isInstallMode() == true ) { $retval = []; $retval['install_mode'] = true; $license_text = $install_obj->getLicenseText(); @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'license' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); if ( $license_text != false ) { $retval['license_text'] = $license_text; } else { $retval['error_message'] = TTi18n::getText( 'NO LICENSE FILE FOUND, Your installation appears to be corrupt!' ); } return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param int $external_installer * @return array|bool */ function getRequirements( $external_installer = 0 ) { $install_obj = new Install(); $retval = []; if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == false ) { $install_obj->cleanCacheDirectory(); } @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( array_merge( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'require' ], $install_obj->getFailedRequirements( false, [ 'clean_cache', 'file_permissions', 'file_checksums' ] ) ), 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); if ( $external_installer == 1 ) { //When using the external installer, if no system_timezone is defined in the .ini file, try to set it to the detected system timezone immediately, as the user won't get a chance to change it later on. global $config_vars; if ( !isset( $config_vars['other']['system_timezone'] ) ) { $install_obj->writeConfigFile( [ 'other' => [ 'system_timezone' => TTDate::detectSystemTimeZone() ] ] ); } } //Need to handle disabling any attempt to connect to the database, do this by using GET params on the URL like: db=0, then look for that in json/api.php $check_all_requirements = $install_obj->checkAllRequirements(); if ( $external_installer == 1 && $check_all_requirements == 0 && $install_obj->checkTimeTrexVersion() == 0 ) { //Using external installer and there is no missing requirements, automatically send to next page. // Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( array('external_installer' => $external_installer, 'action:next' => 'next' ), $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ); return $this->returnHandler( [ 'action' => 'next' ] ); } else { $install_obj->setAPIMessageID( $this->getAPIMessageID() ); // Return array with the text for each requirement check. $retval['check_all_requirements'] = $check_all_requirements; $retval['tt_product_edition'] = $install_obj->getTTProductEdition(); $retval['php_os'] = PHP_OS; $retval['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; $retval['config_file_loc'] = $install_obj->getConfigFile(); $retval['php_config_file'] = $install_obj->getPHPConfigFile(); $retval['php_include_path'] = $install_obj->getPHPIncludePath(); $retval['timetrex_version'] = [ 'check_timetrex_version' => $install_obj->checkTimeTrexVersion(), 'current_timetrex_version' => $install_obj->getCurrentTimeTrexVersion(), 'latest_timetrex_version' => $install_obj->getLatestTimeTrexVersion(), ]; $retval['php_version'] = [ 'php_version' => $install_obj->getPHPVersion(), 'check_php_version' => $install_obj->checkPHPVersion(), ]; $retval['php_int_size'] = $install_obj->checkPHPINTSize(); $retval['database_engine'] = $install_obj->checkDatabaseType(); $retval['bcmath'] = $install_obj->checkBCMATH(); $retval['mbstring'] = $install_obj->checkMBSTRING(); $retval['gettext'] = $install_obj->checkGETTEXT(); $retval['intl'] = $install_obj->checkINTL(); $retval['soap'] = $install_obj->checkSOAP(); $retval['gd'] = $install_obj->checkGD(); $retval['json'] = $install_obj->checkJSON(); //$retval['mcrypt'] = $install_obj->checkMCRYPT(); $retval['simplexml'] = $install_obj->checkSimpleXML(); $retval['curl'] = $install_obj->checkCURL(); $retval['zip'] = $install_obj->checkZIP(); $retval['openssl'] = $install_obj->checkOpenSSL(); $retval['mail'] = $install_obj->checkMAIL(); $retval['pear'] = $install_obj->checkPEAR(); $retval['safe_mode'] = $install_obj->checkPHPSafeMode(); $retval['disabled_functions'] = [ 'check_disabled_functions' => $install_obj->checkPHPDisabledFunctions(), 'disabled_function_list' => $install_obj->getCriticalDisabledFunctionList() ]; $retval['allow_fopen_url'] = $install_obj->checkPHPAllowURLFopen(); $retval['disk_space'] = $install_obj->checkDiskSpace(); $retval['memory_limit'] = [ 'check_php_memory_limit' => $install_obj->checkPHPMemoryLimit(), 'memory_limit' => $install_obj->getPHPINISize( 'memory_limit' ), ]; $retval['post_size'] = [ 'check_php_post_size' => $install_obj->checkPHPMaxPostSize(), 'post_size' => $install_obj->getPHPINISize( 'post_max_size' ), ]; $retval['upload_size'] = [ 'check_php_upload_size' => $install_obj->checkPHPMaxUploadSize(), 'upload_size' => $install_obj->getPHPINISize( 'upload_max_filesize' ), ]; $retval['base_url'] = [ 'check_base_url' => $install_obj->checkBaseURL(), 'recommended_base_url' => $install_obj->getRecommendedBaseURL(), ]; $retval['base_dir'] = [ 'check_php_open_base_dir' => $install_obj->checkPHPOpenBaseDir(), 