FailTrans(); } //print_r($e); //adodb_pr($e); Debug::Text( 'Begin Exception... [ ' . @date( 'd-M-Y G:i:s O' ) . ' [' . microtime( true ) . '] (PID: ' . getmypid() . ') ]', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); Debug::Arr( Debug::backTrace(), ' BackTrace: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); //Log database error // This can be tested with the following code: throw new DBError( new Exception('unique constraint', 99999 ), 99999 ); if ( $e->getMessage() != '' ) { if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'statement timeout' ) !== false ) { $code = 'DBTimeout'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'unique constraint' ) !== false ) { $code = 'DBUniqueConstraint'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'invalid byte sequence' ) !== false ) { $code = 'DBInvalidByteSequence'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'could not serialize' ) !== false ) { $code = 'DBSerialize'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'deadlock' ) !== false || stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'lock timeout' ) !== false || stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'concurrent' ) !== false ) { $code = 'DBDeadLock'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'server has gone away' ) !== false || stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'closed the connection unexpectedly' ) !== false || stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'execution was interrupted' ) !== false ) { //Connection was lost after it was initially made. $code = 'DBConnectionLost'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'No space left on device' ) !== false ) { //Unrecoverable error, set down_for_maintenance so server admin can investigate? $code = 'DBNoSpaceOnDevice'; } else if ( stristr( $e->getMessage(), 'connection failed' ) !== false ) { //Connection could not be established to begin with. $code = 'DBConnectionFailed'; } Debug::Text( 'Code: ' . $code . '(' . $e->getCode() . ') Message: ' . $e->getMessage(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); } if ( $e->getTrace() != '' ) { ob_start(); //ADDBO_BACKTRACE() always insists on printing its output and returning it, so capture the output and drop it, so we can use the $adodb_backtrace_arr variable instead. $adodb_backtrace_arr = adodb_backtrace( $e->getTrace(), 9999, false ); ob_end_clean(); Debug::Arr( $adodb_backtrace_arr, 'Exception...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); unset( $adodb_backtrace_arr ); } //Make sure we populate the exception variables, so we can properly catch them again. parent::__construct( $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode() ); Debug::Text( 'End Exception...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( !defined( 'UNIT_TEST_MODE' ) || UNIT_TEST_MODE === false ) { //When in unit test mode don't exit/redirect if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == true || ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == false && in_array( $code, [ 'DBConnectionFailed', 'DBNoSpaceOnDevice', 'DBConnectionLost' ] ) == false ) ) { Debug::emailLog(); } //Dump debug buffer. //Debug::Display(); //Handled in TTShutdown now. //Debug::writeToLog(); //Handled in TTShutdown now. //Prevent PHP error by checking to make sure output buffer exists before clearing it. if ( ob_get_level() > 0 ) { ob_flush(); ob_clean(); } if ( defined( 'TIMETREX_JSON_API' ) ) { if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == true ) { switch ( strtolower( $code ) ) { case 'dbtimeout': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 database query has timed-out, if you were trying to run a report it may be too large, please narrow your search criteria and try again.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbuniqueconstraint': case 'dbdeadlock': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected a duplicate request, this may be due to double-clicking a button or a poor internet connection.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbinvalidbytesequence': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected invalid UTF8 characters, if you are attempting to use non-english characters, they may be invalid.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbserialize': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected a duplicate request running at the exact same time, please try your request again.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; default: $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 is currently undergoing maintenance. We\'re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Please try again in 15 minutes.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; } } else { switch ( strtolower( $code ) ) { case 'dbtimeout': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 database query has timed-out, if you were trying to run a report it may be too large, please narrow your search criteria and try again.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbuniqueconstraint': case 'dbdeadlock': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected a duplicate request, this may be due to double-clicking a button or a poor internet connection.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbinvalidbytesequence': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected invalid UTF8 characters, if you are attempting to use non-english characters, they may be invalid.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbserialize': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected a duplicate request running at the exact same time, please try your request again.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbnospaceondevice': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 has detected a database error, please contact technical support immediately.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dberror': case 'dbconnectionfailed': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 is unable to connect to its database, please make sure that the database service on your own local %1 server has been started and is running. If you are unsure, try rebooting your server.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; case 'dbinitialize': $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 database has not been initialized yet, please run the installer again and follow the on screen instructions. Click here to run the installer now.', [ APPLICATION_NAME, Environment::getBaseURL() . '/install/install.php?external_installer=1' ] ); break; default: $description = TTi18n::getText( '%1 experienced a general error, please contact technical support.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ); break; } } $obj = new APIAuthentication(); echo json_encode( $obj->returnHandler( false, 'EXCEPTION', $description ) ); exit; } else if ( PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ) { //Don't attempt to redirect echo "Fatal Exception: Code: " . $code . "... Exiting with error code 254!\n"; exit( 254 ); } else { global $config_vars; if ( DEPLOYMENT_ON_DEMAND == false && isset( $config_vars['other']['installer_enabled'] ) && $config_vars['other']['installer_enabled'] == 1 && in_array( strtolower( $code ), [ 'dberror', 'dbinitialize' ] ) ) { Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( [], Environment::getBaseURL() . 'html5/index.php?installer=1&disable_db=1&external_installer=0#!m=Install&a=license&external_installer=0' ) ); } else { Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'exception' => $code ], Environment::getBaseURL() . 'html5/DownForMaintenance.php' ) ); } exit; } } return true; } } /** * Used by RetryTransaction() when a nested retry block fails, so we can detect it and trigger the outer most retry block to retry from the scratch. * Class NestedRetryTransaction */ class NestedRetryTransaction extends Exception { } /** * @package Core */ class GeneralError extends Exception { /** * GeneralError constructor. * @param string $message */ function __construct( $message ) { global $db; //debug_print_backtrace(); //If we couldn't connect to the database, this method may not exist. if ( isset( $db ) && is_object( $db ) && method_exists( $db, 'FailTrans' ) ) { $db->FailTrans(); } /* echo "======================================================================
\n"; echo "EXCEPTION!
\n"; echo "======================================================================
\n"; echo "Error message: ".$message ."
\n"; echo "Error code: ".$this->getCode()."
\n"; echo "Script Name: ".$this->getFile()."
\n"; echo "Line Number: ".$this->getLine()."
\n"; echo "======================================================================
\n"; echo "EXCEPTION!
\n"; echo "======================================================================
\n"; */ Debug::Text( 'EXCEPTION: Code: ' . $this->getCode() . ' Message: ' . $message . ' File: ' . $this->getFile() . ' Line: ' . $this->getLine(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); Debug::Arr( Debug::backTrace(), ' BackTrace: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 ); if ( !defined( 'UNIT_TEST_MODE' ) || UNIT_TEST_MODE === false ) { //When in unit test mode don't exit/redirect //Dump debug buffer. //Debug::Display(); //Handled in TTShutdown now. //Debug::writeToLog(); //Handled in TTShutdown now. Debug::emailLog(); ob_flush(); ob_clean(); if ( defined( 'TIMETREX_JSON_API' ) ) { $obj = new APIAuthentication(); echo json_encode( $obj->returnHandler( false, 'EXCEPTION', TTi18n::getText( '%1 experienced a general error, please contact technical support.', [ APPLICATION_NAME ] ) ) ); exit; } else { Redirect::Page( URLBuilder::getURL( [ 'exception' => 'GeneralError' ], Environment::getBaseURL() . 'html5/DownForMaintenance.php' ) ); exit; } } } } ?>