import '@/global/widgets/filebrowser/TImage'; export class PunchesViewController extends BaseViewController { constructor( options = {} ) { _.defaults( options, { el: '#punches_view_container', // _required_files: { // 10: ['TImage'], // 15: ['leaflet-timetrex'] // }, // TODO: breakdown leaflet-timetrex so only the convert functions are needed in ViewControllers. old_type_status: {}, user_api: null, user_group_api: null, api_station: null, type_array: null, punch_tag_api: null, default_punch_tag: [], previous_punch_tag_selection: [], actual_time_label: null, } ); super( options ); } init( options ) { //this._super('initialize', options ); this.edit_view_tpl = 'PunchesEditView.html'; this.permission_id = 'punch'; this.viewId = 'Punches'; this.script_name = 'PunchesView'; this.table_name_key = 'punch'; this.context_menu_name = $.i18n._( 'Punches' ); this.navigation_label = $.i18n._( 'Punch' ); this.api = TTAPI.APIPunch; this.user_api = TTAPI.APIUser; this.user_group_api = TTAPI.APIUserGroup; if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { this.job_api = TTAPI.APIJob; this.job_item_api = TTAPI.APIJobItem; this.punch_tag_api = TTAPI.APIPunchTag; } this.api_station = TTAPI.APIStation; this.initPermission(); this.render(); this.buildContextMenu(); this.initData(); } jobUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( 'job', 'enabled' ) && PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_job' ) ) { return true; } return false; } jobItemUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( 'job_item', 'enabled' ) && PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_job_item' ) ) { return true; } return false; } punchTagUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( 'punch_tag', 'enabled' ) && PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_punch_tag' ) ) { return true; } return false; } branchUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_branch' ) ) { return true; } return false; } departmentUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_department' ) ) { return true; } return false; } goodQuantityUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_quantity' ) ) { return true; } return false; } badQuantityUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_quantity' ) && PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_bad_quantity' ) ) { return true; } return false; } transferUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_transfer' ) ) { return true; } return false; } noteUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_note' ) ) { return true; } return false; } locationUIValidate( p_id ) { if ( !p_id ) { p_id = 'punch'; } if ( PermissionManager.validate( p_id, 'edit_location' ) ) { return true; } return false; } stationValidate() { if ( PermissionManager.validate( 'station', 'enabled' ) ) { return true; } return false; } //Speical permission check for views, need override initPermission() { super.initPermission(); if ( this.jobUIValidate() ) { this.show_job_ui = true; } else { this.show_job_ui = false; } if ( this.jobItemUIValidate() ) { this.show_job_item_ui = true; } else { this.show_job_item_ui = false; } if ( this.punchTagUIValidate() ) { this.show_punch_tag_ui = true; } else { this.show_punch_tag_ui = false; } if ( this.branchUIValidate() ) { this.show_branch_ui = true; } else { this.show_branch_ui = false; } if ( this.departmentUIValidate() ) { this.show_department_ui = true; } else { this.show_department_ui = false; } if ( this.goodQuantityUIValidate() ) { this.show_good_quantity_ui = true; } else { this.show_good_quantity_ui = false; } if ( this.badQuantityUIValidate() ) { this.show_bad_quantity_ui = true; } else { this.show_bad_quantity_ui = false; } if ( this.transferUIValidate() ) { this.show_transfer_ui = true; } else { this.show_transfer_ui = false; } if ( this.noteUIValidate() ) { this.show_note_ui = true; } else { this.show_note_ui = false; } if ( this.locationUIValidate() ) { this.show_location_ui = true; } else { this.show_location_ui = false; } if ( this.stationValidate() ) { this.show_station_ui = true; } else { this.show_station_ui = false; } } initOptions() { var $this = this; this.initDropDownOption( 'type' ); this.initDropDownOption( 'status', 'status_id', this.api, null, 'status_array' ); this.initDropDownOption( 'status', 'user_status_id', this.user_api, null, 'user_status_array' ); this.user_group_api.getUserGroup( '', false, false, { onResult: function( res ) { res = res.getResult(); res = Global.buildTreeRecord( res ); $this.user_group_array = res; $this.basic_search_field_ui_dic['group_id'].setSourceData( res ); $this.adv_search_field_ui_dic['group_id'].setSourceData( res ); } } ); } onEditStationDone() { this.setStation(); } setStation() { var $this = this; var arg = { filter_data: { id: this.current_edit_record.station_id } }; this.api_station.getStation( arg, { onResult: function( result ) { $this.station = result.getResult()[0]; var widget = $this.edit_view_ui_dic['station_id']; widget.setValue( $this.station.type + '-' + $this.station.description ); widget.css( 'cursor', 'pointer' ); } } ); } uniformVariable( records ) { if ( this.is_mass_editing == false ) { records = this.buildMassAddRecord( records ); } if ( Array.isArray( records ) ) { for ( let i = 0; i < records.length; i++ ) { if ( !records[i].hasOwnProperty( 'time_stamp' ) ) { records[i].time_stamp = false; } } } else if ( !records.hasOwnProperty( 'time_stamp' ) ) { records.time_stamp = false; } return records; } getCustomFieldReferenceField() { return 'note'; } buildEditViewUI() { super.buildEditViewUI(); var $this = this; var tab_model = { 'tab_punch': { 'label': $.i18n._( 'Punch' ) }, 'tab_audit': true, }; this.setTabModel( tab_model ); var form_item_input; var widgetContainer; this.navigation.