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<?php /** @noinspection PhpMissingDocCommentInspection */
* TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
* TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
* added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact TimeTrex headquarters at Unit 22 - 2475 Dobbin Rd. Suite
* #292 West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9, Canada or at email address info@timetrex.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
* version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
* "Powered by TimeTrex" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
* feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
* the words "Powered by TimeTrex".
class FormW2ReportTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
protected $company_id = null;
protected $user_id = null;
protected $pay_period_schedule_id = null;
protected $pay_period_objs = null;
protected $pay_stub_account_link_arr = null;
public function setUp(): void {
global $dd;
Debug::text( 'Running setUp(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
TTDate::setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver', true ); //Due to being a singleton and PHPUnit resetting the state, always force the timezone to be set.
//Skip setup for all testEFile* tests, as they don't need any of this data.
if ( strpos( $this->getName(), 'testEFile' ) === false ) {
$dd = new DemoData();
$dd->setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures.
$dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests.
$dd->setDate( TTDate::strtotime( '30-Dec-2020' ) );
$dd->setRandomSeed( $dd->getDate() ); //Force the random seed to always be the same, even if the UserNamePostFix is different.
$this->company_id = $dd->createCompany();
$this->legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $this->company_id, 10 );
Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$this->currency_id = $dd->createCurrency( $this->company_id, 10 );
//Permissions are required so the user has permissions to run reports.
$dd->createPermissionGroups( $this->company_id, 40 ); //Administrator only.
$dd->createPayStubAccount( $this->company_id );
$dd->createPayStubAccountLink( $this->company_id );
$dd->createUserWageGroups( $this->company_id );
$dd->createPayrollRemittanceAgency( $this->company_id, null, $this->legal_entity_id ); //Must go before createCompanyDeduction()
//Company Deductions
$dd->createCompanyDeduction( $this->company_id, null, $this->legal_entity_id );
//Create multiple state tax/deductions.
$sp = TTNew( 'SetupPresets' ); /** @var SetupPresets $sp */
$sp->setCompany( $this->company_id );
$sp->setUser( null );
$sp->PayStubAccounts( 'US', 'CA' );
$sp->PayrollRemittanceAgencys( 'US', 'CA', null, null, $this->legal_entity_id );
$sp->CompanyDeductions( 'US', 'CA', null, null, $this->legal_entity_id );
//Need to define the California State Unemployment Percent.
$cdlf = TTnew( 'CompanyDeductionListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyDeductionListFactory $cdlf */
$cdlf->getByCompanyIdAndName( $this->company_id, 'CA - Unemployment Insurance - Employer' );
if ( $cdlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
$cd_obj = $cdlf->getCurrent();
$cd_obj->setUserValue1( 0.047 ); //Percent.
if ( $cd_obj->isValid() ) {
} else {
$this->assertTrue( false, 'CA - Unemployment Insurance failed to be created.' );
//Need to define the California State Unemployment Percent.
$cdlf = TTnew( 'CompanyDeductionListFactory' ); /** @var CompanyDeductionListFactory $cdlf */
$cdlf->getByCompanyIdAndName( $this->company_id, 'NY - Unemployment Insurance - Employer' );
if ( $cdlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
$cd_obj = $cdlf->getCurrent();
$cd_obj->setUserValue1( 0.056 ); //Percent.
if ( $cd_obj->isValid() ) {
} else {
$this->assertTrue( false, 'NY - Unemployment Insurance failed to be created.' );
$remittance_source_account_ids[$this->legal_entity_id][] = $dd->createRemittanceSourceAccount( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, $this->currency_id, 10 ); // Check
$remittance_source_account_ids[$this->legal_entity_id][] = $dd->createRemittanceSourceAccount( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, $this->currency_id, 20 ); // US - EFT
$remittance_source_account_ids[$this->legal_entity_id][] = $dd->createRemittanceSourceAccount( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, $this->currency_id, 30 ); // CA - EFT
//createUser() also handles remittance destination accounts.
