<?php /** @noinspection PhpMissingDocCommentInspection */
 * TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
 * TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
 * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA.
 * You can contact TimeTrex headquarters at Unit 22 - 2475 Dobbin Rd. Suite
 * #292 West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9, Canada or at email address info@timetrex.com.
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
 * "Powered by TimeTrex" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
 * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
 * the words "Powered by TimeTrex".

class UserReviewTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
	protected $company_id = null;
	protected $user_id = null;
	protected $currency_id = null;
	protected $pay_period_schedule_id = null;
	protected $pay_period_objs = null;
	protected $pay_stub_account_link_arr = null;
	protected $branch_ids = null;
	protected $department_ids = null;
	protected $expense_policy_ids = null;

	//protected $user_expense_id = NULL;

	public function setUp(): void {
		global $dd;
		Debug::text( 'Running setUp(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		$dd = new DemoData();
		$dd->setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures.
		$dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests.
		$this->company_id = $dd->createCompany();
		$this->legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $this->company_id, 10 );
		Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//$dd->createPermissionGroups( $this->company_id, 40 ); //Administrator only.

		$this->currency_id = $dd->createCurrency( $this->company_id, 10 );

		$dd->createUserWageGroups( $this->company_id );

		$this->user_id = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 100 );

		$this->branch_ids[] = $dd->createBranch( $this->company_id, 10 );
		$this->branch_ids[] = $dd->createBranch( $this->company_id, 20 );

		$this->department_ids[] = $dd->createDepartment( $this->company_id, 10 );
		$this->department_ids[] = $dd->createDepartment( $this->company_id, 20 );

		$this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->company_id ) );
		$this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->user_id ) );

	public function tearDown(): void {
		Debug::text( 'Running tearDown(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

	function createKPIGroup( $company_id, $type, $parent_id = 0 ) {
		$kgf = TTnew( 'KPIGroupFactory' ); /** @var KPIGroupFactory $kgf */
		$kgf->setCompany( $company_id );
		switch ( $type ) {
			case 10:
				$kgf->setParent( $parent_id );
				$kgf->setName( 'Carpenter' );
			case 20:
				$kgf->setParent( $parent_id );
				$kgf->setName( 'Painter' );
			case 30:
				$kgf->setParent( $parent_id );
				$kgf->setName( 'General Laborer' );
			case 40:
				$kgf->setParent( $parent_id );
				$kgf->setName( 'Plumber' );
			case 50:
				$kgf->setParent( $parent_id );
				$kgf->setName( 'Electrician' );
		if ( $kgf->isValid() ) {
			$insert_id = $kgf->Save();

			return $insert_id;

		return false;

	function createKPI( $company_id, $type, $rate_type, $kpi_group_id = null, $minimum_rate = null, $maximum_rate = null ) {
		$kf = TTnew( 'KPIFactory' ); /** @var KPIFactory $kf */
		$kf->setCompany( $company_id );
		switch ( $type ) {
			case 10:
				$kf->setName( 'Works well with others?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 10 );
				$kf->setType( 10 ); //Scale
				$kf->setDescription( '' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 500 );
			case 20:
				$kf->setName( 'Ability to manage time efficiently?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 10 );
				$kf->setType( 10 ); //Scale
				$kf->setDescription( '' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 510 );
			case 30:
				$kf->setName( 'Finishes projects on time?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 10 );
				$kf->setType( 10 ); //Scale
				$kf->setDescription( '' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 520 );
			case 40:
				$kf->setName( 'How satisified are you with your current position?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 15 );
				$kf->setType( 10 ); //Scale
				$kf->setDescription( '' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 530 );
			case 50:
				$kf->setName( 'Positive Attitude?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 15 );
				$kf->setType( 10 ); //Scale
				$kf->setDescription( '' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 540 );
			case 60:
				$kf->setName( 'What can I do to make you more successful?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 10 );
				$kf->setType( 20 ); // Yes/No
				$kf->setDescription( '' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 550 );
			case 70:
				$kf->setName( 'How can you work better with your supervisor?' );
				$kf->setStatus( 10 );
				$kf->setType( 30 ); //Text
				$kf->setDescription( 'In the past 12 months tell me what you have learnt about the role you play in a group and how your supervisor can best work with you in that role.' );
				$kf->setDisplayOrder( 560 );

		if ( $rate_type != 60 && $rate_type != 70 ) {
			$kf->setMinimumRate( $minimum_rate );
			$kf->setMaximumRate( $maximum_rate );

		if ( $kf->isValid() ) {
			$insert_id = $kf->Save( false );

			if ( isset( $kpi_group_id ) ) {
				$kf->setGroup( $kpi_group_id );
			} else {
				$kf->setGroup( [] );

			if ( $kf->isValid() ) {

				Debug::Text( 'Creating KPI ID: ' . $insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $insert_id;

