import { TTBackboneView } from '@/views/TTBackboneView'; export class WizardStep extends TTBackboneView { constructor( options = {} ) { _.defaults( options, { previous_step_name: null, next_step_name: null, buttons: null, wizard_obj: null, //rename to wizard_obj clicked_buttons: {}, reload: false, api: null, //override in children name: 'undefined', title: $.i18n._( 'Undefined Step' ), instructions: $.i18n._( 'Undefined step data' ) } ); super( options ); } initialize( wizard_obj ) { super.initialize( wizard_obj ); this.buttons = {}; this.clicked_buttons = {}; //Clear clicked buttons on each step so checking that all buttons are clicked doesn't carry state from one step to the next. (ie: They click a required button on Step 2, but not Step 3, the count for required buttons would still match as 1) this.reload = false; this.setWizardObject( wizard_obj ); var $this = this; this.init(); } //Children must always call render() init() { this.render(); } initCardsBlock() { $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '#cards' ).html( '' ); } setTitle( title ) { $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '.title-1' ).html( title ); } setInstructions( instructions, callback ) { if ( $( this.el ).find( '.instructions' ).length == 0 ) { $( this.el ).find( '.progress-bar' ).append( '

' ); } $( this.el ).find( '.progress-bar .instructions' ).html( instructions ); if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) { callback(); } } setWizardObject( val ) { this.wizard_obj = val; this.el = this.wizard_obj.el; } getWizardObject() { return this.wizard_obj; } setNextStepName( val ) { this.next_step_name = val; } getNextStepName() { return false; } setPreviousStepName( val ) { this.previous_step_name = val; } getPreviousStepName() { return false; } render() { this.initCardsBlock(); return this._render(); } _render() { return; //always overrirde } append( content ) { $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '.content' ).append( content ); } appendButton( button ) { $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '#cards' ).append( button ); } setGrid( gridId, grid_div, allMultipleSelection ) { if ( !allMultipleSelection ) { allMultipleSelection = false; } $( '#' + gridId ).remove(); //Remove the grid to prevent JS Exception: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node': parameter 2 is not of type 'Node'. this.append( grid_div ); var grid = $( '#' + gridId ); var grid_columns = this.getGridColumns( gridId ); var $this = this; grid = new TTGrid( gridId, { onSelectRow: function( e ) { $this.onGridSelectRow( e ); }, onSelectAll: function( e ) { for ( var n in e ) { $this.onGridSelectRow( e[n] ); } }, ondblClickRow: function() { $this.onGridDblClickRow(); }, multiselect: false, winMultiSelect: false }, grid_columns ); this.setGridSize( grid ); this.setGridGroupColumns( gridId ); return grid; //allowing chaining off this method. } getGridColumns( gridId, callBack ) { //override if step object needs a grid. } setGridAutoHeight( grid, length ) { if ( length > 0 && length < 10 ) { grid.grid.setGridHeight( length * 23 ); } else if ( length > 10 ) { grid.grid.setGridHeight( 400 ); } } setGridSize( grid ) { grid.grid.setGridWidth( $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '.content .grid-div' ).width() - 11 ); grid.grid.setGridHeight( $( this.wizard_obj.el ).find( '.content' ).height() - 150 ); //During merge, this wasn't in MASTER branch. } getRibbonButtonBox() { var div = $( '' ); var ul = $( '' ); div.append( ul ); return div; } /** * to get old-style icons, don't provide desc * to get card-style icons, provide desc * to get card-style icons without a description, send a blank string ('') as desc * * @param id * @param icon * @param label * @param desc * @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement} */ getRibbonButton( id, icon, label, desc ) { //prelaod imgages to reduce the appearance of phantom flashing $( '' )[0].src = icon; if ( typeof desc == 'undefined' ) { var button = $( '
  • ' + label + '
  • ' ); return button; } var container = $( '
    ' ); var img = $( '' ); var right_container = $( '
    ' ); var title = $( '

    ' ); title.html( label ? label : '' ); var description = $( '
    ' ); description.html( desc ? desc : '' ); container.append( img ); right_container.append( title ); right_container.append( description ); container.append( right_container ); return container; } // //stubs that should be overrideen // onGridSelectRow( selected_id ) { // } onGridDblClickRow( selected_id ) { // } onNavigationClick( e, icon ) { if ( e ) { this.addButtonClick( e, icon ); } //Prevent double clicking on tax wizard buttons. ProgressBar.showOverlay(); //this flag is turned off in ProgressBarManager::closeOverlay, or 2s whichever happens first if ( window.clickProcessing == true ) { return; } else { window.clickProcessing = true; window.clickProcessingHandle = window.setTimeout( function() { if ( window.clickProcessing == true ) { window.clickProcessing = false; ProgressBar.closeOverlay(); } }, 1000 ); } var api_payroll_remittance_agency_event = TTAPI.APIPayrollRemittanceAgencyEvent; api_payroll_remittance_agency_event.doLogWizardEvent( this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event_id, 'step_action', this.current_step, icon, false, true, { onResult: function( result ) { } } ); this._onNavigationClick( icon ); } //Overridden in each Wizard step. _onNavigationClick( icon ) { } //Overridden in each Wizard step that needs to determine if required buttons are clicked or not. isRequiredButtonsClicked() { return true; } addButtonClick( e, icon ) { // $('clicked_wizard_icon'); // $('img').addClass('disable-image'); var element = $( ); if ( !element.hasClass( 'wizard_icon_card' ) ) { element = $( ).parents( '.wizard_icon_card' ); } element.addClass( 'clicked_wizard_icon' ); element.addClass( 'disable-image' ); this.clicked_buttons[icon] = true; } isButtonClicked( icon ) { if ( this.clicked_buttons.hasOwnProperty( icon ) && typeof this.clicked_buttons[icon] != 'undefined' ) { return true; } return false; } addButton( context_name, icon_name, title, description, button_name ) { if ( typeof button_name == 'undefined' ) { button_name = context_name; } var button = this.getRibbonButton( context_name, Global.getRibbonIconRealPath( icon_name ), title, description ); var $this = this; button.unbind( 'click' ).bind( 'click', function( e ) { $this.onNavigationClick( e, button_name ); } ); //ribbon_button_box.find('ul').append(button); if ( this.isButtonClicked( button_name ) ) { button.addClass( 'clicked_wizard_icon' ); button.addClass( 'disable-image' ); } this.buttons[icon_name] = button; this.appendButton( button ); return button; } setGridGroupColumns( gridId ) { } urlClick( action_id ) { this.api.getMakePaymentData( this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event_id, action_id, { onResult: function( result ) { var url = result.getResult(); Debug.Text( 'Redirecting to external site: ' + url, 'WizardStep.js', 'WizardStep', 'urlClick', 10 ); url ); } } ); } paymentServicesClick( action_id ) { this.api.getFileAndPayWithPaymentServicesData( this.getWizardObject().selected_remittance_agency_event_id, action_id, { onResult: function( result ) { var retval = result.getResult(); if ( retval['user_message'] && retval['user_message'] != '' ) { TAlertManager.showAlert( retval['user_message'] ); } else { if ( retval == false ) { TAlertManager.showAlert( $.i18n._( 'ERROR! Something went wrong, please contact customer service immediately!' ) ); } } } } ); } }