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 100, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 10, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 11, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 12, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 13, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 14, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 15, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 16, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 17, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 18, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 19, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') );
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 20, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') ); //Different State
$this->user_id[] = $dd->createUser( $this->company_id, $this->legal_entity_id, 21, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $remittance_source_account_ids, null, null, null, strtotime('01-Jan-2010') ); //Different State
//Get User Object.
$ulf = new UserListFactory();
$this->user_obj = $ulf->getById( $this->user_id[0] )->getCurrent();
$this->user_obj->setWorkEmail( 'demoadmin@abc-company.com' ); //Force a consistent/stable email address.
if ( $this->user_obj->isValid() ) {
$this->user_obj->Save( false );
$dd->createTaxForms( $this->company_id, $this->user_id[0] );
$this->assertTrue( TTUUID::isUUID( $this->company_id ) );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->user_id[0] );
public function tearDown(): void {
Debug::text( 'Running tearDown(): ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
function getPayStubAccountLinkArray() {
$this->pay_stub_account_link_arr = [
'total_gross' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 40, 'Total Gross' ),
'total_deductions' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 40, 'Total Deductions' ),
'employer_contribution' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 40, 'Employer Total Contributions' ),
'net_pay' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 40, 'Net Pay' ),
'regular_time' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ),
'vacation_accrual_release' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Vacation - Accrual Release' ),
'vacation_accrual' => CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 50, 'Vacation Accrual' ),
return true;
function createPayPeriodSchedule() {
$ppsf = new PayPeriodScheduleFactory();
$ppsf->setCompany( $this->company_id );
//$ppsf->setName( 'Bi-Weekly'.rand(1000,9999) );
$ppsf->setName( 'Bi-Weekly' );
$ppsf->setDescription( 'Pay every two weeks' );
$ppsf->setType( 20 );
$ppsf->setStartWeekDay( 0 );
$anchor_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch( TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch() ); //Start 6 weeks ago
$ppsf->setAnchorDate( $anchor_date );
$ppsf->setStartDayOfWeek( TTDate::getDayOfWeek( $anchor_date ) );
$ppsf->setTransactionDate( 7 );
$ppsf->setTransactionDateBusinessDay( true );
$ppsf->setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver' );
$ppsf->setDayStartTime( 0 );
$ppsf->setNewDayTriggerTime( ( 4 * 3600 ) );
$ppsf->setMaximumShiftTime( ( 16 * 3600 ) );
$ppsf->setEnableInitialPayPeriods( false );
if ( $ppsf->isValid() ) {
$insert_id = $ppsf->Save( false );
Debug::Text( 'Pay Period Schedule ID: ' . $insert_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$ppsf->setUser( $this->user_id );
$this->pay_period_schedule_id = $insert_id;
return $insert_id;
Debug::Text( 'Failed Creating Pay Period Schedule!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
return false;
function createPayPeriods() {
$max_pay_periods = 28;
$ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
$ppslf->getById( $this->pay_period_schedule_id );
if ( $ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
$pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
$end_date = null;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $max_pay_periods; $i++ ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$end_date = TTDate::getEndDayEpoch( strtotime( '23-Dec-2018' ) );
} else {
$end_date = TTDate::incrementDate( $end_date, 14, 'day' );
Debug::Text( 'I: ' . $i . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $end_date ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$pps_obj->createNextPayPeriod( $end_date, ( 86400 + 3600 ), false ); //Don't import punches, as that causes deadlocks when running tests in parallel.
return true;
function getAllPayPeriods() {
$pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
//$pplf->getByCompanyId( $this->company_id );
$pplf->getByPayPeriodScheduleId( $this->pay_period_schedule_id );
if ( $pplf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
foreach ( $pplf as $pp_obj ) {
Debug::text( 'Pay Period... Start: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $pp_obj->getStartDate() ) . ' End: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $pp_obj->getEndDate() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$this->pay_period_objs[] = $pp_obj;
$this->pay_period_objs = array_reverse( $this->pay_period_objs );
return true;
function getPayStubEntryArray( $pay_stub_id ) {
//Check Pay Stub to make sure it was created correctly.
