import { WizardStep } from '@/global/widgets/wizard/WizardStep'; export class ProcessTransactionsWizardStepHome extends WizardStep { constructor( options = {} ) { _.defaults( options, { name: 'home', source_accounts: [], pay_periods: [], types: [], filter_data: null } ); super( options ); } init() { var $this = this; var external_data = $this.getWizardObject().getExternalData(); if ( external_data.transaction_source_data ) { $this.source_accounts = []; $this.normalizeSourceAccounts( external_data.transaction_source_data ); delete external_data.transaction_source_data; $this.render(); return; } var api = TTAPI.APIPayStubTransaction; var filter_data = {}; if ( external_data ) { var temp_filter_data = external_data.filter_data; // Ignore ugliness from report setup data ( We only want to send the filter forward ) var ignore_fields = ['chart', 'columns', 'sort', 'sort_', 'order', 'other', 'template', 'sub_total']; for ( var n in temp_filter_data ) { if ( ignore_fields.indexOf( n ) == -1 ) { filter_data[n] = temp_filter_data[n]; } } } api.getPayPeriodTransactionSummary( filter_data, { onResult: function( result ) { var transactions = result.getResult(); $this.normalizeSourceAccounts( transactions ); $this.render(); } } ); } normalizeSourceAccounts( data ) { this.source_accounts = []; var external_data = this.getWizardObject().getExternalData(); if ( !external_data.filter_data.pay_period_id ) { external_data.filter_data.pay_period_id = []; } for ( var m in data ) { var item = data[m]; var new_record = { id: item.remittance_source_account_id, name: item.remittance_source_account, type: item.remittance_source_account_type, last_transaction_number: item.remittance_source_account_last_transaction_number, total_amount: item.total_amount, total_transactions: item.total_transactions }; this.source_accounts.push( new_record ); if ( item.pay_period_id && external_data.filter_data.pay_period_id.indexOf( item.pay_period_id ) == -1 && item.pay_period_id != TTUUID.zero_id ) { external_data.filter_data.pay_period_id.push( item.pay_period_id ); } } this.getWizardObject().setExternalData( external_data ); } initCardsBlock() { $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '.download_warning' ).html( 'Click the icon to download the transaction file. Be sure to save it to your computer rather than open it' ); } getNextStepName() { //This is a single-step wizard. Always return false; return false; } _render() { this.setTitle( this.getWizardObject().wizard_name ); //If the wizard is closed, it reopens to the home step and must be told what the current step is. this.getWizardObject().setCurrentStepName( 'home' ); TTPromise.add( 'processTransactionsWizard', 'render' ); var $this = this; TTPromise.wait( 'processTransactionsWizard', 'render', function() { $( $this.el ).show(); ( $( '.process_transactions_wizard input' )[1] ).focus(); //Select first input field by default. } ); this.buildForm(); } buildForm() { if ( this.source_accounts.length > 0 ) { var tab_index = 1050; var instruction_text = $.i18n._( 'Select source accounts to processs transactions for' ); var $this = this; var container = $( '
' ); var form = $( '
' ).appendTo( container ); var table = $( '
' ); var header_row = $( '' ); header_row.html( '' + instruction_text + '

' ); var column_header_row = $( '' ); var th_chk = $( '' ).appendTo( column_header_row ); var th_name = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( 'Source Account' ) ).appendTo( column_header_row ); var th_format = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( 'Type' ) ).appendTo( column_header_row ); var th_last_check = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( 'Last #' ) ).appendTo( column_header_row ); var th_next_check = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( 'Next #' ) ).appendTo( column_header_row ); var th_amount = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( 'Amount' ) ).appendTo( column_header_row ); var th_transactions = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( 'Transactions' ) ).appendTo( column_header_row ); table.append( header_row ); table.append( column_header_row ); for ( var n in this.source_accounts ) { var item = this.source_accounts[n]; var row = $( '' ); var chk = $( '' ); tab_index++; chk.on( 'change', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $this.onCheck(); } ); var td_chk = $( '' ).append( chk ).appendTo( row ); var td_name = $( '' ).html( ).appendTo( row ); var td_format = $( '' ).html( $.i18n._( item.type ) ).appendTo( row ); var last_transaction_input = $( '' ); tab_index++; last_transaction_input.on( 'keydown', function( e ) { $this.onCheckNoKeyDown( e ); } ); last_transaction_input.on( 'keyup', function( e ) { var result_element = $( ).parents( 'tr' ).find( '.next_transaction_number' ); result_element.val( parseInt( $( ).val() ) + 1 ); } ); var next_transaction_input = $( '' ); tab_index++; next_transaction_input.on( 'keydown', function( e ) { $this.onCheckNoKeyDown( e ); } ); next_transaction_input.on( 'keyup', function( e ) { var result_element = $( ).parents( 'tr' ).find( '.last_transaction_number' ); result_element.val( parseInt( $( ).val() ) - 1 ); } ); var td_last_check = $( '' ).append( last_transaction_input ).appendTo( row ); var td_last_check = $( '' ).append( next_transaction_input ).appendTo( row ); var td_last_check = $( '' ).html( item.total_amount ).appendTo( row ); var td_last_check = $( '' ).html( item.total_transactions ).appendTo( row ); row.appendTo( table ); } form.append( table ); $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.content' ).html( container ); $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.done-btn' ).removeClass( 'disable-image' ); //reset preload data this.source_accounts = null; this.filter = null; } else { $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.content' ).html( 'No transactions to process.' ); $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.done-btn' ).addClass( 'disable-image' ); } this.onCheck(); //ensure that the done button is enabled by default TTPromise.resolve( 'processTransactionsWizard', 'render' ); } onCheckNoKeyDown( e ) { //only allow digits, delete, backspace and arrows if ( isNaN( e.key ) && [9, 8, 46, 37, 39].indexOf( e.keyCode ) == -1 ) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } } onCheck() { var checkboxes = $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.content input[type="checkbox"]' ).filter( ':checked' ); if ( checkboxes.length > 0 ) { var data = []; checkboxes.each( function() { data.push( $( this ).val() ); } ); this.getWizardObject().setTransactionIds( data ); $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.done-btn' ).removeClass( 'disable-image' ); } else { this.getWizardObject().setTransactionIds( [] ); $( this.getWizardObject().el ).find( '.done-btn' ).addClass( 'disable-image' ); } } setFilterData( data ) { this.filter_data = data; TTPromise.resolve( 'ProcessTransactionsWizardStepHome', 'init_filter' ); } getFilterData() { return this.filter_data; } }