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIPunch, id: this.script_name + '_navigation', allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_punch', navigation_mode: true, show_search_inputs: true } ); this.setNavigation(); //Tab 0 start var tab_punch = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_punch' ); var tab_punch_column1 = tab_punch.find( '.first-column' ); this.edit_view_tabs[0] = []; this.edit_view_tabs[0].push( tab_punch_column1 ); // Employee form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIUser, allow_multiple_selection: true, layout_name: 'global_user', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, field: 'user_id' } ); var default_args = {}; default_args.permission_section = 'punch'; form_item_input.setDefaultArgs( default_args ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Employee' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); // Time form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TIME_PICKER ); form_item_input.TTimePicker( { field: 'punch_time', validation_field: 'time_stamp' } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); this.actual_time_label = $( '' ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); widgetContainer.append( this.actual_time_label ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Time' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer ); //Date form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.DATE_PICKER ); form_item_input.TDatePicker( { field: 'punch_date', validation_field: 'date_stamp' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Date' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); //Mass Add Date form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.DATE_PICKER ); form_item_input.TRangePicker( { field: 'punch_dates', validation_field: 'date_stamp' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Date' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); //Transfer form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.CHECKBOX ); form_item_input.TCheckbox( { field: 'transfer' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Transfer' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); if ( this.show_transfer_ui == false || this.is_add == false ) { this.detachElement( 'transfer' ); } // Punch form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.COMBO_BOX ); form_item_input.TComboBox( { field: 'type_id' } ); form_item_input.setSourceData( $this.type_array ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); var check_box = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.CHECKBOX ); check_box.TCheckbox( { field: 'disable_rounding' } ); var label = $( '' + $.i18n._( 'Disable Rounding' ) + '' ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); // Check if view only mode. To prevent option appearing but disabled, as disabled checkboxes are not very clear - same in TimeSheetViewController if ( this.is_viewing ) { // dev-note: not sure if we need to pass widgetContainer here, or if we can omit if its only one element now (due to the if is_viewing). // to be safe, will continue to use widgetContainer for this case. We only want to affect viewing mode (hide rounding checkbox), less risk of regression to keep widget container in. this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Punch Type' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); } else { widgetContainer.append( label ); widgetContainer.append( check_box ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Punch Type' ), [form_item_input, check_box], tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); } // In/Out form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.COMBO_BOX ); form_item_input.TComboBox( { field: 'status_id' } ); form_item_input.setSourceData( $this.status_array ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'In/Out' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1 ); // Branch form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIBranch, allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_branch', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, field: 'branch_id', addition_source_function: ( function( target, source_data ) { return $this.onSourceDataCreate( target, source_data ); } ), added_items: [ { value: TTUUID.not_exist_id, label: Global.default_item }, { value: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000002', label: $.i18n._( '-- Current Shift --' ) } ] } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Branch' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); if ( !this.show_branch_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'branch_id' ); } // Department form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIDepartment, allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_department', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, field: 'department_id', addition_source_function: ( function( target, source_data ) { return $this.onSourceDataCreate( target, source_data ); } ), added_items: [ { value: TTUUID.not_exist_id, label: Global.default_item }, { value: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000002', label: $.i18n._( '-- Current Shift --' ) } ] } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Department' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); if ( !this.show_department_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'department_id' ); } if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { //Job form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIJob, allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_job', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, setRealValueCallBack: ( function( val ) { if ( val ) { job_coder.setValue( val.manual_id ); } } ), field: 'job_id', addition_source_function: ( function( target, source_data ) { return $this.onSourceDataCreate( target, source_data ); } ), added_items: [ { value: TTUUID.not_exist_id, label: Global.default_item }, { value: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000002', label: $.i18n._( '-- Current Shift --' ) } ] } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); var job_coder = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); job_coder.TTextInput( { field: 'job_quick_search', disable_keyup_event: true } ); job_coder.addClass( 'job-coder' ); widgetContainer.append( job_coder ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Job' ), [form_item_input, job_coder], tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); if ( !this.show_job_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'job_id' ); } //Job Item form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIJobItem, allow_multiple_selection: false, layout_name: 'global_job_item', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, setRealValueCallBack: ( function( val ) { if ( val ) { job_item_coder.setValue( val.manual_id ); } } ), field: 'job_item_id', addition_source_function: ( function( target, source_data ) { return $this.onSourceDataCreate( target, source_data ); } ), added_items: [ { value: TTUUID.not_exist_id, label: Global.default_item }, { value: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000002', label: $.i18n._( '-- Current Shift --' ) } ] } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); var job_item_coder = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); job_item_coder.TTextInput( { field: 'job_item_quick_search', disable_keyup_event: true } ); job_item_coder.addClass( 'job-coder' ); widgetContainer.append( job_item_coder ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Task' ), [form_item_input, job_item_coder], tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); if ( !this.show_job_item_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'job_item_id' ); } //Punch Tag form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX ); form_item_input.AComboBox( { api_class: TTAPI.APIPunchTag, allow_multiple_selection: true, layout_name: 'global_punch_tag', show_search_inputs: true, set_empty: true, get_real_data_on_multi: true, setRealValueCallBack: ( ( punch_tags, get_real_data ) => { if ( punch_tags ) { this.setPunchTagQuickSearchManualIds( punch_tags, get_real_data ); } } ), field: 'punch_tag_id' } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); var punch_tag_coder = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); punch_tag_coder.TTextInput( { field: 'punch_tag_quick_search', disable_keyup_event: true } ); punch_tag_coder.addClass( 'job-coder' ); widgetContainer.append( punch_tag_coder ); widgetContainer.append( form_item_input ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Tags' ), [form_item_input, punch_tag_coder], tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); if ( !this.show_punch_tag_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'punch_tag_id' ); } } if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { // Quantity var good = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); good.TTextInput( { field: 'quantity', width: 40 } ); good.addClass( 'quantity-input' ); var good_label = $( '' + $.i18n._( 'Good' ) + ': ' ); var bad = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); bad.TTextInput( { field: 'bad_quantity', width: 40 } ); bad.addClass( 'quantity-input' ); var bad_label = $( '/ ' + $.i18n._( 'Bad' ) + ': ' ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); widgetContainer.append( good_label ); widgetContainer.append( good ); widgetContainer.append( bad_label ); widgetContainer.append( bad ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Quantity' ), [good, bad], tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); if ( !this.show_bad_quantity_ui && !this.show_good_quantity_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'quantity' ); } else { if ( !this.show_bad_quantity_ui ) { bad_label.hide(); bad.hide(); } if ( !this.show_good_quantity_ui ) { good_label.hide(); good.hide(); } } } //Note form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_AREA ); form_item_input.TTextArea( { field: 'note', width: '100%' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Note' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true, true ); form_item_input.parent().width( '45%' ); if ( !this.show_note_ui ) { this.detachElement( 'note' ); } //Location if ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 15 ) { var latitude = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT ); latitude.TText( { field: 'latitude' } ); var longitude = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT ); longitude.TText( { field: 'longitude' } ); widgetContainer = $( '
' ); var accuracy = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT ); accuracy.TText( { field: 'position_accuracy' } ); label = $( '' + $.i18n._( 'Accuracy' ) + ':' ); var map_icon = $( '' ); // TODO, fix image location so that its not in a library folder incase library removed. this.location_wrapper = $( '
' ); widgetContainer.append( map_icon ); widgetContainer.append( this.location_wrapper ); this.location_wrapper.append( latitude ); this.location_wrapper.append( $( ', ' ) ); this.location_wrapper.append( longitude ); this.location_wrapper.append( label ); this.location_wrapper.append( accuracy ); this.location_wrapper.append( $( 'm' ) ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Location' ), [latitude, longitude, accuracy], tab_punch_column1, '', widgetContainer, true ); function() { $this.onMapClick(); } ); // #2117 - Manual location only supported in edit because we need a punch record to append the data to. if ( ( !this.is_edit && !this.is_viewing ) || !this.show_location_ui ) { widgetContainer.parents( '.edit-view-form-item-div' ).hide(); } } // Station form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT ); form_item_input.TText( { field: 'station_id' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Station' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true, true ); function() { if ( $this.current_edit_record.station_id && $this.show_station_ui ) { IndexViewController.openEditView( $this, 'Station', $this.current_edit_record.station_id ); } } ); //Split Punch Control form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.CHECKBOX ); form_item_input.TCheckbox( { field: 'split_punch_control' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Split Existing Punches' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true ); if ( this.is_add == false ) { this.detachElement( 'split_punch_control' ); } //Punch Image form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.IMAGE ); form_item_input.TImage( { field: 'punch_image' } ); this.addEditFieldToColumn( $.i18n._( 'Image' ), form_item_input, tab_punch_column1, '', null, true, true ); if ( this.is_mass_editing ) { this.detachElement( 'punch_image' ); this.detachElement( 'user_id' ); } } onSourceDataCreate( target, source_data ) { var display_columns = target.getDisplayColumns(); var first_item = {}; var second_item = {}; $.each( display_columns, function( index, content ) { = TTUUID.not_exist_id; first_item[] = Global.default_item; = 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000002'; second_item[] = $.i18n._( '-- Current Shift --' ); return false; } ); //Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'unshift' in /interface/html5/line 6953 if ( !source_data || $.type( source_data ) !