$pself = new PayStubEntryListFactory();
$pself->getByPayStubId( $pay_stub_id );
if ( $pself->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
foreach ( $pself as $pse_obj ) {
$ps_entry_arr[$pse_obj->getPayStubEntryNameId()][] = [
'rate' => $pse_obj->getRate(),
'units' => $pse_obj->getUnits(),
'amount' => $pse_obj->getAmount(),
'ytd_amount' => $pse_obj->getYTDAmount(),
if ( isset( $ps_entry_arr ) ) {
return $ps_entry_arr;
return false;
function createPayStubAmendment( $pay_stub_entry_name_id, $amount, $effective_date, $user_id ) {
$psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
$psaf->setUser( $user_id );
$psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId( $pay_stub_entry_name_id ); //CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Bonus')
$psaf->setStatus( 50 ); //Active
$psaf->setType( 10 );
// $psaf->setRate( 10 );
// $psaf->setUnits( 10 );
$psaf->setAmount( $amount );
$psaf->setEffectiveDate( $effective_date );
$psaf->setAuthorized( true );
if ( $psaf->isValid() ) {
} else {
Debug::text( ' ERROR: Pay Stub Amendment Failed!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
return true;
function createPayStub( $user_id ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i <= 26; $i++ ) { //Calculate pay stubs for each pay period.
$cps = new CalculatePayStub();
$cps->setUser( $user_id );
$cps->setPayPeriod( $this->pay_period_objs[$i]->getId() );
return true;
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileFederalA
function testEFileFederalA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = null; //Federal.
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ .'.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileFederalB
function testEFileFederalB() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = null; //Federal.
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
//'l15b_state' => 'NY',
//'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
//'l16b' => '16.02',
//'l17b' => '17.02',
//'l18b' => '18.02',
//'l19b' => '19.02',
//'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ .'.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileFederalC
function testEFileFederalC() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = null; //Federal.
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
'l15b_state' => 'NY',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ .'.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* Multiple employees
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileFederalMultiEmployeeA
function testEFileFederalMultiEmployeeA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = null; //Federal.
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
'l15b_state' => 'NY',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6799',
'address1' => '3322 CARRINGTON ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 827',
'city' => 'SEATTLE',
'state' => 'MS',
'zip_code' => '12572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JANE',
'middle_name' => 'N',
'last_name' => 'SMITH',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MS',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
'l15b_state' => 'MS',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ .'.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* Multiple employees
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileFederalMultiEmployeeB
function testEFileFederalMultiEmployeeB() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = null; //Federal.
