$( document ).on( 'click', '.tt_debug_close_btn', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Debug.closePanel(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#tt_debug_enable_checkbox', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Debug.setEnable( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#trigger_js_exception_button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var exception_type = $( '#tt_debug_exception_type_select' ).val(); switch ( exception_type ) { case 'js_error': non_existant_variable.non_existant_function(); break; case 'js_load_script_parser_error': var script_path = Global.getViewPathByViewId( 'DeveloperTools' ) + 'triggerParserError.js'; //remove from cache to ensure that we're sending a totally new request delete LocalCacheData.loadedScriptNames[script_path]; //change the js version number to trigger forced reload APIGlobal.pre_login_data.application_build += '_FORCE'; return Global.loadScript( script_path, function( result ) { Debug.Arr( result, 'no error happened.' ); } ); case 'js_load_script_404_error': Global.loadScript( 'nonexistantscript.js', function( result ) { Debug.Arr( result, 'no error happened.' ); } ); break; } } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#trigger_js_timeout_button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Global.idle_time = 100; Global.doPingIfNecessary(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#tt_debug_exception_verbosity', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Debug.setVerbosity( $( this ).val() ); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#tt_overlay_disable_checkbox', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Global.UNIT_TEST_MODE = $( this ).is( ':checked' ); Global.event_bus.emit( 'tt_left_container', 'rebuild_menu' ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#qunit_test_button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#tt_debug_console' ).css( 'width', '80%' ); $( '#tt_debug_console' ).css( 'margin', '0 auto' ); runUnitTests(); } ); /** * Put all unit tests in this function */ $( document ).on( 'change', '#tt_output_variable_select', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); output_system_data( $( this ).val() ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#trigger_output_variable_select', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); output_system_data( $( '#tt_output_variable_select' ).val() ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#trigger_arbitrary_script', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var script = $( '#arbitrary_script' ).val(); script = script.replace( /(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '' ); //strip all line-ends console.log( eval( script ) ); } ); // #VUETEST $( document ).on( 'click', '#load_vue_test_button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); window.VueRouter.push('test'); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#awesomebox_test', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Debug.showAwesomeBoxTest(); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#grid_test', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Debug.showGridTest(); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '#WidgetTest_test', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); Debug.showWidgetTest(); } ); function breakOn( obj, propertyName, mode, func ) { // this is directly from https://github.com/paulmillr/es6-shim function getPropertyDescriptor( obj, name ) { var property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( obj, name ); var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( obj ); while ( property === undefined && proto !== null ) { property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( proto, name ); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( proto ); } return property; } function verifyNotWritable() { if ( mode !== 'read' ) throw "This property is not writable, so only possible mode is 'read'."; } var enabled = true; var originalProperty = getPropertyDescriptor( obj, propertyName ); var newProperty = { enumerable: originalProperty.enumerable }; // write if ( originalProperty.set ) {// accessor property newProperty.set = function( val ) { if ( enabled && ( !func || func && func( val ) ) ) debugger; originalProperty.set.call( this, val ); }; } else if ( originalProperty.writable ) {// value property newProperty.set = function( val ) { if ( enabled && ( !func || func && func( val ) ) ) debugger; originalProperty.value = val; }; } else { verifyNotWritable(); } // read newProperty.get = function( val ) { if ( enabled && mode === 'read' && ( !func || func && func( val ) ) ) debugger; return originalProperty.get ? originalProperty.get.call( this, val ) : originalProperty.value; }; Object.defineProperty( obj, propertyName, newProperty ); return { disable: function() { enabled = false; }, enable: function() { enabled = true; } }; }; function runUnitTests() { if ( $( '#qunit_script' ).length == 0 ) { $( '' ).appendTo( 'head' ); $( '' ).appendTo( 'head' ); QUnit.config.autostart = false; $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'width', '100vw' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'height', '100vh' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'overflow-y', 'scroll' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'position', 'fixed' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'top', '0px' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'left', '0px' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'z-index', '100' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).css( 'background', '#fff' ); $( '#qunit_container' ).show(); $( '#tt_debug_console' ).remove(); } if ( !window.qunit_initiated ) { window.qunit_initiated = true; //QUnit.start(); //This causes a JavaScript exception, but does not seem to be required. Test ran without it. } QUnit.module( 'QUnit Sanity' ); QUnit.test( 'QUnit test', function( assert ) { assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'QUnit is loaded and sane!' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'Global.js' ); QUnit.test( 'Global.MoneyRound', function( assert ) { assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 1.005, 2 ) == '1.01', 'Global.MoneyRound(1.005, 2) == 1.01 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 1.77777777, 2 ) == '1.78', 'Global.MoneyRound(1.77777777, 2) == 1.78 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 9.1, 2 ) == '9.10', 'Global.MoneyRound(9.1, 2) == 9.10 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 1.0049999999999999, 2 ) == '1.01', 'Global.MoneyRound(1.0049999999999999, 2) == 1.01 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -28.120, 2 ) == '-28.12', 'Global.MoneyRound(-28.120, 2) == -28.12 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 28.120, 2 ) == '28.12', 'Global.MoneyRound(28.120, 2) == 28.12 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -28.124, 2 ) == '-28.12', 'Global.MoneyRound(-28.124, 2) == -28.12 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 28.124, 2 ) == '28.12', 'Global.MoneyRound(28.124, 2) == 28.12 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -28.125, 2 ) == '-28.13', 'Global.MoneyRound(-28.125, 2) == -28.13 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 28.125, 2 ) == '28.13', 'Global.MoneyRound(28.125, 2) == 28.13 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -28.129, 2 ) == '-28.13', 'Global.MoneyRound(-28.129, 2) == -28.13 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 28.129, 2 ) == '28.13', 'Global.MoneyRound(28.129, 2) == 28.13 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -0.124, 2 ) == '-0.12', 'Global.MoneyRound(-0.124, 2) == -0.12 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 0.124, 2 ) == '0.12', 'Global.MoneyRound(0.124, 2) == 0.12 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -0.155, 2 ) == '-0.16', 'Global.MoneyRound(-0.155, 2) == -0.16 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 0.155, 2 ) == '0.16', 'Global.MoneyRound(0.155, 2) == 0.16 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( -0.001, 2 ) == '0.00', 'Global.MoneyRound(-0.001, 2) == 0.00 -- Passed!' ); assert.ok( Global.MoneyRound( 0.001, 2 ) == '0.00', 'Global.MoneyRound(0.001, 2) == 0.00 -- Passed!' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.js sort-prefix', function( assert ) { var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '-1234-11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' ); assert.ok( res == '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111', 'stripped from synth uuid a.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' ); assert.ok( res == '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111', 'stripped from synth uuid no sort-prefix.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '-1234-05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' ); assert.ok( res == '05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0', 'stripped from valid UUID with 4 digit numeric section in the middle.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0' ); assert.ok( res == '05d3d547-0e2b-9233-65ba-4e229fd72bc0', 'stripped from valid UUID with 4 digit numeric section in the middle.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '-1234-111' ); assert.ok( res == '111', 'stripped from int a.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '111' ); assert.ok( res == '111', 'stripped from int with no sort-prefix.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( '-1234-testStringGalrblyBlah' ); assert.ok( res == 'testStringGalrblyBlah', 'stripped from string a.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefix( 'testStringGalrblyBlah' ); assert.ok( res == 'testStringGalrblyBlah', 'stripped from string with no sort-prefix.' ); var res = Global.removeSortPrefixFromArray( { '-1112-testStringGalrblyBlah': 'string', '-1113-1234': 'int', '-1234-11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111': 'uuid' } ); var cnt = 0; assert.ok( res['testStringGalrblyBlah'] == 'string', 'prefix stripped properly' ); assert.ok( res['1234'] == 'int', 'prefix stripped properly' ); assert.ok( res['11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'] == 'uuid', 'prefix stripped properly' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.js parseTimeUnit HH:MM:SS', function( assert ) { assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '00:01', 10 ), 60 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '-00:01', 10 ), -60 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '01:00', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '10:00', 10 ), 36000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '100:00', 10 ), 360000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1000:00', 10 ), 3600000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '10000:00', 10 ), 36000000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '10000:01.5', 10 ), 36000060 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '01', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '-1', 10 ), -3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:00:00', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:00:01', 10 ), 3601 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '"1:00:01"', 10 ), 3601 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '00:60', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( ':60', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( ':1', 10 ), 60 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:00:01.5', 10 ), 3601 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '"1:00:01.5"', 10 ), 3601 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:1.5', 10 ), 3660 ); //Hybrid mode. assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1.000', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1.00', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '-1', 10 ), -3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '01', 10 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.25', 10 ), 900 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.50', 10 ), 1800 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.34', 10 ), 1200 ); //Automatically rounds to nearest 1min } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.js parseTimeUnit Hours', function( assert ) { assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1000.0000', 20 ), 3600000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1,000.0000', 20 ), 3600000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1 000.0000', 20 ), 3600000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '-1,000.0000', 20 ), -3600000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( ' "-1, 000.0000" ', 20 ), -3600000 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1.000', 