title = TTi18n::getText( 'Review Summary Report' ); $this->file_name = 'review_summary_report'; parent::__construct(); return true; } /** * @param string $user_id UUID * @param string $company_id UUID * @return bool */ protected function _checkPermissions( $user_id, $company_id ) { if ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'hr_report', 'enabled', $user_id, $company_id ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'hr_report', 'user_review', $user_id, $company_id ) ) { return true; } //Debug::Text('Regular employee viewing their own review...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Regular employee printing review for themselves. Force specific config options. $filter_config = $this->getFilterConfig(); if ( isset( $filter_config['user_review_control_id'] ) ) { $user_review_control_id = $filter_config['user_review_control_id']; } else { $user_review_control_id = TTUUID::getZeroID(); } $this->setFilterConfig( [ 'include_user_id' => [ $user_id ], 'user_review_control_id' => $user_review_control_id ] ); return true; } /** * @param $name * @param null $params * @return array|bool|mixed|null */ protected function _getOptions( $name, $params = null ) { $retval = null; switch ( $name ) { case 'output_format': $retval = parent::getOptions( 'default_output_format' ); break; case 'default_setup_fields': $retval = [ 'template', 'time_period', 'columns', ]; break; case 'setup_fields': $retval = [ //Static Columns - Aggregate functions can't be used on these. '-1000-template' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Template' ), '-1010-time_period' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Time Period' ), '-2000-legal_entity_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Legal Entity' ), '-2010-user_status_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Status' ), '-2020-user_group_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Group' ), '-2025-policy_group_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Policy Group' ), '-2030-user_title_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Title' ), '-2035-user_tag' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Tags' ), '-2040-include_user_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Include' ), '-2050-exclude_user_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Exclude' ), '-2060-include_reviewer_user_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Reviewer Include' ), '-2070-exclude_reviewer_user_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Reviewer Exclude' ), '-2080-default_branch_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Default Branch' ), '-2090-default_department_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Default Department' ), //'-2080-punch_branch_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Punch Branch'), //'-2090-punch_department_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Punch Department'), '-2100-kpi_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Key Performance Indicators' ), //'-2090-user_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Employee'), //'-2110-reviewer_user_id' => TTi18n::gettext('Reviewer'), '-2120-kpi_group_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'KPI Group' ), '-2130-kpi_status_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'KPI Status' ), '-2140-kpi_type_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'KPI Type' ), '-2150-user_review_control_status_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Status' ), '-2160-user_review_control_type_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Type' ), '-2170-term_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Terms' ), '-2180-severity_id' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Severity/Importance' ), '-2188-review_tag' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Tags' ), '-3000-custom_filter' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Custom Filter' ), '-5000-columns' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Display Columns' ), '-5010-group' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Group By' ), '-5020-sub_total' => TTi18n::gettext( 'SubTotal By' ), '-5030-sort' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Sort By' ), '-5040-page_break' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Page Break On' ), ]; break; case 'time_period': $retval = TTDate::getTimePeriodOptions(); break; case 'date_columns': $retval = array_merge( TTDate::getReportDateOptions( 'user.hire', TTi18n::getText( 'Hire Date' ), 15, false ), TTDate::getReportDateOptions( 'user_review_control.start', TTi18n::getText( 'Start Date' ), 16, false ), TTDate::getReportDateOptions( 'user_review_control.end', TTi18n::getText( 'End Date' ), 17, false ), TTDate::getReportDateOptions( 'user_review_control.due', TTi18n::getText( 'Due Date' ), 18, false ) ); break; case 'report_custom_column': if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { $rcclf = TTnew( 'ReportCustomColumnListFactory' ); /** @var ReportCustomColumnListFactory $rcclf */ // Because the Filter type is just only a filter criteria and not need to be as an option of Display Columns, Group By, Sub Total, Sort By dropdowns. // So just get custom columns with Selection and Formula. $custom_column_labels = $rcclf->getByCompanyIdAndTypeIdAndFormatIdAndScriptArray( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $rcclf->getOptions( 