[ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.5, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.0, 'constant' => 25.00 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 2.0, 'constant' => 75.00 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 2.5, 'constant' => 175.00 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 3.0, 'constant' => 300.00 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 3.5, 'constant' => 900.00 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 4.0, 'constant' => 2300.00 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 5.0, 'constant' => 3100.00 ], ], ], 20150801 => [ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.556, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.112, 'constant' => 27.80 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 2.226, 'constant' => 83.40 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 2.782, 'constant' => 194.70 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 3.338, 'constant' => 333.80 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 3.894, 'constant' => 1001.40 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 4.451, 'constant' => 2559.00 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 5.563, 'constant' => 3449.20 ], ], ], 20140701 => [ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.574, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.148, 'constant' => 28.70 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 2.297, 'constant' => 86.10 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 2.871, 'constant' => 200.95 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 3.445, 'constant' => 344.50 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 4.019, 'constant' => 1033.50 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 4.593, 'constant' => 2641.10 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 5.741, 'constant' => 3559.70 ], ], ], 20130901 => [ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.581, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.161, 'constant' => 29.05 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 2.322, 'constant' => 87.10 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 2.903, 'constant' => 203.20 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 3.483, 'constant' => 348.35 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 4.064, 'constant' => 1044.95 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 4.644, 'constant' => 2670.55 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 5.805, 'constant' => 3599.35 ], ], ], 20090101 => [ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.638, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.276, 'constant' => 31.90 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 2.552, 'constant' => 95.70 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 3.190, 'constant' => 223.30 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 3.828, 'constant' => 382.80 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 4.466, 'constant' => 1148.40 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 5.103, 'constant' => 2934.80 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 6.379, 'constant' => 3955.40 ], ], ], 20080101 => [ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.672, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.344, 'constant' => 33.60 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 2.687, 'constant' => 100.80 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 3.360, 'constant' => 235.15 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 4.031, 'constant' => 403.15 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 4.703, 'constant' => 1209.35 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 5.375, 'constant' => 3090.55 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 6.718, 'constant' => 4165.55 ], ], ], 20060101 => [ 0 => [ [ 'income' => 5000, 'rate' => 0.774, 'constant' => 0 ], [ 'income' => 10000, 'rate' => 1.547, 'constant' => 38.70 ], [ 'income' => 15000, 'rate' => 3.094, 'constant' => 116.05 ], [ 'income' => 20000, 'rate' => 3.868, 'constant' => 270.75 ], [ 'income' => 40000, 'rate' => 4.642, 'constant' => 464.15 ], [ 'income' => 80000, 'rate' => 5.416, 'constant' => 1392.55 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 6.189, 'constant' => 3558.95 ], [ 'income' => 100000, 'rate' => 7.736, 'constant' => 4796.75 ], ], ], ]; var $state_options = [ 20210901 => [ 'allowance' => 650, 'rate' => 1.001, //This is the extra multiplier from the "Employer Withholding Taxes: Optional Computer Formula" document, that isn't explained at all. ], 20200101 => [ 'allowance' => 650, 'rate' => 1.032, //This is the extra multiplier from the "Employer Withholding Taxes: Optional Computer Formula" document, that isn't explained at all. ], 20190101 => [ 'allowance' => 650, 'rate' => 1.075, //This is the extra multiplier from the "Employer Withholding Taxes: Optional Computer Formula" document, that isn't explained at all. ], //01-Jan-09: No Change. 20080101 => [ 'allowance' => 650, ], 20060101 => [ 'allowance' => 650, ], ]; var $state_ui_options = [ 20220101 => [ 'wage_base' => 9000, 'new_employer_rate' => 2.7 ], 20210101 => [ 'wage_base' => 9000, 'new_employer_rate' => 2.7 ], 20200101 => [ 'wage_base' => 9000, 'new_employer_rate' => 2.7 ], 20190101 => [ 'wage_base' => 9500, 'new_employer_rate' => 2.7 ], ]; function getStateAnnualTaxableIncome() { $annual_income = $this->getAnnualTaxableIncome(); $state_allowance = $this->getStateAllowanceAmount(); $income = bcsub( $annual_income, $state_allowance ); Debug::text( 'State Annual Taxable Income: ' . $income, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $income; } function getStateAllowanceAmount() { $retarr = $this->getDataFromRateArray( $this->getDate(), $this->state_options ); if ( $retarr == false ) { return false; } $allowance_arr = $retarr['allowance']; $retval = bcmul( $this->getStateAllowance(), $allowance_arr ); Debug::text( 'State Allowance Amount: ' . $retval, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $retval; } function _getStateTaxPayable() { $annual_income = $this->getStateAnnualTaxableIncome(); $retval = 0; if ( $annual_income > 0 ) { $rate = $this->getData()->getStateRate( $annual_income ); $state_constant = $this->getData()->getStateConstant( $annual_income ); $state_rate_income = $this->getData()->getStateRatePreviousIncome( $annual_income ); $retval = bcadd( bcmul( bcsub( $annual_income, $state_rate_income ), $rate ), $state_constant ); //In the "Employer Withholding Taxes: Optional Computer Formula" document there is an extra multiplier that isn't explained, try to apply that here. $state_options_arr = $this->getDataFromRateArray( $this->getDate(), $this->state_options ); if ( isset( $state_options_arr['rate'] ) ) { $retval = bcmul( $retval, $state_options_arr['rate'] ); } } if ( $retval < 0 ) { $retval = 0; } Debug::text( 'State Annual Tax Payable: ' . $retval, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $retval; } } ?>