setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures. $dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests. $this->company_id = $dd->createCompany(); $this->legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $this->company_id, 10 ); Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //$dd->createPermissionGroups( $this->company_id, 40 ); //Administrator only. $this->currency_id = $dd->createCurrency( $this->company_id, 10 ); //Permissions are required so the user has permissions to run reports. $dd->createPermissionGroups( $this->company_id, 40 ); //Administrator only. $dd->createUserWageGroups( $this->company_id ); $this->user_id = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 100 ); $this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->company_id ) ); $this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->user_id ) ); $this->custom_fields[100] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Text', 'users', 100 ); $this->custom_fields[110] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Textarea', 'users', 110 ); $this->custom_fields[400] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Integer', 'users', 400 ); $this->custom_fields[410] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Decimal', 'users', 410 ); $this->custom_fields[420] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Currency', 'users', 420 ); $this->custom_fields[500] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Checkbox', 'users', 500 ); $this->custom_fields[1000] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Date', 'users', 1000 ); $this->custom_fields[1010] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Date Range', 'users', 1010 ); $this->custom_fields[1100] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Time', 'users', 1100 ); $this->custom_fields[1200] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Datetime', 'users', 1200 ); $this->custom_fields[1300] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Time Unit', 'users', 1300 ); $this->custom_fields[2100] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Single-select', 'users', 2100, [ 'validation' => [ 'multi_select_items' => [ [ 'id' => 'val1', 'value' => 'val1', 'label' => 'label1' ], [ 'id' => 'val2', 'value' => 'val2', 'label' => 'label2' ] ] ] ] ); $this->custom_fields[2110] = $dd->createCustomField( $this->company_id, 'Custom Multi-select', 'users', 2110, [ 'validation' => [ 'multi_select_items' => [ [ 'id' => 'val1', 'value' => 'val1', 'label' => 'label1' ], [ 'id' => 'val2', 'value' => 'val2', 'label' => 'label2' ] ] ] ] ); $this->user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 10, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->createCustomFieldData() ); $this->user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 11, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $this->createCustomFieldData() ); } public function tearDown(): void { Debug::text( 'Running tearDown(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } /** * @return array */ function createCustomFieldData() { $custom_field_data = []; foreach ( $this->custom_fields as $custom_field_type_id => $custom_field_id ) { switch ( $custom_field_type_id ) { case 100: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = 'Custom Text'; break; case 110: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = 'Custom Textarea'; break; case 400: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = 123; break; case 410: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = 123.45; break; case 420: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = 55.99; break; case 500: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = true; break; case 1000: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = '2010-01-01'; break; case 1010: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = ['2010-01-01', '2015-01-01']; break; case 1100: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = '12:00'; break; case 1200: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = '2010-01-01 12:00'; break; case 1300: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = '40260'; break; case 2100: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = 'val1'; break; case 2110: $custom_field_data['custom_field-'. $custom_field_id] = ['val1', 'val2']; break; } } return $custom_field_data; } /** * @return array */ function getExpectedCustomFieldData() { $custom_field_data = []; foreach ( $this->custom_fields as $custom_field_type_id => $custom_field_id ) { switch ( $custom_field_type_id ) { case 100: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 'Custom Text'; break; case 110: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 'Custom Textarea'; break; case 400: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 123; break; case 410: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 123.45; break; case 420: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '55.99'; //Currency, use a string rather than float() break; case 500: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 'Yes'; $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id . '_id'] = true; break; case 1000: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '01-Jan-10'; $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id . '_id'] = '01-Jan-10'; break; case 1010: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '01-Jan-10 - 01-Jan-15'; $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id . '_id'] = [ '2010-01-01', '2015-01-01' ]; break; case 1100: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '12:00 PM GMT'; break; case 1200: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '01-Jan-10 12:00 PM GMT'; break; case 1300: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '40260'; $this->custom_field_report_values['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = '11.1833333333'; break; case 2100: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 'label1'; $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id . '_id'] = [ 'val1' ]; break; case 2110: $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id] = 'label1, label2'; $custom_field_data['custom_field-' . $custom_field_id . '_id'] = [ 'val1', 'val2' ]; break; } } return $custom_field_data; } /** * @group CustomField_testAddCustomFieldOnRecord */ function testAddCustomFieldOnRecord() { if ( getTTProductEdition() <= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { return true; } $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $this->user_ids[0], $this->company_id ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $u_obj = $ulf->getCurrent(); /** @var UserFactory $u_obj */ $custom_fields = $u_obj->getCustomFields( $this->company_id, [] ); } $this->assertCount( 18, $custom_fields ); $this->assertTrue( @array_diff_assoc( $this->getExpectedCustomFieldData(), $custom_fields ) === [] ); } /** * @group CustomField_testEditCustomFieldOnRecord */ function testEditCustomFieldOnRecord() { if ( getTTProductEdition() <= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { return true; } $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getById( $this->user_ids[0] ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $u_obj = $ulf->getCurrent(); /** @var UserFactory $u_obj */ //Get current custom fields and change two and save again. $custom_fields = $u_obj->getCustomFields( $this->company_id, [] ); $custom_fields[ 'custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[100]] = 'Custom Text Edited'; $custom_fields[ 'custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[2100] . '_id'] = 'val2'; $u_obj->parseCustomFieldsFromArray( $custom_fields ); if ( $u_obj->isValid() ) { $u_obj->Save(); } } $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getById( $this->user_ids[0] ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $u_obj = $ulf->getCurrent(); /** @var UserFactory $u_obj */ //Get expected custom fields and compare to actual after editing. $custom_fields = $this->getExpectedCustomFieldData(); $custom_fields[ 'custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[100]] = 'Custom Text Edited'; $custom_fields[ 'custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[2100]] = 'label2'; $this->assertTrue( @array_diff_assoc( $custom_fields, $u_obj->getCustomFields( $this->company_id, [] ) ) === [] ); } return true; } /** * @group CustomField_testCustomFieldsOnEmployeeSummaryReport */ function testCustomFieldsOnEmployeeSummaryReport() { if ( getTTProductEdition() <= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { return true; } $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $user_obj = $ulf->getById( $this->user_id )->getCurrent(); $report_obj = TTnew( 'UserSummaryReport' ); /** @var UserSummaryReport $report_obj */ $report_obj->setUserObject( $user_obj ); $report_obj->setPermissionObject( $user_obj->getPermissionObject() ); $form_config = $report_obj->getCompanyFormConfig(); $report_obj->setFormConfig( $form_config ); $report_config['columns'] = [ 'first_name']; foreach ( $this->custom_fields as $custom_field_id ) { $report_config['columns'][] = 'custom_field-' . $custom_field_id; } $report_config['include_user_id'] = [ $this->user_ids[0], $this->user_ids[1] ]; $report_config['sort'] = [ [ 'last_name' => 'asc' ], [ 'first_name' => 'asc' ] ]; $report_config['template'] = 'by_employee+contact'; $report_obj->setConfig( $report_config ); $report_output = $report_obj->getOutput( 'raw' ); foreach ( $this->getExpectedCustomFieldData() as $key => $value ) { if ( substr( $key, -3 ) == '_id' ) { continue; //Skip checking backed _id custom field as report only uses the display values. } //Time unit custom fields are stored as seconds, but converted to human-readable format in the report and JavaScript. //Due to that we need to compare against $this->custom_field_report_values for certain values. if ( isset( $this->custom_field_report_values[$key] ) === true && $report_output[0][$key] !== $value ) { $value = $this->custom_field_report_values[$key]; } $this->assertTrue( $report_output[0][$key] === $value ); } //Test grand totals $this->assertTrue( $report_output[2]['custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[400]] === '246.0000000000' ); $this->assertTrue( $report_output[2]['custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[420]] === '111.9800000000' ); $this->assertTrue( $report_output[2]['custom_field-' . $this->custom_fields[1300]] === '22.3666666666' ); } } ?>