $sf->setDescription( 'Unit Testing Rig' ); $sf->setStation( 'UNITTEST' ); $sf->setSource( 'ANY' ); $sf->setBranchSelectionType( 10 ); //enabled all $sf->setDepartmentSelectionType( 10 ); //enabled all $sf->setGroupSelectionType( 10 ); //enabled all if ( $sf->isValid() ) { $sf->Save(); } } else { Debug::Text( 'username not found in db', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } } else { Debug::Text( 'station exists', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } //run necessary js for unit tests $javascript = [ 'script' => 'Global.setUnitTestMode();', 'args' => [] ]; $this->execute( $javascript ); //$path = Environment::getCookieBaseURL(); //set the same sessionid for all tests //$javascript = [ 'script' => "$.cookie( 'StationID', 'UNITTESTS', {expires: 30, path: '$path'} );", 'args' => [] ]; $javascript = [ 'script' => "Global.setStationID('UNITTEST')", 'args' => [] ]; $this->execute( $javascript ); } function isThere( $css_selector ) { $result = $this->elements( $this->using( 'css selector' )->value( $css_selector ) ); if ( count( $result ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $result as $el ) { if ( $el->displayed() && $el->enabled() ) { return true; break; } } } return false; } function waitThenClick( $selector ) { Debug::Text( 'Attempting to click Selector: ' . $selector, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $javascript = [ 'script' => "return $('#overlay.overlay').length", 'args' => [] ]; $overlay_shown = $this->execute( $javascript ); if ( $overlay_shown > 0 ) { Debug::Text( ' Overlay status check: ' . $overlay_shown, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); sleep( 1 ); $this->waitThenClick( $selector ); return; } try { if ( ( substr( $selector, 0, 1 ) == '#' && strstr( $selector, ' ' ) == false ) || strstr( $selector, 'menu:' ) == true ) { //need to do this because of malformed ids in the top menu causing wating by selector to fail. $id = substr( $selector, 1, strlen( $selector ) ); Debug::Text( ' Waiting on ID: ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->waitUntilById( $id, 10000 ); Debug::Text( ' Clicking ID: ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->byId( $id )->click(); } else { Debug::Text( ' Waiting on selector: ' . $selector, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->waitUntilByCssSelector( $selector, 10000 ); Debug::Text( ' Clicking selector: ' . $selector, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $el = $this->byCssSelector( $selector ); //Debug::Text( ' Element about to be clicked: Enabled: '. $el->enabled() .' Displayed: '. $el->displayed(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $el->click(); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->takeScreenshot( $this->screenshot_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'waitThenClickException.png', true ); Debug::Text( 'Click failed on: ' . $selector . ' Screenshot path: ' . $this->screenshot_path, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //$javascript = array('script' => "$('" . $selector . "').click()", 'args' => array()); //$this->execute( $javascript ); throw new Exception( $selector . ' - ' . $e->getMessage() ); } Debug::Text( 'Done: ' . $selector, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } function getArrayBySelector( $css_selector ) { Debug::Text( 'Getting array by selector: ' . $css_selector, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //$this->waitUntilByCssSelector( $css_selector,10000 ); // $retval = $this->elements( $this->using( 'css selector' )->value( $css_selector ) ); if ( isset( $retval ) ) { Debug::Text( count( $retval ) . ' RESULTS FOR: ' . $css_selector, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); // foreach ( $retval as $el ) { // Debug::Text( ' Element: ' . $el->attribute( 'ref' ) .' ID: '. $el->attribute( 'id' ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); // } return $retval; } return []; } function clickCancel( $menu_id = false ) { //TODO look at this if ( $menu_id !== false ) { $selector = '#' . $menu_id . ' .tticon-cancel_black_24dp'; $this->waitThenClick( $selector ); Debug::Text( 'Clicking Cancel [' . $selector . ']', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } else { //TODO: Fix this branchs $javascript = [ 'script' => "$('#topContainer .ribbon .ribbon-tab-out-side:visible #cancelIcon').click()", 'args' => [] ]; $this->execute( $javascript ); Debug::Arr( $javascript, 'Executing cancelclick with js', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } } function clickMainMenuItem( $menu_id ) { //Only works for main menu horizontal default mode currently. $this->waitUntilByCssSelector( '#main-menu' ); $this->byCssSelector( '#main-menu' )->byId( $menu_id )->click(); Debug::Text( 'Opening Main Menu Item [' . $menu_id . ']', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } function clickProfileMenuItem( $profile_menu_id ) { $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); $this->waitUntilById( 'profile-button' ); $this->byId( 'profile-button' )->click(); $this->waitUntilById( $profile_menu_id ); $this->byId( $profile_menu_id )->click(); $this->waitForUIInitComplete(); } }