status ) ) { return $this->status; } return 'O'; //Original } function setStatus( $value ) { if ( strtoupper( $value ) == 'C' ) { $value = 'A'; //Cancel isn't valid for this, only original and amendment. } $this->status = strtoupper( trim( $value ) ); return true; } function filterPhone( $value ) { //Strip non-digits. $value = $this->stripNonNumeric( $value ); if ( $value != '' ) { return [ substr( $value, 0, 3 ), substr( $value, 3, 3 ), substr( $value, 6, 4 ) ]; } return false; } function _outputXML( $type = null ) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement( '' ); //T4 and T4 Summary must be wrapped in $this->setXMLObject( $xml ); $xml->addChild( 'T619' ); if ( $this->reference_id == '' ) { $this->reference_id = date( 'Ymd' ); } $xml->T619->addChild( 'sbmt_ref_id', $this->reference_id ); //Submission Reference Identification, unique 8 char alphanumeric. //$xml->T619->addChild('rpt_tcd', 'O'); //Report Type, O = Original, A = Amended, C = Cancel. Entire batch must be the same I think. $xml->T619->addChild( 'rpt_tcd', $this->getStatus() ); //Report Type, O = Original, A = Amended, C = Cancel. Entire batch must be the same I think. if ( $this->transmitter_number == '' ) { $this->transmitter_number = 'MM555555'; //Default transmitter number to use if they don't supply one. } $xml->T619->addChild( 'trnmtr_nbr', $this->transmitter_number ); //Transmitter number, provided by CRA if filing more then one return $xml->T619->addChild( 'trnmtr_tcd', 4 ); //Transmitter type indicator. 1 = Submitting your returns, 2 = Submitting others returns (service providers), 3 = Submitting returns using a purchased software package, 4 = Software Vendor. $xml->T619->addChild( 'summ_cnt', 0 ); //Total number of summary records. $xml->T619->addChild( 'lang_cd', 'E' ); //Language //Transmitter name $xml->T619->addChild( 'TRNMTR_NM' ); //Employee name $xml->T619->TRNMTR_NM->addChild( 'l1_nm', substr( Misc::stripHTMLSpecialChars( $this->company_name ), 0, 30 ) ); //Transmitter name, max length 30. //Transmitter Address $xml->T619->addChild( 'TRNMTR_ADDR' ); $xml->T619->TRNMTR_ADDR->addChild( 'addr_l1_txt', Misc::stripHTMLSpecialChars( $this->transmitter_address1 ) ); if ( $this->transmitter_address2 != '' ) { $xml->T619->TRNMTR_ADDR->addChild( 'addr_l2_txt', Misc::stripHTMLSpecialChars( $this->transmitter_address2 ) ); } $xml->T619->TRNMTR_ADDR->addChild( 'cty_nm', $this->transmitter_city ); $xml->T619->TRNMTR_ADDR->addChild( 'prov_cd', $this->transmitter_province ); $xml->T619->TRNMTR_ADDR->addChild( 'cntry_cd', 'CAN' ); $xml->T619->TRNMTR_ADDR->addChild( 'pstl_cd', $this->transmitter_postal_code ); //Contact $xml->T619->addChild( 'CNTC' ); $xml->T619->CNTC->addChild( 'cntc_nm', $this->contact_name ); if ( $this->contact_phone != '' ) { $phone_arr = $this->filterPhone( $this->contact_phone ); } else { $phone_arr = $this->filterPhone( '000-000-0000' ); } if ( is_array( $phone_arr ) ) { $xml->T619->CNTC->addChild( 'cntc_area_cd', $phone_arr[0] ); $xml->T619->CNTC->addChild( 'cntc_phn_nbr', $phone_arr[1] . '-' . $phone_arr[2] ); $xml->T619->CNTC->addChild( 'cntc_extn_nbr', '000' ); //This is required in some cases, so just always specify it as 000 for now. } if ( $this->contact_email != '' ) { $xml->T619->CNTC->addChild( 'cntc_email_area', $this->contact_email ); } $xml->addChild( 'Return' ); return true; } function _outputPDF( $type ) { return false; } } ?>