'display_column_type_ids' ), null, 'KPIReport', 'custom_column' ); if ( is_array( $custom_column_labels ) ) { $retval = Misc::addSortPrefix( $custom_column_labels, 9500 ); } } break; case 'report_custom_filters': if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { $rcclf = TTnew( 'ReportCustomColumnListFactory' ); /** @var ReportCustomColumnListFactory $rcclf */ $retval = $rcclf->getByCompanyIdAndTypeIdAndFormatIdAndScriptArray( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $rcclf->getOptions( 'filter_column_type_ids' ), null, 'KPIReport', 'custom_column' ); } break; case 'report_dynamic_custom_column': if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { $rcclf = TTnew( 'ReportCustomColumnListFactory' ); /** @var ReportCustomColumnListFactory $rcclf */ $report_dynamic_custom_column_labels = $rcclf->getByCompanyIdAndTypeIdAndFormatIdAndScriptArray( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $rcclf->getOptions( 'display_column_type_ids' ), $rcclf->getOptions( 'dynamic_format_ids' ), 'KPIReport', 'custom_column' ); if ( is_array( $report_dynamic_custom_column_labels ) ) { $retval = Misc::addSortPrefix( $report_dynamic_custom_column_labels, 9700 ); } } break; case 'report_static_custom_column': if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) { $rcclf = TTnew( 'ReportCustomColumnListFactory' ); /** @var ReportCustomColumnListFactory $rcclf */ $report_static_custom_column_labels = $rcclf->getByCompanyIdAndTypeIdAndFormatIdAndScriptArray( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $rcclf->getOptions( 'display_column_type_ids' ), $rcclf->getOptions( 'static_format_ids' ), 'KPIReport', 'custom_column' ); if ( is_array( $report_static_custom_column_labels ) ) { $retval = Misc::addSortPrefix( $report_static_custom_column_labels, 9700 ); } } break; case 'formula_columns': $retval = TTMath::formatFormulaColumns( array_merge( array_diff( $this->getOptions( 'static_columns' ), (array)$this->getOptions( 'report_static_custom_column' ) ), $this->getOptions( 'dynamic_columns' ) ) ); break; case 'filter_columns': $retval = TTMath::formatFormulaColumns( array_merge( $this->getOptions( 'static_columns' ), $this->getOptions( 'dynamic_columns' ), (array)$this->getOptions( 'report_dynamic_custom_column' ) ) ); break; case 'static_columns': $retval = [ //Static Columns - Aggregate functions can't be used on these. '-1000-kpi.name' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Key Performance Indicators' ), '-1000-kpi.type' => TTi18n::getText( 'KPI Type' ), '-1005-kpi.status' => TTi18n::gettext( 'KPI Status' ), '-1008-kpi.kpi_group' => TTi18n::gettext( 'KPI Group' ), '-1010-kpi.description' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Description' ), '-1020-user.first_name' => TTi18n::gettext( 'First Name' ), '-1030-user.middle_name' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Middle Name' ), '-1040-user.last_name' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Last Name' ), '-1050-user.full_name' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Full Name' ), '-1060-user.status' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Status' ), '-1070-user.sex' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Gender' ), '-1080-user.user_group' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Group' ), '-1090-user.title' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Title' ), '-1100-user.default_branch' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Branch' ), //abbreviate for space '-1110-user.default_department' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Department' ), //abbreviate for space '-1120-user.city' => TTi18n::gettext( 'City' ), '-1130-user.province' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Province/State' ), '-1140-user.country' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Country' ), '-1150-user.postal_code' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Postal Code' ), '-1160-user.work_phone' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Work Phone' ), '-1170-user.work_phone_ext' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Work Phone Ext' ), '-1180-user.home_phone' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Home Phone' ), '-1190-user.mobile_phone' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Mobile Phone' ), '-1200-user.fax_phone' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Fax Phone' ), '-1210-user.home_email' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Home Email' ), '-1220-user.work_email' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Work Email' ), '-1230-user.address1' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Address 1' ), '-1240-user.address2' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Address 2' ), '-1244-user.tag' => TTi18n::getText( 'Employee Tags' ), '-1250-user_review_control.reviewer_user' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Reviewer Name' ), '-1260-user_review_control.status' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Status' ), '-1270-user_review_control.type' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Type' ), '-1280-user_review_control.term' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Terms' ), '-1290-user_review_control.severity' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Severity/Importance' ), '-1292-user_review_control.tag' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Tags' ), '-1300-user_review.note' => TTi18n::gettext( 