20 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1.00', 20 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1', 20 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '-1', 20 ), -3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '01', 20 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.25', 20 ), 900 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.50', 20 ), 1800 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.34', 20 ), 1200 ); //Automatically rounds to nearest 1min //Hybrid mode assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '00:01', 20 ), 60 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '-00:01', 20 ), -60 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( ':60', 20 ), 3600 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( ':1', 20 ), 60 ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:00:01.5', 20 ), 3600 ); //These don't match PHP due to how assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1:1.5', 20 ), 3660 ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.js parseTimeUnit Hours Rounding', function( assert ) { assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.02', 20 ), ( 1 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.03', 20 ), ( 2 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.05', 20 ), ( 3 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.06', 20 ), ( 4 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.08', 20 ), ( 5 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.10', 20 ), ( 6 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.12', 20 ), ( 7 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.13', 20 ), ( 8 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.15', 20 ), ( 9 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.17', 20 ), ( 10 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.18', 20 ), ( 11 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.20', 20 ), ( 12 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.22', 20 ), ( 13 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.23', 20 ), ( 14 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.25', 20 ), ( 15 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.27', 20 ), ( 16 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.28', 20 ), ( 17 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.30', 20 ), ( 18 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.32', 20 ), ( 19 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.33', 20 ), ( 20 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.35', 20 ), ( 21 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.37', 20 ), ( 22 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.39', 20 ), ( 23 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.40', 20 ), ( 24 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.42', 20 ), ( 25 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.43', 20 ), ( 26 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.45', 20 ), ( 27 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.47', 20 ), ( 28 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.48', 20 ), ( 29 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.50', 20 ), ( 30 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.52', 20 ), ( 31 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.53', 20 ), ( 32 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.55', 20 ), ( 33 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.57', 20 ), ( 34 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.58', 20 ), ( 35 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.60', 20 ), ( 36 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.62', 20 ), ( 37 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.63', 20 ), ( 38 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.65', 20 ), ( 39 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.67', 20 ), ( 40 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.68', 20 ), ( 41 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.70', 20 ), ( 42 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.72', 20 ), ( 43 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.73', 20 ), ( 44 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.75', 20 ), ( 45 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.77', 20 ), ( 46 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.78', 20 ), ( 47 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.80', 20 ), ( 48 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.82', 20 ), ( 49 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.84', 20 ), ( 50 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.85', 20 ), ( 51 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.87', 20 ), ( 52 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.89', 20 ), ( 53 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.90', 20 ), ( 54 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.92', 20 ), ( 55 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.94', 20 ), ( 56 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.95', 20 ), ( 57 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.97', 20 ), ( 58 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '0.99', 20 ), ( 59 * 60 ) ); assert.equal( Global.parseTimeUnit( '1.00', 20 ), ( 60 * 60 ) ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.js getTimeUnit', function( assert ) { assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600, 10 ), '01:00' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3660, 10 ), '01:01' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 36060, 10 ), '10:01' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 36660, 10 ), '10:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 360660, 10 ), '100:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600660, 10 ), '1000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 36000660, 10 ), '10000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 360000660, 10 ), '100000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600000660, 10 ), '1000000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -3600, 10 ), '-01:00' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -3660, 10 ), '-01:01' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -36060, 10 ), '-10:01' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -36660, 10 ), '-10:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -360660, 