		Debug::Text( 'Failed Creating KPI!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	function createUserReviewControl( $user_id, $reviewer_user_id ) {
		$urcf = TTnew( 'UserReviewControlFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewControlFactory $urcf */
		$urcf->setUser( $user_id );
		$urcf->setReviewerUser( $reviewer_user_id );
		$urcf->setStartDate( time() - ( 86400 * rand( 21, 30 ) ) );
		$urcf->setEndDate( time() - ( 86400 * rand( 11, 20 ) ) );
		$urcf->setDueDate( time() - ( 86400 * rand( 1, 10 ) ) );
		$urcf->setType( rand( 2, 9 ) * 5 );
		$urcf->setSeverity( rand( 1, 5 ) * 10 );
		$urcf->setTerm( rand( 1, 3 ) * 10 );
		$urcf->setStatus( rand( 1, 3 ) * 10 );
		if ( $urcf->isValid() ) {
			$insert_id = $urcf->Save();
			Debug::Text( 'User Review Control ID: ' . $insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return $insert_id;

		Debug::Text( 'Failed Creating User Review Control!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	function getKPIArrayByGroupId( $id ) {
		$klf = TTnew( 'KPIListFactory' ); /** @var KPIListFactory $klf */
		$klf->getByCompanyIDAndGroupID( $this->company_id, $id );
		if ( $klf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $klf as $kpi_obj ) {
				$kpi_arr[] = [
						'group_id'     => $kpi_obj->getGroup(),
						'type_id'      => $kpi_obj->getType(),
						'minimum_rate' => $kpi_obj->getMinimumRate(),
						'maximum_rate' => $kpi_obj->getMaximumRate(),

		if ( isset( $kpi_arr ) ) {
			return $kpi_arr;

		return false;

	function getKPIArrayByControlId( $id ) {
		$urlf = TTnew( 'UserReviewListFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewListFactory $urlf */
		$urlf->getByUserReviewControlId( $id );
		if ( $urlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $urlf as $ur_obj ) {
				$kpi_arr[] = [
						'group_id'     => $ur_obj->getKPIObject()->getGroup(),
						'type_id'      => $ur_obj->getKPIObject()->getType(),
						'minimum_rate' => $ur_obj->getKPIObject()->getMinimumRate(),
						'maximum_rate' => $ur_obj->getKPIObject()->getMaximumRate(),
						'rating'       => $ur_obj->getRating(),
						'note'         => $ur_obj->getNote(),
		if ( isset( $kpi_arr ) ) {
			return $kpi_arr;

		return false;

	 * @group UserReview_testKPIA
	function testKPIA() {
		// Test Scale Rating type
		global $dd;
		$kpi_group_id = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 10, 0 );
		$kpi_id = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 10, 10, $kpi_group_id, 1, 10 );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByGroupId( $kpi_group_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 1, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );

		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 10 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 11 );

		$user_review_control_id = $this->createUserReviewControl( $user_ids[0], $user_ids[1] );
		if ( $user_review_control_id != '' ) {
			$urf = TTnew( 'UserReviewFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewFactory $urf */
			$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
			$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
			$urf->setNote( '' );
			$urf->setRating( 3 );
			if ( $urf->isValid() ) {
			unset( $urf );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 1, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		if ( $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] < 10 && $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] > 1 ) {
			$this->assertTrue( true );
		} else {
			$this->assertTrue( false );

		unset( $kpi_id, $kpi_arr, $kpi_group_id, $user_ids, $user_review_control_id );

		$kpi_group_ids[] = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 20, 0 );
		$kpi_group_ids[] = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 30, 0 );

		$kpi_id = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 20, 10, $kpi_group_ids, 10, 100 );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByGroupId( $kpi_group_ids[0] );

		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 100, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByGroupId( $kpi_group_ids[1] );

		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 100, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );

		unset( $kpi_id, $kpi_arr, $kpi_group_ids );

		return true;

	 * @group UserReview_testKPIB
	function testKPIB() {
		global $dd;

		// Test Yes/No KPI type
		$kpi_group_id = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 40, 0 );
		$kpi_id = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 60, 60, $kpi_group_id );

		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 14 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 16 );

		$user_review_control_id = $this->createUserReviewControl( $user_ids[0], $user_ids[1] );
		if ( $user_review_control_id != '' ) {
			$urf = TTnew( 'UserReviewFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewFactory $urf */
			$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
			$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
			$urf->setNote( '' );
			$urf->setRating( true ); // TRUE
			if ( $urf->isValid() ) {
				$user_review_id = $urf->Save();

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 20, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		if ( (int)$kpi_arr[0]['rating'] == 0 || (int)$kpi_arr[0]['rating'] == 1 ) {
			$this->assertTrue( true );
		} else {
			$this->assertTrue( false );

		if ( isset( $user_review_id ) && $user_review_id != '' ) {
			$urf->setId( $user_review_id );
			$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
			$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
			$urf->setRating( false ); // FALSE
			if ( $urf->isValid() ) {
			unset( $urf );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 20, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		if ( (int)$kpi_arr[0]['rating'] == 0 || (int)$kpi_arr[0]['rating'] == 1 ) {
			$this->assertTrue( true );
		} else {
			$this->assertTrue( false );

		unset( $kpi_id, $kpi_arr, $kpi_group_id, $user_ids, $user_review_control_id );

		return true;