'php_open_base_dir' => $install_obj->getPHPOpenBaseDir(), 'php_cli_directory' => $install_obj->getPHPCLIDirectory(), ]; $retval['system_timezone'] = $install_obj->checkSystemTimeZone(); $retval['cli_executable'] = [ 'check_php_cli_binary' => $install_obj->checkPHPCLIBinary(), 'php_cli' => $install_obj->getPHPCLI(), ]; $retval['config_file'] = $install_obj->checkWritableConfigFile(); $retval['cache_dir'] = [ 'check_writable_cache_directory' => $install_obj->checkWritableCacheDirectory(), 'cache_dir' => $install_obj->config_vars['cache']['dir'], ]; $retval['safe_cache_dir'] = [ 'check_safe_cache_directory' => $install_obj->checkSafeCacheDirectory(), 'cache_dir' => $install_obj->config_vars['cache']['dir'], 'base_path' => Environment::getBasePath(), ]; $retval['storage_dir'] = [ 'check_writable_storage_directory' => $install_obj->checkWritableStorageDirectory(), 'storage_path' => $install_obj->config_vars['path']['storage'], ]; $retval['safe_storage_dir'] = [ 'check_safe_storage_directory' => $install_obj->checkSafeStorageDirectory(), 'storage_path' => $install_obj->config_vars['path']['storage'], 'base_path' => Environment::getBasePath(), ]; $retval['log_dir'] = [ 'check_writable_log_directory' => $install_obj->checkWritableLogDirectory(), 'log_path' => $install_obj->config_vars['path']['log'], ]; $retval['safe_log_dir'] = [ 'check_safe_log_directory' => $install_obj->checkSafeLogDirectory(), 'log_path' => $install_obj->config_vars['path']['log'], 'base_path' => Environment::getBasePath(), ]; $retval['empty_cache_dir'] = [ 'check_clean_cache_directory' => $install_obj->checkCleanCacheDirectory(), 'cache_dir' => $install_obj->config_vars['cache']['dir'], ]; $retval['file_permission'] = $install_obj->checkFilePermissions(); $retval['file_checksums'] = $install_obj->checkFileChecksums(); $retval['cli_requirements']['php_cli_requirements_command'] = $install_obj->getPHPCLIRequirementsCommand(); //If there are failed requirements, don't bother checking CLI requirements, as those will almost certainly fail as well since it checks the same things. //This prevents the CLI requirements from always appearing as failed when something else unrelated (ie: Not Writable Log Dir) fails. if ( $install_obj->checkAllRequirements( false, [ 'php_cli_requirements' ] ) == 0 ) { $retval['cli_requirements']['check_php_cli_requirements'] = $install_obj->checkPHPCLIRequirements(); } else { $retval['cli_requirements']['check_php_cli_requirements'] = 0; } $extended_error_messages = $install_obj->getExtendedErrorMessage(); if ( isset( $extended_error_messages ) && is_array( $extended_error_messages ) && count( $extended_error_messages ) > 0 ) { $retval['extended_error_messages'] = $extended_error_messages; } else { $retval['extended_error_messages'] = []; } Debug::Arr( $retval, 'Retval: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $data * @return array|bool */ function testConnection( $data ) { $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { if ( isset( $data['type'] ) ) { $data['final_type'] = $data['type']; } else { $data['final_type'] = 'postgres8'; } if ( isset( $data['host'] ) ) { $data['final_host'] = $data['host']; } else { $data['final_host'] = 'localhost'; //Host not specified, just default to localhost. } //In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host. $host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $data['final_host'] ); $host = $host_arr[0][0]; //Test regular user //This used to connect to the template1 database, but it seems newer versions of PostgreSQL //default to disallow connect privs. $test_connection = $install_obj->setNewDatabaseConnection( $data['final_type'], $host, $data['user'], $data['password'], $data['database_name'] ); if ( $test_connection == true ) { $install_obj->setDatabaseDriver( $data['final_type'] ); $test_connection = $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $data['database_name'] ); //Check database version/engine $database_version = $install_obj->checkDatabaseVersion(); } else { $database_version = 0; //Success } //Test priv user. if ( $data['priv_user'] != '' && $data['priv_password'] != '' ) { Debug::Text( 'Testing connection as priv user', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $install_obj->setDatabaseDriver( $data['final_type'] ); $test_priv_connection = $install_obj->setNewDatabaseConnection( $data['final_type'], $host, $data['priv_user'], $data['priv_password'], '' ); } else { $test_priv_connection = true; } $database_engine = true; $data['test_connection'] = $test_connection; $data['test_priv_connection'] = $test_priv_connection; $data['database_engine'] = $database_engine; $data['database_version'] = $database_version; $data['type_options'] = $install_obj->getDatabaseTypeArray(); $data['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; if ( !isset( $data['priv_user'] ) ) { $data['priv_user'] = null; } @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'database_config', 