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
'l15b_state' => 'MS',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6799',
'address1' => '3322 CARRINGTON ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 827',
'city' => 'SEATTLE',
'state' => 'MS',
'zip_code' => '12572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JANE',
'middle_name' => 'N',
'last_name' => 'SMITH',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
'l15b_state' => 'AL',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ .'.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateAL
function testEFileStateAL() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'AL';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'AL',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'AL',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateAR
function testEFileStateAR() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'AR';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'AR',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'AR',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateAZ
function testEFileStateAZ() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'AZ';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'AZ',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'AZ',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateCO
function testEFileStateCO() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'CO';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'CO',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'CO',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateCT
function testEFileStateCT() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'CT';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'CT',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'CT',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateDC
function testEFileStateDC() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'DC';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'DC',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'DC',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateDE
function testEFileStateDE() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'DE';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'DE',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'DE',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateGA
function testEFileStateGA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'GA';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'GA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'GA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateIA
function testEFileStateIA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'IA';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$fw2_obj->state_secondary_id = '33445566'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'IA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'IA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
'l15c_state' => 'MO',
'l15c_state_id' => '11223366',
'l15c_state_control_number' => '655',
'l16c' => '16.03',
'l17c' => '17.03',
'l18c' => '18.03',
'l19c' => '19.03',
'l20c' => 'LOC3',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMultiEmployeeIA
function testEFileStateMultiEmployeeIA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'IA';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$fw2_obj->state_secondary_id = '33445566'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'IA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'IA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
'l15c_state' => 'MO',
'l15c_state_id' => '11223366',
'l15c_state_control_number' => '655',
'l16c' => '16.03',
'l17c' => '17.03',
'l18c' => '18.03',
'l19c' => '19.03',
'l20c' => 'LOC3',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6799',
'address1' => '3322 CARRINGTON ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 827',
'city' => 'SEATTLE',
'state' => 'MS',
'zip_code' => '12572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JANE',
'middle_name' => 'N',
'last_name' => 'SMITH',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'IA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'IA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
'l15c_state' => 'MO',
'l15c_state_id' => '11223366',
'l15c_state_control_number' => '655',
'l16c' => '16.03',
'l17c' => '17.03',
'l18c' => '18.03',
'l19c' => '19.03',
'l20c' => 'LOC3',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateID
function testEFileStateID() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'ID';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$fw2_obj->state_secondary_id = '33445566'; //Must be 8 chars.
$fw2_obj->state_deposit_frequency = 4100; //Monthly
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'ID',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'ID',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
'l15c_state' => 'MO',
'l15c_state_id' => '11223366',
'l15c_state_control_number' => '655',
'l16c' => '16.03',
'l17c' => '17.03',
'l18c' => '18.03',
'l19c' => '19.03',
'l20c' => 'LOC3',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMultiEmployeeID
function testEFileStateMultiEmployeeID() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'ID';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$fw2_obj->state_secondary_id = '33445566'; //Must be 8 chars.
$fw2_obj->state_deposit_frequency = 4200; //Semi-Monthly
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'ID',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'ID',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
'l15c_state' => 'MO',
'l15c_state_id' => '11223366',
'l15c_state_control_number' => '655',
'l16c' => '16.03',
'l17c' => '17.03',
'l18c' => '18.03',
'l19c' => '19.03',
'l20c' => 'LOC3',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6799',
'address1' => '3322 CARRINGTON ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 827',
'city' => 'SEATTLE',
'state' => 'MS',
'zip_code' => '12572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JANE',
'middle_name' => 'N',
'last_name' => 'SMITH',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'ID',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'ID',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
'l15c_state' => 'MO',
'l15c_state_id' => '11223366',
'l15c_state_control_number' => '655',
'l16c' => '16.03',
'l17c' => '17.03',
'l18c' => '18.03',
'l19c' => '19.03',
'l20c' => 'LOC3',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateIL
function testEFileStateIL() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'IL';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'IL',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'IL',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateOH
function testEFileStateOH() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'OH';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'OH';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'OH',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'OH',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344 987',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a_district' => '[023R] Aberdeen',
'l15b_state' => 'OH',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355 987',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b_district' => '[024C] Alger',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateIN
function testEFileStateIN() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'IN';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'IN',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344 987',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a_district' => '[09] Cass',
'l15b_state' => 'IN',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355 987',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b_district' => '[92] White',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateKS
function testEFileStateKS() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'KS';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'KPER', //KPER must appear on W2 for KS.
'l14a' => 87.78,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'KS',
'l15a_state_id' => '0361234567F89', //Special Kansas Withholding Account Number.
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'KS',
'l15b_state_id' => '0361234567F99',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateKY
function testEFileStateKY() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'KY';
$fw2_obj->efile_agency_id = '20:US:KY:00:0010'; //State Agency
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'KY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'KY',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => null, //KY does not allow multiple RS records in the same state. But they have local taxes, so RS records without any state wages/tax can be ignored.