10 ), '-100:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -3600660, 10 ), '-1000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -36000660, 10 ), '-10000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -360000660, 10 ), '-100000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( -3600000660, 10 ), '-1000000:11' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600, 12 ), '01:00:00' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3661, 12 ), '01:01:01' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 36060, 12 ), '10:01:00' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 36660, 12 ), '10:11:00' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600, 23 ), '1.0000' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3660, 23 ), '1.0167' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600660, 23 ), '1000.1833' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 603, 99 ), '10:03' ); assert.equal( Global.getTimeUnit( 3600, 99 ), '60:00' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.js getDaysInSpan', function( assert ) { assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 7 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 6 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, false, true, true, true, true, true ), 5 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, false, false, true, true, true, true ), 4 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, false, false, false, true, true, true ), 3 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, false, false, false, false, true, true ), 2 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, false, false, false, false, false, true ), 1 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', false, false, false, false, false, false, false ), 0 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '01-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 7 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '02-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 6 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '03-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 5 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '04-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 4 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '05-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 3 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '06-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 2 ); assert.equal( Global.getDaysInSpan( '07-May-2022', '07-May-2022', true, true, true, true, true, true, true ), 1 ); } ); QUnit.module( 'UUID Generation' ); var uuids = []; QUnit.test( 'UUID TIGHTLOOP (default logged in user seed)', function( assert ) { var max = 3000; for ( var i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { uuids.push( TTUUID.generateUUID() ); } assert.ok( hasDuplicates( uuids, assert ) == false, 'Duplicate UUIDs!' ); for ( var i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { assert.ok( TTUUID.isUUID( uuids[i] ), 'is UUID' ); } } ); uuids = []; QUnit.test( 'UUID TIGHTLOOP (random seed)', function( assert ) { var user_id = LocalCacheData.loginUser.id; LocalCacheData.loginUser.id = null; var max = 3000; for ( var i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { uuids.push( TTUUID.generateUUID() ); } assert.ok( hasDuplicates( uuids, assert ) == false, 'Duplicate UUIDs!' ); for ( var i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { assert.ok( TTUUID.isUUID( uuids[i] ), 'is UUID' ); } LocalCacheData.loginUser.id = user_id; } ); QUnit.test( 'Global.isNumeric()', function( assert ) { assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( 1483228800 ) == true, '1483228800 is an epoch and numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( '1483228800' ) == true, '1483228800 is an epoch and a numeric string' ); //assert.ok( Global.isNumeric("1,483,228,800") == false , '1,483,228,800 has commas and so is not numeric'); //does not handle commas assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( 2.1234 ) == true, '2.1234 is a float and numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( -2.1234 ) == true, '-2.1234 is a negative float and numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( '2.1234' ) == true, '"2.1234" is numeric string' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( -3 ) == true, '-3 is numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( 0 ) == true, '0 is numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( 1 ) == true, '1 is numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( '1' ) == true, '"1" is a numeric string' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( 'asdf' ) == false, '"asdf" is not numeric' ); assert.ok( Global.isNumeric( '' ) == false, '"" is not numeric' ); } ); /** * * ASYNCHRONOUS TESTS GO AT THE BOTTOM * */ QUnit.module( 'TTPromise.js' ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 1: wait(category) on a single promise', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test1' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); TTPromise.wait( 'test', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise test resolved.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'undefined', 'promises[test] is null.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 0, 'filterPromiseArray(test).length == 0.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test1' ) == false, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test1") length = 0.' ); done(); } ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test1'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 1.' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'test', 'test1' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 1b: wait(category) on a single promise with reject', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test1' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); TTPromise.wait( 'test', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( 0 == '1', 'TEST Promise test resolved.' ); //THIS SHOULD NOT BE CALLED. done(); }, function() { //will be run on reject() assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise test rejected.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'undefined', 'promises[test] is null.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 0, 'filterPromiseArray(test).length == 0.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test1' ) == false, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test1") length = 0.' ); done(); } ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test1'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 1.' ); TTPromise.reject( 'test', 'test1' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 1c: wait(category) two promises with two rejects on category', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test1' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test2' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 2, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); remaining_reject_promises = 0; TTPromise.wait( 'test', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( 0 == '1', 'TEST Promise test resolved.' ); //Fail the test if this is called, since there is a reject. done(); }, function() { //will be run on reject() assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise test rejected.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test1' ) == false, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test1") length = 0.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test2' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test2") length = 0.' ); assert.ok( remaining_reject_promises == 0, 'Make sure error callback is not called more than once.' ); remaining_reject_promises++; done(); //Only finish once all promises are rejected. } ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test1'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 2.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test2'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 2.' ); TTPromise.reject( 'test', 'test1' ); TTPromise.reject( 'test', 'test2' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 1d: wait(category) two promises with one reject one resolve on category', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test1' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test2' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 2, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); remaining_reject_promises = 0; TTPromise.wait( 'test', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( 0 == '1', 'TEST Promise test resolved.' ); //Fail the test if this is called, since there is a reject. done(); }, function() { //will be run on reject() assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise test rejected.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test1' ) == false, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test1") length = 0.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test2' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test2") length = 0.' ); assert.ok( remaining_reject_promises == 0, 'Make sure error callback is not called more than once.' ); remaining_reject_promises++; done(); //Only finish once all promises are rejected. } ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test1'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 2.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test2'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 2.' ); TTPromise.reject( 'test', 'test1' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'test', 'test2' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 1e: wait(category) two promises with one resolve and one reject on category', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test1' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); TTPromise.add( 'test', 'test2' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['test'] ).length == 2, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); remaining_reject_promises = 0; TTPromise.wait( 'test', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( 0 == '1', 'TEST Promise test resolved.' ); //Fail the test if this is called, since there is a reject. done(); }, function() { //will be run on reject() assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise test rejected.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test1' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test1") length = 0.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'test', 'test2' ) == false, 'filterPromiseArray("test","test2") length = 0.' ); assert.ok( remaining_reject_promises == 0, 'Make sure error callback is not called more than once.' ); remaining_reject_promises++; done(); //Only finish once all promises are rejected. } ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test1'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 2.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['test']['test2'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 2.' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'test', 'test1' ); TTPromise.reject( 'test', 'test2' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 2: wait(\'one_of_many_categories\').', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj empty.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testa', 'test1' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray(testa).length == 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa', 'test1' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("testa","test1") length = 1.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testa', 'test2' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa' ).length == 2, 'filterPromiseArray(testa).length == 2.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa', 'test2' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("testa","test1") length = 1.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testb', 'test1b' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testb' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray(testb).length == 1' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testb', 'test1b' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("testb","test1b") length = 1.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testb', 'test2b' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testb' ).length == 2, 'filterPromiseArray(testb).length == 2.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testb', 'test1b' ).length == 1, 'filterPromiseArray("testb","test1b") length = 1.' ); TTPromise.wait( 'testa', null, function() { //Debug.Arr(TTPromise,'Case2 TTPromise',null,null,null,10); assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise testa resolved.' ); //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['testa'] ) == 'undefined', 'promises[testa] is null.