'priv_user' => $data['priv_user'] ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); return $this->returnHandler( $data ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @return array|bool */ function getDatabaseConfig() { global $config_vars; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $database_engine = true; $test_connection = null; $test_priv_connection = null; $retval = [ 'type' => $config_vars['database']['type'], 'host' => $config_vars['database']['host'], 'database_name' => $config_vars['database']['database_name'], 'user' => $config_vars['database']['user'], 'password' => $config_vars['database']['password'], 'test_connection' => $test_connection, 'test_priv_connection' => $test_priv_connection, 'database_engine' => $database_engine, ]; $retval['type_options'] = $install_obj->getDatabaseTypeArray(); $retval['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; if ( !isset( $retval['priv_user'] ) ) { $retval['priv_user'] = null; } @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'database_config', 'priv_user' => $retval['priv_user'] ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); if ( $retval != false ) { return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $data * @return array|bool */ function createDatabase( $data ) { global $config_vars; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { if ( isset( $data['type'] ) ) { $data['final_type'] = $data['type']; } else { $data['final_type'] = 'postgres8'; } if ( isset( $data['host'] ) ) { $data['final_host'] = $data['host']; } else { $data['final_host'] = 'localhost'; //Host not specified, just default to localhost. } //In case load balancing is used, parse out just the first host. $host_arr = Misc::parseDatabaseHostString( $data['final_host'] ); $host = $host_arr[0][0]; $database_engine = true; Debug::Text( 'Next', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( isset( $data ) && isset( $data['priv_user'] ) && isset( $data['priv_password'] ) && $data['priv_user'] != '' && $data['priv_password'] != '' ) { $tmp_user_name = $data['priv_user']; $tmp_password = $data['priv_password']; } else if ( isset( $data ) ) { $tmp_user_name = $data['user']; $tmp_password = $data['password']; } $install_obj->setNewDatabaseConnection( $data['final_type'], $host, $tmp_user_name, $tmp_password, '' ); $install_obj->setDatabaseDriver( $data['final_type'] ); if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $data['database_name'] ) == false ) { Debug::Text( 'Creating Database', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $install_obj->createDatabase( $data['database_name'] ); } //Check again to make sure database exists. $install_obj->setNewDatabaseConnection( $data['final_type'], $host, $tmp_user_name, $tmp_password, $data['database_name'] ); if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $data['database_name'] ) == true ) { //Create SQL Debug::Text( 'yDatabase does exist...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $tmp_config_data = []; $tmp_config_data['database']['type'] = $data['final_type']; $tmp_config_data['database']['host'] = $data['final_host']; $tmp_config_data['database']['database_name'] = $data['database_name']; $tmp_config_data['database']['user'] = $data['user']; $tmp_config_data['database']['password'] = $data['password']; $install_obj->writeConfigFile( $tmp_config_data ); return $this->returnHandler( [ 'next_page' => 'databaseSchema' ] ); } else { Debug::Text( 'zDatabase does not exist.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } $test_connection = null; $test_priv_connection = null; $data['test_connection'] = $test_connection; $data['test_priv_connection'] = $test_priv_connection; $data['database_engine'] = $database_engine; //Get DB settings from INI file. $data = [ 'type' => $config_vars['database']['type'], 'host' => $config_vars['database']['host'], 'database_name' => $config_vars['database']['database_name'], 'user' => $config_vars['database']['user'], 'password' => $config_vars['database']['password'], 'test_connection' => $test_connection, 'test_priv_connection' => $test_priv_connection, 'database_engine' => $database_engine, ]; $data['type_options'] = $install_obj->getDatabaseTypeArray(); $data['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; if ( !isset( $data['priv_user'] ) ) { $data['priv_user'] = null; } return $this->returnHandler( $data ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @return array|bool */ function getDatabaseSchema() { global $db, $config_vars; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $install_obj->setDatabaseConnection( $db ); //Default connection if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $config_vars['database']['database_name'] ) == true ) { if ( $install_obj->checkTableExists( 'company' ) == true ) { //Table could be created, but check to make sure a company actually exists