cleanCacheDirectory(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == false ) { echo "ERROR: Install mode is not enabled in the timetrex.ini.php file!\n"; exit( 1 ); } else { $check_all_requirements = $install_obj->checkAllRequirements( true ); if ( $check_all_requirements == 0 //AND $install_obj->checkTimeTrexVersion() == 0 //This causes unit tests to fail when a new version is released that is newer than the unit test version. ) { $install_obj->setDatabaseConnection( $db ); //Default connection //Make sure at least one company exists in the database, this only works for upgrades, not initial installs. if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $config_vars['database']['database_name'] ) == true ) { if ( $install_obj->checkTableExists( 'company' ) == true ) { //Table could be created, but check to make sure a company actually exists too. $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); $clf->getAll(); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() >= 1 ) { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( true ); } else { //No company exists, send them to the create company page. $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( false ); } } else { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( false ); } } if ( $install_obj->getIsUpgrade() == false ) { if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $config_vars['database']['database_name'] ) == true ) { //Check to see if the DB schema is before the UUID upgrade (schema 1070 or older) and set the $PRIMARY_KEY_IS_UUID accordingly. // THIS IS in tools/unattended_install.php, tools/unattended_upgrade.php, includes/ as well. $PRIMARY_KEY_IS_UUID = false; //Create SQL, always try to install every schema version, as //installSchema() will check if its already been installed or not. // InstallSchema_1000A->postInstall() now sets the registration key and UUID seed. $install_obj->setDatabaseDriver( $config_vars['database']['type'] ); $install_obj->createSchemaRange( null, null ); //All schema versions $install_obj->setVersions(); //Clear all cache. $install_obj->cleanCacheDirectory(); $cache->clean(); $data['other']['installer_enabled'] = 'FALSE'; $install_obj->writeConfigFile( $data ); $cf = TTnew( 'CompanyFactory' ); $cf->StartTransaction(); $cf->setStatus( 10 ); //Active $cf->setProductEdition( getTTProductEdition() ); $cf->setName( 'ABC Company', true ); //Must force this change due to demo mode being enabled. $cf->setShortName( 'ABC' ); //$cf->setBusinessNumber( '123456789' ); $cf->setAddress1( '123 Main St' ); $cf->setAddress2( 'Unit #123' ); $cf->setCity( 'New York' ); $cf->setCountry( 'US' ); $cf->setProvince( 'NY' ); $cf->setPostalCode( '12345' ); $cf->setWorkPhone( '555-555-5555' ); $cf->setEnableAddLegalEntity( true ); $cf->setEnableAddCurrency( true ); $cf->setEnableAddPermissionGroupPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddUserDefaultPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddStation( true ); $cf->setEnableAddPayStubEntryAccountPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddCompanyDeductionPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddRecurringHolidayPreset( true ); if ( $cf->isValid() ) { $company_id = $cf->Save( false ); $install_obj->writeConfigFile( [ 'other' => [ 'primary_company_id' => $company_id ] ] ); //Setup admin user. $uf = TTnew( 'UserFactory' ); $uf->setCompany( $company_id ); $uf->setLegalEntity( $cf->legal_entity_id ); //Legal entity was created as part of $cf->Save() (postSave) $uf->setStatus( 10 ); $uf->setUserName( $user_name ); $uf->setPassword( 'demo', null, true ); //Force password $uf->setEmployeeNumber( 1 ); $uf->setFirstName( 'Mr.' ); $uf->setLastName( 'Administrator' ); $uf->setSex( 10 ); $uf->setAddress1( rand( 100, 9999 ) . ' Main St' ); $uf->setAddress2( 'Unit #' . rand( 10, 999 ) ); $uf->setCity( 'New York' ); $uf->setCountry( 'US' ); $uf->setProvince( 'NY' ); $uf->setPostalCode( str_pad( rand( 400, 599 ), 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) ); $uf->setWorkPhone( rand( 403, 600 ) . '-' . rand( 250, 600 ) . '-' . rand( 1000, 9999 ) ); $uf->setWorkPhoneExt( rand( 100, 1000 ) ); $uf->setHomePhone( rand( 403, 600 ) . '-' . rand( 250, 600 ) . '-' . rand( 1000, 9999 ) ); $uf->setWorkEmail( '' ); $uf->setSIN( rand( 100, 999 ) . '-' . rand( 100, 999 ) . '-' . rand( 100, 999 ) ); $uf->setBirthDate( strtotime( rand( 1970, 1990 ) . '-' . rand( 1, 12 ) . '-' . rand( 1, 28 ) ) ); if ( is_object( $uf->getCompanyObject() ) ) { $uf->setCountry( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getCountry() ); $uf->setProvince( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getProvince() ); $uf->setAddress1( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getAddress1() ); $uf->setAddress2( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getAddress2() ); $uf->setCity( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getCity() ); $uf->setPostalCode( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getPostalCode() ); $uf->setWorkPhone( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getWorkPhone() ); $uf->setHomePhone( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getWorkPhone() ); } //Get currency $clf = TTNew('CurrencyListFactory'); $clf->getByCompanyIdAndDefault( $company_id, true ); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $currency_id = $clf->getCurrent()->getId(); $uf->setCurrency( $currency_id ); } unset( $clf ); //Get Permission Control with highest level, assume its for Administrators and use it. $pclf = TTnew( 'PermissionControlListFactory' ); $pclf->getByCompanyId( $company_id, null, null, null, [ 'level' => 'desc' ] ); if ( $pclf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $pc_obj = $pclf->getCurrent(); if ( is_object( $pc_obj ) ) { Debug::Text( 'Adding User to Permission Control: ' . $pc_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $uf->setPermissionControl( $pc_obj->getId() ); } } if ( $uf->isValid() ) { $user_id = $uf->Save( false ); $cf->CommitTransaction(); echo "Install Successfull!\n"; echo "User Name: " . $uf->getUserName() . " Password: demo\n"; //Debug::Display(); exit( 0 ); } else { Debug::Arr( $uf->Validator->getTextErrors(), 'ERROR: Unable to create User!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); Debug::Display(); echo "ERROR: Unable to create User!\n"; } } else { Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Unable to create Company!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); echo "ERROR: Unable to create Company!\n"; } $cf->FailTransaction(); $cf->CommitTransaction(); } else { Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Database does not exist.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); echo "ERROR: Database does not exists!\n"; } } else { echo "ERROR: Company already exists, install has likely already occurred!\n"; } } else { echo "ERROR: System requirements are not satisfied, or a new version exists!\n"; echo 'Failed Requirements: ' . implode( ',', $install_obj->getFailedRequirements( true ) ) . "\n"; } } } //Debug::Display(); exit( 1 ); ?>