( function( $ ) { $.fn.ADropDown = function( options ) { var opts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.ADropDown.defaults, options ); var unselect_grid = null; var select_grid = null; var total_display_span = null; var static_source_data = null; //Always use this to help to set Select data var id = null; var key = 'id'; var parent_a_combo_box = null; var a_dropdown_this = this; var unselect_grid_header_array = []; var select_grid_header_array = []; var show_search_inputs = true; var local_search_mode = false; var local_search_optional_filter = []; var unselect_grid_search_map = null; var select_grid_search_map = null; var unselect_grid_sort_map = null; var select_grid_sort_map = null; var select_item = null; var tree_mode = false; var on_tree_grid_row_select = false; //#2566 - added select row callback so that trees can be used for edit-view navigation var unselect_grid_last_row = ''; var select_grid_last_row = ''; var allow_multiple_selection = true; var allow_drag_to_order = false; var pager_data = null; var paging_widget = null; var real_selected_items = null; //Set this after search in select grid; var start; var last; var next; var end; var paging_selector; var left_buttons_div; var right_buttons_div; var left_buttons_enable; var right_buttons_enable; var field; var error_tip_box; var error_string = ''; var default_height = 150; var unselect_grid_no_result_box = null; var select_grid_no_result_box = null; var box_width; var focus_in_select_grid = false; var auto_sort = false; var isChanged = false; var api = null; //Pass from owner var column_editor = null; var column_option_key = null; var display_column_settings = true; var quick_search_timer; var quick_search_typed_keys = ''; var quick_search_dic = {}; var max_height = false; var static_height = false; var resize_grids = false; //Select all records in target grid var selectAllInGrid = function( target, deSelect ) { target.resetSelection(); if ( !deSelect ) { var source_data = target.getGridParam( 'data' ); var len = source_data.length; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var item = source_data[i]; if ( item.hidden ) { continue; } if ( Global.isSet( item.id ) ) { target.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', item.id, false ); } else { target.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', i + 1, false ); } } target.grid.parents( '.cbox-header' ).prop( 'checked', true ); } }; Global.addCss( 'global/widgets/awesomebox/ADropDown.css' ); this.isLocalSearchMode = function() { return local_search_mode; }; this.setLocalSearchMode = function( value ) { local_search_mode = value; }; this.isChanged = function() { return isChanged; }; this.setIsChanged = function( val ) { isChanged = val; }; this.unSelectAll = function( target ) { selectAllInGrid( target, true ); }; this.getFocusInSeletGrid = function() { return focus_in_select_grid; }; this.selectAll = function() { if ( focus_in_select_grid ) { selectAllInGrid( select_grid ); } else { selectAllInGrid( unselect_grid ); } }; this.gridScrollTop = function() { unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().scrollTop( 0 ); }; this.gridScrollDown = function() { unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().scrollTop( 10000 ); }; this.getBoxWidth = function() { return box_width; }; this.setErrorStyle = function( errStr, show, isWarning ) { if ( isWarning ) { $( this ).addClass( 'warning-tip' ); } else { $( this ).addClass( 'error-tip' ); } error_string = errStr; if ( show ) { this.showErrorTip(); } }; this.showErrorTip = function( sec ) { if ( !Global.isSet( sec ) ) { sec = 2; } if ( !error_tip_box ) { error_tip_box = Global.loadWidgetByName( WidgetNamesDic.ERROR_TOOLTIP ); error_tip_box = error_tip_box.ErrorTipBox(); } if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'warning-tip' ) ) { error_tip_box.show( this, error_string, sec, true ); } else { error_tip_box.show( this, error_string, sec ); } }; this.hideErrorTip = function() { if ( Global.isSet( error_tip_box ) ) { error_tip_box.remove(); } }; this.clearErrorStyle = function() { $( this ).removeClass( 'error-tip' ); $( this ).removeClass( 'warning-tip' ); this.hideErrorTip(); error_string = ''; }; this.getField = function() { return field; }; // Must call after setUnSelectGridData this.setValue = function( val ) { this.setSelectGridData( val ); }; this.getValue = function() { return this.getSelectItems(); }; this.getSelectGridSortMap = function() { return select_grid_sort_map; }; this.getUnSelectGridSortMap = function() { return unselect_grid_sort_map; }; this.getUnSelectGridMap = function() { if ( !unselect_grid_search_map ) { unselect_grid_search_map = {}; } return unselect_grid_search_map; }; this.getUnSelectGrid = function() { return unselect_grid; }; this.getSelectGrid = function() { return select_grid; }; this.getSelectGridMap = function() { if ( !select_grid_search_map ) { select_grid_search_map = {}; } var ids = []; if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { var select_items = a_dropdown_this.getSelectItems(); for ( var i = 0; i < select_items.length; i++ ) { ids.push( select_items[i][key] ); } } if ( ids.length > 0 ) { select_grid_search_map.id = ids; } else { return false; } return select_grid_search_map; }; this.collectUnselectGridColumns = function() { var columns = unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'colModel' ); var len = ( ( columns ) ? columns.length : 0 ); unselect_grid_header_array = []; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var column_info = columns[i]; var column_header = $( this ).find( 'div #jqgh_unselect_grid_' + id + '_' + column_info.name ); unselect_grid_header_array.push( column_header.TGridHeader( { column_model: column_info } ) ); column_header.bind( 'headerClick', onUnSelectColumnHeaderClick ); } a_dropdown_this.setGridHeaderStyle( 'unselect_grid' ); function onUnSelectColumnHeaderClick( e, headerE, column_model ) { //Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setCachedSortFilter' of null in /interface/html5/global/widgets/awesomebox/ADropDown.js?v=7.4.6-20141027-072624 line 286 if ( !parent_a_combo_box || !parent_a_combo_box.getAPI() ) { return; } var field = column_model.name; if ( field === 'cb' ) { //first column, check box column. return; } if ( headerE.metaKey || headerE.ctrlKey ) { a_dropdown_this.buildSortCondition( false, field, 'unselect_grid' ); } else { a_dropdown_this.buildSortCondition( true, field, 'unselect_grid' ); } parent_a_combo_box.setCachedSortFilter( unselect_grid_sort_map ); a_dropdown_this.setGridHeaderStyle( 'unselect_grid' ); parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid' ); } }; this.buildSortCondition = function( reset, field, targetName ) { var sort_map = null; var nextSort = 'desc'; if ( targetName === 'unselect_grid' ) { sort_map = unselect_grid_sort_map; } else { sort_map = select_grid_sort_map; } if ( reset ) { if ( sort_map && sort_map.length > 0 ) { var len = sort_map.length; var found = false; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var sortItem = sort_map[i]; for ( var key in sortItem ) { if ( key === field ) { if ( sortItem[key] === 'asc' ) { nextSort = 'desc'; } else { nextSort = 'asc'; } found = true; } } if ( found ) { break; } } } sort_map = [ {} ]; sort_map[0][field] = nextSort; } else { if ( !sort_map ) { sort_map = [ {} ]; sort_map[0][field] = 'desc'; } else { len = sort_map.length; found = false; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { sortItem = sort_map[i]; for ( var key in sortItem ) { if ( key === field ) { if ( sortItem[key] === 'asc' ) { sortItem[key] = 'desc'; } else { sortItem[key] = 'asc'; } found = true; } } if ( found ) { break; } } if ( !found ) { sort_map.push( {} ); sort_map[len][field] = 'desc'; } } } if ( targetName === 'unselect_grid' ) { unselect_grid_sort_map = sort_map; } else { select_grid_sort_map = sort_map; } }; this.setGridHeaderStyle = function( targetName ) { var headerArray = []; var sort_map = []; if ( targetName === 'unselect_grid' ) { headerArray = unselect_grid_header_array; sort_map = unselect_grid_sort_map; } else { headerArray = select_grid_header_array; sort_map = select_grid_sort_map; } var len = headerArray.length; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var tGridHeader = headerArray[i]; var field = tGridHeader.getColumnModel().name; tGridHeader.cleanSortStyle(); if ( sort_map ) { var sortArrayLen = sort_map.length; for ( var j = 0; j < sortArrayLen; j++ ) { var sortItem = sort_map[j]; var sortField = Global.getFirstKeyFromObject( sortItem ); if ( sortField === field ) { if ( sortArrayLen > 1 ) { tGridHeader.setSortStyle( sortItem[sortField], j + 1 ); } else { tGridHeader.setSortStyle( sortItem[sortField], 0 ); } } } } } }; this.collectSelectGridColumns = function() { var columns = select_grid.getGridParam( 'colModel' ); var len = ( ( columns ) ? columns.length : 0 ); select_grid_header_array = []; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var column_info = columns[i]; var column_header = $( this ).find( 'div #jqgh_select_grid_' + id + '_' + column_info.name ); select_grid_header_array.push( column_header.TGridHeader( { column_model: column_info } ) ); column_header.bind( 'headerClick', onSelectColumnHeaderClick ); } a_dropdown_this.setGridHeaderStyle( 'select_grid' ); function onSelectColumnHeaderClick( e, headerE, column_model ) { if ( !parent_a_combo_box || !parent_a_combo_box.getAPI() ) { return; } var field = column_model.name; if ( field === 'cb' ) { //first column, check box column. return; } if ( headerE.metaKey || headerE.ctrlKey ) { a_dropdown_this.buildSortCondition( false, field, 'select_grid' ); } else { a_dropdown_this.buildSortCondition( true, field, 'select_grid' ); } parent_a_combo_box.setCachedSelectedGridSortFilter( select_grid_sort_map ); a_dropdown_this.setGridHeaderStyle( 'select_grid' ); parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'select_grid' ); } }; //HightLight select item in UnSelect grid when !allow_multiple_selection this.setSelectItem = function( val, target_grid ) { if ( !target_grid ) { target_grid = unselect_grid; } var source_data = target_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); val && ( select_item = val ); if ( source_data && source_data.length > 0 ) { for ( var i = 0; i < source_data.length; i++ ) { var content = source_data[i]; var temp_val = val; !val && ( temp_val = source_data[0] ); var content_key = key; if ( tree_mode && key == 'id' ) { content_key = '_id_'; } if ( content[content_key] == temp_val[key] ) { //Some times 0, sometimes '0' var content_id_key = 'id'; if ( tree_mode ) { content_id_key = '_id_'; } //Always use id to set select row, all record array should have id target_grid.grid.find( 'tr[id="' + content[content_id_key] + '"]' ).focus(); if ( target_grid.grid.hasClass( 'unselect-grid' ) ) { if ( unselect_grid_last_row ) { target_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'saveRow', unselect_grid_last_row ); } unselect_grid_last_row = content[content_id_key]; } else { if ( select_grid_last_row ) { target_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'saveRow', select_grid_last_row ); } select_grid_last_row = content[content_id_key]; } target_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', content[content_id_key], false ); target_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'editRow', content[content_id_key], true ); val && ( select_item = content ); return false; } } this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); } }; this.getUnSelectGridData = function() { return unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); }; this.getSelectItem = function() { return select_item; }; this.getSelectItems = function() { //Save last edit row if there is editable row in grid cell; if ( unselect_grid_last_row.length > 0 ) { unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'saveRow', unselect_grid_last_row ); unselect_grid_last_row = ''; } if ( select_grid_last_row.length > 0 ) { select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'saveRow', select_grid_last_row ); select_grid_last_row = ''; } var retval = null; if ( show_search_inputs && real_selected_items && real_selected_items.length > 0 ) { retval = real_selected_items; } else { retval = select_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); //Set this when setSelectGridItems } //Make sure we never return null, and always at least an empty array. This helps prevent JS excptions when we run .length on the return value. if ( Global.isArray( retval ) == false ) { return Array(); } return retval; }; this.setRealSelectItems = function( all_records, selected_ids ) { real_selected_items = []; if ( selected_ids != TTUUID.zero_id && selected_ids.length > 0 ) { for ( var n = 0; n < all_records.length; n++ ) { if ( selected_ids.indexOf( all_records[n].id ) != -1 ) { real_selected_items.push( all_records[n] ); } } } return real_selected_items; }; this.getAllowMultipleSelection = function() { return allow_multiple_selection; }; this.getResizeGrids = function() { return resize_grids; }; this.setResizeGrids = function( val ) { resize_grids = val; if ( val ) { this.setGridColumnsWidths(); } }; this.getTreeMode = function() { return tree_mode; }; //Must Set this after set Columns this.setUnselectedGridData = function( val ) { static_source_data = val; if ( !tree_mode ) { unselect_grid.setData( val ); this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); } else { this.reSetUnSelectGridTreeData( val ); } this.setUnSelectGridDragAble(); this.setGridsHeight(); }; /** * This function calculates the optimal widths for awesomebox columns * and whether they should overflow or shrink to fit */ this.setGridColumnsWidths = function() { var primary_grid = unselect_grid; var secondary_grid = select_grid; //don't swap the grids. always size on left grid. var p_data = primary_grid.getData(); var s_data = secondary_grid.getData(); if ( s_data && s_data.length != 0 && p_data && p_data.length == 0 ) { //swap grids if no data in primary. var temp = primary_grid; primary_grid = secondary_grid; secondary_grid = temp; } //Make sure what dropdown is expanded, we do not spill over the right edge of the browser causing scrollbars to appear. var max_grid_width = ( ( ( ( Global.bodyWidth() - $( this ).offset().left ) - 100 ) / 2 ) ); var default_width = primary_grid.setGridColumnsWidth( null, { max_grid_width: max_grid_width } ); var colModel = primary_grid.getColumnModel(); secondary_grid.setGridColumnsWidth( colModel ); var width = 200; var offset = 28; //awesomeboxes with more than 1 column need to adjust for td borders. var total_headers_width = 0; if ( colModel ) { for ( var i = 0; i < colModel.length; i++ ) { total_headers_width += colModel[i].widthOrg + 1; //collect the (calculated) column widths (+1 for border } if ( colModel[0].name == 'cb' ) { offset += 2; } } if ( tree_mode ) { offset = 26; } else { offset = 22; } //only shrink smaller grids to fit container if ( total_headers_width <= ( width ) || colModel.length < 5 ) { //prevent resize on search. width = primary_grid.grid.parents( '.unselect-grid-div, .select-grid-div' ).width() - offset; } else { width = total_headers_width; //primary_grid.grid.parents( '.unselect-grid-div' ).width() - offset; if ( default_width > width ) { width = default_width; } } primary_grid.setGridWidth( width ); secondary_grid.setGridWidth( width ); this.resizeUnSelectSearchInputs(); this.resizeSelectSearchInputs(); }; this.getPagerData = function() { return pager_data; }; //Always setPager data no matter static options or api. this.setPagerData = function( value ) { pager_data = value; if ( LocalCacheData.paging_type === 0 ) { if ( paging_widget.parent().length > 0 ) { paging_widget.remove(); } paging_widget.css( 'width', unselect_grid.width() ); unselect_grid.append( paging_widget ); paging_widget.click( function() { $this.onPaging(); } ); if ( !pager_data || pager_data.is_last_page || pager_data.last_page_number < 0 ) { paging_widget.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { paging_widget.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); } } else { if ( !pager_data || pager_data.last_page_number < 0 ) { left_buttons_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); right_buttons_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { left_buttons_div.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); right_buttons_div.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); if ( pager_data.is_last_page === true ) { right_buttons_div.addClass( 'disabled' ); right_buttons_div.addClass( 'disabled-image' ); right_buttons_enable = false; } else { right_buttons_div.removeClass( 'disabled' ); right_buttons_div.removeClass( 'disabled-image' ); right_buttons_enable = true; } if ( pager_data.is_first_page ) { left_buttons_div.addClass( 'disabled' ); left_buttons_div.addClass( 'disabled-image' ); left_buttons_enable = false; } else { left_buttons_div.removeClass( 'disabled' ); left_buttons_div.removeClass( 'disabled-image' ); left_buttons_enable = true; } } } a_dropdown_this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); }; this.onPaging = function() { parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid', 'next' ); }; this.reSetUnSelectGridTreeData = function( val ) { var scroll_position = unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().scrollTop(); var grid_data = unselect_grid.getData(); if ( grid_data && grid_data.length > 0 && val && val.length > 0 ) { //If in tree_mode, don't clear the unselected grid, since we just bold/unbold the selected items otherwise the "tree" layout would be lost. unselect_grid.setData( val, !tree_mode ); } else { var col_model = unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'colModel' ); if ( !unselect_grid.grid.is( ':visible' ) ) { return; } unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'GridUnload' ); unselect_grid = $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid' ); unselect_grid = unselect_grid.grid = new TTGrid( $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid' ).attr( 'id' ), { container_selector: '.unselect-grid-div', altRows: true, datastr: val, datatype: 'jsonstring', sortable: false, width: 440, onResizeGrid: resize_grids, //maxHeight: default_height, colNames: [], rowNum: 10000, colModel: col_model, ondblClickRow: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick, gridview: true, treeGrid: true, treeGridModel: 'adjacency', treedatatype: 'local', ExpandColumn: 'name', multiselect: allow_multiple_selection, multiselectPosition: 'none', winMultiSelect: allow_multiple_selection, onCellSelect: function( id, k, el, e ) { if ( $( e.target ).prop( 'class' ).indexOf( 'ui-icon-triangle' ) != -1 ) { return false; } id = Global.convertToNumberIfPossible( id ); if ( !allow_multiple_selection ) { var source_data = unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); $.each( source_data, function( index, content ) { if ( tree_mode && key == 'id' ) { key = '_id_'; } if ( content[key] == id ) { select_item = content; isChanged = true; if ( !LocalCacheData.currently_collapsing_navigation_tree_element ) { //#2583 - must allow null or false a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'close', [a_dropdown_this] ); } return; } } ); } if ( on_tree_grid_row_select ) { on_tree_grid_row_select( id, LocalCacheData.currently_collapsing_navigation_tree_element ); } }, beforeSelectRow: function( iRow, e ) { var $td = $( e.target ).closest( 'tr.jqgrow>td' ), iCol = $td.length > 0 ? $td[0].cellIndex : -1, p = $( this ).jqGrid( 'getGridParam' ), cm = iCol >= 0 ? p.colModel[iCol] : null; if ( cm != null && cm.name === p.ExpandColumn && $( e.target ).closest( '.tree-wrap' ).length > 0 ) { return false; // prevent row selection } return true; }, jsonReader: { repeatitems: false, root: function( obj ) { return obj; }, page: function( obj ) { return 1; }, total: function( obj ) { return 1; }, records: function( obj ) { return obj.length; } }, onResizeGrid: resize_grids }, col_model ); } scroll_position > 0 && unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().scrollTop( scroll_position ); this.setGridsHeight(); var select_items = this.getSelectItems(); $( this ).find( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'selected-tree-cell' ); for ( var i = ( select_items.length - 1 ); i >= 0; i-- ) { $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid-div' ).find( 