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['testb'] ) == 'object', 'promises[testb] is not null.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testb' ).length == 2, 'filterPromiseArray(testb).length == 1' ); //one is resolved. should return only 1 assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa', 'test1' ).length == 0, 'filterPromiseArray("testb","test1b") length = ' + TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa', 'test1' ).length ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa', 'test2' ).length == 0, 'filterPromiseArray("testb","test1b") length = ' + TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testa', 'test2' ).length ); done(); } ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testb', 'test1b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testa', 'test1' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testa', 'test2' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 3: wait(null, null, callback) all cateogries.', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj empty.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testc', 'test1' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc', 'test1' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc,test1).length == 1,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc).length == 1,.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testc', 'test2' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc', 'test2' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc,test1).length == 1,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc).length == 2,.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testd', 'test1b' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testd', 'test1b' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testd,test1b).length == 1,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc).length == 2,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testd' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testd).length == 1,.' ); TTPromise.add( 'testd', 'test2b' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testd', 'test2b' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testd,test2b).length == 1,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc).length == 2,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testd' ).length == 2, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testd).length == 2,.' ); TTPromise.wait( null, null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['testc'] ) == 'undefined', 'promises[testc] is null.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['testd'] ) == 'undefined', 'promises[testd] is null.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testc' ).length == 0, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testc).length == 0,.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'testd' ).length == 0, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(testd).length == 0,.' ); done(); } ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray().length == 4, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray().length == 4' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testd', 'test1b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testd', 'test2b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testc', 'test1' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'testc', 'test2' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 4: wait(category, key) on a single promise', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'Reports', 'LoadReports' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['Reports'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'test\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['Reports'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'Reports' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(test).length == 1' ); TTPromise.wait( 'Reports', 'LoadReports', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( 1 == '1', 'TEST Promise test resolved.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['Reports'] ) == 'undefined', 'promises[Reports] is null.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'Reports' ).length == 0, 'filterPromiseArray(Reports).length == 0.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'Reports', 'LoadReports' ) == false, 'filterPromiseArray("Reports","LoadReports") length = 0.' ); done(); } ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['Reports']['LoadReports'] ) == 'object', 'promises object length = 1.' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'Reports', 'LoadReports' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 5: wait(category, key,function) vs wait(null,null,function)', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'groupone', 'one' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises['groupone'] ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises[\'groupone\'] exists.' ); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises['groupone'] ).length == 1, 'promises object length = 1.' ); assert.ok( TTPromise.filterPromiseArray( 'groupone' ).length == 1, 'TTPromise.filterPromiseArray(groupone).length == 1' ); TTPromise.wait( 'groupone', 'one', function() { //will be run on resolve() Debug.Text( 'SINGLE PROMISE test resolved second.', '', '', '', 10 ); assert.ok( group_promise_test == '1', 'SINGLE PROMISE test resolved second.' ); group_promise_test = 2; done(); } ); TTPromise.add( 'grouptwo', 'one' ); TTPromise.add( 'grouptwo', 'two' ); TTPromise.add( 'grouptwo', 'three' ); TTPromise.wait( null, null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( group_promise_test == '0', 'ALL PROMISE test resolved first.' ); group_promise_test = 1; Debug.Text( 'ALL PROMISE test resolved first.', '', '', '', 10 ); } ); TTPromise.resolve( 'grouptwo', 'one' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'grouptwo', 'two' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'groupone', 'one' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'grouptwo', 'three' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'Reports', 'LoadReports' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 6: resolve 2, wait on 1, global wait.', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'b' ); var callbacks = 1; TTPromise.wait( 'a', 'a', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 1, 'already resolved promise resolved first.' ); callbacks++; } ); TTPromise.wait( null, null, function() { assert.ok( callbacks == 2, 'null wait resolves after first resolution' ); callbacks++; done(); } ); TTPromise.resolve( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'b', 'b' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 7: resolve already resolved stack when other promises exist.', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'b' ); var callbacks = 1; TTPromise.wait( 'a', 'a', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 1, 'already resolved promise resolved before resolving unrelated pending promises.' ); done(); } ); callbacks = 2; TTPromise.resolve( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'b', 'b' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 8: resolve already resolved when other promises exist.', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'b' ); var callbacks = 1; TTPromise.wait( 'a', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 1, 'already resolved promise stack resolved before resolving unrelated pending promises.' ); done(); } ); callbacks = 2; TTPromise.resolve( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'b', 'b' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 9: 3 parallel stacks only 1 and 3 resolve..', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'c' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'b' ); TTPromise.add( 'b', 'c' ); TTPromise.add( 'c', 'a' ); TTPromise.add( 'c', 'b' ); TTPromise.add( 'c', 'c' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'c' ); var callbacks = 1; TTPromise.wait( 'a', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 1, 'already resolved promise resolved before resolving unrelated pending promises.' ); callbacks++; } ); TTPromise.wait( 'b', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 999, 'should NEVER reolve.' ); callbacks++; } ); TTPromise.wait( 'c', null, function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 2, 'already resolved promise resolved before resolving unrelated pending promises.' ); callbacks++; done(); } ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'b' ); //TTPromise.resolve('a','c'); //do not fully resolve b TTPromise.resolve( 'c', 'a' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'c', 'b' ); TTPromise.resolve( 'c', 'c' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 10: identical waits fail..', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'a' ); var callbacks = 1; TTPromise.wait( 'a', 'a', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 1, 'first resolution.' ); callbacks++; } ); TTPromise.wait( 'a', 'a', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 2, 'does not resolve in error case.' ); callbacks++; } ); window.setTimeout( function() { assert.ok( callbacks == 3, 'should complete after both callbacks.' ); done(); }, 4000 ); window.setTimeout( function() { TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); }, 2000 ); } ); QUnit.test( 'TTPromise Case 11: identical waits fail after resolution of first.', function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); var group_promise_test = 0; TTPromise.clearAllPromises(); assert.ok( Object.keys( TTPromise.promises ).length == 0, 'Callback: promises obj length = 0.' ); assert.ok( typeof ( TTPromise.promises ) == 'object', 'TTPromise.promises exists.' ); TTPromise.add( 'a', 'a' ); var callbacks = 1; TTPromise.wait( 'a', 'a', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 1, 'first resolution.' ); callbacks++; } ); TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); window.setTimeout( function() { TTPromise.wait( 'a', 'a', function() { //will be run on resolve() assert.ok( callbacks == 2, 'does not resolve in error case: callbacks: ' + callbacks ); callbacks++; } ); window.setTimeout( function() { assert.ok( callbacks == 3, 'should complete after both callbacks.' ); done(); }, 8000 ); window.setTimeout( function() { TTPromise.resolve( 'a', 'a' ); }, 5000 ); }, 2000 ); } ); } function hasDuplicates( array, assert ) { var valuesSoFar = Object.create( null ); for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i ) { var value = array[i]; if ( value in valuesSoFar ) { assert.ok( 1 == 2, value + ' Is not unique.' ); return true; } valuesSoFar[value] = true; } return false; } function output_system_data( val ) { switch ( val ) { case '0': if ( LocalCacheData.current_open_primary_controller ) { console.log( LocalCacheData.current_open_primary_controller.current_edit_record ); } else { Debug.Text( 'Primary current_edit_record does not exist.', 'debugPanelController.js', '', '$(document).on(\'change\', \'#tt_output_variable_select\')', 10 ); } break; case '1': if ( LocalCacheData.current_open_report_controller ) { console.log( LocalCacheData.current_open_report_controller.current_edit_record ); } else { Debug.Text( 'Report current_edit_record does not exist.', 'debugPanelController.js', '', '$(document).on(\'change\', \'#tt_output_variable_select\')', 10 ); } break; case '2': if ( LocalCacheData.current_open_sub_controller ) { console.log( LocalCacheData.current_open_sub_controller.current_edit_record ); } else { Debug.Text( 'Sub Controller current_edit_record does not exist.', 'debugPanelController.js', '', '$(document).on(\'change\', \'#tt_output_variable_select\')', 10 ); } break; case '3': if ( LocalCacheData.current_open_edit_only_controller ) { console.log( LocalCacheData.current_open_edit_only_controller.current_edit_record ); } else { Debug.Text( 'Edit Only current_edit_record does not exist.', 'debugPanelController.js', '', '$(document).on(\'change\', \'#tt_output_variable_select\')', 10 ); } break; case '4': if ( LocalCacheData.current_open_wizard_controllers.length > 0 ) { for ( let i = 0; i < LocalCacheData.current_open_wizard_controllers.length; i++ ) { if ( LocalCacheData.current_open_wizard_controllers[i].current_edit_record ) { console.log( LocalCacheData.current_open_wizard_controllers[i].current_edit_record ); } } } else { Debug.Text( 'Wizard current_edit_record does not exist.', 'debugPanelController.js', '', '$(document).on(\'change\', \'#tt_output_variable_select\')', 10 ); } break; } } window.debug_panel_html = `

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usage: breakOn(myObject, 'myProperty');

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