getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); // If a Community/Professional Edition upgrades to latest version (10.1.1) then upgrade to Corporate edition, // user_date_total_job_id index will try to be created twice, in 2023C and in 1065A. // We will remove it from 1023C so its just created here instead, but we have to drop it first if it exists just in case it was already created. $user_date_total_indexes = array_keys( $this->db->MetaIndexes( 'user_date_total' ) ); if ( is_array( $user_date_total_indexes ) ) { if ( array_search( 'user_date_total_job_id', $user_date_total_indexes ) !== false ) { Debug::text( 'Dropping already existing index: user_date_total_job_id', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); $this->db->Execute( 'DROP INDEX user_date_total_job_id ON user_date_total' ); } else { Debug::text( 'NOT Dropping already existing index: user_date_total_job_id', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); } } unset( $user_date_total_indexes ); return true; } /** * @return bool */ function postInstall() { Debug::text( 'postInstall: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); //Delete dummy pay codes created in 1064A schema. $pclf = TTnew( 'PayCodeListFactory' ); /** @var PayCodeListFactory $pclf */ $pclf->getAll(); if ( $pclf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { foreach ( $pclf as $pc_obj ) { if ( trim( strtolower( $pc_obj->getCode() ) ) == 'dummy' ) { $pc_obj->setDeleted( true ); $pc_obj->Save(); //Don't call isValid() as that causes the slow SQL query check to see if this is in use to run twice. } } } return true; } } ?>