'tr#' + select_items[i].id ).addClass( 'selected-tree-cell' ); } }; this.setGridsHeight = function() { //Calculate the max possible size of awesomebox. if ( static_height ) { unselect_grid.grid.setGridHeight( static_height ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { select_grid.grid.setGridHeight( static_height ); } return; } if ( !parent_a_combo_box ) { return; } var top_offset = parent_a_combo_box.offset().top; var bottom_offset = Global.bodyHeight() - top_offset - 30; var new_height = top_offset > bottom_offset ? top_offset : bottom_offset; new_height = new_height - 130; var source_data = parent_a_combo_box.getStaticSourceData(); if ( !source_data ) { new_height = default_height; } else { var source_height = source_data.length * 23; if ( source_height < default_height ) { new_height = default_height; } else if ( source_height > default_height && source_height < new_height ) { new_height = source_height; } } if ( max_height && max_height < new_height ) { new_height = max_height; } unselect_grid.grid.setGridHeight( new_height ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { select_grid.grid.setGridHeight( new_height ); } this.setPosition( top_offset, new_height ); }; this.setPosition = function( top_offset, new_height ) { if ( top_offset + new_height + 130 < Global.bodyHeight() ) { a_dropdown_this.parent().css( 'top', top_offset + 25 ); } else { if ( new_height != default_height ) { a_dropdown_this.parent().css( 'top', ( top_offset - new_height - 125 ) ); } else { a_dropdown_this.parent().css( 'top', ( top_offset - new_height - 125 ) ); } } }; this.onTreeCellFormat = function( cell_value, related_data, row ) { var selected_items = a_dropdown_this.getSelectItems(); for ( var i = 0, m = selected_items.length; i < m; i++ ) { var item = selected_items[i]; if ( item.name === cell_value ) { return '' + cell_value + ''; } } return cell_value; }; //Do this before set data this.setColumns = function( val ) { for ( var a = 0; a < val.length; a++ ) { val[a].resizable = false; } unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'GridUnload' ); unselect_grid = $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid' ); unselect_grid.getGridParam(); var unselect_grid_search_div = $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid-search-div' ); var select_grid_search_div = $( this ).find( '.select-grid-search-div' ); var gridWidth = $( '.unselect-grid-border-div' ).width() - 2; // single-column width if ( show_search_inputs ) { gridWidth -= 15; } gridWidth = val.length * 125; if ( gridWidth < 438 ) { box_width = gridWidth = 438; } if ( val.length > 1 ) { box_width = gridWidth; if ( allow_multiple_selection && gridWidth > ( Global.bodyWidth() / 2 - 30 - 15 ) ) { box_width = ( Global.bodyWidth() / 2 - 30 - 15 ); } else if ( !allow_multiple_selection && gridWidth > ( Global.bodyWidth() - 30 - 15 ) ) { box_width = ( Global.bodyWidth() - 30 - 15 ); } this.find( '.unselect-grid-div' ).width( null ); this.find( '.unselect-grid-border-div' ).width( null ); this.find( '.select-grid-div' ).width( null ); this.find( '.select-grid-border-div' ).width( null ); if ( show_search_inputs ) { unselect_grid_search_div.css( 'width', null ); select_grid_search_div.css( 'width', null ); } } else { box_width = gridWidth; } if ( !tree_mode ) { unselect_grid = new TTGrid( $( unselect_grid ).attr( 'id' ), { container_selector: '.unselect-grid-div', altRows: true, data: [], datatype: 'local', sortable: false, width: gridWidth, //maxHeight: default_height, colNames: [], rowNum: 10000, keep_scroll_place: true, ondblClickRow: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick, colModel: val, multiselect: allow_multiple_selection, multiboxonly: allow_multiple_selection, viewrecords: true, editurl: 'clientArray', resizeStop: function() { a_dropdown_this.resizeUnSelectSearchInputs(); }, onCellSelect: function( id ) { id = Global.convertToNumberIfPossible( id ); if ( !allow_multiple_selection ) { var source_data = unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); $.each( source_data, function( index, content ) { if ( key !== 'id' ) { if ( content['id'] == id ) { select_item = content; isChanged = true; a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'close', [a_dropdown_this] ); return false; } } else { if ( content[key] == id ) { select_item = content; isChanged = true; a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'close', [a_dropdown_this] ); return false; } } } ); } if ( unselect_grid_last_row ) { unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'saveRow', unselect_grid_last_row ); } unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'editRow', id, true ); unselect_grid_last_row = id; a_dropdown_this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); function getSelectValue() { var len = source_data.length; } }, onResizeGrid: resize_grids }, val ); } else { if ( tree_mode ) { var tree_columns = _.map( val, _.clone ); _.map( tree_columns, function( item ) { item.formatter = a_dropdown_this.onTreeCellFormat; } ); } unselect_grid = new TTGrid( $( unselect_grid ).attr( 'id' ), { container_selector: '.unselect-grid-div', altRows: true, datastr: [], datatype: 'jsonstring', sortable: false, width: gridWidth, maxHeight: default_height, colNames: [], rowNum: 10000, colModel: tree_columns, ondblClickRow: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick, onCellSelect: function() { a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridSelectRow(); }, gridview: true, treeGrid: true, treeGridModel: 'adjacency', treedatatype: 'local', ExpandColumn: 'name', multiselect: false, //allow_multiple_selection, jsonReader: { repeatitems: false, root: function( obj ) { return obj; }, page: function( obj ) { return 1; }, total: function( obj ) { return 1; }, records: function( obj ) { return obj.length; } }, onSelectRow: function( id ) { if ( on_tree_grid_row_select ) { on_tree_grid_row_select( id ); } id = Global.convertToNumberIfPossible( id ); }, onResizeGrid: resize_grids }, tree_columns ); } this.collectUnselectGridColumns(); //Make each column as THeader plugin and save them if ( show_search_inputs ) { if ( !parent_a_combo_box || !parent_a_combo_box.getAPI() ) { this.setLocalSearchMode( true ); //If no API allow local searching of the dropdown items. } this.buildUnSelectSearchInputs(); //Build search input above columns } select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'GridUnload' ); select_grid = $( this ).find( '.select-grid' ); select_grid = new TTGrid( $( select_grid ).attr( 'id' ), { container_selector: '.select-grid-div', altRows: true, data: [], datatype: 'local', sortable: false, width: gridWidth, //maxHeight: default_height, colNames: [], rowNum: 10000, ondblClickRow: this.onSelectGridDoubleClick, colModel: val, multiselect: allow_multiple_selection, multiboxonly: allow_multiple_selection, viewrecords: true, keep_scroll_place: true, resizeStop: function() { a_dropdown_this.resizeSelectSearchInputs(); }, onCellSelect: function( id ) { if ( id ) { if ( select_grid_last_row ) { select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'saveRow', select_grid_last_row ); } select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'editRow', id, true ); select_grid_last_row = id; } }, onResizeGrid: resize_grids }, val ); this.collectSelectGridColumns(); //Make each column as THeader plugin and save them if ( show_search_inputs ) { if ( !parent_a_combo_box || !parent_a_combo_box.getAPI() ) { this.setLocalSearchMode( true ); //If no API allow local searching of the dropdown items. } this.buildSelectSearchInputs(); //Build search input above columns } }; this.buildSelectSearchInputs = function() { var len = select_grid_header_array.length; var search_div = $( this ).find( '.select-grid-search-div' ); var first_column_width = 0; var search_input_array = []; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var header = select_grid_header_array[i]; if ( i === 0 ) { first_column_width = header.getWidth(); continue; } else if ( allow_multiple_selection && i === 1 ) { var search_input = $( '' ); search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + first_column_width ); } else { search_input = $( '' ); search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() ); } search_input.on( 'drop', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } ); search_input.ASearchInput( { column_model: header.getColumnModel() } ); //Make it as ASearchInout Widget; search_div.append( search_input ); search_input_array.push( search_input ); //Set cached seach_input data back, usually in navigation_mode if ( select_grid_search_map ) { search_input.setFilter( select_grid_search_map ); } search_input.bind( 'searchEnter', function( e, searchVal, field ) { if ( a_dropdown_this.getValue().length < 1 ) { return; } if ( !select_grid_search_map ) { select_grid_search_map = {}; } delete select_grid_search_map.id; if ( !searchVal ) { delete select_grid_search_map[field]; } else { select_grid_search_map[field] = searchVal; } if ( a_dropdown_this.isLocalSearchMode() ) { a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'select', select_grid_search_map ); } else { parent_a_combo_box.setCachedSelectGridSearchInputsFilter( Global.clone( select_grid_search_map ) ); parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch(); } } ); } var close_btn = $( '' ); //close_btn.width( unselect_grid_header_array[0].getWidth() + 2 ); //close_btn.width( 22 ); search_div.prepend( close_btn ); var $this = this; close_btn.click( function() { //clear search inputs for select box select_grid_search_map = {}; if ( a_dropdown_this.isLocalSearchMode() ) { a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'select', select_grid_search_map ); } else { parent_a_combo_box.setCachedSelectGridSearchInputsFilter( select_grid_search_map ); parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch(); } for ( var i = 0; i < search_input_array.length; i++ ) { var s_i = search_input_array[i]; s_i.clearValue(); } } ); }; this.localSearch = function( grid_type, grid_search_map, optional_filter ) { if ( !optional_filter ) { //Replicates API Search functionality where newly added records are shown even if they don't match the search criteria. optional_filter = []; local_search_optional_filter = []; } //Merge in repeated optional search, so that user adding 1 by 1 will continue to see all new items. local_search_optional_filter = local_search_optional_filter.concat( optional_filter ); let search_grid = null; let search_items = []; if ( grid_type === 'select' ) { search_grid = select_grid; } else { search_grid = unselect_grid; } search_grid.resetSelection(); //Reset all checked items to replicate behavior of API search. search_items = search_grid.getData(); //Need to search against multiple terms and columns. let meetAllSearchCriteria = ( item, grid_search_map ) => { for ( let key in grid_search_map ) { if ( grid_search_map.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { let value = grid_search_map[key].trim(); if ( !item[key] || item[key].toLowerCase().includes( value.toLowerCase() ) === false ) { return false; } } } return true; }; for ( let i = 0; i < search_items.length; i++ ) { if ( _.isEmpty( grid_search_map ) || local_search_optional_filter.some( item => item.id === search_items[i].id ) || meetAllSearchCriteria( search_items[i], grid_search_map ) ) { $( search_grid.grid ).find( '[id="' + search_items[i].id + '"]' ).show(); search_items[i].hidden = false; } else { $( search_grid.grid ).find( '[id="' + search_items[i].id + '"]' ).hide(); search_items[i].hidden = true; //Hidden items are not selectable even with "Select all" } } }; this.resizeUnSelectSearchInputs = function() { var search_div = $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid-search-div' ); var search_inputs = search_div.find( '.search-input' ); var first_column_width; var unselect_grid_search_div = $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid-search-div' ); var len = search_inputs.length; var header; var search_input; if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { first_column_width = unselect_grid_header_array[0].width(); if ( len == 1 ) { header = unselect_grid_header_array[1]; search_input = $( search_inputs[0] ); search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() ); } else { for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { header = unselect_grid_header_array[i + 1]; search_input = $( search_inputs[i] ); if ( i == ( len - 1 ) ) { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() ); } else { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + 1 ); } } } } else { for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { header = unselect_grid_header_array[i]; search_input = $( search_inputs[i] ); if ( i === 0 ) { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() - 22 ); } else if ( i == ( len - 1 ) ) { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + 1 ); } else { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + 1 ); } } } var unselect_grid_width = unselect_grid.grid.parents( '.ui-jqgrid-jquery-ui' ).width() ? unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().width() : 100; unselect_grid.setGridWidth( unselect_grid_width ); //var unselect_grid_width = unselect_grid.getWidth(); var unselect_grid_search_div_width = unselect_grid_width; if ( tree_mode ) { unselect_grid_width = unselect_grid.getWidth(); } var outer_box_width = unselect_grid_width + 22; var inner_box_width = unselect_grid_width + 4; var max_width = ( $( 'body' ).width() - 30 ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { max_width = ( ( $( 'body' ).width() / 2 ) - 30 ); } if ( outer_box_width > max_width ) { outer_box_width = max_width; inner_box_width = max_width - 17; } unselect_grid.grid.parents( '.unselect-grid-div' ).css( 'width', outer_box_width ); //outer blue box width unselect_grid.grid.parents( '.unselect-grid-border-div' ).css( 'width', inner_box_width ); //red border div. unselect_grid_search_div.css( 'width', unselect_grid_search_div_width ); }; this.resizeSelectSearchInputs = function() { var search_div = $( this ).find( '.select-grid-search-div' ); var search_inputs = search_div.find( '.search-input' ); var first_column_width; var select_grid_search_div = $( this ).find( '.select-grid-search-div' ); var len = search_inputs.length; first_column_width = select_grid_header_array[0].width() + 5; if ( len == 1 ) { header = unselect_grid_header_array[1]; search_input = $( search_inputs[0] ); search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() ); } else { for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var header = select_grid_header_array[i + 1]; var search_input = $( search_inputs[i] ); if ( i == ( len - 1 ) ) { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() ); } else { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + 1 ); } } } var newWidth = select_grid.grid.parents( '.ui-jqgrid-jquery-ui' ).width() ? select_grid.grid.parent().parent().width() : 100; select_grid.setGridWidth( newWidth ); var outer_box_width = newWidth + 22; var inner_box_width = newWidth + 4; var max_width = ( ( $( 'body' ).width() / 2 ) - 30 ); if ( outer_box_width > max_width ) { outer_box_width = max_width; inner_box_width = max_width - 17; } select_grid.grid.parents( '.select-grid-div' ).css( 'width', outer_box_width ); //outer blue box width select_grid.grid.parents( '.select-grid-border-div' ).css( 'width', inner_box_width ); //red border div. select_grid_search_div.css( 'width', newWidth ); }; this.buildUnSelectSearchInputs = function() { var len = unselect_grid_header_array.length; var search_div = $( this ).find( '.unselect-grid-search-div' ); var first_column_width = 0; var search_input_array = []; for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var header = unselect_grid_header_array[i]; if ( allow_multiple_selection && i === 0 ) { first_column_width = header.getWidth(); continue; } else if ( allow_multiple_selection && i === 1 ) { var search_input = $( '' ); var width = header.getWidth() + first_column_width - 2; search_input.css( 'width', width ); } else { search_input = $( '' ); if ( i == ( len - 1 ) ) { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + 1 + 'px' ); } else { search_input.css( 'width', header.getWidth() + 'px' ); } } search_input.on( 'drop', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } ); search_input.ASearchInput( { column_model: header.getColumnModel() } ); //Make it as ASearchInout Widget; search_div.append( search_input ); search_input_array.push( search_input ); //Set cached seach_input data back, unsualy in navigation_mode if ( unselect_grid_search_map ) { search_input.setFilter( unselect_grid_search_map ); } //Do Column Search search_input.bind( 'searchEnter', function( e, searchVal, field ) { if ( !unselect_grid_search_map ) { unselect_grid_search_map = {}; } if ( !searchVal ) { delete unselect_grid_search_map[field]; } else { unselect_grid_search_map[field] = searchVal; } if ( a_dropdown_this.isLocalSearchMode() ) { //Search in local data may not always have a parent_a_combo_box such as in the case of Permission Groups. a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'unselect', unselect_grid_search_map ); } else { parent_a_combo_box.setCachedSearchInputsFilter( unselect_grid_search_map ); parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid' ); } } ); } var close_btn = $( '' ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { //close_btn.width( 22 ) } else { //close_btn.width( 14 ); } search_div.prepend( close_btn ); close_btn.click( function() { unselect_grid_search_map = {}; if ( a_dropdown_this.isLocalSearchMode() ) { a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'unselect', unselect_grid_search_map ); } else { parent_a_combo_box.setCachedSearchInputsFilter( unselect_grid_search_map ); parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid' ); } for ( var i = 0; i < search_input_array.length; i++ ) { var s_i = search_input_array[i]; s_i.clearValue(); } } ); }; //Set select item when not allow multiple selection // *IMPORTANT* This cannot be defined as this.setSelectItem() as it will break. setSelectItem = function( val ) { select_item = val; }; //Search Reesult in select grid. it's not effect the selectitems when getSelectItems this.setSelectGridSearchResult = function( val ) { if ( !real_selected_items || real_selected_items.length == 0 ) { //Clone the array with .slice(), this fixes the bug where you have an empty dropdown (no selected items) //You move 5 items to the right side, then search within those items to show only 1, then clear the search, and only 1 item would still be shown. real_selected_items = this.getSelectItems().slice(); } select_grid.setData( val ); }; //Must Set this after setUnselectedGridData for now //Remove select items form allColumn array this.setSelectGridData = function( val, searchResult ) { if ( parent_a_combo_box && parent_a_combo_box.getAPI() ) { val = Global.formatGridData( val, parent_a_combo_box.getAPI().key_name ); } if ( Object.prototype.toString.call( static_source_data ) !== '[object Array]' || static_source_data.length < 1 ) { static_source_data = []; } //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined if ( !val ) { val = []; } var all_columns = static_source_data.slice(); //Copy from Static data var i; var j; var select_item; var tmp_select_items; var all_columns_len; if ( all_columns && all_columns.length > 0 ) { var selectItemLen = val.length; if ( !auto_sort ) { for ( i = 0; i < selectItemLen; i++ ) { select_item = val[i]; if ( !Global.isSet( select_item[key] ) ) { select_item = []; select_item[key] = val[i]; if ( !Global.isSet( tmp_select_items ) ) { tmp_select_items = []; } } all_columns_len = all_columns.length; for ( j = 0; j < all_columns_len; j++ ) { var fromAllColumn = all_columns[j]; if ( fromAllColumn[key] == select_item[key] ) { //saved search select items may don't have ids if it's saved from flex, so set it back if ( !select_item.hasOwnProperty( 'id' ) && fromAllColumn.hasOwnProperty( 'id' ) ) { select_item.id = fromAllColumn.id; } if ( Global.isSet( tmp_select_items ) ) { tmp_select_items.push( fromAllColumn ); } if ( !tree_mode ) { all_columns.splice( j, 1 ); } break; } } } } else { all_columns_len = all_columns.length; for ( j = 0; j < all_columns_len; j++ ) { fromAllColumn = all_columns[j]; for ( i = 0; i < selectItemLen; i++ ) { select_item = val[i]; if ( !Global.isSet( select_item[key] ) ) { select_item = []; select_item[key] = val[i]; if ( !Global.isSet( tmp_select_items ) ) { tmp_select_items = []; } } // we have both string case and number case. sometimes number will be 'xx'. So use == make sure all match if ( fromAllColumn[key] == select_item[key] ) { //saved search select items may don't have ids if it's saved from flex, so set it back if ( !select_item.hasOwnProperty( 'id' ) && fromAllColumn.hasOwnProperty( 'id' ) ) { select_item.id = fromAllColumn.id; } if ( Global.isSet( tmp_select_items ) ) { tmp_select_items.push( fromAllColumn ); } if ( !tree_mode ) { all_columns.splice( j, 1 ); all_columns_len = all_columns_len - 1; j = j - 1; } break; } } } } } // for all static options, that don't need get reald data, the length should always be match, use temp array because val don't //contains full info. if ( tmp_select_items && tmp_select_items.length === val.length || ( val.length > 0 && !val[0].hasOwnProperty( key ) ) ) { val = tmp_select_items; } // val = ( Global.isSet( tmp_select_items ) ) ? tmp_select_items : val; //don't refresh select grid if it's calling from onDropDownsearch whcih doing search in search input if ( !searchResult ) { //select_grid.clearGridData(); //FIXES BUG #1998: The api call returns true when the data it's looking for is deleted. This causes the grid to add a blank row to the unselected side when clear is clicked. if ( typeof val === 'object' ) { select_grid.setData( val ); } } if ( !tree_mode ) { unselect_grid.setData( all_columns ); this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); } else { a_dropdown_this.reSetUnSelectGridTreeData( all_columns ); } a_dropdown_this.setSelectGridDragAble(); a_dropdown_this.setUnSelectGridDragAble(); }; this.setUnSelectGridHighlight = function( array ) { unselect_grid.resetSelection(); $.each( array, function( index, content ) { unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', content, false ); } ); }; this.showNoResultCover = function( target_grid ) { this.removeNoResultCover( target_grid ); var no_result_box = Global.loadWidgetByName( WidgetNamesDic.NO_RESULT_BOX ); no_result_box.NoResultBox( { related_view_controller: this } ); var grid_div; if ( target_grid === 'unselect_grid' ) { no_result_box.attr( 'id', id + target_grid + '_no_result_box' ); grid_div = $( this ).find( '#gbox_unselect_grid_' + id ); unselect_grid_no_result_box = no_result_box; } else { no_result_box.attr( 'id', id + target_grid + '_no_result_box' ); grid_div = $( this ).find( '#gbox_select_grid_' + id ); select_grid_no_result_box = no_result_box; } grid_div.append( no_result_box ); }; this.removeNoResultCover = function( target_grid ) { if ( target_grid === 'unselect_grid' ) { if ( unselect_grid_no_result_box ) { unselect_grid_no_result_box.remove(); unselect_grid_no_result_box = null; } } else { if ( select_grid_no_result_box ) { select_grid_no_result_box.remove(); select_grid_no_result_box = null; } } }; this.setSelectGridHighlight = function( array ) { select_grid.resetSelection(); $.each( array, function( index, content ) { select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', content, false ); } ); }; this.setUnSelectGridDragAble = function() { var highlight_Rows = null; var trs = unselect_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-widget-content' ).attr( 'draggable', 'true' ); trs.unbind( 'dragstart' ).bind( 'dragstart', function( event ) { var target = $( event.target ); var container = $( '
' ); highlight_Rows = unselect_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-state-highlight' ); var cloneRows = []; var len = highlight_Rows.length; if ( len === 0 ) { len = 1; unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', target.attr( 'id' ), false ); } else if ( !target.hasClass( 'ui-state-highlight' ) ) { selectAllInGrid( unselect_grid, true ); unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', target.attr( 'id' ), false ); len = 1; } if ( len === 1 ) { highlight_Rows = unselect_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-state-highlight' ); var clone_row = $( highlight_Rows[0] ).clone(); clone_row.children().eq( 0 ).remove(); clone_row.find( 'td' ).css( 'padding-right', 10 ); clone_row.find( 'td' ).css( 'padding-left', 10 ); container.append( clone_row ); } else { container.append( len + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'item(s) selected' ) ); } $( 'body' ).find( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); $( 'body' ).append( container ); event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData( 'Text', 'un_select_grid' );//JUST ELEMENT references is ok here NO ID if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage ) { event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage( container[0], -10, 0 ); } return true; } ); unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().unbind( 'dragover' ).bind( 'dragover', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); } ); unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().unbind( 'drop' ).bind( 'drop', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( event.stopPropagation ) { event.stopPropagation(); // stops the browser from redirecting. } $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); //drag from left to right if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'Text' ) === 'select_grid' ) { var grid_selected_id_array = select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( false, grid_selected_id_array ); } } } ); trs.unbind( 'dragend' ).bind( 'dragend', function( event ) { $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); } ); unselect_grid.grid.parent().parent().unbind( 'dragend' ).bind( 'dragend', function( event ) { $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); } ); }; //Start Drag this.setSelectGridDragAble = function() { var highlight_Rows = null; var $$this = this; var trs = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-widget-content' ).attr( 'draggable', 'true' ); trs.attr( 'draggable', true ); trs.unbind( 'dragstart' ).bind( 'dragstart', function( event ) { var target = $( event.target ); var container = $( '
' ); highlight_Rows = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-state-highlight' ); var cloneRows = []; var len = highlight_Rows.length; if ( len === 0 ) { len = 1; select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', target.attr( 'id' ), false ); } else if ( !target.hasClass( 'ui-state-highlight' ) ) { selectAllInGrid( select_grid, true ); select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', target.attr( 'id' ), false ); len = 1; } if ( len === 1 ) { highlight_Rows = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-state-highlight' ); var clone_row = $( highlight_Rows[0] ).clone(); clone_row.children().eq( 0 ).remove(); clone_row.find( 'td' ).css( 'padding-right', 10 ); clone_row.find( 'td' ).css( 'padding-left', 10 ); container.append( clone_row ); } else { container.append( len + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'item(s) selected' ) ); } $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); $( 'body' ).append( container ); event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData( 'Text', 'select_grid' );//JUST ELEMENT references is ok here NO ID if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage ) { event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage( container[0], -10, 0 ); } return true; } ); select_grid.grid.parent().parent().unbind( 'dragover' ).bind( 'dragover', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); } ); select_grid.grid.parent().parent().unbind( 'drop' ).bind( 'drop', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( event.stopPropagation ) { event.stopPropagation(); // stops the browser from redirecting. } $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); //drag from left to right if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'Text' ) === 'un_select_grid' ) { if ( !tree_mode ) { var grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, grid_selected_id_array ); } } else { var selectRow = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selrow' ); a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, [selectRow] ); } return; } } ); //when drag item to the header row, put them as first row var parent_grid_container = select_grid.grid.parent().parent().parent(); parent_grid_container = parent_grid_container.find( '.ui-jqgrid-labels' ); parent_grid_container.unbind( 'dragover' ).bind( 'dragover', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).addClass( 'drag-over-bottom' ); } ); parent_grid_container.unbind( 'dragleave' ).bind( 'dragleave', function( event ) { $( this ).removeClass( 'drag-over-bottom' ); } ); trs.unbind( 'dragend' ).bind( 'dragend', function( event ) { $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); } ); select_grid.grid.parent().parent().unbind( 'dragend' ).bind( 'dragend', function( event ) { $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); } ); parent_grid_container.unbind( 'dragend' ).bind( 'dragend', function( event ) { $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); } ); //when dropping on th/divs at top of grid. parent_grid_container.unbind( 'drop' ).bind( 'drop', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( event.stopPropagation ) { event.stopPropagation(); // stops the browser from redirecting. } $( '.drag-holder-table' ).remove(); $( this ).removeClass( 'drag-over-bottom' ); if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'Text' ) === 'select_grid' ) { var firstTr = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-widget-content' )[0]; if ( !firstTr ) { return; } var rows = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-state-highlight' ); var len = rows.length; for ( var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { var value = rows[i]; var row = $( value ); var target_row_index = 0; var select_items = a_dropdown_this.getSelectItems(); var drag_item_index = value.rowIndex - 1; select_items.splice( target_row_index, 0, select_items.splice( drag_item_index, 1 )[0] ); $( row ).insertAfter( firstTr ); // insert after sizerow. } var scroll_position = select_grid.grid.parents( '.ui-jqgrid-bdiv' ).scrollTop(); isChanged = true; select_grid.grid.trigger( 'reloadGrid' ); $$this.setSelectGridDragAble(); rows = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-widget-content' ); $.each( highlight_Rows, function( index, value ) { var item = value; var itemLabel = $( item ).find( 'td' )[1].innerHTML; $.each( rows, function( index1, value1 ) { var row = value1; var rowLabel = $( row ).find( 'td' )[1].innerHTML; if ( itemLabel === rowLabel ) { select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', $( row ).attr( 'id' ), false ); return false; } } ); } ); select_grid.grid.parents( '.ui-jqgrid-bdiv' ).scrollTop( scroll_position ); } else if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'Text' ) === 'un_select_grid' ) { target_row_index = -1; var grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, grid_selected_id_array, target_row_index ); } } a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'formItemChange', [a_dropdown_this] ); } ); trs.unbind( 'dragover' ).bind( 'dragover', function( event ) { $( this ).addClass( 'drag-over-bottom' ); } ); trs.unbind( 'dragleave' ).bind( 'dragleave', function( event ) { $( this ).removeClass( 'drag-over-bottom' ); } ); trs.unbind( 'drop' ).bind( 'drop', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( event.stopPropagation ) { event.stopPropagation(); // stops the browser from redirecting. } $( this ).removeClass( 'drag-over-bottom' ); var $this = this; // Dont do drag to order if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'Text' ) === 'select_grid' ) { var rows = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-state-highlight' ); var len = rows.length; for ( var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { var value = rows[i]; var row = $( value ); if ( value === this ) { continue; } var target_row_index = $this.rowIndex - 1; var select_items = a_dropdown_this.getSelectItems(); var drag_item_index = value.rowIndex - 1; if ( target_row_index >= drag_item_index ) { select_items.splice( target_row_index, 0, select_items.splice( drag_item_index, 1 )[0] ); } else { select_items.splice( target_row_index + 1, 0, select_items.splice( drag_item_index, 1 )[0] ); } $( row ).insertAfter( $this ); } isChanged = true; var scroll_position = select_grid.grid.closest( '.ui-jqgrid-bdiv' ).scrollTop(); select_grid.grid.trigger( 'reloadGrid' ); $$this.setSelectGridDragAble(); rows = select_grid.grid.find( 'tr.ui-widget-content' ); $.each( highlight_Rows, function( index, value ) { var item = value; var itemLabel = $( item ).find( 'td' )[1].innerHTML; $.each( rows, function( index1, value1 ) { row = value1; var rowLabel = $( row ).find( 'td' )[1].innerHTML; if ( itemLabel === rowLabel ) { select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'setSelection', $( row ).attr( 'id' ), false ); return false; } } ); } ); select_grid.grid.closest( '.ui-jqgrid-bdiv' ).scrollTop( scroll_position ); } else if ( event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'Text' ) === 'un_select_grid' ) { if ( !tree_mode ) { target_row_index = $this.rowIndex - 1; var grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, grid_selected_id_array, target_row_index, $( $this ).attr( 'id' ) ); } } else { var selectRow = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selrow' ); a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, [selectRow] ); } } //Need to dirty the form when changing order of selected items a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'formItemChange', [a_dropdown_this] ); } ); }; this.setTotalDisplaySpan = function() { var grid_selected_id_array; if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); } else { grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selrow' ) ? [unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selrow' )] : []; } var grid_selected_length = 0; //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined if ( grid_selected_id_array ) { grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; } var totalRows = 0; var start = 0; var end = 0; var unselect_grid_length = ( ( unselect_grid && Global.isArray( unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ) ) ) ? unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ).length : 0 ); // CLICK TO SHOW MORE MODE OR SHOW ALL if ( LocalCacheData.paging_type === 0 || !pager_data || ( pager_data && pager_data.last_page_number < 0 ) ) { if ( pager_data ) { totalRows = pager_data.total_rows; start = 1; end = unselect_grid_length; } else { totalRows = unselect_grid_length; start = 1; end = unselect_grid_length; } } else { if ( pager_data ) { totalRows = pager_data.total_rows; start = 0; end = 0; if ( pager_data.last_page_number > 1 ) { if ( !pager_data.is_last_page ) { start = ( pager_data.current_page - 1 ) * pager_data.rows_per_page + 1; end = start + pager_data.rows_per_page - 1; } else { start = totalRows - unselect_grid_length + 1; end = totalRows; } } else { start = 1; end = totalRows; } } else { totalRows = 0; start = 0; end = 0; } } var totalInfo; if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { var selected_count = this.getSelectItems().length; var remain_count = unselect_grid_length; if ( remain_count === 0 ) { end = 0; start = 0; } else { end = ( remain_count + start ); if ( start === 1 ) { end = end - 1; } } if ( totalRows ) { //If there is manually added item if ( end > totalRows ) { totalRows = end; } totalInfo = start + ' - ' + end + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'of' ) + ' ' + totalRows + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'total' ) + '. '; } else { totalInfo = start + ' - ' + end + '.'; } total_display_span.text( $.i18n._( 'Displaying' ) + ' ' + totalInfo + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'Selected' ) + ': ' + selected_count ); } else { if ( end === 0 ) { start = 0; } if ( totalRows ) { //If there is manually added item if ( end > totalRows ) { totalRows = end; } totalInfo = start + ' - ' + end + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'of' ) + ' ' + totalRows + ' ' + $.i18n._( 'total' ) + '. '; } else { totalInfo = start + ' - ' + end + '.'; } total_display_span.text( $.i18n._( 'Displaying' ) + ' ' + totalInfo ); } }; this.onUnSelectGridSelectRow = function() { this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); }; this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick = function() { if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { if ( !tree_mode ) { var grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, grid_selected_id_array ); } } else { var selectRow = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selrow' ); a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, [selectRow] ); } } }; this.onSelectGridDoubleClick = function() { var grid_selected_id_array = select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( false, grid_selected_id_array ); } }; //Move items between 2 grids this.moveItems = function( left_to_right, array, index, target_row_id ) { this.removeNoResultCover( 'unselect_grid' ); this.removeNoResultCover( 'select_grid' ); var added_items = []; var removed_items = []; isChanged = true; var editable_unselect_items = $( unselect_grid.grid ).find( '.editable' ); for ( var i = 0; i < editable_unselect_items.length; i++ ) { var $el = $( editable_unselect_items[i] ); var tr_id = $el.parents( 'tr' ).prop( 'id' ); unselect_grid.grid.saveRow( tr_id ); } var editable_select_items = $( select_grid.grid ).find( '.editable' ); for ( var i = 0; i < editable_select_items.length; i++ ) { var $el = $( editable_select_items[i] ); var tr_id = $el.parents( 'tr' ).prop( 'id' ); select_grid.grid.saveRow( tr_id ); } var moved_items_array = array.slice(); if ( left_to_right ) { var source_grid = unselect_grid; var target_grid = select_grid; var source_data = unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); var target_data = select_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); } else { source_grid = select_grid; target_grid = unselect_grid; source_data = select_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); target_data = unselect_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); } if ( !Global.isArray( target_data ) ) { target_data = []; } if ( source_data[0] && source_data[0].hasOwnProperty( 'id' ) ) { if ( !Global.isSet( index ) ) { array = array.reverse(); } for ( var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { var selected_item_id = array[i]; for ( var j = 0; j < source_data.length; j++ ) { var from_all_columns_item = source_data[j]; if ( from_all_columns_item.hidden ) { continue; //Do not move hidden iteme } if ( from_all_columns_item.id == selected_item_id ) { //html number is string, compare string numbers with number number var select_item = from_all_columns_item; if ( !tree_mode || !left_to_right ) { //Don't remove item from list if tree mode source_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'delRowData', selected_item_id ); i = i + 1; } if ( !tree_mode || left_to_right ) { if ( tree_mode ) { //Make sure only one item can be add to right when tree mode var target_data_len = target_data.length; var find = false; for ( var y = 0; y < target_data_len; y++ ) { var existed_item = target_data[y]; if ( existed_item[key] === select_item[key] ) { find = true; break; } } if ( !find ) { if ( index >= 0 ) { target_grid.grid.addRowData( selected_item_id, select_item, 'after', target_row_id ); target_data.splice( target_data.length - 1, 1 ); target_data.splice( index + 1, 0, select_item ); } else if ( index === -1 ) { // add to first row target_grid.grid.addRowData( selected_item_id, select_item, 'first' ); target_data.splice( target_data.length - 1, 1 ); target_data.unshift( select_item ); } else { target_grid.grid.addRowData( selected_item_id, select_item ); target_data[target_data.length - 1] = select_item; //need this since we need full data, addRowData only keep data which shown on UI } } } else { if ( index >= 0 ) { target_grid.grid.addRowData( selected_item_id, select_item, 'after', target_row_id ); target_data.splice( target_data.length - 1, 1 ); target_data.splice( index + 1, 0, select_item ); } else if ( index === -1 ) { // add to first row target_grid.grid.addRowData( selected_item_id, select_item, 'first' ); target_data.splice( target_data.length - 1, 1 ); target_data.unshift( select_item ); } else { target_grid.grid.addRowData( selected_item_id, select_item ); target_data[target_data.length - 1] = select_item; // } added_items.push( select_item ); } } break; } } } } if ( !tree_mode ) { target_grid.grid.trigger( 'reloadGrid' ); // if ( left_to_right ) { // a_dropdown_this.resizeSelectSearchInputs(); // } } else { if ( left_to_right ) { a_dropdown_this.reSetUnSelectGridTreeData( source_data ); } else { a_dropdown_this.reSetUnSelectGridTreeData( target_data ); } } a_dropdown_this.setSelectGridDragAble(); a_dropdown_this.setUnSelectGridDragAble(); a_dropdown_this.updateRealSelectItemsIfNecessary( left_to_right, moved_items_array ); a_dropdown_this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); if ( !parent_a_combo_box ) { a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'formItemChange', [a_dropdown_this] ); } if ( a_dropdown_this.isLocalSearchMode() ) { a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'unselect', unselect_grid_search_map, added_items ); a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'select', select_grid_search_map, added_items ); } }; this.updateRealSelectItemsIfNecessary = function( left_to_right, moved_items ) { if ( !real_selected_items || real_selected_items.length == 0 ) { return; } if ( left_to_right ) { var current_items_in_selected_grid = select_grid.getGridParam( 'data' ); $.each( moved_items, function( index, value ) { $.each( current_items_in_selected_grid, function( index1, value1 ) { if ( value1[key] == value ) { //use == to match '' or number of id real_selected_items.push( value1 ); return false; } } ); } ); } else { $.each( moved_items, function( index, value ) { $.each( real_selected_items, function( index1, value1 ) { if ( value1[key] == value ) { //use == to match '' or number of id real_selected_items.splice( index1, 1 ); return false; } } ); } ); } }; this.setHeight = function( height ) { if ( max_height && max_height < height ) { height = max_height; } unselect_grid.grid.setGridHeight( height ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { select_grid.grid.setGridHeight( height ); } }; var initColumnSettingsBtn = function() { var edit_icon_div = $( a_dropdown_this ).find( '.edit-columnIcon-div' ); var edit_icon = $( a_dropdown_this ).find( '.edit_column_icon' ); if ( !display_column_settings || tree_mode ) { edit_icon_div.hide(); return; } else { edit_icon_div.show(); } edit_icon_div.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); edit_icon.attr( 'src', Global.getRealImagePath( 'images/edit.png' ) ); //OPen Column editor edit_icon_div.click( function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ( !parent_a_combo_box.getEnabled() ) { return; } api.getOptions( column_option_key, { onResult: function( columns_result ) { column_editor = $( $.fn.ColumnEditor.html_template ); // Unable to use Global.loadWidgetByName as FormItemType did not have ColumnEditor listed, and its only used in one place anyway. column_editor.find( '#save_btn' ).text( $.i18n._( 'Save and Close' ) ); column_editor.find( '#close_btn' ).text( $.i18n._( 'Close' ) ); column_editor.find( '.rows-per-page' ).text( $.i18n._( 'Rows Per Page' ) ); column_editor.find( '.choose-layout' ).text( $.i18n._( 'Choose Layout' ) ); column_editor = column_editor.ColumnEditor( { parent_awesome_box: parent_a_combo_box } ); var columns_result_data = columns_result.getResult(); parent_a_combo_box.setAllColumns( Global.buildColumnArray( columns_result_data ) ); parent_a_combo_box.setDisplayColumnsForEditor( parent_a_combo_box.buildDisplayColumnsForEditor() ); //Open Column Editor; column_editor.show(); } } ); } ); }; var setLabels = function() { var unselected_items_label = a_dropdown_this.find( '#unSelectedItemsLabel' ); var un_deselect_all_btn = a_dropdown_this.find( '#unDeselectAllBtn' ); var unselect_all_btn = a_dropdown_this.find( '#unselect_all_btn' ); var un_clear_btn = a_dropdown_this.find( '#un_clear_btn' ); var show_all_check_box_label = a_dropdown_this.find( '#show_all_check_box_label' ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { unselected_items_label.text( $.i18n._( 'UNSELECTED ITEMS' ) ); } else { unselected_items_label.text( $.i18n._( 'PLEASE SELECT ITEM' ) ); } un_deselect_all_btn.text( $.i18n._( 'Deselect All' ) ); unselect_all_btn.text( $.i18n._( 'Select All' ) ); un_clear_btn.text( $.i18n._( 'Move All' ) ); show_all_check_box_label.text( $.i18n._( 'Show All' ) ); var selectedItemsLabel = a_dropdown_this.find( '#selectedItemsLabel' ); var delete_all_btn = a_dropdown_this.find( '#delete_all_btn' ); var select_all_btn = a_dropdown_this.find( '#select_all_btn' ); var clear_btn = a_dropdown_this.find( '#clear_btn' ); selectedItemsLabel.text( $.i18n._( 'SELECTED ITEMS' ) ); delete_all_btn.text( $.i18n._( 'Deselect All' ) ); select_all_btn.text( $.i18n._( 'Select All' ) ); clear_btn.text( $.i18n._( 'Move All' ) ); }; this.selectNextItem = function( e ) { var next_index; var target_grid; var next_select_item; if ( e.keyCode === 39 ) { //right if ( allow_multiple_selection && !$( e.target ).hasClass( 'search-input' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick(); } } else if ( e.keyCode === 37 ) { //left if ( allow_multiple_selection && !$( e.target ).hasClass( 'search-input' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); a_dropdown_this.onSelectGridDoubleClick(); } } else { if ( quick_search_timer ) { clearTimeout( quick_search_timer ); } var focus_target = $( ':focus' ); if ( focus_target.length > 0 && $( focus_target[0] ).hasClass( 'search-input' ) ) { return; } quick_search_timer = setTimeout( function() { quick_search_typed_keys = ''; }, 200 ); e.preventDefault(); quick_search_typed_keys = quick_search_typed_keys + Global.KEYCODES[e.which]; if ( allow_multiple_selection || tree_mode ) { if ( quick_search_typed_keys ) { target_grid = a_dropdown_this.getFocusInSeletGrid() ? a_dropdown_this.getSelectGrid() : a_dropdown_this.getUnSelectGrid(); var search_index = quick_search_dic[quick_search_typed_keys] ? quick_search_dic[quick_search_typed_keys] : 0; var tds = $( target_grid.grid.find( 'tr' ).find( 'td:eq(1)' ).filter( function() { return $.text( [this] ).toLowerCase().indexOf( quick_search_typed_keys ) == 0; } ) ); var td; if ( search_index < 0 || search_index > tds.length ) { search_index = 0; } td = $( tds[search_index] ); a_dropdown_this.unSelectAll( target_grid.grid, true ); next_index = td.parent().index() - 1; var next_select_item = false; var grid_data = target_grid.getData(); for ( var z = 0; z < grid_data.length; z++ ) { if ( grid_data[z].id == td.parents( 'tr' ).attr( 'id' ) ) { next_select_item = grid_data[z]; break; } } select_item = next_select_item; a_dropdown_this.setSelectItem( next_select_item, target_grid ); quick_search_dic = {}; quick_search_dic[quick_search_typed_keys] = search_index + 1; } } else { if ( quick_search_typed_keys ) { search_index = quick_search_dic[quick_search_typed_keys] ? quick_search_dic[quick_search_typed_keys] : 0; tds = $( a_dropdown_this.getUnSelectGrid().find( 'tr' ).find( 'td:first' ).filter( function() { return $.text( [this] ).toLowerCase().indexOf( quick_search_typed_keys ) == 0; } ) ); if ( search_index > 0 && search_index < tds.length ) { } else { search_index = 0; } td = $( tds[search_index] ); next_index = td.parent().index() - 1; next_select_item = this.getItemByIndex( next_index ); select_item = next_select_item; a_dropdown_this.setSelectItem( next_select_item ); quick_search_dic = {}; quick_search_dic[quick_search_typed_keys] = search_index + 1; } } } }; //For multiple items like .xxx could contains a few widgets. //#2353 removed $.each because it's slower for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { var obj = $( this[i] ); //#2353 - caching the lookup to speed this part up. var o = $.meta ? $.extend( {}, opts, obj.data() ) : opts; if ( o.default_height > 150 ) { default_height = o.default_height; } field = o.field; if ( o.search_input_filter ) { unselect_grid_search_map = o.search_input_filter; } if ( o.select_grid_search_input_filter ) { select_grid_search_map = o.select_grid_search_input_filter; } if ( o.default_sort_filter ) { unselect_grid_sort_map = o.default_sort_filter; } if ( o.default_select_grid_sort_filter ) { select_grid_sort_map = o.default_select_grid_sort_filter; } if ( o.auto_sort ) { auto_sort = o.auto_sort; } if ( Global.isSet( o.allow_multiple_selection ) ) { allow_multiple_selection = o.allow_multiple_selection; } if ( o.column_option_key ) { column_option_key = o.column_option_key; } if ( o.api ) { api = o.api; } if ( o.hasOwnProperty( 'display_column_settings' ) ) { display_column_settings = o.display_column_settings; } if ( o.resize_grids ) { resize_grids = o.resize_grids; } else { resize_grids = false; } //Init paging widget left_buttons_div = obj.find( '.left-buttons-div' ); right_buttons_div = obj.find( '.right-buttons-div' ); start = obj.find( '.start' ); last = obj.find( '.last' ); next = obj.find( '.next' ); end = obj.find( '.end' ); start.text( $.i18n._( 'Start' ) ); last.text( $.i18n._( 'Previous' ) ); next.text( $.i18n._( 'Next' ) ); end.text( $.i18n._( 'End' ) ); start.click( function() { if ( left_buttons_enable ) { parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid', 'start' ); } } ); last.click( function() { if ( left_buttons_enable ) { parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid', 'last' ); } } ); next.click( function() { if ( right_buttons_enable ) { parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid', 'next' ); } } ); end.click( function() { if ( right_buttons_enable ) { parent_a_combo_box.onADropDownSearch( 'unselect_grid', 'end' ); } } ); left_buttons_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); right_buttons_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); if ( LocalCacheData.paging_type !== 10 ) { //Click to show more button below the last row paging_widget = Global.loadWidgetByName( WidgetNamesDic.PAGING ); } //Display 'Displaying XX of xx, Selected: xxx' total_display_span = obj.find( '.total-number-span' ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { total_display_span.text( $.i18n._( 'Displaying' ) + ' 0 ' + $.i18n._( 'of' ) + ' 0 ' + $.i18n._( 'total' ) ); } else { total_display_span.text( $.i18n._( 'Displaying' ) + ' 0 - 0 ' + $.i18n._( 'of' ) + ' 0 ' + $.i18n._( 'total' ) + '. ' + $.i18n._( 'Selected' ) + ': 0' ); } if ( !allow_multiple_selection ) { var unselect_grd_border_div = obj.find( '.unselect-grid-border-div' ); unselect_grd_border_div.addClass( 'single-mode-border' ); } var unselect_grd_div = obj.find( '.unselect-grid-div' ); unselect_grd_div.bind( 'click', function() { focus_in_select_grid = false; } ); var select_grid_div = obj.find( '.select-grid-div' ); var left_and_right_div = obj.find( '.left-and-right-div' ); var unselected_items_label = obj.find( '#unselected_items_label' ); var selected_items_label = obj.find( '#selected_items_label' ); select_grid_div.bind( 'click', function() { focus_in_select_grid = true; } ); if ( !allow_multiple_selection ) { select_grid_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); left_and_right_div.css( 'display', 'none' ); unselected_items_label.text( $.i18n._( 'SELECT AN ITEM' ) ); } else { select_grid_div.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); left_and_right_div.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); unselected_items_label.text( $.i18n._( 'UNSELECTED ITEMS' ) ); selected_items_label.text( $.i18n._( 'SELECTED ITEMS' ) ); } if ( Global.isSet( o.allow_drag_to_order ) ) { allow_drag_to_order = o.allow_drag_to_order; } //Set UI visibility if ( o.display_show_all === true ) { var show_all_check_box = obj.find( '#show_all_check_box' ); show_all_check_box.css( 'display', 'normal' ); obj.find( '#show_all_check_box_label' ).css( 'display', 'normal' ); if ( o.show_all === true ) { show_all_check_box.prop( 'checked', 'true' ); } else { show_all_check_box.prop( 'checked', undefined ); } obj.find( '#show_all_check_box' ).click( function() { var show_all_checked = false; if ( show_all_check_box.prop( 'checked' ) === 'checked' || show_all_check_box[0].checked === true ) { show_all_checked = true; } parent_a_combo_box.onShowAll( show_all_checked ); } ); } else { obj.find( '#show_all_check_box' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); obj.find( '#show_all_check_box_label' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); } if ( o.comboBox ) { parent_a_combo_box = o.comboBox; if ( parent_a_combo_box.allow_multiple_selection ) { obj.css( 'min-Width', 958 ); } else { } } else { obj.css( 'min-Width', 958 ); } id = o.id; obj.attr( 'id', o.id + 'ADropDown' ); if ( o.max_height ) { max_height = o.max_height; } if ( o.static_height ) { static_height = o.static_height; max_height = o.static_height; } if ( o.key ) { key = o.key; } if ( o.hasOwnProperty( 'show_search_inputs' ) ) { show_search_inputs = o.show_search_inputs; } if ( o.tree_mode ) { tree_mode = o.tree_mode; } if ( o.on_tree_grid_row_select ) { on_tree_grid_row_select = o.on_tree_grid_row_select; } //All options set, NOW we init the label and column settings button setLabels(); initColumnSettingsBtn(); unselect_grid = obj.find( '.unselect-grid' ); //Must add id for them unselect_grid.attr( 'id', 'unselect_grid' + '_' + id ); var unselect_grid_data = {}; if ( !tree_mode ) { unselect_grid_data = { width: 440, //maxHeight: default_height, onCellSelect: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridSelectRow, ondblClickRow: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick, multiselect: allow_multiple_selection, winMultiSelect: allow_multiple_selection, multiboxonly: allow_multiple_selection }; } else { unselect_grid_data = { width: 440, //maxHeight: default_height, sortname: 'id', onCellSelect: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridSelectRow, ondblClickRow: a_dropdown_this.onUnSelectGridDoubleClick, multiselect: allow_multiple_selection, winMultiSelect: allow_multiple_selection, gridview: true, treeGrid: true, treeGridModel: 'adjacency', treedatatype: 'local', ExpandColumn: 'name', jsonReader: { repeatitems: false, root: function( obj ) { return obj; }, page: function( obj ) { return 1; }, total: function( obj ) { return 1; }, records: function( obj ) { return obj.length; } } }; } if ( max_height ) { unselect_grid_data.maxHeight = max_height; } if ( static_height ) { unselect_grid_data.static_height = static_height; } unselect_grid = new TTGrid( 'unselect_grid' + '_' + id, unselect_grid_data, [] ); select_grid = obj.find( '.select-grid' ); select_grid.attr( 'id', 'select_grid' + '_' + id ); select_grid = new TTGrid( 'select_grid' + '_' + id, { container_selector: '.select-grid-div', altRows: true, data: [], datatype: 'local', sortable: false, width: 440, //maxHeight: default_height, rowNum: 10000, colNames: [], colModel: [], ondblClickRow: a_dropdown_this.onSelectGridDoubleClick, multiselect: allow_multiple_selection, winMultiSelect: allow_multiple_selection, multiboxonly: true, viewrecords: true, onResizeGrid: resize_grids, maxHeight: max_height, static_height: static_height ? static_height : null }, [] ); var right_arrow = obj.find( '.a-grid-right-arrow' ); var left_arrow = obj.find( '.a-grid-left-arrow' ); right_arrow.attr( 'src', Global.getRealImagePath( 'css/global/widgets/awesomebox/images/nav_right.png' ) ); left_arrow.attr( 'src', Global.getRealImagePath( 'css/global/widgets/awesomebox/images/nav_left.png' ) ); right_arrow.click( function() { if ( !tree_mode ) { var grid_selected_id_array = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, grid_selected_id_array ); } } else { var selectRow = unselect_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selrow' ); a_dropdown_this.moveItems( true, [selectRow] ); } } ); left_arrow.click( function() { var grid_selected_id_array = select_grid.grid.jqGrid( 'getGridParam', 'selarrrow' ); var grid_selected_length = grid_selected_id_array.length; if ( grid_selected_length > 0 ) { a_dropdown_this.moveItems( false, grid_selected_id_array ); } } ); //Set Action Buttons //UnSelect grid var unselect_all_btn = obj.find( '#unselect_all_btn' ); unselect_all_btn.click( function() { selectAllInGrid( unselect_grid ); } ); var un_deselect_all_Btn = obj.find( '#unDeselectAllBtn' ); un_deselect_all_Btn.click( function() { selectAllInGrid( unselect_grid, true ); } ); var un_clear_btn = obj.find( '#un_clear_btn' ); un_clear_btn.click( function() { cleanAllInGrid( unselect_grid, true ); } ); if ( tree_mode || !allow_multiple_selection ) { unselect_all_btn.css( 'display', 'none' ); un_deselect_all_Btn.css( 'display', 'none' ); un_clear_btn.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { unselect_all_btn.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); un_deselect_all_Btn.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); un_clear_btn.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); } //Select Grid var select_all_btn = obj.find( '#select_all_btn' ); select_all_btn.click( function() { selectAllInGrid( select_grid ); } ); var delete_all_btn = obj.find( '#delete_all_btn' ); delete_all_btn.click( function() { selectAllInGrid( select_grid, true ); } ); var clear_btn = obj.find( '#clear_btn' ); clear_btn.click( function() { cleanAllInGrid( select_grid ); } ); var select_grid_close_btn = obj.find( '#select_grid_close_btn' ); var unselect_grid_close_btn = obj.find( '#unselect_grid_close_btn' ); if ( allow_multiple_selection ) { unselect_grid_close_btn.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { unselect_grid_close_btn.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); unselect_grid_close_btn.click( function() { a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'close', [a_dropdown_this] ); } ); } if ( Global.isSet( o.display_close_btn ) && !o.display_close_btn ) { select_grid_close_btn.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { select_grid_close_btn.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); select_grid_close_btn.click( function() { a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'close', [a_dropdown_this] ); } ); } //Move all records from target grid to another function cleanAllInGrid( target, left_to_right ) { a_dropdown_this.removeNoResultCover( 'unselect_grid' ); a_dropdown_this.removeNoResultCover( 'select_grid' ); isChanged = true; var finalArray = []; if ( left_to_right ) { var source_grid = unselect_grid; var target_grid = select_grid; var source_data = unselect_grid.getData(); var target_data = select_grid.getData(); } else { source_grid = select_grid; target_grid = unselect_grid; source_data = select_grid.getData(); target_data = unselect_grid.getData(); } if ( a_dropdown_this.isLocalSearchMode() ) { //Only move visible items while on local search mode. var [keep_items, move_items] = _.partition( source_data, ( item ) => { return item.hidden; } ); source_grid.setData( keep_items ); target_grid.setData( target_data.concat( move_items ) ); a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'unselect', unselect_grid_search_map, move_items ); a_dropdown_this.localSearch( 'select', select_grid_search_map, move_items ); } else if ( tree_mode ) { source_grid.clearGridData(); source_grid.grid.trigger( 'reloadGrid' ); a_dropdown_this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); a_dropdown_this.getUnSelectGrid().grid.find( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'selected-tree-cell' ); } else { finalArray = target_data.concat( source_data ); target_grid.setData( finalArray ); //#2721 - This helps fixes a bug where if you expand a awesomebox (ie: Edit Policy Group, Absence Policys), on right-hand side click clear search. Click Move All on right-hand side. Collapse, expand, click move All left-hand side. Both sides are now blank. if ( left_to_right ) { real_selected_items = finalArray; // Fixes #2721 } else { real_selected_items = []; } source_grid.clearGridData(); source_grid.grid.trigger( 'reloadGrid' ); a_dropdown_this.setTotalDisplaySpan(); } if ( !parent_a_combo_box ) { a_dropdown_this.trigger( 'formItemChange', [a_dropdown_this] ); } a_dropdown_this.setSelectGridDragAble(); a_dropdown_this.setUnSelectGridDragAble(); } } return this; }; $.fn.ADropDown.defaults = {}; $.fn.ADropDown.html_template = `
`; } )( jQuery );