'l17b' => null,
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateKYLocal1
function testEFileStateKYLocal1() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'KY';
$fw2_obj->efile_agency_id = '30:US:KY:00:0010'; //Local Agency
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'KY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'KY',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => null,
'l17b' => null,
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMA
function testEFileStateMA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'MA';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'MA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateME
function testEFileStateME() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'ME';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'ME',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'ME',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMI
function testEFileStateMI() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'MI';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MI',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'MI',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMN
function testEFileStateMN() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'MN';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MN',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'MN',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMO
function testEFileStateMO() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'MO';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MO',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'MO',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMS
function testEFileStateMS() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'MS';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MS',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'MS',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateMT
function testEFileStateMT() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'MT';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'MT',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'MT',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateNC
function testEFileStateNC() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'NC';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NC',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'NC',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateND
function testEFileStateND() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'ND';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'ND',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'ND',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateNE
function testEFileStateNE() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'NE';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NE',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'NE',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateNY
function testEFileStateNY() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'NY',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'NYC',
'l15b_state' => 'NY',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'YONKER',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ .'.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ .'_'. __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateOK
function testEFileStateOK() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'OK';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'OK',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'OK',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateOR
function testEFileStateOR() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'OR';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'OR',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'OR',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStatePA
function testEFileStatePA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'PA';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'PA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'PA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateSC
function testEFileStateSC() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'SC';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'SC',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'SC',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateUT
function testEFileStateUT() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'UT';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'UT',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'UT',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateVA
function testEFileStateVA() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'VA';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'VA',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'VA',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateVT
function testEFileStateVT() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'VT';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'VT',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'VT',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testEFileStateWI
function testEFileStateWI() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2_obj = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2_obj->setType( 'government' );
$fw2_obj->setDebug( false );
$fw2_obj->setShowBackground( true );
$fw2_obj->year = 2020;
$fw2_obj->ein = '92-9356262';
$fw2_obj->trade_name = 'ACME USA EAST';
$fw2_obj->company_address1 = '123 MAIN ST';
$fw2_obj->company_address2 = 'UNIT 123';
$fw2_obj->company_city = 'NEW YORK';
$fw2_obj->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2_obj->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2_obj->contact_name = 'MR ADMINISTRATOR';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2_obj->contact_phone_ext = '';
$fw2_obj->contact_fax = '444-444-4444';
$fw2_obj->contact_email = 'DEMOADMIN1@ABC-COMPANY.COM';
$fw2_obj->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2_obj->efile_state = 'WI';
$fw2_obj->efile_user_id = 'EF123456'; //Must be 8 chars.
$ee_data = [
'ssn' => '123-45-6789',
'address1' => '4187 SPRINGFIELD ST',
'address2' => 'UNIT 319',
'city' => 'NEW YORK',
'state' => 'NY',
'zip_code' => '00572',
//'control_number' => '0001',
'first_name' => 'JOHN',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'DOE',
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 2.02,
'l3' => 3.03,
'l4' => 4.04,
'l5' => 5.05,
'l6' => 6.06,
'l7' => 7.07,
'l8' => 8.08,
'l10' => 10.10,
'l11' => 11.11,
'l12a_code' => 'A',
'l12a' => 12.01,
'l12b_code' => 'R',
'l12b' => 12.02,
'l12c_code' => 'S',
'l12c' => 12.03,
'l12d_code' => 'T',
'l12d' => 12.04,
'l13a' => true,
'l13b' => false,
'l13c' => true,
'l14a_name' => 'Test1',
'l14a' => 3.55,
'l14b_name' => 'Test2',
'l14b' => 55.56,
'l14c_name' => 'Test3',
'l14c' => 1253345.57,
'l14d_name' => 'Test4',
'l14d' => 13.58,
'l15a_state' => 'WI',
'l15a_state_id' => '11223344',
'l15a_state_control_number' => '654',
'l16a' => '16.01',
'l17a' => '17.01',
'l18a' => '18.01',
'l19a' => '19.01',
'l20a' => 'LOC1',
'l15b_state' => 'WI',
'l15b_state_id' => '11223355',
'l15b_state_control_number' => '653',
'l16b' => '16.02',
'l17b' => '17.02',
'l18b' => '18.02',
'l19b' => '19.02',
'l20b' => 'LOC2',
$fw2_obj->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2_obj );
$output = $gf->output( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $output );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $output, $output );
* @group FormW2Report_testFederalEFileWithFederalAndStateTaxesA
function testFederalEFileWithFederalAndStateTaxesA() {
$i = 0;
foreach ( $this->user_id as $user_id ) {
//1st Quarter - Stay below 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.34, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[0]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.34, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[0]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.33, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[1]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.33, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[1]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.32, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[2]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.32, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[2]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.31, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[3]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.31, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[3]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.30, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[4]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.30, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[4]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//2nd Quarter - Cross 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[5]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[5]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[6]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[6]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[7]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[7]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.26, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[8]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[8]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.25, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[9]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[9]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.24, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[10]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[10]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.23, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[11]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[11]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//3rd Quarter - All above 