<?php /** @noinspection PhpMissingDocCommentInspection */ /********************************************************************************* * * TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by * TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY TIMETREX, TIMETREX DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along * with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * * You can contact TimeTrex headquarters at Unit 22 - 2475 Dobbin Rd. Suite * #292 West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9, Canada or at email address info@timetrex.com. * * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by TimeTrex" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by TimeTrex". * ********************************************************************************/ /** * @group CAPayrollDeductionTest2014 */ class CAPayrollDeductionTest2014 extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public $company_id = null; public function setUp(): void { Debug::text( 'Running setUp(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/payroll_deduction/PayrollDeduction.class.php' ); $this->tax_table_file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/CAPayrollDeductionTest2014.csv'; $this->company_id = PRIMARY_COMPANY_ID; TTDate::setTimeZone( 'Etc/GMT+8' ); //Force to non-DST timezone. 'PST' isnt actually valid. } public function tearDown(): void { Debug::text( 'Running tearDown(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } public function mf( $amount ) { return Misc::MoneyRound( $amount ); } // // January 2014 // function testCSVFile() { $this->assertEquals( true, file_exists( $this->tax_table_file ) ); $test_rows = Misc::parseCSV( $this->tax_table_file, true ); $total_rows = ( count( $test_rows ) + 1 ); $i = 2; foreach ( $test_rows as $row ) { //Debug::text('Province: '. $row['province'] .' Income: '. $row['gross_income'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ( isset( $row['gross_income'] ) && isset( $row['low_income'] ) && isset( $row['high_income'] ) && $row['gross_income'] == '' && $row['low_income'] != '' && $row['high_income'] != '' ) { $row['gross_income'] = ( $row['low_income'] + ( ( $row['high_income'] - $row['low_income'] ) / 2 ) ); } if ( $row['country'] != '' && $row['gross_income'] != '' ) { //echo $i.'/'.$total_rows.'. Testing Province: '. $row['province'] .' Income: '. $row['gross_income'] ."\n"; $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( $row['country'], $row['province'] ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( $row['date'] ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( $row['pay_periods'] ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( $row['federal_claim'] ); //Amount from 2005, Should use amount from 2007 automatically. $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( $row['provincial_claim'] ); //$pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( $this->mf( $row['gross_income'] ) ); //var_dump($pd_obj->getArray()); $this->assertEquals( $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ), $this->mf( $row['gross_income'] ) ); if ( $row['federal_deduction'] != '' ) { $this->assertEquals( $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ), $this->mf( $row['federal_deduction'] ) ); } if ( $row['provincial_deduction'] != '' ) { $this->assertEquals( $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ), $this->mf( $row['provincial_deduction'] ) ); } } $i++; } //Make sure all rows are tested. $this->assertEquals( $total_rows, ( $i - 1 ) ); } function testCA_ClaimAmountAdjustmentA() { $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2013' ) ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 10276 ); $this->assertEquals( '11038.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalTotalClaimAmount() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '10276.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialTotalClaimAmount() ) ); } //Test claim amount set lower than the minimum. function testCA_ClaimAmountAdjustmentB() { $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2013' ) ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 10000 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 10000 ); $this->assertEquals( '11038.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalTotalClaimAmount() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '10276.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialTotalClaimAmount() ) ); } //Test claim amount at 0. function testCA_ClaimAmountAdjustmentC() { $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2013' ) ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $this->assertEquals( '0.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalTotalClaimAmount() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '0.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialTotalClaimAmount() ) ); } //Test claim amount higher than minimum. function testCA_ClaimAmountAdjustmentD() { $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2013' ) ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11040 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 10280 ); $this->assertEquals( '11040.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalTotalClaimAmount() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '10280.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialTotalClaimAmount() ) ); } //Test claim amount at next years values, should be reverted back to current year. function testCA_ClaimAmountAdjustmentE() { $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2013' ) ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11138 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 9869 ); $this->assertEquals( '11038.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalTotalClaimAmount() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '10276.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialTotalClaimAmount() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_Example() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'AB' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 52 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 28964.50 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 17593 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1100 ); $this->assertEquals( '1100.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '86.39', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '69.37', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_Example1() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example1 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'AB' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 12 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 17593 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1800 ); $this->assertEquals( '1800.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '100.41', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '20.92', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_Example2() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example2 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'AB' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 26 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 17593 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 2300 ); $this->assertEquals( '2300.