'KPI Notes' ), '-1350-user.note' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Notes' ), '-1400-user_review_control.note' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Notes' ), ]; $retval = array_merge( $retval, $this->getOptions( 'date_columns' ), (array)$this->getOptions( 'report_static_custom_column' ) ); ksort( $retval ); break; case 'dynamic_columns': $retval = [ //Dynamic - Aggregate functions can be used '-2000-kpi.minimum_rate' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Minimum Rating' ), '-2010-kpi.maximum_rate' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Maximum Rating' ), '-2020-user_review.rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Rating' ), '-2000-total_review' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Total Reviews' ), //Group counter... ]; break; case 'columns': $retval = array_merge( $this->getOptions( 'static_columns' ), $this->getOptions( 'dynamic_columns' ), (array)$this->getOptions( 'report_dynamic_custom_column' ) ); ksort( $retval ); break; case 'column_format': //Define formatting function for each column. $columns = array_merge( $this->getOptions( 'dynamic_columns' ), (array)$this->getOptions( 'report_custom_column' ) ); if ( is_array( $columns ) ) { foreach ( $columns as $column => $name ) { if ( strpos( $column, 'rating' ) !== false ) { $retval[$column] = 'numeric'; } else if ( strpos( $column, 'total_review' ) !== false ) { $retval[$column] = 'numeric'; } } } break; case 'aggregates': $retval = []; $dynamic_columns = array_keys( Misc::trimSortPrefix( array_merge( $this->getOptions( 'dynamic_columns' ), (array)$this->getOptions( 'report_dynamic_custom_column' ) ) ) ); if ( is_array( $dynamic_columns ) ) { foreach ( $dynamic_columns as $column ) { switch ( $column ) { case 'kpi.minimum_rate': $retval[$column] = 'min'; break; case 'kpi.maximum_rate': $retval[$column] = 'max'; break; case 'user_review.rating': case 'total_review': $retval[$column] = 'sum'; break; } } } break; case 'templates': $retval = [ '-1010-by_employee_by_kpi+kpi+rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Information By Employee/KPI' ), '-1020-by_kpi_by_employee+kpi+rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Information By KPI/Employee' ), '-1040-by_type_by_terms_by_severity+kpi+rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Summary By Type/Terms/Severity' ), '-1050-by_employee_by_type_by_terms_by_severity+kpi+rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Summary By Employee/Type/Terms/Severity' ), '-1060-by_type_by_terms_by_severity_by_employee+kpi+rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Review Summary By Type/Terms/Severity/Employee' ), '-1070-by_employee+due_date' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Pending Reviews By Employee' ), ]; break; case 'template_config': $template = strtolower( Misc::trimSortPrefix( $params['template'] ) ); if ( isset( $template ) && $template != '' ) { switch ( $template ) { case 'by_employee_by_kpi+kpi+rating': $retval['columns'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.due-date_stamp'; $retval['columns'][] = 'kpi.name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review.rating'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review.note'; $retval['-2150-user_review_control_status_id'] = [ 30 ]; $retval['-2160-user_review_control_type_id'] = []; //Allow use to easily filter based on review type $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.due-date_stamp'; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user.full_name' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.type' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.due-date_stamp' => 'desc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review.rating' => 'desc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'kpi.name' => 'asc' ]; break; case 'by_kpi_by_employee+kpi+rating': $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['columns'][] = 'kpi.name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review.rating'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review.note'; $retval['-2150-user_review_control_status_id'] = [ 30 ]; $retval['-2160-user_review_control_type_id'] = []; //Allow use to easily filter based on review type $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'kpi.name'; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.type' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'kpi.name' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review.rating' => 'desc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user.full_name' => 'asc' ]; break; case 'by_type_by_terms_by_severity+kpi+rating': $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['columns'][] = 'total_review'; $retval['-2150-user_review_control_status_id'] = [ 30 ]; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.type' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.term' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.severity' => 'desc' ]; break; case 'by_employee_by_type_by_terms_by_severity+kpi+rating': $retval['columns'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['columns'][] = 'total_review'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review.rating'; $retval['-2150-user_review_control_status_id'] = [ 30 ]; $retval['group'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user.full_name' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.type' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.term' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.severity' => 'desc' ]; break; case 'by_type_by_terms_by_severity_by_employee+kpi+rating': $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'total_review'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review.rating'; $retval['-2150-user_review_control_status_id'] = [ 30 ]; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['group'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.term'; $retval['sub_total'][] = 'user_review_control.severity'; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.type' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.term' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.severity' => 'desc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'total_review' => 'desc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review.rating' => 'desc' ]; break; case 'by_employee+due_date': $retval['columns'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.reviewer_user'; $retval['columns'][] = 'user_review_control.due-date_stamp'; $retval['-1010-time_period']['time_period'] = 'this_month'; $retval['-2150-user_review_control_status_id'] = [ 10 ]; $retval['-2160-user_review_control_type_id'] = []; //Allow use to easily filter based on review type $retval['group'][] = 'user.full_name'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.type'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.reviewer_user'; $retval['group'][] = 'user_review_control.due-date_stamp'; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.due-date_stamp' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user_review_control.type_id' => 'asc' ]; $retval['sort'][] = [ 'user.full_name' => 'asc' ]; break; default: Debug::Text( ' Parsing template name: ' . $template, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); break; } } //Set the template dropdown as well. $retval['-1000-template'] = $template; //Add sort prefixes so Flex can maintain order. if ( isset( $retval['filter'] ) ) { $retval['-5000-filter'] = $retval['filter']; unset( $retval['filter'] ); } if ( isset( $retval['columns'] ) ) { $retval['-5010-columns'] = $retval['columns']; unset( $retval['columns'] ); } if ( isset( $retval['group'] ) ) { $retval['-5020-group'] = $retval['group']; unset( $retval['group'] ); } if ( isset( $retval['sub_total'] ) ) { $retval['-5030-sub_total'] = $retval['sub_total']; unset( $retval['sub_total'] ); } if ( isset( $retval['sort'] ) ) { $retval['-5040-sort'] = $retval['sort']; unset( $retval['sort'] ); } Debug::Arr( $retval, ' Template Config for: ' . $template, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); break; default: //Call report parent class options function for options valid for all reports. $retval = $this->__getOptions( $name ); break; } return $retval; } /** * Get raw data for report * @param null $format * @return bool */ function _getData( $format = null ) { $this->tmp_data = [ 'user' => [], 'kpi' => [], 'user_review_control' => [], 'user_review' => [] ]; $columns = $this->getColumnDataConfig(); $filter_data = $this->getFilterConfig(); $columns['hire_date'] = $columns['start_date'] = $columns['end_date'] = $columns['due_date'] = true; //Get user data for joining. $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $filter_data ); Debug::Text( ' User Rows: ' . $ulf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $ulf->getRecordCount(), null, TTi18n::getText( 'Retrieving Data...' ) ); foreach ( $ulf as $key => $u_obj ) { $this->tmp_data['user'][$u_obj->getId()] = Misc::addKeyPrefix( 'user.', (array)$u_obj->getObjectAsArray( Misc::removeKeyPrefix( 'user.', $columns ) ) ); if ( strpos( $format, 'pdf_' ) !== false ) { if ( !isset( $this->form_data['user'][$u_obj->getId()] ) ) { $this->form_data['user'][$u_obj->getId()] = []; } //Make sure we merge this array with existing data and include all required fields for generating timesheets. This prevents slow columns from being returned. $this->form_data['user'][$u_obj->getId()] += (array)$u_obj->getObjectAsArray( [ 'first_name' => true, 'last_name' => true, 'employee_number' => true, 'hire_date' => true, 'hire_date_age' => true, 'title' => true, 'user_group' => true, 'default_branch' => true, 'default_department' => true ] ); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); } //Get KPI data for joining. $klf = TTnew( 'KPIListFactory' ); /** @var KPIListFactory $klf */ $klf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $filter_data ); Debug::Text( ' KPI Rows: ' . $klf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $klf->getRecordCount(), null, TTi18n::getText( 'Retrieving Data...' ) ); foreach ( $klf as $key => $k_obj ) { $this->tmp_data['kpi'][$k_obj->getId()] = Misc::addKeyPrefix( 'kpi.', (array)$k_obj->getObjectAsArray( Misc::removeKeyPrefix( 'kpi.', $columns ) ) ); if ( strpos( $format, 'pdf_' ) !