	 * @group UserReview_testKPIC
	function testKPIC() {
		// Test text KPI type
		global $dd;
		$kpi_group_id = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 50 );
		$kpi_id = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 70, 70, $kpi_group_id );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByGroupId( $kpi_group_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 30, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );

		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 17 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 19 );

		$user_review_control_id = $this->createUserReviewControl( $user_ids[0], $user_ids[1] );
		if ( $user_review_control_id != '' ) {
			$urf = TTnew( 'UserReviewFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewFactory $urf */
			$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
			$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
			if ( $urf->isValid() ) {

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 30, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] );

		return true;

	 * @group UserReview_testEditKPI
	function testEditKPI() {
		global $dd;
		$kpi_group_id = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 40 );
		$kpi_id = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 70, 70, $kpi_group_id );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByGroupId( $kpi_group_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 30, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );

		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 12 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 13 );

		$user_review_control_id = $this->createUserReviewControl( $user_ids[0], $user_ids[1] );

		if ( $user_review_control_id != '' ) {
			$urf = TTnew( 'UserReviewFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewFactory $urf */
			$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
			$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
			if ( $urf->isValid() ) {

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 30, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] );

		unset( $kpi_arr, $user_ids, $user_review_control_id, $urf );

		// Edit
		$klf = TTnew( 'KPIListFactory' ); /** @var KPIListFactory $klf */
		$kf = $klf->getById( $kpi_id )->getCurrent();
		$kf->setType( 10 );
		$kf->setMinimumRate( 10 );
		$kf->setMaximumRate( 100 );
		if ( $kf->isValid() ) {

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByGroupId( $kpi_group_id );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 100, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );

		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 14 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 16 );

		$user_review_control_id = $this->createUserReviewControl( $user_ids[0], $user_ids[1] );
		if ( $user_review_control_id != '' ) {
			$urf = TTnew( 'UserReviewFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewFactory $urf */
			$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
			$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
			$urf->setNote( '' );
			$urf->setRating( 50 );
			if ( $urf->isValid() ) {
			unset( $urf );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_id );

		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 100, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		if ( $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] < 100 && $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] > 10 ) {
			$this->assertTrue( true );
		} else {
			$this->assertTrue( false );

		return true;

	 * @group UserReview_testDeleteKPI
	function testDeleteKPI() {
		global $dd;
		$kpi_group_ids[] = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 10 );
		$kpi_group_ids[] = $this->createKPIGroup( $this->company_id, 20 );

		// Create a KPI( Rating Type )
		$kpi_ids[10] = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 10, 10, $kpi_group_ids[0], 1, 10 );
		// Create another KPI( Text Type )
		$kpi_ids[30] = $this->createKPI( $this->company_id, 70, 70, $kpi_group_ids[1] );
		// Create reviews
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 12 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 13 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 14 );
		$user_ids[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 15 );

		foreach ( $kpi_ids as $type => $kpi_id ) {
			$user_key = rand( 0, 2 );
			$reviewer_user_key = ( $user_key + 1 );
			$user_review_control_ids[] = $user_review_control_id = $this->createUserReviewControl( $user_ids[$user_key], $user_ids[$reviewer_user_key] );
			if ( $user_review_control_id != '' ) {
				$urf = TTnew( 'UserReviewFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewFactory $urf */
				$urf->setUserReviewControl( $user_review_control_id );
				$urf->setKPI( $kpi_id );
				switch ( $type ) {
					case 10:
						$urf->setRating( 7 );
					case 30:
						$urf->setNote( '' );

				if ( $urf->isValid() ) {
					$user_review_ids[] = $urf->Save();

		// Delete the KPI which is in use, it will fail to delete
		foreach ( $kpi_ids as $kpi_id ) {
			$lf = new KPIListFactory();
			$lf->getById( $kpi_id );
			if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
				$lf = $lf->getCurrent();
				$lf->setDeleted( true );
				$is_valid = $lf->isValid();
				if ( $is_valid == true ) {
		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_ids[0] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 1, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( 10, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( $kpi_arr[0]['group_id'][0], $kpi_group_ids[0] );
		$this->assertEquals( 7, $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_ids[1] );
		$this->assertEquals( 30, $kpi_arr[0]['type_id'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['minimum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['maximum_rate'] );
		$this->assertEquals( $kpi_arr[0]['group_id'][0], $kpi_group_ids[1] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr[0]['rating'] );

		// Delete reviews first and then delete KPIs
		foreach ( $user_review_ids as $user_review_id ) {
			$lf = new UserReviewListFactory();
			$lf->getById( $user_review_id );
			if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
				$lf = $lf->getCurrent();
				$lf->setDeleted( true );
				$is_valid = $lf->isValid();
				if ( $is_valid == true ) {
		foreach ( $kpi_ids as $kpi_id ) {
			$lf = new KPIListFactory();
			$lf->getById( $kpi_id );
			if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
				$lf = $lf->getCurrent();
				$lf->setDeleted( true );
				$is_valid = $lf->isValid();
				if ( $is_valid == true ) {
		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_ids[0] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr );

		$kpi_arr = $this->getKPIArrayByControlId( $user_review_control_ids[1] );
		$this->assertEquals( false, $kpi_arr );

		return true;
