import '@/global/widgets/filebrowser/TImage'; import '@/global/widgets/filebrowser/TImageBrowser'; import '@/global/widgets/filebrowser/TImageAdvBrowser'; import '@/global/widgets/color-picker/TColorPicker'; import '@/global/widgets/formula_builder/FormulaBuilder.js'; // imported unnamed as it self executes on to the jQuery object as a jQuery plugin. import tinyMCE from 'tinymce/tinymce'; import 'tinymce/icons/default'; // Default icons are required for TinyMCE 5.3 or above import 'tinymce/themes/silver'; import 'tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/skin.css'; import 'tinymce/plugins/link'; import contentUiCss from '!!css-loader!tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/content.css'; // import contentCss from '!!css-loader!tinymce/skins/content/default/content.css'; export class UIKitSampleViewController extends BaseViewController { constructor( options = {} ) { _.defaults( options, { el: '#ui_kit_sample_view_container', report_api: null, company_api: null, combo_box_array: null, sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller: null, combo_box_parent_array: [], //Country Array combo_box_child_array: [] //Province Array } ); super( options ); } init( options ) { //this._super('initialize', options ); this.edit_view_tpl = 'UIKitSampleEditView.html'; this.permission_id = 'user'; this.viewId = 'UIKitSample'; this.script_name = 'UIKitSample'; this.table_name_key = 'ui_kit'; this.context_menu_name = $.i18n._( 'UIKit Sample' ); this.navigation_label = $.i18n._( 'UIKit Sample' ); this.api = TTAPI.APIUIKitSample; this.report_api = TTAPI.APITimesheetSummaryReport; this.company_api = TTAPI.APICompany; this.render(); this.buildContextMenu(); this.initData(); } initOptions() { let options = [ { option_name: 'combo_box', api: this.api }, { option_name: 'country', field_name: 'combo_box_parent', api: this.company_api }, ]; this.initDropDownOptions( options, () => { this.combo_box_parent_array = this.country_array; } ); } onFormItemChange( target, doNotValidate ) { this.setIsChanged( target ); this.setMassEditingFieldsWhenFormChange( target ); var key = target.getField(); switch ( key ) { case 'combo_box_parent': var widget = this.edit_view_ui_dic['combo_box_child']; widget.setValue( null ); break; } this.current_edit_record[key] = target.getValue(); if ( key === 'combo_box_parent' ) { this.onComboBoxParentChanged(); return; } if ( !doNotValidate ) { this.validate(); } } onComboBoxParentChanged() { var selectVal = this.edit_view_ui_dic['combo_box_parent'].getValue(); this.setComboBoxChild( selectVal, true ); } setComboBoxChild( val, refresh, selected_value ) { var $this = this; var combo_box_child_widget = $this.edit_view_ui_dic['combo_box_child']; if ( !val || val === '-1' || val === '0' ) { $this.combo_box_child_array = []; combo_box_child_widget.setSourceData( [] ); } else { this.company_api.getOptions( 'province', val, { onResult: function( res ) { res = res.getResult(); if ( !res ) { res = []; } $this.combo_box_child_array = Global.buildRecordArray( res ); combo_box_child_widget.setSourceData( $this.combo_box_child_array ); if ( refresh && $this.combo_box_child_array.length > 0 ) { //Keep current value if it is selected let child_value = selected_value ? selected_value : $this.combo_box_child_array[0].value; $this.current_edit_record.combo_box_child = child_value; combo_box_child_widget.setValue( child_value ); } } } ); } } getCustomContextMenuModel() { var context_menu_model = { exclude: [], include: [] }; return context_menu_model; } buildEditViewUI() { super.buildEditViewUI(); var $this = this; var tab_model = { 'tab_input_basic': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Text / Basic' ), 'html_template': this.getInputTabHtml(), }, 'tab_dropdowns': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Dropdowns' ) }, 'tab_date_selectors': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Date / Time' ) }, 'tab_image_file': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Pickers' ) }, 'tab_sub_view': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Sub View' ), 'is_sub_view': true, 'init_callback': 'initSubUIKitChildView', 'display_on_mass_edit': false }, 'tab_misc': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Misc' ) }, 'tab_audit': true, }; this.setTabModel( tab_model ); var form_item_input; this.navigation.