== 'array' ) { source_data = []; } source_data.unshift( second_item ); source_data.unshift( first_item ); return source_data; } //set widget disablebility if view mode or edit mode setEditViewWidgetsMode() { var did_clean_dic = {}; for ( var key in this.edit_view_ui_dic ) { if ( !this.edit_view_ui_dic.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { continue; } var widget = this.edit_view_ui_dic[key]; var widgetContainer = this.edit_view_form_item_dic[key]; widget.css( 'opacity', 1 ); var column = widget.parent().parent().parent(); var tab_id = column.parent().attr( 'id' ); if ( !column.hasClass( 'v-box' ) ) { if ( !did_clean_dic[tab_id] ) { did_clean_dic[tab_id] = true; } } switch ( key ) { case 'punch_dates': if ( !this.is_mass_editing && ( this.isMassAdding() || ! || == TTUUID.zero_id ) ) { this.attachElement( key ); widget.css( 'opacity', 1 ); //show } else { this.detachElement( key ); widget.css( 'opacity', 0 ); //hide } break; case 'punch_date': if ( !this.is_mass_editing && ( this.isMassAdding() || ! || == TTUUID.zero_id ) ) { this.detachElement( key ); widget.css( 'opacity', 0 ); //hide - opposite from above } else { this.attachElement( key ); widget.css( 'opacity', 1 ); //show } break; } if ( this.is_viewing ) { if ( Global.isSet( widget.setEnabled ) ) { widget.setEnabled( false ); } } else { if ( Global.isSet( widget.setEnabled ) ) { widget.setEnabled( true ); } } } } onTransferChanged( initial_load ) { var is_transfer = false; if ( this.edit_view_ui_dic && this.edit_view_ui_dic['transfer'] && this.edit_view_ui_dic['transfer'].getValue() == true ) { is_transfer = true; } // type_id_widget is undefined in interface/html5/framework/jquery.min.js?v=9.0.1-20151022-091549 line 2 > eval line 390 var type_id_widget = this.edit_view_ui_dic['type_id']; var status_id_widget = this.edit_view_ui_dic['status_id']; if ( is_transfer && type_id_widget && status_id_widget ) { type_id_widget.setEnabled( false ); status_id_widget.setEnabled( false ); this.old_type_status.type_id = type_id_widget.getValue(); this.old_type_status.status_id = status_id_widget.getValue(); type_id_widget.setValue( 10 ); status_id_widget.setValue( 10 ); this.current_edit_record.type_id = 10; this.current_edit_record.status_id = 10; } else if ( type_id_widget && status_id_widget ) { type_id_widget.setEnabled( true ); status_id_widget.setEnabled( true ); if ( this.old_type_status.hasOwnProperty( 'type_id' ) ) { type_id_widget.setValue( this.old_type_status.type_id ); status_id_widget.setValue( this.old_type_status.status_id ); this.current_edit_record.type_id = this.old_type_status.type_id; this.current_edit_record.status_id = this.old_type_status.status_id; } } if ( is_transfer == true ) { if ( this.original_note == '' ) { this.original_note = this.current_edit_record.note; } else { this.original_note = this.edit_view_ui_dic.note.getValue(); } this.edit_view_ui_dic.note.setValue( this.new_note ? this.new_note : '' ); this.current_edit_record.note = this.new_note ? this.new_note : ''; } else if ( typeof initial_load == 'undefined' || initial_load === false ) { this.new_note = this.edit_view_ui_dic.note.getValue(); this.edit_view_ui_dic.note.setValue( this.original_note ? this.original_note : '' ); this.current_edit_record.note = this.original_note ? this.original_note : ''; } } //Make sure this.current_edit_record is updated before validate validate() { var $this = this; var record = {}; if ( this.is_mass_editing ) { for ( var key in this.edit_view_ui_dic ) { if ( !this.edit_view_ui_dic.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { continue; } var widget = this.edit_view_ui_dic[key]; if ( Global.isSet( widget.isChecked ) ) { if ( widget.isChecked() && widget.getEnabled() ) { record[key] = widget.getValue(); } } } = this.mass_edit_record_ids[0]; record = this.uniformVariable( record ); } else { record = this.current_edit_record; record = this.uniformVariable( record ); } this.api['validate' + this.api.key_name]( record, { onResult: function( result ) { $this.validateResult( result ); } } ); } // TODO: not ideal to need to have this here. want to use the base view version, // but need this in order to prevent it using the uniformVariable function in BaseViewController version, // as Punches uniformVariable function does something additional buildMassEditSaveRecord( mass_edit_record_ids, changed_fields ) { var $this = this; var mass_records = []; $.each( mass_edit_record_ids, function( index, value ) { var common_record = Global.clone( changed_fields ); = value; mass_records.push( common_record ); } ); return mass_records; } buildMassAddRecord( current_edit_record ) { var record = []; var dates_array = current_edit_record.punch_dates; if ( dates_array && dates_array.indexOf( ' - ' ) > 0 ) { dates_array = this.parserDatesRange( dates_array ); } if ( dates_array ) { for ( var i = 0; i < dates_array.length; i++ ) { var common_record = Global.clone( current_edit_record ); delete common_record.punch_dates; common_record.punch_date = dates_array[i]; var user_id = this.current_edit_record.user_id; if ( Global.isArray( user_id ) ) { for ( var j = 0; j < user_id.length; j++ ) { var final_record = Global.clone( common_record ); final_record.user_id = this.current_edit_record.user_id[j]; record.push( final_record ); } } else { record.push( common_record ); } } } return record; } parserDatesRange( date ) { var dates = date.split( ' - ' ); var resultArray = []; var beginDate = Global.strToDate( dates[0] ); var endDate = Global.strToDate( dates[1] ); var nextDate = beginDate; while ( nextDate.getTime() < endDate.getTime() ) { resultArray.push( nextDate.format() ); nextDate = new Date( new Date( nextDate.getTime() ).setDate( nextDate.getDate() + 1 ) ); } resultArray.push( dates[1] ); return resultArray; } setCurrentEditRecordData() { var $this = this; //Set current edit record data to all widgets for ( var key in this.current_edit_record ) { if ( !this.current_edit_record.