too. $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyListFactory $clf */ $clf->getAll(); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() >= 1 ) { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( true ); } else { //No company exists, send them to the create company page. $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( false ); } } else { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( false ); } if ( $install_obj->getIsUpgrade() == true ) { $retval = [ 'upgrade' => 1 ]; } else { $retval = [ 'upgrade' => 0 ]; } return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param int $external_installer * @return array|bool */ function setDatabaseSchema( $external_installer = 0 ) { ignore_user_abort( true ); ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 0 ); ini_set( 'memory_limit', '-1' ); //Just in case. //Always enable debug logging during upgrade. Debug::setEnable( true ); Debug::setBufferOutput( true ); Debug::setEnableLog( true ); Debug::setVerbosity( 10 ); global $db, $config_vars; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $install_obj->setAPIMessageID( $this->getAPIMessageID() ); $install_obj->setDatabaseConnection( $db ); //Default connection if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $config_vars['database']['database_name'] ) == true ) { if ( $install_obj->checkTableExists( 'company' ) == true ) { //Table could be created, but check to make sure a company actually exists too. $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyListFactory $clf */ $clf->getAll(); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() >= 1 ) { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( true ); } else { //No company exists, send them to the create company page. $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( false ); } } else { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade( false ); } } if ( $install_obj->checkDatabaseExists( $config_vars['database']['database_name'] ) == true ) { @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'database_schema' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); //Create SQL, always try to install every schema version, as //installSchema() will check if its already been installed or not. $install_obj->setDatabaseDriver( $config_vars['database']['type'] ); $install_obj->createSchemaRange( null, null ); //All schema versions //FIXME: Notify the user of any errors. $install_obj->setVersions(); } else { Debug::Text( 'bDatabase does not exist.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } if ( $install_obj->getIsUpgrade() == true ) { //Make sure when using external installer that update notifications are always enabled. if ( $external_installer == 1 ) { SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'update_notify', 1 ); } $retval = [ 'next_page' => 'postUpgrade' ]; } else { if ( $external_installer == 1 ) { $retval = [ 'next_page' => 'systemSettings', 'action' => 'next' ]; } else { $retval = [ 'next_page' => 'systemSettings' ]; } } //Debug::writeToLog(); //Handled in TTShutdown now. return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @return array|bool */ function postUpgrade() { global $cache; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $retval = []; $retval['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; $retval['application_version'] = APPLICATION_VERSION; //Check for updated license file. $obj_class = "\124\124\114\x69\x63\x65\x6e\x73\x65"; $license = @new $obj_class; $license->getLicenseFile( true ); //Download updated license file if one exists. $cache->clean(); //Clear all cache. @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'postupgrade' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $upgrade * @return array|bool */ function installDone( $upgrade ) { global $cache; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { //Disable installer now that we're done. $tmp_config_data = []; $tmp_config_data['other']['installer_enabled'] = 'FALSE'; $tmp_config_data['other']['default_interface'] = 'html5'; $install_obj->writeConfigFile( $tmp_config_data ); //Reset new_version flag. SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'new_version', 0 ); //Reset system requirement flag, as all requirements should have passed. SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'valid_install_requirements', 1 ); //Reset auto_upgrade_failed flag, as they likely just upgraded to the latest version. SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'auto_upgrade_failed', 0 ); $cache->clean(); //Clear all cache. @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'done' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); $retval = []; $retval['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; // $retval['base_url'] = Environment::getBaseURL(); if ( isset( $upgrade ) ) { $retval['upgrade'] = $upgrade; } return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $data * @param