 * TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
 * TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
 * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
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 * @package Core
class CalculatePolicy {

	//Default option flags.
	private $flags = [
			'meal'                => true,
			'undertime_absence'   => true,
			'break'               => true,
			'holiday'             => true,
			'schedule_absence'    => true,
			'absence'             => true,
			'regular'             => true,
			'overtime'            => true,
			'premium'             => true,
			'accrual'             => true,
			'exception'           => true,

			//Exception options
			'exception_premature' => false, //Calculates premature exceptions
			'exception_future'    => true, //Calculates exceptions in the future.

			//Calculate policies for future dates.
			'future_dates'        => true, //Calculates dates in the future.
			'past_dates'          => false, //Calculates dates in the past. This is only needed when Pay Formulas that use averaging are enabled?

	private $profiler_start_time = null;

	private $user_obj = null;
	private $original_time_zone = null;

	private $pay_periods = null;
	private $pay_period_schedules = null;
	private $pay_period_obj = null;
	private $pay_period_schedule_obj = null;
	private $start_week_day_id = 0; //Cache the pay period schedule start_week_day_id.

	//Array of dates that data has been obtained, pending calculation or already calculated.
	private $dates = [ 'data' => [], 'pending_calculation' => [], 'calculated' => [] ];

	private $delete_system_total_time_already_run = false;

	private $currency_rates = null;
	private $user_wages = null;
	public $user_date_total_insert_id = -1;
	private $new_user_date_total_ids = null;
	private $new_system_user_date_total_id = []; //Used to assign hour based accruals to.
	public $user_date_total = null;
	private $schedule = null;
	private $exception = null;
	private $punch = null;

	private $schedule_policy_rs = null;
	private $schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window = 0; //0 Seconds.
	private $meal_time_policy = null;
	private $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy = null;
	private $break_time_policy = null;
	private $schedule_policy_break_time_policy = null;
	private $undertime_absence_policy = null;
	private $absence_policy = null;

	private $exception_policy = null;

	private $accrual_time_exclusivity_map = null;

	private $regular_time_policy = null;
	private $regular_time_exclusivity_map = null;
	private $over_time_policy = null;
	private $over_time_trigger_time_exclusivity_map = null;
	private $over_time_recurse_map = null;
	private $prev_user_date_total_start_time_stamp = null; //Used for creating timestamps for manual timesheet entries.
	private $prev_user_date_total_end_time_stamp = null;   //Used for creating timestamps for manual timesheet entries.

	private $premium_time_policy = null;

	private $accrual_policy = null;

	public $holiday_policy = null; //Needs to be public so ContributingShiftPolicyFactory can read it.
	private $is_eligible_holiday_description = null;
	private $holiday = null;
	private $policy_group_holiday_policy_ids = null; //Holiday Policies associated with contributing shifts only.

	private $contributing_shift_policy = null;
	private $contributing_pay_code_policy = null;
	private $contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id = null; //PolicyID -> Pay Code map.

	private $pay_codes = null;
	private $holiday_policy_used_pay_code_ids = null;
	private $pay_formula_policy = null;
	private $pay_formula_calculate_average_hourly_rates = false;

	 * @var float|int
	private $holiday_after_days;
	 * @var int
	private $holiday_before_days;
	 * @var int
	private $pay_formula_average_days;
	 * @var array
	private $contributing_shift_policy_ids;
	 * @var array
	private $schedule_regular_time_policy_ids;
	 * @var array
	private $schedule_undertime_absence_policy_ids;
	 * @var array
	private $schedule_meal_time_policy_ids;
	 * @var array
	private $schedule_break_time_policy_ids;
	 * @var array
	private $contributing_pay_code_policy_ids;

	 * Determine pay period based on the date that is being calculated.
	 * CalculatePolicy constructor.
	 * @param UserFactory $user_obj
	function __construct( $user_obj = null ) {
		if ( is_object( $user_obj ) ) {
			$this->setUserObject( $user_obj );

		return true;

	 * @param $key
	 * @param bool $value
	 * @return bool
	function setFlag( $key, $value = true ) {
		if ( is_array( $key ) ) {
			foreach ( $key as $k => $v ) {
				$this->flags[$k] = $v;
		} else {
			$this->flags[$key] = $value;

		return true;

	 * @param $key
	 * @return bool|mixed
	function getFlag( $key ) {
		if ( isset( $this->flags[$key] ) ) {
			return $this->flags[$key];

		return false;

	 * @return null
	function getUserObject() {
		return $this->user_obj;

	 * @param UserFactory $obj
	 * @return bool
	function setUserObject( $obj ) {
		if ( is_object( $obj ) ) {
			$this->user_obj = $obj;

			//If the currently logged in administrator is timezone GMT, and he edits an absence for a user in timezone PST
			//the date_stamp in epoch format is set in GMT timezone, then here the timezone switches to PST
			//and changes the date that is calculated.

			//Need to set the timezone as soon as the user object is specified, so when addPendingCalculationDate() is called they are in the proper timezone too.

			$this->setFlag( 'past_dates', $this->isPastDateCalculationRequired() );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * @param string $id UUID
	 * @return bool
	function getPayPeriodObject( $id ) {
		if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $id ) && $id != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $id != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
			if ( isset( $this->pay_periods[$id] ) && is_object( $this->pay_periods[$id] ) && $id == $this->pay_periods[$id]->getID() ) {
				return $this->pay_periods[$id];
			} else {
				$lf = TTnew( 'PayPeriodListFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodListFactory $lf */
				$lf->getById( $id );
				if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
					$this->pay_periods[$id] = $lf->getCurrent();

					return $this->pay_periods[$id];

				return false;

		return false;

	 * @param string $id UUID
	 * @return bool
	function getPayPeriodScheduleObject( $id ) {
		if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $id ) && $id != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $id != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
			if ( isset( $this->pay_period_schedules[$id] ) && is_object( $this->pay_period_schedules[$id] ) && $id == $this->pay_period_schedules[$id]->getID() ) {
				return $this->pay_period_schedules[$id];
			} else {
				$lf = TTnew( 'PayPeriodScheduleListFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodScheduleListFactory $lf */
				$lf->getById( $id );
				if ( $lf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
					$this->pay_period_schedules[$id] = $lf->getCurrent();

					return $this->pay_period_schedules[$id];

				return false;

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function setTimeZone() {
		//IMPORTANT: Make sure the timezone is set to the users timezone, prior to calculating policies,
		//as that will affect when date/time premium policies apply
		//Its also important that the timezone gets set back after calculating multiple punches in a batch as this can prevent other employees
		//from using the wrong timezone.
		//FIXME: How do we handle the employee moving between stations that themselves are in different timezones from the users default timezone?
		//How do we apply time based premium policies in that case?
		if ( is_object( $this->getUserObject() ) && is_object( $this->getUserObject()->getUserPreferenceObject() ) ) {
			//If setTimeZone() is called multiple times for some reason, the original timezone will be incorrect.
			//So make sure we only set it once, as even if recalculating many employees at once the entire CalculatePolicy object should be re-initialized.
			//The bug can be replicated by setting current user to 'America/Vancouver', then Mass Edit two IN punches for a user in 'America/Denver' timezone, and first punch time will be correct, the 2nd punch incorrect.
			if ( !isset( $this->original_time_zone ) || $this->original_time_zone == '' ) { //original_time_zone defaults to NULL which causes isset() to be FALSE.
				$this->original_time_zone = TTDate::getTimeZone();

			return TTDate::setTimeZone( $this->getUserObject()->getUserPreferenceObject()->getTimeZone() );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function revertTimeZone() {
		if ( isset( $this->original_time_zone ) && $this->original_time_zone != '' ) {
			return TTDate::setTimeZone( $this->original_time_zone );

		return false;

	 * Check if past date calculation is required.
	 * This is based on PayFormulas that use average calculations.
	 * @return bool
	function isPastDateCalculationRequired() {
		$pfplf = TTnew( 'PayFormulaPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var PayFormulaPolicyListFactory $pfplf */
		$pfplf->getByCompanyIdAndPayTypeId( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 30 );
		if ( $pfplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::Text( 'Past date calculation is required...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::Text( 'Past date calculation is NOT required...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * Since handling auto-deduct meal policies (negative total time) is virtually impossible to handle by itself
	 * when it comes to overtime/premium policies that adjust the total time themselves,
	 * this function will roll the meal/break policy time into the source record before being calculated for Reg/OT/Prem.
	 * This way Reg/OT/Prem. calculation functions don't need to worry about negative total times at all.
	 * @param int|int[] $user_date_total_rows EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects( $user_date_total_rows ) {
		if ( is_array( $user_date_total_rows ) && count( $user_date_total_rows ) > 0 ) {
			//Debug::Text( 'Total Records: ' . count( $user_date_total_rows ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			$processed_keys = [];
			$cloned_keys = [];

			//Check for Meal/Break object_types (100, 110)
			//Each record should correspond directly with another different object type, find that record and adjust it accordingly.
			//Need to make sure cases where meal and breaks are auto-deducted from the same single Regular Time record.
			// **IMPORTANT: Meal/Break records (especially negative total time) should never make it out of the function, if they do then the downstream policy will just match it (ie: negative regular time, negative OT).
			foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $key => $meal_break_udt_obj ) {
				//At the start of each loop, copy user_date_total_rows to tmp_user_date_total_rows so when a meal policy spans midnight and gets split into two
				// essentially causing nested meal policies compactions, they are adjusting from the last adjustment, and adjusting from the original record each time.
				// See support ticket #519788.
				// This occurs when a single regular time policy exists and is limited to a specific job, and the catch-all regular time policy does not exist (or is not assigned)
				//   Then the auto-deduct meal Allocation Type: At Active After Time is causing a 30min lunch to deduct from 11:59PM to 12:29AM (next day), with punches of 6:44PM to 8:12AM.
				$tmp_user_date_total_rows = $user_date_total_rows;

				if ( $meal_break_udt_obj->getObjectType() == 100 || $meal_break_udt_obj->getObjectType() == 110 ) {
					$min_user_date_total_rows_key = min( array_keys( $tmp_user_date_total_rows ) );
					Debug::Text( 'Found Meal/Break record... Key: ' . $key . ' Min Key: '. $min_user_date_total_rows_key .' Total Time: ' . $meal_break_udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					foreach ( $tmp_user_date_total_rows as $tmp_key => $tmp_udt_obj ) { /* @var UserDateTotalFactory $tmp_udt_obj */
						if ( !isset( $processed_keys[$meal_break_udt_obj->getSourceObject()][$tmp_key] )
								&& !in_array( $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType(), [ 100, 101, 110, 111 ] )
								&& $meal_break_udt_obj->getBranch() == $tmp_udt_obj->getBranch()
								&& $meal_break_udt_obj->getDepartment() == $tmp_udt_obj->getDepartment()
								&& $meal_break_udt_obj->getJob() == $tmp_udt_obj->getJob()
								&& $meal_break_udt_obj->getJobItem() == $tmp_udt_obj->getJobItem()
								&& $meal_break_udt_obj->getPunchTag() == $tmp_udt_obj->getPunchTag()
								&& ( $meal_break_udt_obj->getTotalTime() < 0 && $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() >= abs( $meal_break_udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) )
						) {
							Debug::Text( '  Found Related UDT: Key: ' . $tmp_key . ' Object Type: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $tmp_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $tmp_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							//Adjust corresponding record.
							//  Rather than just adjust the end timestamp, we need to insert the meal/break exactly where it should go, so other policies (ie: premiums) are calculated based on the exact right time.
							//  Therefore we need to adjust multiple records and even split or create new ones to "punch a hole" in an existing UDT record where the meal/break should be.
							if ( $meal_break_udt_obj->getGenericTempDataValue( 'source_object_allocation_type_id' ) == 100 && $tmp_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $tmp_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' && $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
								if ( TTDate::isTimeOverLap( $tmp_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $tmp_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp(), $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) == true ) {
									Debug::Text( '    Meal/Break overlaps with this UDT record...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$split_time_stamp_range = TTDate::splitDateRangeAtMidnight( $tmp_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $tmp_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp(), $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );

									if ( count( $split_time_stamp_range ) > 1 ) {
										$n = 0;
										foreach ( $split_time_stamp_range as $tmp_split_range ) {
											if ( $tmp_split_range['start_time_stamp'] != $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() && $tmp_split_range['end_time_stamp'] != $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) {
												if ( $n == 0 ) {
													$tmp_split_key = $tmp_key; //First loop iteration update the original record.
												} else {
													$tmp_split_key = ( $min_user_date_total_rows_key - $n );
												$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key] = clone $tmp_udt_obj; //Clone the object so we don't modify the original one.

												$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setStartTimeStamp( $tmp_split_range['start_time_stamp'] );
												$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setEndTimeStamp( $tmp_split_range['end_time_stamp'] );
												$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setTotalTime( ( $tmp_split_range['end_time_stamp'] - $tmp_split_range['start_time_stamp'] ) );
												$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setActualTotalTime( $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->getTotalTime() );

												//Make sure start/end types are assigned properly to split UDT records based on meal/breaks, otherwise using a normal type would be considered to be the start of a new shift.
												//  Especially for things like minimum shift time premium policies. Meal/Breaks should not trigger a new shift to start, but getShiftData() needs to know these are related to meal/breaks.
												if ( $tmp_split_range['start_time_stamp'] == $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) {
													$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setStartType( $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartType() );
												} else if ( $tmp_split_range['end_time_stamp'] == $meal_break_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) {
													$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setEndType( $meal_break_udt_obj->getEndType() );
												Debug::Text( '      TMP Split Range: Split Key: ' . $tmp_split_key . ' Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $tmp_split_range['start_time_stamp'] ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $tmp_split_range['end_time_stamp'] ) . ' Type: Start: ' . $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->getStartType() . ' End: ' . $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->getEndType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												//Since a single UDT record can be split into multiple, we need to record the *original* one that we need to map too for regular time exclusivity reduction.
												$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_split_key]->setGenericTempDataValue( 'split_from_source_key', $tmp_key );

											//else {
											//	//Skipping meal/break split element. Essentially where the "hole" goes.
											//	Debug::Text( '      Skipping Meal/Break overlap element: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $tmp_split_range['start_time_stamp'] ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $tmp_split_range['end_time_stamp'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										unset( $n, $tmp_split_range, $tmp_split_key );
									} else {
										unset( $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key] ); //The meal/break time exactly matches the UDT record, so it needs to be adjusted to total_time=0, or just removed completely.
									unset( $split_time_stamp_range );

									//Remove original meal/break row.
									unset( $user_date_total_rows[$key] );

									//Mark record as processed so we don't process it again.
									$processed_keys[$meal_break_udt_obj->getSourceObject()][$tmp_key] = true;
								} else {
									Debug::Text( '    Meal/Break *DOES NOT* overlap with this UDT record...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								//Don't clone the object if its already been cloned once,
								//because we need to handle cases where both meal and breaks are auto-deducted from the same Regular Time record
								//This can be replicated with having a single punch pair and meal&break auto-deduct policies applying.
								if ( !isset( $cloned_keys[$tmp_key] ) ) {
									$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key] = clone $tmp_udt_obj; //Clone the object so we don't modify the original one.
									$cloned_keys[$tmp_key] = true;

								//If we don't have start/end times, fallback to original "compaction" method of just taking it from the end of the UDT record.
								$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->setTotalTime( ( $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->getTotalTime() + $meal_break_udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) );
								$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->setActualTotalTime( $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->getTotalTime() );
								if ( $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
									$user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->setEndTimeStamp( ( $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->getEndTimeStamp() + $meal_break_udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) );

								//Debug::Text( '  New Total Time: ' . $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->getTotalTime() . ' New End Stamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $user_date_total_rows[$tmp_key]->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//Remove original meal/break row.
								unset( $user_date_total_rows[$key] );

								//Mark record as processed so we don't process it again.
								$processed_keys[$meal_break_udt_obj->getSourceObject()][$tmp_key] = true;
						//else {
						//	Debug::Text( '    Skipping UDT (processed?): ' . $tmp_key . ' Object Type: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $tmp_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $tmp_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				//else {
				//	Debug::Text('  Skipping non-Meal/Break row... Key: '. $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			//Debug::Text('Done compacting... Total Records: '. count($user_date_total_rows), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			unset( $tmp_user_date_total_rows, $meal_break_udt_obj, $tmp_udt_obj, $processed_keys );

			return $user_date_total_rows;

		Debug::Text( 'No data to compact...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param object $udt_obj
	 * @param object $tmp_udt_obj
	 * @param bool $check_src_object_id
	 * @return bool
	function testOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udt_obj, $tmp_udt_obj, $check_src_object_id = false ) {
		if (
				$tmp_udt_obj->getOverride() == true
				&& $udt_obj->getObjectType() == $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType()
				&& $udt_obj->getPayCode() == $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode()
				&& ( $check_src_object_id == false || ( $check_src_object_id == true && $udt_obj->getSourceObject() == $tmp_udt_obj->getSourceObject() ) )
				&& $udt_obj->getDateStamp() == $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp()
				&& $udt_obj->getBranch() == $tmp_udt_obj->getBranch()
				&& $udt_obj->getDepartment() == $tmp_udt_obj->getDepartment()
				&& $udt_obj->getJob() == $tmp_udt_obj->getJob()
				&& $udt_obj->getJobItem() == $tmp_udt_obj->getJobItem() ) {
			Debug::Text( 'Found override UDT Object ID: \'' . TTUUID::castUUID( $udt_obj->getID() ) . '\' Object Type: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) . ' Total Time: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Branch: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getBranch() . ' Department: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getDepartment() . ' Job: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getJob() . ' Task: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getJobItem(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Find existing UDT records that have override=TRUE and other fields matching, so we don't try to insert new UDT records.
	 * @param object $udt_obj
	 * @param bool $check_src_object_id More strict checks against src_object_ids as well. Typically only used for absence records so the same pay code can be used with different absence policies.
	 * @return bool
	function isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udt_obj, $check_src_object_id = false ) {
		if ( is_array( $this->user_date_total ) ) {
			//Debug::Text( 'Search based on UDT: ID: \'' . TTUUID::castUUID( $udt_obj->getID() ) . '\' Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Branch: ' . $udt_obj->getBranch() . ' Department: ' . $udt_obj->getDepartment() . ' Job: ' . $udt_obj->getJob() . ' Task: ' . $udt_obj->getJobItem(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $this->user_date_total as $key => $tmp_udt_obj ) {
				if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $key ) == true //Found positive time record (key=UUID), only positive ones can be overridden anyways. Minor optmization to check for is_numeric() before UUID which uses regex.
						&& $this->testOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udt_obj, $tmp_udt_obj, $check_src_object_id )
				) {
					Debug::Text( 'Found override UDT Object key: ' . $key . ' ID: \'' . TTUUID::castUUID( $udt_obj->getID() ) . '\' Object Type: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) . ' Total Time: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Branch: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getBranch() . ' Department: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getDepartment() . ' Job: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getJob() . ' Task: ' . $tmp_udt_obj->getJobItem(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return true;
				//else {
				//	Debug::Text('Skipping UDT object key: '. $key .' Object Type: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Pay Code: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Branch: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getBranch() .' Department: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getDepartment() .' Job: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getJob() .' Task: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getJobItem() .' Override: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getOverride(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		//Debug::Text('No override UDT records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		return false;

	 * Remove UserDateTotalObjects that cancel each other out, such as a +1800 total time and -1800 total time for the same pay_code_id.
	 * This is required for some premium policies with auto-deduct lunches and such.
	 * @return bool
	function removeRedundantUserDateTotalObjects() {
		if ( is_array( $this->user_date_total ) ) {
			foreach ( $this->user_date_total as $key => $udt_obj ) {
				if ( $key < 0 && $udt_obj->getTotalTime() < 0 ) { //Found negative time record.
					foreach ( $this->user_date_total as $tmp_key => $tmp_udt_obj ) {
						if (
								$udt_obj->getDateStamp() == $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp()
								&& $udt_obj->getObjectType() == $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType()
								&& $udt_obj->getPayCode() == $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode()
								&& ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() + $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) == 0
								&& ( $udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount() + $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount() ) == 0
						) {
							Debug::Text( 'Removing redundant UDT object keys: 1: ' . $key . ' 2: ' . $tmp_key . ' Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							unset( $this->user_date_total[$key], $this->user_date_total[$tmp_key] );
							continue 2;

			return true;

		Debug::Text( 'No data to process...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $user_date_total_records EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function insertUserDateTotal() {
		if ( is_array( $this->user_date_total ) && count( $this->user_date_total ) > 0 ) {
			if ( $this->delete_system_total_time_already_run == false ) {
				Debug::text( 'System total time was not deleted before trying to insert it again... This is either an error or the pay period is locked.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				return false;

			//Debug::Arr($user_date_total_records, 'Inserting UserDateTotal entries...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			$inserted_records = 0;
			foreach ( $this->user_date_total as $key => $udt_obj ) {
				//Insert new rows as long as total_time != 0.
				//  We want to have total time rows even if they are zero.
				//  However rows with total_time=0 account for about 40% of all rows, so removing them will save a lot of space.
				//  We also need to re-save UDT rows that have override=TRUE, so we can handle overtime exclusivity and such.
				//     This allows the user to override Regular Time to 10hrs, and have 2hrs still go into OT.
				//     Make sure we confirm when saving existing override records they actually occurred on one of the dates we actually calculated.
				// 		  Otherwise override records can be pulled in from calculating holiday or long overtime policies and it will try to save them, even if the pay period is closed/locked.
				//  Don't resave override absence entries, this caused a bug where UDT rows would switch to different dates when calcExceptions was run.
				//  *If a note is specified, always insert the record, this way we can give the user notes as to why they arent eligible for holiday time for example.
				//  Since we implemented getPartialUserDateTotalObject() to split UDT records, it might split records of ObjectTypeID=10, which causes the KEY to be < 0 introducing a bug where this was inserting it into the DB and corrupting the data. Added check for this: $udt_obj->getObjectType() != 10 (5 must still be allowed)
				//  *Still save system (ObjectType=5) rows even if total time is 0, if there is a start/end time for cases where their might be 1hr of worked time and -1hr of absence time, netting out to 0hrs.
				if ( ( is_numeric( $key ) && $key < 0 && $udt_obj->getObjectType() != 10 && ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() != 0 || $udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount() != 0 || $udt_obj->getNote() != '' || ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 5 && $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != false && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != false ) ) )
						|| ( TTUUID::isUUID( $key ) == true && $udt_obj->getObjectType() != 50 && $udt_obj->getOverride() == true && isset( $this->dates['calculated'][TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() )] ) ) ) {
					//Debug::text( '  Inserting UDT: Key: '. $key .' Punch Control ID: '. $udt_obj->getPunchControlID() .'  Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//  This is required when the last day of a closed pay period is a holiday with manual timesheet time exists, and trying to add time on first day of the next pay period,
					// 		due to the maximum shift time, it will try to recalculate the last day of the previous pay period and cause a validation failure, preventing any punches from being saved.
					//		It will cause UDT object to skip certain validations, such as locked pay periods of course.
					//		FIXME: We could potentially change this to just skipping trying to save the record in a locked pay period completely. By just checking if its locked outside the isValid() function.
					//      This will also relax other validations like ones that do SQL checks related to child IDs (ie: user, punch_control, etc... )
					$udt_obj->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );

					//Handle currency rates here, just before the record is saved.
					$udt_obj->setCurrency( $this->getUserObject()->getCurrency(), true ); //Disable automatic rate lookup.
					$udt_obj->setCurrencyRate( $this->filterCurrencyRate( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() )->getReverseConversionRate() );

					//Debug::Arr($udt_obj->data, 'Inserting UserDateTotal entry... Key: '. $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					if ( $udt_obj->isValid() ) {
						$udt_obj->Save( false );

						//Remove pre-saved object and replace it with saved object and proper ID.
						unset( $this->user_date_total[$key] );
						$this->user_date_total[$udt_obj->getID()] = $udt_obj;
						$this->new_user_date_total_ids[] = $udt_obj->getID();

						//Remap keys for AccrualTime Exclusivity map, since accruals are handled after these records are inserted.
						if ( isset( $this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$key] ) ) {
							$this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$udt_obj->getID()] = $this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$key];
							unset( $this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$key] );

						if ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 5 ) {
							$this->new_system_user_date_total_id[$udt_obj->getDateStamp()] = $udt_obj->getId();
					} else {
						//Fail the transaction if there are any validation errors such as locked pay periods for example.
						//If we don't fail the entire transaction, things like absence records may not get saved but the now a incorrect total record does.
						Debug::text( 'ERROR: Invalid UserDateTotal Entry! Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				//else {
				//	Debug::text('Skipping UserDateTotal entry... Key: '. $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			Debug::text( 'UserDateTotal records inserted: ' . $inserted_records, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No UserDateTotal entries to insert...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp            EPOCH
	 * @param int|int[] $object_type_id
	 * @param string $pay_code_id        UUID
	 * @param null $src_object_id
	 * @param string $branch_id          UUID
	 * @param string $department_id      UUID
	 * @param string $job_id             UUID
	 * @param string $job_item_id        UUID
	 * @param bool $override
	 * @param array $include_pay_code_id UUID
	 * @return bool
	function isConflictingUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, $object_type_id, $pay_code_id = null, $src_object_id = null, $branch_id = null, $department_id = null, $job_id = null, $job_item_id = null, $override = null, $include_pay_code_id = null ) {
		if ( is_array( $this->user_date_total ) ) {
			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside of loop.
			if ( $include_pay_code_id !== null && isset( $include_pay_code_id[$date_stamp] ) && in_array( $pay_code_id, (array)$include_pay_code_id[$date_stamp] ) ) { //For handling Holiday records that can never be overridden.
				Debug::text( 'Found conflicting Pay Code with Included Pay Codes... Pay Code: ' . $pay_code_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return true;
			} else {
				foreach ( $this->user_date_total as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
					if ( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() == $date_stamp
							&& in_array( $udt_obj->getObjectType(), (array)$object_type_id ) ) {
						if (
								( $pay_code_id === null || $udt_obj->getPayCode() == $pay_code_id )
								( $src_object_id === null || $udt_obj->getSourceObject() == $src_object_id )
								( $branch_id === null || $udt_obj->getBranch() == $branch_id )
								( $department_id === null || $udt_obj->getDepartment() == $department_id )
								( $job_id === null || $udt_obj->getJob() == $job_id )
								( $job_item_id === null || $udt_obj->getJobItem() == $job_item_id )
								( $override === null || $udt_obj->getOverride() == $override ) //Only check override=TRUE records.
						) {
							Debug::text( 'Found conflicting UserDateTotal row: ' . $udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							return true;

		Debug::text( 'No conflicting UserDateTotal rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * Calculates schedule absence time (exclusive to holiday absence time, or manually entered time on the timesheet)
	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateScheduleAbsence( $date_stamp ) {
		$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, 20 );
		if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $slf as $key => $s_obj ) {
				if ( $s_obj->getStatus() == 20
						&& TTUUID::isUUID( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyID() ) && $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyID() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyID() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
						&& is_object( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject() ) ) {
					//Check for conflicting/overridden records, so we don't double up on the time.
					//This is to allow users to enter a schedule shift for absence time, then override it to smaller number of hours.
					//Only consider records using the same pay code though, so a user could have different absences on the same day
					//like a "No Show/No Call" on a Stat holiday and still receive stat holiday time and the absence time.
					//  Allow for multiple absences of the same absence policy/pay code for things like scheduled split shifts being switched to absences.
					//  However Holiday policy entries should not be overridden, otherwise Stat Holiday will always be doubled up.
					if ( $this->isConflictingUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, [ 25, 50 ], $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayCode(), $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getId(), null, null, null, null, true, $this->holiday_policy_used_pay_code_ids ) ) {

					if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
						$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
						$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
						$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
						$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
						$udtf->setObjectType( 50 ); //Absence
						$udtf->setSourceObject( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyID() );
						if ( is_object( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject() ) && is_object( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayCode() ) ) {
							$udtf->setPayCode( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayCode() );

						$udtf->setBranch( $s_obj->getBranch() );
						$udtf->setDepartment( $s_obj->getDepartment() );
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE ) {
							$udtf->setJob( $s_obj->getJob() );
							$udtf->setJobItem( $s_obj->getJobItem() );
							$udtf->setPunchTag( $s_obj->getPunchTag() );

						$udtf->setTotalTime( $s_obj->getTotalTime() );

						$udtf->setStartType( 10 ); //Normal
						$udtf->setEndType( 10 );   //Normal

						//Need to adjust the EndTimeStamp to account for auto-deducted meal/breaks, in a similar way as compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects() handles it.
						//This is affects overtime calculations as they are strictly based on Start/End Times.
						$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $s_obj->getStartTime() );
						$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $s_obj->getStartTime() + $s_obj->getTotalTime() ) );

						$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf ) );
						$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
						$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

						$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
						$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
						$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

						if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf, true ) == false ) { //Use strict src_object_id checks here so we can have multiple absence entries of the same pay code, but different absence policies.
							//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
							//We will save these records at the end.
							$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
						Debug::text( 'Found scheduled absence... Total Time: ' . $s_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'No absence policy specified in schedule.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No scheduled absences to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param $schedule_arr
	 * @return array
	function getScheduleDates( $schedule_arr ) {
		$retarr = [];
		if ( is_array( $schedule_arr ) ) {
			foreach ( $schedule_arr as $s_obj ) {
				$retarr[] = $s_obj->getDateStamp();
		Debug::text( 'Schedule Dates: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $retarr;

	 * @param $schedule_arr
	 * @return int
	function getSumScheduledDays( $schedule_arr ) {
		$sum = 0;
		if ( is_array( $schedule_arr ) ) {
			foreach ( $schedule_arr as $s_obj ) {
				if ( $s_obj->getStatus() == 10 && $s_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 ) {
		Debug::text( 'Scheduled Days Total: ' . $sum, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $sum;

	 * @param $schedule_arr
	 * @return int
	function getSumScheduleTime( $schedule_arr ) {
		$sum = 0;
		if ( is_array( $schedule_arr ) ) {
			foreach ( $schedule_arr as $s_obj ) {
				$sum += $s_obj->getTotalTime();
		Debug::text( 'Sum Total: ' . $sum, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $sum;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function sortScheduleByDateASC( $a, $b ) {
		if ( $a->getDateStamp() == $b->getDateStamp() ) {
			return 0;

		return ( $a->getDateStamp() < $b->getDateStamp() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function sortScheduleByDateDESC( $a, $b ) {
		if ( $a->getDateStamp() == $b->getDateStamp() ) {
			return 0;

		return ( $a->getDateStamp() > $b->getDateStamp() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param int $pivot_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $status_ids ID
	 * @param null $direction
	 * @param int $limit      Limit the number of records returned
	 * @return array
	function filterScheduleDataByDateAndDirection( $pivot_date = null, $status_ids = null, $direction = null, $limit = null ) {
		$slf = $this->schedule;
		Debug::text( 'Pivot Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $pivot_date ) . ' Direction: ' . $direction . ' Limit: ' . $limit, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
			$direction = strtolower( $direction );
			$status_ids = (array)$status_ids;

			if ( $direction == 'desc' ) {
				uasort( $slf, [ $this, 'sortScheduleByDateDESC' ] );
			} else {
				uasort( $slf, [ $this, 'sortScheduleByDateASC' ] );

			$pivot_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $pivot_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$i = 1;
			foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
				$s_obj_date_stamp = $s_obj->getDateStamp();
				if ( in_array( $s_obj->getStatus(), $status_ids )
						&& ( ( $direction == 'desc' && $s_obj_date_stamp < $pivot_date ) || ( $direction == 'asc' && $s_obj_date_stamp > $pivot_date ) ) ) {
					$retarr[$s_obj->getId()] = $s_obj;

					//Stop the loop once the limit is reached on the returned values.
					if ( $limit !== null && $i >= $limit ) {
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'Scheduled shift does not match filter: ' . $s_obj->getID() . ' DateStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $s_obj->getDateStamp() ) . ' Status: ' . $s_obj->getStatus(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found schedule rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No schedule rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @param int $status_ids ID
	 * @return array
	function filterScheduleDataByStatus( $start_date, $end_date, $status_ids = null ) {
		$slf = $this->schedule;
		Debug::text( 'Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $start_date ) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
			$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );     //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
				$s_obj_date_stamp = $s_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				if ( $s_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date
						&& $s_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date
						&& in_array( $s_obj->getStatus(), (array)$status_ids ) ) {
					$retarr[$s_obj->getId()] = $s_obj;
				//else {
				//	Debug::text('Scheduled shift does not match filter: '. $s_obj->getID() .' DateStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $s_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Status: '. $s_obj->getStatus(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found schedule rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No schedule rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Filter scheduled shifts based on worked shift times.
	 * @param $start_time
	 * @param $end_time
	 * @param bool $schedule_status_id
	 * @return array
	function filterScheduleDataByShiftStartAndEnd( $start_time, $end_time, $schedule_status_id = false ) {
		$slf = $this->schedule;
		Debug::text( 'Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $start_time ) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $end_time ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
			$best_diff = false;
			foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
				Debug::text( '  Schedule Status: ' . $s_obj->getStatus() . ' Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getStartTime() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getEndTime() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				if ( $schedule_status_id == false || (int)$s_obj->getStatus() == (int)$schedule_status_id ) {
					//Only return the nearest schedule to the shift times.
					//  If we return multiple schedule shifts, then there can be confusion if the
					//  the employee has one shift from say 8:00AM to 5:00PM and an absent shift from 5:30PM - 11:00PM, and one has a meal policy and the other doesn't.
					//  The one that doesn't will take precedence.

					//If the Start/Stop window is large (ie: 6-8hrs) we need to find the closest schedule.
					$in_schedule_diff = $s_obj->inScheduleDifference( $start_time, 10 ); //In
					$out_schedule_diff = $s_obj->inScheduleDifference( $end_time, 20 );  //Out
					if ( $in_schedule_diff !== false || $out_schedule_diff !== false ) {
						//If In is outside start/stop window penalize it with the diff of whatever the start/stop window is.
						if ( $in_schedule_diff === false ) {
							$in_schedule_diff = $s_obj->getStartStopWindow();
						//If Out is outside start/stop window penalize it with the diff of whatever the start/stop window is.
						if ( $out_schedule_diff === false ) {
							$out_schedule_diff = $s_obj->getStartStopWindow();

						$schedule_diff = (int)( $in_schedule_diff + $out_schedule_diff );
						if ( $schedule_diff === 0 ) {
							Debug::text( ' Within schedule times. ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							unset( $retarr );
							$retarr[$s_obj->getId()] = $s_obj;
						} else {
							if ( $schedule_diff > 0 && ( $best_diff === false || $schedule_diff < $best_diff ) ) {
								Debug::text( ' Within schedule start/stop time by: ' . $schedule_diff . ' Prev Best Diff: ' . $best_diff, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$best_diff = $schedule_diff;
								unset( $retarr );
								$retarr[$s_obj->getId()] = $s_obj;
					} else {
						Debug::text( ' NOT Within schedule times at all...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				//This returns all schedules that fall within the schedule start/stop window.
				if ( $s_obj->inSchedule( $start_time ) OR $s_obj->inSchedule( $end_time ) ) {
					$retarr[$s_obj->getId()] = $s_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found schedule rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No schedule rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @param int|array $status_ids ID
	 * @param int $limit      Limit the number of records returned
	 * @param array $order    Sort order passed to SQL in format of array( $column => 'asc', 'name' => 'desc', ... ). ie: array( 'id' => 'asc', 'name' => 'desc', ... )
	 * @return bool
	function getScheduleData( $start_date = null, $end_date = null, $status_ids = null, $limit = null, $order = null ) {
		$slf = TTNew( 'ScheduleListFactory' ); /** @var ScheduleListFactory $slf */

		//$filter_data = [
		//		'user_id'    => $this->getUserObject()->getId(),
		//		'start_date' => ( $start_date - $this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window ),
		//		'end_date'   => ( $end_date + $this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window ),
		//		'status_id'  => $status_ids,
		//		'exclude_id' => array_keys( (array)$this->schedule ),
		//if ( $order == null ) {
		//	$order = [ 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time' => 'asc' ];
		//Debug::text( 'Getting Schedule Data for Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $filter_data['start_date'] ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $filter_data['end_date'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		//$slf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $filter_data, $limit, null, null, $order );
		Debug::text( 'Getting Schedule Data for Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $start_date ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		$slf->getByUserIdAndStartDateAndEndDateAndStatusIdAndExcludeId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), ( $start_date - $this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window ), ( $end_date + $this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window ), $status_ids, array_keys( (array)$this->schedule ), $limit, null, null, [ 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time' => 'asc' ] );
		if ( $slf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found schedule rows: ' . $slf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
				$this->schedule[$s_obj->getID()] = $s_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No schedule rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function isScheduleData() {
		if ( is_array( $this->schedule ) && count( $this->schedule ) > 0 ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Filter schedule policies to only those that affect a specific shift.
	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param bool $force_all_scheduled_shifts
	 * @return array
	function filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp, $force_all_scheduled_shifts = false ) {
		if ( $force_all_scheduled_shifts == true ) {
			Debug::text( 'Returning all scheduled shifts for the day...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );
		} else {
			$shift_udt_objs = $this->getShiftStartAndEndUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, $date_stamp );
			//Make sure we handle cases where the shift hasn't ended yet, but we still need to get the proper (or closest) schedule policy for it.
			// ie: when doing real-time punching and going for lunch.
			// So if start/end records don't exist, just pass FALSE so we still have a hope of matching schedule data.
			if ( is_array( $shift_udt_objs ) && ( isset( $shift_udt_objs['start'] ) || isset( $shift_udt_objs['end'] ) ) ) {
				$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByShiftStartAndEnd( ( ( isset( $shift_udt_objs['start'] ) ) ? $shift_udt_objs['start']->getStartTimeStamp() : false ), ( ( isset( $shift_udt_objs['end'] ) ) ? $shift_udt_objs['end']->getEndTimeStamp() : false ) );
			} else {
				//If we are dealing with manual timesheet time without start/end timestamps, we still need to return a schedule whenever possible for example if the user needs to disable auto-deduct meals/breaks.
				Debug::text( '  Unable to match shift to schedule, perhaps using manual timesheet? Returning all scheduled shifts...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );

		if ( isset( $slf ) && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
				if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID() ) && $s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
					if ( isset( $this->schedule_policy_rs[$s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID()] ) ) {
						$retarr[$s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID()] = $this->schedule_policy_rs[$s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID()];
					} else {
						Debug::text( 'ERROR: Schedule policy that should exist does not: ' . $s_obj->getSchedulePolicyID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found scheduled shifts for this date: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' Total: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No scheduled shifts for this date: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Get all possible schedule policies.
	 * @return bool
	function getSchedulePolicy() {
		//Get all schedule policies so we can figure out the maximum start/stop window
		//which we then use to get schedules. So this has to be called before getSchedule().
		$splf = TTnew( 'SchedulePolicyListFactory' ); /** @var SchedulePolicyListFactory $splf */
		$splf->getByCompanyId( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() );
		if ( $splf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				$this->schedule_policy_rs[$sp_obj->getId()] = $sp_obj;
				if ( $sp_obj->getStartStopWindow() > $this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window ) {
					$this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window = $sp_obj->getStartStopWindow();

			Debug::text( 'Maximum Schedule Policy Start/Stop Window: ' . $this->schedule_policy_max_start_stop_window . ' Rows: ' . $splf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'aNo schedule policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		Debug::text( 'bNo schedule policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function deleteSystemTotalTime( $date_stamp ) {
		//Delete everything that is not overrided.
		$udtlf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalListFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalListFactory $udtlf */

		//Only delete rows for policies we are actually recalculating.
		//This prevents calcQuickExceptions maintenance job from deleting/recalcuting UDT rows when it doesn't need to.
		//However if we add any more Flags we need to set them to FALSE in calcQuickExceptions.
		$object_type_ids = [];
		if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true ) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 100, 101 ] );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true ) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 110, 111 ] );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true ) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 20 ] );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'absence' ) == true
				|| $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true
				|| $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true
				|| $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true
		) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 25, 50 ] );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true ) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 30 ] );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true ) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 40 ] );

		if ( count( $object_type_ids ) > 0 ) {
			$object_type_ids = array_merge( $object_type_ids, [ 5 ] ); //System

		if ( is_array( $object_type_ids ) && count( $object_type_ids ) > 0 ) {
			//Debug::Arr( $object_type_ids, 'Deleting UDT rows based on total object_type_ids: '. count($object_type_ids), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			$udtlf->deleteByUserIdAndDateStampAndObjectTypeAndOverrideAndMisMatchPunchControlDateStamp( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $date_stamp, $object_type_ids, false ); //System totals
			unset( $this->new_system_user_date_total_id[TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp )] );                                                                             //Reset this when deleting records, so it can be set again when we insert them later on.
			$this->delete_system_total_time_already_run = true;                                                                                                                  //This allows insertUserDateTotal to run later on without inserting duplicated records.
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'NOT Deleting UDT rows based on total object_type_ids: ' . count( $object_type_ids ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Regardless if there are any accrual policies to calculate, we need to delete orphan records
		//in cases where we are deleting a manually added absence entry (override=1)
		//Do this immediately after we delete the UDT rows, as thats when orphans are created.
		AccrualFactory::deleteOrphans( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $date_stamp );

		//Also delete records in memory for this date so they can be recalculated.
		$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $object_type_ids );
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $udtlf as $key => $udt_obj ) {
				if ( $udt_obj->getOverride() == false ) { //Ensure we don't delete overridden rows.
					//Debug::text('Removing UDT row from memory: '. $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					unset( $this->user_date_total[$key] );

		return true;

	 * Compacts UDT records that are next to each out to reduce the number of records required to be stored in the database.
	 * @return mixed
	function compactUserDateTotalDataBasedOnTimeStamps() {
		if ( is_array( $this->user_date_total ) && count( $this->user_date_total ) > 0 ) {
			$continue_merging = true;
			$x = 0;
			while ( $x < 100 && $continue_merging == true ) { //This handles multi-layer merging. Merging UDT records, then merging them again up to 100 layers.
				$continue_merging = false;

				$prev_udt_obj = false;
				$prev_udt_key = false;

				$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total, 'sortUserDateTotalDataByDateAndObjectTypeAndStartTimeStampAndID' ); //Sort UDT records so compaction can be done optimally, then again each time a merge occurs.
				foreach ( $this->user_date_total as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) { /* @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */
					//Debug::text( 'UDT X: '. $x .' Date Stamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Override: ' . (int)$udt_obj->getOverride(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					if ( is_object( $prev_udt_obj ) ) {
						//Match current UDT with previous UDT record to see if they match. This only works well if the sorting is exactly right (based on Object Type and StartTimestamp)
						//Debug::text( '  Current UDT: X: '. $x .' Key: ' . $udt_key . ' Punch Control ID: ' . $udt_obj->getPunchControlID() . '  Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						//Debug::text( '  Prev UDT: X: '. $x .' Key: ' . $prev_udt_key . ' Punch Control ID: ' . $prev_udt_obj->getPunchControlID() . ' Object Type: ' . $prev_udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						if (
								$udt_obj->getObjectType() == $prev_udt_obj->getObjectType()
								&& $udt_obj->getObjectType() != 5 && $udt_obj->getObjectType() != 10 //Exclude 5=System, 10=Worked
								&& $udt_obj->getPayCode() == $prev_udt_obj->getPayCode()
								&& $udt_obj->getDateStamp() == $prev_udt_obj->getDateStamp()
								&& $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() == $prev_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() //No gap between previous one ending and next one starting.
								&& $udt_obj->getPunchControlID() == $prev_udt_obj->getPunchControlID() //Only ObjectType=10 would normally have punch_control_ids, so this check isn't really useful, as punch_control_ids will always be false.
								&& $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() == $prev_udt_obj->getHourlyRate()
								&& $udt_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 && $prev_udt_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 //Ignore auto-deduct meals/breaks with negative total time, as the start/end dates need to be handled in a special way.
								&& $udt_obj->getOverride() == false && $prev_udt_obj->getOverride() == false
								&& $udt_obj->getBranch() == $prev_udt_obj->getBranch()
								&& $udt_obj->getDepartment() == $prev_udt_obj->getDepartment()
								&& $udt_obj->getJob() == $prev_udt_obj->getJob()
								&& $udt_obj->getJobItem() == $prev_udt_obj->getJobItem()
								&& !( array_diff( $udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $prev_udt_obj->getPunchTag() ) || array_diff( $prev_udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $udt_obj->getPunchTag() ) ) //array_diff() just checks one direction, so need to swap a & b to check both directions.
						) {
							//Merge current UDT record into previous one.
							$prev_udt_obj->setEndTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );
							$prev_udt_obj->setTotalTime( $prev_udt_obj->calcTotalTime() ); //FIXME: Make sure it handles negatives properly, like lunch auto-deduct. See ContributingShiftPolicyFactory->getPartialUserDateTotalObject() for more info.
							//$prev_udt_obj->setQuantity( ( $prev_udt_obj->getQuantity() + $udt_obj->getQuantity() ) ); //Quantities aren't currently divided up with UDT records are split.
							//$prev_udt_obj->setBadQuantity( ( $prev_udt_obj->getBadQuantity() + $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() ) );

							Debug::text( '    Found UDT object to compact... Merging X: '. $x .' Key: ' . $udt_key . ' into: ' . $prev_udt_key . ' After UDT: Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$prev_udt_obj->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
							if ( $prev_udt_obj->isValid() ) {
								$prev_udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTime, TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

							unset( $this->user_date_total[$udt_key] ); //Remove current UDT record now that it has been merged.

							$continue_merging = true;

							continue; //Don't continue any further, as we don't want to set a new prev_udt_obj, since the current UDT record essentially never existed.

					$prev_udt_obj = $udt_obj; /* @var UserDateTotalFactory $prev_udt_obj */
					$prev_udt_key = $udt_key;


			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records back to expected order for calculating all policies once done compacting them.

		return true;

	 * Compacts UDT records based on override, so calcualteSystemTotalTime() is correct
	 * even when new UDT records are added (override=1) and some are modified directly.
	 * @param $udtlf
	 * @return mixed
	function compactUserDateTotalDataBasedOnOverride( $udtlf ) {
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {

			$tmp_udtlf = $udtlf;
			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				//Debug::text('UDT Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Override: '. (int)$udt_obj->getOverride(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

				if ( $udt_obj->getOverride() == true ) {
					foreach ( $tmp_udtlf as $tmp_udt_key => $tmp_udt_obj ) {
						//Debug::text('  UDT Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Object Type: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Total Time: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Override: '. (int)$tmp_udt_obj->getOverride(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

						if ( $udt_key != $tmp_udt_key && $udt_obj->getID() !== $tmp_udt_obj->getID() && $tmp_udt_obj->getOverride() == false && $this->testOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $tmp_udt_obj, $udt_obj ) == true ) {
							Debug::text( '   Found override, excluding this record... Key: ' . $tmp_udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							unset( $udtlf[$tmp_udt_key] );

		return $udtlf;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param $tmp_system_total_time
	 * @return bool
	function calculateSystemTotalTime( $date_stamp, $tmp_system_total_time ) {
		$system_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->compactUserDateTotalDataBasedOnOverride( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 20, 30, 25 ] ) ) );
		Debug::text( 'System Total Time: ' . $system_total_time . ' vs. System Total Time Param: ' . $tmp_system_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Handle cases where there is no regular time policies, or any other policies applied, but the user did have punches/worked time.
		if ( $system_total_time == 0 ) {
			$system_total_time = $tmp_system_total_time;

		if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
			$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
			$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
			$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
			$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
			$udtf->setObjectType( 5 ); //System Total
			$udtf->setTotalTime( $system_total_time );

			$shift_udt_objs = $this->getShiftStartAndEndUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, $date_stamp );
			if ( is_array( $shift_udt_objs ) && isset( $shift_udt_objs['start'] ) && isset( $shift_udt_objs['end'] ) ) {
				$udtf->setStartType( 10 ); //Normal
				$udtf->setEndType( 10 );   //Normal
				$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $shift_udt_objs['start']->getStartTimeStamp() );
				$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $shift_udt_objs['end']->getEndTimeStamp() );

			$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
			$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
			$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

			//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
			//We will save these records at the end.
			$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

			return true;
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $force_proportional_distribution = null ) {
		if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == false ) {
			Debug::text( 'No UDT records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		//Calculate break time taken even if no break policies exist.
		$break_policy_total_time = 0;
		$break_overall_total_time = 0;

		$last_punch_in_timestamp = false;

		$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPunchTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 30 ] ); //Break rows only.
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$break_total_time_arr = [];

			$pair = 0;
			$x = 0;
			$out_for_break = false;
			$break_out_timestamp = false;
			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) { /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */
				if ( $out_for_break == false && $udt_obj->getEndType() == 30 ) {
					$break_out_timestamp = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
					$out_for_break = true;
				} else if ( $out_for_break == true && $udt_obj->getStartType() == 30 ) {
					$break_punch_arr[$pair][20] = $break_out_timestamp;
					$break_punch_arr[$pair][10] = $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp();

					$out_for_break = false;
					unset( $break_out_timestamp );

					if ( $udt_obj->getStartType() == 30 && $udt_obj->getEndType() == 30 ) {
						$break_out_timestamp = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
						$out_for_break = true;
				} else {
					$out_for_break = false;

			if ( isset( $break_punch_arr ) ) {
				//Debug::Arr($break_punch_arr, 'Break Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

				foreach ( $break_punch_arr as $time_stamp_arr ) {
					if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && !empty( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && isset( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) && !empty( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) ) {
						if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
							$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
							$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
							$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
							$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
							$udtf->setObjectType( 111 ); //Break (Taken)
							$udtf->setPayCode( TTUUID::getZeroID() );

							$udtf->setBranch( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() );
							$udtf->setDepartment( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() );
							$udtf->setJob( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() );
							$udtf->setJobItem( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() );
							$udtf->setPunchTag( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() );

							$udtf->setStartType( 30 ); //Break
							$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $time_stamp_arr[20] );
							$udtf->setEndType( 30 ); //Break
							$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $time_stamp_arr[10] );

							$udtf->setQuantity( count( $break_punch_arr ) ); //Use this to count total lunches taken?
							$udtf->setBadQuantity( 0 );
							$udtf->setTotalTime( bcsub( $time_stamp_arr[10], $time_stamp_arr[20] ) );

							$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
							$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
							$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

							//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
							//We will save these records at the end.
							$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

							Debug::text( '   Adding UDT row for Break (Taken) Total Time: ' . $udtf->getTotalTime() .' UDT Total Time: '. $udtf->getTotalTime() .' Break Out: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $time_stamp_arr[20] ) .' In: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $time_stamp_arr[10] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						$break_overall_total_time = bcadd( $break_overall_total_time, bcsub( $time_stamp_arr[10], $time_stamp_arr[20] ) );
						$break_total_time_arr[] = bcsub( $time_stamp_arr[10], $time_stamp_arr[20] );
					} else {
						Debug::text( ' Break Punches not paired, or invalid timestamps... Skipping!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Get the last punch in timestamp so we start auto-add/auto-deduct timestamps from this.
				$last_punch_in_timestamp = $time_stamp_arr[10];
			} else {
				Debug::text( ' No Break Punches found, or none are paired.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		unset( $udtlf, $pair, $x, $out_for_break, $break_out_timestamp, $break_punch_arr, $break_pair_total_time, $time_stamp_arr );

		$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$day_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $udtlf );
			Debug::text( 'Day Total Time: ' . $day_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Loop over all regular time policies calculating the pay codes, up until $maximum_time is reached.
			$break_time_policies = $this->filterBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $day_total_time );
			if ( $day_total_time > 0 && is_array( $break_time_policies ) && count( $break_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
				$remaining_break_time = $break_overall_total_time;

				$i = 0;
				foreach ( $break_time_policies as $bp_obj ) {
					if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp == false ) {
						if ( !isset( $shift_udt_objs ) ) {
							$shift_udt_objs = $this->getShiftStartAndEndUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, $date_stamp );
						if ( is_array( $shift_udt_objs ) && isset( $shift_udt_objs['start'] ) ) {
							$last_punch_in_timestamp = ( $shift_udt_objs['start']->getStartTimeStamp() + $bp_obj->getTriggerTime() );

					$break_policy_time = 0;
					if ( !isset( $break_total_time_arr[$i] ) ) {
						$break_total_time_arr[$i] = 0; //Prevent PHP warnings.