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '297.63', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '148.75', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_Example3() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example3 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'AB' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 52 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 17593 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 2500 ); $this->assertEquals( '2500.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '478.20', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '209.37', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_Example4() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example1 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 26 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 10276 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1560 ); $this->assertEquals( '1560.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '148.26', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '57.67', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_GovExample1() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example1 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'AB' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 52 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11138 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 17787 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1030 ); //Take Gross income minus RPP and Union Dues. $this->assertEquals( '1030.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '122.41', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '62.37', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_GovExample2() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example1 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 52 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11138 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 9869 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1030 ); //Take Gross income minus RPP and Union Dues. $this->assertEquals( '1030.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '122.41', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '47.36', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_GovExample3() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example1 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'ON' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 52 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11138 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 9670 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1030 ); //Take Gross income minus RPP and Union Dues. $this->assertEquals( '1030.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '122.41', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '61.51', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_GovExample4() { Debug::text( 'CA - Example1 - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'PE' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 52 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11138 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 7708 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 1030 ); //Take Gross income minus RPP and Union Dues. $this->assertEquals( '1030.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '122.41', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getFederalPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '96.72', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getProvincialPayPeriodDeductions() ) ); } // // CPP/ EI // function testCA_2014a_BiWeekly_CPP_LowIncome() { Debug::text( 'CA - BiWeekly - CPP - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 26 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 585.32 ); $this->assertEquals( '585.32', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '22.31', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployeeCPP() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '22.31', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployerCPP() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_SemiMonthly_CPP_LowIncome() { Debug::text( 'CA - BiWeekly - CPP - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 24 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 585.23 ); $this->assertEquals( '585.23', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '21.75', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployeeCPP() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '21.75', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployerCPP() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_SemiMonthly_MAXCPP_LowIncome() { Debug::text( 'CA - BiWeekly - MAXCPP - Beginning of 2014 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 24 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 2424.50 ); //2425.50 - 1.00 $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 587.00 ); //var_dump($pd_obj->getArray()); $this->assertEquals( '587.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '1.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployeeCPP() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '1.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployerCPP() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_EI_LowIncome() { Debug::text( 'CA - EI - Beginning of 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 26 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 587.76 ); //var_dump($pd_obj->getArray()); $this->assertEquals( '587.76', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '11.05', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployeeEI() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '15.47', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployerEI() ) ); } function testCA_2014a_MAXEI_LowIncome() { Debug::text( 'CA - MAXEI - Beginning of 2006 01-Jan-2014: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); $pd_obj = new PayrollDeduction( 'CA', 'BC' ); $pd_obj->setDate( strtotime( '01-Jan-2014' ) ); $pd_obj->setEnableCPPAndEIDeduction( true ); //Deduct CPP/EI. $pd_obj->setAnnualPayPeriods( 26 ); $pd_obj->setFederalTotalClaimAmount( 11038 ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTotalClaimAmount( 0 ); $pd_obj->setWCBRate( 0.18 ); $pd_obj->setEIExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setCPPExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setFederalTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setProvincialTaxExempt( false ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateCPPContribution( 0 ); $pd_obj->setYearToDateEIContribution( 912.68 ); //913.68 - 1.00 $pd_obj->setGrossPayPeriodIncome( 587.00 ); //var_dump($pd_obj->getArray()); $this->assertEquals( '587.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getGrossPayPeriodIncome() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '1.00', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployeeEI() ) ); $this->assertEquals( '1.40', $this->mf( $pd_obj->getEmployerEI() ) ); } } ?>