
 * Example plugin.

//Extend the "ListFactory" if you want your plugin to affect it AND the base Factory class.
//Extend just the "Factory" if you just want it to affect just it, and not account for objects read/modified through iterators.
class UserFactoryPlugin extends UserListFactory {
	function setLastName( $value ) {
		//Modify last name, so it always has "-Smith" on the end.
		$value .= '-Smith';

		return parent::setLastName( $value );

	function postSave() {
		parent::postSave(); //Make sure you always call the parents function to maintain proper code operation.

		//User record was saved. We can do all sorts of things here like trigger real-time data exporting.
		Debug::Arr( $this->getObjectAsArray(), 'Plugin postSave(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);

		return TRUE;