					//This is the time that can be considered for the break.
					if ( $bp_obj->getIncludeMultipleBreaks() == true ) {
						//If only one break policy is defined (say 30min auto-add after 0hrs w/include punch time)
						//and the employee punches out for two breaks, one for 10mins and one for 15mins, only the first break will be added back in.
						//Because TimeTrex tries to match each break to a specific break policy.
						//getIncludeMultipleBreaks(): is the flag that ignores how many breaks there are in total,
						//and just combines any breaks together that fall within the active after time.
						//So it doesn't matter if the employee takes 1 break or 30, they are all combined into one after the active_after time.
						//FIXME: Handle cases where one break policy includes multiples and another one does not. Currently the break time may be doubled up in this case.
						$eligible_break_total_time = array_sum( $break_total_time_arr );
						Debug::text( ' Including multiple breaks...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						$eligible_break_total_time = $break_total_time_arr[$i];

					Debug::text( 'Break Policy ID: ' . $bp_obj->getId() . ' Type ID: ' . $bp_obj->getType() . ' Break Total Time: ' . $eligible_break_total_time . ' Amount: ' . $bp_obj->getAmount() . ' Day Total Time: ' . $day_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					switch ( $bp_obj->getType() ) {
						case 10: //Auto-Deduct
							Debug::text( ' Break AutoDeduct...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							if ( $bp_obj->getIncludeBreakPunchTime() == true ) {
								$break_policy_time = ( bcsub( $bp_obj->getAmount(), $eligible_break_total_time ) * -1 );
								//If they take more then their alloted break, zero it out so time isn't added.
								if ( $break_policy_time > 0 ) {
									$break_policy_time = 0;
							} else {
								$break_policy_time = ( $bp_obj->getAmount() * -1 );
						case 15: //Auto-Add
							Debug::text( ' Break AutoAdd...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							if ( $bp_obj->getIncludeBreakPunchTime() == true ) {
								if ( $eligible_break_total_time > $bp_obj->getAmount() ) {
									$break_policy_time = $bp_obj->getAmount();
								} else {
									$break_policy_time = $eligible_break_total_time;
							} else {
								$break_policy_time = $bp_obj->getAmount();

					if ( $bp_obj->getIncludeBreakPunchTime() == true && $break_policy_time > $remaining_break_time ) {
						$break_policy_time = $remaining_break_time;
					if ( $bp_obj->getIncludeBreakPunchTime() == true ) { //Handle cases where some break policies include punch time, and others don't.
						$remaining_break_time -= $break_policy_time;

					Debug::text( '  bBreak Policy Total Time: ' . $break_policy_time . ' Break Policy ID: ' . $bp_obj->getId() . ' Remaining Time: ' . $remaining_break_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					if ( $break_policy_time != 0 ) {
						$break_policy_total_time = bcadd( $break_policy_total_time, $break_policy_time );
						$worked_time_break_policy_adjustments = [];

						if ( $day_total_time > 0 && is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
							$allocation_type_id = ( $force_proportional_distribution === true ) ? 10 : $bp_obj->getAllocationType();
							switch ( $allocation_type_id ) {
								case 10: //Proportional Distribution
									$remainder = 0;
									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
										$udt_id = $udt_obj->getId();
										$total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();

										//Make sure we use bcmath() functions here to avoid floating point imprecision issues.
										$udt_raw_break_policy_time = bcmul( bcdiv( $total_time, $day_total_time ), $break_policy_time );
										if ( $break_policy_time > 0 ) {
											$rounded_udt_raw_break_policy_time = floor( $udt_raw_break_policy_time );
											$remainder = bcadd( $remainder, bcsub( $udt_raw_break_policy_time, $rounded_udt_raw_break_policy_time ) );
										} else {
											$rounded_udt_raw_break_policy_time = ceil( $udt_raw_break_policy_time );
											$remainder = bcadd( $remainder, bcsub( $udt_raw_break_policy_time, $rounded_udt_raw_break_policy_time ) );

										$worked_time_break_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] = (int)$rounded_udt_raw_break_policy_time;
										Debug::text( 'UserDateTotal Row ID: ' . $udt_id . ' UDT Total Time: ' . $total_time . ' Raw Break Policy Time: ' . $udt_raw_break_policy_time . '(' . $rounded_udt_raw_break_policy_time . ') Remainder: ' . $remainder, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//Add remainder rounded to the nearest second to the last row.
									if ( $break_policy_time > 0 ) { //Auto-Add
										$remainder = ceil( $remainder );
									} else { //Auto-Deduct
										$remainder = floor( $remainder );

									$worked_time_break_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] = (int)( $worked_time_break_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] + $remainder );
									unset( $udt_obj, $udt_id, $total_time, $rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time );

								case 100: //At Active After Time
									$remaining_break_policy_time = $break_policy_time;
									$udt_raw_break_policy_time = 0;
									$found_first_udt = false;

									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
										if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) { //Skip records with 0 time

										$udt_id = $udt_obj->getId();
										$udt_raw_break_policy_time = 0;

										//Find the correct UDT record that spans the break start time.
										if ( $found_first_udt == true || ( $last_punch_in_timestamp >= $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() && $last_punch_in_timestamp <= $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) ) {
											$found_first_udt = true;

											//If break starts half way into a UDT record, adjust the total time accordingly.
											if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp >= $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() && $last_punch_in_timestamp <= $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ){
												$tmp_udt_total_time = ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $last_punch_in_timestamp ); //Total time from break start time to end of UDT record.
											} else {
												$tmp_udt_total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();

											//Check to see if we can deduct the entire break from a single UDT record.
											if ( $tmp_udt_total_time >= abs( $remaining_break_policy_time ) ) {
												$udt_raw_break_policy_time = $remaining_break_policy_time;
											} else {
												$udt_raw_break_policy_time = $tmp_udt_total_time;

										if ( $udt_raw_break_policy_time != 0 ) {
											//Force positive/negative for the break policy adjustment.
											if ( $break_policy_time > 0 ) { //Auto-Add
												$udt_raw_break_policy_time = abs( $udt_raw_break_policy_time );
											} else { //Auto-Deduct
												$udt_raw_break_policy_time = ( abs( $udt_raw_break_policy_time ) * -1 );

											$worked_time_break_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] = (int)$udt_raw_break_policy_time;
											$remaining_break_policy_time += ( $udt_raw_break_policy_time * -1 );
											Debug::text( 'UserDateTotal Row ID: ' . $udt_id . ' UDT Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Raw break Policy Time: ' . $udt_raw_break_policy_time, ' Remaining break Time: ' . $remaining_break_policy_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//If remainder is 0, break out of the loop, as the break time is all accounted for.
										if ( $remaining_break_policy_time == 0 ) {

									if ( $remaining_break_policy_time != 0 ) {
										//Not enough time left in the day from when the break started. Fall back to proportional distribution instead.
										Debug::text( '  NOTICE: Remaining Break Time: ' . $remaining_break_policy_time .' with no time remaining in day! Falling back to proportional distribution allocation!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										return $this->calculateBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, true ); //Force Proportional Distribution.

									unset( $udt_obj, $udt_id, $total_time, $udt_raw_break_policy_time, $abs_break_policy_time, $found_first_udt, $tmp_udt_total_time, $remaining_break_policy_time );


							Debug::Arr( $worked_time_break_policy_adjustments, 'UserDateTotal Adjustments: Final Remainder: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '  Skipping break adjustment calculation due to day_total_time=0 or no UDT records... Day Total Time: '. $day_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Create a UDT row for each break policy adjustment element, so other policies can include/exclude the break/break time on its own.
						foreach ( $worked_time_break_policy_adjustments as $udt_id => $worked_time_break_policy_adjustment ) {
							if ( isset( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id] ) ) {
								if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
									$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
									$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
									$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
									$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
									$udtf->setObjectType( 110 ); //Break
									$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $bp_obj->getId() ) );
									$udtf->setGenericTempDataValue( 'source_object_allocation_type_id', $allocation_type_id ); //So we can easily test against this in compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects()
									$udtf->setPayCode( $bp_obj->getPayCode() );

									$udtf->setBranch( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getBranch() );
									$udtf->setDepartment( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getDepartment() );
									$udtf->setJob( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getJob() );
									$udtf->setJobItem( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getJobItem() );
									$udtf->setPunchTag( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getPunchTag() );

									$udtf->setStartType( 30 ); //Break
									$udtf->setEndType( 30 );   //Break
									if ( $bp_obj->getType() == 15 ) { //Auto-Add
										if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp != '' ) { //If the first punch is a Break IN and only a Normal OUT, $last_punch_in_timestamp will be NULL.
											$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $last_punch_in_timestamp - abs( $worked_time_break_policy_adjustment ) );
											$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $last_punch_in_timestamp );
											$last_punch_in_timestamp = $udtf->getStartTimeStamp();
									} else { //Auto-Deduct
										if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp != '' ) { //If the first punch is a Break IN and only a Normal OUT, $last_punch_in_timestamp will be NULL.
											$start_time_stamp = $last_punch_in_timestamp;
											$end_time_stamp = $last_punch_in_timestamp + abs( $worked_time_break_policy_adjustment );

											//If punches exist at: In: 05-Nov-22 @ 6:30PM Out: 06-Nov-22 @ 6:30AM (DST transition day) with a auto-deduct meal policy at exactly 7hrs, it can actually result in 1:30AM PST and 1:00AM PST instead, causing incorrect total time. So handling the offset should correct for that and force both start/end timestamps into the later timezone.
											//  It appears as though we don't need to do the same adjustment on the auto-add side.
											$dst_offset = ( TTDate::getDSTOffset( $start_time_stamp, $end_time_stamp ) * -1 );

											$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( ( $start_time_stamp + $dst_offset ) );
											$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $end_time_stamp + $dst_offset ) );

											unset( $start_time_stamp, $end_time_stamp, $dst_offset );

											$last_punch_in_timestamp = $udtf->getEndTimeStamp();

									$udtf->setQuantity( 0 );
									$udtf->setBadQuantity( 0 );
									$udtf->setTotalTime( $worked_time_break_policy_adjustment );

									//Base hourly rate on the regular wage
									$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $bp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp ) );
									$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $bp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate() ) );
									$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $bp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

									$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
									$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
									$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

									if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
										//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
										//We will save these records at the end.
										$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
										Debug::text( ' Adding UDT row for Break Policy Total Time: ' . $worked_time_break_policy_adjustment, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								} else {
									Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' ERROR: UDT ID does not exist: ' . $udt_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					Debug::text( '  cBreak Policy Total Time: ' . $break_policy_time . ' Break Policy ID: ' . $bp_obj->getId() . ' Remaining Time: ' . $remaining_break_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );


				Debug::text( 'Total Break Policy Time: ' . $break_policy_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

				return true;
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'No UserDateTotal rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		Debug::text( 'No break policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function BreakTimePolicySortByTriggerTimeAsc( $a, $b ) {
		if ( $a->getTriggerTime() == $b->getTriggerTime() ) {
			return 0;

		return ( $a->getTriggerTime() < $b->getTriggerTime() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param null $daily_total_time
	 * @param int $type_id    ID
	 * @param bool $always_return_at_least_one
	 * @return array
	function filterBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time = null, $type_id = null, $always_return_at_least_one = false ) {
		if ( ( $daily_total_time > 0 || $always_return_at_least_one == true )
				&& (
						( is_array( $this->break_time_policy ) && count( $this->break_time_policy ) > 0 )
						( is_array( $this->schedule_policy_break_time_policy ) && count( $this->schedule_policy_break_time_policy ) > 0 )
		) {
			$schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_arr = $this->filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp );
			if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $schedule_policy_arr as $sp_obj ) {
					$schedule_policy_break_policies = $sp_obj->getBreakPolicy(); //Calling getBreakPolicy() triggers a SQL query to the child table, this works as an optimization.
					if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_break_policies ) && count( $schedule_policy_break_policies ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids, $schedule_policy_break_policies );
				Debug::Arr( $schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids, 'Break Policies that apply to: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' from schedule policies: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			unset( $schedule_policy_arr, $schedule_policy_break_policies );

			//When break policies are defined in a schedule policy, they completely override the policy group break policies.
			//Break Policy ID: -1 == No Break
			//Break Policy ID: 0 == Defined By Policy Group
			if ( count( $schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids ) > 0 && !in_array( TTUUID::getZeroID(), $schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids ) ) {
				//Only use break policies from schedule policy
				if ( in_array( TTUUID::getNotExistID(), $schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'Using NO break policies...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$bplf = []; //No break policies.
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'Using Schedule Policy break policies...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$bplf = Misc::arrayIntersectByKey( $schedule_policy_break_time_policy_ids, $this->schedule_policy_break_time_policy );
			} else {
				//Only use break policies from policy group
				Debug::text( 'Using Policy Group break policies...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$bplf = $this->break_time_policy;

			if ( is_array( $bplf ) && count( $bplf ) > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $bplf as $bp_obj ) {
					if ( $daily_total_time >= $bp_obj->getTriggerTime() && ( $type_id == null || in_array( $bp_obj->getType(), (array)$type_id ) ) ) {
						$retarr[$bp_obj->getId()] = $bp_obj;
						Debug::text( '  Found Break policy matching trigger time: ' . $bp_obj->getTriggerTime() . ' Name: ' . $bp_obj->getName() . ' ID: ' . $bp_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( '  Break policy does not match trigger time: ' . $bp_obj->getTriggerTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'Found break policies that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//Since we have included/excluded additional policies, we need to resort them again so they are in the proper order.
					uasort( $retarr, [ $this, 'BreakTimePolicySortByTriggerTimeAsc' ] );

					return $retarr;
				} else if ( $always_return_at_least_one == true && isset( $bp_obj ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'Forced to always return at least one...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return [ $bp_obj ]; //This is used by calculateExceptionPolicy() so we can *not* trigger No Break exception when the user has worked less than trigger time.
			} else if ( is_array( $bplf ) && count( $bplf ) == 0 ) {
				return []; //Return a blank array so we know no meal policies apply to this day, but there were some, or -1 (No Meal) was used instead.

		Debug::text( 'No break policies apply on date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Get all overtime policies that could possibly apply, including from schedule policies.
	 * @return bool
	function getBreakTimePolicy() {
		$this->schedule_break_time_policy_ids = [];

		$splf = $this->schedule_policy_rs;
		if ( is_array( $splf ) && count( $splf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				$schedule_policy_break_policies = $sp_obj->getBreakPolicy(); //Calling getBreakPolicy() triggers a SQL query to the child table, this works as an optimization.
				if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_break_policies ) && count( $schedule_policy_break_policies ) > 0 ) {
					$this->schedule_break_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $this->schedule_break_time_policy_ids, $schedule_policy_break_policies );
			unset( $sp_obj, $schedule_policy_break_policies );

		$bplf = TTnew( 'BreakPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var BreakPolicyListFactory $bplf */
		$bplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdOrId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $this->schedule_break_time_policy_ids );
		if ( $bplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found break policy rows: ' . $bplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $bplf as $bp_obj ) {
				if ( $bp_obj->getColumn( 'from_policy_group' ) == 1 ) {
					$this->break_time_policy[$bp_obj->getId()] = $bp_obj;
				} else {
					$this->schedule_policy_break_time_policy[$bp_obj->getId()] = $bp_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No break policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $force_proportional_distribution = null ) {
		if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == false ) {
			Debug::text( 'No UDT records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		//Calculate meal time taken even if no meal policies exist.
		$lunch_total_time = 0;

		$last_punch_in_timestamp = false;

		$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPunchTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 20 ] ); //Lunch rows only.
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$pair = 0;
			$x = 0;
			$out_for_lunch = false;
			$lunch_out_timestamp = false;
			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) { /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */
				if ( $out_for_lunch == false && $udt_obj->getEndType() == 20 ) {
					$lunch_out_timestamp = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
					$out_for_lunch = true;
				} else if ( $out_for_lunch == true && $udt_obj->getStartType() == 20 ) {
					$lunch_punch_arr[$pair][20] = $lunch_out_timestamp;
					$lunch_punch_arr[$pair][10] = $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp();
					$out_for_lunch = false;
					unset( $lunch_out_timestamp );

					if ( $udt_obj->getStartType() == 20 && $udt_obj->getEndType() == 20 ) {
						$lunch_out_timestamp = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
						$out_for_lunch = true;
				} else {
					$out_for_lunch = false;

			if ( isset( $lunch_punch_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $lunch_punch_arr as $time_stamp_arr ) {
					if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && !empty( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && isset( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) && !empty( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) ) {
						//Insert UDT row for each lunch taken, with the start/end times.
						if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
							$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
							$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
							$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
							$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
							$udtf->setObjectType( 101 ); //Lunch (Taken)
							$udtf->setPayCode( TTUUID::getZeroID() );

							$udtf->setBranch( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() );
							$udtf->setDepartment( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() );
							$udtf->setJob( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() );
							$udtf->setJobItem( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() );
							$udtf->setPunchTag( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() );

							$udtf->setStartType( 20 ); //Lunch
							$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $time_stamp_arr[20] );
							$udtf->setEndType( 20 ); //Lunch
							$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $time_stamp_arr[10] );

							$udtf->setQuantity( 0 ); //Use this to count total lunches taken?
							$udtf->setBadQuantity( 0 );
							$udtf->setTotalTime( ( $time_stamp_arr[10] - $time_stamp_arr[20] ) );

							$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
							$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
							$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

							//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
							//We will save these records at the end.
							$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

							Debug::text( '   Adding UDT row for Meal (Taken) Total Time: ' . $lunch_total_time .' UDT Total Time: '. $udtf->getTotalTime() .' Lunch Out: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $time_stamp_arr[20] ) .' In: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $time_stamp_arr[10] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$lunch_total_time = ( $lunch_total_time + $udtf->getTotalTime() );
						} else {
							Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( ' Lunch Punches not paired or invalid timestamps... Skipping!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Get the last punch in timestamp so we start auto-add/auto-deduct timestamps from this.
				$last_punch_in_timestamp = $time_stamp_arr[10];
			} else {
				Debug::text( ' No Lunch Punches found, or none are paired.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		unset( $udtlf, $udtf, $pair, $x, $out_for_lunch, $lunch_out_timestamp, $lunch_punch_arr, $lunch_pair_total_time, $time_stamp_arr );

		$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$day_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $udtlf );
			Debug::text( 'Day Total Time: ' . $day_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Loop over all regular time policies calculating the pay codes, up until $maximum_time is reached.
			$meal_time_policies = $this->filterMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $day_total_time );
			if ( $day_total_time > 0 && is_array( $meal_time_policies ) && count( $meal_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
				$meal_policy_time = 0;

				foreach ( $meal_time_policies as $mp_obj ) {
					Debug::text( 'Meal Policy: ' . $mp_obj->getName() . '(' . $mp_obj->getId() . ') Type ID: ' . $mp_obj->getType() . ' Amount: ' . $mp_obj->getAmount() . ' Trigger Time: ' . $mp_obj->getTriggerTime() . ' Day Total Time: ' . $day_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp == false ) {
						//This is active after time from the first punch in the day, but if the employee has a split shift, or worked from 1A to 2A, then came in at 8A and worked to 5P.
						//   It would try to deduct the meal from a period when they employee wasn't working, and always fall back to proportional distribution.
						//if ( !isset( $shift_udt_objs ) ) {
						//	$shift_udt_objs = $this->getShiftStartAndEndUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, $date_stamp );
						//if ( is_array( $shift_udt_objs ) && isset( $shift_udt_objs['start'] ) ) {
						//	$last_punch_in_timestamp = ( $shift_udt_objs['start']->getStartTimeStamp() + $mp_obj->getTriggerTime() );

						//Get the time of day where the employee actually worked past the meal active after time (trigger time) -- ie: 6hrs.
						//  This will always return a time when the employee was actually working, so it properly skips unworked time in split shifts. See MealBreakPolicy_testAutoDeductMealPolicyAtActiveTimeAllocationE
						$active_after_udt_obj = $this->getUserDateTotalActiveAfter( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $mp_obj->getTriggerTime() );
						if ( isset( $active_after_udt_obj['start'] ) ) {
							$last_punch_in_timestamp = $active_after_udt_obj['start'];
						unset( $active_after_udt_obj );

					Debug::text( ' Lunch Total Time: ' . $lunch_total_time .' Last Punch In: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $last_punch_in_timestamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					switch ( $mp_obj->getType() ) {
						case 10: //Auto-Deduct
							Debug::text( ' Lunch AutoDeduct.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							if ( $mp_obj->getIncludeLunchPunchTime() == true ) {
								$meal_policy_time = ( bcsub( $mp_obj->getAmount(), $lunch_total_time ) * -1 );
								//If they take more then their alloted lunch, zero it out so time isn't added.
								if ( $meal_policy_time > 0 ) {
									$meal_policy_time = 0;
							} else {
								$meal_policy_time = ( $mp_obj->getAmount() * -1 );
						case 15: //Auto-Add
							Debug::text( ' Lunch AutoAdd.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							if ( $mp_obj->getIncludeLunchPunchTime() == true ) {
								if ( $lunch_total_time > $mp_obj->getAmount() ) {
									$meal_policy_time = $mp_obj->getAmount();
								} else {
									$meal_policy_time = $lunch_total_time;
							} else {
								$meal_policy_time = $mp_obj->getAmount();

					Debug::text( ' Meal Policy Total Time: ' . $meal_policy_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					if ( $meal_policy_time != 0 ) {
						$worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments = [];

						if ( $day_total_time > 0 && is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
							$allocation_type_id = ( $force_proportional_distribution === true ) ? 10 : $mp_obj->getAllocationType();
							switch ( $allocation_type_id ) {
								case 10: //Proportional Distribution
									$remainder = 0;

									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
									    $udt_id = $udt_obj->getId();
									    $total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();

										//Make sure we use bcmath() functions here to avoid floating point imprecision issues.
										$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = bcmul( bcdiv( $total_time, $day_total_time ), $meal_policy_time );
										if ( $meal_policy_time > 0 ) {
											$rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time = floor( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time );
											$remainder = bcadd( $remainder, bcsub( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time, $rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time ) );
										} else {
											$rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time = ceil( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time );
											$remainder = bcadd( $remainder, bcsub( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time, $rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time ) );

										$worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] = (int)$rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time;
										Debug::text( 'UserDateTotal Row ID: ' . $udt_id . ' UDT Total Time: ' . $total_time . ' Raw Meal Policy Time: ' . $udt_raw_meal_policy_time . '(' . $rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time . ') Remainder: ' . $remainder, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//Add remainder rounded to the nearest second to the last row.
									if ( $meal_policy_time > 0 ) { //Auto-Add
										$remainder = ceil( $remainder );
									} else { //Auto-Deduct
										$remainder = floor( $remainder );

									$worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] = (int)( $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] + $remainder );
									unset( $udt_obj, $udt_id, $total_time, $rounded_udt_raw_meal_policy_time );

								case 100: //At Active After Time
									$remaining_meal_policy_time = $meal_policy_time;
									$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = 0;
									$found_first_udt = false;

									$udtlf = new ArrayIterator( array_keys( $udtlf ) ); //Create Iterator so when splitting UDT records, we can continue to loop over them.
									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key ) {
										$udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$udt_key]; /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */

										if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) { //Skip records with 0 time

										$udt_id = $udt_obj->getId();
										$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = 0;

										//Get the next row object so we can see if this is a transfer punch.
										$next_udt_obj = null;
										if ( $udtlf->key() < ( $udtlf->count() - 1 ) ) { //Make sure we are not on the last row.
											$udtlf->next(); //Jump forward
											$next_key = $udtlf->current(); //Get current key
											$udtlf->seek( ( $udtlf->key() - 1 ) ); //Jump back to where we were so the foreach() can continue as normal.

											if ( isset( $this->user_date_total[$next_key] ) ) {
												$next_udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$next_key];

										//Find the correct UDT record that spans the lunch start time.
										//There can be cases where the employee punches in at 12AM -> 6:15AM, then 6PM to 6:30AM, and lunch falls after 6hrs (6AM -> 6:30AM).
										//  Its an impossible situation to deduct lunch from, but we have to do something, so fall back to proportional distribution. (or: Half of lunch needs to be deducted from 6AM -> 6:15AM, then the other half from 6PM to 6:15PM.)
										// So check to make sure the entire lunch can be deducted from the UDT record. Otherwise this can throw off overtime calculations.
										if ( $found_first_udt == true
												|| ( $last_punch_in_timestamp >= $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() && $last_punch_in_timestamp <= $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp()
														&& ( ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $last_punch_in_timestamp ) >= abs( $remaining_meal_policy_time ) || ( is_object( $next_udt_obj ) && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() == $next_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) )
														) ) {
											$found_first_udt = true;

											//If lunch starts half way into a UDT record, adjust the total time accordingly.
											if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp >= $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() && $last_punch_in_timestamp <= $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ){
												$tmp_udt_total_time = ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $last_punch_in_timestamp ); //Total time from meal start time to end of UDT record.
											} else {
												$tmp_udt_total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();

											//Check to see if we can deduct the entire meal from a single UDT record.
											if ( $tmp_udt_total_time >= abs( $remaining_meal_policy_time ) ) {
												$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = $remaining_meal_policy_time;
											} else {
												$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = $tmp_udt_total_time;

										if ( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time != 0 ) {
											//Force positive/negative for the meal policy adjustment.
											if ( $meal_policy_time > 0 ) { //Auto-Add
												$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = abs( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time );
											} else { //Auto-Deduct
												$udt_raw_meal_policy_time = ( abs( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time ) * -1 );

											$worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments[$udt_id] = (int)$udt_raw_meal_policy_time;
											$remaining_meal_policy_time += ( $udt_raw_meal_policy_time * -1 );
											Debug::text( 'UserDateTotal Row ID: ' . $udt_id . ' UDT Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Raw Meal Policy Time: ' . $udt_raw_meal_policy_time, ' Remaining Meal Time: ' . $remaining_meal_policy_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//If remainder is 0, break out of the loop, as the meal time is all accounted for.
										if ( $remaining_meal_policy_time == 0 ) {

									if ( $remaining_meal_policy_time != 0 ) {
										//Not enough time left in the day from when the meal started. Fall back to proportional distribution instead.
										Debug::text( '  NOTICE: Remaining Meal Time: ' . $remaining_meal_policy_time .' with no time remaining in day! Falling back to proportional distribution allocation!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										return $this->calculateMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, true ); //Force Proportional Distribution.

									unset( $udt_obj, $udt_id, $total_time, $udt_raw_meal_policy_time, $abs_meal_policy_time, $found_first_udt, $tmp_udt_total_time, $remaining_meal_policy_time );


							Debug::Arr( $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments, 'UserDateTotal Adjustments:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '  Skipping meal adjustment calculation due to day_total_time=0 or no UDT records... Day Total Time: '. $day_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Create a UDT row for each meal policy adjustment element, so other policies can include/exclude the meal/break time on its own.
						foreach ( $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustments as $udt_id => $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustment ) {
							if ( isset( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id] ) ) {
								if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
									$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
									$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
									$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
									$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
									$udtf->setObjectType( 100 ); //Lunch
									$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $mp_obj->getId() ) );
									$udtf->setGenericTempDataValue( 'source_object_allocation_type_id', $allocation_type_id ); //So we can easily test against this in compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects()
									$udtf->setPayCode( $mp_obj->getPayCode() );

									$udtf->setBranch( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getBranch() );
									$udtf->setDepartment( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getDepartment() );
									$udtf->setJob( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getJob() );
									$udtf->setJobItem( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getJobItem() );
									$udtf->setPunchTag( $this->user_date_total[$udt_id]->getPunchTag() );

									$udtf->setStartType( 20 ); //Lunch
									$udtf->setEndType( 20 );   //Lunch
									if ( $mp_obj->getType() == 15 ) { //Auto-Add
										if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp != '' ) { //If the first punch is a Lunch IN and only a Normal OUT, $last_punch_in_timestamp will be NULL.
											$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $last_punch_in_timestamp - abs( $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustment ) );
											$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $last_punch_in_timestamp );
											$last_punch_in_timestamp = $udtf->getStartTimeStamp();
									} else { //Auto-Deduct
										if ( $last_punch_in_timestamp != '' ) { //If the first punch is a Lunch IN and only a Normal OUT, $last_punch_in_timestamp will be NULL.
											$start_time_stamp = $last_punch_in_timestamp;
											$end_time_stamp = $last_punch_in_timestamp + abs( $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustment );

											//If punches exist at: In: 05-Nov-22 @ 6:30PM Out: 06-Nov-22 @ 6:30AM (DST transition day) with a auto-deduct meal policy at exactly 7hrs, it can actually result in 1:30AM PST and 1:00AM PST instead, causing incorrect total time. So handling the offset should correct for that and force both start/end timestamps into the later timezone.
											//  It appears as though we don't need to do the same adjustment on the auto-add side.
											$dst_offset = TTDate::getDSTOffset( $start_time_stamp, $end_time_stamp ) * -1;

											$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( ( $start_time_stamp + $dst_offset ) );
											$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $end_time_stamp + $dst_offset ) );

											unset( $start_time_stamp, $end_time_stamp, $dst_offset );

											$last_punch_in_timestamp = $udtf->getEndTimeStamp();

									$udtf->setQuantity( 0 );
									$udtf->setBadQuantity( 0 );
									$udtf->setTotalTime( $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustment );

									//Base hourly rate on the regular wage
									$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $mp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp ) );
									$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $mp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate() ) );
									$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $mp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

									$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
									$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
									$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

									if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
										//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
										//We will save these records at the end.
										$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

										Debug::text( ' Adding UDT row for Meal Policy Total Time: ' . $worked_time_meal_policy_adjustment, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								} else {
									Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' ERROR: UDT ID does not exist: ' . $udt_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				Debug::text( 'Total Meal Policy Time: ' . $meal_policy_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

				return true;
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'No UserDateTotal rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		Debug::text( 'No meal policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param null $daily_total_time
	 * @param int $type_id    ID
	 * @param bool $always_return_at_least_one
	 * @return array
	function filterMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time = null, $type_id = null, $always_return_at_least_one = false ) {
		if ( ( $daily_total_time > 0 || $always_return_at_least_one == true )
				&& (
						( is_array( $this->meal_time_policy ) && count( $this->meal_time_policy ) > 0 )
						( is_array( $this->schedule_policy_meal_time_policy ) && count( $this->schedule_policy_meal_time_policy ) > 0 )
		) {
			$schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_arr = $this->filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp );
			if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $schedule_policy_arr as $sp_obj ) {
					$schedule_policy_meal_policies = $sp_obj->getMealPolicy(); //Calling getMealPolicy() triggers a SQL query to the child table, this works as an optimization.
					if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_meal_policies ) && count( $schedule_policy_meal_policies ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids, $schedule_policy_meal_policies );
				Debug::Arr( $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids, 'Meal Policies that apply to: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' from schedule policies: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			unset( $schedule_policy_arr, $schedule_policy_meal_policies );

			//When meal policies are defined in a schedule policy, they completely override the policy group meal policies.
			//Meal Policy ID: -1 == No Meal
			//Meal Policy ID: 0 == Defined By Policy Group
			if ( count( $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids ) > 0 && !in_array( TTUUID::getZeroID(), $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids ) ) {
				//Only use meal policies from schedule policy
				if ( in_array( TTUUID::getNotExistID(), $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'Using NO meal policies...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$mplf = []; //No meal policies.
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'Using Schedule Policy meal policy: ' . $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids[0], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$mplf = Misc::arrayIntersectByKey( $schedule_policy_meal_time_policy_ids, $this->schedule_policy_meal_time_policy );
			} else {
				//Only use meal policies from policy group
				Debug::text( 'Using Policy Group meal policies...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$mplf = $this->meal_time_policy;

			if ( is_array( $mplf ) && count( $mplf ) > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $mplf as $mp_obj ) {
					if ( $daily_total_time >= $mp_obj->getTriggerTime() && ( $type_id == null || in_array( $mp_obj->getType(), (array)$type_id ) ) ) {
						$retarr[$mp_obj->getId()] = $mp_obj;
						Debug::text( '  Found Meal policy matching trigger time: ' . $mp_obj->getTriggerTime() . ' ID: ' . $mp_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						break; //Only return one meal policy.
					} else {
						Debug::text( '  Meal policy does not match type or trigger time: ' . $mp_obj->getTriggerTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'Found meal policies that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return $retarr;
				} else if ( $always_return_at_least_one == true && isset( $mp_obj ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'Forced to always return at least one...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return [ $mp_obj ]; //This is used by calculateExceptionPolicy() so we can *not* trigger No Lunch exception when the user has worked less than trigger time.
			} else if ( is_array( $mplf ) && count( $mplf ) == 0 ) {
				return []; //Return a blank array so we know no meal policies apply to this day, but there were some, or -1 (No Meal) was used instead.

		Debug::text( 'No meal policies apply on date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Get all meal policies that could possibly apply, including from schedule policies.
	 * @return bool
	function getMealTimePolicy() {
		$this->schedule_meal_time_policy_ids = [];

		$splf = $this->schedule_policy_rs;
		if ( is_array( $splf ) && count( $splf ) > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found schedule policy rows: ' . count( $splf ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				$schedule_policy_meal_policies = $sp_obj->getMealPolicy(); //Calling getMealPolicy() triggers a SQL query to the child table, this works as an optimization.
				if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_meal_policies ) && count( $schedule_policy_meal_policies ) > 0 ) {
					$this->schedule_meal_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $this->schedule_meal_time_policy_ids, $schedule_policy_meal_policies );
			unset( $sp_obj, $schedule_policy_meal_policies );

		$mplf = TTnew( 'MealPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var MealPolicyListFactory $mplf */
		$mplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdOrId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $this->schedule_meal_time_policy_ids );
		if ( $mplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found meal policy rows: ' . $mplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $mplf as $mp_obj ) {
				if ( $mp_obj->getColumn( 'from_policy_group' ) == 1 ) {
					$this->meal_time_policy[$mp_obj->getId()] = $mp_obj;
				} else {
					$this->schedule_policy_meal_time_policy[$mp_obj->getId()] = $mp_obj;

			Debug::text( 'Found schedule policy meal policy rows: ' . count( (array)$this->schedule_policy_meal_time_policy ) . ' Policy Group: ' . count( (array)$this->meal_time_policy ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No meal policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateAbsenceTimePolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		$user_date_total_rows = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 50 ] );
		if ( is_array( $user_date_total_rows ) ) {
			foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {

				//Absence records of 0hrs can have negative affects on calculating OT since the first OT policy bases the start_time of all other OT policies on the start time of the first UDT record,
				// which is often absence records manually entered on the timesheet.
				// See function: calculateOverTimePolicyForTriggerTime, this line: $current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'] = ( ( ( $user_date_total_rows[key($user_date_total_rows)]->getStartTimeStamp() != '' ) ? $user_date_total_rows[key($user_date_total_rows)]->getStartTimeStamp() : TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $user_date_total_rows[key($user_date_total_rows)]->getDateStamp() ) ) + $current_trigger_time_arr['trigger_time'] );
				// We can't filter out 0hr UDT records in the filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs() function, as we have chained UDT records that reference other ones, so 0hrs is a valid situation in those cases.
				// This was replicated with a Weekly > 40 and Weekly > 48 OT policy, on the last day of the week where the time should be split 4hrs to one and 4hrs to other, then add a 0hr Vacation absence to the day, and 1hr Jury Duty absence as well.
				if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {
					Debug::text( 'Skipping absence records of 0 hours...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				$ap_obj = $udt_obj->getSourceObjectObject();
				$this->absence_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()] = $ap_obj; //Cache the absence policy objects so they can be used in calculateAverageHourlyRates

				Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Absence Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 25 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' UDT Key: ' . $udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				if ( is_object( $ap_obj ) && !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
					$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
					$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
					$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
					$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
					$udtf->setObjectType( 25 ); //Absence Time
					$udtf->setSourceObject( $udt_obj->getSourceObject() );
					$udtf->setPayCode( $udt_obj->getPayCode() );

					$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
					$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
					$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
					$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
					$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

					$udtf->setQuantity( 0 );
					$udtf->setBadQuantity( 0 );
					$udtf->setTotalTime( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );

					//Need to carry-over start/end times from Absences taken, so getShiftStartAndEndUserDateTotal() can return absence shifts.
					//and thereby apply schedule policies on just absence scheduled shifts.
					if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
						$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
						$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
						$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() );
						$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );

						//Check to see if punches exist on this day, then see if they overlap the absences.
						if ( is_array( $this->punch ) && count( $this->punch ) > 0 ) {
							//#2799 - In cases where an absence is from 8A-1:45P, and the employee works from 8A-1:45P as well.
							//    Since the above overlap, OT >8hrs/day is not calculating properly.
							$udt_time_stamps = $this->calculateUserDateTotalStartAndEndTimeStamps( $udt_obj );

							//See comment above about overlapping punches and absences. Therefore try to use $udt_time_stamps if they exist, otherwise fall back to $udt_obj timestamps.
							if ( isset( $udt_time_stamps['start_time_stamp'] ) && isset( $udt_time_stamps['end_time_stamp'] ) ) {
								$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_time_stamps['start_time_stamp'] );
								$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $udt_time_stamps['end_time_stamp'] );
					} else {
						//Manual timesheet entry, set bogus start/end times that don't overlap any punches that may exist.
						$udt_time_stamps = $this->calculateUserDateTotalStartAndEndTimeStamps( $udt_obj );

						$udtf->setStartType( 10 ); //Normal
						$udtf->setEndType( 10 ); //Normal
						$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_time_stamps['start_time_stamp'] );
						$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $udt_time_stamps['end_time_stamp'] );
						Debug::text( '        No Start/End TimeStamps specified, setting temporary ones: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udtf->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					unset( $udt_time_stamps );

					//Base hourly rate on the regular wage
					$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $ap_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $date_stamp ) );
					$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $ap_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate() ) );
					$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $ap_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

					$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
					$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
					$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

					if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
						//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
						//We will save these records at the end.
						$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

						//If the source Absence record (object_type_id=50) is linked to an accrual, exclude all other UDT records calculated
						//from this one from also affecting the accrual.
						$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPolicyObject( $ap_obj );
						if ( $this->isPayFormulaAccruing( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) == true ) {
							Debug::text( '  Adding UDT Insert ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' to Accrual Time Exclusivity Map...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = true;

				} else {
					Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			Debug::text( 'Done with absence time policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No absence time policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateUnderTimeAbsencePolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		$undertime_absence_policy_arr = $this->filterUnderTimeAbsencePolicy( $date_stamp );
		if ( is_array( $undertime_absence_policy_arr ) && count( $undertime_absence_policy_arr ) > 0 ) {
			$schedule_daily_total_time = $this->getSumScheduleTime( $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] ) );
			$worked_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ) ); //Make sure we include paid/unpaid lunches/breaks.

			$total_under_time = ( $schedule_daily_total_time - $worked_daily_total_time );
			Debug::text( 'Schedule Daily Total Time: ' . $schedule_daily_total_time . ' Worked Time: ' . $worked_daily_total_time . ' Total Under Time: ' . $total_under_time . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( $worked_daily_total_time == 0 && isset( $undertime_absence_policy_arr['full'] ) ) {
				$ap_obj = $undertime_absence_policy_arr['full'];
				Debug::text( ' Using Full Shift Undertime Absence Policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			} else if ( $worked_daily_total_time > 0 && isset( $undertime_absence_policy_arr['partial'] ) ) {
				$ap_obj = $undertime_absence_policy_arr['partial'];
				Debug::text( ' Using Partial Shift Undertime Absence Policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( isset( $ap_obj ) && is_object( $ap_obj ) ) {
				//Make sure they have at least some worked time, as without any punch we can't match to what schedules should be applied. (Why do we need to match though?)
				//  If worked_time is 0, make sure date_stamp is after today before recording undertime absences,
				//    so they don't appear in the future when schedules are created, or on the current date before the employee has had a chance to punch in/out
				//  However if worked_time is 0, we need to have maintenance jobs calculate undertime absences at leach night, in cases where override schedules are entered in the future
				//    and no undertime is calculated immediately, then todays date catches up and undertime should now be calculated, only the maintenance job can trigger that.
				//  Need to have a switch in the Schedule Policy that determines if we calculate undertime for Full Shifts Only, Partial Shifts Only, or Both Full and Partial Shifts.
				if ( $total_under_time > 0
						&& (
								$worked_daily_total_time > 0
								( $worked_daily_total_time == 0 && TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) < TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( time() ) )
				) {
					//Check for conflicting/overridden records, so the user can override undertime absences and zero them out.
					if ( $this->isConflictingUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, [ 25, 50 ], $ap_obj->getPayCode(), $ap_obj->getId(), null, null, null, null, true ) == false ) {
						if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
							$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
							$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
							$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
							$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );

							//This was originally set to object_type_id=25, however that was inconsistent with holiday policies (50)
							//and caused confusion from old versions that also showed undertime absences in the Absence section at the bottom
							//Changed back to object_type_id=50 on 10-Apr-15 to be consistent with other policy absences.
							//It also makes it easier to override it without having to use Accumulated Time functionality.
							$udtf->setObjectType( 50 );
							$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $ap_obj->getId() ) );
							$udtf->setPayCode( $ap_obj->getPayCode() );

							$udtf->setBranch( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() );
							$udtf->setDepartment( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() );
							$udtf->setJob( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() );
							$udtf->setJobItem( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() );
							$udtf->setPunchTag( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() );

							$udtf->setQuantity( 0 );
							$udtf->setBadQuantity( 0 );
							$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_under_time );

							//Base hourly rate on the regular wage
							$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $ap_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp ) );
							$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $ap_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate() ) );
							$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $ap_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

							$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
							$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
							$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

							if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf, true ) == false ) { //Use strict src_object_id checks here so we can have multiple absence entries of the same pay code, but different absence policies.
								//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
								//We will save these records at the end.
								$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

								Debug::text( ' Adding UDT row for UnderTime Absence Policy Time: ' . $total_under_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

							return true;
						} else {
							Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( 'Found absence taken that conflicts with undertime policy, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		Debug::text( 'No undertime absence policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function filterUnderTimeAbsencePolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		if ( ( is_array( $this->undertime_absence_policy ) && count( $this->undertime_absence_policy ) > 0 ) ) {
			$schedule_policy_arr = $this->filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp, true ); //Force all scheduled shifts to be returned.
			if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $schedule_policy_arr as $sp_obj ) {
					if ( !isset( $retarr['partial'] ) && isset( $this->undertime_absence_policy[$sp_obj->getPartialShiftAbsencePolicyID()] ) ) {
						Debug::text( '  Found partial shift undertime absence policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$retarr['partial'] = $this->undertime_absence_policy[$sp_obj->getPartialShiftAbsencePolicyID()];

					if ( !isset( $retarr['full'] ) && isset( $this->undertime_absence_policy[$sp_obj->getFullShiftAbsencePolicyID()] ) ) {
						Debug::text( '  Found full shift undertime absence policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$retarr['full'] = $this->undertime_absence_policy[$sp_obj->getFullShiftAbsencePolicyID()];

					if ( isset( $retarr['partial'] ) && isset( $retarr['full'] ) ) {

		if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
			return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No partial/full shift undertime absence policies apply on date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Get all absence policies that could possibly apply, including from schedule policies.
	 * @return bool
	function getUnderTimeAbsenceTimePolicy() {
		$this->schedule_undertime_absence_policy_ids = [];

		$splf = $this->schedule_policy_rs;
		if ( is_array( $splf ) && count( $splf ) > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found schedule policy rows: ' . count( $splf ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				$this->schedule_undertime_absence_policy_ids = array_merge( $this->schedule_undertime_absence_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getFullShiftAbsencePolicyID(), (array)$sp_obj->getPartialShiftAbsencePolicyID() );
			unset( $sp_obj );

		if ( count( $this->schedule_undertime_absence_policy_ids ) > 0 ) {
			$aplf = TTnew( 'AbsencePolicyListFactory' ); /** @var AbsencePolicyListFactory $aplf */
			$aplf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $this->schedule_undertime_absence_policy_ids, $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() );
			if ( $aplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found undertime absence policy rows: ' . $aplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				foreach ( $aplf as $ap_obj ) {
					$this->undertime_absence_policy[$ap_obj->getId()] = $ap_obj;

				return true;

		Debug::text( 'No undertime absence policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function calculateRegularTimeExclusivity() {
		//Loop through the exclusivity map and reduce regular time records by the amount of the linked absence record.
		if ( is_array( $this->regular_time_exclusivity_map ) && count( $this->regular_time_exclusivity_map ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $this->regular_time_exclusivity_map as $exclusivity_data ) {
				foreach ( $exclusivity_data as $regular_udt_key => $reg_udt_key ) {
					//Debug::text('Regular UDT Key '. $regular_udt_key .' Absence Key: '. $reg_udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					if ( isset( $this->user_date_total[$regular_udt_key] ) && isset( $this->user_date_total[$reg_udt_key] ) ) {
						$udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$regular_udt_key];
						$reg_udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$reg_udt_key];

						if ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 25 ) { //25=Absence
							Debug::text( 'Absence UDT Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' (' . $regular_udt_key . ') Regular Total Time: ' . $reg_udt_obj->getTotalTime() . '(' . $reg_udt_key . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$udt_obj->setTotalTime( ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() - $reg_udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) );
							$udt_obj->setQuantity( ( $udt_obj->getQuantity() - $reg_udt_obj->getQuantity() ) );
							$udt_obj->setBadQuantity( ( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() - $reg_udt_obj->getBadQuantity() ) );

							if ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
								$udt_obj->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $reg_udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) );

							$udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Calculate TotalTimeAmount.
							Debug::text( '  Reducing Absence Time to: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						//else {
						//	Debug::text( 'WARNING: UDT Records isnt absence time, unable to adjust for exclusivity. Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType() . ' Pay Code: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( 'ERROR: UDT Records dont exist, unable to adjust for exclusivity.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			unset( $udt_obj, $reg_udt_obj );

			$this->regular_time_exclusivity_map = null; //Make sure this reset each time this is run.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No exclusivity records to calculate!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param object $udt_obj
	 * @return array
	function calculateUserDateTotalStartAndEndTimeStamps( $udt_obj ) {
		//Try to fit time stamps in with schedule and existing punches as best as possible.
		if ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 50 ) {
			//Absences with punches should be at the beginning of the day to avoid them always being OT.
			if ( $this->prev_user_date_total_start_time_stamp == null ) {
				$plf = $this->filterPunchDataByDateAndTypeAndStatus( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() );
				if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
					//Get first punch timestamp and start counting backwards from there.
					foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
						$first_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();

					Debug::text( '    First Punch TimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $first_punch_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$end_time_stamp = $first_punch_time_stamp;
					$start_time_stamp = ( $end_time_stamp - $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
				} else {
					//If no punches exist, try to match the timestamps up with their first scheduled shift.
					$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), 10 ); //Working
					if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
						foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
							$first_schedule_start_time_stamp = $s_obj->getStartTime();

						Debug::text( '    First Schedule TimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $first_schedule_start_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$end_time_stamp = $first_schedule_start_time_stamp;
						$start_time_stamp = ( $end_time_stamp - $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
					} else {
						$start_time_stamp = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() );
						$end_time_stamp = ( $start_time_stamp + $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
			} else {
				$end_time_stamp = $this->prev_user_date_total_start_time_stamp;
				$start_time_stamp = ( $end_time_stamp - $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );

			$this->prev_user_date_total_start_time_stamp = $start_time_stamp;
		} else {
			//Non-absences (manual timesheet entries) should go at the end of the day, after punches.
			if ( $this->prev_user_date_total_end_time_stamp == null ) {
				$plf = $this->filterPunchDataByDateAndTypeAndStatus( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() );
				if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
					//Get last punch timestamp and start counting from there.
					foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
						$last_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();

					Debug::text( '    Last Punch TimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $last_punch_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$start_time_stamp = $last_punch_time_stamp;
					$end_time_stamp = ( $start_time_stamp + $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
				} else {
					//If no punches exist, try to match the timestamps up with their first scheduled shift.
					$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), 10 ); //Working
					if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
						foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
							$first_schedule_start_time_stamp = $s_obj->getStartTime();

						Debug::text( '    First Schedule TimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $first_schedule_start_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$start_time_stamp = $first_schedule_start_time_stamp;
						$end_time_stamp = ( $start_time_stamp + $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
					} else {
						$start_time_stamp = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() );
						$end_time_stamp = ( $start_time_stamp + $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
			} else {
				$start_time_stamp = $this->prev_user_date_total_end_time_stamp;
				$end_time_stamp = ( $start_time_stamp + $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );

			$this->prev_user_date_total_end_time_stamp = $end_time_stamp;

		$retarr = [ 'start_time_stamp' => $start_time_stamp, 'end_time_stamp' => $end_time_stamp ];
		Debug::text( '  Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $start_time_stamp ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $end_time_stamp ) . ' Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $retarr;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param null $maximum_daily_total_time
	 * @return bool
	function calculateRegularTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $maximum_daily_total_time = null ) {
		if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == false ) {
			Debug::text( 'No UDT records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		//Since other policies such as OT need to be able to calculate hourly rates based on regular time.
		//We need to assign *all* worked time+meal/break+absence to regular time policies.
		//  Then when OT policies are calculated, they don't need to use worked time at all, and can reduce the regular time policy time by whatever is converted to OT.

		//Loop over all regular time policies calculating the pay codes.
		$regular_time_policies = $this->filterRegularTimePolicy( $date_stamp );
		$total_regular_time_policies = count( $regular_time_policies );
		if ( is_array( $regular_time_policies ) && $total_regular_time_policies > 0 ) {
			//Don't set an upper limit on the regular time, as we have to account for worked, absence time, but not always in every situation
			//So we can't reliably calculate the upper limit. As long as we don't calculate policies on source UDT rows multiple times we should be fine.

			$udt_used_keys = [];
			$udt_used_time_ranges = [];

			$covered_time = 0;
			$break_loop = false;
			for ( $i = 0; $i <= $total_regular_time_policies; $i++ ) {

				if ( $i == $total_regular_time_policies ) {
					//Don't set an upper limit on the regular time, as we have to account for worked, absence time, but not always in every situation
					//So we can't reliably calculate the upper limit. As long as we don't calculate policies on source UDT rows multiple times we should be fine.

					Debug::text( 'Reached last row, apply catch all: I: ' . $i . ' Total Reg Policies: ' . $total_regular_time_policies, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$rtp_obj = end( $regular_time_policies ); /** @var RegularTimePolicyFactory $rtp_obj */

					if ( !isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
						Debug::text( ' ERROR: Contributing Shift Policy for RegularTime Policy: ' . $rtp_obj->getName() . ' does not exist...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//Haven't used all worked time, so use all worked time as the input for the last policy, regardless of what the contributing shift policy says.
					//Should this be the regular time policy with the highest calculation order assigned to this employee/day, or highest for the entire company?
					//Should the time go to pay_code_id = 0 using a special name like "Regular Time (Catch All)" with 0 rate of pay? That way its easy to figure out the issue
					//  and correct by simply making a regular time policy that includes all worked time? (which would be there by default anyways)
					// Don't include Absence Time (25) in here, otherwise it will always override absence time as its exclusive.
					//$user_date_total_rows = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, array( 10, 100, 110 ) );

					//Still need to include meal/break policy time, in case they want to include it in regular time or not.
					$user_date_total_rows = $this->compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 10, 100, 110 ] ) );
				} else {
					$rtp_obj = current( $regular_time_policies ); /** @var RegularTimePolicyFactory $rtp_obj */

					if ( !isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
						Debug::text( ' ERROR: Contributing Shift Policy for RegularTime Policy: ' . $rtp_obj->getName() . ' does not exist...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//Do we include just Worked Time in the calculation, or do we somehow handle Contributing Shift Policies?
					//Regular Time should be exclusive to itself, so we can't calculate regular time on top of regular time.
					//Only include worked time in regular time calculation, then overtime and premium will include regular time.
					//  **FIXME: However both Premium and now OT policies include themselves in filter so we can nest policies.
					//  For example maybe we want one Reg. policy that include just a subset of time (based on a differential filter or contributing shift policy),
					//  then another regular time policy that just includes time from that previous reg. policy. We are doing something similar with OT policies.
					$user_date_total_rows = $this->compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 10, 25, 100, 110 ] ) );
				Debug::text( 'I: ' . $i . ' Regular Time Policy: ' . $rtp_obj->getName() . ' Pay Code: ' . $rtp_obj->getPayCode(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( is_array( $user_date_total_rows ) && count( $user_date_total_rows ) > 0 ) {
					foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) { /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */
						Debug::text( 'Regular Time Policy: ' . $rtp_obj->getName() . ' ID: ' . $udt_obj->getID() . ' Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Pay Code: ' . $rtp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Quantity: ' . $udt_obj->getQuantity() . ' Bad Quantity: ' . $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() . ' Used Regular Time: ' . $covered_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Figure out the timestamps early so we can determine if any timestamps overlap existing UDT records we have created.
						if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
							// Short circuit early if this UDT key has already been flagged as used and we are working on a meal/break record currently.
							//   Otherwise $udt_used_time_ranges are checked lower down.
							if ( isset( $udt_used_keys[$udt_key] ) && ( $udt_obj->getType() == 100 || $udt_obj->getType() == 110 ) ) {
								Debug::text( 'UDT row already used in another regular time policy! (a) ID: ' . $udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$udt_start_time_stamp = $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp();
							$udt_end_time_stamp = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
						} else {
							//Since manual timesheet doesn't have known start/end time stamps, the $udt_used_time_ranges checked below isn't as helpful,
							//  have a less strict check on if the UDT record has been used already or not.
							if ( isset( $udt_used_keys[$udt_key] ) ) {
								Debug::text( 'UDT row already used in another regular time policy! (b) ID: ' . $udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							//Manual timesheet entry, set bogus start/end times that don't overlap any punches that may exist.
							$udt_time_stamps = $this->calculateUserDateTotalStartAndEndTimeStamps( $udt_obj );
							$udt_start_time_stamp = $udt_time_stamps['start_time_stamp'];
							$udt_end_time_stamp = $udt_time_stamps['end_time_stamp'];
							unset( $udt_time_stamps );
							Debug::text( '        No Start/End TimeStamps specified, setting temporary ones: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_start_time_stamp ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_end_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Loop through all ranges to see if there is any overlap based on timestamps.
						//  We do check based on UDT key, but there are cases when a UDT record needs to be split for meal/breaks, which creates a temporary UDT key that is marked as used.
						//  But then for another regular time policy that pulls in the same UDT, it can get split as well as a new key and duplicating the temporary UDT record and doubling up on regular time.
						//There is also cases where a contributing shift policy may create temporary UDT records that are split at midnight, so checking based on used UDT key is not enough, and we have to check based on time range used instead.
						foreach( $udt_used_time_ranges as $udt_used_time_range ) {
							//Ignore Auto-Add Meal/Break UDT records, as those will always overlap.
							if ( $udt_obj->getOverride() == false && $udt_obj->getType() != 100 && $udt_obj->getType() != 110 && TTDate::isTimeOverLapStandard( $udt_start_time_stamp, $udt_end_time_stamp, $udt_used_time_range['start'], $udt_used_time_range['end'], false ) == true ) {
								Debug::text( 'UDT row already used in another regular time policy time range! ID: ' . $udt_key .' Type: '. $udt_obj->getType() .' Current: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_start_time_stamp ) .' - '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_end_time_stamp ) .' Range: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_used_time_range['start'] ) .' - '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_used_time_range['end'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								continue 2; //Continue out of upper foreach($user_date_total_rows) loop, as we already used this UDT time range.