int $external_installer * @return array|bool */ function setSystemSettings( $data, $external_installer = 0 ) { $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { // //InstallSchema_1000A->postInstall() now sets the registration key and UUID seed. // //Set salt if it isn't already. $tmp_config_data = []; $tmp_config_data['other']['salt'] = md5( uniqid( null, true ) ); if ( isset( $data['base_url'] ) && $data['base_url'] != '' ) { $tmp_config_data['path']['base_url'] = $data['base_url']; } if ( isset( $data['log_dir'] ) && $data['log_dir'] != '' ) { $tmp_config_data['path']['log'] = $data['log_dir']; } if ( isset( $data['storage_dir'] ) && $data['storage_dir'] != '' ) { $tmp_config_data['path']['storage'] = $data['storage_dir']; } if ( isset( $data['cache_dir'] ) && $data['cache_dir'] != '' ) { $tmp_config_data['cache']['dir'] = $data['cache_dir']; } if ( isset( $data['time_zone'] ) && $data['time_zone'] != '' ) { $tmp_config_data['other']['system_timezone'] = $data['time_zone']; } $install_obj->writeConfigFile( $tmp_config_data ); if ( !isset( $data['update_notify'] ) ) { $data['update_notify'] = 1; } if ( !isset( $data['anonymous_update_notify'] ) ) { $data['anonymous_update_notify'] = 0; } //Write auto_update feature to system settings. if ( ( isset( $data['update_notify'] ) && $data['update_notify'] == 1 ) || getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL || $external_installer == 1 ) { SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'update_notify', 1 ); } else { SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'update_notify', 0 ); } //Write anonymous_auto_update feature to system settings. if ( getTTProductEdition() == TT_PRODUCT_COMMUNITY && isset( $data['anonymous_update_notify'] ) && $data['anonymous_update_notify'] == 1 ) { SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'anonymous_update_notify', 1 ); } else { SystemSettingFactory::setSystemSetting( 'anonymous_update_notify', 0 ); } @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'system_setting', 'update_notify' => (int)$data['update_notify'], 'anonymous_update_notify' => (int)$data['anonymous_update_notify'] ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); return $this->returnHandler( true ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @return array|bool */ function getSystemSettings() { global $config_vars; $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $retval = [ 'host_name' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'base_url' => Environment::getBaseURL(), 'log_dir' => $config_vars['path']['log'], 'storage_dir' => $config_vars['path']['storage'], 'cache_dir' => $config_vars['cache']['dir'], ]; $upf = TTNew( 'UserPreferenceFactory' ); /** @var UserPreferenceFactory $upf */ $retval['time_zone'] = TTDate::detectSystemTimeZone(); //This is only used during initial install and not upgrades. $retval['time_zone_options'] = Misc::trimSortPrefix( $upf->getOptions( 'time_zone' ) ); @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'system_setting' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param string $company_id UUID * @return array|bool */ function getCompany( $company_id = null ) { $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $cf = TTnew( 'CompanyFactory' ); /** @var CompanyFactory $cf */ $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyListFactory $clf */ $company_data = []; if ( isset( $company_id ) && $company_id != '' ) { $clf->getByCompanyId( $company_id ); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $cf = $clf->getCurrent(); $company_data['name'] = $cf->getName(); $company_data['short_name'] = $cf->getShortName(); $company_data['industry_id'] = $cf->getIndustry(); $company_data['address1'] = $cf->getAddress1(); $company_data['address2'] = $cf->getAddress2(); $company_data['city'] = $cf->getCity(); $company_data['country'] = $cf->getCountry(); $company_data['province'] = $cf->getProvince(); $company_data['postal_code'] = $cf->getPostalCode(); $company_data['work_phone'] = $cf->getWorkPhone(); } } //Select box options; $company_data['status_options'] = $cf->getOptions( 'status' ); $company_data['country_options'] = $cf->getOptions( 'country' ); $company_data['industry_options'] = $cf->getOptions( 'industry' ); return $this->returnHandler( $company_data ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $company_data * @return array|bool */ function setCompany( $company_data ) { if ( !is_array( $company_data ) ) { return $this->returnHandler( false ); } $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $cf = TTnew( 'CompanyFactory' ); /** @var CompanyFactory $cf */ $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyListFactory $clf */ if ( isset( $company_data['company_id'] ) && $company_data['company_id'] != '' ) { $clf->getById( $company_data['company_id'] ); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $cf = $clf->getCurrent(); } } $cf->setStatus( 