getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); return true; } /** * @return bool */ function postInstall() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart global $cache; // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd Debug::text( 'postInstall: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); //Get all pay period schedules. $ppslf = TTnew( 'PayPeriodScheduleListFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodScheduleListFactory $ppslf */ $ppslf->getAll(); if ( $ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { foreach ( $ppslf as $pps_obj ) { $user_ids = $pps_obj->getUser(); if ( is_array( $user_ids ) ) { $time_zone_arr = []; foreach ( $user_ids as $user_id ) { $uplf = TTnew( 'UserPreferenceListFactory' ); /** @var UserPreferenceListFactory $uplf */ $uplf->getByUserId( $user_id ); if ( $uplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { if ( isset( $time_zone_arr[$uplf->getCurrent()->getTimeZone()] ) ) { $time_zone_arr[$uplf->getCurrent()->getTimeZone()]++; } else { $time_zone_arr[$uplf->getCurrent()->getTimeZone()] = 1; } } } arsort( $time_zone_arr ); //Grab the first time zone, as it is most common foreach ( $time_zone_arr as $time_zone => $count ) { break; } unset( $count ); //code standards if ( $time_zone != '' ) { //Set pay period timezone to the timezone of the majority of the users are in. $pps_obj->setTimeZone( $time_zone ); if ( $pps_obj->isValid() ) { $pps_obj->Save(); } } } } } Debug::text( 'l: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9 ); return true; } } ?>