						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) {
							$create_udt_record = false;
							if ( ( $rtp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() == 10 && $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch(), $udt_obj->getBranch(), $rtp_obj->getBranch(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() ) ) {
								//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Branch Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Branch: '. (int)$rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() .' Default Branch: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
								if ( ( $rtp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() == 10 && $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType(), $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment(), $udt_obj->getDepartment(), $rtp_obj->getDepartment(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() ) ) {
									//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Department Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Department: '. (int)$rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() .' Default Department: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
									if ( $rtp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobObject()->getGroup() : null ), $rtp_obj->getJobGroup() ) ) {
										//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										if ( ( $rtp_obj->getJobSelectionType() == 10 && $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob(), $udt_obj->getJob(), $rtp_obj->getJob(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() ) ) {
											//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
											if ( $rtp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobItemObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobItemObject()->getGroup() : null ), $rtp_obj->getJobItemGroup() ) ) {
												//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
												if ( ( $rtp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType() == 10 && $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType(), $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem(), $udt_obj->getJobItem(), $rtp_obj->getJobItem(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() ) ) {
													//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
													if ( $rtp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), null, $udt_obj->getPunchTagGroupIds(), $rtp_obj->getPunchTagGroup() ) ) {
														//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
														if ( ( $rtp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType() == 10 && $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $rtp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), $rtp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag(), $udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $rtp_obj->getPunchTag(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() ) ) {
															//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Criteria! Select Type: '. $rtp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
															$create_udt_record = true;
							} else {
								Debug::text( 'Branch Selection is disabled! Branch Selection Type: ' . $rtp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							$create_udt_record = true;

						if ( $create_udt_record == true ) {
							//No need to pro-rate regular time, as calculating regular/overtime exclusivity will handle this.
							$total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
							$quantity = $udt_obj->getQuantity();
							$bad_quantity = $udt_obj->getBadQuantity();

							//Can't compact the data here, as that won't allow us to reference (pyramid) the time as each policy total time is calculated.
							//We will need to create the UserDateTotal objects, then compact them just before inserting...
							Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Regular Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 20 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $rtp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
								$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
								$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
								$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
								$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
								$udtf->setObjectType( 20 ); //Regular Time
								$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $rtp_obj->getId() ) );
								//if ( $i == $total_regular_time_policies ) {
								//	$udtf->setPayCode( TTUUID::getZeroID() );
								//} else {
									$udtf->setPayCode( $rtp_obj->getPayCode() );

								$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
								$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
								$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
								$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
								$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

								$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
								$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_start_time_stamp );
								$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
								$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $udt_end_time_stamp );

								$udtf->setQuantity( $quantity );
								$udtf->setBadQuantity( $bad_quantity );
								$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_time );

								$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $rtp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
								$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $rtp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
								$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $rtp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

								$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
								$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
								$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

								if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
									//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
									//We will save these records at the end.
									$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

									//Track the regular/absence exclusivity adjustments by linking the two records together.
									//Then once all regular time is calculated the absence time can be reduced accordingly.
									if ( $udt_obj->getGenericTempDataValue('split_from_source_key') != '' ) {
										$tmp_udt_reduction_key = $udt_obj->getGenericTempDataValue('split_from_source_key');
									} else {
										$tmp_udt_reduction_key = $udt_key;

									$this->regular_time_exclusivity_map[] = [ $tmp_udt_reduction_key => $this->user_date_total_insert_id ];
									Debug::text( '        Queuing reduction of Absence UDT Key: ' . $tmp_udt_reduction_key . '(' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ') from: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' to: ' . ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() - $total_time ) . ' Total: ' . $udtf->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//Check to see if the source UDT record will already be calculating accruals, if so, skip calculating any accruals for this UDT record too.
//									if ( isset($this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$udt_key]) ) {
//										Debug::text('  Adding UDT Insert ID: '. $this->user_date_total_insert_id .' to Accrual Time Exclusivity Map...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
//										$this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = TRUE;
//									}


								$udt_used_keys[$udt_key] = true; //Always run this to prevent getting to the catch-all when override records exist.

								//Record the range that we have already covered so we don't duplicate regular time. This must not insert based on UDT key, as the same UDT key could get split multiple times.
								$udt_used_time_ranges[] = [ 'start' => $udtf->getStartTimeStamp(), 'end' => $udtf->getEndTimeStamp(), 'key' => $udt_key ];
								//Debug::text( '      Recording Used UDT Key: '. $udt_key .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udtf->getEndTimeStamp() ) .' Total Time: '. $udtf->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$covered_time += $total_time;

							if ( $break_loop === true ) {
								break 2;

				next( $regular_time_policies );

			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No regular time policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function RegularTimePolicySortByCalculationOrderAsc( $a, $b ) {
		if ( $a->getCalculationOrder() == $b->getCalculationOrder() ) {
			return 0;

		return ( $a->getCalculationOrder() < $b->getCalculationOrder() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function filterRegularTimePolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		$rtplf = $this->regular_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $rtplf ) && count( $rtplf ) > 0 ) {
			$schedule_policy_regular_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_exclude_regular_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_arr = $this->filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp );
			if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $schedule_policy_arr as $sp_obj ) {
					if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getIncludeRegularTimePolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getIncludeRegularTimePolicy() ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_regular_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_regular_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getIncludeRegularTimePolicy() );
					if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getExcludeRegularTimePolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getExcludeRegularTimePolicy() ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_exclude_regular_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_exclude_regular_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getExcludeRegularTimePolicy() );
				Debug::Arr( $schedule_policy_regular_time_policy_ids, 'Regular Time Policies that apply to: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' from schedule policies: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			foreach ( $rtplf as $rtp_obj ) {
				//FIXME: Check contributing shift start/end date so we can quickly filter out regular time policies that may never apply. Similar to what we do with premium policies.
				//FIXME: There is a bug that if a Schedule Policy includes the same Regular Time policy that is included in the Policy Group (included twice essentially), even if its not used in the employees scheduled shift, it will prevent that Regular Time policy from being used.
				//       because is_policy_group=0 and it won't be in the schedule_policy_regular_time_policy_ids.
				if (
						( (int)$rtp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ) == 1 && !in_array( $rtp_obj->getId(), $schedule_policy_exclude_regular_time_policy_ids ) )
						( (int)$rtp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ) == 0 && in_array( $rtp_obj->getId(), $schedule_policy_regular_time_policy_ids ) )
				) {
					$retarr[$rtp_obj->getId()] = $rtp_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				//Since we have included/excluded additional policies, we need to resort them again so they are in the proper order.
				uasort( $retarr, [ $this, 'RegularTimePolicySortByCalculationOrderAsc' ] );

				Debug::text( 'Found regular time policies that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No regular time policies apply on date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Get all regulartime policies that could possibly apply, including from schedule policies.
	 * @return bool
	function getRegularTimePolicy() {
		$this->schedule_regular_time_policy_ids = [];

		$splf = $this->schedule_policy_rs;
		if ( is_array( $splf ) && count( $splf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				//Don't handle excludeRegularTimePolicy() here, as we need to get all possible policy IDs that could come into play, then just ignore them in filterRegularTimePolicy()
				if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getIncludeRegularTimePolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getIncludeRegularTimePolicy() ) > 0 ) {
					$this->schedule_regular_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $this->schedule_regular_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getIncludeRegularTimePolicy() );
			unset( $sp_obj );

		$rtplf = TTnew( 'RegularTimePolicyListFactory' ); /** @var RegularTimePolicyListFactory $rtplf */
		$rtplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdOrId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $this->schedule_regular_time_policy_ids );
		if ( $rtplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found regular time policy rows: ' . $rtplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $rtplf as $rtp_obj ) {
				$this->regular_time_policy[$rtp_obj->getId()] = $rtp_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No regular time policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * This must be done after all other policies are calculated so any average calculations can include wages from all other pay codes/policies (ie: premium time wages).
	 * @param int $user_date_total_records EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateAverageHourlyRates( $user_date_total_records ) {
		if ( is_array( $user_date_total_records ) && count( $user_date_total_records ) > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Calculating Average Hourly Rates...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $user_date_total_records as $key => $udt_obj ) {
				if ( is_numeric( $key ) && $key < 0 && $udt_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 && ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 20 || $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 25 || $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 30 || $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 40 ) ) {
					//Debug::text('  Calculating UserDateTotal Entry!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

					//Only recalculate rates if we are actually using averaging. Otherwise we calculate them in calculateOverTime()/calculatePremiumTime instead.
					if ( ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 20 && $this->isPayFormulaPolicyAveraging( $this->regular_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode() ) == true ) ) {
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $this->regular_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $this->regular_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate(), null, [ 20, 25, 100, 110 ], $udt_obj->getObjectType() ) ) );
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->regular_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() ) );

						$udt_obj->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
						$udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.
					} else if ( ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 25 && $this->isPayFormulaPolicyAveraging( $this->absence_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode() ) == true ) ) {
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $this->absence_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $this->absence_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate(), null, [ 20, 25, 100, 110 ], $udt_obj->getObjectType() ) ) );
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->absence_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() ) );

						$udt_obj->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
						$udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.
					} else if ( ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 30 && $this->isPayFormulaPolicyAveraging( $this->over_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode() ) == true ) ) {
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $this->over_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $this->over_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate(), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$this->over_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 100, 110 ], $udt_obj->getObjectType() ) ) );
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->over_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() ) );

						$udt_obj->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
						$udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.
					} else if ( ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 40 && $this->isPayFormulaPolicyAveraging( $this->premium_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode() ) == true )) {
						//  We do need to calculate these for premium time, for cases like California where if an employee doesn't get a lunch break and gets paid 1hr at their weighted average rate including OT.
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $this->premium_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $this->premium_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate(), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$this->premium_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ], $udt_obj->getObjectType() ) ) );
						$udt_obj->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->premium_time_policy[$udt_obj->getSourceObject()]->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() ) );

						$udt_obj->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
						$udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.
				//else {
				//Debug::text('  Skipping... UserDateTotal Entry! Key: '. $key .' ObjectType: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No UserDateTotal entries to calculate wages for...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * Overtime policies need to be nested...
	 * Since they are basically like saying: Any time after Xhrs/day goes to this OT policy. If some time is filtered out, it simply applies to the next OT policy.
	 * So the first OT policy should have almost all time applied to it, then the next policy simply moves time from the prior OT policy into itself, rinse and repeat...
	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param $current_trigger_time_arr
	 * @param bool $prev_policy_data
	 * @return bool
	function calculateOverTimePolicyForTriggerTime( $date_stamp, $current_trigger_time_arr, $prev_policy_data = false ) {
		$retval = false;
		if ( isset( $this->over_time_policy[$current_trigger_time_arr['over_time_policy_id']] ) ) {
			$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time = $current_trigger_time_arr['trigger_time'];

			$otp_obj = $this->over_time_policy[$current_trigger_time_arr['over_time_policy_id']]; /** @var OverTimePolicyFactory $otp_obj */
			Debug::text( 'OverTime Policy: ' . $otp_obj->getName() . ' Pay Code: ' . $otp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Trigger Time: ' . $current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time . ' Combined Rate: ' . $current_trigger_time_arr['combined_rate'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( !isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
				Debug::text( '  ERROR: Contributing Shift Policy for OverTime Policy: ' . $otp_obj->getName() . ' does not exist...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return false;

			//Make sure we include type_id=30 (overtime) as well, so we can chain overtime policies on top of overtime policies during the calculation.
			//  For example, if a customer has a per diem that applies only after working X consecutive days in a specific department, we will need a OT policy that triggers and applies the time to a "Regular Time" pay code.
			//  Then however we may need another OT policy like Daily >8 to apply on just time triggered above. Without including type_id=30 here, we wouldn't be able to do that.
			$user_date_total_rows = $this->compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ] ) );

			//Because some overtime policies may or may not include absence time, we need to recalculate the "maximum" time
			//As the maximum time passed into this function always includes absence time.
			$maximum_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $user_date_total_rows );
			Debug::text( '  bMaximum Possible Over Time: ' . $maximum_daily_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( is_array( $user_date_total_rows ) && count( $user_date_total_rows ) > 0 ) {
				//Set the start/end timestamps for each OT policy. This needs to be done on every OT policy/trigger_time_arr element.
				//As the contributing shifts can differ for each.
				//So these can change with each loop, which may seem confusing, but the trigger_time itself won't change.
				//  In case there is an absence record that contributes to overtime and its the only record, make sure we use a start time of midnight on the current date.
				//$current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'] = ( $user_date_total_rows[key($user_date_total_rows)]->getStartTimeStamp() + $current_trigger_time_arr['trigger_time'] );
				$current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'] = ( ( ( $user_date_total_rows[key( $user_date_total_rows )]->getStartTimeStamp() != '' ) ? $user_date_total_rows[key( $user_date_total_rows )]->getStartTimeStamp() : TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $user_date_total_rows[key( $user_date_total_rows )]->getDateStamp() ) ) + $current_trigger_time_arr['trigger_time'] );
				Debug::text( '  Current Trigger TimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				Debug::text( '  Total UDT Rows: ' . count( $user_date_total_rows ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$over_time_recurse_already_processed_map = [];
				foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
					//Debug::text('  UDT Row KEY: '. $udt_key .' ID: '. $udt_obj->getId() .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Pay Code: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					if ( isset( $over_time_recurse_already_processed_map[$udt_key] ) ) {
						Debug::text( '    Skipping UDT KEY: ' . $udt_key . ' as we already processed it as part of recursive lookup...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$prev_udt_obj = $udt_obj;

					//Detect gap between UDT end -> start timestamps so we can adjust accordingly.
					//Make sure there is a StartTimeStamp already set on this record, otherwise in cases of creating an absence directly on the timesheet,
					//  it may not have any timestamps, and if its the only record, it will would be set incorrectly and may apply OT when it shouldnt.
					//  Example may be Daily OT>8hrs, and creating a 07:45 absence on a day with no other entries that uses the Regular Time pay code.
					if ( isset( $prev_udt_obj )
							&& $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != ''
							&& $prev_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() //Make sure its not the same record.
							&& $prev_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp()
							&& $prev_udt_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 //If the previous UDT record has been reduced to TotalTime=0, ignore it when it comes to this gap adjustment. This helps with overlapping OT policies that have differential criteria.
					) {
						$current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'] += ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() - $prev_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );
						Debug::text( '    Found gap between UDT records, either a split shift, lunch or break, adjusting next start time... Prev Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $prev_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) . ' Total Time: ' . $prev_udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Current Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' New Trigger TimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//This must be below the gap detection/adjustment above.
					if ( isset( $this->over_time_recurse_map[$udt_key] ) ) {
						Debug::text( '  Found recursive key, swapping UDT record... UDT Row KEY: ' . $udt_key . ' ID: ' . $udt_obj->getId() . ' New ID: ' . $this->over_time_recurse_map[$udt_key], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$this->over_time_recurse_map[$udt_key]];
						$over_time_recurse_already_processed_map[$this->over_time_recurse_map[$udt_key]] = true; //Mark the destination UDT record as already processed to prevent it from being processed twice.

					//If the BaseRate is the average regular rate, each time its calculated it will continue to increase.
					//So we need to make an exception for overtime policies where the base rate is the base regular time rate instead.
					//  Also take into account multiple policies on the same day, like >8 @ 1.5 and >12 @2.0, it should be 2.0 the base rate, not the 2.0 the last OT rate which itself is 1.5x the base rate.
					if ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 30 ) {
						$base_hourly_rate = $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate();
					} else {
						$base_hourly_rate = $udt_obj->getHourlyRate();
					$hourly_rate = $this->getHourlyRate( $otp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $otp_obj->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $base_hourly_rate, $udt_obj );

					//This must be below the $udt_obj assignment above.
					//Even if the combined_rate is lower, if the input UDT record is not overtime, then we know some UDT records were skipped over likely due to differential criteria OT policies that only matched the middle of a shift.
					//  See Unit Test: OvertimePolicy_testDifferentialDailyOverTimePolicyE1
					//  Some of these checks are also in: $this->calculateOverTimePolicy()
					//  Also there is a case where the first OT policy might have a $0/hr rate of pay, and 0x accrual rate, but it should still be triggered since the OT policies rate comparison is only against other OT policies, not regular time.
					//  See Unit Test: OvertimePolicy_testDailyOverTimePolicyD1 and OvertimePolicy_testDailyOverTimePolicyD2
					if (
							$prev_policy_data == false //On the first run, prev_policy_data is always FALSE, so don't bother checking $prev_policy_data['combined_rate'] as it doesn't exist and triggers PHP NOTICE errors.
									( $current_trigger_time_arr['combined_rate'] > $prev_policy_data['combined_rate'] )
									( $current_trigger_time_arr['combined_rate'] == $prev_policy_data['combined_rate'] && $current_trigger_time_arr['calculation_order'] <= $prev_policy_data['calculation_order'] )
							//This may cause problems with banked time, as there wouldn't be an hourly rate associated with it, but there would be a combined_rate (accrual rate)
							$hourly_rate >= $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() ) {
						$udt_overlap_time = TTDate::getTimeOverLapDifference( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp(), $current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'], $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );
						Debug::text( '    aID: \'' . TTUUID::castUUID( $udt_obj->getID() ) . '\' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Quantity: ' . $udt_obj->getQuantity() . ' Bad Quantity: ' . $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() . ' Overlap Time: ' . $udt_overlap_time . ' Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						if ( $udt_overlap_time > 0 ) {
							Debug::text( '      UDT Overlaps with Trigger Time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) {
								$create_udt_record = false;
								if ( ( $otp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() == 10 && $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch(), $udt_obj->getBranch(), $otp_obj->getBranch(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() ) ) {
									//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Branch Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Branch: '. (int)$otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() .' Default Branch: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
									if ( ( $otp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() == 10 && $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType(), $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment(), $udt_obj->getDepartment(), $otp_obj->getDepartment(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() ) ) {
										//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Department Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Department: '. (int)$otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() .' Default Department: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										if ( $otp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobObject()->getGroup() : null ), $otp_obj->getJobGroup() ) ) {
											//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
											if ( ( $otp_obj->getJobSelectionType() == 10 && $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob(), $udt_obj->getJob(), $otp_obj->getJob(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() ) ) {
												//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
												if ( $otp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobItemObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobItemObject()->getGroup() : null ), $otp_obj->getJobItemGroup() ) ) {
													//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
													if ( ( $otp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType() == 10 && $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType(), $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem(), $udt_obj->getJobItem(), $otp_obj->getJobItem(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() ) ) {
														//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
														if ( $otp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), null, $udt_obj->getPunchTagGroupIds(), $otp_obj->getPunchTagGroup() ) ) {
															//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
															if ( ( $otp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType() == 10 && $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $otp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), $otp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag(), $udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $otp_obj->getPunchTag(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() ) ) {
																//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Criteria! Select Type: '. $otp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																$create_udt_record = true;
								} else {
									Debug::text( '      Branch Selection is disabled! Branch Selection Type: ' . $otp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								$create_udt_record = true;

							if ( $create_udt_record == true ) {
								if ( !isset( $this->over_time_trigger_time_exclusivity_map[$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time] ) || ( isset( $this->over_time_trigger_time_exclusivity_map[$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time] ) && in_array( $udt_key, $this->over_time_trigger_time_exclusivity_map[$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time] ) == false ) ) {
									//Pro-Rate quantities based on overlap time.
									//Calculate percent that applies to overtime initially.
									$udt_total_time_percent = ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 ) ? bcdiv( $udt_overlap_time, $udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) : 1; //Make sure we avoid a division by 0 here, it may happen during drag&drop.
									$udt_quantity = round( bcmul( $udt_obj->getQuantity(), $udt_total_time_percent ), 2 );
									$udt_bad_quantity = round( bcmul( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity(), $udt_total_time_percent ), 2 );
									Debug::text( '        Split user_date_total when overlapping overtime: Time: ' . $udt_overlap_time . ' Percent: ' . $udt_total_time_percent . ' Quantity: ' . $udt_quantity . ' Bad Quantity: ' . $udt_bad_quantity, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									unset( $udt_total_time_percent );

									//Can't compact the data here, as that won't allow us to reference (pyramid) the time as each policy total time is calculated.
									//We will need to create the UserDateTotal objects, then compact them just before inserting...
									Debug::text( '          Generating UserDateTotal object from OverTime Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 30 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $otp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_overlap_time . ' Original Hourly Rate: ' . $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
										$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
										$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
										$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
										$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
										$udtf->setObjectType( 30 ); //Overtime
										$udtf->setSourceObject( $otp_obj->getId() );
										$udtf->setPayCode( $otp_obj->getPayCode() );

										$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
										$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
										$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
										$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
										$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

										//Make sure we set start/end timestamps for overtime, so its easier to diagnose problems.
										//However when including absences in OT it makes that difficult.
										//This is required to properly handle Premium Policy that is based on Date/Times (ie: Evening shifts, when multiple overtime policies are applied like on a holiday.)
										if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
											$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
											$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );

											$udt_overlap_arr = TTDate::getTimeOverLap( $current_trigger_time_arr['start_time_stamp'], $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );
											$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_overlap_arr['start_date'] );
											$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( $udt_overlap_arr['end_date'] );
											//Debug::text('        Current Start Time Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '.  TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) .' Covered Time: '. $covered_time .' Adjust: '. $adjust_covered_time .' Overlap: '. $udt_overlap_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
											//Debug::text('        OT Start Time Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '.  TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udtf->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
											unset( $udt_overlap_arr );

										$udtf->setQuantity( $udt_quantity );
										$udtf->setBadQuantity( $udt_bad_quantity );
										$udtf->setTotalTime( $udt_overlap_time );

										$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $base_hourly_rate ); //Calculate this above so we can better determine when to apply the OT policy

										//Calculate HourlyRate/HourlyRateWithBurden so Premium Policies can be based off these amounts.
										//If they happen to be averaging rates, we will recalculate those later in calculateOverTimeHourlyRates().
										$udtf->setHourlyRate( $hourly_rate );          //Calculate this above so we can better determine when to apply the OT policy
										$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $otp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );

										$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
										$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
										$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

										if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
											//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
											//We will save these records at the end.
											$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;

											if ( $udt_obj->getID() == '' && ( in_array( $udt_obj->getObjectType(), [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ] ) ) ) { //This needs to include all object_type IDs that can be included into overtime.
												//Since we reduce the source UDT record immediately here, we need a pointer to it rather than a copy.
												//If we didn't get a pointer to it near the top of this loop, get it here.
												if ( !isset( $this->over_time_recurse_map[$udt_key] ) ) {
													$udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$udt_key];

												$this->over_time_recurse_map[$udt_key] = $this->user_date_total_insert_id;
												Debug::text( '        Reducing source recursive UDT row... ID: \'' . TTUUID::castUUID( $udt_obj->getId() ) . '\' KEY: ' . $udt_key . ' row EndTimeStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) . ' to: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $udt_overlap_time ) ) . ' TotalTime: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . '/' . ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() - $udt_overlap_time ) . ' Object Type: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												$udt_obj->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $udt_overlap_time ) );
												$udt_obj->setQuantity( ( $udt_obj->getQuantity() - $udt_quantity ) );
												$udt_obj->setBadQuantity( ( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() - $udt_bad_quantity ) );
												$udt_obj->setTotalTime( ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() - $udt_overlap_time ) );
												$udt_obj->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
												$udt_obj->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.
											} else {
												Debug::text( '  ERROR: Unable to reduce source record, final calculated time is likely not correct! Object Type ID: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											//Due to differential criterias and calculating OT policies in reverse calculation order (Weekly OT first, then Daily OT)
											//We can't check the exclusivity map anymore as that will result in incorrect calculations.
											//See comments in processTriggerTimeArray()
											//$this->over_time_trigger_time_exclusivity_map[$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time][] = $udt_key;

											//Check to see if the source UDT record will already be calculating accruals, if so, skip calculating any accruals for this UDT record too.
//											if ( isset($this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$udt_key]) ) {
//												Debug::text('  Adding UDT Insert ID: '. $this->user_date_total_insert_id .' to Accrual Time Exclusivity Map...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
//												$this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = TRUE;
//											}


											$retval = true;
									} else {
										Debug::text( '      ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								} else {
									Debug::text( '      Skipping UDT row due to trigger time exclusivity...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( '      Skipping UDT row due to Differential Criteria...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '      UDT does NOT Overlap with Trigger Time, not on last policy of same trigger time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( '      Skipping UDT row due to previous OT policy rate being higher... Current Rate: ' . $udt_obj->getHourlyRate() . ' New Rate: ' . $hourly_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					$prev_udt_obj = $udt_obj;

			if ( $retval == true ) {
				$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'ERROR: Unable to find over time policy ID: ' . $current_trigger_time_arr['over_time_policy_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $retval;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param $trigger_time_arr
	 * @param null $maximum_daily_total_time
	 * @return bool
	function calculateOverTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $trigger_time_arr, $maximum_daily_total_time = null ) {
		//1. Loop through each trigger_time_arr, as that will contain all the overtime policies that should apply to this date.
		$total_over_time_policies = count( $trigger_time_arr );
		if ( $total_over_time_policies > 0 && is_array( $trigger_time_arr ) && count( $trigger_time_arr ) ) {
			$prev_policy_data = false;

			$this->over_time_trigger_time_exclusivity_map = [];
			$this->over_time_recurse_map = [];
			$trigger_time_arr_keys = array_keys( $trigger_time_arr );

			//Determine if there are any OT policies with differential criteria. This will help to optimize things by reducing calls to calculateOverTimePolicyForTriggerTime()
			$is_differential_criteria = false;
			foreach ( $trigger_time_arr_keys as $key => $trigger_time_arr_trigger_time ) {
				$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time = $trigger_time_arr_keys[$key];
				foreach ( $trigger_time_arr[$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time] as $key_b => $current_trigger_time_arr ) {
					if ( $current_trigger_time_arr['is_differential_criteria'] == true ) {
						$is_differential_criteria = true;
			Debug::text( 'Maximum Possible Over Time: ' . $maximum_daily_total_time . ' Is Differential Criteria: ' . (int)$is_differential_criteria, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			foreach ( $trigger_time_arr_keys as $key => $trigger_time_arr_trigger_time ) {
				$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time = $trigger_time_arr_keys[$key];

				foreach ( $trigger_time_arr[$current_trigger_time_arr_trigger_time] as $key_b => $current_trigger_time_arr ) {
					//Filter based on combined_rate/calculation_order here rather than in processTriggerTimeArray() due to differential criterias.
					//Only once a OT policy has actually been used do we take it into account and require the next policy to have a higher rate AND lower calculation order.
					//That way OT policies with differential criteria that never apply aren't disrupting things.

					//Move these checks into calculateOverTimePolicyForTriggerTime() so we can better handle differential criteria and hourly rate decisions when differential criterias are used.
					if ( $prev_policy_data == false
							|| (
											$is_differential_criteria == true
											//Make sure we aren't going from a non-weekly OT type to a weekly OT type. Daily to Daily, or Weekly to Weekly is fine. See unit test: OvertimePolicy::testDailyAndWeeklyOverTimePolicyE3
											//  Otherwise it could be switching from daily OT to a weekly OT, which should never happen unless the rate has changed.
											&& ( $current_trigger_time_arr['is_weekly_over_time_policy_type_id'] == $prev_policy_data['is_weekly_over_time_policy_type_id'] )
									$current_trigger_time_arr['combined_rate'] > $prev_policy_data['combined_rate']
									( $current_trigger_time_arr['combined_rate'] == $prev_policy_data['combined_rate'] && $current_trigger_time_arr['calculation_order'] <= $prev_policy_data['calculation_order'] )
					) {
						$calculate_retval = $this->calculateOverTimePolicyForTriggerTime( $date_stamp, $current_trigger_time_arr, $prev_policy_data );

						//The policies must be calculated in lowest combined_rate order first, otherwise once the highest rate is calculated all others are ignored.

						//Only when the above retval==TRUE do we consider this policy to be used and set the prev_policy_data.
						//However if we are processing policies at the same trigger time (ie: 2x Daily OT >8 with different differential criteria),
						//we can't update prev_policy_data until all policies are processed.
						//  So policies with the lowest combined rate must be provided to this function first, to avoid the highest rate policy being calculated and all others being ignored.
						if ( $calculate_retval == true ) {
							$prev_policy_data = $current_trigger_time_arr;
					} else {
						Debug::text( ' Skipping Overtime Policy due to lower Combined Rate: ' . $current_trigger_time_arr['name'] . ' Current Rate: ' . $current_trigger_time_arr['combined_rate'] . ' Order: ' . $current_trigger_time_arr['calculation_order'] . ' Prev Rate: ' . $prev_policy_data['combined_rate'] . ' Order: ' . $prev_policy_data['calculation_order'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No over time policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function filterOverTimePolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		$otplf = $this->over_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $otplf ) && count( $otplf ) > 0 ) {
			$schedule_policy_over_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_exclude_over_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_arr = $this->filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp );
			if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $schedule_policy_arr as $sp_obj ) {
					if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getIncludeOverTimePolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getIncludeOverTimePolicy() ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_over_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_over_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getIncludeOverTimePolicy() );
					if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getExcludeOverTimePolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getExcludeOverTimePolicy() ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_exclude_over_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_exclude_over_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getExcludeOverTimePolicy() );
				Debug::Arr( $schedule_policy_over_time_policy_ids, 'OverTime Policies that apply to: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' from schedule policies: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			foreach ( $otplf as $otp_obj ) {
				if (
						( (int)$otp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ) == 1 && !in_array( $otp_obj->getId(), $schedule_policy_exclude_over_time_policy_ids ) )
						( (int)$otp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ) == 0 && in_array( $otp_obj->getId(), $schedule_policy_over_time_policy_ids ) )
				) {
					$retarr[$otp_obj->getId()] = $otp_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found overtime policies that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No overtime policies apply on date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @return array
	function getWeeklyOverTimePolicyTypeIds() {
		return [ 20, 30, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 210 ];

	 * @return array
	function getWeeklyOverTimePolicyPayCodes() {
		$weekly_over_time_pay_code_ids = [];
		$weekly_over_time_policies = $this->filterWeeklyOverTimePolicy();
		if ( is_array( $weekly_over_time_policies ) && count( $weekly_over_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $weekly_over_time_policies as $otp_obj ) {
				$weekly_over_time_pay_code_ids[] = $otp_obj->getPayCode();
		unset( $weekly_over_time_policies, $otp_obj );

		return $weekly_over_time_pay_code_ids;

	 * @return array
	function getWeeklyOverTimePolicyIDs() {
		$weekly_over_time_ids = [];
		$weekly_over_time_policies = $this->filterWeeklyOverTimePolicy();
		if ( is_array( $weekly_over_time_policies ) && count( $weekly_over_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $weekly_over_time_policies as $otp_obj ) {
				$weekly_over_time_ids[] = $otp_obj->getID();
		unset( $weekly_over_time_policies, $otp_obj );

		return $weekly_over_time_ids;

	 * Get list of all weekly overtime policies so they can be included when calculating weekly time.
	 * @return array
	function filterWeeklyOverTimePolicy() {
		$otplf = $this->over_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $otplf ) && count( $otplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $otplf as $otp_obj ) {
				if ( in_array( $otp_obj->getType(), $this->getWeeklyOverTimePolicyTypeIds() ) ) {
					$retarr[$otp_obj->getId()] = $otp_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found overtime policies that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No overtime policies apply on date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * Get all overtime policies that could possibly apply, including from schedule policies.
	 * @return bool
	function getOverTimePolicy() {
		$schedule_over_time_policy_ids = [];

		$splf = $this->schedule_policy_rs;
		if ( is_array( $splf ) && count( $splf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getIncludeOverTimePolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getIncludeOverTimePolicy() ) > 0 ) {
					$schedule_over_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_over_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getIncludeOverTimePolicy() );
			unset( $sp_obj );

		$otplf = TTnew( 'OverTimePolicyListFactory' ); /** @var OverTimePolicyListFactory $otplf */
		$otplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdOrId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $schedule_over_time_policy_ids );
		if ( $otplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found overtime policy rows: ' . $otplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			//$this->over_time_policy_rs = $otplf;
			foreach ( $otplf as $otp_obj ) {
				$this->over_time_policy[$otp_obj->getId()] = $otp_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No overtime policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp                  EPOCH
	 * @param int $first_pay_period_start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $start_week_day_id
	 * @return bool
	function isSecondBiWeeklyOverTimeWeek( $date_stamp, $first_pay_period_start_date, $start_week_day_id = 0 ) {
		//This must be based on an "anchor" date, or first_pay_period_start_date, otherwise when there are 53 weeks in a year
		//it will throw off the odd/even calculation.
		//FIXME: What happens if they transition from one pay period schedule to another, and the first pay period is a shorter pay period.
		//  For example from Semi-Monthly to Bi-Weekly, and the first BiWeekly PP is 01-Jan-2014 to 05-Jan-215, then it continues as regular biweekly PPs after that.
		//  I think for now they will just need to modify their pay period dates so the pay period always starts on the 1st week, not the 2nd week.

		if ( $first_pay_period_start_date == '' ) {
			$first_pay_period_start_date = 788947200; //Sun, 01-Jan-1995... Used to calculate weeks from.
			Debug::text( 'ERROR: First PP Start Date is invalid, use reference date instead!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Based on first pay period start date, get beginning week epoch.
		$reference_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $first_pay_period_start_date, $start_week_day_id ) );

		//Figure out how many days we are from the first pay period start date, then figure out the number of weeks, to determine odd/even essentially.
		//$days_diff = TTDate::getDays( ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) - $reference_date ) );
		$days_diff = TTDate::getDayDifference( $reference_date, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) );
		$weekly_period_diff = ( $days_diff / 7 );

		$retval = ( $weekly_period_diff % 2 );

		Debug::text( ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' First PP Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $first_pay_period_start_date ) . ' Days: ' . $days_diff . ' Weeks: ' . $weekly_period_diff . ' Retval: ' . (int)$retval, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		if ( $retval == 1 ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp                  EPOCH
	 * @param $weeks
	 * @param int $first_pay_period_start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $start_week_day_id
	 * @return array
	function getOverTimePeriodDates( $date_stamp, $weeks, $first_pay_period_start_date, $start_week_day_id = 0 ) {
		//Weeks is the number of weeks. ie: 2, 3, 6, ...

		//This must be based on an "anchor" date, or first_pay_period_start_date, otherwise when there are 53 weeks in a year
		//it will throw off the odd/even calculation.
		//FIXME: What happens if they transition from one pay period schedule to another, and the first pay period is a shorter pay period.
		//  For example from Semi-Monthly to Bi-Weekly, and the first BiWeekly PP is 01-Jan-2014 to 05-Jan-215, then it continues as regular biweekly PPs after that.
		//  I think for now they will just need to modify their pay period dates so the pay period always starts on the 1st week, not the 2nd week.

		if ( $first_pay_period_start_date == '' ) {
			$first_pay_period_start_date = 788947200; //Sun, 01-Jan-1995... Used to calculate weeks from.
			Debug::text( 'ERROR: First PP Start Date is invalid, use reference date instead!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Based on first pay period start date, get beginning week epoch.
		$reference_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $first_pay_period_start_date, $start_week_day_id ) );
		$begin_week_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $start_week_day_id ) );
		//Debug::text('Reference Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $reference_date ) .' Begin Week Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $begin_week_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		//Figure out how many days we are from the first pay period start date, then figure out the number of weeks, to determine odd/even essentially.
		//$days_diff = round( TTDate::getDays( ( $begin_week_date - $reference_date ) ) );
		$days_diff = TTDate::getDayDifference( $reference_date, $begin_week_date );
		$weekly_period_diff = ( $days_diff / 7 );

		$week_in_period = ( $weekly_period_diff % $weeks );

		$period_start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( ( $begin_week_date - ( 86400 * ( 7 * $week_in_period ) ) ), $start_week_day_id );
		$period_end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( ( ( $period_start_date - 86400 ) + ( 86400 * ( 7 * $weeks ) ) ), $start_week_day_id );
		//Debug::text('Period Start Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $period_start_date ) .' End Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $period_end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		$current_week_start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $start_week_day_id );
		$current_week_end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $start_week_day_id );

		$before_current_week_start_date = $period_start_date;
		$before_current_week_end_date = ( $current_week_start_date != $period_start_date ) ? ( $current_week_start_date - 1 ) : $current_week_end_date;
		//Debug::text('   Before Current Week: Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $before_current_week_start_date ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $before_current_week_end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		$after_current_week_start_date = ( $current_week_end_date != $period_end_date ) ? ( $current_week_end_date + 1 ) : $current_week_start_date;
		$after_current_week_end_date = $period_end_date;
		//Debug::text('   After Current Week: Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $after_current_week_start_date ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $after_current_week_end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		$is_first_week = false;
		if ( TTDate::isTimeOverLap( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $before_current_week_start_date, $before_current_week_end_date ) == true ) {
			$is_first_week = true;

		$is_last_week = false;
		if ( TTDate::isTimeOverLap( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $after_current_week_start_date, $after_current_week_end_date ) == true ) {
			$is_last_week = true;

		Debug::text( ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' First PP Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $first_pay_period_start_date ) . ' Days: ' . $days_diff . ' Weeks: ' . $weekly_period_diff . ' Week In Period: ' . (int)$week_in_period . ' (Interval: ' . $weeks . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		$retarr = [
				'start_date'                     => $period_start_date,
				'end_date'                       => $period_end_date,
				'is_first_week'                  => $is_first_week,
				'is_last_week'                   => $is_last_week,
				'current_week_start_date'        => $current_week_start_date,
				'current_week_end_date'          => $current_week_end_date,
				'before_current_week_start_date' => $before_current_week_start_date,
				'before_current_week_end_date'   => $before_current_week_end_date,
				'after_current_week_start_date'  => $after_current_week_start_date,
				'after_current_week_end_date'    => $after_current_week_end_date,

		//Debug::Arr( $retarr, 'OverTimePeriod Dates: Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $period_start_date ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $period_end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		return $retarr;

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @param object $otp_obj
	 * @return int
	function getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( $start_date, $end_date, $otp_obj ) {
		if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL
				&& TTUUID::isUUID( $otp_obj->getTriggerTimeAdjustContributingShiftPolicy() ) && $otp_obj->getTriggerTimeAdjustContributingShiftPolicy() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $otp_obj->getTriggerTimeAdjustContributingShiftPolicy() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() && isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getTriggerTimeAdjustContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {

			// Previously we would just recalculate the entire week if adjust_total_time was *not* zero.
			// However there can be cases where a holiday has 8hrs of absence time, but the employee works it and that causes the holiday time to go away because they don't get holiday time when they work that day,
			// and now the overtime needs to be recalculated for the entire week again, but since the holiday time was removed adjust_total_time will now be 0hrs instead of 8hrs and it wouldn't trigger the retro-recalculation.
			// So we either need to recalculate the entire week whenever OT policies have time adjustment policies specified at all, or we need to some way of detecting this scenario to trigger the recalculation as well.
			//   We should be able to detect this scenario when time exists in the pay code that is assigned to the overtime policy, since that tells us that it was in use during the week already.
			$adjust_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $start_date, $end_date, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getTriggerTimeAdjustContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ] ) ); //Don't include object_type_id=50 as that often is duplicated with ID: 25.

			$overtime_udt_records_exist = false;
			if ( $adjust_total_time == 0 ) {
				$overtime_udt_records_exist = ( count( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $start_date, $end_date, $otp_obj->getPayCode() ) ) > 0 ) ? true : false;

			if ( $adjust_total_time != 0 || $overtime_udt_records_exist == true ) {
				$this->addPendingCalculationDate( $start_date, $end_date );

			Debug::text( '  Original: ' . $otp_obj->getTriggerTime() . ' Adjust by Time: ' . $adjust_total_time .' UDT records assigned to OT Pay Code: '. (int)$overtime_udt_records_exist, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return $adjust_total_time;

		return 0;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return array|bool
	function getOverTimeTriggerArray( $date_stamp ) {
		if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == false ) {
			Debug::text( 'No UDT records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		//Loop over each overtime policy that applies to this day.
		$over_time_policies = $this->filterOverTimePolicy( $date_stamp );
		if ( is_array( $over_time_policies ) ) {
			$weekly_over_time_src_object_ids = [ 30 => $this->getWeeklyOverTimePolicyIDs() ]; //Force to only include other OverTime ObjectTypeIDs.

			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			foreach ( $over_time_policies as $otp_obj ) {
				if ( !isset( $otp_calculation_order ) ) {
					$otp_calculation_order = $otp_obj->getOptions( 'calculation_order' );

				Debug::text( '  Checking Against Policy: ' . $otp_obj->getName() . '(' . $otp_obj->getID() . ') Trigger Time: ' . $otp_obj->getTriggerTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$trigger_time = null;
				switch ( $otp_obj->getType() ) {
					case 10: //Daily
						$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
						$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), $otp_obj );
						Debug::text( '   Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 20: //Weekly
						$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
						$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $otp_obj );
						Debug::text( '   Weekly Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 30: //Bi-Weekly (Switch this to Every X Weeks code below once more testing is done)
						if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj ) ) {
							$is_second_week = $this->isSecondBiWeeklyOverTimeWeek( $date_stamp, $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getFirstPayPeriodStartDate(), $this->start_week_day_id );
						} else {
							$is_second_week = false;

						//First/Second week dates must be outside below if() statement so OverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount can use them.
						$first_week_start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * 7 ) ), $this->start_week_day_id );
						$first_week_end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $first_week_start_date, $this->start_week_day_id );

						$second_week_start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( ( $date_stamp + ( 86400 * 7 ) ), $this->start_week_day_id );
						$second_week_end_date = ( TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $second_week_start_date, $this->start_week_day_id ) );

						$first_week_total = 0;
						if ( $is_second_week == true ) {
							//$udtlf->getWeekRegularTimeSumByUserIDAndEpochAndStartWeekEpoch() uses "< $epoch" so the current day is ignored, but in this
							//case we want to include the last day of the week, so we need to add one day to this argument.
							//The above caused problems around March 9th due to DST, so just use the beginning of the current week and the beginning of the last week instead.

							//Get data for first week if we haven't already.
							Debug::text( '   Getting data for first week: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $first_week_start_date ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $first_week_end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$this->getRequiredData( $first_week_start_date, $first_week_end_date, false );                                                                                                                                                                                                                             //Optimization: Prevents holidays in the first week from causing the first week to be calculated fully.

							//$first_week_total = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $first_week_start_date, $first_week_end_date, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], array( 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ), $weekly_over_time_pay_code_ids ) ); //Don't include object_type_id=50 as that often is duplicated with ID: 25.
							//Filter based on src_object_ids rather than pay_code_ids, because if pay_code_ids are shared between policies (ie: Daily >8 and Weekly>40 go to same pay_code)
							//It will include too many hours.
							$first_week_total = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $first_week_start_date, $first_week_end_date, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ], null, $weekly_over_time_src_object_ids ) ); //Don't include object_type_id=50 as that often is duplicated with ID: 25.
							Debug::text( '   Week modifiers differ, calculate total time for the first week: ' . $first_week_total, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   Calculating OT for second week: Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $date_stamp ) . ' Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $second_week_start_date ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $second_week_end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$this->addPendingCalculationDate( $second_week_start_date, $second_week_end_date );

						$trigger_time = ( $otp_obj->getTriggerTime() - $first_week_total );
						if ( $trigger_time < 0 ) {
							$trigger_time = 0;

						$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( $first_week_start_date, $second_week_end_date, $otp_obj );

						Debug::text( '   BiWeekly Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						unset( $first_week_total, $week_modifier, $current_week_modifier, $first_week_start_date, $first_week_end_date, $second_week_start_date, $second_week_end_date );
					//case 30: //Bi-Weekly -- BiWeekly Code can be switched to here after more testing.
					case 503: //Every 3 Weeks
					case 504: //Every 4 Weeks
					case 505: //Every 5 Weeks
					case 506: //Every 6 Weeks
					case 507: //Every 7 Weeks
					case 508: //Every 8 Weeks
					case 509: //Every 9 Weeks
					case 510: //Every 10 Weeks
					case 511: //Every 11 Weeks
					case 512: //Every 12 Weeks
						//Get Start/End date of the OT period (ie: 2 week  period, 3 week period, etc...)
						//Get Start/End date of the current week that $date_stamp is in.
						//Sum the hours from period start date to current week start date.
						//Recalculate days from current week end, to OT period end.
						$week_arr = [ 30 => 2, 503 => 3, 504 => 4, 505 => 5, 506 => 6, 507 => 7, 508 => 8, 509 => 9, 510 => 10, 511 => 11, 512 => 12 ];
						$weeks = $week_arr[$otp_obj->getType()];

						$period_dates = $this->getOverTimePeriodDates( $date_stamp, $weeks, $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getFirstPayPeriodStartDate(), $this->start_week_day_id );

						$before_current_week_total = 0;
						if ( $period_dates['is_first_week'] == false ) {
							//If we are not in the first week, get all hours from before the current week.
							Debug::text( '   Getting data for before the current week: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $period_dates['before_current_week_start_date'] ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $period_dates['before_current_week_end_date'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$this->getRequiredData( $period_dates['before_current_week_start_date'], $period_dates['before_current_week_end_date'], false ); //Optimization: Prevents holidays in the first week from causing the first week to be calculated fully.

							$before_current_week_total = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $period_dates['before_current_week_start_date'], $period_dates['before_current_week_end_date'], $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ], null, $weekly_over_time_src_object_ids ) ); //Don't include object_type_id=50 as that often is duplicated with ID: 25.
							Debug::text( '   Total Time for Before Current Week: ' . $before_current_week_total, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						if ( $period_dates['is_last_week'] == false ) {
							//If we are not in the last week, make sure we recalculate all future days.
							$this->addPendingCalculationDate( $period_dates['after_current_week_start_date'], $period_dates['after_current_week_end_date'] );

						$trigger_time = ( $otp_obj->getTriggerTime() - $before_current_week_total );
						if ( $trigger_time < 0 ) {
							$trigger_time = 0;

						$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( $period_dates['before_current_week_start_date'], $period_dates['after_current_week_end_date'], $otp_obj );
						Debug::text( '   Every X-Weeks Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						unset( $weeks_arr, $weeks, $period_dates, $before_current_week_total );
					case 40: //Sunday
					case 50: //Monday
					case 60: //Tuesday
					case 70: //Wed
					case 80: //Thu
					case 90: //Fri
					case 100: //Sat
						$type_to_dow_map = [
							40 => 0, //Sunday
							50 => 1, //Monday
							60 => 2, //Tuesday
							70 => 3, //Wed
							80 => 4, //Thu
							90 => 5, //Fri
							100 => 6, //Sat

						$dow = $type_to_dow_map[(int)$otp_obj->getType()];
						if ( date( 'w', $date_stamp ) == $dow ) {
							$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
							$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), $otp_obj );
							Debug::text( '   DayOfWeek OT for DOW: '. $dow .' ... Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   NOT DayOfWeek OT for DOW: '. $dow .'...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						unset( $dow );
					case 150: //2-day/week Consecutive
					case 151: //3-day/week Consecutive
					case 152: //4-day/week Consecutive
					case 153: //5-day/week Consecutive
					case 154: //6-day/week Consecutive
					case 155: //7-day/week Consecutive
						switch ( $otp_obj->getType() ) {
							case 150:
								$minimum_days_worked = 2;
							case 151:
								$minimum_days_worked = 3;
							case 152:
								$minimum_days_worked = 4;
							case 153:
								$minimum_days_worked = 5;
							case 154:
								$minimum_days_worked = 6;
							case 155:
								$minimum_days_worked = 7;
						$weekly_over_time_src_object_ids[30][] = $otp_obj->getID(); //Always include ourselves when calculating policies that span multiple days, otherwise the contributing shift/pay codes has to be updated to include ourselves.

						//This always resets on the week boundary.
						$days_worked_arr = (array)$this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], null, null, $weekly_over_time_src_object_ids ) );

						$weekly_days_worked = count( $days_worked_arr );
						Debug::text( '   Weekly Days Worked: ' . $weekly_days_worked . ' Minimum Required: ' . $minimum_days_worked, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						if ( $weekly_days_worked >= $minimum_days_worked && TTDate::isConsecutiveDays( $days_worked_arr ) == true ) {
							$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
							$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $date_stamp, $otp_obj );
							Debug::text( '   After Days Consecutive... Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   NOT After Days Consecutive Worked...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						unset( $days_worked_arr, $weekly_days_worked, $minimum_days_worked );

					case 300: //2-day Consecutive
					case 301: //3-day Consecutive
					case 302: //4-day Consecutive
					case 303: //5-day Consecutive
					case 304: //6-day Consecutive
					case 305: //7-day Consecutive
						switch ( $otp_obj->getType() ) {
							case 300:
								$minimum_days_worked = 2;
							case 301:
								$minimum_days_worked = 3;
							case 302:
								$minimum_days_worked = 4;
							case 303:
								$minimum_days_worked = 5;
							case 304:
								$minimum_days_worked = 6;
							case 305:
								$minimum_days_worked = 7;

						$weekly_over_time_src_object_ids[30][] = $otp_obj->getID(); //Always include ourselves when calculating policies that span multiple days, otherwise the contributing shift/pay codes has to be updated to include ourselves.

						//Make sure we pull in data from previous weeks if needed.
						$filter_start_date = ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * $minimum_days_worked ) );
						Debug::text( '   Getting data for first week: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $filter_start_date ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$this->getRequiredData( $filter_start_date, $filter_start_date, false ); //Optimization: Prevents holidays in the first week from causing the first week to be calculated fully.

						//This does not reset on the week boundary.
						$days_worked_arr = (array)$this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $filter_start_date, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], null, null, $weekly_over_time_src_object_ids ) );

						$weekly_days_worked = count( $days_worked_arr );
						Debug::text( '   Weekly Days Worked: ' . $weekly_days_worked . ' Minimum Required: ' . $minimum_days_worked, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Since these can span overtime weeks, we need to calculate the future week as well.

						if ( $weekly_days_worked >= $minimum_days_worked && TTDate::isConsecutiveDays( $days_worked_arr ) == true ) {
							$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
							$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * $minimum_days_worked ) ), $date_stamp, $otp_obj );
							Debug::text( '   After Days Consecutive... Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   NOT After Days Consecutive Worked...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						unset( $days_worked_arr, $weekly_days_worked, $minimum_days_worked, $filter_start_date );
					case 350: //2nd Consecutive Day
					case 351: //3rd Consecutive Day
					case 352: //4th Consecutive Day
					case 353: //5th Consecutive Day
					case 354: //6th Consecutive Day
					case 355: //7th Consecutive Day
						switch ( $otp_obj->getType() ) {
							case 350:
								$minimum_days_worked = 2;
							case 351:
								$minimum_days_worked = 3;
							case 352:
								$minimum_days_worked = 4;
							case 353:
								$minimum_days_worked = 5;
							case 354:
								$minimum_days_worked = 6;
							case 355:
								$minimum_days_worked = 7;

						//Why is this checking for previous day with overtime worked? Because thats how it knows when to restart the consec. day count
						//Based on when the last overtime was calculated?
						$range_start_date = ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * $minimum_days_worked ) );

						//FIXME: This checks for any other time assigned to the pay code, but if they assigned multiple overtime policies to the same pay code
						//       they may not get the expected results. In order to this fix this we need to track src_object_id for all UDT records and not compact it out.
						$previous_day_with_overtime_result = $this->getPreviousDayByUserTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $range_start_date, $date_stamp, $otp_obj->getPayCode() ), $date_stamp );
						if ( $previous_day_with_overtime_result !== false ) {
							$previous_day_with_overtime = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $previous_day_with_overtime_result );
							Debug::text( '   Previous Day with OT: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $previous_day_with_overtime ) . ' Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $range_start_date ) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						if ( isset( $previous_day_with_overtime ) && $previous_day_with_overtime >= $range_start_date ) {
							$range_start_date = ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $previous_day_with_overtime ) + 86400 );
							Debug::text( '   bPrevious Day with OT: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $previous_day_with_overtime ) . ' Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $range_start_date ) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//This does not reset on the week boundary.
						$days_worked_arr = (array)$this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $range_start_date, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], null, null, $weekly_over_time_src_object_ids ) );
						sort( $days_worked_arr );

						$weekly_days_worked = count( $days_worked_arr );
						Debug::text( '   Weekly Days Worked: ' . $weekly_days_worked . ' Minimum Required: ' . $minimum_days_worked, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Since these can span overtime weeks, we need to calculate the future week as well.