== false ) { if ( !isset( $this->form_data['kpi'][$k_obj->getId()] ) ) { $this->form_data['kpi'][$k_obj->getId()] = []; } //Make sure we merge this array with existing data and include all required fields for generating timesheets. This prevents slow columns from being returned. $this->form_data['kpi'][$k_obj->getId()] += (array)$k_obj->getObjectAsArray( [ 'name' => true, 'type' => true, 'type_id' => true, 'description' => true ] ); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); } //Get user review control data for joining. $urclf = TTnew( 'UserReviewControlListFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewControlListFactory $urclf */ $urclf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $filter_data ); Debug::Text( ' User Review Control Rows: ' . $urclf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $urclf->getRecordCount(), null, TTi18n::getText( 'Retrieving Data...' ) ); foreach ( $urclf as $key => $urc_obj ) { $this->tmp_data['user_review_control'][$urc_obj->getId()][$urc_obj->getUser()] = Misc::addKeyPrefix( 'user_review_control.', (array)$urc_obj->getObjectAsArray( Misc::removeKeyPrefix( 'user_review_control.', $columns ) ) ); $this->tmp_data['user_review_control'][$urc_obj->getId()][$urc_obj->getUser()]['total_review'] = 1; if ( strpos( $format, 'pdf_' ) !== false ) { if ( !isset( $this->form_data['user_review_control'][$urc_obj->getId()][$urc_obj->getUser()] ) ) { $this->form_data['user_review_control'][$urc_obj->getId()][$urc_obj->getUser()] = []; } //Make sure we merge this array with existing data and include all required fields for generating timesheets. This prevents slow columns from being returned. $this->form_data['user_review_control'][$urc_obj->getId()][$urc_obj->getUser()] += (array)$urc_obj->getObjectAsArray( [ 'status' => true, 'type' => true, 'term' => true, 'severity' => true, 'start_date' => true, 'end_date' => true, 'due_date' => true, 'rating' => true, 'note' => true, 'reviewer_user' => true ] ); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); } $urlf = TTnew( 'UserReviewListFactory' ); /** @var UserReviewListFactory $urlf */ $urlf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $filter_data ); Debug::Text( ' User Review Rows: ' . $urlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $urlf->getRecordCount(), null, TTi18n::getText( 'Retrieving Data...' ) ); foreach ( $urlf as $key => $ur_obj ) { $this->tmp_data['user_review'][$ur_obj->getUserReviewControl()][$ur_obj->getKPI()] = Misc::addKeyPrefix( 'user_review.', (array)$ur_obj->getObjectAsArray( Misc::removeKeyPrefix( 'user_review.', $columns ) ) ); if ( strpos( $format, 'pdf_' ) !== false ) { if ( !isset( $this->form_data['user_review'][$ur_obj->getUserReviewControl()][$ur_obj->getKPI()] ) ) { $this->form_data['user_review'][$ur_obj->getUserReviewControl()][$ur_obj->getKPI()] = []; } //Make sure we merge this array with existing data and include all required fields for generating timesheets. This prevents slow columns from being returned. $this->form_data['user_review'][$ur_obj->getUserReviewControl()][$ur_obj->getKPI()] += (array)$this->form_data['kpi'][$ur_obj->getKPI()]; $this->form_data['user_review'][$ur_obj->getUserReviewControl()][$ur_obj->getKPI()] += (array)$ur_obj->getObjectAsArray( [ 'rating' => true, 'note' => true ] ); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); } //Debug::Arr($this->tmp_data, ' TMP Rows: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); return true; } /** * PreProcess data such as calculating additional columns from raw data etc... * @param null $format * @return bool */ function _preProcess( $format = null ) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), count( $this->tmp_data['user_review_control'] ), null, TTi18n::getText( 'Pre-Processing Data...' ) ); $key = 0; if ( isset( $this->tmp_data['user_review_control'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->tmp_data['user_review_control'] as $user_review_control_id => $level_1 ) { foreach ( $level_1 as $user_id => $user_review_control ) { $processed_data = []; if ( isset( $this->tmp_data['user'][$user_id]['user.hire_date'] ) ) { $hire_date_columns = TTDate::getReportDates( 'user.hire', TTDate::parseDateTime( $this->tmp_data['user'][$user_id]['user.hire_date'] ), false, $this->getUserObject() ); } else { $hire_date_columns = []; } if ( isset( $user_review_control['user_review_control.start_date'] ) ) { $start_date_columns = TTDate::getReportDates( 'user_review_control.start', TTDate::parseDateTime( $user_review_control['user_review_control.start_date'] ), false, $this->getUserObject() ); } else { $start_date_columns = []; } if ( isset( $user_review_control['user_review_control.end_date'] ) ) { $end_date_columns = TTDate::getReportDates( 'user_review_control.end', TTDate::parseDateTime( $user_review_control['user_review_control.end_date'] ), false, $this->getUserObject() ); } else { $end_date_columns = []; } if ( isset( $user_review_control['user_review_control.due_date'] ) ) { $due_date_columns = TTDate::getReportDates( 'user_review_control.due', TTDate::parseDateTime( $user_review_control['user_review_control.due_date'] ), false, $this->getUserObject() ); } else { $due_date_columns = []; } if ( isset( $this->tmp_data['user'][$user_id] ) && is_array( $this->tmp_data['user'][$user_id] ) ) { $processed_data = array_merge( $processed_data, $this->tmp_data['user'][$user_id] ); } if ( isset( $this->tmp_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id] ) ) { foreach ( $this->tmp_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id] as $kpi_id => $kpi ) { if ( is_array( $kpi ) ) { $processed_data = array_merge( $processed_data, $kpi ); } if ( is_array( $user_review_control ) ) { $processed_data = array_merge( $processed_data, $user_review_control ); } if ( isset( $this->tmp_data['kpi'][$kpi_id] ) && is_array( $this->tmp_data['kpi'][$kpi_id] ) ) { $processed_data = array_merge( $processed_data, $this->tmp_data['kpi'][$kpi_id] ); } if ( strpos( $format, 'pdf_' ) === false ) { $this->data[] = array_merge( $hire_date_columns, $start_date_columns, $end_date_columns, $due_date_columns, $processed_data ); } else { $this->form_data['review'][$user_id][$user_review_control_id][] = array_merge( [ 'kpi.id' => $kpi_id ], $hire_date_columns, $start_date_columns, $end_date_columns, $due_date_columns, $processed_data ); } } } else { //If no KPIs are assigned to a review, still display as much data as we can. //As reviews can be scheduled in the future and aren't likely to have KPIs. if ( is_array( $user_review_control ) ) { $processed_data = array_merge( $processed_data, $user_review_control ); } if ( strpos( $format, 'pdf_' ) === false ) { $this->data[] = array_merge( $hire_date_columns, $start_date_columns, $end_date_columns, $due_date_columns, $processed_data ); } else { $this->form_data['review'][$user_id][$user_review_control_id][] = array_merge( [ 'kpi.id' => null ], $hire_date_columns, $start_date_columns, $end_date_columns, $due_date_columns, $processed_data ); } } } $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); $key++; } unset( $this->tmp_data, $kpi, $user_review_control, $hire_date_columns, $start_date_columns, $end_date_columns, $due_date_columns, $processed_data ); } //Debug::Arr($this->data, 'preProcess Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); return true; } /** * @param $user_data * @param $review_data * @return bool */ function reviewHeader( $user_data, $review_data ) { $margins = $this->pdf->getMargins(); $current_company = $this->getUserObject()->getCompanyObject(); $border = 0; $total_width = ( $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['left'] - $margins['right'] ); //Logo @$this->pdf->Image( $current_company->getLogoFileName( null, true, false, 'large' ), Misc::AdjustXY( 0, $margins['left'] ), Misc::AdjustXY( 1, $margins['top'] ), $this->pdf->pixelsToUnits( 167 ), $this->pdf->pixelsToUnits( 42 ), '', '', '', false, 300, '', false, false, 0, true ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], 'B', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 24 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( $total_width, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 10 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Review' ), $border, 0, 'C' ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 10 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], 'B', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( $total_width, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $current_company->getName(), $border, 0, 'C' ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) + $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ); //Generated Date/User top right. $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 6 ) ); $this->pdf->setY( ( $this->pdf->getY() - $this->_pdf_fontSize( 6 ) ) ); $this->pdf->setX( ( $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['right'] - 50 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 50, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ), TTi18n::getText( 'Generated' ) . ': ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', time() ), $border, 0, 'R', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ); $this->pdf->setX( ( $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['right'] - 50 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 50, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ), TTi18n::getText( 'Generated For' ) . ': ' . $this->getUserObject()->getFullName(), $border, 0, 'R', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->Rect( $this->pdf->getX(), ( $this->pdf->getY() - $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ), $total_width, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 37 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 30, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], 'B', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 70 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $user_data['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_data['last_name'] . ' (#' . $user_data['employee_number'] . ')', $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->SetFont( '', '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Title' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 60 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), ( $user_data['title'] != '' ) ? $user_data['title'] : '--', $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( '', '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 30, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Hire Date' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 70 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $user_data['hire_date'] .' ( '. $user_data['hire_date_age'] .' Years Ago )', $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Group' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 60 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), ( $user_data['user_group'] != '' ) ? $user_data['user_group'] : '--', $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ); $this->pdf->Line( ( $this->pdf->getX() + $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ), $this->pdf->getY(), ( $this->pdf->getX() + $total_width - $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ), $this->pdf->getY() ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 2 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( '', '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 30, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Type' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 70 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['type'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Status' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 60 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['status'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( '', '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 30, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Severity' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 70 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['severity'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Terms' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 60 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['term'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( '', '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 30, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Rating' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 70 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), ( $review_data['rating'] != '' ) ? $review_data['rating'] : '--', $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Reviewer' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 60 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['reviewer_user'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( '', '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 12 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( 30, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Time Period' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 70 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['start_date'] .' - '. $review_data['end_date'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Due Date' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( 60 + ( ( $total_width - 200 ) / 2 ) ), $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ), $review_data['due_date'], $border, 0, 'L', 0, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 10 ) ); $this->pdf->Ln( $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ) ); return true; } /** * @param $columns * @param $column_widths * @return bool */ function reviewKPIHeader( $columns, $column_widths ) { $line_h = $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 5 ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], 'B', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 10 ) ); $this->pdf->setFillColor( 220, 220, 220 ); $this->pdf->Cell( $column_widths['line'], $line_h, '#', 1, 0, 'C', 1, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( $column_widths['kpi.name'], $line_h, $columns['kpi.name'], 1, 0, 'C', 1, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( $column_widths['user_review.rating'], $line_h, $columns['user_review.rating'], 1, 0, 'C', 1, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Cell( $column_widths['user_review.note'], $line_h, $columns['user_review.note'], 1, 0, 'C', 1, '', 1 ); $this->pdf->Ln(); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 10 ) ); return true; } /** * @return bool */ function reviewAddPage() { $this->reviewFooter(); $this->pdf->AddPage(); return true; } /** * @return bool */ function reviewFooter() { $margins = $this->pdf->getMargins(); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 8 ) ); //Save x, y and restore after footer is set. $x = $this->pdf->getX(); $y = $this->pdf->getY(); //Jump to end of page. $this->pdf->setY( ( $this->pdf->getPageHeight() - $margins['bottom'] - $margins['top'] - 10 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['right'] ), $this->_pdf_fontSize( 5 ), TTi18n::getText( 'Page' ) . ' ' . $this->pdf->PageNo() . ' of ' . $this->pdf->getAliasNbPages(), 0, 0, 'C', 0 ); $this->pdf->Ln(); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 6 ) ); $this->pdf->Cell( ( $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['right'] ), $this->_pdf_fontSize( 5 ), TTi18n::gettext( 'Generated By' ) . ' ' . APPLICATION_NAME . ' v' . APPLICATION_VERSION, 0, 0, 'C', 0 ); $this->pdf->setX( $x ); $this->pdf->setY( $y ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 10 ) ); return true; } /** * @param $user_data * @param $review_control_data * @return bool */ function reviewSignature( $user_data, $review_control_data ) { $border = 0; $this->reviewCheckPageBreak( 25, true ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 10 ) ); $this->pdf->setFillColor( 255, 255, 255 ); $this->pdf->Ln( 1 ); $line_h = $this->_pdf_scaleSize( 6 ); $this->pdf->Ln( $line_h ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $line_h, TTi18n::gettext( 'Employee Signature' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'L' ); $this->pdf->Cell( 60, $line_h, '_____________________________', $border, 0, 'C' ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $line_h, TTi18n::gettext( 'Reviewer Signature' ) . ':', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( 60, $line_h, '_____________________________', $border, 0, 'C' ); $this->pdf->Ln( $line_h ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $line_h, '', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( 60, $line_h, $user_data['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_data['last_name'], $border, 0, 'C' ); $this->pdf->Cell( 40, $line_h, '', $border, 0, 'R' ); $this->pdf->Cell( 60, $line_h, $review_control_data['reviewer_user'], $border, 0, 'C' ); return true; } /** * @param $height * @param bool $add_page * @return bool */ function reviewCheckPageBreak( $height, $add_page = true ) { $margins = $this->pdf->getMargins(); if ( ( $this->pdf->getY() + $height ) > ( $this->pdf->getPageHeight() - $margins['bottom'] - $margins['top'] - 10 ) ) { //Debug::Text('Detected Page Break needed...