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIUIKitSample, id: this.script_name + '_navigation', allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_ui_kit_sample', navigation_mode: true, show_search_inputs: true } ); this.setNavigation(); //Tab 0 start var tab_widget = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_input_basic' ); var text_basic_column = tab_widget.find( '.first-column' ); var label, widgetContainer; this.edit_view_tabs[0] = []; this.edit_view_tabs[0].push( text_basic_column ); //Text input form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); form_item_input.TTextInput( { field: 'text_input', width: '100%' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Text Input (Display Name)' ), form_item_input, text_basic_column ); //Tags form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TAG_INPUT ); form_item_input.TTagInput( { field: 'tag', object_type_id: 110 } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Tags' ), form_item_input, text_basic_column, '', null, null, true ); //Textarea form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_AREA ); form_item_input.TTextArea( { field: 'textarea', width: '100%', rows: 4 } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Textarea' ), form_item_input, text_basic_column, '', null, null, true ); //Numeric input form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); form_item_input.TTextInput( { field: 'numeric_input', width: '100%' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Numeric (20,4)' ), form_item_input, text_basic_column ); //Password form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.PASSWORD_INPUT ); form_item_input.TPasswordInput( { field: 'password_input', width: '100%' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Password' ), form_item_input, text_basic_column, '', null, true ); //Checkbox form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.CHECKBOX ); form_item_input.TCheckbox( { field: 'checkbox' } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Checkbox' ), form_item_input, text_basic_column, '', widgetContainer ); var tab_dropdown = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_dropdowns' ); var tab_dropdown_column_1 = tab_dropdown.find( '.first-column' ); this.edit_view_tabs[1] = []; this.edit_view_tabs[1].push( tab_dropdown_column_1 ); //Combo Box form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.COMBO_BOX ); form_item_input.TComboBox( { field: 'combo_box' } ); form_item_input.setSourceData( $this.combo_box_array ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Combo Box' ), form_item_input, tab_dropdown_column_1, '' ); //Combo Box Parent form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.COMBO_BOX ); form_item_input.TComboBox( { field: 'combo_box_parent' } ); form_item_input.setSourceData( $this.combo_box_parent_array ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Combo Box Parent' ), form_item_input, tab_dropdown_column_1, '' ); //Combo Box Child form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.COMBO_BOX ); form_item_input.TComboBox( { field: 'combo_box_child' } ); form_item_input.setSourceData( $this.combo_box_child_array ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Combo Box Child' ), form_item_input, tab_dropdown_column_1, '' ); //Awesome Box Multiple form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIUser, allow_multiple_selection: true, layout_name: 'global_user', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, field: 'awesome_box_multi' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Awesome Box Multiple' ), form_item_input, tab_dropdown_column_1 ); //Awesome Single form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIUser, allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_user', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, field: 'awesome_box_single' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Awesome Box Single' ), form_item_input, tab_dropdown_column_1 ); var tab_date = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_date_selectors' ); var tab_date_column_1 = tab_date.find( '.first-column' ); this.edit_view_tabs[2] = []; this.edit_view_tabs[2].push( tab_date_column_1 ); //Date form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.DATE_PICKER ); form_item_input.TDatePicker( { field: 'date' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Date' ), form_item_input, tab_date_column_1 ); // Date Range form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.DATE_PICKER ); form_item_input.TRangePicker( { field: 'date_range', validation_field: 'date_stamp' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Date Range' ), form_item_input, tab_date_column_1, '', null, true ); //Time form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TIME_PICKER ); form_item_input.TTimePicker( { field: 'time', validation_field: 'time_stamp' } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); this.actual_time_label = $( '' ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); widgetContainer.append( this.actual_time_label ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Time' ), form_item_input, tab_date_column_1, '', widgetContainer, true ); var tab_image_file = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_image_file' ); var tab_image_file_column_1 = tab_image_file.find( '.first-column' ); this.edit_view_tabs[3] = []; this.edit_view_tabs[3].push( tab_image_file_column_1 ); // Photo form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.IMAGE_AVD_BROWSER ); this.image_browser = form_item_input.TImageAdvBrowser( { field: '', default_width: 128, default_height: 128, enable_delete: true, callBack: function( form_data ) { new ServiceCaller().uploadFile( form_data, 'object_type=user_photo&object_id=' + $, { onResult: function( result ) { if ( result.toLowerCase() === 'true' ) { $this.image_browser.setImage( ServiceCaller.getURLByObjectType( 'user_photo' ) + '&object_id=' + $ ); } else { TAlertManager.showAlert( result, 'Error' ); } } } ); }, deleteImageHandler: function( e ) { $this.onDeleteImage(); } } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); label = $( '' + $.i18n._( 'Upload Disabled' ) + '' ); widgetContainer.append( this.image_browser ); widgetContainer.append( label ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Photo' ), this.image_browser, tab_image_file_column_1, '', widgetContainer, false, true ); // File form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.FILE_BROWSER ); this.file_browser = form_item_input.TImageBrowser( { field: 'file', name: 'filedata', accept_filter: '*' } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); label = $( '' + $.i18n._( 'Upload Disabled' ) + '' ); widgetContainer.append( this.file_browser ); widgetContainer.append( label ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'File' ), form_item_input, tab_image_file_column_1, '', widgetContainer, true, true ); //Color form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.COLOR_PICKER ); form_item_input.TColorPicker( { field: 'color' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Color' ), form_item_input, tab_image_file_column_1 ); //Misc tab var tab_misc = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_misc' ); var tab_misc_column_1 = tab_misc.find( '.first-column' ); this.edit_view_tabs[4] = []; this.edit_view_tabs[4].push( tab_misc_column_1 ); form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.SEPARATED_BOX ); form_item_input.SeparatedBox( { label: $.i18n._( 'Separated Box One' ) } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( null, form_item_input, tab_misc_column_1, '', null, true, false, 'shifts_scheduled_to_work' ); //Formula builder form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.FORMULA_BUILDER ); form_item_input.FormulaBuilder( { field: 'formula_builder', width: '100%', onFormulaBtnClick: function() { TTAPI.APIReportCustomColumn.getOptions( 'formula_functions', { onResult: function( fun_result ) { var fun_res_data = fun_result.getResult(); $this.report_api.getOptions( 'filter_columns', { onResult: onColumnsResult } ); function onColumnsResult( col_result ) { var col_res_data = col_result.getResult(); var default_args = {}; default_args.functions = Global.buildRecordArray( fun_res_data ); default_args.variables = Global.buildRecordArray( col_res_data ); default_args.formula = $this.current_edit_record.formula_builder; default_args.current_edit_record = Global.clone( $this.current_edit_record ); default_args.api = $this.api; IndexViewController.openWizard( 'FormulaBuilderWizard', default_args, function( val ) { $this.current_edit_record.formula_builder = val; $this.edit_view_ui_dic.formula_builder.setValue( val ); } ); } } } ); } } ); $this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Formula' ), form_item_input, tab_misc_column_1, '', null, true, true ); form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.SEPARATED_BOX ); form_item_input.SeparatedBox( { label: $.i18n._( 'Separated Box Two' ) } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( null, form_item_input, tab_misc_column_1, '', null, true, false, 'shifts_scheduled_to_work' ); } buildSearchFields() { super.buildSearchFields(); this.search_fields = [ new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Text Input' ), in_column: 1, field: 'text_input', multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT } ), ]; } setCurrentEditRecordData() { super.setCurrentEditRecordData(); this.setComboBoxChild( this.current_edit_record.combo_box_parent, true, this.current_edit_record.combo_box_child ); this.setWYSIWGText(); } setWYSIWGText( el ) { var $this = this; var form_item = $( Global.loadWidgetByName( WidgetNamesDic.EDIT_VIEW_FORM_ITEM ) ); var form_item_label_div = form_item.find( '.edit-view-form-item-label-div' ); var form_item_input_div = form_item.find( '.edit-view-form-item-input-div' ); var form_item_label = form_item.find( '.edit-view-form-item-label' ); form_item_label.text( $.i18n._( 'TinyMCE' ) ); form_item_input_div.addClass( 'edit-view-form-item-tinymce-textarea-div' ); var tab_input_basic = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_input_basic' ); // var column = tab_vacancy.find( '.third-column' ); var tab_tab_input_basic3 = tab_input_basic.find( '.third-column' ); tab_tab_input_basic3.html( form_item ); this.edit_view_tabs[0].push( tab_tab_input_basic3 ); this.editFieldResize( 0 ); // var widget = widgets; form_item_label_div.css( 'height', '340px' ); form_item_label_div.css( 