						$days_worked_arr_key = ( $minimum_days_worked - 1 );
						if ( $weekly_days_worked >= $minimum_days_worked
								&& TTDate::isConsecutiveDays( $days_worked_arr ) == true
								&& isset( $days_worked_arr[$days_worked_arr_key] )
								&& TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $days_worked_arr[$days_worked_arr_key] ) == $date_stamp ) {
							$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
							$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( $range_start_date, $date_stamp, $otp_obj );
							Debug::text( '   After Days Consecutive... Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   NOT After Days Consecutive Worked...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						unset( $range_start_date, $previous_day_with_overtime, $previous_day_with_overtime, $days_worked_arr, $weekly_days_worked, $minimum_days_worked );
					case 400: //2-day/week Consecutive
					case 401: //3-day/week Consecutive
					case 402: //4-day/week Consecutive
					case 403: //5-day/week Consecutive
					case 404: //6-day/week Consecutive
					case 405: //7-day/week Consecutive
						switch ( $otp_obj->getType() ) {
							case 400:
								$minimum_days_worked = 2;
							case 401:
								$minimum_days_worked = 3;
							case 402:
								$minimum_days_worked = 4;
							case 403:
								$minimum_days_worked = 5;
							case 404:
								$minimum_days_worked = 6;
							case 405:
								$minimum_days_worked = 7;

						$weekly_over_time_src_object_ids[30][] = $otp_obj->getID(); //Always include ourselves when calculating policies that span multiple days, otherwise the contributing shift/pay codes has to be updated to include ourselves.

						//This always resets on the week boundary.
						//$days_worked_arr = (array)$udtlf->getDaysWorkedByUserIDAndStartDateAndEndDate( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch($date_stamp, $start_week_day_id), $date_stamp );
						//$days_worked_arr = (array)$this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], NULL, $weekly_over_time_pay_code_ids ) );
						$days_worked_arr = (array)$this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], null, $weekly_over_time_src_object_ids ) );

						$weekly_days_worked = count( $days_worked_arr );
						Debug::text( '   Weekly Days Worked: ' . $weekly_days_worked . ' Minimum Required: ' . $minimum_days_worked, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						if ( $weekly_days_worked >= $minimum_days_worked ) {
							$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
							$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), $otp_obj );
							Debug::text( '   After Days... Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   NOT After Days Worked...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						unset( $days_worked_arr, $weekly_days_worked, $minimum_days_worked );
					case 180: //Holiday
						//Only include holidays in policy groups that are assigned to the employee.
						// Otherwise in cases like multi-provinces, a holiday might be assigned to BC but not AB, and it would still apply in AB.
						// If they need to use specific holiday policies *not* assigned to a policy group for some reason, they will need to use Daily OT type with a Contributing Shift Policy instead.
						$holiday_policies = $this->filterHoliday( $date_stamp, null, true );
						if ( is_array( $holiday_policies ) && count( $holiday_policies ) > 0 ) {
							$is_holiday_eligible = false;
							foreach ( $holiday_policies as $holiday_obj ) {
								if ( is_object( $holiday_obj ) && isset( $this->holiday_policy[$holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()] ) ) {
									Debug::text( '   Found Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									if ( $this->holiday_policy[$holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()]->getForceOverTimePolicy() == true
											|| $this->isEligibleForHoliday( $date_stamp, $this->holiday_policy[$holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()] )
									) {
										$trigger_time = $otp_obj->getTriggerTime();
										$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), $otp_obj );

										$is_holiday_eligible = true;
										Debug::text( '   Is Eligible for Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName() . ' Daily Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( '   Not Eligible for Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							if ( $is_holiday_eligible == false ) {
								Debug::text( '   Not Eligible for any Holidays...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						} else {
							Debug::text( '   No Holidays...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							continue 2; //Skip to next policy
						unset( $holiday_policies, $holiday_obj, $is_holiday_eligible );
					case 200: //Over schedule (Daily) / No Schedule. Have trigger time extend the schedule time.
						$schedule_daily_total_time = $this->getSumScheduleTime( $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] ) );
						Debug::text( '   Schedule Daily Total Time: ' . $schedule_daily_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						$trigger_time = ( $schedule_daily_total_time + $otp_obj->getTriggerTime() );
						$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), $otp_obj );
						Debug::text( '   Over Schedule/No Schedule Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						unset( $schedule_daily_total_time );
					case 210: //Over Schedule (Weekly) / No Schedule
						//Get schedule time for the entire week, and add the Active After time to that.
						//$schedule_weekly_total_time = $slf->getWeekWorkTimeSumByUserIDAndEpochAndStartWeekEpoch( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch($date_stamp, $start_week_day_id), TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch($date_stamp, $start_week_day_id) );
						$schedule_weekly_total_time = $this->getSumScheduleTime( $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), [ 10 ] ) );
						Debug::text( '   Schedule Weekly Total Time: ' . $schedule_weekly_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						$trigger_time = ( $schedule_weekly_total_time + $otp_obj->getTriggerTime() );
						$trigger_time -= $this->getOverTimeTriggerTimeAdjustAmount( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $otp_obj );
						unset( $schedule_weekly_total_time );

						//When using Over Schedule (Weekly), it only considers committed shifts, so the user could have exceeded their schedule on the first day of the week
						// and therefore receive overtime. Then on the next day they work under their scheduled time for the day, the previous day needs to be recalculated to
						// remove the overtime. So basically we always need to recalculate the entire week for every punch when using this policy.
						// Because there is also a case where a schedule shift may be deleted from the middle/end of the week, and that could potentially cause overtime to trigger the day before.
						$this->addPendingCalculationDate( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ) );

				if ( is_numeric( $trigger_time ) && $trigger_time < 0 ) {
					$trigger_time = 0;

				if ( is_numeric( $trigger_time ) ) {
					$pay_formula_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPolicyObject( $otp_obj );
					if ( is_object( $pay_formula_obj ) ) {
						$trigger_time_arr[] = [
								'name'                               => $otp_obj->getName(),
								'calculation_order'                  => $otp_calculation_order[$otp_obj->getType()],
								'trigger_time'                       => $trigger_time,
								'is_differential_criteria'           => $otp_obj->isDifferentialCriteriaDefined(),
								'over_time_policy_id'                => $otp_obj->getId(),
								'over_time_policy_type_id'           => $otp_obj->getType(),
								'is_weekly_over_time_policy_type_id' => in_array( $otp_obj->getType(), $this->getWeeklyOverTimePolicyTypeIds() ),
								'contributing_shift_policy_id'       => $otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy(),
								'pay_code_id'                        => $otp_obj->getPayCode(),
								'combined_rate'                      => ( $pay_formula_obj->getRate() + ( $this->isPayFormulaAccruing( $pay_formula_obj ) == true ? $pay_formula_obj->getAccrualRate() : 0 ) ),
						//Debug::Arr($trigger_time_arr, 'Trigger Time Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					} else {
						Debug::Arr( array_keys( (array)$this->pay_codes ), 'Pay Formula Policy not found! OT Policy ID: ' . $otp_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				unset( $trigger_time );

			if ( isset( $trigger_time_arr ) ) {
				return $trigger_time_arr;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No over time policies to build trigger array from...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param $trigger_time_arr
	 * @return array
	function processTriggerTimeArray( $date_stamp, $trigger_time_arr ) {
		if ( is_array( $trigger_time_arr ) == false || count( $trigger_time_arr ) == 0 ) {
			return [];

		//Debug::Arr($trigger_time_arr, 'Source Trigger Arr: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		//Convert all OT policies to daily before applying.
		//For instance, 40+hrs/week policy if they are currently at 35hrs is a 5hr daily policy.
		//For weekly OT policies, they MUST include regular time + other WEEKLY over time rules, otherwise they can't stack weekly OT like >40, >50, etc...
		//  However, if they use the same pay code for both Daily and Weekly OT, it could cause problems, so we need to base it on the src_object_id instead.
		//  *Make sure we specify the object_type_id that it must match as well, so we don't confuse a over_time_policy_id=9 with absence_policy_id=9.
		$weekly_over_time_policy_ids = [ 30 => (array)$this->getWeeklyOverTimePolicyIDs() ];
		//Debug::Arr($weekly_over_time_policy_ids, 'Weekly OT Policy IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		//Create a duplicate trigger_time_arr that we can sort so we know the
		//first trigger time is always the first in the array.
		//We don't want to use this array in the loop though, because it throws off other ordering.
		$tmp_trigger_time_arr = Sort::multiSort( $trigger_time_arr, 'trigger_time' );
		$first_trigger_time = $tmp_trigger_time_arr[0]['trigger_time']; //Get first trigger time.
		//Debug::Arr($tmp_trigger_time_arr, 'Trigger Time After Sort: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		Debug::text( 'First Trigger Time: ' . $first_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		unset( $tmp_trigger_time_arr );

		//Sort trigger_time array by calculation order before looping over it.
		//  'is_differential_criteria' => SORT_ASC helps calculate OT policies with differential criterias first, so the "catch all" OT policy doesn't need to explicity have exclude criteria set on it. This greatly simplifies OT policies with differential criteria.
		$trigger_time_arr = Sort::arrayMultiSort( $trigger_time_arr, [ 'calculation_order' => SORT_ASC, 'trigger_time' => SORT_DESC, 'is_differential_criteria' => SORT_ASC, 'combined_rate' => SORT_DESC ] );
		//Debug::Arr($trigger_time_arr, 'Source Trigger Arr After Calculation Order Sort: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		$weekly_overtime_policy_type_ids = $this->getWeeklyOverTimePolicyTypeIds();

		$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

		//We need to calculate regular time as early as possible so we can adjust the trigger time
		//of weekly overtime policies and re-sort the array.
		$tmp_trigger_time_arr = [];
		foreach ( $trigger_time_arr as $key => $trigger_time_data ) {
			if ( in_array( $trigger_time_data['over_time_policy_type_id'], $weekly_overtime_policy_type_ids ) ) {
				//Get weekly total time for this contributing shift id.
				$weekly_total_time = 0;
				if ( isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$trigger_time_data['contributing_shift_policy_id']] ) ) {
					if ( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ) == TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) ) {
						Debug::Text( 'Current day is start of the week, no need to collect weekly total time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						$weekly_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$trigger_time_data['contributing_shift_policy_id']], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ], null, $weekly_over_time_policy_ids ) ); //Don't include object_type_id=50 as that often is duplicated with ID: 25.
				} else {
					Debug::Text( '  Unable to find Contributing Shift Policy ID: ' . $trigger_time_data['contributing_shift_policy_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				Debug::Text( '  Weekly Total Time: ' . $weekly_total_time . ' as of: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' Trigger Time: ' . $trigger_time_data['trigger_time'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( is_numeric( $weekly_total_time )
						&& $weekly_total_time > 0
						&& $weekly_total_time >= $trigger_time_data['trigger_time'] ) {
					//Worked more then weekly trigger time already.
					Debug::Text( '  Worked more then weekly trigger time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$tmp_trigger_time = 0;
				} else {
					//Haven't worked more then the weekly trigger time yet.
					$tmp_trigger_time = ( $trigger_time_data['trigger_time'] - $weekly_total_time );
					Debug::Text( '  NOT Worked more then weekly trigger time... TMP Trigger Time: ' . $tmp_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$trigger_time_arr[$key]['trigger_time'] = $tmp_trigger_time;
			} else {
				//Debug::Text('  NOT special (weekly/biweekly) overtime policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				$tmp_trigger_time = $trigger_time_data['trigger_time'];

			Debug::Text( '  Key: ' . $key . ' Trigger Time: ' . $tmp_trigger_time . ' OverTime Policy Id: ' . $trigger_time_data['over_time_policy_id'] . ' Name: ' . $trigger_time_data['name'] . ' Order: ' . $trigger_time_data['calculation_order'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Make sure we add all trigger times to the array, even if no differential criteria is defined
			// as differential criteria ones may cause the non-differential crtieria to never be included.
			$trigger_time_data['trigger_time'] = $tmp_trigger_time;
			$retval[$tmp_trigger_time][] = $trigger_time_data;

			$tmp_trigger_time_arr[] = $trigger_time_arr[$key]['trigger_time'];
		unset( $trigger_time_arr, $tmp_trigger_time_arr, $trigger_time_data );

		//If there are multiple policies at the same trigger time (usually caused Weekly >40, Weekly >44, or differential criteria)
		//Sort them in reverse calculation order then combined rate, so in differential cases the lowest rate is calculated first.
		//  Otherwise the higher rate will be calculated and all other lower rates will be ignored.
		// Reverse calculation order is required because we no longer consider OT exclusive to itself in calculateOverTimePolicyForTriggerTime(), so if two policies are triggered at the same time
		// and at the same rate, they will both be calculated, therefore the last one calculated is what is saved to the DB, so it should be the one with the lowest calculation order.
		foreach ( $retval as $tmp_trigger_time => $tmp_policy_data ) {
			if ( count( $tmp_policy_data ) > 0 ) {
				$retval[$tmp_trigger_time] = Sort::arrayMultiSort( $retval[$tmp_trigger_time], [ 'calculation_order' => SORT_DESC, 'is_differential_criteria' => SORT_ASC, 'combined_rate' => SORT_ASC ] );
		ksort( $retval );

		//***Due to differential criteria, we can't filter overtime policies until they have actually been applied. So handle that in calculateOverTimePolicy() instead.

		unset( $key, $tmp_trigger_time, $overtime_policies, $policy_data );

		//Debug::Arr($retval, 'Final OverTime Trigger Arr: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		return $retval;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	 * @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection
	function calculateExceptionPolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		//Make sure passed date_stamp is middleDayEpoch() to match the existing exceptions.
		$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
		$existing_exceptions = [];
		$elf = $this->exception;
		if ( is_array( $elf ) && count( $elf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $elf as $e_obj ) {
				$e_obj_date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $e_obj->getDateStamp() ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				//Because the exception diff. function compares on what exists vs whats new, we can only pass exceptions from the current date to it.
				if ( $e_obj_date_stamp == $date_stamp ) {
					$existing_exceptions[$e_obj->getId()] = [
							'id'                  => $e_obj->getId(),
							'user_id'             => $e_obj->getUser(),
							'date_stamp'          => $e_obj_date_stamp,
							'exception_policy_id' => $e_obj->getExceptionPolicyID(),
							'type_id'             => $e_obj->getType(),
							'punch_id'            => $e_obj->getPunchID(),
							'punch_control_id'    => $e_obj->getPunchControlID(),
		unset( $elf, $e_obj );

		if ( is_array( $this->exception_policy ) ) {
			$enable_premature_exceptions = $this->getFlag( 'exception_premature' );
			$enable_future_exceptions = $this->getFlag( 'exception_future' );

			$current_epoch = time();

			if ( $enable_future_exceptions == false
					&& $date_stamp > TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $current_epoch ) ) {
				return false;

			if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj ) ) {
				$premature_delay = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();
				$start_week_day_id = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getStartWeekDay();
			} else {
				$premature_delay = 57600;
				$start_week_day_id = 0;
			Debug::text( ' Setting preMature Exception delay to maximum shift time: ' . $premature_delay . ' Enable PreMature Exceptions: ' . (int)$enable_premature_exceptions . ' DateStamp: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			$user_id = $this->getUserObject()->getId();

			$current_exceptions = []; //Array holding current exception data.

			$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );
			$plf = $this->filterPunchDataByDateAndTypeAndStatus( $date_stamp );

			foreach ( $this->exception_policy as $ep_obj ) {
				//Only allow pre-mature exceptions to be enabled if we are calculating no further back than 2 days from the current time.
				if ( $enable_premature_exceptions == true && $ep_obj->isPreMature( $ep_obj->getType() ) == true
						&& $date_stamp >= ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $current_epoch ) - $premature_delay ) ) {
					$type_id = 5; //Pre-Mature
				} else {
					$type_id = 50; //Active

				//Debug::text('---Calculating Exception: '. $ep_obj->getType() .' Type ID: '. $type_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				switch ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) ) {
					case 's1':    //Unscheduled Absence... Anytime they are scheduled and have not punched in.
						//Ignore these exceptions if the schedule is after today (not including today),
						//so if a supervisors schedules an employee two days in advance they don't get a unscheduled
						//absence appearing right away.
						//Since we now trigger In Late/Out Late exceptions immediately after schedule time, only trigger this exception after
						//the schedule end time has passed.
						//**We also need to handle shifts that start at 11:00PM on one day, end at 8:00AM the next day, and they are assigned to the day where
						//the most time is worked (ie: the next day).
						//Handle split shifts too...
						//- This has a side affect that if the schedule policy start/stop time is set to 0, it will trigger both a UnScheduled Absence
						//	and a Not Scheduled exception for the same schedule/punch.

						//Loop through all schedules, then find punches to match.
						if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
								if ( $s_obj->getStatus() == 10 && ( $current_epoch >= $s_obj->getEndTime() ) ) {
									$add_exception = true;

									//FIXME: If no punches match, find punches that fall within this schedule time including start/stop window.
									//  In case the punches got assigned to a different day due to some other shift running long.
									//  ie: Current Schedule 8A-5P, the employee punched 8A-5P, but the previous day was 11P to 6A, so both shifts get assigned to the previous day.

									//Debug::text(' Found Schedule: Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getStartTime() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
									//Find punches that fall within this schedule time including start/stop window.
									if ( TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight( ( $s_obj->getStartTime() - $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ), ( $s_obj->getEndTime() + $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ) ) ) {
										//Get punches from both days.
										$plf_tmp = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf_tmp */

										//Can't use $premature_delay here, as we don't and can't really check maximum shift time when creating schedules,
										//  so there are cases where the schedule may exceed the maximum shift time and we still need to find punches within it.
										//  Since we use the full schedule shift time + start/stop window to detect if the range spans midnight, we should use the exact same values for finding punches too.
										$plf_tmp->getShiftPunchesByUserIDAndEpoch( $user_id, $s_obj->getStartTime(), 0, ( ( $s_obj->getEndTime() + $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ) - ( $s_obj->getStartTime() - $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ) ) );
										Debug::text( ' Schedule spans midnight... Found rows from expanded search: ' . $plf_tmp->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $plf_tmp->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											foreach ( $plf_tmp as $p_obj_tmp ) {
												if ( $s_obj->inSchedule( $p_obj_tmp->getTimeStamp() ) ) {
													Debug::text( ' aFound punch for schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
													$add_exception = false;
										unset( $plf_tmp, $p_obj_tmp );
									} else {
										if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
											//Get punches from just this day.
											foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
												if ( $s_obj->inSchedule( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) ) {
													//Debug::text(' bFound punch for schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
													$add_exception = false;

									if ( $add_exception == true ) {
										//Debug::text(' Adding S1 exception...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'schedule_obj'        => $s_obj,
						unset( $s_obj, $add_exception );
					case 's2': //Not Scheduled
						//**We also need to handle shifts that start at 11:00PM on one day, end at 8:00AM the next day, and they are assigned to the day where
						//the most time is worked (ie: the next day).
						//Handle split shifts too...
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) { //Make sure at least two punche exist.
							//Loop through each punch, find out if they are scheduled, and if they are in early
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								//Ignore punches that have the exact same timestamp, as they are likely transfer punches.
								if ( $prev_punch_time_stamp != $p_obj->getTimeStamp() && $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //Normal In
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );

									//Check if no schedule exists, or an absent schedule exists. If they work when not scheduled (no schedule) or schedule absent, both should trigger this.
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == false
											|| ( is_object( $p_obj->getScheduleObject() ) && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStatus() == 20 ) ) {
										//Debug::text(' Worked when wasnt scheduled', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
												'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
						unset( $prev_punch_time_stamp, $p_obj ); //Don't unset the $schedule_id_cache until we have calculated all exception policies, otherwise the caching isn't as useful.
					case 's3': //In Early
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							//Loop through each punch, find out if they are scheduled, and if they are in early
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								//Ignore punches that have the exact same timestamp, as they are likely transfer punches.
								if ( $prev_punch_time_stamp != $p_obj->getTimeStamp() && $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //Normal In
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == true ) {
										if ( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStartTime() ) { //Be sure to ignore Absence scheduled shifts.
											if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStartTime(), $ep_obj->getGrace() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 Within Grace time, IGNORE EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											} else if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStartTime(), $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 NOT Within Grace time, SET EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
														'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 NO Working Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 NO Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
					case 's4': //In Late
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								//Debug::text('	 In Late. Punch: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
								//Ignore punches that have the exact same timestamp and/or punches with the transfer flag, as they are likely transfer punches.
								if ( $prev_punch_time_stamp != $p_obj->getTimeStamp() && $p_obj->getTransfer() == false && $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //Normal In
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == true ) {
										if ( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStartTime() ) { //Be sure to ignore Absence scheduled shifts.
											if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStartTime(), $ep_obj->getGrace() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 Within Grace time, IGNORE EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											} else if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStartTime(), $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 NOT Within Grace time, SET EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
														'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 NO Working Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 NO Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();

						//Late Starting their shift, with no punch yet, trigger exception if:
						//	- Schedule is found
						//	- Current time is after schedule start time and before schedule end time.
						//	- Current time is after exception grace time
						//Make sure we take into account split shifts.
						Debug::text( '	 Checking Late Starting Shift exception... Current time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $current_epoch ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
								if ( $s_obj->getStatus() == 10 && ( $current_epoch >= $s_obj->getStartTime() && $current_epoch <= $s_obj->getEndTime() ) ) {
									if ( TTDate::inWindow( $current_epoch, $s_obj->getStartTime(), $ep_obj->getGrace() ) == true ) {
										Debug::text( '	 Within Grace time, IGNORE EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										//See if we can find a punch within the schedule time, if so assume we already created the exception above.
										//Make sure we take into account the schedule policy start/stop window.
										//However in the case where a single schedule shift and just one punch exists, if an employee comes in really
										//early (1AM) before the schedule start/stop window it will trigger an In Late exception.
										//This could still be correct though if they only come in for an hour, then come in late for their shift later.
										//Schedule start/stop time needs to be correct.
										//Also need to take into account shifts that span midnight, ie: 10:30PM to 6:00AM, as its important the schedules/punches match up properly.

										$add_exception = true;
										Debug::text( ' Found Schedule: Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getStartTime() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										//Find punches that fall within this schedule time including start/stop window.
										if ( TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight( ( $s_obj->getStartTime() - $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ), ( $s_obj->getEndTime() + $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ) ) ) {
											//Get punches from both days.
											$plf_tmp = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf_tmp */

											//Can't use $premature_delay here, as we don't and can't really check maximum shift time when creating schedules,
											//  so there are cases where the schedule may exceed the maximum shift time and we still need to find punches within it.
											//  Since we use the full schedule shift time + start/stop window to detect if the range spans midnight, we should use the exact same values for finding punches too.
											$plf_tmp->getShiftPunchesByUserIDAndEpoch( $user_id, $s_obj->getStartTime(), 0, ( ( $s_obj->getEndTime() + $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ) - ( $s_obj->getStartTime() - $s_obj->getStartStopWindow() ) ) );
											Debug::text( ' Schedule spans midnight... Found rows from expanded search: ' . $plf_tmp->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											if ( $plf_tmp->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
												foreach ( $plf_tmp as $p_obj_tmp ) {
													if ( $s_obj->inSchedule( $p_obj_tmp->getTimeStamp() ) ) {
														Debug::text( '	 Found punch for this schedule, skipping schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
														$add_exception = false;
														continue 2; //Skip to next schedule without creating exception.
											unset( $plf_tmp, $p_obj_tmp );
										} else {
											//Get punches from just this day.
											if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
												foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
													if ( $s_obj->inSchedule( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) ) {
														Debug::text( ' bFound punch for schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
														$add_exception = false;

										if ( $add_exception == true ) {
											Debug::text( '	 NOT Within Grace time, SET EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													'schedule_obj'        => $s_obj,
						} else {
							Debug::text( '	 NO Schedules Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 's5': //Out Early
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							//Loop through each punch, find out if they are scheduled, and if they are in early
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							$total_punches = count( $plf );
							$x = 1;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								//Ignore punches that have the exact same timestamp and/or punches with the transfer flag, as they are likely transfer punches.
								//For Out Early, we have to wait until we are at the last punch, or there is a subsequent punch
								// to see if it matches the exact same time (transfer)
								//Therefore we need a two step confirmation before this exception can be triggered. Current punch, then next punch if it exists.
								if ( $p_obj->getTransfer() == false && $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 ) { //Normal Out
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == true ) {
										if ( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getEndTime() ) { //Be sure to ignore Absence scheduled shifts.
											if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getEndTime(), $ep_obj->getGrace() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 Within Grace time, IGNORE EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											} else if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getEndTime(), $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 NOT Within Grace time, SET EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												$tmp_exception = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
														'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),

												if ( $x == $total_punches ) { //Trigger exception if we're the last punch.
													$current_exceptions[] = $tmp_exception;
												} //else { //Save exception to be triggered if the next punch doesn't match the same time.
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 NO Working Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 NO Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								} else if ( $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //Normal In
									//This comes after an OUT punch, so we need to check if there are two punches
									//in a row with the same timestamp, if so ignore the exception.
									if ( isset( $tmp_exception ) && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() == $prev_punch_time_stamp ) {
										unset( $tmp_exception );
									} else if ( isset( $tmp_exception ) ) {
										$current_exceptions[] = $tmp_exception; //Set exception.
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();

						unset( $tmp_exception, $x, $prev_punch_time_stamp );
					case 's6': //Out Late
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$punch_pairs[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()][] = [ 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), 'time_stamp' => $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ];

								//Ignore transfer punches to optimize cases where many punches exist.
								if ( $p_obj->getTransfer() == false && $prev_punch_time_stamp != $p_obj->getTimeStamp() && $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 ) { //Normal Out
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == true ) {
										if ( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getEndTime() ) { //Be sure to ignore Absence scheduled shifts.
											if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getEndTime(), $ep_obj->getGrace() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 Within Grace time, IGNORE EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											} else if ( TTDate::inWindow( $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getEndTime(), $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() ) == true ) {
												Debug::text( '	 NOT Within Grace time, SET EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
														'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 NO Working Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 NO Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();

							//Trigger exception if no out punch and we have passed schedule out time.
							//	- Schedule is found
							//	- Make sure the user is missing an OUT punch.
							//	- Current time is after schedule end time
							//	- Current time is after exception grace time
							//	- Current time is before schedule end time + maximum shift time.
							if ( isset( $punch_pairs ) && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
								foreach ( $punch_pairs as $punch_control_id => $punch_pair ) {
									if ( count( $punch_pair ) != 2 ) {
										Debug::text( 'aFound Missing Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( $punch_pair[0]['status_id'] == 10 ) { //Missing Out Punch
											Debug::text( 'bFound Missing Out Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) {
												Debug::text( 'Punch: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $punch_pair[0]['time_stamp'] ) . ' Schedule Start Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getStartTime() ) . ' End Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getEndTime() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												//Because this is just an IN punch, make sure the IN punch is before the schedule end time
												//So we can eliminate split shift schedules.
												if ( $punch_pair[0]['time_stamp'] <= $s_obj->getEndTime()
														&& $current_epoch >= $s_obj->getEndTime() && $current_epoch <= ( $s_obj->getEndTime() + $premature_delay ) ) {
													if ( TTDate::inWindow( $current_epoch, $s_obj->getEndTime(), $ep_obj->getGrace() ) == true ) {
														Debug::text( '	 Within Grace time, IGNORE EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
													} else {
														Debug::text( '	 NOT Within Grace time, SET EXCEPTION: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
														$current_exceptions[] = [
																'user_id'             => $user_id,
																'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
																'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
																'type_id'             => $type_id,
																'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
																'punch_control_id'    => $punch_pair[0]['punch_control_id'],
																'schedule_obj'        => $s_obj,
									//else {
									//	Debug::text('No Missing Punches...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $punch_pairs, $punch_pair );
					case 'sb': //Not Scheduled Branch/Department
					case 'sc': //Not Scheduled Job/Task
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$punch_pairs[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()][] = [ 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), 'time_stamp' => $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ];

								//How do we handle transfer punches? Should we just check Normal IN punches that aren't transfers punches?
								//For now consider all IN punches, even transfer punches.
								//if ( $prev_punch_time_stamp != $p_obj->getTimeStamp() AND $p_obj->getType() == 10 AND $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) {
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == true ) {
										if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
												&& (
														( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'sb'
																&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getBranch() ) && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getBranch() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getBranch() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
																&& $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() != $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getBranch()
														( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'sb'
																&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getDepartment() ) && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getDepartment() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getDepartment() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
																&& $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() != $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getDepartment()
														( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'sc'
																&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJob() ) && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
																&& $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJob()
														( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'sc'
																&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJobItem() ) && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJobItem() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJobItem() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
																&& $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() != $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getJobItem()
										) {
											Debug::text( '	 Punch Branch/Department does not match scheduled branch/department: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
													'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
													'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 NO Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
							unset( $punch_pairs, $punch_pair, $prev_punch_time_stamp );
					case 'st': //not scheduled tags
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$punch_pairs[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()][] = [ 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), 'time_stamp' => $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ];

								//How do we handle transfer punches? Should we just check Normal IN punches that aren't transfers punches?
								//For now consider all IN punches, even transfer punches.
								//if ( $prev_punch_time_stamp != $p_obj->getTimeStamp() AND $p_obj->getType() == 10 AND $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) {
									if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
										$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );
									if ( $p_obj->setScheduleID( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) == true ) {
										if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
												&& (
														//We do not trigger the exception if the schedule does not have punch tags.
														is_array( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getPunchTag() )
														&& !empty( array_merge( array_diff( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag(), $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getPunchTag() ), array_diff( $p_obj->getScheduleObject()->getPunchTag(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() ) ) )

										) {
											Debug::text( '	 Punch tag does not match scheduled punch tag: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(),
													'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
													'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),
									} else {
										Debug::text( '	 NO Schedule Found', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
							unset( $punch_pairs, $punch_pair, $prev_punch_time_stamp );
					case 'g1':
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getLongitude() != false && $p_obj->getLatitude() != false ) {
									$glf = TTnew( 'GEOFenceListFactory' ); /** @var GEOFenceListFactory $glf */

									//Check that GEO fences are assigned to cost centers first.
									// If no GEO fences are assigned to any of the cost centers, don't trigger the exception.
									// This prevents the user from having to assign at least one GEO fence to every cost center used at a certain level (ie: branches) when they turn G1 exception on.
									$glf->getByCompanyIdAndBranchAndDepartmentAndJobAndTaskAndPunchTag( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag(), 1 );
									if ( $glf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
										$glf->getByCompanyIdAndGEOLocationAndBranchAndDepartmentAndJobAndTaskAndPunchTag( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $p_obj->getLatitude(), $p_obj->getLongitude(), $p_obj->getPositionAccuracy(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag(), 1 );
										Debug::Text( 'GEO Fences found: ' . $glf->getRecordCount() . ' Punch Latitude: ' . $p_obj->getLatitude() . ' Punch Longitude: ' . $p_obj->getLongitude() . ' Punch Radius: ' . $p_obj->getPositionAccuracy() . ' ID: ' . $p_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $glf->getRecordCount() === 0 ) { //=== is needed here, as we want to ignore cases where Lon=0.00,Lat=0.00 and it returns FALSE.
											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getId(),
													'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(),
									} else {
										Debug::text( ' No GEO fences assigned to the specified branch/department/job/task... Not triggering G1 exception.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									unset( $glf );
					case 'm1': //Missing In Punch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								//Debug::text(' Punch: Status: '. $p_obj->getStatus() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getId() .' TimeStamp: '. $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
								if ( $type_id == 5 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) ) {
									$type_id = 50;

								$punch_pairs[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()][] = [ 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), 'punch_id' => $p_obj->getId() ];

							if ( isset( $punch_pairs ) ) {
								foreach ( $punch_pairs as $punch_control_id => $punch_pair ) {
									//Debug::Arr($punch_pair, 'Punch Pair for Control ID:'. $punch_control_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

									if ( count( $punch_pair ) != 2 ) {
										Debug::text( 'a1Found Missing Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( $punch_pair[0]['status_id'] == 20 ) { //Missing In Punch
											Debug::text( 'b1Found Missing In Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													//'punch_id' => FALSE,
													'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													'punch_control_id'    => $punch_pair[0]['punch_control_id'],
									//else {
									//	Debug::text('No Missing Punches...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $punch_pairs, $punch_pair );
					case 'm2': //Missing Out Punch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								//Debug::text(' Punch: Status: '. $p_obj->getStatus() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getId() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDATE('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

								//This causes the exception to trigger if the first punch pair is more than the Maximum Shift time away from the current punch,
								//ie: In: 1:00AM, Out: 2:00AM, In 3:00PM (Maximum Shift Time less than 12hrs). The missing punch exception will be triggered immediately upon the 3:00PM punch.
								//if ( $type_id == 5 AND $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ($current_epoch - $premature_delay) ) {
								//	$type_id = 50;

								$punch_pairs[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()][] = [ 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), 'time_stamp' => $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ];

							if ( isset( $punch_pairs ) ) {
								foreach ( $punch_pairs as $punch_control_id => $punch_pair ) {
									if ( count( $punch_pair ) != 2 ) {
										Debug::text( 'a2Found Missing Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( $punch_pair[0]['status_id'] == 10 ) { //Missing Out Punch
											Debug::text( 'b2Found Missing Out Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											//Make sure we are at least MaximumShift Time from the matching In punch before trigging this exception.
											//Even when an supervisor is entering punches for today, make missing out punch pre-mature if the maximum shift time isn't exceeded.
											//This will prevent timesheet recalculations from having missing punches for everyone today.
											//if ( $type_id == 5 AND $punch_pair[0]['time_stamp'] < ($current_epoch - $premature_delay) ) {
											if ( $punch_pair[0]['time_stamp'] < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) ) {
												$type_id = 50;
											} else {
												$type_id = 5;

											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													'punch_control_id'    => $punch_pair[0]['punch_control_id'],
									//else {
									//	Debug::text('No Missing Punches...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $punch_pairs, $punch_pair );
					case 'm3': //Missing Lunch In/Out punch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//We need to account for cases where they may punch IN from lunch first, then Out. (reverse order)
							//As well as just a Lunch In punch and nothing else.
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$punches[] = $p_obj; //Collect punches so we can easily check prev/next punches below.

							if ( isset( $punches ) && is_array( $punches ) ) {
								foreach ( $punches as $key => $p_obj ) {
									if ( $p_obj->getType() == 20 ) { //Lunch
										Debug::text( ' Punch: Status: ' . $p_obj->getStatus() . ' Type: ' . $p_obj->getType() . ' Punch Control ID: ' . $p_obj->getPunchControlID() . ' TimeStamp: ' . $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) {
											//This is a Lunch IN punch, Make sure previous punch is Lunch/Out
											if ( !isset( $punches[( $key - 1 )] )
													|| ( isset( $punches[( $key - 1 )] ) && is_object( $punches[( $key - 1 )] )
															&& ( $punches[( $key - 1 )]->getType() != 20
																	|| $punches[( $key - 1 )]->getStatus() != 20 ) ) ) {
												//Invalid punch
												$invalid_punches[] = [ 'punch_id' => $p_obj->getId(), 'type_id' => 50 ]; //This is always an ACTIVE exception, as there should always be a previous punch.
										} else {
											//This is a Lunch OUT punch, Make sure next punch is Lunch/In
											if ( !isset( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) || ( isset( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) && is_object( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) && ( $punches[( $key + 1 )]->getType() != 20 || $punches[( $key + 1 )]->getStatus() != 10 ) ) ) {
												//Invalid punch

												//Check if there is a punch immediately after.
												//  if there is, then this should always be an active exception.
												//  If there isn't, make sure its less than the premature delay and make it active.
												if ( isset( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) || ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) ) ) {
													$type_id = 50; //Active
												} else {
													$type_id = 5; //PreMature

												$invalid_punches[] = [ 'punch_id' => $p_obj->getId(), 'type_id' => $type_id ];
								unset( $punches, $key, $p_obj );

								if ( isset( $invalid_punches ) && count( $invalid_punches ) > 0 ) {
									foreach ( $invalid_punches as $invalid_punch_arr ) {
										Debug::text( 'Found Missing Lunch In/Out Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $invalid_punch_arr['type_id'],
												'punch_id'            => $invalid_punch_arr['punch_id'],
												'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
									unset( $invalid_punch_arr );
								} else {
									Debug::text( 'Lunch Punches match up.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								unset( $invalid_punches );
					case 'm4': //Missing Break In/Out punch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//We need to account for cases where they may punch IN from break first, then Out. (reverse order)
							//As well as just a break In punch and nothing else.
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$punches[] = $p_obj;

							if ( isset( $punches ) && is_array( $punches ) ) {
								foreach ( $punches as $key => $p_obj ) {
									if ( $p_obj->getType() == 30 ) { //Break
										Debug::text( ' Punch: Status: ' . $p_obj->getStatus() . ' Type: ' . $p_obj->getType() . ' Punch Control ID: ' . $p_obj->getPunchControlID() . ' TimeStamp: ' . $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) {
											//Make sure previous punch is Break/Out
											if ( !isset( $punches[( $key - 1 )] )
													|| ( isset( $punches[( $key - 1 )] ) && is_object( $punches[( $key - 1 )] )
															&& ( $punches[( $key - 1 )]->getType() != 30
																	|| $punches[( $key - 1 )]->getStatus() != 20 ) ) ) {
												//Invalid punch
												$invalid_punches[] = [ 'punch_id' => $p_obj->getId(), 'type_id' => 50 ]; //This is always an ACTIVE exception, as there should always be a previous punch.
										} else {
											//Make sure next punch is Break/In
											if ( !isset( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) || ( isset( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) && is_object( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) && ( $punches[( $key + 1 )]->getType() != 30 || $punches[( $key + 1 )]->getStatus() != 10 ) ) ) {
												//Invalid punch

												//Check if there is a punch immediately after.
												//  if there is, then this should always be an active exception.
												//  If there isn't, make sure its less than the premature delay and make it active.
												if ( isset( $punches[( $key + 1 )] ) || ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) ) ) {
													$type_id = 50; //Active
												} else {
													$type_id = 5; //PreMature

												$invalid_punches[] = [ 'punch_id' => $p_obj->getId(), 'type_id' => $type_id ];
								unset( $punches, $key, $p_obj );

								if ( isset( $invalid_punches ) && count( $invalid_punches ) > 0 ) {
									foreach ( $invalid_punches as $invalid_punch_arr ) {
										Debug::text( 'Found Missing Break In/Out Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $invalid_punch_arr['type_id'],
												'punch_id'            => $invalid_punch_arr['punch_id'],
												'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
									unset( $invalid_punch_arr );
								} else {
									Debug::text( 'Break Punches match up.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								unset( $invalid_punches );
					case 'c1': //Missed Check-in
						//Use grace period and make sure the employee punches within that period of time (usually a transfer punch, but break/lunch should work too)
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && $ep_obj->getGrace() > 0 ) {
							$prev_punch_time_stamp = false;
							$prev_punch_obj = false;

							$x = 1;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								Debug::text( '	Missed Check-In Punch: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) . ' Delay: ' . $premature_delay . ' Current Epoch: ' . $current_epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//Handle punch pairs below. Only trigger on OUT punches.
								//This is handle cases where they went too long without checking in, but still punched out.
								if ( is_object( $prev_punch_obj ) && $prev_punch_obj->getStatus() == 10
										&& $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() - $prev_punch_time_stamp ) > $ep_obj->getGrace() ) { //Only check OUT punches when paired.
									Debug::text( '	Triggering exception as employee missed check-in within: ' . ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() - $prev_punch_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$current_exceptions[] = [
											'user_id'             => $user_id,
											'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
											'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
											'type_id'             => $type_id,
											'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getID(), //When paired, only attach to the out punch.
											'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
											'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
											'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),
								} else if ( $prev_punch_time_stamp !== false ) {
									Debug::text( '	Employee Checked-In within: ' . ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() - $prev_punch_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//Handle cases where there is a IN punch but no OUT punch yet.
								//However ignore cases where there is a OUT punch but no IN punch.
								if ( $x == count( $plf )
										&& $p_obj->getStatus() == 10
										&& ( $current_epoch - $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) > $ep_obj->getGrace()
										&& $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay )
								) {
									Debug::text( '	Triggering excepetion as employee hasnt checked in yet, within: ' . ( $current_epoch - $prev_punch_time_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$current_exceptions[] = [
											'user_id'             => $user_id,
											'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
											'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
											'type_id'             => $type_id,
											'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
											'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), //When not paired, attach to the punch control.
											'punch_obj'           => $p_obj,
											'schedule_obj'        => $p_obj->getScheduleObject(),

								$prev_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
								$prev_punch_obj = $p_obj;
						unset( $prev_punch_obj, $prev_punch_time_stamp, $x );
					case 'd1': //No Branch or Department
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$add_exception = false;

								//In punches only
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 && is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() ) ) {
									//If no Branches are setup, ignore checking them.
									if ( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() == ''
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() == TTUUID::getZeroID()
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() == false ) {
										//Make sure at least one task exists before triggering exception.
										$blf = TTNew( 'BranchListFactory' ); /** @var BranchListFactory $blf */
										$blf->getByCompanyID( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 1 ); //Limit to just 1 record.
										if ( $blf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$add_exception = true;

									//If no Departments are setup, ignore checking them.
									if ( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() == ''
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() == TTUUID::getZeroID()
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() == false ) {
										//Make sure at least one task exists before triggering exception.
										$dlf = TTNew( 'DepartmentListFactory' ); /** @var DepartmentListFactory $dlf */
										$dlf->getByCompanyID( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 1 ); //Limit to just 1 record.
										if ( $dlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$add_exception = true;

									if ( $add_exception === true ) {
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getId(),
												'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
					case 'd2': //Not Allowed on Branch
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							$blf = TTnew( 'BranchListFactory' ); /** @var BranchListFactory $blf */
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //In punches
									if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
											&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() ) && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
										//Found branch punch, check branch settings.

										//If the branch is all the same across many punches, don't look it up every time.
										if ( !isset( $b_obj ) || ( $b_obj->getId() != $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() ) ) {
											$blf->getById( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() );

										if ( $blf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$b_obj = $blf->getCurrent();

											if ( $b_obj->isAllowedUser( $user_id ) == false ) {
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
											//else {
											//	Debug::text('	 User allowed on Branch!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 Branch not found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} //else { //Debug::text('	   Not a Branch Punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $j_obj );
					case 'd3': //Not Allowed on Department
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							$dlf = TTnew( 'DepartmentListFactory' ); /** @var DepartmentListFactory $dlf */
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //In punches
									if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
											&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() ) && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
										//Found department punch, check department settings.

										//If the department is all the same across many punches, don't look it up every time.
										if ( !isset( $d_obj ) || ( $d_obj->getId() != $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() ) ) {
											$dlf->getById( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() );

										if ( $dlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$d_obj = $dlf->getCurrent();

											if ( $d_obj->isAllowedUser( $user_id, $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch() ) == false ) {
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
											//else {
											//	Debug::text('	 User allowed on Department!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 Department not found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} //else { //Debug::text('	   Not a Department Punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $j_obj );
					case 's7': //Over Scheduled Hours
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//This ONLY takes in to account WORKED hours, not paid absence hours.
							//Do we want to trigger this before their last out punch? -- If we do, they would know the exception as early as possible.
							$schedule_total_time = 0;

							if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
								//Check for schedule policy
								foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) { //This should only be looping over 10=Working shifts based on the filter above.
									Debug::text( ' Schedule Total Time: ' . $s_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$schedule_total_time += $s_obj->getTotalTime();

								$daily_total_time = 0;
								if ( $schedule_total_time > 0 ) {
									//Get daily total time.
									//Take into account auto-deduct/add meal policies, but not paid absences.
									$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ); //Worked time only.
									if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
										foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
											$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
									Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' Schedule Total Time: ' . $schedule_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									if ( $daily_total_time > 0 && $daily_total_time > ( $schedule_total_time + $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) {
										Debug::text( ' Worked Over Scheduled Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(), //Don't assign to a specific punch, as it could be moved between punches as more are added each day, which might cause users to be notified each time.
												'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
									} else {
										Debug::text( ' DID NOT Work Over Scheduled Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' Not Scheduled', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 's8': //Under Scheduled Hours
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 && count( $plf ) % 2 == 0 ) { //Punches should always be paired before bothering to calculate this.
							//This ONLY takes in to account WORKED hours, not paid absence hours.
							$schedule_total_time = 0;

							if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
								//Check for schedule policy
								foreach ( $slf as $s_obj ) { //This should only be looping over 10=Working shifts based on the filter above.
									Debug::text( ' Schedule Total Time: ' . $s_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$schedule_total_time += $s_obj->getTotalTime();
									$last_schedule_obj = $s_obj;

								$daily_total_time = 0;
								if ( $schedule_total_time > 0 ) {
									//Get daily total time.
									//Take into account auto-deduct/add meal policies
									$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ); //Worked time only.
									if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
										foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
											$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
									Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' Schedule Total Time: ' . $schedule_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									if ( $daily_total_time < ( $schedule_total_time - $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) {
										Debug::text( ' Worked Under Scheduled Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$total_punches = count( $plf );

										$x = 1;
										foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
											//Ignore punches that have the exact same timestamp and/or punches with the transfer flag, as they are likely transfer punches.
											//  Only switch from pre-mature to mature once the current wall clock time has passed the last scheduled end time.
											//  Since this is exception requires a schedule, that seems to make the most sense rather than using the premature_delay.
											//  We mostly want to avoid cases where punch type is detected based on punch time, so a Normal Out punch at noon for 30mins doesn't trigger this exception as the user punches back in at 12:30PM and it switches to a lunch out punch instead.
											if ( $p_obj->getTransfer() == false && $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $x == $total_punches ) { //Last Normal Out
												if ( $type_id == 5 && $current_epoch >= $last_schedule_obj->getEndTime() ) {
													$type_id = 50;

												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(), //Don't assign to a specific punch, as it could be moved between punches as more are added each day, which might cause users to be notified each time.
														'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),

										unset( $total_punches, $first_punch_obj, $x );
									} else {
										Debug::text( ' DID NOT Work Under Scheduled Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								unset( $last_schedule_obj );
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' Not Scheduled', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'o1': //Over Daily Time.
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//FIXME: Assign this exception to the last punch of the day, so it can be related back to a punch branch/department?
							//This ONLY takes in to account WORKED hours, not paid absence hours.
							//FIXME: Do we want to trigger this before their last out punch?
							$daily_total_time = 0;

							//Get daily total time.
							//Take into account auto-deduct/add meal policies
							$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ); //Worked time only.
							if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
								foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
									$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
							unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
							Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' Watch Window: ' . $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							if ( $daily_total_time > 0 && $daily_total_time > $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() ) {
								Debug::text( ' Worked Over Daily Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								$current_exceptions[] = [
										'user_id'             => $user_id,
										'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
										'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
										'type_id'             => $type_id,
										'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
										'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' DID NOT Work Over Scheduled Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'o2': //Over Weekly Time.
					case 's9': //Over Weekly Scheduled Time.
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//FIXME: Assign this exception to the last punch of the day, so it can be related back to a punch branch/department?
							//Get Pay Period Schedule info
							//FIXME: Do we want to trigger this before their last out punch?
							Debug::text( 'Start Week Day ID: ' . $start_week_day_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$weekly_scheduled_total_time = 0;

							//Currently we only consider committed scheduled shifts. We may need to change this to take into account
							//recurring scheduled shifts that haven't been committed yet as well.
							//In either case though we should take into account the entires week worth of scheduled time even if we are only partially through
							//the week, that way we won't be triggering s9 exceptions on a Wed and a Fri or something, it will only occur on the last days of the week.
							if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 's9' ) {
								$weekly_scheduled_total_time = $this->getSumScheduleTime( $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), [ 10 ] ) );

							//Get daily total time. - This ONLY takes in to account WORKED hours, not paid absence hours.
							$weekly_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ) );
							Debug::text( ' Weekly Total Time: ' . $weekly_total_time . ' Weekly Scheduled Total Time: ' . $weekly_scheduled_total_time . ' Watch Window: ' . $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() . ' Grace: ' . $ep_obj->getGrace() . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							//Don't trigger either of these exceptions unless both the worked and scheduled time is greater than 0. If they aren't scheduled at all
							//it should trigger a Unscheduled Absence exception instead of a over weekly scheduled time exception.
							if ( ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'o2' && $weekly_total_time > 0 && $weekly_total_time > $ep_obj->getWatchWindow() )
									|| ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 's9' && $weekly_scheduled_total_time > 0 && $weekly_total_time > 0 && $weekly_total_time > ( $weekly_scheduled_total_time + $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) ) {
								Debug::text( ' Worked Over Weekly Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$current_exceptions[] = [
										'user_id'             => $user_id,
										'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
										'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
										'type_id'             => $type_id,
										'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
										'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' DID NOT Work Over Scheduled Hours', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'l1': //Long Lunch
					case 'l2': //Short Lunch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//Get all lunch punches.
							$pair = 0;
							$x = 0;
							$out_for_lunch = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getType() == 20 ) {
									$lunch_out_timestamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
									$lunch_punch_arr[$pair]['punch_id'] = $p_obj->getId();
									$out_for_lunch = true;
								} else if ( $out_for_lunch == true && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getType() == 20 ) {
									$lunch_punch_arr[$pair][20] = $lunch_out_timestamp;
									$lunch_punch_arr[$pair][10] = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
									$out_for_lunch = false;
									unset( $lunch_out_timestamp );
								} else {
									$out_for_lunch = false;

							if ( isset( $lunch_punch_arr ) ) {
								//Debug::Arr($lunch_punch_arr, 'Lunch Punch Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

								$daily_total_time = 0;
								$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] ); //Worked time only.
								if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
										$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
								unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
								Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								foreach ( $lunch_punch_arr as $pair => $time_stamp_arr ) {
									if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && isset( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) ) {
										$lunch_total_time = bcsub( $time_stamp_arr[10], $time_stamp_arr[20] );
										Debug::text( ' Lunch Total Time: ' . $lunch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										$meal_time_policies = $this->filterMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time );
										if ( is_array( $meal_time_policies ) && count( $meal_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
											reset( $meal_time_policies );
											$mp_obj = $meal_time_policies[key( $meal_time_policies )];

										if ( isset( $mp_obj ) && is_object( $mp_obj ) ) {
											$meal_policy_lunch_time = $mp_obj->getAmount();
											Debug::text( 'Meal Policy Time: ' . $meal_policy_lunch_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											$add_exception = false;
											if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'l1'
													&& $meal_policy_lunch_time > 0
													&& $lunch_total_time > 0
													&& $lunch_total_time > ( $meal_policy_lunch_time + $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) {
												$add_exception = true;
											} else if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'l2'
													&& $meal_policy_lunch_time > 0
													&& $lunch_total_time > 0
													&& $lunch_total_time < ( $meal_policy_lunch_time - $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) {
												$add_exception = true;

											if ( $add_exception == true ) {
												Debug::text( 'Adding Exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr['punch_id'] ) ) {
													$punch_id = $time_stamp_arr['punch_id'];
												} else {
													$punch_id = false;

												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => $punch_id,
														'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												unset( $punch_id );
											} else {
												Debug::text( 'Not Adding Exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( ' Lunch Punches not paired... Skipping!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' No Lunch Punches found, or none are paired.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'l3': //No Lunch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//If they are scheduled or not, we can check for a meal policy and base our
							//decision off that. We don't want a No Lunch exception on a 3hr short shift though.
							//Also ignore this exception if the lunch is auto-deduct.
							//**Try to assign this exception to a specific punch control id, so we can do searches based on punch branch.

