import { WizardStep } from '@/global/widgets/wizard/WizardStep'; export class PayrollRemittanceAgencyEventWizardStepPublish extends WizardStep { constructor( options = {} ) { _.defaults( options, { name: 'publish', api: null, el: $( '.wizard.process_transactions_wizard' ) } ); super( options ); } init() { this.api = TTAPI.APIPayrollRemittanceAgencyEvent; this.render(); } getPreviousStepName() { return 'submit'; } _render() { this.setTitle( $.i18n._( 'Publish Information for Employees' ) ); this.setInstructions( $.i18n._( 'Publish forms for employees to access online' ) + ': ' ); var $this = this; this.getWizardObject().getPayrollRemittanceAgencyEventById( this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event_id, null, function( result ) { $this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event = result; $this.getWizardObject().buildEventDataBlock( 'payroll_remittance_agency_event_wizard-publish-event_details', result ); $this.initCardsBlock(); switch ( $this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event.type_id ) { //Canada case 'T4': $this.addButton( 'printIcon', 'payroll_remittance_agency-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Publish' ), $.i18n._( 'Publish T4 forms for employees to access online with their own login under Payroll -> Government Documents.' ) ); $this.addButton( 'EmployeeT4', 'print-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Employee T4 Forms' ), $.i18n._( 'Print employee T4 forms for distribution to employees by hand or mail.' ) ); break; case 'T4A': $this.addButton( 'printIcon', 'payroll_remittance_agency-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Publish' ), $.i18n._( 'Publish T4A forms for employees to access online with their own login under Payroll -> Government Documents.' ) ); $this.addButton( 'EmployeeT4A', 'print-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Employee T4A Forms' ), $.i18n._( 'Print employee T4A forms for distribution to employees by hand or mail.' ) ); break; //US case 'FW2': $this.addButton( 'printIcon', 'payroll_remittance_agency-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Publish' ), $.i18n._( 'Publish W2 forms for employees to access online with their own login under Payroll -> Government Documents.' ) ); $this.addButton( 'EmployeeW2', 'print-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Print employee W2 Forms' ) + ' (' + $.i18n._( 'Optional' ) + ') ', $.i18n._( 'Print employee W2 forms for distribution to employees by hand or mail.' ) ); break; case 'F1099NEC': $this.addButton( 'printIcon', 'payroll_remittance_agency-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Publish' ), $.i18n._( 'Publish 1099-NEC forms for recipients to access online with their own login under Payroll -> Government Documents.' ) ); $this.addButton( 'Employee1099Nec', 'print-35x35.png', $.i18n._( 'Print employee 1099-NEC Forms' ) + ' (' + $.i18n._( 'Optional' ) + ') ', $.i18n._( 'Print employee 1099-NEC forms for distribution to recipients by hand or mail.' ) ); break; } $this.getWizardObject().enableButtons(); } ); } _onNavigationClick( icon ) { var $this = this; switch ( this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event.type_id ) { //Canada case 'T4': switch ( icon ) { case 'printIcon': this.getWizardObject().disableForCommunity( function() { $this.publishReportToEmployee(); } ); break; case 'EmployeeT4': Global.loadScript( 'views/reports/t4_summary/T4SummaryReportViewController', function() { $this.getWizardObject().getReport( 'pdf_form' ); } ); break; } break; case 'T4A': switch ( icon ) { case 'printIcon': this.getWizardObject().disableForCommunity( function() { $this.publishReportToEmployee(); } ); break; case 'EmployeeT4A': Global.loadScript( 'views/reports/t4a_summary/T4ASummaryReportViewController', function() { $this.getWizardObject().getReport( 'pdf_form' ); } ); break; } break; //US case 'FW2': switch ( icon ) { case 'printIcon': this.getWizardObject().disableForCommunity( function() { $this.publishReportToEmployee(); } ); break; case 'EmployeeW2': Global.loadScript( 'views/reports/formw2/FormW2ReportViewController', function() { $this.getWizardObject().getReport( 'pdf_form' ); } ); break; } break; case 'F1099NEC': switch ( icon ) { case 'printIcon': this.getWizardObject().disableForCommunity( function() { $this.publishReportToEmployee(); } ); break; case 'Employee1099Nec': Global.loadScript( 'views/reports/form1099/Form1099NecReportViewController', function() { $this.getWizardObject().getReport( 'pdf_form' ); } ); break; } break; } } publishReportToEmployee() { this.api.getReportData( this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event_id, 'pdf_form_publish_employee', { onResult: function( result ) { var retval = result.getResult(); if ( retval.api_retval ) { retval.api_retval, LocalCacheData.getLoginUser().id, function() { } ); } else { TAlertManager.showAlert( $.i18n._( 'No results found.' ), $.i18n._( 'Warning' ), function() { } ); } } } ); } getPDFForm( scriptPath ) { Global.loadScript( scriptPath, function() { $this.getWizardObject().getReport( 'pdf_form' ); } ); } }