'width', form_item_label_div.width() + 1 ); this.showWYSIWGText(); window.onresize = function() { if ( this.edit_view ) { $this.resizeMCE(); } }; return form_item; } showWYSIWGText() { if ( !this.edit_view_tab ) { return; } var form_item_label_div_width = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_input_basic' ).find( '.third-column' ).find( '.edit-view-form-item-label-div' ).width() + 12; var el = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TINYMCE_TEXT_AREA, true ); var description = this.current_edit_record['wysiwg_text']; var width = $( this.edit_view_tab.find( '.edit-view-tab' )[0] ).width() - form_item_label_div_width; var options = { description: description, width: ( width - 3 ) + 'px', height: '335px' }; var readonly = false; if ( this.is_viewing ) { readonly = true; } var tpl = _.template( el )( options ); tinyMCE.remove(); this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_input_basic' ).find( '.third-column' ).find( '.edit-view-form-item-tinymce-textarea-div' ).html( tpl ); // new tinyMCE.init code here tinyMCE.init( { height: '335px', width: '100%', autoresize_min_width: ( width - 3 ), selector: '.tinymce-text-area', readonly: readonly, menubar: false, statusbar: false, plugins: 'link', //toolbar: false, //#2589 (showing the default toolbar) theme: 'silver', skin: false, content_css: false, content_style: contentUiCss.toString() + '\n' + contentCss.toString() + '\n' + 'body { font-size: 14px; margin-top: 0; color: #404042; }', // taken from PortalJobVacancyDetailController.js:showJobVacancy as we want the text here to match what a user will end up seeing. } ); var $this = this; var tinymce_textarea = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_input_basic' ).find( '.third-column' ).find( '.edit-view-form-item-tinymce-textarea-div' ); tinymce_textarea.hide(); var search_for_tinymce = setInterval( function() { var body = tinymce_textarea.find( 'iframe' ).contents().find( 'body' ); if ( !_.isUndefined( body[0] ) ) { clearInterval( search_for_tinymce ); $this.resizeMCE();; } }, 50 ); } resizeMCE() { } setDefaultMenuDeleteIcon( context_btn, grid_selected_length, pId ) { if ( grid_selected_length >= 1 ) { ContextMenuManager.disableMenuItem( this.determineContextMenuMountAttributes().id,, true ); } else { ContextMenuManager.disableMenuItem( this.determineContextMenuMountAttributes().id,, false ); } } setEditMenuDeleteIcon( context_btn, pId ) { if ( !this.current_edit_record || ! ) { ContextMenuManager.disableMenuItem( this.determineContextMenuMountAttributes().id,, false ); } } uniformVariable( records ) { if ( this.is_mass_editing ) { return records; } else { records.wysiwg_text = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent(); } return records; } removeEditView() { this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller = null; super.removeEditView(); } initSubUIKitChildView() { var $this = this; if ( ! ) { TTPromise.resolve( 'BaseViewController', 'onTabShow' ); //Since search() isn't called in this case, and we just display the "Please Save This Record ..." message, resolve the promise. return; } TTPromise.add( 'UIKitChildSampleView', 'init' ); if ( this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller ) { this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.buildContextMenu( true ); this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.setDefaultMenu(); $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.parent_value = $; $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.parent_edit_record = $this.current_edit_record; $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.initData(); //Init data in this parent view TTPromise.resolve( 'UIKitChildSampleView', 'init' ); return; } Global.loadScript( 'views/ui_kit_sample/UIKitChildSampleViewController.js', function() { if ( !$this.edit_view_tab ) { return; } var tab_employee = $this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_sub_view' ); var firstColumn = tab_employee.find( '.first-column-sub-view' ); Global.trackView( 'Sub' + 'UIKitChild' + 'View' ); UIKitChildSampleViewController.loadSubView( firstColumn, beforeLoadView, afterLoadView ); } ); function beforeLoadView() { } function afterLoadView( subViewController, firstColumn ) { $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller = subViewController; $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.parent_key = 'parent_id'; $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.parent_value = $; $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.parent_edit_record = $this.current_edit_record; $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.parent_view_controller = $this; TTPromise.wait( 'BaseViewController', 'initialize', function() { if ( $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller ) { $this.sub_ui_kit_child_sample_view_controller.initData(); //Init data in this parent view } } ); } } getInputTabHtml() { return `
`; } }