getAllArray(); unset( $sslf ); //Get primary company data needs to be used when user isn't logged in as well. $clf->getByID( PRIMARY_COMPANY_ID ); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $primary_company = $clf->getCurrent(); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { //Database not initialized, or some error, redirect to Install page. throw new DBError( $e, 'DBInitialize' ); } } if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == false && isset( $config_vars['other']['installer_enabled'] ) && $config_vars['other']['installer_enabled'] == true && !isset( $_GET['installer'] ) ) { //Installer is enabled, check to see if any companies have been created, if not redirect to installer automatically, as they skipped it somehow. //Check if Company table exists first, incase the installer hasn't run at all, this avoids a SQL error. $installer_url = 'index.php?installer=1&disable_db=1&external_installer=1#!m=Install&a=license&external_installer=0'; if ( isset( $db ) ) { $install_obj = new Install(); $install_obj->setDatabaseConnection( $db ); if ( $install_obj->checkTableExists( 'company' ) == true ) { $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyListFactory $clf */ $clf->getAll(); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() == 0 ) { Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( null, $installer_url ) ); } } else { Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( null, $installer_url ) ); } } else { Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( null, $installer_url ) ); } unset( $install_obj, $clf, $installer_url ); } Misc::redirectMobileBrowser(); //Redirect mobile browsers automatically. Misc::redirectUnSupportedBrowser(); //Redirect unsupported web browsers automatically. ?> <?php echo 'Workforce Management Software | ' . APPLICATION_NAME; ?> */ // Detect if mobile, and add class on body for CSS to use. // Reason for doing this instead of using css media queries is so we dont have to guess suitable mobile device breakpoints. May change to breakpoints if this does not work out though. if ( Misc::detectMobileBrowser() == true ) { ?>

TimeTrex Time and Attendance Software

Web-based Time And Attendance software which offers employee timeclock, timesheets and payroll all in single integrated package. With the ability to interface with biometric facial recognition tablets and smart phones employees are able to efficiently track their time at the office or in the field. Automatically calculate complex over time and premium time business policies and immediately be able to identify labor costs attributed to branches, and departments. TimeTrex can process your payroll by calculating withholding taxes, generate electronic pay stubs and direct deposit funds.