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { continue; } var widget = this.edit_view_ui_dic[key]; if ( Global.isSet( widget ) ) { switch ( key ) { case 'punch_dates': var date_array; if ( !this.current_edit_record.punch_dates ) { date_array = [this.current_edit_record['punch_date']]; this.current_edit_record.punch_dates = date_array; } else { date_array = this.current_edit_record.punch_dates; } widget.setValue( date_array ); break; case 'country': //popular case this.setCountryValue( widget, key ); break; case 'enable_email_notification_message': widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record[key] ); break; case 'job_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { var args = {}; args.filter_data = { status_id: 10, user_id: this.current_edit_record.user_id, punch_branch_id: this.current_edit_record.branch_id, punch_department_id: this.current_edit_record.department_id }; widget.setDefaultArgs( args ); widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record[key] ); } break; case 'job_item_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { var args = {}; args.filter_data = { status_id: 10, job_id: this.current_edit_record.job_id }; widget.setDefaultArgs( args ); widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record[key] ); } break; case 'punch_tag_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record[key] ); this.previous_punch_tag_selection = this.current_edit_record[key]; var punch_tag_widget = widget; TTPromise.wait( null, null, function() { //Update default args for punch tags AComboBox last as they rely on data from job, job item and related fields. var args = {}; args.filter_data = $this.getPunchTagFilterData(); punch_tag_widget.setDefaultArgs( args ); } ); } break; case 'punch_tag_quick_search': break; case 'job_quick_search': // widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record['job_id'] ? this.current_edit_record['job_id'] : 0 ); break; case 'job_item_quick_search': // widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record['job_item_id'] ? this.current_edit_record['job_item_id'] : 0 ); break; case 'station_id': if ( this.current_edit_record[key] ) { this.setStation(); } else { widget.setValue( 'N/A' ); widget.css( 'cursor', 'default' ); } break; case 'punch_image': var station_form_item = this.edit_view_form_item_dic['station_id']; if ( this.current_edit_record['has_image'] ) { this.attachElement( 'punch_image' ); widget.setValue( ServiceCaller.getURLByObjectType( 'file_download' ) + '&object_type=punch_image&parent_id=' + this.current_edit_record.user_id + '&object_id=' + ); } else { this.detachElement( 'punch_image' ); } break; default: widget.setValue( this.current_edit_record[key] ); break; } } } var actual_time_value; if ( ) { if ( this.current_edit_record.actual_time_stamp ) { actual_time_value = $.i18n._( 'Actual Time' ) + ': ' + this.current_edit_record.actual_time_stamp; } else { actual_time_value = 'N/A'; } } this.actual_time_label.text( actual_time_value ); this.collectUIDataToCurrentEditRecord(); this.setLocationValue(); this.setEditViewDataDone(); this.isEditChange(); } setLocationValue( location_data ) { if ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 15 ) { if ( location_data ) { this.current_edit_record.latitude = location_data.latitude; this.current_edit_record.longitude = location_data.longitude; this.current_edit_record.position_accuracy = location_data.position_accuracy; //If position is manually modified, it should always be set to 0m. } this.edit_view_ui_dic['latitude'].setValue( this.current_edit_record.latitude ); this.edit_view_ui_dic['longitude'].setValue( this.current_edit_record.longitude ); this.edit_view_ui_dic['position_accuracy'].setValue( this.current_edit_record.position_accuracy ? this.current_edit_record.position_accuracy : 0 ); if ( !this.current_edit_record.latitude && !this.is_mass_editing ) { this.location_wrapper.hide(); } else { if ( this.show_location_ui ) {; } } } } isEditChange() { if ( || this.is_mass_editing ) { this.edit_view_ui_dic['user_id'].setEnabled( false ); } else { this.edit_view_ui_dic['user_id'].setEnabled( true ); } } //set tab 0 visible after all data set done. This be hide when init edit view data setEditViewDataDone() { // Remove this on 14.9.14 because adding tab url support, ned set url when tab index change and // need know what's current doing action. See if this cause any problem //LocalCacheData.current_doing_context_action = ''; this.setTabOVisibility( true ); if ( this.is_edit == true ) { this.edit_view_ui_dic.user_id.setAllowMultipleSelection( false ); } else { this.edit_view_ui_dic.user_id.setAllowMultipleSelection( true ); } if ( this.is_edit == false && ( this.current_edit_record.latitude == 0 || this.current_edit_record.longitude == 0 ) ) { $( '.widget-h-box-mapLocationWrapper' ).parents( '.edit-view-form-item-div' ).hide(); } else { if ( this.show_location_ui ) { $( '.widget-h-box-mapLocationWrapper' ).parents( '.edit-view-form-item-div' ).show(); } } this.navigation.setValue( ); $( '.edit-view-tab-bar' ).css( 'opacity', 1 ); TTPromise.resolve( 'init', 'init' ); } setSubLogViewFilter() { if ( !this.sub_log_view_controller ) { return false; } this.sub_log_view_controller.getSubViewFilter = function( filter ) { filter['table_name_object_id'] = { 'punch': [], 'punch_control': [this.parent_edit_record.punch_control_id] }; return filter; }; return true; } buildOtherFieldUI( field, label ) { if ( !this.edit_view_tab ) { return; } var form_item_input; var $this = this; var tab_punch = this.edit_view_tab.find( '#tab_punch' ); var tab_punch_column1 = tab_punch.find( '.first-column' ); if ( $this.edit_view_ui_dic[field] ) { form_item_input = $this.edit_view_ui_dic[field]; form_item_input.setValue( $this.current_edit_record[field] ); } else { form_item_input = Global.loadWidgetByName( FormItemType.TEXT_INPUT ); form_item_input.TTextInput( { field: field } ); var input_div = $this.addEditFieldToColumn( label, form_item_input, tab_punch_column1 ); input_div.insertBefore( this.edit_view_form_item_dic['note'] ); form_item_input.setValue( $this.current_edit_record[field] ); } form_item_input.css( 'opacity', 1 ); form_item_input.css( 'minWidth', 300 ); if ( $this.is_viewing ) { form_item_input.setEnabled( false ); } else { form_item_input.setEnabled( true ); } } onAddResult( result ) { var $this = this; var result_data = result.getResult(); if ( !result_data ) { result_data = []; } =; result_data.punch_date = ( new Date() ).format(); if ( $this.sub_view_mode && $this.parent_key ) { result_data[$this.parent_key] = $this.parent_value; } $this.current_edit_record = result_data; $this.initEditView(); } buildSearchFields() { super.buildSearchFields(); var default_args = { permission_section: 'punch' }; this.search_fields = [ new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Employee Status' ), in_column: 1, field: 'user_status_id', multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, layout_name: 