10 ); $cf->setProductEdition( (int)getTTProductEdition() ); $cf->setName( $company_data['name'], true ); //Force change. $cf->setShortName( $company_data['short_name'] ); $cf->setIndustry( $company_data['industry_id'] ); $cf->setAddress1( $company_data['address1'] ); $cf->setAddress2( $company_data['address2'] ); $cf->setCity( $company_data['city'] ); $cf->setCountry( $company_data['country'] ); $cf->setProvince( $company_data['province'] ); $cf->setPostalCode( $company_data['postal_code'] ); $cf->setWorkPhone( $company_data['work_phone'] ); $cf->setEnableAddLegalEntity( true ); $cf->setEnableAddCurrency( true ); $cf->setEnableAddPermissionGroupPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddUserDefaultPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddStation( true ); $cf->setEnableAddPayStubEntryAccountPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddCompanyDeductionPreset( true ); $cf->setEnableAddRecurringHolidayPreset( true ); if ( $cf->isValid() ) { if ( $cf->Save( false ) ) { @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'company' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); $company_id = $cf->getId(); unset( $cf ); $install_obj->writeConfigFile( [ 'other' => [ 'primary_company_id' => (string)$company_id ] ] ); return $this->returnHandler( $company_id ); } } else { $validator = []; $validator[] = $cf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 1 ]; return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'INVALID DATA' ), $validator, $validator_stats ); } } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param string $company_id UUID * @param string $user_id UUID * @return array|bool */ function getUser( $company_id, $user_id ) { $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $user_data = []; if ( isset( $company_id ) && $company_id != '' ) { $user_data['company_id'] = $company_id; } if ( isset( $user_id ) && $user_id != '' ) { $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ $ulf->getById( $user_id ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $uf = $ulf->getCurrent(); $user_data['user_name'] = $uf->getUserName(); $user_data['first_name'] = $uf->getFirstName(); $user_data['last_name'] = $uf->getLastName(); $user_data['work_email'] = $uf->getWorkEmail(); } } $user_data['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME; return $this->returnHandler( $user_data ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $user_data * @param int $external_installer * @return array|bool */ function setUser( $user_data, $external_installer = 0 ) { $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $uf = TTnew( 'UserFactory' ); /** @var UserFactory $uf */ $ulf = TTnew( 'UserListFactory' ); /** @var UserListFactory $ulf */ if ( isset( $user_data['user_id'] ) && $user_data['user_id'] != '' ) { $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $user_data['user_id'], $user_data['company_id'] ); if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $uf = $ulf->getCurrent(); } } else { $uf->setId( $uf->getNextInsertId() ); //Because password encryption requires the user_id, we need to get it first when creating a new employee. } if ( !isset( $user_data['company_id'] ) ) { $user_data['company_id'] = TTUUID::getZeroID(); } //Grab first legal entity associated with this company. $lef = TTnew( 'LegalEntityListFactory' ); /** @var LegalEntityListFactory $lef */ $lef->getByCompanyId( $user_data['company_id'] ); if ( $lef->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $le_obj = $lef->getCurrent(); $uf->StartTransaction(); $uf->setCompany( $user_data['company_id'] ); $uf->setLegalEntity( $le_obj->getId() ); $uf->setStatus( 10 ); $uf->setUserName( $user_data['user_name'] ); if ( !empty( $user_data['password'] ) && $user_data['password'] == $user_data['password2'] ) { $uf->setPassword( $user_data['password'] ); } else { $uf->Validator->isTrue( 'password', false, TTi18n::gettext( 'Passwords don\'t match' ) ); } $uf->setEmployeeNumber( 1 ); $uf->setFirstName( $user_data['first_name'] ); $uf->setLastName( $user_data['last_name'] ); $uf->setWorkEmail( $user_data['work_email'] ); $uf->setPasswordUpdatedDate( time() ); //This prevents them from needing to change their password upon first login. if ( is_object( $uf->getCompanyObject() ) ) { $uf->setCountry( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getCountry() ); $uf->setProvince( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getProvince() ); $uf->setAddress1( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getAddress1() ); $uf->setAddress2( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getAddress2() ); $uf->setCity( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getCity() ); $uf->setPostalCode( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getPostalCode() ); $uf->setWorkPhone( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getWorkPhone() ); $uf->setHomePhone( $uf->getCompanyObject()->getWorkPhone() ); //We can't use UserDefault yet, as SetupPresets needs a User object to create them first, and haven't done that yet. Since we just need a currency here, grab it directly. $clf = TTnew( 'CurrencyListFactory' ); $clf->getByCompanyId( $uf->getCompany() ); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $uf->setCurrency( $clf->getCurrent()->getId() ); } unset( $clf ); } //Get Permission Control with highest level, assume its for Administrators and use it. $pclf = TTnew( 'PermissionControlListFactory' ); /** @var PermissionControlListFactory $pclf */ $pclf->getByCompanyId( $user_data['company_id'], null, null, null, [ 'level' => 'desc' ] ); if ( $pclf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) { $pc_obj = $pclf->getCurrent(); if ( is_object( $pc_obj ) ) { Debug::Text( 'Adding User to Permission Control: ' . $pc_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $uf->setPermissionControl( $pc_obj->getId() ); } } if ( $uf->isValid() ) { @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'user' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); $user_id = $uf->getId(); $uf->Save( true, true ); //Assign this user as admin/support/billing contact for now. $clf = TTnew( 'CompanyListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyListFactory $clf */ $clf->getById( $user_data['company_id'] ); if ( $clf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) { $c_obj = $clf->getCurrent(); $c_obj->setAdminContact( $user_id ); $c_obj->setBillingContact( $user_id ); $c_obj->setSupportContact( $user_id ); if ( $c_obj->isValid() ) { $c_obj->Save(); } unset( $c_obj, $clf ); } $uf->CommitTransaction(); if ( $external_installer == 1 ) { return $this->returnHandler( [ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'next_page' => 'installDone' ] ); } else { return $this->returnHandler( [ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'next_page' => 'maintenanceJobs' ] ); } } else { $uf->FailTransaction(); $validator = []; $validator[] = $uf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); $validator_stats = [ 'total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 1 ]; return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'INVALID DATA' ), $validator, $validator_stats ); } } else { return $this->returnHandler( false, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText( 'INVALID DATA' ), [ 0 => [ 'user_name' => [ TTi18n::getText( 'Legal Entity does not exist, please go back a step and try again.' ) ] ] ], [ 'total_records' => 1, 'valid_records' => 0 ] ); } } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } /** * @param $country * @return array|bool */ function getProvinceOptions( $country ) { Debug::Arr( $country, 'aCountry: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( !is_array( $country ) && $country == '' ) { return $this->returnHandler( false ); } if ( !is_array( $country ) ) { $country = [ $country ]; } Debug::Arr( $country, 'bCountry: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $cf = TTnew( 'CompanyFactory' ); /** @var CompanyFactory $cf */ $province_arr = $cf->getOptions( 'province' ); $retarr = []; foreach ( $country as $tmp_country ) { if ( isset( $province_arr[strtoupper( $tmp_country )] ) ) { //Debug::Arr($province_arr[strtoupper($tmp_country)], 'Provinces Array', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $retarr = array_merge( $retarr, $province_arr[strtoupper( $tmp_country )] ); //$retarr = array_merge( $retarr, Misc::prependArray( array( -10 => '--' ), $province_arr[strtoupper($tmp_country)] ) ); } } if ( count( $retarr ) == 0 ) { $retarr = [ '00' => '--' ]; } return $this->returnHandler( $retarr ); } /** * @param null $data * @return array|bool */ function getMaintenanceJobs( $data = null ) { $install_obj = new Install(); if ( $install_obj->isInstallMode() == true ) { $retval = []; $retval['application_name'] = APPLICATION_NAME ? APPLICATION_NAME : ''; if ( isset( $data['company_id'] ) ) { $retval['company_id'] = $data['company_id']; } $retval['php_os'] = PHP_OS; @file_get_contents( '' . URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'maintenance' ], 'pre_install.php' ), 'r' ); if ( $install_obj->ScheduleMaintenanceJobs() == 0 ) { //Add scheduled maintenance jobs to cron/schtask, if it succeeds move to next step automatically. return $this->returnHandler( true ); } if ( $install_obj->getWebServerUser() ) { $retval['web_server_user'] = $install_obj->getWebServerUser(); } else { $retval['web_server_user'] = ''; } $retval['schedule_maintenance_job_command'] = $install_obj->getScheduleMaintenanceJobsCommand(); $retval['cron_file'] = Environment::getBasePath() . 'maint' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cron.php'; $retval['php_cli'] = $install_obj->getPHPCLI(); $retval['is_sudo_installed'] = $install_obj->isSUDOInstalled(); return $this->returnHandler( $retval ); } return $this->returnHandler( false ); } } ?>