getCurrentUserObject()->getId(); } if ( $station_id == null ) { //This is not a UUID, but the public station_id typically from the browser cookie. $station_id = getStationID(); //getStationID() from includes/ } //Must call APIStation->getCurrentStation( $station_id = NULL ) first, so the Station ID cookie can be set and passed to this. //Check if station is allowed. $current_station = false; $slf = new StationListFactory(); $slf->getByStationIdandCompanyId( $station_id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId() ); if ( $slf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $current_station = $slf->getCurrent(); $station_type = $current_station->getType(); } unset( $slf ); Debug::Text( 'Station ID: ' . $station_id . ' User ID: ' . $user_id . ' Epoch: ' . $epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( is_object( $current_station ) && $current_station->checkAllowed( $user_id, $station_id, $station_type, false ) == true ) { //Update the Station allowed_date/audit record when saving the punch instead. Since saving punches can now be queued, it postpones writing to the database until the last possible moment under heavy load. Debug::Text( 'Station Allowed! ID: ' . $current_station->getId() . ' (' . $station_id . ') User ID: ' . $user_id . ' Epoch: ' . $epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //Check for punches pending in the job queue and reject new punches until they are fully processed. // Even though we have client side checks on the job queue to prevent punches, we should leave this here because a queued punch could get stuck, then a real-time punch comes in before it and has potential to cause all kinds of problems. // It should also help if the user opens a 2nd browser window and tries to punch there instead. // However limit this check to only the last 2hrs perhaps, in case the job queue gets stuck for some reason. $sjqlf = TTnew('SystemJobQueueListFactory'); $sjqlf->getByCompanyIdAndUserIdAndStatusAndClassAndMethodAndEffectiveDate( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $user_id, [ 10, 20 ], 'PunchFactory', 'setUserPunchForJobQueue', ( time() - 7200 ), 1 ); //10=Pending, 20=Running Debug::Text( 'Job Queue Record Count: ' . $sjqlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $sjqlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { Debug::Text( 'Job Queue has pending punch!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $validator_obj = new Validator(); $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 0 ]; $error_message = TTi18n::gettext( 'Punch is already being processed in the background, please wait for it to complete before trying again...' ); $validator_obj->isTrue( 'user_name', false, $error_message ); $validator[0] = $validator_obj->getErrorsArray(); return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'INVALID DATA' ), $validator, $validator_stats ); } else { //Get user object from ID. $ulf = TTNew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $user_id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId() ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $user_obj = $ulf->getCurrent(); $plf = TTNew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */ $data = $plf->getDefaultPunchSettings( $user_obj, $epoch, $current_station, $this->getPermissionObject() ); $data['date_stamp'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE', $epoch ); $data['time_stamp'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE+TIME', $epoch ); $data['punch_date'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE', $epoch ); $data['punch_time'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'TIME', $epoch ); $data['original_time_stamp'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE+TIME', $epoch ); $data['actual_time_stamp'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE+TIME', $epoch ); $data['epoch'] = $epoch; $data['first_name'] = $user_obj->getFirstName(); $data['last_name'] = $user_obj->getLastName(); $data['station_id'] = $current_station->getId(); $data = $plf->getCustomFieldsDefaultData( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $data ); if ( isset( $data ) ) { //Debug::Arr( $data, 'Punch Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $this->returnHandler( $data ); } } } unset( $sjqlf ); } else { Debug::Text( 'Station IS NOT Allowed! ID: ' . $station_id . ' User ID: ' . $user_id . ' Epoch: ' . $epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $validator_obj = new Validator(); $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 0 ]; $error_message = TTi18n::gettext( 'You are not authorized to punch in or out from this station!' ); $validator_obj->isTrue( 'user_name', false, $error_message ); $validator[0] = $validator_obj->getErrorsArray(); return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'INVALID DATA' ), $validator, $validator_stats ); } return false; } /** * @param $data * @param bool $validate_only * @param bool $ignore_warning * @return array|bool */ function setUserPunch( $data, $validate_only = false, $ignore_warning = true ) { if ( !$this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'enabled' ) || !( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'punch_in_out' ) ) ) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } //Force proper settings. $data['user_id'] = $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId(); if ( isset( $data['transfer'] ) && $data['transfer'] == true ) { $data['type_id'] = 10; $data['status_id'] = 10; } $tmp_epoch = TTDate::getTime(); //Ensure that $data['epoch'] is the master field for the timestamp. // However the 'time_stamp' field must always be defined as well, since that actually triggers PunchFactory::setTimeStamp() to be called and use the 'epoch' value in PunchFactory::setObjectFromArray(). if ( ( !isset( $data['epoch'] ) || empty( $data['epoch'] ) ) && ( isset( $data['time_stamp'] ) && !empty( $data['time_stamp'] ) ) ) { $data['epoch'] = TTDate::parseDateTime( $data['time_stamp'] ); } else if ( ( !isset( $data['epoch'] ) || empty( $data['epoch'] ) ) && ( !isset( $data['time_stamp'] ) || !empty( $data['time_stamp'] ) ) ) { //Neither 'epoch' or 'time_stamp' are specified. $data['epoch'] = $tmp_epoch; $data['time_stamp'] = TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $data['epoch'] ); } else { //'epoch' and 'time_stamp' are specified, make sure the 'time_stamp' is assigned from the 'epoch' since epoch always contains seconds and shouldn't have timezone issues. 'epoch' will be used in PunchFactory::setObjectFromArray() anyways. $data['time_stamp'] = TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $data['epoch'] ); } //Make sure employees don't try to circumvent the disabled timestamp field. By allowing a small variance. //This also prevents them from leaving the punch window open by accident, then submitting an old punch time. $max_variance = 300; //5minutes. if ( $data['epoch'] > ( $tmp_epoch + $max_variance ) || $data['epoch'] < ( $tmp_epoch - $max_variance ) ) { Debug::Text( 'Punch timestamp outside max variance: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $data['epoch'] ) .' Using Current Time instead: '. TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $tmp_epoch ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $data['epoch'] = $tmp_epoch; } unset( $tmp_epoch, $data['punch_date'], $data['punch_time'], $data['actual_time_stamp'], $data['original_time_stamp'] ); //Only accept full time_stamp field, ignore punch_date/punch_time. This also helps prevent circumvention by the user. $data['_server_remote_addr'] = Misc::getRemoteIPAddress(); //Since we check $station_obj->checkAllowed() in the job queue now, we need to know the remote IP address that was also used at the time the punch was saved. $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 0 ]; $validator = $save_result = []; $key = false; //Check if we are nearing to our max system load and start queuing punches at that point, so we can hopefully avoid reaching the max load. global $config_vars; if ( $validate_only == false && ( !isset( $config_vars['other']['enable_job_queue'] ) || $config_vars['other']['enable_job_queue'] == true ) && ( ( isset( $config_vars['other']['force_punch_queue'] ) && $config_vars['other']['force_punch_queue'] == true ) || Misc::isSystemLoadValid( 0.33 ) == false ) ) { SystemJobQueue::Add( TTi18n::getText( 'Saving Punch' ). ' @ '. TTDate::getDate('TIME', $data['epoch'] ), null, 'PunchFactory', 'setUserPunchForJobQueue', [ $data, $validate_only, $ignore_warning, $validator_stats, $validator, $save_result, $key ], 10 ); //Because the whole point of queuing real-time punches is to reduce the immediate load on the server, don't make the user wait for it to save. return $this->returnHandler( true, true, false, false, false, false, false, true ); //Single valid record } else { [ $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ] = $this->getMainClassObject()->setUserPunch( $data, $validate_only, $ignore_warning, $validator_stats, $validator, $save_result, $key ); return $this->handleRecordValidationResults( $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ); } } /** * Get default punch data for creating new punches. * @param string $user_id UUID * @param int $date EPOCH * @param string $punch_control_id UUID * @param string $previous_punch_id UUID * @param int $status_id ID * @param int $type_id ID * @return array */ function getPunchDefaultData( $user_id = null, $date = null, $punch_control_id = null, $previous_punch_id = null, $status_id = null, $type_id = null ) { $company_obj = $this->getCurrentCompanyObject(); if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $user_id ) == false ) { $user_id = $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId(); } $date = TTDate::parseDateTime( $date ); Debug::Text( 'Getting punch default data... User ID: ' . $user_id . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date ) . ' Punch Control ID: ' . $punch_control_id . ' Previous Punch Id: ' . $previous_punch_id . ' Status ID: ' . $status_id . ' Type ID: ' . $type_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $data = [ 'status_id' => ( $status_id != '' ) ? $status_id : 10, 'type_id' => ( $type_id != '' ) ? $type_id : 10, 'user_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId(), 'punch_time' => TTDate::strtotime( '12:00 PM' ), 'branch_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getDefaultBranch(), 'department_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment(), 'job_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getDefaultJob(), 'job_item_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem(), 'punch_tag_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() ]; $pc_obj = TTnew( 'PunchControlFactory' ); /** @var PunchControlFactory $pc_obj */ $data = $pc_obj->getCustomFieldsDefaultData( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $data ); //If user_id is specified, use their default branch/department. $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $user_id, $company_obj->getID() ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $user_obj = $ulf->getCurrent(); $data['user_id'] = $user_obj->getID(); $data['branch_id'] = $user_obj->getDefaultBranch(); $data['department_id'] = $user_obj->getDefaultDepartment(); $data['job_id'] = $user_obj->getDefaultJob(); $data['job_item_id'] = $user_obj->getDefaultJobItem(); $data['punch_tag_id'] = $user_obj->getDefaultPunchTag(); } unset( $ulf, $user_obj ); if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $punch_control_id ) && $punch_control_id != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $punch_control_id != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) { $pclf = TTnew( 'PunchControlListFactory' ); /** @var PunchControlListFactory $pclf */ $pclf->getByIDAndCompanyID( $punch_control_id, $company_obj->getId() ); if ( $pclf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $prev_punch_control_obj = $pclf->getCurrent(); $data = array_merge( $data, (array)$prev_punch_control_obj->getObjectAsArray( [ 'branch_id' => true, 'department_id' => true, 'job_id' => true, 'job_item_id' => true, 'punch_tag_id' => true, 'quantity' => true, 'bad_quantity' => true, 'note' => true, 'custom_field' => true ] ) ); } unset( $pclf, $prev_punch_control_obj ); } //Attempt to determine the most common punch information so we can default new punches to that. $plf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */ $most_common_data = $plf->getMostCommonPunchDataByCompanyIdAndUserAndTypeAndStatusAndStartDateAndEndDate( $company_obj->getId(), $user_id, $type_id, $status_id, TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date ), true ); if ( count( (array)$most_common_data ) == 0 ) { //Extend the date range to find some value. Debug::Text( 'No punches to get default default from, extend range back one more week...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $most_common_data = $plf->getMostCommonPunchDataByCompanyIdAndUserAndTypeAndStatusAndStartDateAndEndDate( $company_obj->getId(), $user_id, $type_id, $status_id, TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date ) - ( 86400 * 7 ) ) ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date ), true ); } if ( isset( $most_common_data['time_stamp'] ) ) { $data['punch_time'] = TTDate::getTimeLockedDate( TTDate::strtotime( $most_common_data['time_stamp'] ), $date ); Debug::Text( ' Common Data... Time: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $data['punch_time'] ) . '(' . $data['punch_time'] . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } //IF specified, get the previous punch object to determine the next punch type/status. if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $previous_punch_id ) && $previous_punch_id != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $previous_punch_id != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) { $plf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */ $plf->getByCompanyIDAndId( $company_obj->getId(), $previous_punch_id ); if ( $plf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $prev_punch_obj = $plf->getCurrent(); Debug::Text( ' Getting previous punch data... Type ID: ' . $prev_punch_obj->getType() . ' Time: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_punch_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $type_id == '' ) { $data['type_id'] = $prev_punch_obj->getNextType(); //$data['status_id'] = $prev_punch_obj->getNextStatus(); //JS handles this. } Debug::Arr( [ $data['punch_time'], TTDate::strtotime( $prev_punch_obj->getTimeStamp() ) ], ' Final punch default data... Type ID: ' . $data['type_id'] . ' Time: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $data['punch_time'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $data['punch_time'] < TTDate::strtotime( $prev_punch_obj->getTimeStamp() ) ) { $data['punch_time'] = TTDate::strtotime( $prev_punch_obj->getTimeStamp() ); } Debug::Text( ' Final punch default data... Type ID: ' . $data['type_id'] . ' Status ID: '. $data['status_id'] .' Time: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $data['punch_time'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } unset( $plf, $prev_punch_obj ); } $data['punch_time'] = TTDate::getAPIDate( 'TIME', $data['punch_time'] ); //Convert epoch to human readable time. return $this->returnHandler( $data ); } /** * Get default punch data for creating new punches. * @param string $user_id UUID * @param int $date EPOCH * @param string $punch_control_id UUID * @param string $previous_punch_id UUID * @param int $status_id * @param int $type_id * @param string $current_punch_id UUID * @return array */ function getRequestDefaultData( $user_id = null, $date = null, $punch_control_id = null, $previous_punch_id = null, $status_id = 10, $type_id = 10, $current_punch_id = null ) { if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $user_id ) == false ) { $user_id = $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId(); } $message = ''; $plf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */ if ( isset( $current_punch_id ) ) { $request_type_id = 20; $pf_arr = $this->stripReturnHandler( $this->getPunch( [ 'filter_data' => [ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'id' => $current_punch_id ] ], true ) ); if ( !is_array( $pf_arr ) || count( $pf_arr ) == 0 ) { return [ 'message' => TTi18n::getText( 'Due to , please correct the punch at to be a punch at instead.' ) ]; } $pf = TTnew( 'PunchFactory' ); /** @var PunchFactory $pf */ $pf->setObjectFromArray( $pf_arr[0] ); $current_punch_time_text = TTDate::getDATE( 'TIME', $pf->getTimeStamp() ); $type_text = Option::getByKey( $type_id, $plf->getOptions( 'type' ) ); $status_text = Option::getByKey( $status_id, $plf->getOptions( 'status' ) ); $message = TTi18n::getText( 'Due to , please correct the %1 %2 punch at %3 to be a %1 %2 punch at instead.', [ $type_text, $status_text, $current_punch_time_text ] ); } else { $request_type_id = 10; //Missing punch $punch_data = $this->getPunchDefaultData( $user_id, $date, $punch_control_id, $previous_punch_id, $status_id, $type_id ); if ( isset( $punch_data['api_retval'] ) ) { $type_text = Option::getByKey( $punch_data['api_retval']['type_id'], $plf->getOptions( 'type' ) ); $status_text = Option::getByKey( $punch_data['api_retval']['status_id'], $plf->getOptions( 'status' ) ); $message = TTi18n::getText( 'Due to , please add the missing %1 %2 punch at <%3>', [ $type_text, $status_text, $punch_data['api_retval']['punch_time'] ] ); } } $data = [ 'date_stamp' => TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE', $date ), //'status_id' => $status_id, sets the wrong status if set. 