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.22, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[12]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[12]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.21, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[13]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[13]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.20, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[14]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[14]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.19, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[15]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[15]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.18, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[16]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[16]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.17, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[17]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[17]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.16, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[18]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[18]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//4th Quarter - All above 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.15, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[19]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[19]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.14, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[20]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[20]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.13, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[21]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[21]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.12, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[22]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[22]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.11, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[23]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[23]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.10, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[24]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[24]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.09, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[25]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[25]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//Extra pay period outside the 1st and 2nd quarter.
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.01, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[26]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[26]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStub( $user_id );
if ( $i > 2 ) {
break; //Only create pay stubs for three employees.
//Generate W2 eFile Report.
$report_obj = new FormW2Report();
$report_obj->setUserObject( $this->user_obj );
$report_obj->setPermissionObject( new Permission() );
$form_config = $report_obj->getCompanyFormConfig();
$form_config['efile_state'] = ''; //Blank for federal
$form_config['l10']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l10']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l11']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l11']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12a_code'] = 'A';
$form_config['l12a']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12a']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12b_code'] = 'R';
$form_config['l12b']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12b']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12c_code'] = 'S';
$form_config['l12c']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12c']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12d_code'] = 'T';
$form_config['l12d']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12d']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14a_name'] = 'Test1';
$form_config['l14a']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14a']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14b_name'] = 'Test2';
$form_config['l14b']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14b']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14c_name'] = 'Test3';
$form_config['l14c']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14c']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14d_name'] = 'Test4';
$form_config['l14d']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14d']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$report_obj->setFormConfig( $form_config );
$report_config = Misc::trimSortPrefix( $report_obj->getTemplate( 'by_employee' ) );
$report_config['time_period']['time_period'] = 'custom_date';
$report_dates = TTDate::getTimePeriodDates( 'this_year', TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[0]->getEndDate() ) );
$report_config['time_period']['start_date'] = $report_dates['start_date'];
$report_config['time_period']['end_date'] = $report_dates['end_date'];
$report_obj->setConfig( $report_config );
$report_output = $report_obj->getOutput( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $report_output['data'] );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $report_output['data'], $report_output['data'] );
return true;
* @group FormW2Report_testNYEFileWithFederalAndStateTaxesA
function testNYEFileWithFederalAndStateTaxesA() {
$i = 0;
foreach ( $this->user_id as $user_id ) {
//1st Quarter - Stay below 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.34, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[0]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.34, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[0]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.33, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[1]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.33, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[1]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.32, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[2]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.32, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[2]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.31, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[3]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.31, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[3]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.30, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[4]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.30, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[4]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//2nd Quarter - Cross 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[5]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[5]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[6]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[6]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[7]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[7]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.26, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[8]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[8]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.25, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[9]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[9]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.24, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[10]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[10]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.23, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[11]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[11]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//3rd Quarter - All above 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.22, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[12]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[12]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.21, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[13]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[13]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.20, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[14]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[14]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.19, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[15]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[15]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.18, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[16]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[16]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.17, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[17]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[17]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.16, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[18]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[18]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//4th Quarter - All above 7000 FUTA limit
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.15, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[19]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.29, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[19]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.14, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[20]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.28, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[20]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.13, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[21]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[21]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.12, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[22]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[22]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.11, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[23]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[23]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.10, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[24]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[24]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.09, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[25]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[25]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
//Extra pay period outside the 1st and 2nd quarter.
