key = $key; $this->value = $value; $this->fuzzy = $fuzzy; $this->comments = (array)$comments; } public function __toString() { $str = ''; foreach ( $this->comments as $c ) { $str .= "#: $c\n"; } if ( $this->fuzzy ) { $str .= "#, fuzzy\n"; } $str .= 'msgid "' . str_replace( '"', '\\"', $this->key ) . '"' . "\n"; $str .= 'msgstr "' . str_replace( '"', '\\"', $this->value ) . '"' . "\n"; $str .= "\n"; return $str; } } /** * Parser object */ class PoeditParser { protected $file; protected $header = ''; protected $strings = []; protected function _fixQuotes( $str ) { return stripslashes( $str ); } public function __construct( $file ) { $this->file = $file; } public function parse() { $contents = file_get_contents( $this->file ); $parts = preg_split( '#(\r\n|\n){2}#', $contents, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); $this->header = array_shift( $parts ); foreach ( $parts as $part ) { // parse comments $comments = []; preg_match_all( '#^\\#: (.*?)$#m', $part, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $matches as $m ) { $comments[] = $m[1]; } $isFuzzy = preg_match( '#^\\#, fuzzy$#im', $part ) ? true : false; preg_match_all( '# ^ (msgid|msgstr)\ " ( (?: (?>[^"\\\\]++) | \\\\\\\\ | (?_fixQuotes( $matches2[0][2] ); } $v = !empty( $matches2[1][2] ) ? $this->_fixQuotes( $matches2[1][2] ) : ''; $this->strings[$k] = new PoeditString( $k, $v, $isFuzzy, $comments ); } } public function merge( $strings ) { foreach ( (array)$strings as $str ) { if ( !in_array( $str, array_keys( $this->strings ) ) ) { $this->strings[$str] = new PoeditString( $str ); } } } public function getHeader() { return $this->header; } public function getStrings() { return $this->strings; } public function getJSON() { $str = []; foreach ( $this->strings as $s ) { echo "String: Key: " . $s->key . " Value: " . $s->value . "\n"; if ( $s->value /*&& strlen($s->value) > 0*/ ) { $str[$s->key] = $s->value; } else { //$str[$s->key] = $s->key; //Don't export strings that haven't been translated to save space. } } return json_encode( $str ); } public function toJSON( $outputFilename, $varName = 'l10n' ) { $str = "$varName = " . $this->getJSON(); return file_put_contents( $outputFilename, $str ) !== false; } public function save( $filename = null ) { $data = $this->header . "\n\n"; foreach ( $this->strings as $str ) { $data .= $str; } return file_put_contents( $filename ? $filename : $this->file, $data ) !== false; } } /** * * @param unknown_type $args */ function buildOptions( $args ) { $options = [ '-o' => null, '-i' => null, '-n' => 'l10n', ]; $len = count( $args ); $i = 0; while ( $i < $len ) { if ( preg_match( '#^-[a-z]$#i', $args[$i] ) ) { $options[$args[$i]] = isset( $args[$i + 1] ) ? trim( $args[$i + 1] ) : true; $i += 2; } else { $options[] = $args[$i]; $i++; } } return $options; } /** * Script entry point * * Usage : * ======= * php po2json -i -o {optional} -n * * This script is based on the project jsgettext : * I've updated it slightly to meet my need */ $options = buildOptions( $argv ); if ( !file_exists( $options['-i'] ) || !is_readable( $options['-i'] ) ) { die( "Invalid input file. Make sure it exists and is readable." . "\n" ); } $poeditParser = new PoeditParser( $options['-i'] ); $poeditParser->parse(); if ( $poeditParser->toJSON( $options['-o'], $options['-n'] ) ) { $strings = count( $poeditParser->getStrings() ); echo "Successfully exported " . $strings . " strings.\n"; } else { echo "Cannor write to file '{$options['-o']}'.\n"; }