'type_id' => $request_type_id, 'user_id' => $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId(), 'message' => $message, ]; return $this->returnHandler( $data ); } /** * Get all necessary dates for building the TimeSheet in a single call, this is mainly as a performance optimization. * @param int $base_date EPOCH * @return array * @internal param array $data filter data */ function getTimeSheetDates( $base_date ) { $epoch = TTDate::parseDateTime( $base_date ); if ( $epoch == '' ) { $epoch = TTDate::getTime(); } $start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $epoch, $this->getCurrentUserPreferenceObject()->getStartWeekDay() ); $end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $epoch, $this->getCurrentUserPreferenceObject()->getStartWeekDay() ); $retarr = [ 'base_date' => $epoch, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date, 'base_display_date' => TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE', $epoch ), 'start_display_date' => TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE', $start_date ), 'end_display_date' => TTDate::getAPIDate( 'DATE', $end_date ), ]; return $retarr; } /** * Get punch data for one or more punches. * @param array $data filter data * @param bool $disable_paging * @return array|bool */ function getPunch( $data = null, $disable_paging = false ) { $data = $this->initializeFilterAndPager( $data, $disable_paging ); if ( $this->getPermissionObject()->checkAuthenticationType( 700 ) == false ) { //700=HTTP Auth with username/password return $this->getPermissionObject()->AuthenticationTypeDenied(); } if ( !$this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'enabled' ) || !( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'view' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'view_own' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'view_child' ) ) ) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] = $this->getPermissionObject()->getPermissionChildren( 'punch', 'view' ); //As a performance optimization to prevent the API from having to do additional date lookups, accept a single "date" field, that converts //into start/end dates. if ( isset( $data['filter_data']['date'] ) && $data['filter_data']['date'] != '' ) { $data['filter_data']['start_date'] = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $data['filter_data']['date'], $this->getCurrentUserPreferenceObject()->getStartWeekDay() ); $data['filter_data']['end_date'] = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $data['filter_data']['date'], $this->getCurrentUserPreferenceObject()->getStartWeekDay() ); } //No filter data, restrict to last pay period as a performance optimization when hundreds of thousands of punches exist. //The issue with this though is that the API doesn't know what the filter criteria is, so it can't display this to the user. //Make sure we don't apply a pay_period filter if we are looking up just one punch. if ( !isset( $data['filter_data']['id'] ) && !isset( $data['filter_data']['pay_period_ids'] ) && !isset( $data['filter_data']['pay_period_id'] ) && ( !isset( $data['filter_data']['start_date'] ) && !isset( $data['filter_data']['end_date'] ) ) ) { Debug::Text( 'Adding default filter data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pplf = TTnew( 'PayPeriodListFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodListFactory $pplf */ $pplf->getByCompanyIdAndEndDate( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), time() ); //Use pay periods that are todays date falls within. Don't limit it to anything as they could have multiple pay period schedules. if ( $pplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $data['filter_data']['pay_period_ids'] = (array)$pplf->getIDSByListFactory( $pplf ); } else { //Get most recent two pay periods if there isn't a pay period that covers todays date. $pplf->getByCompanyId( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), 2 ); //Limit=2 $pay_period_ids = array_keys( (array)$pplf->getArrayByListFactory( $pplf, false, false ) ); if ( isset( $pay_period_ids[0] ) && isset( $pay_period_ids[1] ) ) { $data['filter_data']['pay_period_ids'] = [ $pay_period_ids[0], $pay_period_ids[1] ]; } unset( $pay_period_ids ); } unset( $pplf ); } $plf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */ if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == true ) { $plf->setQueryStatementTimeout( 60000 ); } $plf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $data['filter_data'], $data['filter_items_per_page'], $data['filter_page'], null, $data['filter_sort'] ); Debug::Text( 'Record Count: ' . $plf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $plf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $plf->getRecordCount() ); $this->setPagerObject( $plf ); $retarr = []; foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) { $retarr[] = $p_obj->getObjectAsArray( $data['filter_columns'], $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] ); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $plf->getCurrentRow() ); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop( $this->getAPIMessageID() ); return $this->returnHandler( $retarr ); } return $this->returnHandler( true ); //No records returned. } /** * Get only the fields that are common across all records in the search criteria. Used for Mass Editing of records. * @param array $data filter data * @return array */ function getCommonPunchData( $data ) { return Misc::arrayIntersectByRow( $this->stripReturnHandler( $this->getPunch( $data, true ) ) ); } /** * Validate punch data for one or more punches. * @param array $data punch data * @return array */ function validatePunch( $data ) { return $this->setPunch( $data, true ); } /** * Set punch data for one or more punches. * @param array $data punch data * @param bool $validate_only * @param bool $ignore_warning * @return array|bool */ function setPunch( $data, $validate_only = false, $ignore_warning = true ) { $validate_only = (bool)$validate_only; $ignore_warning = (bool)$ignore_warning; if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { return $this->returnHandler( false ); } if ( $this->getPermissionObject()->checkAuthenticationType( 700 ) == false ) { //700=HTTP Auth with username/password return $this->getPermissionObject()->AuthenticationTypeDenied(); } if ( !$this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'enabled' ) || !( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit_own' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit_child' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'add' ) ) ) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } if ( $this->getCurrentUserObject()->getStatus() != 10 ) { //10=Active -- Make sure user record is active as well. return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied( false, TTi18n::getText( 'Employee status must be Active to modify punches' ) ); } if ( $validate_only == true ) { Debug::Text( 'Validating Only!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $permission_children_ids = false; } else { //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing. $permission_children_ids = $this->getPermissionChildren(); } [ $data, $total_records ] = $this->convertToMultipleRecords( $data ); Debug::Text( 'Received data for: ' . $total_records . ' Punchs', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); Debug::Arr( $data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); global $config_vars; if ( isset( $config_vars['other']['import_maximum_records_limit'] ) && $config_vars['other']['import_maximum_records_limit'] != '' ) { $maximum_record_limit = $config_vars['other']['import_maximum_records_limit']; } else { if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == true ) { $maximum_record_limit = 1000; } else { $maximum_record_limit = 0; } } if ( $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getProductEdition() == 10 ) { $maximum_record_limit = 50; } if ( $maximum_record_limit > 0 && $total_records > $maximum_record_limit ) { Debug::Text( 'Maximum Records allowed for Import: ' . $maximum_record_limit . ' Validate Only: ' . (int)$validate_only, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'Maximum records per batch of %1 exceeded. Please reduce the number of records and try again.', [ $maximum_record_limit ] ) ); } if ( $total_records > 4 && Misc::isSystemLoadValid() == false ) { //Check system load before allow any batch operations. Must continue to allow editing of a single record though. Debug::Text( 'ERROR: System load exceeded, preventing batch processes from starting...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'Please try again later, or reduce the number of records in your batch...' ) ); } $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0 ]; $validator = $save_result = []; $key = false; if ( is_array( $data ) && $total_records > 0 ) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $total_records ); $transaction_function = function () use ( $data, $validate_only, $ignore_warning, $validator_stats, $validator, $save_result, $key, $total_records, $permission_children_ids ) { $lf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $lf */ if ( $validate_only == false ) { //Only switch into serializable mode when actually saving the record. $lf->setTransactionMode( 'REPEATABLE READ' ); //Required to help prevent duplicate simulataneous HTTP requests from causing incorrect calculations in user_date_total table. } $lf->StartTransaction(); //Wrap the entire batch of records in an array because we do lazy CalculatePolicy at the end. However during import, if one record fails, all records are rolled back. $recalculate_user_date_stamp = []; foreach ( $data as $key => $row ) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $lf */ //$lf->StartTransaction(); if ( isset( $row['id'] ) && $row['id'] != '' ) { //Modifying existing object. //Get punch object, so we can only modify just changed data for specific records if needed. //Use the special getAPIByIdAndCompanyId() function as it returns additional columns needed for mass editing. //These additional columns break editing a single record if we make $lf the current object. $lf->getAPIByIdAndCompanyId( $row['id'], $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId() ); if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { //Object exists, check edit permissions if ( $validate_only == true || ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit' ) || ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit_own' ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner( $lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getPunchControlObject()->getUser() ) === true ) || ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit_child' ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->isChild( $lf->getCurrent()->getPunchControlObject()->getUser(), $permission_children_ids ) === true ) ) ) { Debug::Text( 'Row Exists, getting current data for ID: ' . $row['id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //If we make the current object be $lf, it fails saving the punch because extra columns exist. //$lf = $lf->getCurrent(); //$row = array_merge( $lf->getObjectAsArray( array('id' => TRUE, 'user_id' => TRUE, 'transfer' => TRUE, 'type_id' => TRUE, 'status_id' => TRUE, 'time_stamp' => TRUE, 'punch_control_id' => TRUE, 'actual_time_stamp' => TRUE, 'original_time_stamp' => TRUE, 'schedule_id' => TRUE, 'station_id' => TRUE, 'longitude' => TRUE, 'latitude' => TRUE, 'deleted' => TRUE) ), $row ); $lf = $lf->getCurrent(); //Make the current $lf variable the current object, otherwise getDataDifferences() fails to function. $row = array_merge( $lf->getObjectAsArray(), $row ); } else { $primary_validator->isTrue( 'permission', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Edit permission denied' ) ); } } else { //Object doesn't exist. $primary_validator->isTrue( 'id', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Edit permission denied, record does not exist' ) ); } } else { //Adding new object, check ADD permissions. if ( !( $validate_only == true || ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'add' ) && ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit' ) || ( isset( $row['user_id'] ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit_own' ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner( false, $row['user_id'] ) === true ) //We don't know the created_by of the user at this point, but only check if the user is assigned to the logged in person. || ( isset( $row['user_id'] ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'edit_child' ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->isChild( $row['user_id'], $permission_children_ids ) === true ) ) ) ) ) { $primary_validator->isTrue( 'permission', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Add permission denied' ) ); } } Debug::Arr( $row, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $is_valid = $pcf_valid = $primary_validator->isValid(); if ( $is_valid == true ) { //Check to see if all permission checks passed before trying to save data. Debug::Text( 'Setting object data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //If no punch control id is sent, make sure its blank so setObjectFromArray can try to automatically determine it. //Mainly for importing. if ( !isset( $row['punch_control_id'] ) ) { $row['punch_control_id'] = false; } //Try to automatically determine punch data, mainly for importing punches. if ( isset( $row['time_stamp'] ) && isset( $row['user_id'] ) && ( !isset( $row['status_id'] ) || ( isset( $row['status_id'] ) && ( $row['status_id'] == '' || $row['status_id'] == 0 ) ) ) ) { $plf = TTNew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */ $plf->getPreviousPunchByUserIDAndEpoch( $row['user_id'], $row['time_stamp'] ); if ( $plf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $prev_punch_obj = $plf->getCurrent(); $row['status_id'] = $prev_punch_obj->getNextStatus(); Debug::Text( 'Automatically determine status: ' . $row['status_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } else { $row['status_id'] = 10; //In } } $lf->setObjectFromArray( $row ); //When importing punches, make sure they aren't tainted immediately. We assume if the punches are imported the employee did them originally from some other device. // The audit log will still show who imported the punch in the detailed log records. if ( $this->is_import == true ) { Debug::Text( 'Imported punch, forcing created/updated by to the punch user...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $lf->setCreatedBy( $lf->getUser() ); $lf->setUpdatedBy( $lf->getUser() ); } $is_valid = $lf->isValid( $ignore_warning ); if ( $is_valid == true ) { Debug::Text( 'Saving data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( $validate_only == true ) { $save_result[$key] = true; $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } else { //Setup PunchControl object before the punch object is saved, so PunchFactory can reference it for splitting at midnight. unset( $row['id'] ); //ID must be removed so it doesn't get confused with PunchControlID Debug::Text( 'Saving PCF data... Punch Control ID: ' . $lf->getPunchControlID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( is_object( $lf ) && is_object( $lf->getPunchControlObject() ) ) { $pcf = $lf->getPunchControlObject(); //Use getPunchControlObject() so we get the "old_data" and audit log can properly be handled. It should already be cached anyways, so there is no SQL query. } else { $pcf = TTnew( 'PunchControlFactory' ); /** @var PunchControlFactory $pcf */ } $pcf->setObjectFromArray( $row ); //Save Punch object and start on PunchControl $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save( false ); if ( $save_result[$key] == true ) { $pcf->setId( $lf->getPunchControlID() ); $pcf->setPunchObject( $lf ); //This is important when adding/editing a punch, without it there can be issues calculating exceptions //because if a specific punch was modified that caused the day to change, smartReCalculate //may only be able to recalculate a single day, instead of both. // **This actually breaks the case where the In punch is changed to move the shift on different days. ie: Jan 27 @ 11PM -> Jan 28th at 1AM. // Everything should be handled in PunchControlFactory->setDateStamp() instead. // $old_date_stamp = ( is_object( $lf->getPunchControlObject() ) ) ? $lf->getPunchControlObject()->getDateStamp() : 0; // if ( $old_date_stamp != 0 ) { // Debug::Text('Setting old date stamp to: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $old_date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); // $pcf->setOldDateStamp( $old_date_stamp ); // } $pcf->setEnableStrictJobValidation( true ); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateID( true ); $pcf->setEnableCalcTotalTime( true ); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal( true ); //Before batch calculation mode was enabled... //$pcf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( TRUE ); //$pcf->setEnableCalcWeeklySystemTotalTime( TRUE ); //$pcf->setEnableCalcException( TRUE ); $pcf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false ); $pcf->setEnableCalcWeeklySystemTotalTime( false ); $pcf->setEnableCalcException( false ); if ( $pcf->isValid( $ignore_warning ) ) { $validator_stats['valid_records']++; if ( $pcf->Save( false, true ) != true ) { //Force isNew() lookup. $is_valid = $pcf_valid = false; } else { if ( isset( $pcf->old_date_stamps ) && is_array( $pcf->old_date_stamps ) ) { if ( !isset( $recalculate_user_date_stamp[$pcf->getUser()] ) ) { $recalculate_user_date_stamp[$pcf->getUser()] = []; } $recalculate_user_date_stamp[$pcf->getUser()] = array_merge( (array)$recalculate_user_date_stamp[$pcf->getUser()], (array)$pcf->old_date_stamps ); } $recalculate_user_date_stamp[$pcf->getUser()][] = $pcf->getDateStamp(); } unset( $pcf ); } else { $is_valid = $pcf_valid = false; } } Debug::Text( 'Save Result ID: ' . (int)$save_result[$key], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } } } if ( $is_valid == false ) { Debug::Text( 'Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. $validator[$key] = $this->setValidationArray( [ $primary_validator, $lf, ( ( isset( $pcf ) ) ? $pcf->Validator : false ) ], ( ( $total_records > 1 && is_object( $lf->getUserObject() ) ) ? $lf->getUserObject()->getFullName() : null ) ); } else if ( $validate_only == true ) { //Always fail transaction when valididate only is used, as is saved to different tables immediately. $lf->FailTransaction(); } //$lf->CommitTransaction(); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); } if ( $is_valid == true && $validate_only == false ) { if ( is_array( $recalculate_user_date_stamp ) && count( $recalculate_user_date_stamp ) > 0 ) { Debug::Arr( $recalculate_user_date_stamp, 'Recalculating other dates...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); foreach ( $recalculate_user_date_stamp as $user_id => $date_arr ) { $ulf = TTNew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $user_id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId() ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $cp = TTNew( 'CalculatePolicy' ); /** @var CalculatePolicy $cp */ $cp->setUserObject( $ulf->getCurrent() ); $cp->addPendingCalculationDate( $date_arr ); $cp->calculate(); //This sets timezone itself. $cp->Save(); } } } else { Debug::Text( 'aNot recalculating batch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } } else { Debug::Text( 'bNot recalculating batch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } $lf->CommitTransaction(); $lf->setTransactionMode(); //Back to default isolation level. return [ $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ]; }; $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop( $this->getAPIMessageID() ); if ( $total_records > 100 ) { //When importing, or mass adding punches, don't retry as the transaction will be much too large. $retry_max_attempts = 1; } else if ( $total_records > 20 ) { //When importing, or mass adding punches, don't retry as the transaction will be much too large. $retry_max_attempts = 2; } else { $retry_max_attempts = 3; } [ $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ] = $this->getMainClassObject()->RetryTransaction( $transaction_function, $retry_max_attempts ); return $this->handleRecordValidationResults( $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * Delete one or more punchs. * @param array $data punch data * @return array|bool */ function deletePunch( $data ) { if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { $data = [ $data ]; } if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { return $this->returnHandler( false ); } if ( $this->getPermissionObject()->checkAuthenticationType( 700 ) == false ) { //700=HTTP Auth with username/password return $this->getPermissionObject()->AuthenticationTypeDenied(); } if ( !$this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'enabled' ) || !( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'delete' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'delete_own' ) || $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'delete_child' ) ) ) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing. $permission_children_ids = $this->getPermissionChildren(); Debug::Text( 'Received data for: ' . count( $data ) . ' Punchs', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); Debug::Arr( $data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $total_records = count( $data ); $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0 ]; $validator = $save_result = []; $key = false; if ( is_array( $data ) && $total_records > 0 ) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $total_records ); $transaction_function = function () use ( $data, $validator_stats, $validator, $save_result, $total_records, $permission_children_ids ) { $lf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $lf */ $lf->setTransactionMode( 'REPEATABLE READ' ); //Required to help prevent duplicate simulataneous HTTP requests from causing incorrect calculations in user_date_total table. $lf->StartTransaction(); $recalculate_user_date_stamp = []; foreach ( $data as $key => $id ) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $lf */ //$lf->StartTransaction(); if ( $id != '' ) { //Modifying existing object. //Get punch object, so we can only modify just changed data for specific records if needed. $lf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId() ); if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { //Object exists, check edit permissions //NOTE: Make sure we pass the user the punch is assigned too for proper delete_child permissions to work correctly. if ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'delete' ) || ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'delete_own' ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner( $lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getPunchControlObject()->getUser() ) === true ) || ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check( 'punch', 'delete_child' ) && $this->getPermissionObject()->isChild( $lf->getCurrent()->getPunchControlObject()->getUser(), $permission_children_ids ) === true ) ) { Debug::Text( 'Record Exists, deleting record: ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $lf = $lf->getCurrent(); $recalculate_user_date_stamp[$lf->getPunchControlObject()->getUser()][] = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $lf->getPunchControlObject()->getDateStamp() ); //Help avoid confusion with different timezones/DST. } else { $primary_validator->isTrue( 'permission', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Delete permission denied' ) ); } } else { //Object doesn't exist. $primary_validator->isTrue( 'id', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Delete permission denied, record does not exist' ) ); } } else { $primary_validator->isTrue( 'id', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Delete permission denied, record does not exist' ) ); } //Debug::Arr($lf, 'AData: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $is_valid = $primary_validator->isValid(); if ( $is_valid == true ) { //Check to see if all permission checks passed before trying to save data. Debug::Text( 'Attempting to delete record...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); Debug::Arr( $lf->data, 'Current Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $lf->setUser( $lf->getPunchControlObject()->getUser() ); $lf->setDeleted( true ); $is_valid = $lf->isValid(); if ( $is_valid == true ) { $lf->setEnableCalcTotalTime( true ); $lf->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal( true ); //Before batch calculation mode was enabled... //$lf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( TRUE ); //$lf->setEnableCalcWeeklySystemTotalTime( TRUE ); //$lf->setEnableCalcException( TRUE ); $lf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false ); $lf->setEnableCalcWeeklySystemTotalTime( false ); $lf->setEnableCalcException( false ); Debug::Text( 'Record Deleted...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save(); $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } } if ( $is_valid == false ) { Debug::Text( 'Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. $validator[$key] = $this->setValidationArray( [ $primary_validator, $lf, ( ( isset( $pcf ) ) ? $pcf->Validator : false ) ], ( ( $total_records > 1 && is_object( $lf->getUserObject() ) ) ? $lf->getUserObject()->getFullName() : null ) ); } //$lf->CommitTransaction(); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set( $this->getAPIMessageID(), $key ); } if ( $is_valid == true ) { if ( is_array( $recalculate_user_date_stamp ) && count( $recalculate_user_date_stamp ) > 0 ) { Debug::Arr( $recalculate_user_date_stamp, 'Recalculating other dates...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); foreach ( $recalculate_user_date_stamp as $user_id => $date_arr ) { $ulf = TTNew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $user_id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId() ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $cp = TTNew( 'CalculatePolicy' ); /** @var CalculatePolicy $cp */ $cp->setUserObject( $ulf->getCurrent() ); $cp->addPendingCalculationDate( $date_arr ); $cp->calculate(); //This sets timezone itself. $cp->Save(); } } } else { Debug::Text( 'aNot recalculating batch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } } else { Debug::Text( 'bNot recalculating batch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } $lf->CommitTransaction(); $lf->setTransactionMode(); //Back to default isolation level. return [ $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ]; }; $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop( $this->getAPIMessageID() ); [ $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ] = $this->getMainClassObject()->RetryTransaction( $transaction_function ); return $this->handleRecordValidationResults( $validator, $validator_stats, $key, $save_result ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $data * @param bool $disable_paging * @return array|bool */ function getMealAndBreakTotalTime( $data, $disable_paging = false ) { return PunchFactory::calcMealAndBreakTotalTime( $this->getPunch( $data, true ) ); } /** * @param string $format * @param array $data * @param bool $disable_paging * @return array|bool */ function exportPunch( $format = 'csv', $data = null, $disable_paging = true ) { $result = $this->stripReturnHandler( $this->getPunch( $data, $disable_paging ) ); return $this->exportRecords( $format, 'export_punch', $result, ( ( isset( $data['filter_columns'] ) ) ? $data['filter_columns'] : null ) ); } } ?>