							$daily_total_time = 0;
							$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );            //Worked time only.
							if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
								foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
									$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									$punch_control_total_time[$udt_obj->getPunchControlID()] = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
							unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
							Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							//Debug::Arr($punch_control_total_time, 'Punch Control Total Time: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

							//Find meal policy
							//Use scheduled meal policy first.
							$meal_policy_obj = null;

							//Enable $always_return_at_least_one=TRUE so no matter what at least one meal policy is returned if it exists.
							//This allows us to *not* trigger this exception when the user works less than the meal policy trigger time.
							$meal_time_policies = $this->filterMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time, [ 15, 20 ], true ); //Exclude auto-deduct meal policies.
							if ( is_array( $meal_time_policies ) && count( $meal_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
								reset( $meal_time_policies );
								$meal_policy_obj = $meal_time_policies[key( $meal_time_policies )]; //Get first
							} else if ( is_array( $meal_time_policies ) && count( $meal_time_policies ) == 0 ) {
								$meal_policy_obj = null; //Schedule defined, but no meal policy applies.
							} else {
								//There is no  meal policy or schedule policy with a meal policy assigned to it
								//With out this we could still apply No meal exceptions, but they will happen even on
								//a 2minute shift.
								Debug::text( 'No Lunch policy, applying No meal exception.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$meal_policy_obj = true;

							if ( is_object( $meal_policy_obj ) || $meal_policy_obj === true ) {
								$punch_control_id = false;

								//Check meal policy type again here, as any meal policy type can be returned given the above $always_return_at_least_one=TRUE
								if ( $daily_total_time > 0 && ( $meal_policy_obj === true || ( $daily_total_time > $meal_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() && in_array( $meal_policy_obj->getType(), [ 15, 20 ] ) ) ) ) {
									//Check for meal punch.
									$meal_punch = false;
									$tmp_punch_total_time = 0;
									$tmp_punch_control_ids = [];
									foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
										if ( $p_obj->getType() == 20 ) { //20 = Lunch
											Debug::text( 'Found meal Punch: ' . $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$meal_punch = true;

										if ( isset( $punch_control_total_time[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] ) && !isset( $tmp_punch_control_ids[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] ) ) {
											$tmp_punch_total_time += $punch_control_total_time[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()];
											if ( $punch_control_id === false && ( $meal_policy_obj === true || $tmp_punch_total_time > $meal_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() ) ) {
												Debug::text( 'Found punch control for exception: ' . $p_obj->getPunchControlID() . ' Total Time: ' . $tmp_punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												$punch_control_id = $p_obj->getPunchControlID();
												//Don't meal the loop here, as we have to continue on and check for other meals.
										$tmp_punch_control_ids[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] = true;

									//If the last punch is before the premature delay, make this a mature exception instead.
									//However if the employee has punched out for the end of their shift (Normal Out), then we don't need to mark it as pre-mature anymore.
									//  FIXME: This can cause situations where the No Lunch exception is triggered,
									//  then the employee comes back to start a split shift and takes a lunch in that 2nd half of the shift,
									//  once that happens the exception will clear itself, but the supervisor would have already received the email.
									//  - Also have to take into account detecting lunch/break punches by punch time, as they appear as a Normal Out punch first
									//    then later get changed to Lunch Out and Lunch In punches once the employee returns. So we can't trigger this exception too soon in those cases.
									if ( $type_id == 5
											&& (
															$p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getTransfer() == false
															( $meal_policy_obj === true
																	|| ( is_object( $meal_policy_obj )
																			&& (
																					$meal_policy_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 10 //Time Window policy detection.
																					( $meal_policy_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 20 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $meal_policy_obj->getMaximumPunchTime() ) ) ) //Punch Time policy detection.
													( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) )
									) {
										$type_id = 50;

									unset( $tmp_punch_total_time, $tmp_punch_control_ids );

									if ( $meal_punch == false ) {
										Debug::text( 'Triggering No Lunch exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'punch_control_id'    => $punch_control_id,
							unset( $meal_time_policies, $meal_policy_obj, $tmp_punch_control_ids, $punch_control_total_time );
					case 'l4': //Late Lunch
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//If they are scheduled or not, we can check for a meal policy and base our
							//decision off that. We don't want a No Lunch exception on a 3hr short shift though.
							//Also ignore this exception if the lunch is auto-deduct.
							//**Try to assign this exception to a specific punch control id, so we can do searches based on punch branch.

							$daily_total_time = 0;
							$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );            //Worked time only.
							if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
								foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
									$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									$punch_control_total_time[$udt_obj->getPunchControlID()] = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
							unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
							Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							//Debug::Arr($punch_control_total_time, 'Punch Control Total Time: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

							//Find meal policy
							//Use scheduled meal policy first.
							$meal_policy_obj = null;

							//Enable $always_return_at_least_one=TRUE so no matter what at least one meal policy is returned if it exists.
							//This allows us to *not* trigger this exception when the user works less than the meal policy trigger time.
							$meal_time_policies = $this->filterMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time, [ 15, 20 ], true ); //Exclude auto-deduct meal policies.
							if ( is_array( $meal_time_policies ) && count( $meal_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
								reset( $meal_time_policies );
								$meal_policy_obj = $meal_time_policies[key( $meal_time_policies )]; //Get first
							} else if ( is_array( $meal_time_policies ) && count( $meal_time_policies ) == 0 ) {
								$meal_policy_obj = null; //Schedule defined, but no meal policy applies.
							} else {
								//There is no  meal policy or schedule policy with a meal policy assigned to it
								//With out this we could still apply No meal exceptions, but they will happen even on
								//a 2minute shift.
								Debug::text( 'No Lunch policy, applying No meal exception.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$meal_policy_obj = true;

							if ( is_object( $meal_policy_obj ) || $meal_policy_obj === true ) {
								$punch_control_id = false;

								//Check for meal punch.
								$first_punch_obj = false;
								$last_punch_obj = false;
								$meal_punch = false;
								$meal_punch_time_stamp = false;
								$tmp_punch_total_time = 0;
								$tmp_punch_control_ids = [];
								foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
									if ( !is_object( $first_punch_obj ) ) {
										$first_punch_obj = $p_obj;

									if ( $meal_punch == false && $p_obj->getType() == 20 ) { //20 = Lunch
										Debug::text( 'Found meal Punch: ' . $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$meal_punch = true;
										$meal_punch_time_stamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
										// break; //Don't break when lunch is detected, because we need to know if they have punched out to finish their shift or not for Late Lunch.

									if ( isset( $punch_control_total_time[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] ) && !isset( $tmp_punch_control_ids[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] ) ) {
										$tmp_punch_total_time += $punch_control_total_time[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()];
										if ( $punch_control_id === false && ( $meal_policy_obj === true || $tmp_punch_total_time > $meal_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() ) ) {
											Debug::text( 'Found punch control for exception: ' . $p_obj->getPunchControlID() . ' Total Time: ' . $tmp_punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$punch_control_id = $p_obj->getPunchControlID();
											//Don't meal the loop here, as we have to continue on and check for other meals.
									$tmp_punch_control_ids[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] = true;

								//Check meal policy type again here, as any meal policy type can be returned given the above $always_return_at_least_one=TRUE
								if ( ( $meal_policy_obj === true || ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) ) || ( $daily_total_time > $meal_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() && in_array( $meal_policy_obj->getType(), [ 15, 20 ] ) ) ) ) {
									//If the last punch is before the premature delay, make this a mature exception instead.
									//However if the employee has punched out for the end of their shift (Normal Out), then we don't need to mark it as pre-mature anymore.
									//  FIXME: This can cause situations where the No Lunch exception is triggered,
									//  then the employee comes back to start a split shift and takes a lunch in that 2nd half of the shift,
									//  once that happens the exception will clear itself, but the supervisor would have already received the email.
									//  - Also have to take into account detecting lunch/break punches by punch time, as they appear as a Normal Out punch first
									//    then later get changed to Lunch Out and Lunch In punches once the employee returns. So we can't trigger this exception too soon in those cases.
									if ( $type_id == 5
											&& (
															$p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getTransfer() == false
															( $meal_policy_obj === true
																	|| ( is_object( $meal_policy_obj )
																			&& (
																					$meal_policy_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 10 //Time Window policy detection.
																					( $meal_policy_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 20 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $meal_policy_obj->getMaximumPunchTime() ) ) ) //Punch Time policy detection.
													( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) )
									) {
										$type_id = 50;

									//Once the employee punches out to end their shift, if they did not take a lunch at all, don't trigger Late Lunch, as the No Lunch should be triggered instead.
									if (
													( $meal_punch == false && is_object( $p_obj ) && !( $p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 ) && ( ( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) ) || $daily_total_time > ( $meal_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() + $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) )
													( $meal_punch == true && is_object( $first_punch_obj ) && $meal_punch_time_stamp > ( $first_punch_obj->getTimeStamp() + $meal_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() + $ep_obj->getGrace() ) )
									) {
										Debug::text( 'Triggering Late Lunch exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'punch_control_id'    => $punch_control_id,

									unset( $tmp_punch_total_time, $tmp_punch_control_ids );

							unset( $meal_time_policies, $meal_policy_obj, $tmp_punch_control_ids, $punch_control_total_time );
					case 'b1': //Long Break
					case 'b2': //Short Break
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//Get all break punches.
							$pair = 0;
							$x = 0;
							$out_for_break = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getType() == 30 ) {
									$break_out_timestamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
									$break_punch_arr[$pair]['punch_id'] = $p_obj->getId();
									$out_for_break = true;
								} else if ( $out_for_break == true && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getType() == 30 ) {
									$break_punch_arr[$pair][20] = $break_out_timestamp;
									$break_punch_arr[$pair][10] = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
									$out_for_break = false;
									unset( $break_out_timestamp );
								} else {
									$out_for_break = false;
							unset( $pair );

							if ( isset( $break_punch_arr ) ) {
								//Debug::Arr($break_punch_arr, 'Break Punch Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

								//Get daily total time.
								$daily_total_time = 0;
								$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ); //Worked time only.
								if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
										$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
								unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
								Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								foreach ( $break_punch_arr as $pair => $time_stamp_arr ) {
									if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && isset( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) ) {
										$break_total_time = bcsub( $time_stamp_arr[10], $time_stamp_arr[20] );
										Debug::text( ' Break Total Time: ' . $break_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
											$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );

										//Check to see if they have a schedule policy
										$bplf = $this->filterBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time );
										if ( is_array( $bplf ) && count( $bplf ) > 0 ) {
											Debug::text( 'Found Break Policy(ies) to apply: ' . count( $bplf ) . ' Pair: ' . $pair, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											foreach ( $bplf as $bp_obj ) {
												$bp_objs[] = $bp_obj;
											unset( $bplf, $bp_obj );

											if ( isset( $bp_objs[$pair] ) && is_object( $bp_objs[$pair] ) ) {
												$bp_obj = $bp_objs[$pair];

												$break_policy_break_time = $bp_obj->getAmount();
												Debug::text( 'Break Policy Time: ' . $break_policy_break_time . ' ID: ' . $bp_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												$add_exception = false;
												if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b1'
														&& $break_policy_break_time > 0
														&& $break_total_time > 0
														&& $break_total_time > ( $break_policy_break_time + $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) {
													$add_exception = true;
												} else if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b2'
														&& $break_policy_break_time > 0
														&& $break_total_time > 0
														&& $break_total_time < ( $break_policy_break_time - $ep_obj->getGrace() ) ) {
													$add_exception = true;

												if ( $add_exception == true ) {
													Debug::text( 'Adding Exception! ' . $ep_obj->getType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

													if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr['punch_id'] ) ) {
														$punch_id = $time_stamp_arr['punch_id'];
													} else {
														$punch_id = false;

													$current_exceptions[] = [
															'user_id'             => $user_id,
															'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
															'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
															'type_id'             => $type_id,
															'punch_id'            => $punch_id,
															'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
													unset( $punch_id );
												} else {
													Debug::text( 'Not Adding Exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												unset( $bp_obj );
											unset( $bp_objs );
									} else {
										Debug::text( ' Break Punches not paired... Skipping!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' No Break Punches found, or none are paired.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'b3': //Too Many Breaks
					case 'b4': //Too Few Breaks
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//Get all break punches.
							$pair = 0;
							$x = 0;
							$out_for_break = false;
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getType() == 30 ) {
									$break_out_timestamp = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
									$break_punch_arr[$pair]['punch_id'] = $p_obj->getId();
									$out_for_break = true;
								} else if ( $out_for_break == true && $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 && $p_obj->getType() == 30 ) {
									$break_punch_arr[$pair][20] = $break_out_timestamp;
									$break_punch_arr[$pair][10] = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
									$out_for_break = false;
									unset( $break_out_timestamp );
								} else {
									$out_for_break = false;
							unset( $pair );

							//Make sure we take into account how long they have currently worked, so we don't
							//say too few breaks for 3hr shift that they employee took one break on.
							//Trigger this exception if the employee doesn't take a break at all?
							if ( isset( $break_punch_arr ) ) {
								//Get daily total time.
								$daily_total_time = 0;
								$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 100, 110 ] ); //Worked time only.
								if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
									foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
										$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
								unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
								Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//Check to see if they have a schedule policy
								$bplf = $this->filterBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time );
								$break_policy_uses_punch_time_detection = false;
								if ( is_array( $bplf ) ) {
									foreach ( $bplf as $bp_obj ) {
										if ( $bp_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 20 ) {
											$break_policy_uses_punch_time_detection = true;
								$allowed_breaks = count( $bplf );
								unset( $bplf, $bp_obj );

								Debug::text( ' Break Policy uses Punch Time Detection: ' . (int)$break_policy_uses_punch_time_detection, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//If the last punch is before the premature delay, make this a mature exception instead.
								//However if the employee has punched out for the end of their shift (Normal Out), then we don't need to mark it as pre-mature anymore.
								//FIXME: Trigger too many break exception sooner, as that one can be immediate.
								//  - Also have to take into account detecting lunch/break punches by punch time, as they appear as a Normal Out punch first
								//    then later get changed to Lunch Out and Lunch In punches once the employee returns. So we can't trigger this exception too soon in those cases.
								if ( $type_id == 5
										&& (
														$p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getTransfer() == false
														$break_policy_uses_punch_time_detection == false
												( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) )
								) {
									$type_id = 50;
								$total_breaks = count( $break_punch_arr );

								foreach ( $break_punch_arr as $pair => $time_stamp_arr ) {
									if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr[10] ) && isset( $time_stamp_arr[20] ) ) {
										$break_total_time = bcsub( $time_stamp_arr[10], $time_stamp_arr[20] );
										Debug::text( ' Break Total Time: ' . $break_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( !isset( $scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] ) ) {
											$scheduled_id_cache[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj->findScheduleID( null, $user_id );

										$add_exception = false;
										if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b3' && $total_breaks > $allowed_breaks ) {
											Debug::text( ' Too many breaks taken...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$add_exception = true;
											$type_id = 50; //This can be triggered immediately.
										} else if ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b4' && $total_breaks < $allowed_breaks ) {
											Debug::text( ' Too few breaks taken...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$add_exception = true;
										} else {
											Debug::text( ' Proper number of breaks taken...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( $add_exception == true
												&& ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b4'
														|| ( strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b3' && $pair > ( $allowed_breaks - 1 ) ) ) ) {
											Debug::text( 'Adding Exception! ' . $ep_obj->getType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											if ( isset( $time_stamp_arr['punch_id'] ) && strtolower( $ep_obj->getType() ) == 'b3' ) {
												$punch_id = $time_stamp_arr['punch_id'];
											} else {
												$punch_id = false;

											$current_exceptions[] = [
													'user_id'             => $user_id,
													'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
													'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
													'type_id'             => $type_id,
													'punch_id'            => $punch_id,
													'punch_control_id'    => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
											unset( $punch_id );
										} else {
											Debug::text( 'Not Adding Exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'b5': //No Break
						if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							//If they are scheduled or not, we can check for a break policy and base our
							//decision off that. We don't want a No Break exception on a 3hr short shift though.
							//Also ignore this exception if the break is auto-deduct.
							//**Try to assign this exception to a specific punch control id, so we can do searches based on punch branch.

							$daily_total_time = 0;
							$udtlf = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] );              //Worked time only.
							if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
								foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
									$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									$punch_control_total_time[$udt_obj->getPunchControlID()] = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
							unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
							Debug::text( ' Daily Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time . ' User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							//Find break policy
							//Use scheduled break policy first.
							$break_policy_obj = null;

							//Enable $always_return_at_least_one=TRUE so no matter what at least one break policy is returned if it exists.
							//This allows us to *not* trigger this exception when the user works less than the break policy trigger time.
							$break_time_policies = $this->filterBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $daily_total_time, [ 15, 20 ], true ); //Exclude auto-deduct break policies.
							if ( is_array( $break_time_policies ) && count( $break_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
								reset( $break_time_policies );
								$break_policy_obj = $break_time_policies[key( $break_time_policies )]; //Get first
							} else if ( is_array( $break_time_policies ) && count( $break_time_policies ) == 0 ) {
								$break_policy_obj = null; //Schedule defined, but no break policy applies.
							} else {
								//There is no  break policy or schedule policy with a break policy assigned to it
								//With out this we could still apply No break exceptions, but they will happen even on
								//a 2minute shift.
								Debug::text( 'No Break policy, applying No break exception.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$break_policy_obj = true;
							unset( $break_time_policies );

							if ( is_object( $break_policy_obj ) || $break_policy_obj === true ) {
								$punch_control_id = false;

								Debug::text( 'Day Total Time: ' . $daily_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								//Debug::Arr($punch_control_total_time, 'Punch Control Total Time: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

								if ( $daily_total_time > 0 && ( $break_policy_obj === true || $daily_total_time > $break_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() ) ) {
									//Check for break punch.
									$break_punch = false;
									$tmp_punch_total_time = 0;
									$tmp_punch_control_ids = [];
									foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
										if ( $p_obj->getType() == 30 ) { //30 = Break
											Debug::text( 'Found break Punch: ' . $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$break_punch = true;

										if ( isset( $punch_control_total_time[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] ) && !isset( $tmp_punch_control_ids[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] ) ) {
											$tmp_punch_total_time += $punch_control_total_time[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()];
											if ( $punch_control_id === false && ( $break_policy_obj === true || $tmp_punch_total_time > $break_policy_obj->getTriggerTime() ) ) {
												Debug::text( 'Found punch control for exception: ' . $p_obj->getPunchControlID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												$punch_control_id = $p_obj->getPunchControlID();
												//Don't break the loop here, as we have to continue on and check for other breaks.
										$tmp_punch_control_ids[$p_obj->getPunchControlID()] = true;
									unset( $tmp_punch_total_time, $tmp_punch_control_ids );

									//If the last punch is before the premature delay, make this a mature exception instead.
									//However if the employee has punched out for the end of their shift (Normal Out), then we don't need to mark it as pre-mature anymore.
									//  - Also have to take into account detecting lunch/break punches by punch time, as they appear as a Normal Out punch first
									//    then later get changed to Lunch Out and Lunch In punches once the employee returns. So we can't trigger this exception too soon in those cases.
									if ( $type_id == 5
											&& (
															$p_obj->getType() == 10 && $p_obj->getStatus() == 20 && $p_obj->getTransfer() == false
															( $break_policy_obj === true
																	|| ( is_object( $break_policy_obj )
																			&& (
																					$break_policy_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 10 //Time Window policy detection.
																					( $break_policy_obj->getAutoDetectType() == 20 && $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $break_policy_obj->getMaximumPunchTime() ) ) ) //Punch Time policy detection.
													( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() < ( $current_epoch - $premature_delay ) )
									) {
										$type_id = 50;

									if ( $break_punch == false ) {
										Debug::text( 'Triggering No Break exception!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'punch_control_id'    => $punch_control_id,
							unset( $break_time_policies, $break_policy_obj, $tmp_punch_control_ids, $udtlf );
					case 'v1': //TimeSheet Not Verified
						//Get pay period schedule data, determine if timesheet verification is even enabled.
						if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj )
								&& is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj )
								&& $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getTimeSheetVerifyType() > 10 ) {
							Debug::text( 'V1: Verification enabled... Window Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $this->pay_period_obj->getTimeSheetVerifyWindowStartDate() ) . ' Grace Time: ' . $ep_obj->getGrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							//*Only* trigger this exception on the last day of the pay period, because when the pay period is verified it has to force the last day to be recalculated.
							//Ignore timesheets without any time, (worked and absence). Or we could use the Watch Window to specify the minimum time required on
							//a timesheet to trigger this instead?
							//Make sure we are after the timesheet window start date + the grace period.
							if ( $this->pay_period_obj->getStatus() != 50
									&& $current_epoch >= ( $this->pay_period_obj->getTimeSheetVerifyWindowStartDate() + $ep_obj->getGrace() )
									&& TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) == TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_obj->getEndDate() )
									//If the employee is hired on the last day of a pay period, allow them to verify that timesheet, so <= is required here.
											is_object( $this->getUserObject() )
											( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->getUserObject()->getHireDate() ) <= TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_obj->getEndDate() ) )
											( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() == '' || ( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() != '' && TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() ) >= TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_obj->getStartDate() ) ) )
							) {

								//Get pay period total time, include worked and paid absence time.
								// Optimization, see if there is worked time in the data we already have loaded. If not, load data to the beginning of the pay period.
								$total_time = (int)$this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $this->pay_period_obj->getStartDate(), $date_stamp, [ 10, 50, 100, 110 ] ) );
								if ( $total_time == 0 ) {
									Debug::text( '  Total Worked/Paid Absence Time for the current week is 0, searching back further...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$this->getUserDateTotalData( $this->pay_period_obj->getStartDate(), $date_stamp );
									$total_time = (int)$this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $this->pay_period_obj->getStartDate(), $date_stamp, [ 10, 50, 100, 110 ] ) );

								if ( $total_time > 0 ) {
									//Check to see if pay period has been verified or not yet.
									$pptsvlf = TTnew( 'PayPeriodTimeSheetVerifyListFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodTimeSheetVerifyListFactory $pptsvlf */
									$pptsvlf->getByPayPeriodIdAndUserId( $this->pay_period_obj->getId(), $user_id );

									$pay_period_verified = false;
									if ( $pptsvlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
										$pay_period_verified = ( $pptsvlf->getCurrent()->getStatus() == 50 ) ? true : false; //If setup as such, make sure both supervisor AND employee have verified before this goes away.

									if ( $pay_period_verified == false ) {
										//Always allow for emailing this exception because it can be triggered after a punch is modified and
										//any supervisor would need to be notified to verify the timesheet again.
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'                   => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'                => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id'       => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'                   => $type_id,
												'punch_id'                  => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'punch_control_id'          => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
												'enable_email_notification' => true,
									} else {
										Debug::text( 'TimeSheet has already been authorized!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								} else {
									Debug::text( 'Timesheet does not have any worked or paid absence time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								unset( $udtlf, $total_time );
							} else {
								Debug::text( 'Not within timesheet verification window, or not after grace time.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::text( 'No Pay Period Schedule or TimeSheet Verificiation disabled...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					case 'j1': //Not Allowed on Job
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							$jlf = TTnew( 'JobListFactory' ); /** @var JobListFactory $jlf */
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //In punches
									if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
											&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() ) && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
										//Found job punch, check job settings.

										//If the job is all the same across many punches, don't look it up every time.
										if ( !isset( $j_obj ) || ( $j_obj->getId() != $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() ) ) {
											$jlf->getById( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() );

										if ( $jlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$j_obj = $jlf->getCurrent();

											if ( $j_obj->isAllowedUser( $user_id, $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment() ) == false ) {
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
											//else {
											//	Debug::text('	 User allowed on Job!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 Job not found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} //else { //Debug::text('	   Not a Job Punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $j_obj );
					case 'j2': //Not Allowed on Task
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							$jlf = TTnew( 'JobListFactory' ); /** @var JobListFactory $jlf */
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //In punches
									if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
											&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() ) && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
											&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() ) && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {

										//Found job punch, check job settings.

										//If the job is all the same across many punches, don't look it up every time.
										if ( !isset( $j_obj ) || ( $j_obj->getId() != $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() ) ) {
											$jlf->getById( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() );

										if ( $jlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$j_obj = $jlf->getCurrent();

											if ( $j_obj->isAllowedItem( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() ) == false ) {
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
											//else {
											//	Debug::text('	 Job item allowed on job: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 Job not found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} //else { //Debug::text('	   Not a Job Punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $j_obj );
					case 'j3': //Job already completed
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							$jlf = TTnew( 'JobListFactory' ); /** @var JobListFactory $jlf */
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //In punches
									if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
											&& TTUUID::isUUID( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() ) && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
										//Found job punch, check job settings.

										//If the job is all the same across many punches, don't look it up every time.
										if ( !isset( $j_obj ) || ( $j_obj->getId() != $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() ) ) {
											$jlf->getById( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() );

										if ( $jlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$j_obj = $jlf->getCurrent();

											//Status is completed and the User Date Stamp is greater then the job end date.
											//If no end date is set, ignore this as we can't be sure when the exception should be triggered, and if they ever recalc timesheets retroactively it could trigger on every day.
											if ( $j_obj->getStatus() == 30 && $j_obj->getEndDate() != false && $date_stamp > $j_obj->getEndDate() ) {
												$current_exceptions[] = [
														'user_id'             => $user_id,
														'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
														'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
														'type_id'             => $type_id,
														'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
														'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
											//else {
											//	Debug::text('	 Job Not Completed!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										} else {
											Debug::text( '	 Job not found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									//else {
									//	Debug::text('	 Not a Job Punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							unset( $j_obj );
					case 'j4': //No Job or Task
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$add_exception = false;

								//In punches only
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 && is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() ) ) {
									//If no Tasks are setup, ignore checking them.
									if ( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() == ''
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() == TTUUID::getZeroID()
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob() == false ) {
										//Make sure at least one task exists before triggering exception.
										$jlf = TTNew( 'JobListFactory' ); /** @var JobListFactory $jlf */
										$jlf->getByCompanyID( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 1 ); //Limit to just 1 record.
										if ( $jlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$add_exception = true;

									if ( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() == ''
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() == TTUUID::getZeroID()
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() == false ) {

										//Make sure at least one task exists before triggering exception.
										$jilf = TTNew( 'JobItemListFactory' ); /** @var JobItemListFactory $jilf */
										$jilf->getByCompanyID( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 1 ); //Limit to just 1 record.
										if ( $jilf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$add_exception = true;

									if ( $add_exception === true ) {
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getId(),
												'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
					case 't1': //Not Allowed on Punch Tag
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							$ptlf = TTnew( 'PunchTagListFactory' ); /** @var PunchTagListFactory $ptlf */
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 ) { //In punches
									if ( is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() )
											&& is_array( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() ) ) {

										//If the punch tag is all the same across many punches, don't look it up every time.
										if ( !isset( $pt_obj ) || ( $pt_obj->getId() != $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() ) ) {
											$ptlf->getById( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() );

										if ( $ptlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											foreach ( $ptlf as $pt_obj ) {
												if ( $pt_obj->isAllowedUser( $user_id, $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob(), $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem() ) == false ) {
													$current_exceptions[] = [
															'user_id'             => $user_id,
															'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
															'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
															'type_id'             => $type_id,
															'punch_id'            => TTUUID::getZeroID(),
															'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
													break; //Break so do not cause multiple identical exceptions for same punch.
										//else {
										//	Debug::text( 'Punch Tag not found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							unset( $pt_obj );
					case 't2': //No Punch Tag
						if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE && is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
								$add_exception = false;

								//In punches only
								if ( $p_obj->getStatus() == 10 && is_object( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject() ) ) {
									//If no Punch Tags are setup, ignore checking them.
									if ( empty( $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() )
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() == TTUUID::getZeroID()
											|| $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getPunchTag() == TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
										//Make sure at least one punch tag exists before triggering exception.
										$jlf = TTNew( 'PunchTagListFactory' ); /** @var PunchTagListFactory $jlf */
										$jlf->getByCompanyID( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 1 ); //Limit to just 1 record.
										if ( $jlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
											$add_exception = true;

									if ( $add_exception === true ) {
										$current_exceptions[] = [
												'user_id'             => $user_id,
												'date_stamp'          => $date_stamp,
												'exception_policy_id' => $ep_obj->getId(),
												'type_id'             => $type_id,
												'punch_id'            => $p_obj->getId(),
												'punch_control_id'    => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(),
						Debug::text( 'BAD, should never get here: ' . $ep_obj->getType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			unset( $scheduled_id_cache );

			$exceptions = $ep_obj->diffExistingAndCurrentExceptions( $existing_exceptions, $current_exceptions );
			if ( is_array( $exceptions ) ) {
				if ( isset( $exceptions['create_exceptions'] ) && is_array( $exceptions['create_exceptions'] ) && count( $exceptions['create_exceptions'] ) > 0 ) {
					Debug::text( 'Creating new exceptions... Total: ' . count( $exceptions['create_exceptions'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					foreach ( $exceptions['create_exceptions'] as $tmp_exception ) {
						$ef = TTnew( 'ExceptionFactory' ); /** @var ExceptionFactory $ef */
						$ef->setUser( $tmp_exception['user_id'] );
						$ef->setDateStamp( $tmp_exception['date_stamp'] );
						$ef->setExceptionPolicyID( $tmp_exception['exception_policy_id'] );
						$ef->setType( $tmp_exception['type_id'] );
						if ( isset( $tmp_exception['punch_control_id'] ) && $tmp_exception['punch_control_id'] != '' ) {
							$ef->setPunchControlId( $tmp_exception['punch_control_id'] );
						if ( isset( $tmp_exception['punch_id'] ) && $tmp_exception['punch_id'] != '' ) {
							$ef->setPunchId( $tmp_exception['punch_id'] );
						$ef->setEnableDemerits( true );
						if ( $ef->isValid() ) {
							$ef->Save( false ); //Save exception prior to emailing it, otherwise we can't save audit logs.
							if ( $enable_premature_exceptions == true || ( isset( $tmp_exception['enable_email_notification'] ) && $tmp_exception['enable_email_notification'] == true ) ) {
								$eplf = TTnew( 'ExceptionPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var ExceptionPolicyListFactory $eplf */
								$eplf->getById( $tmp_exception['exception_policy_id'] );
								if ( $eplf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
									$ep_obj = $eplf->getCurrent();
									$ef->sendNotificationException( $this->getUserObject(), $date_stamp, ( isset( $tmp_exception['punch_obj'] ) ) ? $tmp_exception['punch_obj'] : null, ( isset( $tmp_exception['schedule_obj'] ) ) ? $tmp_exception['schedule_obj'] : null, $ep_obj );
							} else {
								Debug::text( 'Not emailing new exception: User ID: ' . $tmp_exception['user_id'] . ' Date Stamp: ' . $tmp_exception['date_stamp'] . ' Type ID: ' . $tmp_exception['type_id'] . ' Enable PreMature: ' . (int)$enable_premature_exceptions, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						unset( $ef );

				if ( isset( $exceptions['delete_exceptions'] ) && is_array( $exceptions['delete_exceptions'] ) && count( $exceptions['delete_exceptions'] ) > 0 ) {
					$ef = TTnew( 'ExceptionFactory' ); /** @var ExceptionFactory $ef */
					$ef->bulkDelete( $exceptions['delete_exceptions'] );
					NotificationFactory::updateStatusByObjectIdAndObjectTypeId( 10, $exceptions['delete_exceptions'] ); //10=Exceptions, Mark any notifications linked to these exceptions as read.

				return true;
		} else if ( is_array( $existing_exceptions ) && count( $existing_exceptions ) > 0 ) { //No exception policy, so delete all existing exceptions that may exist.
			Debug::text( 'Deleting all existing exceptions...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			$ef = TTnew( 'ExceptionFactory' ); /** @var ExceptionFactory $ef */
			$ef->bulkDelete( array_keys( $existing_exceptions ) );
			NotificationFactory::updateStatusByObjectIdAndObjectTypeId( 10, array_keys( $existing_exceptions ) ); //10=Exceptions, Mark any notifications linked to these exceptions as read.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No exception policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function getExceptionPolicy() {
		$eplf = TTnew( 'ExceptionPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var ExceptionPolicyListFactory $eplf */
		$eplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdAndActive( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), true );
		if ( $eplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( ' Found Active Exceptions: ' . $eplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $eplf as $ep_obj ) {
				$this->exception_policy[$ep_obj->getId()] = $ep_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No exception policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function getExceptionData( $start_date = null, $end_date = null ) {
		$elf = TTNew( 'ExceptionListFactory' ); /** @var ExceptionListFactory $elf */
		$elf->getByCompanyIDAndUserIdAndStartDateAndEndDate( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $start_date, $end_date );
		if ( $elf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found existing exception rows: ' . $elf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $elf as $e_obj ) {
				$this->exception[$e_obj->getID()] = $e_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No exception rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param int $type_ids   ID
	 * @param int $status_ids ID
	 * @return array
	function filterPunchDataByDateAndTypeAndStatus( $date_stamp, $type_ids = null, $status_ids = null ) {
		$plf = $this->punch;
		Debug::text( 'Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( is_array( $plf ) && count( $plf ) > 0 ) {
			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
				//TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) == TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp )
				if ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( TTDate::strtotime( $p_obj->getColumn( 'date_stamp' ) ) ) == $date_stamp
						&& ( $type_ids == null || in_array( $p_obj->getType(), (array)$type_ids ) )
						&& ( $status_ids == null || in_array( $p_obj->getStatus(), (array)$status_ids ) ) ) {
					$retarr[$p_obj->getId()] = $p_obj;
				//else {
				//Debug::text('Punch does not match filter: '. $p_obj->getID() .' DateStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) .' Status: '. $p_obj->getStatus() .' Type: '. $p_obj->getType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found punch rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No punch rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function getPunchData( $start_date, $end_date ) {
		if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj ) ) {
			$maximum_shift_time = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();
		} else {
			$maximum_shift_time = ( 16 * 3600 );

		$plf = TTnew( 'PunchListFactory' ); /** @var PunchListFactory $plf */
		//We need to double the maximum shift time when searching for punches.
		//Assuming a maximum punch time of 14hrs:
		// In: 10:00AM Out: 2:00PM
		// In: 6:00PM Out: 6:00AM (next day)
		// The above scenario when adding the last 6:00AM punch on the next day will only look back 14hrs and not find the first
		// punch pair, therefore allowing more than 14hrs on the same day.
		// So we need to extend the maximum shift time just when searching for punches and let getShiftData() sort out the proper maximum shift time itself.
		//Make sure we use begin/end day epochs, because otherwise if middle day epoch is used, with a 12hr maximum shift time,
		//  if the last day of the week is Sun Dec 26-2015, and the punches are: In: 9:00PM Out Lunch: 3:30AM In Lunch: 4:15AM Out: 6:00AM
		//  the last punch pair won't be included in the filter, since Dec 26 @ 12:00PM + 12hrs is only Dec 27 @ 12:00AM.
		//  If the employee punches out for lunch at 2PM and back in at 3PM, if the 2nd punch pair is only returned and not the first, it can cause M3 exceptions that are invalid.
		//    Therefore always return all punches on the entire day.

		//$plf->getShiftPunchesByUserIDAndEpoch( $user_id, $epoch, $punch_control_id, ( $maximum_shift_time * 2 ) );
		$plf->getShiftPunchesByUserIDAndStartDateAndEndDate( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $start_date ), TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $end_date ), 0, ( $maximum_shift_time * 2 ) );
		if ( $plf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found punch rows: ' . $plf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
				$this->punch[$p_obj->getID()] = $p_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No punch rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function getContributingShiftPolicy() {
		$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids = [];

		$rtplf = $this->regular_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $rtplf ) && count( $rtplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $rtplf as $rtp_obj ) {
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $rtp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy();
		unset( $rtplf, $rtp_obj );

		$otplf = $this->over_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $otplf ) && count( $otplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $otplf as $otp_obj ) {
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $otp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy();
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $otp_obj->getTriggerTimeAdjustContributingShiftPolicy();
		unset( $otplf, $otp_obj );

		$hplf = $this->holiday_policy;
		if ( is_array( $hplf ) && count( $hplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $hplf as $hp_obj ) {
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $hp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy();
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $hp_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy();
		unset( $hplf, $hp_obj );

		$pplf = $this->premium_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $pplf ) && count( $pplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $pplf as $pp_obj ) {
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy();
		unset( $pplf, $pp_obj );

		$pfplf = $this->pay_formula_policy;
		if ( is_array( $pfplf ) && count( $pfplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $pfplf as $pfp_obj ) {
				if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $pfp_obj->getWageSourceContributingShiftPolicy() ) && $pfp_obj->getWageSourceContributingShiftPolicy() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $pfp_obj->getWageSourceContributingShiftPolicy() != TTUUID::getNotExistID() ) {
					$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $pfp_obj->getWageSourceContributingShiftPolicy();
					$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $pfp_obj->getTimeSourceContributingShiftPolicy();
		unset( $pfplf, $pfp_obj );

		$aplf = $this->accrual_policy;
		if ( is_array( $aplf ) && count( $aplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $aplf as $ap_obj ) {
				$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids[] = $ap_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy();
		unset( $aplf, $ap_obj );

		$this->contributing_shift_policy_ids = array_unique( $this->contributing_shift_policy_ids );
		if ( count( $this->contributing_shift_policy_ids ) > 0 ) {
			$csplf = TTnew( 'ContributingShiftPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var ContributingShiftPolicyListFactory $csplf */
			$csplf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $this->contributing_shift_policy_ids, $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() );
			if ( $csplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found contributing shift policy rows: ' . $csplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Just in case a zero UUID gets through, make sure we don't trigger a PHP notice.
				$this->contributing_shift_policy[TTUUID::getZeroID()] = null;

				foreach ( $csplf as $csp_obj ) {
					$this->contributing_shift_policy[$csp_obj->getId()] = $csp_obj;

				//Debug::Arr($this->contributing_shift_policy, 'Contributing shift policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

				return true;

		Debug::text( 'No contributing shift policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function getContributingPayCodePolicy() {
		$csplf = $this->contributing_shift_policy;
		if ( is_array( $csplf ) && count( $csplf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $csplf as $csp_obj ) {
				if ( is_object( $csp_obj ) ) {
					$this->contributing_pay_code_policy_ids[] = $csp_obj->getContributingPayCodePolicy();
			unset( $csp_obj );

			if ( count( $this->contributing_pay_code_policy_ids ) > 0 ) {
				$cpcplf = TTnew( 'ContributingPayCodePolicyListFactory' ); /** @var ContributingPayCodePolicyListFactory $cpcplf */
				$cpcplf->getByIdAndCompanyId( $this->contributing_pay_code_policy_ids, $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() );
				if ( $cpcplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
					Debug::text( 'Found contributing pay code policy rows: ' . $cpcplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					foreach ( $cpcplf as $cpcp_obj ) {
						$this->contributing_pay_code_policy[$cpcp_obj->getId()] = $cpcp_obj;
						$this->contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id[$cpcp_obj->getId()] = $cpcp_obj->getPayCode();

					//Debug::Arr($this->contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id, 'Contributing pay code policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					return true;

		Debug::text( 'No contributing pay code policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * Need to get all pay codes referenced by policies and all pay codes used by contributing shift policies too.
	 * So we may as well just get them all.
	 * @return bool
	function getPayCode() {
		if ( $this->pay_codes == null || ( is_array( $this->pay_codes ) && count( $this->pay_codes ) == 0 ) ) {
			$pclf = TTnew( 'PayCodeListFactory' ); /** @var PayCodeListFactory $pclf */
			$pclf->getByCompanyId( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() );
			if ( $pclf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $pclf as $pc_obj ) {
					$this->pay_codes[$pc_obj->getId()] = $pc_obj;

				Debug::Text( 'Pay code rows: ' . count( $this->pay_codes ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return true;

			Debug::text( 'No pay code rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;
		} else {
			Debug::text( ' Using already cached pay code rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

	 * @param string $pay_formula_policy_id UUID
	 * @param string $pay_code_id           UUID
	 * @return bool
	function getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPayFormulaIdOrPayCodeId( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id ) {
		if ( isset( $this->pay_formula_policy[$pay_formula_policy_id] ) ) {
			$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->pay_formula_policy[$pay_formula_policy_id];
		} else if ( isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] )
				&& TTUUID::isUUID( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getPayFormulaPolicy() ) && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getPayFormulaPolicy() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getPayFormulaPolicy() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
				&& isset( $this->pay_formula_policy[$this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getPayFormulaPolicy()] ) ) {
			$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->pay_formula_policy[$this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getPayFormulaPolicy()];

		if ( isset( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			return $pay_formula_policy_obj;

		Debug::text( '  No Pay Formula Policy to use...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param object $obj
	 * @return bool|PayFormulaPolicyFactory
	function getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPolicyObject( $obj ) {
		if ( is_object( $obj ) ) {
			if ( method_exists( $obj, 'getPayFormulaPolicy' )
					&& TTUUID::isUUID( $obj->getPayFormulaPolicy() ) && $obj->getPayFormulaPolicy() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $obj->getPayFormulaPolicy() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
					&& isset( $this->pay_formula_policy[$obj->getPayFormulaPolicy()] ) ) {
				return $this->pay_formula_policy[$obj->getPayFormulaPolicy()];
			} else if ( method_exists( $obj, 'getPayCode' )
					&& TTUUID::isUUID( $obj->getPayCode() ) && $obj->getPayCode() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $obj->getPayCode() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
					&& isset( $this->pay_codes[$obj->getPayCode()] ) && isset( $this->pay_formula_policy[$this->pay_codes[$obj->getPayCode()]->getPayFormulaPolicy()] ) ) {
				return $this->pay_formula_policy[$this->pay_codes[$obj->getPayCode()]->getPayFormulaPolicy()];
			} else if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $obj->getID() ) && $obj->getID() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $obj->getID() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
					&& isset( $this->pay_codes[$obj->getID()] ) && isset( $this->pay_formula_policy[$this->pay_codes[$obj->getID()]->getPayFormulaPolicy()] ) ) {
				//This if the user is editing UDT records directly and no src_object_id is specified, but a pay code is, so the object is PayCodeFactory or PayCodeListFactory.
				return $this->pay_formula_policy[$this->pay_codes[$obj->getID()]->getPayFormulaPolicy()];

		Debug::text( 'No pay formula policy assigned...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param PayFormulaPolicyFactory $pay_formula_policy_obj
	 * @return bool
	function isPayFormulaAccruing( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) {
		if ( is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj )
				&& TTUUID::isUUID( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount() ) && $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount() != TTUUID::getZeroID() && $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount() != TTUUID::getNotExistID()
				&& $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualRate() != 0 ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * @param string $pay_formula_policy_id UUID
	 * @param string $pay_code_id           UUID
	 * @return bool
	function isPayFormulaPolicyAveraging( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id ) {
		$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPayFormulaIdOrPayCodeId( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id );
		if ( !is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Formula Policy to use...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		if ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageSourceType() == 30 || $pay_formula_policy_obj->getPayType() == 60 || $pay_formula_policy_obj->getPayType() == 70  ) {
			Debug::text( '  Pay Formula is averaging...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Need to get all pay formula policies referenced by policies and all pay codes too.
	 * So we may as well just get them all.
	 * @return bool
	function getPayFormulaPolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		//Get PayFormula policies and determine how many days we need to look behind in order to recalculate daily average hourly rates
		$this->pay_formula_average_days = 0;

		if ( $this->pay_formula_policy == null || ( is_array( $this->pay_formula_policy ) && count( $this->pay_formula_policy ) == 0 ) ) {
			$pfplf = TTnew( 'PayFormulaPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var PayFormulaPolicyListFactory $pfplf */
			$pfplf->getByCompanyId( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany() );
			if ( $pfplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $pfplf as $pfp_obj ) {
					$this->pay_formula_policy[$pfp_obj->getId()] = $pfp_obj;

					if ( $this->pay_formula_calculate_average_hourly_rates == false && $pfp_obj->getWageSourceType() == 30 ) {
						$this->pay_formula_calculate_average_hourly_rates = true;

					if ( $pfp_obj->getAverageDays() > $this->pay_formula_average_days ) {
						$this->pay_formula_average_days = $pfp_obj->getAverageDays();

				//If any pay formulas use averaging types, calculate that number of days in the future.
				if ( $this->pay_formula_average_days > 0 && $this->getFlag( 'future_dates' ) == true ) {
					$this->addPendingCalculationDate( $date_stamp, TTDate::incrementDate( $date_stamp, $this->pay_formula_average_days, 'day' ) );

				Debug::Text( 'Pay Formula Policy rows: ' . count( $this->pay_formula_policy ) .' Calc Avg Hourly Rates: '. (int)$this->pay_formula_calculate_average_hourly_rates .' Average Days: '. $this->pay_formula_average_days, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return true;

			Debug::text( 'No pay formula policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;
		} else {
			Debug::text( ' Using already cached pay formula policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param ContributingShiftPolicyFactory $hour_contributing_shift_policy_obj
	 * @param int $hour_object_type_ids
	 * @param ContributingShiftPolicyFactory $wage_contributing_shift_policy_obj
	 * @return bool|float|int
	function getDailyHourlyRate( $date_stamp, $hour_contributing_shift_policy_obj, $hour_object_type_ids, $wage_contributing_shift_policy_obj, $pay_formula_policy_obj, $pay_code_id ) {
		$pay_code_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $pay_code_id, [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] ) );
		if ( $pay_code_daily_total_time > 0 ) {
			$total_daily_rate = 0;
			if ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getPayType() == 60 ) { //60=Flat Daily Wage
				$uw_obj = $this->filterUserWage( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageGroup(), $date_stamp );
				if ( is_object( $uw_obj ) ) {
					$total_daily_rate = $uw_obj->getHourlyRate();
				} else {
					$total_daily_rate = $pay_formula_policy_obj->getRate();
			} else if ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getPayType() == 70 ) { //70=Daily Average
				$start_date = TTDate::incrementDate( $date_stamp, ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAverageDays() * -1 ), 'day' ); //X days *before* the current date.
				$end_date = TTDate::incrementDate( $date_stamp, -1, 'day' ); //Day before the current date.
				$this->getRequiredData( $start_date, $end_date );                                                                             //Use the end of the week date stamp.

				//Get total days with time over the averaging period.
				$total_days_with_time = count( (array)$this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $start_date, $end_date, $hour_contributing_shift_policy_obj, [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] ) ) );
				Debug::text( ' Total Days w/Time: ' . $total_days_with_time . ' Out of Total Overall Days: ' . $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAverageDays() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $start_date ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( $total_days_with_time > 0 ) { //Handle average wages for negative values too.
					$total_wages = 0;

					$wage_udt_rows = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $start_date, $end_date, $wage_contributing_shift_policy_obj, [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] );
					if ( is_array( $wage_udt_rows ) && count( $wage_udt_rows ) > 0 ) {
						foreach ( $wage_udt_rows as $udt_obj ) {
							$total_wages = bcadd( $total_wages, $udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount() );
					Debug::text( ' Total Wages: ' . $total_wages, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					unset( $wage_udt_rows, $udt_obj );

					$total_daily_rate = bcdiv( $total_wages, $total_days_with_time );

			if ( $total_daily_rate > 0 && $pay_code_daily_total_time > 0 ) {
				$daily_hourly_rate = bcdiv( $total_daily_rate, TTDate::getHours( $pay_code_daily_total_time ) );
				Debug::text( 'Daily Total Time for Pay Code: ' . $pay_code_daily_total_time . ' Daily Rate: ' . $total_daily_rate . ' Daily Hourly Rate: ' . $daily_hourly_rate . ' DateStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $daily_hourly_rate;
		} else {
			Debug::text( ' No time in this pay code: ' . $pay_code_id .' unable to calculate Daily Hourly Rate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param ContributingShiftPolicyFactory $hour_contributing_shift_policy_obj
	 * @param int $hour_object_type_ids
	 * @param ContributingShiftPolicyFactory $wage_contributing_shift_policy_obj
	 * @return bool|float|int
	function getAverageHourlyRate( $date_stamp, $hour_contributing_shift_policy_obj, $hour_object_type_ids, $wage_contributing_shift_policy_obj, $destination_object_type_id = 30 ) {
		//To determine average rate we need to seperate what hours are included and what dollars are included.