'global_option_column', form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Pay Period' ), in_column: 1, field: 'pay_period_id', layout_name: 'global_Pay_period', api_class: TTAPI.APIPayPeriod, multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Start Date' ), in_column: 1, field: 'start_date', basic_search: false, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.DATE_PICKER } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'End Date' ), in_column: 1, field: 'end_date', basic_search: false, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.DATE_PICKER } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Employee' ), in_column: 1, field: 'user_id', layout_name: 'global_user', default_args: default_args, api_class: TTAPI.APIUser, multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Status' ), in_column: 1, field: 'status_id', multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, layout_name: 'global_option_column', form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Type' ), in_column: 1, field: 'type_id', multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, layout_name: 'global_option_column', form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Group' ), in_column: 2, multiple: true, field: 'group_id', layout_name: 'global_tree_column', tree_mode: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Title' ), in_column: 2, field: 'title_id', layout_name: 'global_user_title', api_class: TTAPI.APIUserTitle, multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Punch Branch' ), in_column: 2, field: 'branch_id', layout_name: 'global_branch', api_class: TTAPI.APIBranch, multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Punch Department' ), in_column: 2, field: 'department_id', layout_name: 'global_department', api_class: TTAPI.APIDepartment, multiple: true, basic_search: true, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Default Branch' ), in_column: 1, field: 'default_branch_id', layout_name: 'global_branch', api_class: TTAPI.APIBranch, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Default Department' ), in_column: 1, field: 'default_department_id', layout_name: 'global_department', api_class: TTAPI.APIDepartment, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Job' ), in_column: 2, field: 'job_id', layout_name: 'global_job', api_class: ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ? TTAPI.APIJob : null, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: ( this.show_job_ui && ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ), form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Task' ), in_column: 2, field: 'job_item_id', layout_name: 'global_job_item', api_class: ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ? TTAPI.APIJobItem : null, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: ( this.show_job_item_ui && ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ), form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Punch Tags' ), in_column: 2, field: 'punch_tag_id', layout_name: 'global_punch_tag', api_class: ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ? TTAPI.APIPunchTag : null, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: ( this.show_punch_tag_ui && ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ), form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Created By' ), in_column: 2, field: 'created_by', layout_name: 'global_user', api_class: TTAPI.APIUser, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ), new SearchField( { label: $.i18n._( 'Updated By' ), in_column: 2, field: 'updated_by', layout_name: 'global_user', api_class: TTAPI.APIUser, multiple: true, basic_search: false, adv_search: true, form_item_type: FormItemType.AWESOME_BOX } ) ]; } getCustomContextMenuModel() { var context_menu_model = { exclude: ['copy'], include: [ { label: $.i18n._( 'Jump To' ), id: 'jump_to_header', menu_align: 'right', action_group: 'jump_to', action_group_header: true, sort_order: 9050, permission_result: false // to hide it in legacy context menu and avoid errors in legacy parsers. }, { label: $.i18n._( 'TimeSheet' ), id: 'timesheet', menu_align: 'right', action_group: 'jump_to', sort_order: 9050, group: 'navigation', }, { label: $.i18n._( 'Edit Employee' ), id: 'edit_employee', menu_align: 'right', action_group: 'jump_to', sort_order: 9050, group: 'navigation', } ] }; if ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 15 ) { context_menu_model.include.push( { label: $.i18n._( 'Map' ), id: 'map', menu_align: 'right', group: 'other', vue_icon: 'tticon tticon-map_black_24dp', sort_order: 8000, }, { label: $.i18n._( 'Import' ), id: 'import_icon', menu_align: 'right', action_group: 'import_export', group: 'other', vue_icon: 'tticon tticon-file_download_black_24dp', sort_order: 9010 } ); } return context_menu_model; } onMapClick() { // only trigger map load in specific product editions. if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 15 ) ) { ProgressBar.showProgressBar(); // TODO: this is repeated below, perhaps in future now that getFilterColumnsFromDisplayColumns() is commented out, this can be consolidated? var data = { filter_columns: { id: true, latitude: true, longitude: true, punch_date: true, punch_time: true, position_accuracy: true, user_id: true } }; var punches = []; var map_options = {}; if ( this.is_edit ) { //when editing, if the user reloads, the grid's selected id array become the whole grid. //to avoid mapping every punch in that scenario we need to grab the current_edit_record, rather than pull data from getGridSelectIdArray() //check for mass edit as well. <-- not sure what this refers to, assuming the same happens in mass edit, but maps are disabled on mass edit atm. punches.push( this.current_edit_record ); // from the edit view we want to allow single markers to be draggable. if ( !this.is_viewing ) { // make sure that when view only (so no save) marker is not draggable, and thus no new marker can be added either. map_options.single_marker_draggable = true; } } else { var ids = this.getGridSelectIdArray(); // from the map icon on the ribbon bar we want to PREVENT single markers being draggable. As this is intended as a read only view. map_options.single_marker_draggable = false; data.filter_data = Global.convertLayoutFilterToAPIFilter( this.select_layout ); if ( ids.length > 0 ) { = ids; } // data.filter_columns = this.getFilterColumnsFromDisplayColumns() data.filter_columns.first_name = true; data.filter_columns.last_name = true; data.filter_columns.user_id = true; data.filter_columns.date_stamp = true; // #2735 - grouping punches by date_stamp instead of punch_date, to allow cross date punch controls to plot distances. data.filter_columns.punch_date = true; data.filter_columns.punch_time = true; data.filter_columns.time_stamp = true; data.filter_columns.status = true; data.filter_columns.punch_control_id = true; data.filter_columns.branch = true; data.filter_columns.branch_id = true; data.filter_columns.department = true; data.filter_columns.department_id = true; data.filter_columns.job_manual_id = true; data.filter_columns.job = true; data.filter_columns.job_id = true; data.filter_columns.job_item_manual_id = true; data.filter_columns.job_item = true; // also known as Task data.filter_columns.job_item_id = true; data.filter_columns.punch_tag_id = true; data.filter_columns.total_time = true; data.filter_columns.latitude = true; data.filter_columns.longitude = true; data.filter_columns.position_accuracy = true; punches = this.api.getPunch( data, { async: false } ).getResult(); } if ( !this.is_mass_editing ) { import( /* webpackChunkName: "leaflet-timetrex" */ '@/framework/leaflet/leaflet-timetrex' ).then(( module )=>{ var processed_punches_for_map = module.TTConvertMapData.processPunchesFromViewController( punches, map_options ); IndexViewController.openEditView( this, 'Map', processed_punches_for_map ); }).catch( Global.importErrorHandler ); } } } onCustomContextClick( id ) { switch ( id ) { case 'timesheet': case 'edit_employee': this.onNavigationClick( id ); break; case 'map': this.onMapClick(); break; case 'import_icon': this.onImportClick(); break; } } onImportClick() { var $this = this; IndexViewController.openWizard( 'ImportCSVWizard', 'Punch', function() { $; } ); } setCustomDefaultMenuIcon( id, context_btn, grid_selected_length ) { switch ( id ) { case 'timesheet': this.setDefaultMenuViewIcon( context_btn, grid_selected_length, 'punch' ); break; case 'edit_employee': this.setDefaultMenuEditIcon( context_btn, grid_selected_length, 'user' ); break; } } setCustomEditMenuIcon( id, context_btn ) { switch ( id ) { case 'timesheet': this.setEditMenuNavViewIcon( context_btn, 'punch' ); break; case 'edit_employee': this.setEditMenuNavEditIcon( context_btn, 'user' ); break; } } onNavigationClick( iconName ) { var $this = this; var filter; var temp_filter; var grid_selected_id_array; var grid_selected_length; switch ( iconName ) { case 'timesheet': filter = { filter_data: {} }; if ( Global.isSet( this.current_edit_record ) ) { filter.user_id = this.current_edit_record.user_id; filter.base_date = this.current_edit_record.punch_date; Global.addViewTab( this.viewId, $.i18n._( 'Punches' ), window.location.href ); IndexViewController.goToView( 'TimeSheet', filter ); } else { temp_filter = {}; grid_selected_id_array = this.getGridSelectIdArray(); grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { var selectedId = grid_selected_id_array[0]; temp_filter.filter_data = {}; = [selectedId]; this.api['get' + this.api.key_name]( temp_filter, { onResult: function( result ) { var result_data = result.getResult(); if ( !result_data ) { result_data = []; } result_data = result_data[0]; filter.user_id = result_data.user_id; filter.base_date = result_data.punch_date; Global.addViewTab( $this.viewId, $.i18n._( 'Punches' ), window.location.href ); IndexViewController.goToView( 'TimeSheet', filter ); } } ); } } break; case 'edit_employee': filter = { filter_data: {} }; if ( Global.isSet( this.current_edit_record ) ) { IndexViewController.openEditView( this, 'Employee', this.current_edit_record.user_id ); } else { temp_filter = {}; grid_selected_id_array = this.getGridSelectIdArray(); grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { selectedId = grid_selected_id_array[0]; temp_filter.filter_data = {}; = [selectedId]; this.api['get' + this.api.key_name]( temp_filter, { onResult: function( result ) { var result_data = result.getResult(); if ( !result_data ) { result_data = []; } result_data = result_data[0]; IndexViewController.openEditView( $this, 'Employee', result_data.user_id ); } } ); } } break; } } setEditMenuSaveAndContinueIcon( context_btn, pId ) { this.saveAndContinueValidate( context_btn, pId ); if ( this.is_mass_editing || this.is_viewing || this.isMassDateOrMassUser() ) { ContextMenuManager.disableMenuItem( this.determineContextMenuMountAttributes().id,, false ); } } copyAsNewResetIds( data ) { //override where needed. = ''; data.punch_control_id = ''; //Clear the punch_control_id record as well so we don't force the punch to be assigned to it. return data; } _continueDoCopyAsNew() { var $this = this; this.setCurrentEditViewState( 'new' ); LocalCacheData.current_doing_context_action = 'copy_as_new'; if ( Global.isSet( this.edit_view ) ) { this.current_edit_record = this.copyAsNewResetIds( this.current_edit_record ); var navigation_div = this.edit_view.find( '.navigation-div' ); navigation_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); this.openEditView(); this.initEditView(); this.setEditMenu(); this.setTabStatus(); this.is_changed = false; ProgressBar.closeOverlay(); } else { super._continueDoCopyAsNew(); } } isMassDateOrMassUser() { if ( this.isMassAdding() ) { if ( this.current_edit_record.punch_dates && this.current_edit_record.punch_dates.length > 1 ) { return true; } if ( this.current_edit_record.user_id && this.current_edit_record.user_id.length > 1 ) { return true; } return false; } return false; } onSaveAndCopy( ignoreWarning ) { var $this = this; if ( !Global.isSet( ignoreWarning ) ) { ignoreWarning = false; } this.is_add = true; this.is_changed = false; LocalCacheData.current_doing_context_action = 'save_and_copy'; var record = this.current_edit_record; record = this.uniformVariable( record ); this.clearNavigationData(); this.api['set' + this.api.key_name]( record, false, ignoreWarning, { onResult: function( result ) { $this.onSaveAndCopyResult( result ); } } ); } onSaveAndNewClick( ignoreWarning ) { var $this = this; if ( !Global.isSet( ignoreWarning ) ) { ignoreWarning = false; } this.setCurrentEditViewState( 'new' ); var record = this.current_edit_record; record = this.uniformVariable( record ); this.api['set' + this.api.key_name]( record, false, ignoreWarning, { onResult: function( result ) { $this.onSaveAndNewResult( result ); } } ); } onMassEditClick() { var $this = this; $this.is_add = false; $this.is_viewing = false; $this.is_mass_editing = true; LocalCacheData.current_doing_context_action = 'mass_edit'; $this.openEditView(); var filter = {}; var grid_selected_id_array = this.getGridSelectIdArray(); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; this.mass_edit_record_ids = []; $.each( grid_selected_id_array, function( index, value ) { $this.mass_edit_record_ids.push( value ); } ); filter.filter_data = {}; = this.mass_edit_record_ids; this.api['getCommon' + this.api.key_name + 'Data']( filter, { onResult: function( result ) { var result_data = result.getResult(); if ( !result_data ) { result_data = []; } $this.api['getOptions']( 'unique_columns', { onResult: function( result ) { $this.unique_columns = result.getResult(); $this.api['getOptions']( 'linked_columns', { onResult: function( result1 ) { $this.linked_columns = result1.getResult(); if ( $this.sub_view_mode && $this.parent_key ) { result_data[$this.parent_key] = $this.parent_value; } $this.current_edit_record = result_data; $this.initEditView(); } } ); } } ); } } ); } onSaveAndContinue( ignoreWarning ) { var $this = this; if ( !Global.isSet( ignoreWarning ) ) { ignoreWarning = false; } this.is_changed = false; LocalCacheData.current_doing_context_action = 'save_and_continue'; if ( this.isMassAdding() ) { if ( this.current_edit_record.punch_dates && this.current_edit_record.punch_dates.length === 1 ) { this.current_edit_record.punch_date = this.current_edit_record.punch_dates[0]; } if ( this.current_edit_record.user_id && this.current_edit_record.user_id.length === 1 ) { this.current_edit_record.user_id = this.current_edit_record.user_id[0]; } } this.current_edit_record = this.uniformVariable( this.current_edit_record ); this.api['set' + this.api.key_name]( this.current_edit_record, false, ignoreWarning, { onResult: function( result ) { $this.onSaveAndContinueResult( result ); } } ); } onFormItemChange( target, doNotValidate ) { var $this = this; this.setIsChanged( target ); this.setMassEditingFieldsWhenFormChange( target ); var key = target.getField(); var c_value = target.getValue(); this.current_edit_record[key] = c_value; switch ( key ) { case 'user_id': this.setEditMenu(); break; case 'punch_date': this.current_edit_record.punch_dates = [c_value]; break; case 'punch_dates': this.setEditMenu(); break; case 'transfer': this.onTransferChanged(); break; case 'job_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { this.edit_view_ui_dic['job_quick_search'].setValue( target.getValue( true ) ? ( target.getValue( true ).manual_id ? target.getValue( true ).manual_id : '' ) : '' ); this.setJobItemValueWhenJobChanged( target.getValue( true ), 'job_item_id', { status_id: 10, job_id: this.current_edit_record.job_id } ); this.edit_view_ui_dic['job_quick_search'].setCheckBox( true ); this.setPunchTagValuesWhenCriteriaChanged( this.getPunchTagFilterData(), 'punch_tag_id' ); } break; case 'job_item_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { this.edit_view_ui_dic['job_item_quick_search'].setValue( target.getValue( true ) ? ( target.getValue( true ).manual_id ? target.getValue( true ).manual_id : '' ) : '' ); this.edit_view_ui_dic['job_item_quick_search'].setCheckBox( true ); this.setPunchTagValuesWhenCriteriaChanged( this.getPunchTagFilterData(), 'punch_tag_id' ); } break; case 'punch_tag_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { if ( c_value !== TTUUID.zero_id && c_value !== false && c_value.length > 0 ) { this.setPunchTagQuickSearchManualIds( target.getSelectItems() ); } else { this.edit_view_ui_dic['punch_tag_quick_search'].setValue( '' ); } $this.previous_punch_tag_selection = c_value; //Reset source data to make sure correct punch tags are always shown. this.edit_view_ui_dic['punch_tag_id'].setSourceData( null ); } break; case 'user_id': case 'branch_id': case 'department_id': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { this.setPunchTagValuesWhenCriteriaChanged( this.getPunchTagFilterData(), 'punch_tag_id' ); this.setJobValueWhenCriteriaChanged( 'job_id', { status_id: 10, user_id: this.current_edit_record.user_id, punch_branch_id: this.current_edit_record.branch_id, punch_department_id: this.current_edit_record.department_id } ); } break; case 'job_quick_search': case 'job_item_quick_search': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { this.onJobQuickSearch( key, c_value ); this.setPunchTagValuesWhenCriteriaChanged( this.getPunchTagFilterData(), 'punch_tag_id' ); } break; case 'punch_tag_quick_search': if ( ( Global.getProductEdition() >= 20 ) ) { this.onPunchTagQuickSearch( c_value, this.getPunchTagFilterData(), 'punch_tag_id' ); //Don't validate immediately as onPunchTagQuickSearch is doing async API calls, and it would cause a guaranteed validation failure. doNotValidate = true; } break; default: this.current_edit_record[key] = c_value; break; } if ( !doNotValidate ) { this.validate(); } } onMapSaveClick( dataset, successCallback ) { this.savePunchPosition( dataset, successCallback ); } savePunchPosition( moved_unsaved_markers, successCallback ) { if ( !moved_unsaved_markers || moved_unsaved_markers.length !== 1 ) { Debug.Text( 'ERROR: Invalid params/data passed to function.', 'PunchesViewController.js', 'PunchesViewController', 'savePunchPosition', 1 ); return false; } // Regardless of record type, we want to just pass the value back, rather than a api save from map, then another save from parent view. // Map info will only be saved if user clicks save on the parent edit view. this.setLocationValue( moved_unsaved_markers[0] ); successCallback(); this.is_changed = true; return true; } getSelectEmployee( full_item ) { var user; if ( full_item ) { user = LocalCacheData.getLoginUser(); } else { user = LocalCacheData.getLoginUser().id; } return user; } getFilterColumnsFromDisplayColumns( column_filter, enable_system_columns ) { if ( column_filter == undefined ) { column_filter = {}; } column_filter.latitude = true; column_filter.longitude = true; return this._getFilterColumnsFromDisplayColumns( column_filter, enable_system_columns ); } isMassAdding() { if ( this.current_edit_record && ( Array.isArray( this.current_edit_record.user_id ) === true || ( Array.isArray( this.current_edit_record.punch_dates ) === true && this.current_edit_record.punch_dates.length > 1 ) ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } }