 * TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
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 * @package Modules\Import
class ImportUserEducation extends Import {

	public $class_name = 'APIUserEducation';

	public $qualification_options = false;

	 * @param $name
	 * @param null $parent
	 * @return array|bool|null
	function _getFactoryOptions( $name, $parent = null ) {

		$retval = null;
		switch ( $name ) {
			case 'columns':
				$uef = TTNew( 'UserEducationFactory' ); /** @var UserWageFactory $uef */
				$retval = Misc::prependArray( $this->getUserIdentificationColumns(), Misc::arrayIntersectByKey( [ 'qualification', 'institute', 'major', 'minor', 'grade_score', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'graduate_date' ], Misc::trimSortPrefix( $uef->getOptions( 'columns' ) ) ) );

			case 'column_aliases':
				//Used for converting column names after they have been parsed.
				$retval = [
						'qualification' => 'qualification_id',
			case 'import_options':
				$retval = [
						'-1010-fuzzy_match'			 => TTi18n::getText( 'Enable smart matching.' ),
						'-1050-create_qualification' => TTi18n::getText( 'Create courses that don\'t already exist.' ),
			case 'parse_hint':
				$upf = TTnew( 'UserPreferenceFactory' ); /** @var UserPreferenceFactory $upf */

				$retval = [
						'start_date' => $upf->getOptions( 'date_format' ),
						'end_date' => $upf->getOptions( 'date_format' ),
						'graduate_date' => $upf->getOptions( 'date_format' ),

		return $retval;

	 * @param $row_number
	 * @param $raw_row
	 * @return mixed
	function _preParseRow( $row_number, $raw_row ) {
		$user_education_default_data = $this->getObject()->stripReturnHandler( $this->getObject()->getUserEducationDefaultData() ); //Get default data.
		$user_education_default_data['institute'] = ''; //If the user doesn't specify this, it will trigger a friendly validation error stating that it must be.
		$user_education_default_data['major'] = ''; //If the user doesn't specify this, it will trigger a friendly validation error stating that it must be.
		$user_education_default_data['minor'] = ''; //If the user doesn't specify this, it will trigger a friendly validation error stating that it must be.
		$retval = $user_education_default_data;

		return $retval;

	 * @param $row_number
	 * @param $raw_row
	 * @return mixed
	function _postParseRow( $row_number, $raw_row ) {
		$raw_row['user_id'] = $this->getUserIdByRowData( $raw_row );
		if ( $raw_row['user_id'] == false ) {
			unset( $raw_row['user_id'] );

		return $raw_row;

	 * @param int $validate_only EPOCH
	 * @return mixed
	function _import( $validate_only ) {
		return $this->getObject()->setUserEducation( $this->getParsedData(), $validate_only );

	// Generic parser functions.

	 * @return bool
	function getQualificationOptions( $type_id ) {
		//Get qualifications
		$qlf = TTNew( 'QualificationListFactory' ); /** @var QualificationListFactory $qlf */
		$qlf->getByCompanyIdAndTypeId( $this->company_id, $type_id );
		$this->qualification_options = (array)$qlf->getArrayByListFactory( $qlf, false );
		unset( $qlf );

		return true;

	 * @param $input
	 * @param null $default_value
	 * @param null $parse_hint
	 * @return array|bool|int|mixed
	function parse_qualification( $input, $default_value = null, $parse_hint = null ) {
		if ( trim( $input ) == '' ) {
			return TTUUID::getZeroID(); //No qualification

		$type_id = 20; //20=Education
		if ( !is_array( $this->qualification_options ) ) {
			$this->getQualificationOptions( $type_id );

		$retval = $this->findClosestMatch( $input, $this->qualification_options );
		if ( $retval === false ) {
			if ( $this->getImportOptions( 'create_qualification' ) == true ) {
				$qf = TTnew( 'QualificationFactory' ); /** @var QualificationFactory $qf */
				$qf->setCompany( $this->company_id );
				$qf->setType( $type_id );
				$qf->setVisibilityType( 10 ); //Internal Only
				$qf->setName( $input );
				if ( $qf->isValid() ) {
					$new_qualification_id = $qf->Save();
					$this->getQualificationOptions( $type_id ); //Update group records after we've added a new one.
					Debug::Text( 'Created new qualification name: ' . $input . ' ID: ' . $new_qualification_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return $new_qualification_id;
				unset( $qf, $new_qualification_id );

			$retval = -1; //Make sure this fails.

		return $retval;

	 * @param $input
	 * @param null $default_value
	 * @param null $parse_hint
	 * @return bool|false|int
	function parse_start_date( $input, $default_value = null, $parse_hint = null ) {
		if ( isset( $parse_hint ) && $parse_hint != '' ) {
			TTDate::setDateFormat( $parse_hint );

			return TTDate::parseDateTime( $input );
		} else {
			return TTDate::strtotime( $input );

	 * @param $input
	 * @param null $default_value
	 * @param null $parse_hint
	 * @return bool|false|int
	function parse_end_date( $input, $default_value = null, $parse_hint = null ) {
		if ( isset( $parse_hint ) && $parse_hint != '' ) {
			TTDate::setDateFormat( $parse_hint );

			return TTDate::parseDateTime( $input );
		} else {
			return TTDate::strtotime( $input );

	 * @param $input
	 * @param null $default_value
	 * @param null $parse_hint
	 * @return bool|false|int
	function parse_graduate_date( $input, $default_value = null, $parse_hint = null ) {
		if ( isset( $parse_hint ) && $parse_hint != '' ) {
			TTDate::setDateFormat( $parse_hint );

			return TTDate::parseDateTime( $input );
		} else {
			return TTDate::strtotime( $input );