		$total_time = 0;
		$total_wages = 0;

		$start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id );
		$end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id );

		$this->getRequiredData( $start_date, $end_date ); //Use the end of the week date stamp.
		$this->addPendingCalculationDate( $start_date, $end_date );

		//Get total hours.
		//Don't include Meal/Break time though, as its already calculated in the Regular Time.
		$hour_udt_rows = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $start_date, $end_date, $hour_contributing_shift_policy_obj, [ 20, 25, 30, 40 ] );
		if ( is_array( $hour_udt_rows ) && count( $hour_udt_rows ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $hour_udt_rows as $udt_obj ) {
				$total_time = bcadd( $total_time, $udt_obj->getTotalTime() );
		//Debug::text('Total Time: '. $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		unset( $hour_udt_rows, $udt_obj );

		if ( $total_time != 0 ) { //Handle average wages for negative values too.
			//Get total wages. Normally this will include almost all object types.
			//Don't include Meal/Break time though, as its already calculated in the Regular Time.
			$wage_udt_rows = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $start_date, $end_date, $wage_contributing_shift_policy_obj, [ 20, 25, 30, 40 ] );
			if ( is_array( $wage_udt_rows ) && count( $wage_udt_rows ) > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $wage_udt_rows as $udt_obj ) {
					if ( $destination_object_type_id == 30 && $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 30 ) { //When calculating average rates on overtime, we need to use the base hourly rate from OT UDT records, to avoid pyramid calculating OT rates.
						Debug::text( 'Overtime, using base hourly rate: ' . $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$tmp_wages = bcmul( $udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate(), TTDate::getHours( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() ) );
					} else {
						$tmp_wages = $udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount();

					Debug::text('Adding wages: '. $tmp_wages, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					$total_wages = bcadd( $total_wages, $tmp_wages );
			//Debug::text('Total Wages: '. $total_wages, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			unset( $wage_udt_rows, $udt_obj );

			$average_hourly_rate = bcdiv( $total_wages, TTDate::getHours( $total_time ) );
			Debug::text( 'Total Time: ' . $total_time . ' Wages: ' . $total_wages . ' Average Hourly Rate: ' . $average_hourly_rate . ' DateStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return $average_hourly_rate;

		return false;

	 * @param string $pay_formula_policy_id UUID
	 * @param string $pay_code_id           UUID
	 * @param int $date_stamp               EPOCH
	 * @param bool $contributing_pay_code_hourly_rate
	 * @param object $contributing_shift_policy_obj
	 * @param int $object_type_ids          ID
	 * @return bool|float|int
	function getBaseHourlyRate( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id, $date_stamp, $contributing_pay_code_hourly_rate = false, $contributing_shift_policy_obj = null, $object_type_ids = null, $destination_object_type_id = null ) {
		//Don't cast to UUID as an optimization.
		//$pay_code_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $pay_code_id );
		//$pay_formula_policy_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $pay_formula_policy_id );

		Debug::text( 'Pay Code ID: ' . $pay_code_id . ' DateStamp: ' . $date_stamp . ' Contributing Pay Code Hourly Rate: ' . $contributing_pay_code_hourly_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		$hourly_rate = 0;

		if ( !isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Code Policy found...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		if ( isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getType() == 20 ) { //20=UNPAID
			Debug::text( '  Pay Code Policy is UNPAID, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPayFormulaIdOrPayCodeId( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id );
		if ( !is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Formula Policy to use...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		if ( is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			$tmp_hourly_rate = 0;
			switch ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageSourceType() ) {
				case 10: //Wage Group
					$uw_obj = $this->filterUserWage( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageGroup(), $date_stamp );
					if ( is_object( $uw_obj ) ) {
						$tmp_hourly_rate = $uw_obj->getHourlyRate();
				case 20: //Contributing Pay Code
					$tmp_hourly_rate = $contributing_pay_code_hourly_rate;
				case 30: //Average Contributing Pay Codes
					if ( !empty( $destination_object_type_id ) ) { //If no destination object_type_id is specified, we aren't being called from calculateAverageHourlyRates(), so we can skip calculating all the average rates.
						if ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getPayType() == 60 || $pay_formula_policy_obj->getPayType() == 70 ) {
							Debug::text( '  Daily Average Contributing Pay Codes... Determine Average Hourly Rate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$tmp_hourly_rate = $this->getDailyHourlyRate( $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getTimeSourceContributingShiftPolicy()], $object_type_ids, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageSourceContributingShiftPolicy()], $pay_formula_policy_obj, $pay_code_id );
						} else if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) {
							Debug::text( '  Average Contributing Pay Codes... Determine Average Hourly Rate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$tmp_hourly_rate = $this->getAverageHourlyRate( $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getTimeSourceContributingShiftPolicy()], $object_type_ids, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageSourceContributingShiftPolicy()], $destination_object_type_id );
			$hourly_rate = $tmp_hourly_rate;

		Debug::text( '  Base Hourly Rate: ' . $hourly_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $hourly_rate;

	 * @param string $pay_formula_policy_id UUID
	 * @param string $pay_code_id           UUID
	 * @param int $date_stamp               EPOCH
	 * @param $base_hourly_rate
	 * @return int
	function getHourlyRate( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id, $date_stamp, $base_hourly_rate, $udtf = null ) {
		//Don't cast to UUID as an optimization.
		//$pay_code_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $pay_code_id );
		//$pay_formula_policy_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $pay_formula_policy_id );

		Debug::text( 'Pay Formula ID: ' . $pay_formula_policy_id . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $pay_code_id . ' Base Hourly Rate: ' . $base_hourly_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		$hourly_rate = 0;

		if ( !isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Code Policy found...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		if ( isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getType() == 20 ) { //20=UNPAID
			Debug::text( '  Pay Code Policy is UNPAID, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPayFormulaIdOrPayCodeId( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id );
		if ( !is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Formula Policy to use...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		if ( is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			$tmp_hourly_rate = 0;
			switch ( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageSourceType() ) {
				case 10: //Wage Group: Since this is based on a static rate, always fill that rate in, regardless of what $base_hourly_rate says. This is required to have a OT policy that uses a Pay Formula that in turn specifies a secondary wage group.
					$uw_obj = $this->filterUserWage( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageGroup(), $date_stamp );
					if ( is_object( $uw_obj ) ) {
						$tmp_hourly_rate = $uw_obj->getHourlyRate();
				case 20: //Contributing Pay Code
					$tmp_hourly_rate = $base_hourly_rate;
				case 30: //Average Contributing Pay Codes
					$tmp_hourly_rate = $base_hourly_rate;

			$hourly_rate = $pay_formula_policy_obj->getHourlyRate( $tmp_hourly_rate, $udtf );

		if ( isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getType() == 30 && $hourly_rate > 0 ) { //Dock Pay
			$hourly_rate = bcmul( $hourly_rate, -1 );

		Debug::text( '  Hourly Rate: ' . $hourly_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $hourly_rate;

	 * @param string $pay_formula_policy_id UUID
	 * @param string $pay_code_id           UUID
	 * @param int $date_stamp               EPOCH
	 * @param int $base_hourly_rate
	 * @return int
	function getHourlyRateWithBurden( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id, $date_stamp, $base_hourly_rate = 0 ) {
		//Don't cast to UUID as an optimization.
		//$pay_code_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $pay_code_id );
		//$pay_formula_policy_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $pay_formula_policy_id );

		$hourly_rate = 0;

		if ( !isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Code Policy found...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		if ( isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getType() == 20 ) { //20=UNPAID
			Debug::text( '  Pay Code Policy is UNPAID, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPayFormulaIdOrPayCodeId( $pay_formula_policy_id, $pay_code_id );
		if ( !is_object( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  No Pay Formula Policy to use...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return 0;

		$uw_obj = $this->filterUserWage( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getWageGroup(), $date_stamp );
		if ( is_object( $uw_obj ) ) {
			$hourly_rate = bcmul( $base_hourly_rate, bcadd( bcdiv( $uw_obj->getLaborBurdenPercent(), 100 ), 1 ) );

		if ( isset( $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id] ) && $this->pay_codes[$pay_code_id]->getType() == 30 && $hourly_rate > 0 ) { //Dock Pay
			$hourly_rate = bcmul( $hourly_rate, -1 );

		Debug::text( '  Hourly Rate w/Burden: ' . $hourly_rate . ' Based on Base Rate of: ' . $base_hourly_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $hourly_rate;

	 * @param string $wage_group_id UUID
	 * @param int $date_stamp       EPOCH
	 * @return array|object
	function filterUserWage( $wage_group_id, $date_stamp ) {
		$uwlf = $this->user_wages;
		if ( is_array( $uwlf ) && count( $uwlf ) > 0 ) {
			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			foreach ( $uwlf as $uw_obj ) {
				if ( $uw_obj->getWageGroup() == $wage_group_id && $uw_obj->getEffectiveDate() <= $date_stamp ) {
					Debug::text( 'User wage DOES match filter... ID: ' . $uw_obj->getID() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return $uw_obj;
				//else {
				//	Debug::text('User wage does not match filter... ID: '. $uw_obj->getID() .' Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		//Debug::text( 'No user wage rows match filter... Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function UserWageSortByEffectiveDateDesc( $a, $b ) {
		if ( $a->getEffectiveDate() == $b->getEffectiveDate() ) {
			//Compare updated dates instead, so hopefully in cases where two wage entries on the same date exist we will pick the newest one.
			return ( $a->getUpdatedDate() < $b->getUpdatedDate() ) ? 1 : ( -1 );

		return ( $a->getEffectiveDate() < $b->getEffectiveDate() ) ? 1 : ( -1 );

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function getUserWageData( $start_date, $end_date ) {
		$uwlf = TTnew( 'UserWageListFactory' ); /** @var UserWageListFactory $uwlf */
		$uwlf->getByUserIdAndStartDateAndEndDate( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $start_date, $end_date );
		if ( $uwlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $uwlf as $uw_obj ) {
				$this->user_wages[$uw_obj->getId()] = $uw_obj;

			//Because wage entries can be added as different dates are calculated, the order isn't guaranteed.
			//Therefore manually sort the entries again each time new data is retrieved.
			uasort( $this->user_wages, [ $this, 'UserWageSortByEffectiveDateDesc' ] );

			Debug::Text( 'User wage rows: ' . count( $this->user_wages ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No user wage rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return object
	function filterCurrencyRate( $date_stamp ) {
		//Punches can happen before the currency rate is specified (which normally happens around noon PST/EST), especially in other timezones, so always use the currency rate from the day before.
		$currency_date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) - 86400 ) ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

		$crlf = $this->currency_rates;
		if ( is_array( $crlf ) && count( $crlf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $crlf as $cr_obj ) {
				if ( $cr_obj->getDateStamp() == $currency_date_stamp ) {
					//Debug::text('Currency Rate DOES match filter... ID: '. $cr_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					return $cr_obj;
				//else {
				//Debug::text('Currency rate does not match filter... ID: '. $cr_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		Debug::text( 'No currency rate rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		$crf = TTnew( 'CurrencyRateFactory' ); /** @var CurrencyRateFactory $crf */
		$crf->setCurrency( $this->getUserObject()->getCurrency() );
		$crf->setDateStamp( $currency_date_stamp );
		$crf->setConversionRate( 1 );

		return $crf;

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function getCurrencyRateData( $start_date, $end_date ) {
		$crlf = TTnew( 'CurrencyRateListFactory' ); /** @var CurrencyRateListFactory $crlf */
		$crlf->getByCurrencyIdAndStartDateAndEndDate( $this->getUserObject()->getCurrency(), $start_date, $end_date );
		if ( $crlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $crlf as $cr_obj ) {
				$this->currency_rates[$cr_obj->getDateStamp()] = $cr_obj;
			Debug::Text( 'Currency Rates rows before gaps filled: ' . count( $this->currency_rates ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Loop through all days and fill in any currency gaps.
			//for( $x = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $start_date ); $x <= TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $end_date ); $x += 86400 ) {
			foreach ( TTDate::getDatePeriod( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $start_date ), TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $end_date ), 'P1D' ) as $x ) {
				if ( !isset( $this->currency_rates[$x] ) ) {
					Debug::Text( ' Filling in gap: Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $x ) . ' with Rate: 1', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					$crf = TTnew( 'CurrencyRateFactory' ); /** @var CurrencyRateFactory $crf */
					$crf->setCurrency( $this->getUserObject()->getCurrency() );
					$crf->setDateStamp( $x );
					$crf->setConversionRate( 1 );
					$this->currency_rates[$crf->getDateStamp()] = $crf;

			Debug::Text( 'Currency Rates rows after gaps filled: ' . count( $this->currency_rates ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No currency rate rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param null $maximum_daily_total_time
	 * @return bool
	function calculatePremiumTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $maximum_daily_total_time = null ) {
		if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == false ) {
			Debug::text( 'No UDT records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		//Loop over all premium time policies calculating the pay codes
		$premium_time_policies = $this->sortPolicyByPayCodeDependancy( $this->filterPremiumTimePolicy( $date_stamp ) );
		if ( is_array( $premium_time_policies ) && count( $premium_time_policies ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $premium_time_policies as $pp_obj ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found Premium Policy: Name: ' . $pp_obj->getName() . '(' . $pp_obj->getId() . ') Type: ' . $pp_obj->getType() . ' DateStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( !isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
					Debug::text( ' ERROR: Contributing Shift Policy for Premium Policy: ' . $pp_obj->getName() . ' does not exist...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Include object_type_id=40 (premium time), so when calculating multiple WCB rates, the WCB premium policies can include evening/weekend shift differentials too.
				//However order matters in this case, so we have to calculate the proper order in filterPremiumTimePolicy()
				$user_date_total_rows = $this->compactMealAndBreakUserDateTotalObjects( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] ) );
				$user_date_total_rows_count = count( $user_date_total_rows );
				if ( is_array( $user_date_total_rows ) && $user_date_total_rows_count > 0 ) {
					switch ( $pp_obj->getType() ) {
						case 10: //Date/Time
						case 100: //Advanced
						case 90: //Holiday (converts to Date/Time policy automatically)
							if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj ) ) {
								$maximum_shift_time = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();
							if ( !isset( $maximum_shift_time ) || $maximum_shift_time < 86400 ) {
								$maximum_shift_time = 86400;

							if ( $pp_obj->getType() == 90 ) {
								Debug::text( ' Holiday Premium Policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								$holiday_policies = $this->filterHoliday( $date_stamp, null, true );
								if ( !is_array( $holiday_policies ) || ( is_array( $holiday_policies ) && count( $holiday_policies ) == 0 ) ) {
									$holiday_policies = $this->filterHoliday( ( $date_stamp - $maximum_shift_time ), null, true );
									if ( !is_array( $holiday_policies ) || ( is_array( $holiday_policies ) && count( $holiday_policies ) == 0 ) ) {
										$holiday_policies = $this->filterHoliday( ( $date_stamp + $maximum_shift_time ), null, true );

								$found_holiday_policy_to_apply = false;
								if ( is_array( $holiday_policies ) && count( $holiday_policies ) > 0 ) {
									foreach ( $holiday_policies as $holiday_obj ) {
										Debug::text( ' Found Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $holiday_obj->getDateStamp() ) . ' Current Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $this->holiday_policy[$holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()]->getForceOverTimePolicy() == true
												|| $this->isEligibleForHoliday( $date_stamp, $this->holiday_policy[$holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()] ) ) {
											Debug::text( ' User is Eligible for Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$found_holiday_policy_to_apply = true;

											//Modify the premium policy in memory to make it like a date/time policy
											$pp_obj->setStartDate( $holiday_obj->getDateStamp() );
											$pp_obj->setEndDate( $holiday_obj->getDateStamp() );
											$pp_obj->setStartTime( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $holiday_obj->getDateStamp() ) );
											$pp_obj->setEndTime( TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( $holiday_obj->getDateStamp() ) );
											$pp_obj->setSun( true );
											$pp_obj->setMon( true );
											$pp_obj->setTue( true );
											$pp_obj->setWed( true );
											$pp_obj->setThu( true );
											$pp_obj->setFri( true );
											$pp_obj->setSat( true );

											//These don't apply to holiday type premium policies, but could be carried over from a Date/Time type accidently.
											$pp_obj->setDailyTriggerTime( 0 );
											$pp_obj->setMaximumDailyTriggerTime( 0 );
											$pp_obj->setWeeklyTriggerTime( 0 );
											$pp_obj->setMaximumWeeklyTriggerTime( 0 );

											break; //If they are eligible for the holiday, stop processing more days.
								unset( $holiday_policies, $holiday_obj );

								//We need to modify the in memory premium policy even if there are holiday policies but none of them are eligible to this UDT record.
								//This avoids the case where it would apply the premium on the day before and day after the holiday when it shouldn't have.
								//  Since we modify the premium policy in memory, if the first loop matches the holiday, then all subsequent loops would also match.
								//  However if the first loop DID NOT match the holiday, then it would apply correctly. This could be triggered by editing hte punch on the day after the holiday.
								if ( $found_holiday_policy_to_apply == false ) {
									//If a Date/Time premium was created first, with all days activated, then switched to a holiday type,
									//its still calculated on all days, even when its not a holiday.
									$pp_obj->setSun( false );
									$pp_obj->setMon( false );
									$pp_obj->setTue( false );
									$pp_obj->setWed( false );
									$pp_obj->setThu( false );
									$pp_obj->setFri( false );
									$pp_obj->setSat( false );

									//These don't apply to holiday type premium policies, but could be carried over from a Date/Time type accidently.
									$pp_obj->setDailyTriggerTime( 0 );
									$pp_obj->setMaximumDailyTriggerTime( 0 );
									$pp_obj->setWeeklyTriggerTime( 0 );
									$pp_obj->setMaximumWeeklyTriggerTime( 0 );

							//Make sure this is a valid day
							//Take into account shifts that span midnight though, where one half of the shift is eligible for premium time.
							//ie: Premium Policy starts 7AM to 7PM on Sat/Sun. Punches in at 9PM Friday and out at 9AM Sat, we need to check if both days are valid.
							if ( $pp_obj->isActive( ( $date_stamp - $maximum_shift_time ), ( $date_stamp + $maximum_shift_time ), $this ) ) {
								Debug::text( ' Premium Policy Is Active On OR Around This Day.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								$total_daily_time_used = 0;
								$daily_trigger_time = 0;
								$maximum_daily_trigger_time = false;

								if ( $pp_obj->isHourRestricted() == true ) {
									if ( $pp_obj->getWeeklyTriggerTime() > 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumWeeklyTriggerTime() > 0 ) {
										//Get Pay Period Schedule info
										if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj ) ) {
											$start_week_day_id = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getStartWeekDay();
										} else {
											$start_week_day_id = 0;
										Debug::text( 'Start Week Day ID: ' . $start_week_day_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										$weekly_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 100, 110 ] ) );
										if ( $weekly_total_time > $pp_obj->getWeeklyTriggerTime() ) {
											$daily_trigger_time = 0;
										} else {
											$daily_trigger_time = ( $pp_obj->getWeeklyTriggerTime() - $weekly_total_time );
										Debug::text( ' Weekly Trigger Time: ' . $daily_trigger_time . ' Raw Weekly Time: ' . $weekly_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									if ( $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime() > 0 && $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime() > $daily_trigger_time ) {
										$daily_trigger_time = $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime();

									if ( $pp_obj->getMaximumDailyTriggerTime() > 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumWeeklyTriggerTime() > 0 ) {
										$maximum_daily_trigger_time = ( $pp_obj->getMaximumDailyTriggerTime() > 0 ) ? ( $pp_obj->getMaximumDailyTriggerTime() ) : false;
										$maximum_weekly_trigger_time = ( isset( $weekly_total_time ) && $pp_obj->getMaximumWeeklyTriggerTime() > 0 ) ? ( $pp_obj->getMaximumWeeklyTriggerTime() - $weekly_total_time ) : false;

										Debug::text( ' Maximum Daily: ' . $maximum_daily_trigger_time . ' Weekly: ' . $maximum_weekly_trigger_time . ' Daily Total Time Used: ' . $total_daily_time_used . ' Daily Trigger Time: ' . $daily_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $maximum_daily_trigger_time > 0 && ( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time === false || $maximum_daily_trigger_time < $maximum_weekly_trigger_time ) ) {
											//$pp_obj->setMaximumTime( $maximum_daily_trigger_time );
											$tmp_maximum_time = $maximum_daily_trigger_time; //Temporarily set the maximum time in memory so it doesn't exceed the maximum daily trigger time.
											Debug::text( ' Set Daily Maximum Time to: ' . $tmp_maximum_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											if ( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time !== false && ( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time <= 0 || ( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time < $daily_trigger_time ) ) ) {
												Debug::text( ' Exceeded Weekly Maximum Time to: ' . $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() . ' Skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												continue 2;

											if ( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time < $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
												//$pp_obj->setMaximumTime( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time );
												$tmp_maximum_time = $maximum_daily_trigger_time; //Temporarily set the maximum time in memory so it doesn't exceed the maximum daily trigger time.
												Debug::text( ' Set Weekly Maximum Time to: ' . $tmp_maximum_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$maximum_daily_trigger_time = $maximum_weekly_trigger_time;

										//Make sure we don't change the maximum time if its less than whats calculated above. Otherwise if its set to say 1hr and its calculated to 4hrs above, it should stay at 1hr.
										if ( isset( $tmp_maximum_time ) && ( $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() == 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > $tmp_maximum_time ) ) {
											$pp_obj->setMaximumTime( $tmp_maximum_time );
											Debug::text( ' Setting temporary Maximum Time to: ' . $tmp_maximum_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											Debug::text( ' NOT Setting temporary Maximum Time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										unset( $maximum_weekly_trigger_time, $tmp_maximum_time );
								Debug::text( ' Daily Trigger Time: ' . $daily_trigger_time . ' Max: ' . $maximum_daily_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								$i = 1;
								foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
									Debug::text( 'UserDateTotal ID: ' . $udt_obj->getID() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' I: ' . $i, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//Ignore incomplete punches
									if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {
										$i++; //Be sure to incrememnt the counter so minimum time can be applied properly if one record is total_time=0 and the other is not.

									//How do we handle actual shifts for premium time?
									//So if premium policy starts at 1PM for shifts, to not
									//include employees who return from lunch at 1:30PM.
									//Create a function that takes all punches for a day, and returns
									//the first in and last out time for a given shift when taking
									//into account minimum time between shifts, as well as the total time for that shift.
									//We can then use that time for ActiveTime on premium policies, and determine if a
									//punch falls within the active time, then we add it to the total.
									if ( ( $pp_obj->getIncludePartialPunch() == true || $pp_obj->isTimeRestricted() == true ) ) {
										Debug::text( 'Time Restricted Premium Policy... Using Start/End timestamps...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//Do this outside the user_date_total_rows loop
										if ( $pp_obj->getIncludePartialPunch() == false ) {
											$shift_data = $this->getShiftData( $user_date_total_rows, $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), 'nearest_shift', null, $pp_obj->getMinimumTimeBetweenShift() );

										if ( $pp_obj->getIncludePartialPunch() == true ) {
											$punch_times['in'] = $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp();
											$punch_times['out'] = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
										} else if ( isset( $shift_data ) && is_array( $shift_data ) && isset( $shift_data['first_in'] ) && isset( $user_date_total_rows[$shift_data['first_in']] ) ) {
											$punch_times['in'] = $user_date_total_rows[$shift_data['first_in']]->getStartTimeStamp();
											$punch_times['out'] = $user_date_total_rows[$shift_data['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp();
										} else {
											Debug::text( 'ERROR: No punch times...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//How do we handle "shifts" when we can include absence pay codes?
										//When its time restricted we ignore absences or any record without in/out times.
										$punch_total_time = 0;
										if ( isset( $punch_times ) && count( $punch_times ) == 2
												&& $punch_times['in'] != '' && $punch_times['out'] != '' ) {
											if ( ( $pp_obj->isActiveDate( $punch_times['in'] ) == true || $pp_obj->isActiveDate( $punch_times['out'] ) == true )
													&& ( $pp_obj->isActive( $punch_times['in'], $punch_times['out'], $this ) == true )
													&& $pp_obj->isActiveTime( $punch_times['in'], $punch_times['out'], $this ) == true ) {
												//Debug::Arr($punch_times, 'Punch Times: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
												$punch_total_time = $pp_obj->getPartialPunchTotalTime( $punch_times['in'], $punch_times['out'], $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), $this );
												Debug::text( 'Valid Punch pair in active time, Partial Punch Total Time: ' . $punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											} else {
												Debug::text( 'InValid Punch Pair or outside Active Time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											Debug::text( 'No timestamps...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										unset( $punch_times );
									} else if ( $pp_obj->isActive( $udt_obj->getDateStamp(), null, $this ) == true ) {
										$punch_total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									} else {
										$punch_total_time = 0;

									//Why is $tmp_punch_total_time not just $punch_total_time? Are the partial punches somehow separate from the meal/break calculation?
									//Yes, because tmp_punch_total_time is the DAILY total time used, whereas punch_total_time can be a partial shift. Without this the daily trigger time won't work.
									$tmp_punch_total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
									Debug::text( 'aPunch Total Time: ' . $punch_total_time . ' TMP Punch Total Time: ' . $tmp_punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									$total_daily_time_used += $tmp_punch_total_time;
									Debug::text( 'Daily Total Time Used: ' . $total_daily_time_used . ' Maximum Trigger Time: ' . $maximum_daily_trigger_time . ' This Record: ' . ( $total_daily_time_used - $tmp_punch_total_time ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									Debug::text( 'Daily Trigger Time: ' . $daily_trigger_time . ' TMP: ' . $tmp_punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//That way if the policy is active after 7.5hrs, punch time of exactly 7.5hrs will still
									//activate the policy, rather then requiring 7.501hrs+
									//Make sure we allow for UDT records that are just negative values for lunch/break audo-deduct.
									//  How to handle auto-deduct/auto-add meal polcies for this and Shift Differential/Callback premiums?
									if (
													( $punch_total_time > 0 && $total_daily_time_used > $daily_trigger_time )
													( $punch_total_time < 0 && ( $total_daily_time_used - abs( $tmp_punch_total_time ) ) > $daily_trigger_time )
											&& ( $maximum_daily_trigger_time === false || ( $maximum_daily_trigger_time !== false && ( $total_daily_time_used - abs( $tmp_punch_total_time ) ) < $maximum_daily_trigger_time ) )
									) {
										Debug::text( 'Past Trigger Time!! ' . ( $total_daily_time_used - $tmp_punch_total_time ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//Calculate how far past trigger time we are.
										$past_trigger_time = ( $total_daily_time_used - $daily_trigger_time );
										if ( $punch_total_time > $past_trigger_time ) {
											$punch_total_time = $past_trigger_time;
											Debug::text( 'Using Past Trigger Time as punch total time: ' . $past_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											Debug::text( 'NOT Using Past Trigger Time as punch total time: ' . $past_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//If we are close to exceeding the maximum daily/weekly time, just use the remaining time.
										if ( $maximum_daily_trigger_time > 0 && $total_daily_time_used > $maximum_daily_trigger_time ) {
											$tmp_daily_time_used = ( $total_daily_time_used - $maximum_daily_trigger_time );
											//Only calculate new punch_total_time if $tmp_daily_time_used < $punch_total_time, otherwise it will result in a negative punch_total_time which is clearly incorrect.
											if ( $tmp_daily_time_used < $punch_total_time ) {
												Debug::text( 'Using New Maximum Trigger Time as punch total time: ' . $maximum_daily_trigger_time . '(' . $total_daily_time_used . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												$punch_total_time = ( $punch_total_time - $tmp_daily_time_used );
											} else {
												Debug::text( 'bNOT Using New Maximum Trigger Time as punch total time: ' . $maximum_daily_trigger_time . '(' . $total_daily_time_used . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											unset( $tmp_daily_time_used );
										} else {
											Debug::text( 'aNOT Using New Maximum Trigger Time as punch total time: ' . $maximum_daily_trigger_time . '(' . $total_daily_time_used . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										$total_time = $punch_total_time;
										if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
											if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
												$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
											} else {
												$premium_policy_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $pp_obj->getPayCode() ) );
											Debug::text( ' Premium Policy Daily Total Time: ' . $premium_policy_daily_total_time . ' Minimum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() . ' Maximum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 ) {
												if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
													$total_time = $pp_obj->getMinimumTime();
												} else {
													//FIXME: Split the minimum time up between all the punches somehow.
													//Apply the minimum time on the last punch, otherwise if there are two punch pairs of 15min each
													//and a 1hr minimum time, if the minimum time is applied to the first, it will be 1hr and 15min
													//for the day. If its applied to the last it will be just 1hr.
													//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
													//FIXME: If there is a minimum time set to say 9hrs, and the punches go like this:
													// In: 7:00AM Out: 3:00:PM, Out: 3:30PM (missing 2nd In Punch), the minimum time won't be calculated due to the invalid punch pair.
													if ( $i == $user_date_total_rows_count && bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ) < $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() ) {
														$total_time = bcsub( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime(), $premium_policy_daily_total_time );

											Debug::text( ' Total Time After Minimum is applied: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											if ( $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
												//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
												if ( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ) > $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
													Debug::text( ' bMore than Maximum Time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
													$total_time = bcsub( $total_time, bcsub( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ), $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) );

										Debug::text( ' Premium Punch Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $total_time != 0 ) { //Need to handle negative values too for things like lunch auto-deduct.
											Debug::text( ' Applying Premium Time!: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											$create_udt_record = false;
											if ( $pp_obj->getType() == 100 ) {
												//Check Shift Differential criteria *AFTER* calculatating daily/weekly time, as the shift differential
												//applies to the resulting time calculation, not the daily/weekly time calculation. Daily/Weekly should always include all time.
												//This is fundamentally different than the Shift Differential premium policy type.
												if ( ( $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch(), $udt_obj->getBranch(), $pp_obj->getBranch(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() ) ) {
													//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Branch Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Branch: '. (int)$pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() .' Default Branch: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
													if ( ( $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment(), $udt_obj->getDepartment(), $pp_obj->getDepartment(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() ) ) {
														//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Department Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Department: '. (int)$pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() .' Default Department: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
														if ( $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobObject()->getGroup() : null ), $pp_obj->getJobGroup() ) ) {
															//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
															if ( ( $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob(), $udt_obj->getJob(), $pp_obj->getJob(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() ) ) {
																//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																if ( $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobItemObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobItemObject()->getGroup() : null ), $pp_obj->getJobItemGroup() ) ) {
																	//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																	if ( ( $pp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem(), $udt_obj->getJobItem(), $pp_obj->getJobItem(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() ) ) {
																		//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																		if ( $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), null, $udt_obj->getPunchTagGroupIds(), $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroup() ) ) {
																			//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																			if ( ( $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag(), $udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $pp_obj->getPunchTag(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() ) ) {
																				//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																				$create_udt_record = true;
											} else {
												$create_udt_record = true;

											if ( $create_udt_record == true ) {
												Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Premium Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 40 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $pp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
													$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
													$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
													$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
													$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
													$udtf->setObjectType( 40 ); //Premium Time
													$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $pp_obj->getId() ) );
													$udtf->setPayCode( $pp_obj->getPayCode() );

													$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
													$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
													$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
													$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
													$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

													if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
														$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
														$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
														$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $total_time ) );
														$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() + $total_time ) );
														//Debug::text('        Current Start Time Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '.  TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) .' Covered Time: '. $covered_time .' Adjust: '. $adjust_covered_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
														//Debug::text('        Premium Start Time Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '.  TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udtf->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

													$udtf->setQuantity( $udt_obj->getQuantity() );
													$udtf->setBadQuantity( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() );
													$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_time );

													$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
													$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
													$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

													$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
													$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
													$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

													if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
														//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
														//We will save these records at the end.
														$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
												} else {
													Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											Debug::text( ' Premium Punch Total Time is 0...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::text( 'Not Past Trigger Time Yet or Punch Time is 0...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							unset( $udtlf, $udt_obj );
						case 20: //Differential
							Debug::text( ' Differential Premium Policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$i = 1;
							foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
								//Ignore incomplete punches
								if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {

								if ( ( $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch(), $udt_obj->getBranch(), $pp_obj->getBranch(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() ) ) {
									//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Branch Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Branch: '. (int)$pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() .' Default Branch: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
									if ( ( $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment(), $udt_obj->getDepartment(), $pp_obj->getDepartment(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() ) ) {
										//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Department Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Department: '. (int)$pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() .' Default Department: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										if ( $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobObject()->getGroup() : null ), $pp_obj->getJobGroup() ) ) {
											//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
											if ( ( $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob(), $udt_obj->getJob(), $pp_obj->getJob(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() ) ) {
												//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
												if ( $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobItemObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobItemObject()->getGroup() : null ), $pp_obj->getJobItemGroup() ) ) {
													//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
													if ( ( $pp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem(), $udt_obj->getJobItem(), $pp_obj->getJobItem(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() ) ) {
														//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
														if ( $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), null, $udt_obj->getPunchTagGroupIds(), $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroup() ) ) {
															//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
															if ( ( $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag(), $udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $pp_obj->getPunchTag(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() ) ) {
																//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																//$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
																$punch_total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
																//$total_time = 0;

																$total_time = $punch_total_time;
																if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
																	if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
																		$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
																	} else {
																		$premium_policy_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $pp_obj->getPayCode() ) );
																	Debug::text( ' Premium Policy Daily Total Time: ' . $premium_policy_daily_total_time . ' Minimum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() . ' Maximum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMaximumTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

																	if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 ) {
																		if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
																			$total_time = $pp_obj->getMinimumTime();
																		} else {
																			//FIXME: Split the minimum time up between all the punches somehow.
																			if ( $i == $user_date_total_rows_count && bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ) < $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() ) {
																				$total_time = bcsub( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime(), $premium_policy_daily_total_time );
																	} else {
																		$total_time = $punch_total_time;

																	Debug::text( ' Total Time After Minimum is applied: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
																	if ( $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
																		//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
																		if ( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ) > $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
																			$total_time = bcsub( $total_time, bcsub( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ), $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) );
																			Debug::text( ' bMore than Maximum Time... new Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
																} else {
																	$total_time = $punch_total_time;

																Debug::text( ' Premium Punch Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
																if ( $total_time != 0 ) { //Need to handle negative values too for things like lunch auto-deduct.
																	Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Premium Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 40 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $pp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time . ' UDT ObjectType: ' . $udt_obj->getObjectType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
																	if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
																		$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
																		$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
																		$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
																		$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
																		$udtf->setObjectType( 40 ); //Premium Time
																		$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $pp_obj->getId() ) );
																		$udtf->setPayCode( $pp_obj->getPayCode() );

																		$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
																		$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
																		$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
																		$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
																		$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

																		if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
																			$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
																			$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
																			$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() );
																			$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() + $total_time ) );

																		$udtf->setQuantity( $udt_obj->getQuantity() );
																		$udtf->setBadQuantity( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() );
																		$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_time );

																		$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
																		$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
																		$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

																		$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
																		$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
																		$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

																		if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
																			//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
																			//We will save these records at the end.
																			$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
																	} else {
																		Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
																} else {
																	Debug::text( ' Premium Punch Total Time is 0...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						case 30: //Meal/Break
							Debug::text( ' Meal/Break Premium Policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							if ( $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime() == 0
									|| ( $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime() > 0 && $maximum_daily_total_time >= $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime() ) ) {

								$prev_punch_timestamp = null;
								$maximum_time_worked_without_break = 0;

								foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
									//Ignore incomplete punches
									if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {

									//Debug::text(' UDT Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

									//Total Punch Time
									$total_punch_pair_time = ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() - $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() );
									$maximum_time_worked_without_break += $total_punch_pair_time;
									Debug::text( 'Total Punch Pair Time: ' . $total_punch_pair_time . ' Maximum No Break Time: ' . $maximum_time_worked_without_break, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									if ( $prev_punch_timestamp !== null ) {
										$break_time = ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() - $prev_punch_timestamp );
										if ( $break_time >= $pp_obj->getMinimumBreakTime() ) { //Use >= here, so they can use 10mins as minimum break time, and if someone takes 10mins, its still considered a break.
											Debug::text( 'Exceeded Minimum Break Time: ' . $break_time . ' Minimum: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumBreakTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											$maximum_time_worked_without_break = 0;

									if ( $maximum_time_worked_without_break > $pp_obj->getMaximumNoBreakTime() ) {
										Debug::text( 'Exceeded maximum no break time!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() ) {
											$total_time = $pp_obj->getMaximumTime();
										} else {
											$total_time = $pp_obj->getMinimumTime();

										if ( $total_time != 0 ) { //Need to handle negative values too for things like lunch auto-deduct.
											Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Premium Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 40 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $pp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
											if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
												$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
												$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
												$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
												$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
												$udtf->setObjectType( 40 ); //Premium Time
												$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $pp_obj->getId() ) );
												$udtf->setPayCode( $pp_obj->getPayCode() );

												$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
												$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
												$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
												$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
												$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

												if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
													$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
													$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
													$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() );
													$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() + $total_time ) );

												$udtf->setQuantity( $udt_obj->getQuantity() );
												$udtf->setBadQuantity( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() );
												$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_time );

												$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
												$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
												$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

												$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
												$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
												$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

												if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
													//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
													//We will save these records at the end.
													$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
											} else {
												Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											break; //Stop looping through punches.
									} else {
										Debug::text( 'Did not exceed maximum no break time yet... Time: ' . $maximum_time_worked_without_break, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									$prev_punch_timestamp = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
							} else {
								Debug::text( ' Not within Daily Total Time: ' . $maximum_daily_total_time . ' Trigger Time: ' . $pp_obj->getDailyTriggerTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						case 40: //Callback
							Debug::text( ' Callback Premium Policy...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							Debug::text( ' Minimum Time Between Shifts: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumTimeBetweenShift() . ' Minimum First Shift Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumFirstShiftTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$shift_data = $this->getShiftData( $user_date_total_rows, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), null, null, $pp_obj->getMinimumTimeBetweenShift() );
							Debug::Arr( $shift_data, ' Shift Data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							//Only calculate if their are at least two shifts
							if ( count( $shift_data ) >= 2 ) {
								Debug::text( ' Found at least two shifts...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//$prev_key = false;
								foreach ( $shift_data as $key => $data ) {
									Debug::Arr( $data, ' Shift Data for Shift: ' . $key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//Check if previous shift is greater than minimum first shift time.
									$prev_key = ( $key - 1 );

									if ( isset( $shift_data[$prev_key] ) && isset( $shift_data[$prev_key]['total_time'] ) && $shift_data[$prev_key]['total_time'] >= $pp_obj->getMinimumFirstShiftTime() ) {
										Debug::text( ' Previous shift exceeds minimum first shift time... Shift Total Time: ' . $shift_data[$prev_key]['total_time'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										//Get last out time of the previous shift.
										if ( isset( $shift_data[$prev_key]['last_out'] ) ) {

											//$previous_shift_last_out_epoch = $shift_data[$prev_key]['last_out']['time_stamp'];
											$previous_shift_last_out_epoch = $user_date_total_rows[$shift_data[$prev_key]['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp();
											$current_shift_cutoff = ( $previous_shift_last_out_epoch + $pp_obj->getMinimumTimeBetweenShift() );
											Debug::text( ' Previous Shift Last Out: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $previous_shift_last_out_epoch ) . '(' . $previous_shift_last_out_epoch . ') Current Shift Cutoff: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $current_shift_cutoff ) . '(' . $previous_shift_last_out_epoch . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											$x = 1;
											foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
												//Debug::text('X: '. $x .'/'. $udtlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

												//Ignore incomplete punches
												if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {

												if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
													Debug::text( ' Found valid UDT KEY: ' . $udt_key, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
													Debug::text( ' First Punch: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) . ' Last Punch: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

													//The upper limit has to be the new shift trigger time, as once we start a new shift its no longer considered a callback.
													if ( $x == 1 && ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() - $previous_shift_last_out_epoch ) > $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getNewDayTriggerTime() ) {
														Debug::text( ' Greater than NewDayTrigger time, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

													//$punch_total_time = 0;
													$force_minimum_time_calculation = false;

													//Make sure all punches are after the cutoff time, so we only include time considered to be "callback"/
													if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() >= $current_shift_cutoff ) {
														Debug::text( ' Both punches are AFTER the cutoff time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
														//$punch_total_time = bcsub( $punch_pairs[$udt_obj->getPunchControlID()][1]['time_stamp'], $punch_pairs[$udt_obj->getPunchControlID()][0]['time_stamp']);
														$punch_total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
													} else {
														Debug::text( ' Both punches are BEFORE the cutoff time... Skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
														$punch_total_time = 0;
													Debug::text( ' Punch Total Time: ' . $punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

													//$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
													if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
														if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
															$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
														} else {
															$premium_policy_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $pp_obj->getPayCode() ) );
														Debug::text( 'X: ' . $x . '/' . $user_date_total_rows_count . ' Premium Policy Daily Total Time: ' . $premium_policy_daily_total_time . ' Minimum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() . ' Maximum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMaximumTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

														if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 ) {
															if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
																$total_time = $pp_obj->getMinimumTime();
															} else {
																//FIXME: Split the minimum time up between all the punches somehow.
																//Apply the minimum time on the last punch, otherwise if there are two punch pairs of 15min each
																//and a 1hr minimum time, if the minimum time is applied to the first, it will be 1hr and 15min
																//for the day. If its applied to the last it will be just 1hr.
																//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
																if ( ( $force_minimum_time_calculation == true || $x == $user_date_total_rows_count ) && bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $punch_total_time ) < $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() ) {
																	$total_time = bcsub( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime(), $premium_policy_daily_total_time );
																} else {
																	$total_time = $punch_total_time;
														} else {
															$total_time = $punch_total_time;

														Debug::text( ' Total Time After Minimum is applied: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

														if ( $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
															//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
															if ( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ) > $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
																Debug::text( ' bMore than Maximum Time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
																$total_time = bcsub( $total_time, bcsub( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ), $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) );
													} else {
														$total_time = $punch_total_time;

													Debug::text( ' Total Punch Control Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
													if ( $total_time != 0 ) { //Need to handle negative values too for things like lunch auto-deduct.
														//Debug::text(' Applying	Premium Time!: '. $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

														Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Premium Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 40 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $pp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
														if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
															$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
															$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
															$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
															$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
															$udtf->setObjectType( 40 ); //Premium Time
															$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $pp_obj->getId() ) );
															$udtf->setPayCode( $pp_obj->getPayCode() );

															$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
															$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
															$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
															$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
															$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

															if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
																$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
																$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
																$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() );
																$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() + $total_time ) );

															$udtf->setQuantity( $udt_obj->getQuantity() );
															$udtf->setBadQuantity( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() );
															$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_time );

															$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
															$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
															$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

															$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
															$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
															$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

															if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
																//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
																//We will save these records at the end.
																$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
														} else {
															Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												} else {
													Debug::text( ' Skipping invalid Punch Control ID: ' . $udt_obj->getPunchControlID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							unset( $shift_data, $x, $udtf, $udt_obj );
						case 50: //Minimum shift time
							Debug::text( ' Minimum Shift Time Premium Policy... Minimum Shift Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumShiftTime() . ' User ID: ' . $this->getUserObject()->getId() . ' DateStamp: ' . $date_stamp, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
								//Ignore incomplete punches
								if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {

								if ( ( $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch(), $udt_obj->getBranch(), $pp_obj->getBranch(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() ) ) {
									//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Branch Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getBranchSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Branch: '. (int)$pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultBranch() .' Default Branch: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
									if ( ( $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment(), $udt_obj->getDepartment(), $pp_obj->getDepartment(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() ) ) {
										//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Department Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getDepartmentSelectionType() .' Exclude Default Department: '. (int)$pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultDepartment() .' Default Department: '.  $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										if ( $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobObject()->getGroup() : null ), $pp_obj->getJobGroup() ) ) {
											//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
											if ( ( $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJob(), $udt_obj->getJob(), $pp_obj->getJob(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() ) ) {
												//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Job Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
												if ( $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), null, ( ( is_object( $udt_obj->getJobItemObject() ) ) ? $udt_obj->getJobItemObject()->getGroup() : null ), $pp_obj->getJobItemGroup() ) ) {
													//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobItemGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
													if ( ( $pp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getJobItemSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultJobItem(), $udt_obj->getJobItem(), $pp_obj->getJobItem(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() ) ) {
														//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Task Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getJobSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
														if ( $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType() == 10 || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), null, $udt_obj->getPunchTagGroupIds(), $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroup() ) ) {
															//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Group Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getPunchTagGroupSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
															if ( ( $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType() == 10 && $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag() == false ) || $this->contributing_shift_policy[$pp_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()]->checkIndividualDifferentialCriteria( $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), $pp_obj->getExcludeDefaultPunchTag(), $udt_obj->getPunchTag(), $pp_obj->getPunchTag(), $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() ) ) {
																//Debug::text(' Shift Differential... Meets Punch Tag Criteria! Select Type: '. $pp_obj->getPunchTagSelectionType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
																$tmp_user_date_total_rows[] = $udt_obj;

							if ( isset( $tmp_user_date_total_rows ) ) {
								//This used to have differential criteria that could be specified as well, but now that contributing shifts exist, use those instead.
								$shift_data = $this->getShiftData( $tmp_user_date_total_rows, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ), null, null, $pp_obj->getMinimumTimeBetweenShift() );
								Debug::Arr( $shift_data, ' Shift Data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								if ( is_array( $shift_data ) ) {
									$total_shifts = count( $shift_data );
									$x = 1;
									foreach ( $shift_data as $shift_data_arr ) {
										//$total_time = 0;
										$punch_total_time = $shift_data_arr['total_time'];
										if ( $punch_total_time == 0 ) { //Skip shift if its not complete.

										if ( $punch_total_time > $pp_obj->getMinimumShiftTime() ) {
											Debug::text( ' Shift exceeds minimum shift time... Shift Total Time: '. $punch_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											$punch_total_time = bcsub( $pp_obj->getMinimumShiftTime(), $punch_total_time );

										//$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
										if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 || $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
											if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
												$premium_policy_daily_total_time = 0;
											} else {
												$premium_policy_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $pp_obj->getPayCode() ) );
											Debug::text( 'X: ' . $x . '/' . $total_shifts . ' Premium Policy Daily Total Time: ' . $premium_policy_daily_total_time . ' Minimum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() . ' Maximum Time: ' . $pp_obj->getMaximumTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											if ( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0 ) {
												if ( $pp_obj->getMinMaxTimeType() == 30 ) { //30=Punch Pair - Resets Min/Max time each punch pair.
													$total_time = $pp_obj->getMinimumTime();
												} else {
													//FIXME: Split the minimum time up between all the punches somehow.
													//Apply the minimum time on the last punch, otherwise if there are two punch pairs of 15min each
													//and a 1hr minimum time, if the minimum time is applied to the first, it will be 1hr and 15min
													//for the day. If its applied to the last it will be just 1hr.
													//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
													if ( $x == $total_shifts && bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $punch_total_time ) < $pp_obj->getMinimumTime() ) {
														$total_time = bcsub( $pp_obj->getMinimumTime(), $premium_policy_daily_total_time );
													} else {
														$total_time = $punch_total_time;
											} else {
												$total_time = $punch_total_time;

											Debug::text( ' Total Time After Minimum is applied: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											if ( $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
												//Min & Max time is based on the shift time, rather then per punch pair time.
												if ( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ) > $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
													Debug::text( ' bMore than Maximum Time...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
													$total_time = bcsub( $total_time, bcsub( bcadd( $premium_policy_daily_total_time, $total_time ), $pp_obj->getMaximumTime() ) );
										} else {
											$total_time = $punch_total_time;

										Debug::text( ' Total Punch Control Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										if ( $total_time != 0 ) { //Need to handle negative values too for things like lunch auto-deduct.
											Debug::text( '   Applying Premium Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

											//Find branch, department, job, task of last punch_control_id in shift.
											if ( isset( $shift_data_arr['last_out'] ) && isset( $tmp_user_date_total_rows[$shift_data_arr['last_out']] ) ) {
												$udt_obj = $tmp_user_date_total_rows[$shift_data_arr['last_out']];

												Debug::text( 'Generating UserDateTotal object from Premium Time Policy, ID: ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id . ' Object Type ID: ' . 40 . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $pp_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
												if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
													$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
													$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
													$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
													$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
													$udtf->setObjectType( 40 ); //Premium Time
													$udtf->setSourceObject( TTUUID::castUUID( $pp_obj->getId() ) );
													$udtf->setPayCode( $pp_obj->getPayCode() );

													$udtf->setBranch( $udt_obj->getBranch() );
													$udtf->setDepartment( $udt_obj->getDepartment() );
													$udtf->setJob( $udt_obj->getJob() );
													$udtf->setJobItem( $udt_obj->getJobItem() );
													$udtf->setPunchTag( $udt_obj->getPunchTag() );

													if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() != '' && $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
														$udtf->setStartType( $udt_obj->getStartType() );
														$udtf->setEndType( $udt_obj->getEndType() );
														$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );
														$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $udtf->getStartTimeStamp() + $total_time ) );

													$udtf->setQuantity( $udt_obj->getQuantity() );
													$udtf->setBadQuantity( $udt_obj->getBadQuantity() );
													$udtf->setTotalTime( $total_time );

													$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udt_obj->getHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
													$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
													$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $pp_obj->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

													$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
													$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
													$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

													//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
													//We will save these records at the end.
													$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
												} else {
													Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( '  Differential Criteria filtered out all UDT rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							unset( $tmp_user_date_total_rows, $shift_data, $total_shifts, $udtf, $udt_obj );
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'No matching UserDateTotal rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No premium time policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function filterPremiumTimePolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		$pplf = $this->premium_time_policy;
		if ( is_array( $pplf ) && count( $pplf ) > 0 ) {
			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			$schedule_policy_premium_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_exclude_premium_time_policy_ids = [];
			$schedule_policy_arr = $this->filterSchedulePolicyByDate( $date_stamp );
			if ( is_array( $schedule_policy_arr ) ) {
				foreach ( $schedule_policy_arr as $sp_obj ) {
					if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getIncludePremiumPolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getIncludePremiumPolicy() ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_premium_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_premium_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getIncludePremiumPolicy() );
					if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getExcludePremiumPolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getExcludePremiumPolicy() ) > 0 ) {
						$schedule_policy_exclude_premium_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_policy_exclude_premium_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getExcludePremiumPolicy() );
				Debug::Arr( $schedule_policy_premium_time_policy_ids, 'Premium Policies that apply to: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ) . ' from schedule policies: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			foreach ( $pplf as $pp_obj ) {
				//Filter out premium policies that aren't within the active start/end dates.
				//This can help significantly when many premium policies exist.
				if (
								( (int)$pp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ) == 1 && !in_array( $pp_obj->getId(), $schedule_policy_exclude_premium_time_policy_ids ) )
								( (int)$pp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ) == 0 && in_array( $pp_obj->getId(), $schedule_policy_premium_time_policy_ids ) )
								$pp_obj->getType() == 90 //If its a Holiday Premium policy we always need to include it due to different shift times.
								$pp_obj->isActiveDate( $date_stamp, 86400 ) == true //Need to handle shifts that span midnight, so filter policies active on the day before, current date, and day after as well.
				) {
					$retarr[$pp_obj->getId()] = $pp_obj;
				} else {
					Debug::text( '  Skipping premium time policies that apply on date: ' . $pp_obj->getName() . ' INT: ' . $pp_obj->getColumn( 'is_policy_group' ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found premium time policies that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No premium time policies apply on date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @return bool
	function getPremiumTimePolicy() {
		$schedule_premium_time_policy_ids = [];

		$splf = $this->schedule_policy_rs;
		if ( is_array( $splf ) && count( $splf ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $splf as $sp_obj ) {
				if ( is_array( $sp_obj->getIncludePremiumPolicy() ) && count( $sp_obj->getIncludePremiumPolicy() ) > 0 ) {
					$schedule_premium_time_policy_ids = array_merge( $schedule_premium_time_policy_ids, (array)$sp_obj->getIncludePremiumPolicy() );
			unset( $sp_obj );

		$pplf = TTnew( 'PremiumPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var PremiumPolicyListFactory $pplf */
		$pplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdOrId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $schedule_premium_time_policy_ids );
		if ( $pplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found premium policy rows: ' . $pplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $pplf as $pp_obj ) {
				$this->premium_time_policy[$pp_obj->getId()] = $pp_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No premium policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function calculateAccrualPolicy() {
		$calculated_date_range = $this->getCalculatedDateRange();
		if ( is_array( $calculated_date_range ) ) {
			$first_date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $calculated_date_range['start_date'] ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$last_date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $calculated_date_range['end_date'] );    //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			Debug::Text( '  First Date Stamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $first_date_stamp ) . ' Last Date Stamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $last_date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Calculate non-hour based accrual policies, those attached to pay formulas.
		//  This needs to happen before hour-based accrual policies are calculated, as these are almost certainly negative amounts, and hour-based are mostly positive amounts.
		//  So if we don't reduce the balance first, they could reach their balance limit prematurely when recalculating a pay period where they have reached their balance and used time, thereby prematurely stopping the accrual early.
		$accrual_pay_formula_arr = [];
		if ( isset( $first_date_stamp ) && isset( $last_date_stamp ) ) {
			//Merge object_type_id=50 rows with new_user_date_total_ids so they can both be handled together.
			//See below comments regarding object_type_id=50 records and how they need to be handled in a special manner.
			$new_and_absent_user_date_total_ids = array_unique( array_merge( (array)$this->new_user_date_total_ids, array_keys( (array)$this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $first_date_stamp, $last_date_stamp, [ 50 ] ) ) ) );

			if ( isset( $new_and_absent_user_date_total_ids ) && count( $new_and_absent_user_date_total_ids ) > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $new_and_absent_user_date_total_ids as $new_user_date_total_id ) {
					if ( isset( $this->user_date_total[$new_user_date_total_id] ) ) {
						$udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$new_user_date_total_id];

						//Skip System records as they never have accruals calculated.
						if ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() != 5 ) {
							//Debug::text('aUDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							$tmp_user_date_total[$new_user_date_total_id] = $udt_obj;
				unset( $new_and_absent_user_date_total_ids, $new_user_date_total_id, $udt_obj );

				if ( isset( $tmp_user_date_total ) ) {
					//Debug::Arr($this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map, 'Accrual Time Exclusive Records: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

					//Sort by ObjectTypeID so object_type_id=50 come before any other policy,
					// that way we can handle accruals on them first and not duplicate accruals on other policies that are triggered by the result.
					// Consider the case of a Vacation absence record for 8hrs which gets split into Vacation=4.00 and OT Bank=4.00.
					//   Vacation accrual should be deducted by 8hrs (total absence time), then OT Bank should be deposited by 4hrs, and 4hrs of Vacation is paid.
					//   So essentially 4hrs of accrual time is being transferred from Vacation to OT Bank, and the difference is paid.
					$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $tmp_user_date_total, 'sortUserDateTotalDataByDateAndStartTimeStampAndObjectTypeAndID' ); //Sorting is inplace.

					foreach ( $tmp_user_date_total as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) { /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */
						//Debug::text('   UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
						//If total time is 0, there is no point in calculating accrual amounts, so this just avoids creating a 0 hour accrual record.
						if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() == 0 ) {
							//Debug::text( '  Total Time is 0, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
						//Debug::text('bKey: '. $udt_key .' UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

						//We have to skip absence taken so when the user enters in an absence schedule, it will create a object_type_id=50 record first
						//then a object_type_id=25 record, both are considered new and would duplicate the accrual entry otherwise.
						//The above wouldn't happen if you just entered in absence time directly on the timesheet, as the object_type_id=50 record
						//is already created by the user and not by CalculatePolicy, so it would naturally be skipped in that case.
						// **If we don't calculate accruals on object_type_id=50, then when absence time rolls into OT, it won't reduce their accrual by
						//   the full amount, just the non-OT amount. So instead we skip object_type_id=25 records and always include object_type_id=50 records
						//   in the $new_and_absent_user_date_total_ids array, so they are calculated everytime.
						// **We need to consider both object_type_id=25 AND 50, since undertime absence policies will just create object_type_id=25 records and not object_type_id=50 records.
						//   so they wouldn't affect linked accruals in that case.
						//  **When considering object_type_id=25, there can be multiple punch pairs (ie: transfer punches) all using the same source_object_id,pay_code_id, etc...
						//    which are all going into overtime and thereby into a time bank too.
						//      We handle this by using accrual_time_exclusivity_map, so when Accruals are calculated from an initial object_type_id=50 record,
						//      it excludes them and any other UDT records based on them from accruing later on.
						// **IF THIS CHANGES, YOU MUST UPDATE AccrualListFactory->getOrphansByUserIdAndDate() so orphan detection is handled properly too.

						//Use SourceObject by default if its defined, as an Absence Policy may have an override Pay Formula which accrues instead of the pay code itself.
						//If SourceObject is not defined, then fall back to the PayCode pay formula. For cases where the user adds an override UDT record directly.
						if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $udt_obj->getSourceObject() ) && $udt_obj->getSourceObject() != TTUUID::getZeroID() ) {
							$policy_object = $udt_obj->getSourceObjectObject();
						} else {
							$policy_object = $udt_obj->getPayCodeObject();
						$pay_formula_policy_obj = $this->getPayFormulaPolicyObjectByPolicyObject( $policy_object );

						if ( $this->isPayFormulaAccruing( $pay_formula_policy_obj ) == true ) {
							if ( isset( $this->accrual_time_exclusivity_map[$udt_key] ) ) {
								Debug::text( '  WARNING: Accrual already calculated on this ObjectType->PayCode->SourceObject combination, skipping... Based on UDT key: ' . $udt_obj->getId() . ' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								$af = TTnew( 'AccrualFactory' ); /** @var AccrualFactory $af */
								$af->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getID() );
								$af->setAccrualPolicyAccount( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount() );
								$af->setTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() );
								$af->setUserDateTotalID( $udt_obj->getID() );

								$accrual_amount = bcmul( $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualRate() );
								if ( $accrual_amount >= 0 ) {
									$af->setType( 10 ); //Banked
								} else {
									$af->setType( 20 ); //Used

								if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL && $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualBalanceThresholdFallbackAccrualPolicyAccount() != TTUUID::getZeroID() ) {
									//Only adjust the amount here if there is a ThresholdFallback accural defined, otherwise the user could have a 8hr absence which is paid, but only 2hrs comes out of the accrual, causing a discrepancy.
									//  Which will cause a 2nd accrual entry for the fallback amount to be created below.
									$adjusted_amount_arr = $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAmountAfterBalanceThreshold( $this->getUserObject()->getID(), $accrual_amount );
									if ( isset( $adjusted_amount_arr['adjusted_amount'] ) ) {
										$accrual_amount = $adjusted_amount_arr['adjusted_amount'];
										$af->setAmount( $adjusted_amount_arr['adjusted_amount'] );

									if ( isset( $adjusted_amount_arr['note'] ) ) {
										$af->setNote( $adjusted_amount_arr['note'] );
								} else {
									$af->setAmount( $accrual_amount );
								$af->setEnableCalcBalance( true );

								Debug::text( 'Adding Pay Formula Accrual Entry for: ' . $accrual_amount . ' Based on UDT key: ' . $udt_obj->getId() . ' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Pay Code: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Source Object: ' . $udt_obj->getSourceObject(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								if ( $af->getAmount() != 0 && $af->isValid() ) {

									//Record the exact date and accrual policy that each record is on, so we can properly account for the exact day when the maximum balance might be reached.
									if ( isset( $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount()][$date_stamp] ) ) {
										$accrual_pay_formula_arr[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount()][$date_stamp] += $accrual_amount;
									} else {
										$accrual_pay_formula_arr[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount()][$date_stamp] = $accrual_amount;
								} else {
									Debug::text( '  Accrual amount is 0 or record is invalid. Amount: ' . $af->getAmount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

								//If any amount remaining after balance threshold adjustment, accrue that.
								if ( isset( $adjusted_amount_arr['amount_remaining'] ) && $adjusted_amount_arr['amount_remaining'] != 0 && $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualBalanceThresholdFallbackAccrualPolicyAccount() != TTUUID::getZeroID() ) {
									$af = TTnew( 'AccrualFactory' ); /** @var AccrualFactory $af */
									$af->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getID() );
									$af->setAccrualPolicyAccount( $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualBalanceThresholdFallbackAccrualPolicyAccount() );
									$af->setTimeStamp( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() );
									$af->setUserDateTotalID( $udt_obj->getID() );

									$accrual_amount = bcmul( $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), $pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualRate() );
									if ( $accrual_amount >= 0 ) {
										$af->setType( 10 ); //Banked
									} else {
										$af->setType( 20 ); //Used

									$accrual_amount = $adjusted_amount_arr['amount_remaining'];
									$af->setAmount( $accrual_amount );

									if ( isset($adjusted_amount_arr['note']) ) {
										$af->setNote( $adjusted_amount_arr['note'] );
									$af->setEnableCalcBalance( true );

									Debug::text( 'Adding Fallback Pay Formula Accrual Entry for: ' . $accrual_amount . ' Based on UDT key: ' . $udt_obj->getId() . ' Pay Code: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Source Object: ' . $udt_obj->getSourceObject(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									if ( $af->getAmount() != 0 && $af->isValid() ) {

										//Record the exact date and accrual policy that each record is on, so we can properly account for the exact day when the maximum balance might be reached.
										if ( isset( $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualBalanceThresholdFallbackAccrualPolicyAccount()][$date_stamp] ) ) {
											$accrual_pay_formula_arr[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualBalanceThresholdFallbackAccrualPolicyAccount()][$date_stamp] += $accrual_amount;
										} else {
											$accrual_pay_formula_arr[$pay_formula_policy_obj->getAccrualBalanceThresholdFallbackAccrualPolicyAccount()][$date_stamp] = $accrual_amount;
									} else {
										Debug::text( '  Fallback Accrual amount is 0 or record is invalid. Amount: ' . $af->getAmount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
								unset( $accrual_amount );
						// else {
						//	Debug::text('Pay Formula doesnt have accrual policy or rate specified...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
						unset( $policy_object, $pay_formula_policy_obj );
					unset( $accrual_exclusivity_map, $af, $tmp_user_date_total, $date_stamp );
				//Debug::Arr( $accrual_pay_formula_arr, 'Accrual Records from Pay Formulas: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			} else {
				Debug::text( 'No non-hour based accrual policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		$alf = TTnew( 'AccrualListFactory' ); /** @var AccrualListFactory $alf */
		$aplf = $this->accrual_policy;
		if ( is_array( $aplf ) && count( $aplf ) > 0 ) {
			$accrual_compact_arr = [];

			foreach ( $aplf as $ap_obj ) {
				$accrual_policy_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $ap_obj->getId() );
				$accrual_policy_account_id = TTUUID::castUUID( $ap_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount() );
				Debug::text( 'Hour-Based Accrual Policy: ' . $ap_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( !isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$ap_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
					Debug::text( 'No contributing shift policy defined for accrual policy, skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				$original_balance = $ap_obj->getCurrentAccrualBalance( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $ap_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount() );
				if ( isset( $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$ap_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount()] ) ) {
					$original_balance += ( array_sum( $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$ap_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount()] ) * -1 ); //Reverse the pay formula adjustment as if they didn't happen, so we can account for them on a day-by-basis below instead.
				Debug::Text( '  Original Balance: ' . $original_balance, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				if ( isset( $first_date_stamp ) && isset( $last_date_stamp ) ) {

					$prev_original_balance_adjustment = 0;
					foreach ( $this->dates['calculated'] as $date_stamp => $tmp ) {
						$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

						if ( $ap_obj->getMinimumEmployedDays() == 0
								|| TTDate::getDays( ( $date_stamp - $ap_obj->getModifiedHireDate( $this->getUserObject() ) ) ) >= $ap_obj->getMinimumEmployedDays() ) {
							Debug::Text( '  User has been employed long enough.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$inception_total_time = false;
							if ( $ap_obj->isHourBasedLengthOfService() == true ) {
								//For hour based length of services, we need to get all time that matches contributing shift policy back to their hire date.
								if ( $inception_total_time == false ) { //Try to only call to the DB once for the entire range.
									$this->getUserDateTotalData( $ap_obj->getModifiedHireDate( $this->getUserObject() ), $last_date_stamp );

									//As an optimization, calculate inception total time from the hire date to the first date we calculated.
									//Then we can just add time from the first date to the current date being calcluated.
									$base_inception_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $ap_obj->getModifiedHireDate( $this->getUserObject() ), ( $first_date_stamp - 86400 ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$ap_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) );
								$additional_inception_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $first_date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$ap_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) );
								$inception_total_time = ( $base_inception_total_time + $additional_inception_total_time );
								Debug::Text( '  Inception Total Time: ' . $inception_total_time . ' Base: ' . $base_inception_total_time . ' Additional: ' . $additional_inception_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

							$user_date_total_rows = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$ap_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] );
							if ( is_array( $user_date_total_rows ) && count( $user_date_total_rows ) > 0 ) {
								foreach ( $user_date_total_rows as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
									//Debug::text('cKey: '. $udt_key .' UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

									//Since object_type_id=50 (absence taken) creates object_type_id=25 records, ignore hour based accruals on object_type_id=50.
									//This allows for cases where absence time creates overtime and they may want accruals calculated on OT.
									if ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 50 ) {

									//Since the overall balance is already reduced to take into account pay formula accruals from above, we need to add back in the amounts on each day to properly determine the balance on each date.
									if ( isset( $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$date_stamp] ) ) {
										//Debug::Text('	Found Accrual from Pay Formula on this date, adjusting for it: '. $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$date_stamp], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
										$original_balance_adjustment = $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$date_stamp];
										unset( $accrual_pay_formula_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$date_stamp] ); //Once its used, unset it so it can't be used again.
									} else {
										$original_balance_adjustment = 0;
									Debug::Text( '  Original Balance: ' . $original_balance . ' Adjustment: ' . $original_balance_adjustment . ' New Balance: ' . ( $original_balance + $original_balance_adjustment ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

									//Need to check milestone after every UDT row so we can detect switching milestones quickly.
									//FIXME: Handle switching milestones at exactly the right second, even mid-UDT row.
									$milestone_obj = $ap_obj->getActiveMilestoneObject( $this->getUserObject(), $date_stamp, $inception_total_time );

									//If Maximum time is set to 0, make that unlimited.
									if ( is_object( $milestone_obj ) ) {
										//Since we compact accrual records now, we need to calculate the balance that is stored in memory and not yet committed to DB, and add it to the DB balance.
										if ( isset( $accrual_compact_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$accrual_policy_id] ) ) {
											$tmp_accrual_balance = array_sum( $accrual_compact_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$accrual_policy_id] );
										} else {
											$tmp_accrual_balance = 0;

										$accrual_balance = ( $original_balance + $original_balance_adjustment + $prev_original_balance_adjustment + $tmp_accrual_balance );

										if ( $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime() > 0 ) {
											//Include initial balance and hour-based accrual entries in this calculation, otherwise we can never handle customers who switch mid-year and need to enter how many hours earned from another system.
											$annual_accrued_amount = ( $tmp_accrual_balance + $alf->getSumByUserIdAndAccrualPolicyAccountAndTypeAndStartDateAndEndDate( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $ap_obj->getAccrualPolicyAccount(), [ 70, 76 ], $ap_obj->getCurrentMilestoneRolloverDate( $date_stamp, $this->getUserObject(), true ), $date_stamp ) );
										} else {
											$annual_accrued_amount = false;
										Debug::Text( '	Current Balance: ' . $accrual_balance . ' (Original: ' . $original_balance . ' TMP: ' . $tmp_accrual_balance . ' UDT Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ') Accrual Policy: ' . $ap_obj->getName() . '(' . $ap_obj->getId() . ') Annual Accrued Amount: ' . $annual_accrued_amount, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

										if ( ( $milestone_obj->getMaximumTime() == 0 && $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime() == 0 )
												|| ( $accrual_balance < $milestone_obj->getMaximumTime()
														&& ( $annual_accrued_amount === false || $annual_accrued_amount < $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime() ) ) ) {
											$accrual_amount = $ap_obj->calcAccrualAmount( $milestone_obj, $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), 0 );

											if ( $accrual_amount > 0 ) {
												//If Annual Maximum time is set to 0, make that unlimited.
												if ( $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime() > 0 && ( $annual_accrued_amount + $accrual_amount ) > $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime() ) {
													$accrual_amount = bcsub( $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime(), $annual_accrued_amount, 4 );

												//If Maximum time is set to 0, make that unlimited.
												if ( $milestone_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0 && ( $accrual_balance + $accrual_amount ) > $milestone_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
													$accrual_amount = bcsub( $milestone_obj->getMaximumTime(), $accrual_balance, 4 );

												//Debug::Text('	UDT Key: '. $udt_key .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
												Debug::Text( '	Min/Max Adjusted Accrual Amount: ' . $accrual_amount . ' (Adjusted From: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ') Limits: Max Balance: ' . $milestone_obj->getMaximumTime() . ' Annual Max: ' . $milestone_obj->getAnnualMaximumTime() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

												//It would be nice to find a way to compact these accrual records,
												//as right now there could be many (hundreds) per day and it makes viewing the accrual balance difficult.
												//Not sure if that is really possible though, as we won't be able to link directly to UserDateTotalID's then
												//and that will make it impossible to figure out orphaned records.
												//Solution is to link to the object_type_id=5 (system total time) record for each day.
												//However we need to add these amounts to the current balance so we can stop adding more even after the maximum balance has been reached.
												if ( isset( $accrual_compact_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$accrual_policy_id][$date_stamp] ) ) {
													$accrual_compact_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$accrual_policy_id][$date_stamp] += $accrual_amount;
												} else {
													$accrual_compact_arr[$accrual_policy_account_id][$accrual_policy_id][$date_stamp] = $accrual_amount;

												$prev_original_balance_adjustment += $original_balance_adjustment;

												unset( $accrual_amount, $accrual_balance, $new_accrual_balance );
											} else {
												Debug::Text( '	Accrual Amount is 0...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
										} else {
											Debug::Text( '	Accrual Balance or Annual Maximum is outside Milestone Range. Or no milestone found. Skipping... UDT Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									} else {
										Debug::Text( '	No milestone found. Skipping...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							Debug::Text( '  User has only been employed: ' . TTDate::getDays( ( $date_stamp - $ap_obj->getModifiedHireDate( $this->getUserObject() ) ) ) . ' Days, not enough.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Handled by deleteSystemTotalTime() instead, in case there are no accrual policies assigned anymore.
						//AccrualFactory::deleteOrphans( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $date_stamp );
				unset( $accrual_policy_id, $accrual_policy_account_id );

			//Insert compacted Accrual records.
			if ( isset( $accrual_compact_arr ) && is_array( $accrual_compact_arr ) && count( $accrual_compact_arr ) > 0 ) {
				foreach ( $accrual_compact_arr as $accrual_policy_account_id => $data1 ) {
					foreach ( $data1 as $accrual_policy_id => $data2 ) {
						foreach ( $data2 as $date_stamp => $total_time ) {
							//$date_stamp is already ran through getMiddleDayEpoch above.
							if ( isset( $this->new_system_user_date_total_id[$date_stamp] ) ) {
								$af = TTnew( 'AccrualFactory' ); /** @var AccrualFactory $af */
								$af->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
								$af->setType( 76 ); //Hour-Based Accrual Policy
								$af->setAccrualPolicyAccount( $accrual_policy_account_id );
								$af->setAccrualPolicy( $accrual_policy_id );
								$af->setUserDateTotalID( $this->new_system_user_date_total_id[$date_stamp] ); //Link hour based accruals to just the system total time for each day.
								$af->setAmount( $total_time );
								$af->setTimeStamp( $date_stamp );
								$af->setEnableCalcBalance( true );
								if ( $af->isValid() ) {
									$insert_id = $af->Save();
									Debug::Text( '	Adding Compacted Accrual Record, ID: ' . $insert_id . ' Total Time: ' . $total_time . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							} else {
								Debug::text( '  ERROR: Unable to save accrual record due to invalid link to UserDateTotal ID. Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			unset( $accrual_compact_arr, $data1, $data2, $accrual_policy_account_id, $accrual_policy_id, $date_stamp, $total_time );
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'No hour-based accrual policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return true;

	 * @return bool
	function getAccrualPolicy() {
		$aplf = TTnew( 'AccrualPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var AccrualPolicyListFactory $aplf */
		$aplf->getByPolicyGroupUserIdAndType( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), 30 ); //Hour based only.
		if ( $aplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found accrual policy rows: ' . $aplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $aplf as $ap_obj ) {
				$this->accrual_policy[$ap_obj->getId()] = $ap_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No accrual policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param HolidayPolicyFactory $holiday_policy_obj
	 * @param bool $ignore_after_eligibility
	 * @return bool
	 * @noinspection PhpUnreachableStatementInspection
	function isEligibleForHoliday( $date_stamp, $holiday_policy_obj, $ignore_after_eligibility = false ) {
		//There can be cases where an infinite loop is caused if a holiday policy references a contributing policy, which itself references the same holiday policy.
		//It can also be multiple levels deep such as holiday policy A references contributing policy A, which itself references holiday policy B and contributing policy B, which it then references back to holiday policy A. So we need to use an array of holiday policies that we have to skip for handle this.
		//     Holiday Policy 1 looks at the contributing shift policy.
		//     The contributing Shift Policy, when it has multiple holiday policies assigned to it, (I assume because of the loop handling) seems to ignore the Holiday Policy 1 that called it and looks at Holiday Policy 2 for eligibility.
		//     Holiday Policy 2 looks at the contributing shift policy.
		//     The contributing Shift Policy again seems to ignore the Holiday Policy 2 that called it and looks at Holiday Policy 1 for eligibility.
		//  Because this function calls $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy() which itself calls back into here ( $this->isEligibleForHoliday() )
		//  This will detect that case and break out of the loop, even if its multiple recursion levels deep.
		if ( isset( $this->is_calculating_eligible_for_holiday_policy_id[$holiday_policy_obj->getId()] ) ) {
			Debug::text( '  WARNING: Infinite Loop detected while trying to determine if eligible for Holiday Policy ID: ' . $holiday_policy_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;
		} else {
			$this->is_calculating_eligible_for_holiday_policy_id[$holiday_policy_obj->getId()] = true;

		//Make sure the employee has been employed long enough according to labor standards
		//Also make sure that the employee hasn't been terminated on or before the holiday.
		$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = null;

		$current_employed_days = TTDate::getDays( $date_stamp - $this->getUserObject()->getHireDate() );

		$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

		if ( $current_employed_days >= $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumEmployedDays()
				&& ( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() == '' || ( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() != '' && $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() > $date_stamp ) ) ) {
			Debug::text( 'Employee has been employed long enough! Holiday Policy ID: ' . $holiday_policy_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getType() == 20 || $holiday_policy_obj->getType() == 30 ) {
				//One of the primary use-cases for this is to make sure the employee worked on the holiday when scheduled. (Showed up for their shift).
				//Or to disable the holiday policy when the employee does work so overtime policies can just be used instead.
				if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() > 0 ) {
					if ( isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) { //Make sure eligible contributing shift policy is defined.
						$shift_on_holiday = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 10, 20, 25, 30 ] ) ) );
					} else {
						$shift_on_holiday = 0;

					$scheduled_working_on_holiday = 0;
					$scheduled_absent_on_holiday = 0;
					if ( in_array( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType(), [ 30, 70, 72, 75 ] ) ) {
						$scheduled_working_on_holiday = count( $this->getScheduleDates( $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10 ] ) ) );
					if ( in_array( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType(), [ 40, 70, 72, 75 ] ) ) {
						$scheduled_absent_on_holiday = count( $this->getScheduleDates( $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 20 ] ) ) );
					Debug::text( 'ON HOLIDAY: Type: ' . $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() . ' Shift: ' . $shift_on_holiday . ' Schedule: Working: ' . $scheduled_working_on_holiday . ' Absent: ' . $scheduled_absent_on_holiday, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 10 ) { //Must work on Holiday
						if ( $shift_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on the holiday! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText( 'Did not work on the holiday' );
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 20 ) { //Must NOT work on Holiday
						if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked on holiday'); //Hide this, as this case can often be used to disable holiday policy so overtime policy can be used instead.
							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on the holiday!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 30 ) { //If scheduled to work, they must work. Otherwise if not scheduled (or scheduled absent) and they don't work its fine too.
						if ( $shift_on_holiday > 0 && $scheduled_working_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on the holiday when scheduled! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else if ( $scheduled_working_on_holiday == 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee is not scheduled to work! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText( 'Not worked on holiday when scheduled' );
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday when scheduled!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 40 ) { //If scheduled absent, they must not work. Otherwise if not scheduled, or scheduled to work and they work that is fine too.
						if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_absent_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday when scheduled absent! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else if ( $scheduled_absent_on_holiday == 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee is not scheduled absent on the holiday! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else {
							$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText( 'Worked holiday when scheduled absent' );
							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on the holiday or not scheduled absent!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
//					} elseif ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 70 ) { //Must not work, and must be scheduled to work.
//						if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 AND $scheduled_working_on_holiday > 0 ) {
//							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday and are scheduled to work! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
//						} else {
//							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday when not scheduled');
//							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on the holiday when scheduled, or scheduled absent!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
//							$retval = FALSE;
//							goto END;
//						}
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 72 ) { //Must not work, and must be scheduled absent. This is useful for holidays that fall on a day that the employee *is* normally scheduled to work.
						if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_absent_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday and are scheduled absent! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_working_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday when not scheduled');
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked and is scheduled to work on holiday!!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
						} else if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_absent_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_working_on_holiday == 0 ) {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday when scheduled absent');
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday and NOT scheduled!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
						} else if ( $shift_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday');
							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on holiday!!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getShiftOnHolidayType() == 75 ) { //Must not work and must not be scheduled to work, or scheduled absent. This is useful for holidays that fall on a day that the employee is not normally scheduled to work.
						if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_working_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_absent_on_holiday == 0 ) {
							Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked on the holiday and are not scheduled to work, or absent! Success.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						} else if ( $shift_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday when not scheduled');
							Debug::text( 'Employee has worked on the holiday when not scheduled!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
						} else if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_working_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday when not scheduled');
							Debug::text( 'Employee is scheduled to work on holiday!!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;
						} else if ( $shift_on_holiday == 0 && $scheduled_absent_on_holiday > 0 ) {
							//$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText('Worked holiday when not scheduled');
							Debug::text( 'Employee is scheduled absent on holiday!!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$retval = false;
							goto END;

					unset( $shift_on_holiday, $scheduled_working_on_holiday, $scheduled_absent_on_holiday );

				if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays() > 0 && $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() > 0 ) {
					if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 1 ) { //Scheduled Days
						Debug::text( 'BEFORE: Using scheduled days!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Use 30days as the upper limit. We are passing getScheduleData() a limit option, so performance should be decent.
						$this->getScheduleData( ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * 30 ) ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), 10, $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays(), [ 'a.date_stamp' => 'desc', 'a.start_time' => 'desc' ] );

						$scheduled_date_stamps_before = $this->getScheduleDates( $this->filterScheduleDataByDateAndDirection( $date_stamp, 10, 'desc', $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() ) );
						//Debug::Arr( (array)$scheduled_date_stamps_before, 'Scheduled DateStamps Before: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
						Debug::Text( 'Scheduled DateStamps Before: ' . count( (array)$scheduled_date_stamps_before ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Get the date range from the schedules dates that we found.
						$calendar_date_range = $this->getDateRangeFromDateArray( (array)$scheduled_date_stamps_before );
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 2 ) { //Holiday Week Days
						Debug::Text( 'Holiday Week Days Before: ' . $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						//Need to switch to weeks rather than days.
						$calendar_date_range = [ 'start_date' => ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * ( 7 * $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() ) ) ), 'end_date' => ( $date_stamp - 86400 ) ];
					} else { //Calendar Days
						$calendar_date_range = [ 'start_date' => ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() ) ), 'end_date' => ( $date_stamp - 86400 ) ];

					//Make sure a valid date range is being returned so we can even attempt to get data for it. In cases where there isn't any scheduled shifts at all, this will be FALSE, which is perfectly okay.
					if ( is_array( $calendar_date_range ) ) {
						//Always get UserDateTotal data for the same date range so we can determine if they worked.
						Debug::text( 'BEFORE: Getting data for calendar days! Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $calendar_date_range['start_date'] ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $calendar_date_range['end_date'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$this->getUserDateTotalData( $calendar_date_range['start_date'], $calendar_date_range['end_date'] );
					unset( $calendar_date_range );

				if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays() > 0 && $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() > 0 ) {
					if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedAfterScheduledDays() == 1 ) { //Scheduled Days
						Debug::text( 'AFTER: Using scheduled days!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Use 30days as the upper limit. We are passing getScheduleData() a limit option, so performance should be decent.
						$this->getScheduleData( ( $date_stamp + 86400 ), ( $date_stamp + ( 86400 * 30 ) ), 10, $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays(), [ 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time' => 'asc' ] );

						$scheduled_date_stamps_after = $this->getScheduleDates( $this->filterScheduleDataByDateAndDirection( $date_stamp, 10, 'asc', $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() ) );
						//Debug::Arr( (array)$scheduled_date_stamps_after, 'Scheduled DateStamps After: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
						Debug::Text( 'Scheduled DateStamps After: ' . count( (array)$scheduled_date_stamps_after ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//Get the date range from the schedules dates that we found.
						$calendar_date_range = $this->getDateRangeFromDateArray( (array)$scheduled_date_stamps_after );
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 2 ) { //Holiday Week Days
						//Need to switch to weeks rather than days.
						$calendar_date_range = [ 'start_date' => ( $date_stamp + 86400 ), 'end_date' => ( $date_stamp + ( 86400 * ( 7 * $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() ) ) ) ];
					} else { //Calendar days
						$calendar_date_range = [ 'start_date' => ( $date_stamp + 86400 ), 'end_date' => ( $date_stamp + ( 86400 * $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() ) ) ];

					//Make sure a valid date range is being returned so we can even attempt to get data for it. In cases where there isn't any scheduled shifts at all, this will be FALSE, which is perfectly okay.
					if ( is_array( $calendar_date_range ) ) {
						//Always get UserDateTotal data for the same date range so we can determine if they worked.
						Debug::text( 'AFTER: Getting data for calendar days!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$this->getUserDateTotalData( $calendar_date_range['start_date'], $calendar_date_range['end_date'] );
					unset( $calendar_date_range );

				$worked_before_days_count = 0;
				if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays() > 0 && $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() > 0 && isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
					if ( isset( $scheduled_date_stamps_before ) && $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 1 ) { //Scheduled Days
						$worked_before_days_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $scheduled_date_stamps_before, false, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) );
					} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 2 ) {  //Holiday Week Days
						//Start/End date should reflect weeks, no days here.
						$worked_before_days_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getDateArray( ( $date_stamp - ( ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() * 7 ) * 86400 ) ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), TTDate::getDayOfWeek( $date_stamp ) ), false, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) );
					} else { //Calendar Days
						$worked_before_days_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( ( $date_stamp - ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() * 86400 ) ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) );
				Debug::text( 'Employee has worked the prior: ' . $worked_before_days_count . ' days (Must be at least: ' . $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays() . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				$worked_after_days_count = 0;
				if ( $ignore_after_eligibility == true ) {
					$worked_after_days_count = $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays();
					Debug::text( 'Ignoring worked after criteria...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				} else {
					if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays() > 0 && $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() > 0 && isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
						if ( isset( $scheduled_date_stamps_after ) && $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedAfterScheduledDays() == 1 ) { //Scheduled Days
							$worked_after_days_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $scheduled_date_stamps_after, false, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) );
						} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 2 ) {  //Holiday Week Days
							//Start/End date should reflect weeks, no days here.
							$worked_after_days_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( TTDate::getDateArray( ( $date_stamp + 86400 ), ( $date_stamp + ( ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() * 7 ) * 86400 ) ), TTDate::getDayOfWeek( $date_stamp ) ), false, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) );
						} else { //Calendar Days
							$worked_after_days_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( ( $date_stamp + 86400 ), ( $date_stamp + ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() * 86400 ) ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getEligibleContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) );
					Debug::text( 'Employee has worked the following: ' . $worked_after_days_count . ' days (Must be at least: ' . $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays() . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Make sure employee has worked for a portion of those days.
				if ( $worked_before_days_count >= $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays()
						&& $worked_after_days_count >= $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays() ) {
					Debug::text( 'Employee has worked enough prior and following days!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					$retval = true;
					goto END;
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT worked enough days prior or following the holiday!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					if ( $worked_after_days_count < $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays() ) {
						$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText( 'Only worked %1 of the required %2 %3 following the holiday', [ $worked_after_days_count, $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays(), TTi18n::strtolower( Option::getByKey( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedAfterScheduledDays(), $holiday_policy_obj->getOptions( 'scheduled_day' ) ) ) ] );
					if ( $worked_before_days_count < $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays() ) {
						$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText( 'Only worked %1 of the required %2 %3 prior to the holiday', [ $worked_before_days_count, $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays(), TTi18n::strtolower( Option::getByKey( $holiday_policy_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays(), $holiday_policy_obj->getOptions( 'scheduled_day' ) ) ) ] );
					$retval = false;
					goto END;
			} else {
				Debug::text( 'Standard Holiday Policy type, returning TRUE', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$retval = true;
				goto END;
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'Employee has NOT been employed long enough!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			$this->is_eligible_holiday_description = TTi18n::getText( 'Only employed %1 of the required %2 days', [ floor( $current_employed_days ), $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumEmployedDays() ] );
			$retval = false;
			goto END;

		goto END; //Just in case a GOTO call is missed, put a catchall here.

		END: //Always need to be called when finishing this calculation to make sure we always reset is_calculating_eligible_for_holiday_policy_id
		if ( $retval == false ) {
			Debug::text( 'Not eligible for holiday: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		unset( $this->is_calculating_eligible_for_holiday_policy_id[$holiday_policy_obj->getId()] ); //Since we have already called $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy() we can clear this variable since there is no other way to get into the infinite loop after this point.

		return $retval;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param object $holiday_policy_obj
	 * @return float|int|string
	function getHolidayTime( $date_stamp, $holiday_policy_obj ) {
		if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getType() == 30 && isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) { //Average
			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumTime() > 0
					&& $holiday_policy_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0
					&& $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumTime() == $holiday_policy_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
				Debug::text( 'Min and Max times are equal.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumTime();

			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeFrequencyType() == 20 ) { //Pay Periods
				$past_pay_period_dates = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getStartAndEndDateRangeFromPastPayPeriods( $date_stamp, $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() );
				if ( is_array( $past_pay_period_dates ) ) {
					$filter_start_date = $past_pay_period_dates['start_date'];
					$filter_end_date = $past_pay_period_dates['end_date'];
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'ERROR: No pay period found, unable to calculate holiday time!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					return 0;
			} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeFrequencyType() == 15 ) {                                               //Weeks
				$filter_end_date = ( TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ) - 1 );                     //End on 11:59:59 the day before the week of the holiday starts.
				$filter_start_date = ( ( $filter_end_date + 1 ) - ( ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() * 7 ) * 86400 ) ); //Goes after $filter_end_date above.
			} else { //Days
				if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() >= 0 ) {
					$filter_start_date = ( $date_stamp - ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() * 86400 ) );
					$filter_end_date = ( $date_stamp - 86400 );
				} else {
					//Allow setting a "Total Time Over" value to -1 along with Average Time Over: -1 to return the time worked on the holiday day itself.
					$filter_start_date = $date_stamp;
					$filter_end_date = ( $date_stamp + ( ( abs( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() ) - 1 ) * 86400 ) );

			//Make sure we get all UserDateTotal data going back to the number of days to average the time over.
			//$this->getUserDateTotalData( ( $date_stamp - ( 86400 * $this->holiday_before_days ) ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ) );
			$this->getUserDateTotalData( $filter_start_date, $filter_end_date );

			//Debug::text('Start Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', ( $date_stamp - ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() * 86400) ) ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', ( $date_stamp - 86400 ) ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeWorkedDays() == true ) {
				//$last_days_worked_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( ( $date_stamp - ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() * 86400) ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], array(20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ) ) ) ); //Don't include Absence, Lunch, Break (Taken).
				$last_days_worked_count = count( $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $filter_start_date, $filter_end_date, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] ) ) ); //Don't include Absence, Lunch, Break (Taken).
			} else {
				$last_days_worked_count = abs( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageDays() ); //Allow -1 for getting time worked on the current day.

			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() >= 0 ) {
				//$total_seconds_worked = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( ( $date_stamp - ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() * 86400 ) ), ( $date_stamp - 86400 ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], array(20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110) ) );
				$total_seconds_worked = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $filter_start_date, $filter_end_date, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] ) );
			} else if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() < 0 ) {                                                                                                                                                                                                                         //Allow setting a "Total Time Over" value to -1 along with Average Time Over: -1 to return the time worked on the holiday day itself.
				//$total_seconds_worked = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $date_stamp, ( $date_stamp + ( ( abs( $holiday_policy_obj->getAverageTimeDays() ) - 1 ) * 86400 ) ), $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], array(10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110) ) ); //Must include 10=Worked Time, as this happens before RegularTime/OverTime is calculated.
				$total_seconds_worked = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $filter_start_date, $filter_end_date, $this->contributing_shift_policy[$holiday_policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()], [ 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 100, 110 ] ) ); //Must include 10=Worked Time, as this happens before RegularTime/OverTime is calculated.
			Debug::text( ' Total Time: ' . TTDate::getHours( $total_seconds_worked ) . ' Averaged over days: ' . $last_days_worked_count, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			unset( $filter_start_date, $filter_end_date );

			if ( $last_days_worked_count > 0 ) {
				$avg_seconds_worked_per_day = bcdiv( $total_seconds_worked, $last_days_worked_count );
				Debug::text( 'AVG hours worked per day: ' . TTDate::getHours( $avg_seconds_worked_per_day ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			} else {
				$avg_seconds_worked_per_day = 0;

			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getMaximumTime() > 0
					&& $avg_seconds_worked_per_day > $holiday_policy_obj->getMaximumTime() ) {
				$avg_seconds_worked_per_day = $holiday_policy_obj->getMaximumTime();
				Debug::text( 'AVG hours worked per day exceeds maximum regulars hours per day, setting to:' . ( ( $avg_seconds_worked_per_day / 60 ) / 60 ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( $avg_seconds_worked_per_day < $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumTime() ) {
				$avg_seconds_worked_per_day = $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumTime();
				Debug::text( 'AVG hours worked per day is less then minimum regulars hours per day, setting to:' . ( ( $avg_seconds_worked_per_day / 60 ) / 60 ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Round to nearest 15mins.
			if ( $holiday_policy_obj->getRoundIntervalPolicyID() != ''
					&& is_object( $holiday_policy_obj->getRoundIntervalPolicyObject() ) ) {
				$avg_seconds_worked_per_day = TTDate::roundTime( $avg_seconds_worked_per_day, $holiday_policy_obj->getRoundIntervalPolicyObject()->getInterval(), $holiday_policy_obj->getRoundIntervalPolicyObject()->getRoundType() );
				Debug::text( 'Rounding Stat Time To: ' . $avg_seconds_worked_per_day, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			} else {
				$avg_seconds_worked_per_day = TTDate::roundTime( $avg_seconds_worked_per_day, 60, 10 ); //Always round down to the previous minute if no other rounding policy is specified. Ensure we don't return parital seconds.
				Debug::text( 'NOT Rounding Stat Time!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return $avg_seconds_worked_per_day;
		} else {
			return round( $holiday_policy_obj->getMinimumTime() ); //Make sure there are no partial seconds, as they can fail validation checks.

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function calculateHolidayPolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		$holiday_policies = $this->filterHoliday( $date_stamp, null, true ); //Only consider holiday policies assigned to policy groups. There may be different holiday policies assigned to contributing shift policies
		if ( is_array( $holiday_policies ) && count( $holiday_policies ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $holiday_policies as $holiday_obj ) {
				Debug::text( ' Found Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Check for conflicting/overridden records, so we don't double up on the time.
				//This policy could calculate 9.52hrs, but the user could override it to 9hrs, so if that happens simply skip calculating the holiday time again.
				//  There could be a case where there are two holiday policies, one applies in one situation and another in a different situation.
				//  When it doesn't apply it still tries to create a 0hr entry, which then conflicts with the 2nd policy which may apply for X hours.
				//  To handle this we only check isConflicting on records where override=TRUE.
				// 		calculateScheduleAbsence() already checks for any conflicting record, so a holiday absence on the schedule won't override a differing holiday policy average amount already.
				if ( is_object( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject() )
						&& $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyID() != false
						&& is_object( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject() )
						&& $this->isConflictingUserDateTotal( $date_stamp, [ 25, 50 ], $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayCode(), $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getId(), null, null, null, null, true ) == false
				) {

					//Skip calculating holidays before the employees hire date, as in some cases if they were hired the day after the holiday it would try to put a 0hr absence on the holiday before their hire date.
					//  We considered just not calculating any policies before the hire date, however that may cause problems with re-hires.
					if ( $this->getUserObject()->getHireDate() != '' && TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) < TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $this->getUserObject()->getHireDate() ) ) {
						Debug::Text( 'Skip calculation of holidays before the hire date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						return true;

					//Skip calculating holidays after the termination date, as currently absences can't be entered after the termination date anyways,
					// //and a 0hr absence which gets entered almost every time will cause timesheet calculation to fail.
					if ( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() != '' && TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) > TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $this->getUserObject()->getTerminationDate() ) ) {
						Debug::Text( 'Skip calculation of holidays after the termination date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						return true;

					$holiday_time = 0;
					if ( $this->isEligibleForHoliday( $date_stamp, $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject() ) ) {
						Debug::text( ' User is Eligible for Holiday: ' . $holiday_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						$holiday_time = $this->getHolidayTime( $date_stamp, $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject() );
						Debug::text( ' User average time for Holiday: ' . TTDate::getHours( $holiday_time ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
					} else {
						Debug::text( ' User is not eligible for holiday (adding record with 0 time)...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//Need to still record if holiday_time=0 as the user could be scheduled for 8hrs of Stat Holiday
					//but they aren't eligible to receive any holiday time, if we don't create UDT record with total_time=0
					//then the scheduled time of 8hrs will be used instead, which is incorrect.
					//This won't actually get saved, its just used to cause calculateScheduleTime() to ignore this day instead.
					if ( $holiday_time >= 0 ) {
						//Try to get the start/end time of the scheduled shift for the holiday, so we can use that as the start/end time for the UDT record.
						//This helps us match the schedule to the UDT records and apply any Schedule Policy's (which they themselves may contain premium policies).
						$slf = $this->filterScheduleDataByStatus( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, 20 );
						if ( is_array( $slf ) && count( $slf ) > 0 ) {
							foreach ( $slf as $key => $s_obj ) {
								if ( $s_obj->getAbsencePolicyID() == $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyID() ) {
									Debug::text( '   Found Scheduled Shift with the same Absence Policy to match to the UDT record... ID: ' . $s_obj->getID() . ' Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getStartTime() ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $s_obj->getEndTime() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
									$scheduled_shifts[] = $s_obj;
						unset( $slf );

						Debug::text( ' Adding Holiday hours: ' . TTDate::getHours( $holiday_time ) . '(' . $holiday_time . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						if ( !isset( $this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] ) ) {
							$udtf = TTnew( 'UserDateTotalFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udtf */
							$udtf->setUser( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
							$udtf->setPayPeriod( ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) ? $this->pay_period_obj->getId() : false ) ); //Optimization so setDateStamp() doesn't need to lookup the pay period.
							$udtf->setDateStamp( $date_stamp );
							$udtf->setObjectType( 50 ); //Absence
							$udtf->setSourceObject( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyID() );
							$udtf->setPayCode( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayCode() );

							$udtf->setBranch( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultBranch() );
							$udtf->setDepartment( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultDepartment() );
							if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE ) {
								$udtf->setJob( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJob() );
								$udtf->setJobItem( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultJobItem() );
								$udtf->setPunchTag( $this->getUserObject()->getDefaultPunchTag() );

							$udtf->setTotalTime( $holiday_time );

							//See above comments when we get the scheduled shift objects.
							if ( isset( $scheduled_shifts[0] ) ) {
								$udtf->setStartType( 10 ); //Normal
								$udtf->setStartTimeStamp( $scheduled_shifts[0]->getStartTime() );
								$udtf->setEndType( 10 ); //Normal
								$udtf->setEndTimeStamp( ( $scheduled_shifts[0]->getStartTime() + $holiday_time ) );

							$udtf->setBaseHourlyRate( $this->getBaseHourlyRate( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf ) );
							$udtf->setHourlyRate( $this->getHourlyRate( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getBaseHourlyRate(), $udtf ) );
							$udtf->setHourlyRateWithBurden( $this->getHourlyRateWithBurden( $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayFormulaPolicy(), $udtf->getPayCode(), $date_stamp, $udtf->getHourlyRate() ) );

							if ( $holiday_time == 0 && $this->is_eligible_holiday_description != '' ) { //Include note explaining why they are not receiving holiday time.
								$udtf->setNote( TTi18n::getText( 'Not Eligible for holiday' ) . ' [' . $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getName() . ']' . ' - ' . $this->is_eligible_holiday_description . '.' );

							$udtf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime( false );
							$udtf->setEnableCalculatePolicy( true );
							$udtf->calcTotalTimeAmounts(); //Call this so TotalTimeAmount is calculated immediately, as we don't save these records until later.

							if ( $this->isOverriddenUserDateTotalObject( $udtf ) == false ) {
								//Record all the pay_code_ids used by Holiday Policies, so they trigger a conflict in isConflictingUserDateTotal() and don't get doubled up by scheduled absences of the same pay code.
								$this->holiday_policy_used_pay_code_ids[TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp )][] = $holiday_obj->getHolidayPolicyObject()->getAbsencePolicyObject()->getPayCode();

								//Don't save the record, just add it to the existing array, so it can be included in other calculations.
								//We will save these records at the end.
								$this->user_date_total[$this->user_date_total_insert_id] = $udtf;
						} else {
							Debug::text( 'ERROR: Duplicate starting ID for some reason! ' . $this->user_date_total_insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						unset( $scheduled_shifts );
					} else {
						Debug::text( 'No holiday time to utilize...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'Overridden holiday time, skipping policy calculation...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $this->user_date_total ); //Sort UDT records once done modifying them. This should help avoid having to sort them everytime we get/filter them.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No holiday policies to calculate...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param null $holiday_policy_obj
	 * @param null $assigned_to_policy_group
	 * @return array
	function filterHoliday( $date_stamp, $holiday_policy_obj = null, $assigned_to_policy_group = null ) {
		$hlf = $this->holiday;
		if ( is_array( $hlf ) && count( $hlf ) > 0 ) {
			$date_stamp = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			$retarr = [];
			foreach ( $hlf as $h_obj ) {
				if ( $h_obj->getDateStamp() == $date_stamp ) {
					if (
									$assigned_to_policy_group == null
									|| ( $assigned_to_policy_group == true && isset( $this->policy_group_holiday_policy_ids[$h_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()] ) )
									|| ( $assigned_to_policy_group == false && !isset( $this->policy_group_holiday_policy_ids[$h_obj->getHolidayPolicyID()] ) )
									$holiday_policy_obj == null || ( is_object( $holiday_policy_obj ) && $h_obj->getHolidayPolicyID() == $holiday_policy_obj->getId() )
					) {
						//Allow multiple holidays on the same day, as some users have complex situations where certain criteria once met change the holiday hours received.
						// ie: If they worked 5 of 9 holiday weeks they get 8hrs, if 0 of 9 holiday week days they get 7 hrs.
						$retarr[] = $h_obj;
				//else {
				//	Debug::text('Holiday date does not match date parameter. Holiday: '.  TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $h_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' DateStamp: '.  TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			if ( isset( $retarr ) && count( $retarr ) > 0 ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found holidays that apply on date: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		//Debug::text('No holidays apply on date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @param bool $enable_recalculate_holiday
	 * @return bool
	function getHolidayData( $start_date, $end_date, $enable_recalculate_holiday = true ) {
		if ( count( (array)$this->holiday_policy ) == 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'No holiday policies, not checking for holidays...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;
		Debug::text( 'Holiday Initial: Search Start date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $start_date ) . ' End date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $end_date ) . ' Holiday Before Days: ' . $this->holiday_before_days . ' After Days: ' . $this->holiday_after_days, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Keep in mind that when recalculating days, we typically search for holidays in the *future*
		//So the holiday_before_days settings defines the end date, and holiday_after_days defines the start date.
		// Because if we are recaluating Dec 1st to Dec 7th, we need to find the Dec 25th holiday that may take into account 30 days in the past.
		// So the holiday search start/end range should be Start=$date - $holiday_after_days End=$date + $holiday_before_days
		$tmp_end_date = $end_date;
		if ( $this->holiday_before_days > 0 ) {
			$tmp_end_date = TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date ) + ( $this->holiday_before_days * 86400 ) ) );

		//Don't look past the current real-time date, as we don't want to be recalculating holidays way into the future that haven't occurred yet.
		//For example Sept 1st Holiday (Labor Day) could cause holidays to be recalculated all the way to January 1st in the case of Alberta and 5 of 9 week day calculation.
		if ( $tmp_end_date > time() ) {
			Debug::text( 'Limiting Holiday search to current date...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			$tmp_end_date = time();

		$tmp_start_date = $start_date;
		if ( $this->holiday_after_days > 0 ) {
			$tmp_start_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ) - ( $this->holiday_after_days * 86400 ) ) );

		if ( $tmp_start_date < $start_date ) {
			$start_date = $tmp_start_date;
		if ( $tmp_end_date > $end_date ) {
			$end_date = $tmp_end_date;

		//When shifts span midnight, we need to extend the start/end dates by the maximum shift time.
		//That way if the employee works May 24th 9PM to 7AM on the last day of the week (and pay period), and May 25th is the Holiday, we include the holiday.
		//  Since we don't know if the employee is working a shift near midnight in the week, we have to just always expand our holiday search by one day in either direction, just to cover our basis.
		$maximum_shift_time = (int)$this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();
		$start_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( ( $start_date - $maximum_shift_time ), -1, 'day' ) );
		$end_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( TTDate::incrementDate( ( $end_date + $maximum_shift_time ), 1, 'day' ) );

		Debug::text( 'Holiday Search: Start date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $start_date ) . ' End date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $end_date ) . ' Maximum Shift Time: ' . $maximum_shift_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//We make sure there are holiday policies at the top of this function.
		$hlf = TTnew( 'HolidayListFactory' ); /** @var HolidayListFactory $hlf */
		$hlf->getByHolidayPolicyIdAndStartDateAndEndDate( array_keys( $this->holiday_policy ), $start_date, $end_date );
		if ( $hlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found holiday rows: ' . $hlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $hlf as $h_obj ) {
				//Allow duplicate holidays (as long as they are different IDs) with the same date to be assigned to this array
				//As there may be cases where multiple holiday policies are assigned to the employee (through contributing shifts and policy groups)
				// where some are active  and some are not. If we don't allow duplicates it may always be denied or accepted when it shouldn't be.
				//In some cases where this function is called multiple times, its possible the data overlaps (due to the start/end date being adjusted above)
				//   and duplicate (by ID) holiday are returned. Make sure we unique on ID to avoid this.
				//$this->holiday[$h_obj->getDateStamp()] = $h_obj;
				//$this->holiday[] = $h_obj;
				$this->holiday[$h_obj->getId()] = $h_obj;

				if ( $enable_recalculate_holiday == true && $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true ) { //Don't add holidays to pending dates if we aren't calculating them to begin with.
					$this->addPendingCalculationDate( $h_obj->getDateStamp() );                      //Add each holiday to the pending calculation list.

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No holiday rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param $date_stamp
	 * @return bool
	function getHolidayPolicy( $date_stamp ) {
		//Get Holiday policies and determine how many days we need to look ahead/behind in order
		//to recalculate the holiday eligilibility/time.
		$this->holiday_before_days = 0;
		$this->holiday_after_days = 0;

		//Need to be able to get holiday policies included in just contributing shift policies.
		//But we also need to be able to know if the policies are assigned to policy groups or not, as only those ones are calculated for absence time.
		//We can't get holiday policies until we get all contributing shifts, and we can't get contributing shifts until we get all holiday policies...
		$hplf = TTnew( 'HolidayPolicyListFactory' ); /** @var HolidayPolicyListFactory $hplf */
		$hplf->getByPolicyGroupCompanyIdAndUserIdOrAssignedToContributingShiftPolicy( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $this->getUserObject()->getID() );
		if ( $hplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found holiday policy rows: ' . $hplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $hplf as $hp_obj ) {
				//Debug::text('  Holiday Policy: '. $hp_obj->getName() .' Minimum Worked Period Days: '. $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() .' After Days: '. $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() .' Average Time Days: '. $hp_obj->getAverageTimeDays() , __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				$this->holiday_policy[$hp_obj->getId()] = $hp_obj;

				// Handle holiday before days.
				if ( $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() > $this->holiday_before_days ) {
					$this->holiday_before_days = $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays();

				// If we have to do any time averaging, that is the minimum number of holiday before days required.
				if ( $hp_obj->getAverageTimeFrequencyType() == 20 ) { //Pay Periods
					$past_pay_period_dates = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getStartAndEndDateRangeFromPastPayPeriods( $date_stamp, $hp_obj->getAverageTimeDays() );
					if ( is_array( $past_pay_period_dates ) ) {
						$min_start_date = $past_pay_period_dates['start_date'];

						if ( TTDate::getDayDifference( $min_start_date, $date_stamp ) > $this->holiday_before_days ) {
							$this->holiday_before_days = TTDate::getDayDifference( $min_start_date, $date_stamp );
					unset( $past_pay_period_dates, $min_start_date );
				} else if ( $hp_obj->getAverageTimeFrequencyType() == 15 ) { //Week
					$this->holiday_before_days = ( $hp_obj->getAverageTimeDays() * 7 ) + TTDate::getDays( $date_stamp - TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ) );
				} else {
					if ( $hp_obj->getAverageTimeDays() > $this->holiday_before_days ) {
						$this->holiday_before_days = $hp_obj->getAverageTimeDays();

				//Check to see if there are any "scheduled days" criteria and grab the data for this once so it can be used for both "before" and "after" day calculations.
				$days_to_begining_of_previous_pay_period = 0;
				if ( $hp_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 1 || $hp_obj->getWorkedAfterScheduledDays() == 1 ) {
					$previous_pay_period_dates = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getStartAndEndDateRangeFromPastPayPeriods( $date_stamp, 1 );
					if ( is_array( $previous_pay_period_dates ) ) {
						$days_to_begining_of_previous_pay_period = abs( TTDate::getDayDifference( $previous_pay_period_dates['start_date'], $date_stamp ) );
					unset( $previous_pay_period_dates );

				// If we need to look at scheduled or week days before, extend the range.
				if ( $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedDays() > 0 && $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedPeriodDays() > 0 ) {
					if ( $hp_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 1 ) { //Scheduled Days
						if ( $this->holiday_before_days < $days_to_begining_of_previous_pay_period ) {
							$this->holiday_before_days = $days_to_begining_of_previous_pay_period;
					} else if ( $hp_obj->getWorkedScheduledDays() == 2 ) { //Holiday Week Days
						//We don't know which holiday it is yet, therefore we don't know which day of the week we need to consider.
						//Therefore extend it by 1 week to cover all days in the week.
						if ( $this->holiday_before_days < 7 ) {
							$this->holiday_before_days = 7;

				// Handle holiday after days.
				if ( $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() > $this->holiday_after_days ) {
					$this->holiday_after_days = $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays();

				if ( $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterDays() > 0 && $hp_obj->getMinimumWorkedAfterPeriodDays() > 0 ) { //Make sure the period is not 0 before bother with any after days.
					if ( $hp_obj->getWorkedAfterScheduledDays() == 1 ) { //Scheduled Days
						if ( $this->holiday_after_days < $days_to_begining_of_previous_pay_period ) {
							$this->holiday_after_days = $days_to_begining_of_previous_pay_period;
					} else if ( $hp_obj->getWorkedAfterScheduledDays() == 2 ) { //Holiday Week Days
						//We don't know which holiday it is yet, therefore we don't know which day of the week we need to consider.
						//Therefore extend it by 1 week to cover all days in the week.
						if ( $this->holiday_after_days < 7 ) {
							$this->holiday_after_days = 7;

				if ( $hp_obj->getColumn( 'assigned_to_policy_group' ) == 1 ) {
					$this->policy_group_holiday_policy_ids[$hp_obj->getID()] = true;

			Debug::text( 'Holiday Before Days: ' . $this->holiday_before_days . ' After Days: ' . $this->holiday_after_days . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No holiday time policy rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int|int[] $user_date_total_arr EPOCH
	 * @param int $date_stamp          EPOCH
	 * @return bool|mixed
	function getPreviousDayByUserTotalData( $user_date_total_arr, $date_stamp ) {
		$day_arr = $this->getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $user_date_total_arr );
		sort( $day_arr );

		$retval = false;
		foreach ( $day_arr as $day ) {
			if ( $day < $date_stamp ) {
				$retval = $day;

		Debug::Text( 'Find day prior to: ' . $date_stamp . ' Retval: ' . $retval, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $retval;

	 * @param int|int[] $user_date_total_arr EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function getDayArrayUserDateTotalData( $user_date_total_arr ) {
		$days = [];
		if ( is_array( $user_date_total_arr ) ) {
			foreach ( $user_date_total_arr as $udt_obj ) {
				if ( $udt_obj->getTotalTime() > 0 ) {
					$days[] = $udt_obj->getDateStamp();

		$days = array_unique( $days );
		//Debug::Arr($days, 'Days with time: '. count($days), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		Debug::Text( 'Days with time: ' . count( $days ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $days;

	 * @param int|int[] $user_date_total_arr EPOCH
	 * @return int
	function getSumUserDateTotalData( $user_date_total_arr ) {
		$sum = 0;
		if ( is_array( $user_date_total_arr ) ) {
			foreach ( $user_date_total_arr as $udt_obj ) {
				$sum += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
		Debug::text( 'Sum Total: ' . $sum, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $sum;

	 * Returns shift data according to the pay period schedule criteria for use in determining which day punches belong to.
	 * @param int|int[] $user_date_total_arr EPOCH
	 * @param int $epoch               EPOCH
	 * @param null $filter
	 * @param null $maximum_shift_time
	 * @param null $new_shift_trigger_time
	 * @return bool|array
	function getShiftData( $user_date_total_arr, $epoch = null, $filter = null, $maximum_shift_time = null, $new_shift_trigger_time = null ) {
		//EPOCH can be NULL when we just want to get all shift data without any filter
		if ( $epoch == '' && ( $filter != '' && $filter != 'all_with_map' ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( $maximum_shift_time === null ) {
			$maximum_shift_time = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();

		//Debug::text('User Date ID: '. $user_date_id .' User ID: '. $user_id .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $epoch), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		if ( $new_shift_trigger_time === null ) {
			$new_shift_trigger_time = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getNewDayTriggerTime();

		Debug::text( 'UDT Rows: ' . count( (array)$user_date_total_arr ) . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $epoch ) . '(' . $epoch . ') MaximumShiftTime: ' . $maximum_shift_time . ' New Shift Trigger: ' . $new_shift_trigger_time . ' Filter: ' . $filter, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( is_array( $user_date_total_arr ) ) {
			$shift = 0;
			$i = 0;
			$nearest_shift = 0;
			$nearest_punch_difference = false;
			$shift_data = [];

			$this->sortUserDateTotalData( $user_date_total_arr, 'sortUserDateTotalDataByTimeStampAndAndObjectTypeAndID' ); //Needs to be sorted always to avoid cases where the records are out of order causing the shifts first_in/last_out to be incorrect.
			foreach ( $user_date_total_arr as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				//When absences are entered on the timesheet directly (overridden) there is no start/end time specified for them,
				// and they should always be calculated down to a object_type_id=25 (absence) or some other pay code anyways.
				// Therefore we need to skip them here, otherwise it can cause the shifts to not be calculated properly.
				if ( in_array( $udt_obj->getObjectType(), [ 50, 101, 111 ] ) ) {
					//Debug::text( '    Skipping Absence/Meal/Break (Taken) records...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				//Debug::text('  Shift: '. $shift .' UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Key: '. $udt_key .' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

				//Can't use PunchControl object total_time because the record may not be saved yet when editing
				//an already existing punch.
				//When editing, simply pass the existing PunchControl object to this function so we can
				//use it instead of the one in the database perhaps?
				$total_time = $udt_obj->getTotalTime();

				if ( $i > 0 && isset( $shift_data[$shift]['last_out'] ) ) {
					//Debug::text('  Checking for new shift... This UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Last Out Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $user_date_total_arr[$shift_data[$shift]['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

					//Assume that if two punches are assigned to the same punch_control_id are the same shift, even if the time between
					//them exceeds the new_shift_trigger_time. This helps fix the bug where you could add a In punch then add a Out
					//punch BEFORE the In punch as long as it was more than the Maximum Shift Time before the In Punch.
					//ie: Add: In Punch 10-Dec-09 @ 8:00AM, Add: Out Punch 09-Dec-09 @ 5:00PM.
					//Basically it just helps the validation checks to determine the error.
					//It used to be that if shifts are split at midnight, new_shift_trigger_time must be 0, so the "split" punch can occur at midnight.
					//However we have since added a check to see if punches span midnight and trigger a new shift based on that, regardless of the new shift trigger time.
					//As the new_shift_trigger_time of 0 also affected lunch/break automatic detection by Punch Time, since an Out punch and a In punch of any time
					//would trigger a new shift, and it wouldn't be detected as lunch/break.
					//What happens when the employee takes lunch/break over midnight? Lunch out at 11:30PM Lunch IN at 12:30AM
					//	We need to split those into two lunches, or two breaks? But then that can affect those policies if they are only allowed one break.
					//	Or do we not split the shift at all when this occurs? Currently we don't split at all.
					if ( (
								//Make sure the two timestamps aren't at the exact same time, as switching from regular to overtime shouldn't cause a new shift to trigger.
									( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() - $user_date_total_arr[$shift_data[$shift]['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp() ) > 0
									&& ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() - $user_date_total_arr[$shift_data[$shift]['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp() ) >= $new_shift_trigger_time
									&& $udt_obj->getStartType() == 10 //Make sure only normal punches can trigger new shifts.
									$this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getShiftAssignedDay() == 40
									//Only split shifts on NORMAL punches.
									&& $udt_obj->getStartType() == 10
									&& $user_date_total_arr[$shift_data[$shift]['last_out']]->getEndType() == 10
									&& TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight( $user_date_total_arr[$shift_data[$shift]['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), true ) == true
					) {
						Debug::text( '  New shift... This UDT ID: ' . $udt_obj->getID() . ' Last Out Time: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $user_date_total_arr[$shift_data[$shift]['last_out']]->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
//				elseif ( $i > 0
//							AND isset($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'])
//							AND abs( ( $prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'] - $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) ) > $maximum_shift_time ) {
//					Debug::text('	 New shift because two punch_control records exist and punch timestamp exceed maximum shift time.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
//					$shift++;
//				}

				if ( !isset( $shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] ) ) {
					$shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] = 0;

				$punch_day_epoch = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() );
				if ( !isset( $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] ) ) {
					$shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] = 0;

				//Determine which shift is closest to the given epoch.
				if ( $filter == 'nearest_shift' ) {
					$punch_difference_from_epoch = abs( ( $epoch - $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) );
					if ( $nearest_punch_difference === false || $punch_difference_from_epoch <= $nearest_punch_difference ) {
						Debug::text( 'Nearest Shift Determined to be: ' . $shift . ' Nearest Punch Diff: ' . (int)$nearest_punch_difference . ' Punch Diff: ' . $punch_difference_from_epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						//If two punches have the same timestamp, use the shift that matches the passed punch control object, which is usually the one we are currently editing...
						//This is for splitting shifts at exactly midnight.
						if ( $punch_difference_from_epoch != $nearest_punch_difference
								|| ( $punch_difference_from_epoch == $nearest_punch_difference )
						) {
							Debug::text( 'Setting nearest shift...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
							$nearest_shift = $shift;
							$nearest_punch_difference = $punch_difference_from_epoch;

				$shift_data[$shift]['user_date_total_keys'][] = $udt_key;

				//Create a mapping of UDT total keys to shift, so we can quickly determine exact which shift a UDT record is assigned to.
				if ( $filter == 'all_with_map' ) {
					$shift_data['user_date_total_key_map'][$udt_key] = $shift;

				if ( $udt_obj->getDateStamp() != false ) {
					$shift_data[$shift]['date_stamps'][] = $udt_obj->getDateStamp();

				if ( !isset( $shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] ) ) {
					$shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] = false;

				if ( !isset( $shift_data[$shift]['first_in'] ) && $udt_obj->getStartType() == 10 ) {
					//Debug::text('First In -- Punch ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $udt_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					$shift_data[$shift]['first_in'] = $udt_key;

				//Since UDT rows have both IN and OUT timestamps, need to handle both first_in and last_out in the same record.
				if ( $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != '' ) {
					//Debug::text('Last Out -- Punch ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $udt_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

					$shift_data[$shift]['last_out'] = $udt_key;

					//Debug::text('Total Time: '. $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					$shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] += $total_time;

					//Check to see if the previous punch was on a different day then the current punch.
					if ( TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) == true ) {
						Debug::text( 'Punch PAIR DOES span midnight', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] = true;

						$total_time_for_each_day_arr = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() );
						if ( is_array( $total_time_for_each_day_arr ) ) {
							foreach ( $total_time_for_each_day_arr as $begin_day_epoch => $day_total_time ) {
								if ( !isset( $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] ) ) {
									$shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] = 0;
								$shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] += $day_total_time;
						unset( $total_time_for_each_day_arr, $begin_day_epoch, $day_total_time, $prev_day_total_time );
					} else {
						$shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] += $total_time;

			//Debug::Arr($shift_data, 'aShift Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			if ( isset( $shift_data ) ) {
				//Debug::text('Filtering if necessary...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

				//Loop through each shift to determine the day with the most time.
				foreach ( $shift_data as $tmp_shift_key => $tmp_shift_data ) {
					if ( $tmp_shift_key === 'user_date_total_key_map' ) {
					krsort( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['total_time_per_day'] ); //Sort by day first
					arsort( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['total_time_per_day'] ); //Sort by total time per day.
					reset( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['total_time_per_day'] );
					$shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['day_with_most_time'] = key( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['total_time_per_day'] );

					//$shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_total_ids'] = array_unique( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_total_ids'] );
					$shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_total_keys'] = array_unique( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_total_keys'] );
					if ( isset( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['date_stamps'] ) ) {
						$shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['date_stamps'] = array_unique( $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['date_stamps'] );
				unset( $tmp_shift_key, $tmp_shift_data );

				if ( $filter == 'first_shift' ) {
					//Only return first shift.
					$shift_data = $shift_data[0];
				} else if ( $filter == 'last_shift' ) {
					//Only return last shift.
					$shift_data = $shift_data[$shift];
				} else if ( $filter == 'nearest_shift' ) {
					$shift_data = $shift_data[$nearest_shift];
					//Check to make sure the nearest shift is within the new shift trigger time of EPOCH.
					if ( isset( $shift_data['first_in'] ) ) {
						$first_in = $shift_data['first_in'];
					} else if ( isset( $shift_data['last_out'] ) ) {
						$first_in = $shift_data['last_out'];

					if ( isset( $shift_data['last_out'] ) ) {
						$last_out = $shift_data['last_out'];
					} else if ( isset( $shift_data['first_in'] ) ) {
						$last_out = $shift_data['first_in'];

					//The check below must occur so if the user attempts to add an In punch that occurs AFTER the Out punch, this function
					//still returns the shift data, so the validation checks can occur in PunchControl factory.
					if ( $user_date_total_arr[$first_in]->getStartTimeStamp() > $user_date_total_arr[$last_out]->getEndTimeStamp() ) {
						Debug::Text( 'WARNING: This should never occur with properly paired punches!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						//It appears that the first in punch has occurred after the OUT punch, so swap first_in and last_out, so we don't return FALSE in this case.
						//list( $user_date_total_arr[$first_in]->getStartTimeStamp(), $user_date_total_arr[$last_out]->getEndTimeStamp() ) = array( $user_date_total_arr[$last_out]->getEndTimeStamp(), $user_date_total_arr[$first_in]->getStartTimeStamp() );
						[ $first_in, $last_out ] = [ $last_out, $first_in ];

					if ( TTDate::isTimeOverLap( $epoch, $epoch, ( $user_date_total_arr[$first_in]->getStartTimeStamp() - $new_shift_trigger_time ), ( $user_date_total_arr[$last_out]->getEndTimeStamp() + $new_shift_trigger_time ) ) == false ) {
						Debug::Text( 'Nearest shift is outside the new shift trigger time... Epoch: ' . $epoch . ' First In: ' . $first_in . ' Last Out: ' . $last_out . ' New Shift Trigger: ' . $new_shift_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						return false;
					unset( $first_in, $last_out );

				//Debug::Arr($shift_data, 'bShift Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				return $shift_data;

		return false;

	 * This is primarily used for compacting UDT records only.
	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function sortUserDateTotalDataByDateAndObjectTypeAndStartTimeStampAndID( $a, $b ) {
		//Sort order obtained from: getUserDateTotalData(), if changes are needed, change there too.
		//  Need to sort by date, then start_time_stamp, otherwise lunch/break auto-add policies will be considered in OT calculation after all regular time, and that can throw things off.
		//array( 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.object_type_id' => 'asc', 'a.id' => 'asc' )
		//$a_date_stamp = $a->getDateStamp(); //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
		//$b_date_stamp = $b->getDateStamp(); //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
		$a_date_stamp = $a->data['date_stamp']; //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
		$b_date_stamp = $b->data['date_stamp']; //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.

		if ( $a_date_stamp == $b_date_stamp ) {
			$a_object_type_id = $a->getObjectType();
			$b_object_type_id = $b->getObjectType();
			if ( $a_object_type_id == $b_object_type_id ) {

				$a_start_time_stamp = $a->getStartTimeStamp(); //**Must use getStartTimeStamp() for integer comparisons. Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
				$b_start_time_stamp = $b->getStartTimeStamp(); //**Must use getStartTimeStamp() for integer comparisons. Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
				if ( $a_start_time_stamp == $b_start_time_stamp ) {
					return ( $a->getID() < $b->getID() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
				} else {
					return ( $a_start_time_stamp < $b_start_time_stamp ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
			} else {
				return ( $a_object_type_id < $b_object_type_id ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
		} else {
			return ( $a_date_stamp < $b_date_stamp ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function sortUserDateTotalDataByDateAndStartTimeStampAndObjectTypeAndID( $a, $b ) {
		//Sort order obtained from: getUserDateTotalData(), if changes are needed, change there too.
		//  Need to sort by date, then start_time_stamp, otherwise lunch/break auto-add policies will be considered in OT calculation after all regular time, and that can throw things off.
		//array( 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.object_type_id' => 'asc', 'a.id' => 'asc' )
		//$a_date_stamp = $a->getDateStamp(); //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
		//$b_date_stamp = $b->getDateStamp(); //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
		$a_date_stamp = $a->data['date_stamp']; //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
		$b_date_stamp = $b->data['date_stamp']; //Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.

		if ( $a_date_stamp == $b_date_stamp ) {
			//Treat 25 (Absence) like its regular time, so its sorted by timestamp with the regular time policies.
			//This makes it so absences without timestamps come before regular time with timestamps, and greatly affects how overtime policies are calculated.
			//  Since we changed the sort order to be date_stamp, start_time_stamp, it handles this behavior for us instead.
//			$a_object_type_id = ( $a->getObjectType() == 25 ) ? 20 : $a->getObjectType();
//			$b_object_type_id = ( $b->getObjectType() == 25 ) ? 20 : $b->getObjectType();

			$a_start_time_stamp = $a->getStartTimeStamp(); //**Must use getStartTimeStamp() for integer comparisons. Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
			$b_start_time_stamp = $b->getStartTimeStamp(); //**Must use getStartTimeStamp() for integer comparisons. Minor optimization by using variable instead of function call.
			if ( $a_start_time_stamp == $b_start_time_stamp ) {
				if ( $a->getObjectType() == $b->getObjectType() ) {
					return ( $a->getID() < $b->getID() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
				} else {
					return ( $a->getObjectType() < $b->getObjectType() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
			} else {
				return ( $a_start_time_stamp < $b_start_time_stamp ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
		} else {
			return ( $a_date_stamp < $b_date_stamp ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param $a
	 * @param $b
	 * @return int
	function sortUserDateTotalDataByTimeStampAndAndObjectTypeAndID( $a, $b ) {
		//This is needed for getShiftData() so the first_in/last_out are always correct. As there seems to be cases wher auto-deduct meal policies may come last.
		if ( $a->getStartTimeStamp() == $b->getStartTimeStamp() ) {
			//Treat 25 (Absence) like its regular time, so its sorted by timestamp with the regular time policies.
			//This makes it so absences without timestamps come before regular time with timestamps, and greatly affects how overtime policies are calculated.
			$a_object_type_id = ( $a->getObjectType() == 25 ) ? 20 : $a->getObjectType();
			$b_object_type_id = ( $b->getObjectType() == 25 ) ? 20 : $b->getObjectType();

			if ( $a_object_type_id == $b_object_type_id ) {
				return ( $a->getID() < $b->getID() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
			} else {
				return ( $a_object_type_id < $b_object_type_id ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;
		} else {
			return ( $a->getStartTimeStamp() < $b->getStartTimeStamp() ) ? ( -1 ) : 1;

	 * @param $udtlf
	 * @param string $sort_function_name
	 * @return bool
	function sortUserDateTotalData( &$udtlf, $sort_function_name = 'sortUserDateTotalDataByDateAndStartTimeStampAndObjectTypeAndID' ) {
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && $sort_function_name != '' ) {
			return uasort( $udtlf, [ $this, $sort_function_name ] ); //Sorting is inplace, so no need to return $udtlf

		return false; //Sorting is inplace, so no need to return $udtlf

	 * @param $policy_arr
	 * @return mixed
	function sortPolicyByPayCodeDependancy( $policy_arr ) {
		//Loop through all policies, getting the input ContributingPayCodes and output Pay Code to create dependancy tree.
		//If only one policy exists, no point in sorting it.
		if ( is_array( $policy_arr ) && count( $policy_arr ) > 1 ) {
			$dependency_tree = new DependencyTree();

			foreach ( $policy_arr as $policy_obj ) {
				//Debug::text('Policy Name: '. $policy_obj->getName() .' ID: '. $policy_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				$global_id = substr( get_class( $policy_obj ), 0, 1 ) . $policy_obj->getId();

				$policy_order_arr[$global_id] = $policy_obj;

				if ( isset( $this->contributing_shift_policy[$policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()] ) ) {
					$contributing_shift_policy_obj = $this->contributing_shift_policy[$policy_obj->getContributingShiftPolicy()];

					$require_pay_codes = [];
					if ( isset( $this->contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id[$contributing_shift_policy_obj->getContributingPayCodePolicy()] ) ) {
						$require_pay_codes = (array)$this->contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id[$contributing_shift_policy_obj->getContributingPayCodePolicy()];

					$affect_pay_codes = (array)$policy_obj->getPayCode();

					//$order will get sorted using a natural sort algorithm in the tree class.
					if ( is_a( $policy_obj, 'PremiumPolicyFactory' ) ) {
						$order = (string)( 40 . str_pad( 9999, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . str_pad( $policy_obj->getCreatedDate(), 11, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . $policy_obj->getID() );
					} else if ( is_a( $policy_obj, 'RegularPolicyFactory' ) ) {
						$order = (string)( 20 . str_pad( $policy_obj->getCalculationOrder(), 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . str_pad( $policy_obj->getCreatedDate(), 11, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . $policy_obj->getID() );
					} else if ( is_a( $policy_obj, 'OvertimePolicyFactory' ) ) {
						$order = (string)( 30 . str_pad( 9999, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . str_pad( $policy_obj->getCreatedDate(), 11, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . $policy_obj->getID() );
					} else {
						$order = (string)( 99 . str_pad( 9999, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . str_pad( $policy_obj->getCreatedDate(), 11, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) . $policy_obj->getID() );

					//Debug::Arr( array( $require_pay_codes, $affect_pay_codes ), 'Policy Name: '. $policy_obj->getName() .' Order: '. $order .' Requires/Affects Pay Codes', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					$dependency_tree->addNode( $global_id, $require_pay_codes, $affect_pay_codes, $order );
				unset( $global_id, $contributing_shift_policy_obj, $require_pay_codes, $affect_pay_codes, $order );

			$sorted_policy_ids = $dependency_tree->getAllNodesInOrder();
			unset( $dependency_tree );

			//Debug::Arr($sorted_policy_ids, 'Sorted Policy IDs Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			if ( is_array( $sorted_policy_ids ) ) {
				foreach ( $sorted_policy_ids as $tmp => $global_id ) {
					//Debug::text('Final Sorted Policy Name: '. $policy_order_arr[$global_id]->getName() .' ID: '. $policy_order_arr[$global_id]->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					$retarr[$policy_order_arr[$global_id]->getId()] = $policy_order_arr[$global_id];

				if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
					return $retarr;

		return $policy_arr;

	 * @param int|int[] $start_date      EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date        EPOCH
	 * @param ContributingShiftPolicyFactory $contributing_shift_policy_obj
	 * @param int|int[] $object_type_ids ID
	 * @param array $additional_pay_code_ids
	 * @param array $additional_src_object_ids
	 * @return array
	function filterUserDateTotalDataByContributingShiftPolicy( $start_date, $end_date, $contributing_shift_policy_obj, $object_type_ids = null, $additional_pay_code_ids = [], $additional_src_object_ids = [] ) {
		if ( !is_object( $contributing_shift_policy_obj ) ) {
			Debug::text( 'ERROR: Contributing Shift Policy is not an object!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return [];

		$udtlf = $this->user_date_total;
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Filtering user date total rows: ' . count( $udtlf ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Optimization, to avoid doing it in a loop.
			if ( is_array( $start_date ) ) {
				$start_date = array_map( 'TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch', $start_date );
			} else {
				$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date );
			if ( $end_date != '' ) {
				$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );

			$pay_code_ids = null;
			if ( isset( $this->contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id[$contributing_shift_policy_obj->getContributingPayCodePolicy()] ) ) {
				$pay_code_ids = (array)$this->contributing_pay_codes_by_policy_id[$contributing_shift_policy_obj->getContributingPayCodePolicy()];

			if ( is_array( $additional_pay_code_ids ) && count( $additional_pay_code_ids ) > 0 ) {
				//Debug::Arr($additional_pay_code_ids, 'Adding additional Pay Code Ids: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				$pay_code_ids = array_merge( $pay_code_ids, (array)$additional_pay_code_ids );

			if ( is_array( $additional_src_object_ids ) && count( $additional_src_object_ids ) > 0 ) {
				$additional_src_object_type_id = key( $additional_src_object_ids );
				$additional_src_object_ids = ( isset( $additional_src_object_ids[$additional_src_object_type_id] ) ) ? $additional_src_object_ids[$additional_src_object_type_id] : [];

			//If object_type_ids includes worked time, we need to automatically add pay_code_id=0 so "AND" can be used on the matching below.
			//if ( $object_type_ids == NULL OR ( is_array( $object_type_ids ) AND in_array( 10, $object_type_ids ) ) ) { //Worked time.
			if ( is_array( $object_type_ids ) && in_array( 10, $object_type_ids ) ) { //Worked time.
				$pay_code_ids[] = TTUUID::getZeroID();

			$shift_data = null;

			$retarr = [];
			$already_split_key = [];

			//Debug::Arr($object_type_ids, 'Object Type IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			//Debug::Arr($pay_code_ids, 'Pay Code IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			//Debug::Arr( array( $additional_src_object_type_id, $additional_src_object_ids ), 'Additional SRC Object IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			$udtlf = new ArrayIterator( array_keys( $udtlf ) ); //Create Iterator so when splitting UDT records, we can continue to loop over them.
			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key ) {
				$udt_obj = $this->user_date_total[$udt_key]; /** @var UserDateTotalFactory $udt_obj */
				$udt_obj_date_stamp = $udt_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop. -- This should come back as MiddleDayEpoch()

				if ( ( $object_type_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getObjectType(), $object_type_ids ) ) ) {
					if ( ( $pay_code_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getPayCode(), $pay_code_ids ) )
							|| ( isset( $additional_src_object_type_id ) && is_array( $additional_src_object_ids ) && $udt_obj->getObjectType() == $additional_src_object_type_id && in_array( $udt_obj->getSourceObject(), $additional_src_object_ids ) ) ) {
						if (
								( !is_array( $start_date ) && $udt_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date && $udt_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date )
								( is_array( $start_date ) && in_array( $udt_obj_date_stamp, $start_date ) )
						) {

							//FIXME: For some ./run.sh --filter MealBreakPolicyTest::testAutoAddMultipleBreakPolicyE
							//Creates UDT rows with no start timestamp but with a end time stamp, which causes problems.
							//if ( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() == FALSE AND $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() != FALSE ) {
							//	Debug::Text('ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

							if ( $shift_data === null && $contributing_shift_policy_obj->isShiftDataRequired() == true ) {
								$shift_data = $this->getShiftData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $start_date, $end_date, $pay_code_ids ), null, 'all_with_map' ); //Don't filter any shifts, as we need to check against them all in isActiveFilterTime below.

//							Debug::text('Checking: Key: '. $udt_key .' UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .'($'. (float)$udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount().' Base Rate: '.(float)$udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate().') Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' SRC Object ID: '. $udt_obj->getSourceObject() .' ID: '. $udt_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
							//Handle contributing shift filters here.
							if ( getTTProductEdition() == TT_PRODUCT_COMMUNITY
												$contributing_shift_policy_obj->doesApplyToAllDays( $udt_obj_date_stamp ) == true //Optimization for date checking.
													$contributing_shift_policy_obj->isActive( $udt_obj_date_stamp, $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp(), $udt_key, $shift_data, $this )
													&& $contributing_shift_policy_obj->isActiveFilterTime( $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp(), $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp(), $udt_key, $shift_data, $this )
											&& $contributing_shift_policy_obj->isActiveDifferential( $udt_obj, $this->getUserObject() ) //This has to be separate from doesApplyToAllDays() above.
							) {

								//Debug::text('Found: UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Key: '. $udt_key .' Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .'($'. (float)$udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount().' Base Rate: '.(float)$udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate().') Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' SRC Object ID: '. $udt_obj->getSourceObject() .' ID: '. $udt_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
								//Handle partial shifts here.
								if ( !isset( $already_split_key[$udt_key] ) && ( $contributing_shift_policy_obj->getIncludeShiftType() == 100 || $contributing_shift_policy_obj->getIncludeShiftType() == 150 ) ) {
									//Handle partial shifts here.
									$split_udt_obj_arr = $contributing_shift_policy_obj->getPartialUserDateTotalObject( $udt_obj, $udt_key, $this );
									foreach ( $split_udt_obj_arr as $tmp_udt_key => $tmp_udt_obj ) {
										Debug::text('  Split: Key: '. $tmp_udt_key .' UDT ID: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getID() .' Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $tmp_udt_obj->getDateStamp() ) .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $tmp_udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $tmp_udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ) .'  Pay Code ID: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Total Time: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTime() .'($'. (float)$tmp_udt_obj->getTotalTimeAmount().' Base Rate: '.(float)$tmp_udt_obj->getBaseHourlyRate().') Object Type ID: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getObjectType() .' SRC Object ID: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getSourceObject() .' ID: '. $tmp_udt_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

										$this->user_date_total[$tmp_udt_key] = $tmp_udt_obj;

										$udtlf->append( $tmp_udt_key ); //Append split UDT records so they can be looped on later.

										$already_split_key[$tmp_udt_key] = true;

										//Make sure when splitting UDT records, we clear the cached $shift_data as well so that can be recalculated with the post-split UDT records.
										// This is critical for $this->getIncludeShiftType() == 150 and ContributingShiftPolicyFactory->isActiveFilterTime()
										$shift_data = null;
									unset( $split_udt_obj_arr, $tmp_udt_key, $tmp_udt_obj );
								} else {
									$retarr[$udt_key] = $udt_obj;
							} else {
								Debug::text( '  Skipping, due to filter date,dow,time,differential... UDT ID: ' . $udt_obj->getID() . ' Key: ' . $udt_key . ' Date Stamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $udt_obj_date_stamp ) . ' Pay Code ID: ' . $udt_obj->getPayCode() . ' Total Time: ' . $udt_obj->getTotalTime() . ' Filter: Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $start_date ) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						//else {
						//	Debug::text('  Skipping, due to date. UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Key: '. $udt_key .' Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj_date_stamp ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Filter: Start Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $start_date ) .' End Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					//else {
					//	Debug::Text('  Skipping, due to pay_code_id. UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Key: '. $udt_key .' Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj_date_stamp ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Filter: Start Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $start_date ) .' End Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $end_date ) .' Object Type ID: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' SRC Object ID: '. $udt_obj->getSourceObject(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				//else {
				//	Debug::Text('  Skipping, due to object_type_id. UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Key: '. $udt_key .' Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj_date_stamp ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Filter: Start Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $start_date ) .' End Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			if ( isset( $retarr ) && count( $retarr ) > 0 ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found UserDateTotal rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;
			} else {
				//Debug::Arr($pay_code_ids, 'Pay Code IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				Debug::Arr( [], 'No UserDateTotal rows matched filter... Start Date: ' . ( !is_array( $start_date ) ? TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $start_date ) : null ) . ' End Date: ' . ( !is_array( $end_date ) ? TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $end_date ) : null ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'No UserDateTotal rows available for matching...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date      EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date        EPOCH
	 * @param string $pay_code_ids UUID
	 * @return array
	function filterUserDateTotalDataByPayCodeIDs( $start_date, $end_date, $pay_code_ids = null, $object_type_ids = null ) {
		$udtlf = $this->user_date_total;
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			if ( $start_date == $end_date ) {
				$start_date = $end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //If start/end date match avoid calling getMiddleDayEpoch() twice.
			} else {
				$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );     //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				$udt_obj_date_stamp = $udt_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				if ( $udt_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date
						&& $udt_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date
						&& ( $pay_code_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getPayCode(), (array)$pay_code_ids ) )
						&& ( $object_type_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getObjectType(), (array)$object_type_ids ) )
				) {
					$retarr[$udt_key] = $udt_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found user_date_total rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::Arr( $pay_code_ids, 'No user_date_total rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date      EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date        EPOCH
	 * @param int|int[] $object_type_ids ID
	 * @return array
	function filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $start_date, $end_date, $object_type_ids = null ) {
		$udtlf = $this->user_date_total;
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );     //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				$udt_obj_date_stamp = $udt_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				if ( $udt_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date
						&& $udt_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date
						&& ( $object_type_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getObjectType(), $object_type_ids ) ) ) {
					$retarr[$udt_key] = $udt_obj;
				//else {
				//	Debug::text('Skipping, due to filter date,object_type_id... UDT Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $udt_obj_date_stamp ) .' Pay Code ID: '. $udt_obj->getPayCode() .' Object Type: '. $udt_obj->getObjectType() .' Total Time: '. $udt_obj->getTotalTime() .' Filter: Start Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ) ) .' End Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date ) ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found user_date_total rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No user_date_total rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date     EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date       EPOCH
	 * @param int|int[] $punch_type_ids ID
	 * @return array
	function filterUserDateTotalDataByPunchTypeIDs( $start_date, $end_date, $punch_type_ids = null ) {
		$udtlf = $this->user_date_total;
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );     //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				$udt_obj_date_stamp = $udt_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				//Debug::text('ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $udt_obj->getPunchControlID() .' StartType: '. $udt_obj->getStartType() .' End Type: '. $udt_obj->getEndType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				if ( $udt_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date
						&& $udt_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date
						&& (
								( $punch_type_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getStartType(), $punch_type_ids ) )
								( $punch_type_ids == null || in_array( $udt_obj->getEndType(), $punch_type_ids ) )
				) {
					$retarr[$udt_key] = $udt_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Found user_date_total rows matched filter: ' . count( $retarr ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No user_date_total rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return [];

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return array|bool
	function getShiftStartAndEndUserDateTotal( $start_date, $end_date ) {
		$udtlf = $this->user_date_total;
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );     //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			$first_in = false;
			$last_out = false;
			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				$udt_obj_date_stamp = $udt_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				if ( $udt_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date
						&& $udt_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date
						&& ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 10 || $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 25 ) //Worked time and Absence Time (so we can apply schedule policies to absence shifts)
						&& ( $udt_obj->getStartType() == 10 || $udt_obj->getEndType() == 10 )
				) {

					//Debug::text('UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					if ( $udt_obj->getStartType() == 10 && ( $first_in == false || $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() < $first_in ) ) {
						$first_in = $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp();
						$retarr['start'] = $udt_obj;
					if ( $udt_obj->getEndType() == 10 && ( $last_out == false || $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() > $last_out ) ) {
						$last_out = $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp();
						$retarr['end'] = $udt_obj;

			if ( isset( $retarr ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Shift Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $first_in ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $last_out ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				return $retarr;

		Debug::text( 'No user_date_total rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return array|bool
	function getUserDateTotalActiveAfter( $start_date, $end_date, $active_after ) {
		$udtlf = $this->user_date_total;
		if ( is_array( $udtlf ) && count( $udtlf ) > 0 ) {
			$daily_total_time = 0;
			$active_after_remaining = $active_after;

			$start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $start_date ); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
			$end_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $end_date );     //Optimization - Move outside loop.

			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_key => $udt_obj ) {
				$udt_obj_date_stamp = $udt_obj->getDateStamp(); //Optimization - Move outside loop.
				if ( $udt_obj_date_stamp >= $start_date
						&& $udt_obj_date_stamp <= $end_date
						&& ( $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 10 || $udt_obj->getObjectType() == 25 ) //Worked time and Absence Time (so we can apply schedule policies to absence shifts)
						&& ( $udt_obj->getStartType() == 10 || $udt_obj->getEndType() == 10 )
				) {
					//Debug::text('UDT ID: '. $udt_obj->getID() .' Start: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() ) .' End: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $udt_obj->getEndTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
					$daily_total_time += $udt_obj->getTotalTime();
					if ( $daily_total_time > $active_after ) {
						//Get the exact time of day within the UDT object where the active_time is triggered.
						$active_after_start_time = $udt_obj->getStartTimeStamp() + $active_after_remaining;
						Debug::text( '  Found UDT at Active After Time: '. $daily_total_time .' Start Time: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $active_after_start_time ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

						return [ 'start' => $active_after_start_time, 'udt_obj' => $udt_obj ];
					} else {
						$active_after_remaining -= $udt_obj->getTotalTime();

		Debug::text( 'No user_date_total rows match filter...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * Grabs all user_date total data from DB for each date specified.
	 * @param int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date   EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function getUserDateTotalData( $start_date = null, $end_date = null ) {
		$udtlf = TTNew( 'UserDateTotalListFactory' ); /** @var UserDateTotalListFactory $udtlf */
		//$filter_data = [
		//		'user_id'    => $this->getUserObject()->getId(),
		//		'start_date' => $start_date,
		//		'end_date'   => $end_date,
		//		//'date' => $date_stamps,
		//		//This could be called several times, but exclude already obtained rows each time.
		//		'exclude_id' => array_keys( (array)$this->user_date_total ),
		//$udtlf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria( $this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), $filter_data, null, null, null, [ 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.object_type_id' => 'asc', 'a.id' => 'asc' ] );

		//If SORT order is changed, also change it in: sortUserDateTotalDataByDateAndStartTimeStampAndObjectTypeAndID()
		$udtlf->getByUserIdAndStartDateAndEndDateAndExcludeId( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $start_date, $end_date, array_keys( (array)$this->user_date_total ), null, [ 'a.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.start_time_stamp' => 'asc', 'a.object_type_id' => 'asc', 'a.id' => 'asc' ] );
		if ( $udtlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
			Debug::text( 'Found UserDateTotal rows: ' . $udtlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			foreach ( $udtlf as $udt_obj ) {
				$this->user_date_total[$udt_obj->getId()] = $udt_obj;

			return true;

		Debug::text( 'No UserDateTotal rows... Start Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $start_date ) . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return false;

	 * @return bool
	function isUserDateTotalData() {
		if ( is_array( $this->user_date_total ) && count( $this->user_date_total ) > 0 ) {
			return true;

		//Debug::text('No UserDateTotal rows...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
		return false;

	 * Return dates that we have not already obtained data for.
	 * @param int|int[] $date_arr EPOCH
	 * @return mixed
	function getDateRangeFromDateArray( $date_arr ) {
		if ( is_array( $date_arr ) && count( $date_arr ) > 0 ) {
			sort( $date_arr );

			$retarr['start_date'] = reset( $date_arr );
			$retarr['end_date'] = end( $date_arr );
			Debug::text( 'Found Date Range: Start: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE', $retarr['start_date'] ) . '(' . $retarr['start_date'] . ') End: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE', $retarr['end_date'] ) . '(' . $retarr['end_date'] . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'Empty date array, not returning range...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			$retarr = false;

		return $retarr;

	 * @param int $start_date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date_stamp   EPOCH
	 * @return array
	function getDatesToObtainDataFor( $start_date_stamp, $end_date_stamp ) {
		$retarr = [];

		//Always get data for the entire week, since we need the date earlier than $date_stamp for calculations (ie: Weekly Overtime) later in the week
		//and when changing $date_stamp we have to recalculate all dates proceeding it until the end of the week anyways.
		$start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( $start_date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'future_dates' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'exception_future' ) == true ) {
			$end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $end_date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id );
		} else {
			$end_date = $this->getLastPendingDate();
			if ( $end_date == '' ) {
				//$end_date = $start_date;
				//If we use $start_date, we won't get data for days between the beginning of the week and $date_stamp.
				//Specifically if $date_stamp = 31-Oct-14 and start_date = 26-Oct-14, we need the data for 26-Oct to 31-Oct.
				$end_date = $end_date_stamp;

		Debug::text( 'Start: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $start_date ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDATE( 'DATE+TIME', $end_date ) . '(' . $end_date . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		$date_arr = TTDate::getDateArray( $start_date, $end_date );
		foreach ( $date_arr as $tmp_date_stamp ) {
			if ( !isset( $this->dates['data'][$tmp_date_stamp] ) ) {
				$retarr[] = $tmp_date_stamp;
				$this->dates['data'][$tmp_date_stamp] = true;
				//Debug::text('Found date without data: '. TTDate::getDATE('DATE+TIME', $tmp_date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
			//else {
			//Debug::text('Already have data for date: '. TTDate::getDATE('DATE+TIME', $tmp_date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		return $retarr;

	 * Gathers all required data to perform the calculations.
	 * @param int $start_date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date_stamp   EPOCH
	 * @param bool $enable_recalculate_holiday
	 * @return bool
	function getRequiredData( $start_date_stamp, $end_date_stamp, $enable_recalculate_holiday = true ) {
		if ( !is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj ) ) { //HolidayFactory calls this without calling Calculate(), so always make sure a pay period schedule is defined
			$this->setPayPeriodFromDate( $start_date_stamp );

		$date_arr = $this->getDatesToObtainDataFor( $start_date_stamp, $end_date_stamp );
		if ( count( $date_arr ) > 0 ) {
			$date_range = $this->getDateRangeFromDateArray( $date_arr );
			if ( is_array( $date_range ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Date Range: Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $date_range['start_date'] ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $date_range['end_date'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				$this->getSchedulePolicy(); //Must come before getScheduleData() so we can get the maximum start/stop window for getScheduleData().
				$this->getScheduleData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'] );
				$this->getPunchData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'] ); //This is required properly set timestamps on manual timesheet records. It used to only be called after getExceptionPolicy() below.

				if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'accrual' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true ) {
					$this->getUserWageData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'] );
					$this->getCurrencyRateData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'] );

				if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'accrual' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'exception' ) == true ) {
					$this->getUserDateTotalData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'] );

				if ( $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true ) {

				if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == true && ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'exception' ) == true ) ) {
				if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == true && ( $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'exception' ) == true ) ) {
				if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == true && $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true ) {
				if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == true && $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true ) {
				if ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == true && $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true ) {

				//Must go before getContributingShiftPolicy() below.
				//If deleteSystemTotalTime() is called, that will delete any accruals, so we have to calculate accruals again whenever this happens.
				//  Need to check if UserDateTotal OR Schedule data exists, as the custom could have hour based accrual policies on absence time that is entered from the schedule.
				if ( ( $this->isUserDateTotalData() == true || $this->isScheduleData() ) && ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'accrual' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) ) {

				//Hour based accrual policies require Contributing Shifts and such, so if accruals are calculated we need to run below code too.
				if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'accrual' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) {
					$this->getPayCode(); //Needs to come before getContributingShiftPolicy, but after Reg/OT/Prem policies are obtained.
					$this->getPayFormulaPolicy( $start_date_stamp );

					$this->getHolidayPolicy( $start_date_stamp );                                                             //Must come before getContributingShiftPolicy() as it adds additional contributing shift policies to the list.
					$this->getHolidayData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'], $enable_recalculate_holiday ); //This uses date_stamp as we need to find holidays in the past/future. Must come after getHolidayPolicy()

					$this->getContributingShiftPolicy(); //This adds additional HolidayPolicies to the list... But it can't come before getHolidayPolicy()

				if ( $this->getFlag( 'exception' ) == true ) {
					$this->getExceptionData( $date_range['start_date'], $date_range['end_date'] );
			} else {
				Debug::text( 'No date range to get required data for...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		} else {
			Debug::text( 'No dates to get required data for...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		Debug::text( 'Done collecting required data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return true;

	 * @return array|bool
	function getCalculatedDateRange() {
		if ( isset( $this->dates['calculated'] ) && count( $this->dates['calculated'] ) > 0 ) {

			//Always sort calculated dates so they are in chronological order.
			ksort( $this->dates['calculated'] );

			$retarr = [
					'start_date' => key( array_slice( $this->dates['calculated'], 0, 1, true ) ),
					'end_date'   => key( array_slice( $this->dates['calculated'], -1, 1, true ) ),

			//Debug::Text('  First Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $retarr['start_date']) .' Last Date Stamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $retarr['end_date'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

			return $retarr;

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function addCalculatedDate( $date_stamp ) {
		$date_stamp = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $date_stamp );
		//Remove date from pending calculation first, then add it to the calculated date.
		if ( isset( $this->dates['pending_calculation'][$date_stamp] ) ) {
			unset( $this->dates['pending_calculation'][$date_stamp] );

		$this->dates['calculated'][$date_stamp] = true;

		return true;

	 * @param array|int $start_date EPOCH
	 * @param int $end_date         EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function addPendingCalculationDate( $start_date, $end_date = null ) {
		if ( $start_date == '' && $end_date == '' ) {
			return false;

		if ( $end_date == '' ) {
			if ( is_array( $start_date ) ) {
				$pending_dates = array_unique( $start_date );
			} else {
				$pending_dates = [ $start_date ];
		} else {
			$pending_dates = TTDate::getDateArray( $start_date, $end_date );

		if ( count( $pending_dates ) == 1 ) {
			Debug::Text( 'Add Pending Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE', $pending_dates[0] ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		} else {
			Debug::Text( 'Add Pending Dates: ' . count( $pending_dates ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			//Debug::Arr( array_map( ['TTDate','getISODateStamp'], $pending_dates ), 'Add Pending Dates: '. count($pending_dates), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		if ( is_array( $pending_dates ) && count( $pending_dates ) > 0 ) {
			foreach ( $pending_dates as $tmp_date ) {
				if ( $tmp_date > 0 ) { //Make sure no bogus dates like -14400 or something has been passed in.
					$tmp_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( $tmp_date );

					//Make sure we don't calculate dates twice in the same run.
					//  As when handling averaging or other holidays its possible they may get re-added.
					if ( !isset( $this->dates['calculated'][$tmp_date] ) ) {
						$this->dates['pending_calculation'][$tmp_date] = true;
						//Debug::Text('  Added Pending Date: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE', $tmp_date ) .'('. $tmp_date .')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
				} else {
					Debug::Text( '  Skipping bogus date: ' . $tmp_date, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			//Always sort pending dates so they are in chronological order.
			ksort( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );

		return true;

	 * @return bool|mixed
	function getNextPendingDate() {
		//Debug::Arr($this->dates['pending_calculation'], 'Dates pending calculation still: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		reset( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );
		$retval = key( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );
		if ( $retval != '' ) {
			Debug::Text( 'Next Pending Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $retval ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			unset( $this->dates['pending_calculation'][$retval] );

			return $retval;

		return false;

	 * @return bool|mixed
	function getFirstPendingDate() {
		reset( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );
		$retval = key( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );
		Debug::Text( 'First Pending Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $retval ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( $retval != '' ) {
			return $retval;

		return false;

	 * @return bool|mixed
	function getLastPendingDate() {
		end( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );
		$retval = key( $this->dates['pending_calculation'] );
		Debug::Text( 'Last Pending Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $retval ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		if ( $retval != '' ) {
			return $retval;

		return false;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool
	function setPayPeriodFromDate( $date_stamp ) {
		$pay_period_id = PayPeriodListFactory::findPayPeriod( $this->getUserObject()->getId(), $date_stamp );
		if ( $pay_period_id != '' ) {
			$this->pay_period_obj = $this->getPayPeriodObject( $pay_period_id );
			$this->pay_period_schedule_obj = $this->pay_period_obj->getPayPeriodScheduleObject();
		} else {
			$this->pay_period_obj = null;
			$ppslf = TTNew( 'PayPeriodScheduleListFactory' ); /** @var PayPeriodScheduleListFactory $ppslf */
			$ppslf->getByUserId( $this->getUserObject()->getId() );
			if ( $ppslf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
				$this->pay_period_schedule_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
			} else {
				Debug::text( 'Pay Period Object not found for user: ' . $this->getUserObject()->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
				$this->pay_period_schedule_obj = TTnew( 'PayPeriodScheduleFactory' );
			unset( $ppslf );
		$this->start_week_day_id = $this->pay_period_schedule_obj->getStartWeekDay();

		return true;

	 * @param int $date_stamp EPOCH
	 * @return bool|mixed
	private function _calculate( $date_stamp ) {
		//Make sure we reset these before calculating each day, otherwise they corrupt data in subsequent days.
		$this->prev_user_date_total_start_time_stamp = null;
		$this->prev_user_date_total_end_time_stamp = null;

		$this->setPayPeriodFromDate( $date_stamp );
		if ( is_object( $this->pay_period_schedule_obj )
				&& ( $this->pay_period_obj == null
						|| ( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) && $this->pay_period_obj->getStatus() != 20 ) ) ) { //Check if pay period is closed.

			//Only deleteSystemTotalTime() if we can properly calculate it and add it back, which means other policies need to be calculated too.
			if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) {
				$this->deleteSystemTotalTime( $date_stamp );

			//Add date to the list of calculated dates. Do this before other policies (ie: OT) can add the same date back to the list.
			$this->getRequiredData( $date_stamp, $date_stamp );

			//This removes $date_stamp from the pending calculation list, which needs to be done *after* data is obtained, otherwise things like getLastPendingData() will be off by a day.
			//This specifically happens when addPendingCalculationDate() adds several days, then Calculate( $last_day ) is called with the last date that was added to the pending calculation list.
			$this->addCalculatedDate( $date_stamp );

			//Add all days remaining in the week to be recalculated.
			if ( $this->getFlag( 'future_dates' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'exception_future' ) == true ) {
				$this->addPendingCalculationDate( TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch( ( TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $date_stamp ) + 86400 ) ), TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch( $date_stamp, $this->start_week_day_id ) );

			if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'accrual' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) {

				//Meal/Break calculation must go before any other policy, even before we get worked time, as this affects worked time.
				//We also need to calculate just the daily worked time for them.
				//This also needs to go before we get $maximum_daily_total_time, otherwise it will be off by the auto-deducted/auto-added time.
				//**Keep in mind regular time policies can include/exclude meal/break time depending on they want the time to be calculated.
				if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true ) {
					$this->calculateMealTimePolicy( $date_stamp );

				if ( $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true ) {
					$this->calculateBreakTimePolicy( $date_stamp );

				//Calculate holiday time before absences/regular time and maximum_daily_total as it creates absence time.
				if ( $this->getFlag( 'absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true ) {
					$this->calculateHolidayPolicy( $date_stamp );

				//Calculate absence schedules after holidays, so they can be exclusive to one another.
				if ( $this->getFlag( 'absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true ) {
					$this->calculateScheduleAbsence( $date_stamp );

				//This must be before maximum_daily_total_time is calculated, in cases where they don't work at all on a day, undertime will still work.
				if ( $this->getFlag( 'absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true ) {
					$this->calculateUnderTimeAbsencePolicy( $date_stamp );

				//Get worked time+meal/break+absence as the total amount of time that can be split between Regular and Overtime as the maximum daily total time.
				//This has to include Absence Taken (50) rather than Absence (25) as it hasn't been calculated yet.
				//UndertimeAbsence creates object_type_id=25 records, so we do need to include those here.
				//$maximum_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, array( 10, 25, 50, 100, 110 ) ) );

				//Since we support override records now, and prior to this we delete all system time, we should include regular/overtime in this total.
				//When override records exist, its virtually impossible to calculate a proper total time,
				//  since we don't know if they are override punch time, or meal/break time, or what.
				//  So if the user punched in for 8hrs, then an override record adds another 1hr, the total should be 9hrs.
				//  However if they instead override the 8hr regular time record and make it 9hrs, it should also be 9hrs. But they still have 8hrs of punch time too and 9hrs of override regular time.
				//  We also don't know if they are taking auto-add/deduction meal/break policies into account for the overrides.
				$maximum_daily_total_time_udt = $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, [ 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 110 ] );
				$maximum_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $maximum_daily_total_time_udt );
				//$maximum_daily_total_time = $this->getSumUserDateTotalData( $this->compactUserDateTotalDataBasedOnOverride( $this->filterUserDateTotalDataByObjectTypeIDs( $date_stamp, $date_stamp, array( 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 110 ) ) ) );
				Debug::text( 'Maximum Daily Total Time: ' . $maximum_daily_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

				// If there are at least 1 or more UDT records, then calculate all other time related policies.
				//   Do this check instead of if $maximum_daily_total_time > 0 (or even $maximum_daily_total_time != 0), so we can support negative time absences for -1hr along with worked time for +1hr (which nets out to 0hrs) as well.
				if ( count( $maximum_daily_total_time_udt ) > 0 ) {
					//Calculate absence time before regular time, as Regular Time is exclusive to Absence time.
					//Undertime absence above deletes absence records, so we always need to recalculate absences if undertime absences are calculated.
					if ( $this->getFlag( 'absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true ) {
						$this->calculateAbsenceTimePolicy( $date_stamp );

					if ( $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true ) {
						$this->calculateRegularTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $maximum_daily_total_time );

					if ( $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true ) {
						//  Once the first OT policy starts everything is OT after that in the remaining period (daily/weekly) until it resets again.
						$this->calculateOverTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $this->processTriggerTimeArray( $date_stamp, $this->getOverTimeTriggerArray( $date_stamp ) ), $maximum_daily_total_time );

					if ( $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true ) {
						//Needs to go before overtime, so average wages can be obtained that include premiums.
						//However then premiums can't include overtime?
						$this->calculatePremiumTimePolicy( $date_stamp, $maximum_daily_total_time );

					if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) {
						Debug::text( 'bMaximum Daily Total Time: ' . $maximum_daily_total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
						$this->calculateSystemTotalTime( $date_stamp, $maximum_daily_total_time );

					if ( $this->pay_formula_calculate_average_hourly_rates == true && ( $this->getFlag( 'absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true ) ) {
						//Make sure we do this after all policies have been calculated.
						$this->calculateAverageHourlyRates( $this->user_date_total );
				} else {
					Debug::text( 'Maximum Daily Total Time is 0, skipping Regular/OT/Premium policies...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

					//Need to have system total time row even if it is 0.
					if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) {
						$this->calculateSystemTotalTime( $date_stamp, $maximum_daily_total_time );
				unset( $maximum_daily_total_time_udt );
			} else {
				Debug::text( 'Not calculating any time related policies due to flags...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			if ( $this->getFlag( 'exception' ) == true ) {
				$this->calculateExceptionPolicy( $date_stamp );
		} else {
			if ( !( is_object( $this->pay_period_obj ) && $this->pay_period_obj->getStatus() != 20 ) ) {
				Debug::text( 'Pay Period is Closed! Status: ' . $this->pay_period_obj->getStatus(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			} else {
				Debug::text( 'No Pay Period Object!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Calculate pending dates even if pay period doesn't exist or maximum daily time is 0 on some days.
		$next_pending_date_stamp = $this->getNextPendingDate();
		if ( $next_pending_date_stamp != '' ) {
			Debug::Text( 'Next Pending Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $next_pending_date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		} else {
			Debug::Text( 'No more Pending Dates...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return $next_pending_date_stamp;

	 * Allow calculating up to one week at a time, as we always recalculate the remaining week anyways.
	 * Allow no date_stamp to be passed so we just start from the first pending date instead.
	 * @param bool $date_stamp
	 * @return bool
	function calculate( $date_stamp = false ) {
		//Debug::Arr( Debug::backTrace(), 'Calculate: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);

		$this->profiler_start_time = microtime( true ); //Used for calculating the total recalculation time in Save().

		if ( $date_stamp == '' ) {
			$date_stamp = $this->getNextPendingDate();

		if ( is_array( $date_stamp ) || $date_stamp == '' ) {
			Debug::Arr( $date_stamp, 'Invalid DateStamp: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		if ( !is_object( $this->getUserObject() ) ) {
			Debug::Arr( $this->getUserObject(), 'Invalid UserObject: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		//This is set in setUserObject(), and shouldn't need to be called twice. See setTimeZone() for more information.
		//$this->setTimeZone(); //Set timezone to users timezone so dates/times are all calculated in the users timezone.

		//Start transaction to keep data consistent during the entire calculation process.
		//This may cause deadlocks if the date ranges are too long though.
		//  NOTE: We switched to setting transaction mode in the outer transactions as inner transaction can't switch the mode in many cases.
		//$this->getUserObject()->setTransactionMode( 'SERIALIZABLE' );
		if ( DEMO_MODE == false && PRODUCTION == true && $this->getUserObject()->getTransactionMode( true ) != 'REPEATABLE READ' ) {
			Debug::text( 'ERROR: Transaction not in SERIALIZABLE mode!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			Misc::sendSystemMail( 'ERROR: Transaction not in SERIALIZABLE mode!', 'ERROR: Transaction not in SERIALIZABLE mode!' . "\n\n" . Debug::backTrace() );

		$i = 0;
		do {
			//Use a while loop to avoid nested function call limitations.
			Debug::text( 'I: ' . $i . ' Calculating DateStamp: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $date_stamp ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
			$date_stamp = $this->_calculate( $date_stamp );
		} while ( $date_stamp !== false && $i <= 366 ); //Don't exceed one year.

		if ( $i >= 366 ) {
			Debug::text( ' ERROR: Attempted to recalculate more than one year and reached limit!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		//Make sure reverTimeZone() and Commit transaction are in the Save() function below, so we don't revert the timezone before we save the records.

		return true;

	 * Keep saving all data in a separate function so we can do in-memory calculations if necessary.
	 * @return bool
	function Save() {
		if ( !is_object( $this->getUserObject() ) ) { //If the user object isn't set properly, Save() is often still called, so make sure we don't cause a PHP error.
			Debug::Arr( $this->getUserObject(), 'Invalid UserObject: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

			return false;

		Debug::text( 'Saving data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
		$this->insertUserDateTotal( $this->user_date_total );

		if ( $this->getFlag( 'meal' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'undertime_absence' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'break' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'regular' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'overtime' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'premium' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'accrual' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'holiday' ) == true || $this->getFlag( 'schedule_absence' ) == true ) {
			//This needs to reference inserted UDT rows, so it must go last.

		//$this->getUserObject()->setTransactionMode(); //Back to default isolation level.

		$this->revertTimeZone(); //Revert timezone back to the original.

		Debug::text( 'TimeSheet Recalculated in: ' . ( microtime( true ) - $this->profiler_start_time ) . 's', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );

		return true;

	 * @param $user_id
	 * @param string|array $flags
	 * @param int|array $start_date This can be an array of dates.
	 * @param int|null $end_date
	 * @return false|mixed
	 * @throws ReflectionException
	static function reCalculateForJobQueue( $user_id, $flags, $start_date, $end_date = null ) {
		if ( TTUUID::isUUID( $user_id ) == false || $user_id == TTUUID::getZeroID() ) {
			return false;

		if ( $flags == 'calcQuickExceptions' ) {
			$flags = [
					'meal'              => false,
					'undertime_absence' => false,
					'break'             => false,
					'holiday'           => false,
					'schedule_absence'  => false,
					'absence'           => false,
					'regular'           => false,
					'overtime'          => false,
					'premium'           => false,
					'accrual'           => false,

					'exception'           => true,
					//Exception options
					'exception_premature' => true, //Calculates premature exceptions
					'exception_future'    => false, //Calculates exceptions in the future.

					//Calculate policies for future dates.
					'future_dates'        => false, //Calculates dates in the future.
		} elseif ( $flags == 'calcExceptions' ) {
			$flags = [
				//Since this needs to calculate 'undertime_absence', it pretty much needs to calculate all other policies too.
				//Its less error prone if we calculate them all as well.
				'meal'              => false,
				'undertime_absence' => true, //Required to properly handle undertime absences when no shifts were worked. See comments in CalculatePolicy->calculateUnderTimeAbsencePolicy()
				'break'             => false,
				'holiday'           => false,
				'schedule_absence'  => false,
				'absence'           => false,
				'regular'           => false,
				'overtime'          => false,
				'premium'           => false,
				'accrual'           => false,

				'exception'           => true,
				//Exception options
				'exception_premature' => true, //Calculates premature exceptions, this will automatically disable itself if based on the current time.
				'exception_future'    => false, //Calculates exceptions in the future.

				//Calculate policies for future dates.
				'future_dates'        => false, //Calculates dates in the future.
		} elseif ( $flags == 'APITimeSheet' ) {
			$flags = [];
		} else {
			$flags = [];

		$ulf = TTnew('UserListFactory');
		$ulf->getByID( $user_id );
		if ( $ulf->getRecordCount() == 1 ) {
			$user_obj = $ulf->getCurrent();
			$transaction_function = function () use ( $user_obj, $flags, $start_date, $end_date ) {
				$cp = TTNew( 'CalculatePolicy' ); /** @var CalculatePolicy $cp */
				$cp->setFlag( $flags );
				$cp->setUserObject( $user_obj );
				$cp->getUserObject()->setTransactionMode( 'REPEATABLE READ' );
				$cp->addPendingCalculationDate( $start_date, $end_date );
				$cp->calculate(); //This sets timezone itself.
				$cp->getUserObject()->setTransactionMode(); //Back to default isolation level.

				return true;

			return $user_obj->RetryTransaction( $transaction_function, 2, 3 ); //Set retry_sleep this fairly high so real-time punches have a chance to get saved between retries.

		return false;