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $this->reviewAddPage(); return true; } return false; } /** * @param $format * @return bool|string */ function _outputPDFReview( $format ) { Debug::Text( ' Format: ' . $format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( isset( $this->form_data ) && count( $this->form_data ) > 0 ) { $this->pdf = new TTPDF( 'P', 'mm', 'LETTER', $this->getUserObject()->getCompanyObject()->getEncoding() ); $this->pdf->SetAuthor( APPLICATION_NAME ); $this->pdf->SetTitle( $this->title ); $this->pdf->SetSubject( APPLICATION_NAME . ' ' . TTi18n::getText( 'Report' ) ); $this->pdf->setMargins( $this->config['other']['left_margin'], $this->config['other']['top_margin'], $this->config['other']['right_margin'] ); //Margins are ignored because we use setXY() to force the coordinates before each drawing and therefore ignores margins. $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak( false ); $this->pdf->SetFont( $this->config['other']['default_font'], '', $this->_pdf_fontSize( 10 ) ); $margins = $this->pdf->getMargins(); $total_width = ( $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['left'] - $margins['right'] ); $total_height = ( $this->pdf->getPageHeight() - $margins['bottom'] - $margins['top'] - 15 ); //Use percentages so it properly scales to landscape mode. $column_widths = [ 'line' => ( $total_width * 0.04 ), 'kpi.name' => ( $total_width * 0.50 ), 'user_review.rating' => ( $total_width * 0.07 ), 'user_review.note' => ( $total_width * 0.39 ), ]; $row_layout = [ 'max_width' => 50, 'cell_padding' => 2, 'height' => 5, 'align' => 'L', 'border' => 0, 'fill' => 1, 'stretch' => 1, ]; $columns = [ 'line' => '#', 'kpi.name' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Key Performance Indicator' ), 'user_review.rating' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Result' ), 'user_review.note' => TTi18n::gettext( 'Note' ), ]; $border = 0; if ( isset( $this->form_data['review'] ) && is_array( $this->form_data['review'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->form_data['review'] as $user_id => $user_rows ) { foreach ( $user_rows as $user_review_control_id => $kpi_rows ) { $i = 0; $this->pdf->AddPage( 'P', 'LETTER' ); foreach ( $kpi_rows as $key => $row ) { $is_review_first_page = false; $row['line'] = ( $i + 1 ); if ( $this->_pdf_checkMaximumPageLimit() == false ) { Debug::Text( 'Exceeded maximum page count...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //Exceeded maximum pages, stop processing. $this->_pdf_displayMaximumPageLimitError(); break; } if ( $i == 0 ) { $is_review_first_page = true; $this->reviewHeader( $this->form_data['user'][$user_id], $this->form_data['user_review_control'][$user_review_control_id][$user_id] ); if ( isset( $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id] ) && count( $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id] ) > 0 ) { //Only show header if KPIs actually exist. The review might just be a general note. $this->reviewKPIHeader( $columns, $column_widths ); } } if ( isset( $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']] ) ) { $description = ( $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']]['description'] != '' ) ? "\n(" . $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']]['description'] . ')' : ''; $row['kpi.name'] = $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']]['name'] . $description; $row['user_review.rating'] = $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']]['rating']; $row['user_review.note'] = $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']]['note']; $row_cell_height = $this->_pdf_getMaximumHeightFromArray( $columns, $row, $column_widths, 65, $this->_pdf_fontSize( $row_layout['height'] ), 0.75 ); //Seems to estimate a little too high, so shrink it down a bit. We force the text to always fit in the cell, so it will never be too small. //Debug::Text( 'Max Row Height ('. $i .'): '. $row_cell_height, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $is_review_first_page == true && $row_cell_height > ( $total_height - 50 ) || $row_cell_height > $total_height ) { //Different max height on first page vs. 2nd page. $row_cell_height = $total_height; } $this->reviewCheckPageBreak( $row_cell_height, true ); $this->pdf->MultiCell( $column_widths['line'], $row_cell_height, $row['line'], 1, 'C', 0, 0 ); $this->pdf->MultiCell( $column_widths['kpi.name'], $row_cell_height, $row['kpi.name'], 1, 'L', 0, 0, '', '', true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true ); if ( $this->form_data['user_review'][$user_review_control_id][$row['kpi.id']]['type_id'] == 10 ) { //10=Scale $this->pdf->MultiCell( $column_widths['user_review.rating'], $row_cell_height, ( $row['user_review.rating'] != '' ) ? 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