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), 1000.01, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[26]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStubAmendment( CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ), 10.27, TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[26]->getEndDate() ), $user_id );
$this->createPayStub( $user_id );
if ( $i > 2 ) {
break; //Only create pay stubs for three employees.
//Generate W2 eFile Report.
$report_obj = new FormW2Report();
$report_obj->setUserObject( $this->user_obj );
$report_obj->setPermissionObject( new Permission() );
$form_config = $report_obj->getCompanyFormConfig();
$form_config['efile_state'] = 'NY'; //NY format
$form_config['l10']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l10']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l11']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l11']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12a_code'] = 'A';
$form_config['l12a']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12a']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12b_code'] = 'R';
$form_config['l12b']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12b']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12c_code'] = 'S';
$form_config['l12c']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12c']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l12d_code'] = 'T';
$form_config['l12d']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l12d']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14a_name'] = 'Test1';
$form_config['l14a']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14a']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14b_name'] = 'Test2';
$form_config['l14b']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14b']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14c_name'] = 'Test3';
$form_config['l14c']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time' ), CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14c']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$form_config['l14d_name'] = 'Test4';
$form_config['l14d']['include_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [ CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName( $this->company_id, 10, 'Tips' ) ]; //Exempt Payments
$form_config['l14d']['exclude_pay_stub_entry_account'] = [];
$report_obj->setFormConfig( $form_config );
$report_config = Misc::trimSortPrefix( $report_obj->getTemplate( 'by_employee' ) );
$report_config['time_period']['time_period'] = 'custom_date';
$report_dates = TTDate::getTimePeriodDates( 'this_year', TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch( $this->pay_period_objs[0]->getEndDate() ) );
$report_config['time_period']['start_date'] = $report_dates['start_date'];
$report_config['time_period']['end_date'] = $report_dates['end_date'];
$report_obj->setConfig( $report_config );
$report_output = $report_obj->getOutput( 'efile' );
//file_put_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt', $report_output['data'] );
$this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.txt' ), $report_output['data'], $report_output['data'] );
* @group FormW2Report_testFormW2SerializeUnSerialize
function testFormW2SerializeUnSerialize() {
require_once( Environment::getBasePath() . '/classes/GovernmentForms/GovernmentForms.class.php' );
$gf = new GovernmentForms();
$fw2 = $gf->getFormObject( 'w2', 'US' );
$fw2->setType( 'government' );
$fw2->setShowInstructionPage( false );
$fw2->year = '2020';
$fw2->kind_of_employer = 'N';
$fw2->name = 'Legal Company Name';
$fw2->trade_name = 'Legal Company Trade Name';
$fw2->company_address1 = '123 Main St';
$fw2->company_city = 'New York';
$fw2->company_state = 'NY';
$fw2->company_zip_code = '12345';
$fw2->ein = '123456789';
$fw2->efile_user_id = 'EF123456';
$fw2->contact_name = 'John Doe';
$fw2->contact_phone = '555-555-5555';
$fw2->contact_phone_ext = '123';
$fw2->contact_email = 'test@test.com';
$ee_data = [
'control_number' => 1,
'first_name' => 'Jane',
'middle_name' => 'M',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'address1' => '456 Main St',
'address2' => 'Unit #123',
'city' => 'Seattle',
'state' => 'WA',
'employment_province' => 'WA',
'zip_code' => '12345',
'ssn' => '123456789',
'employee_number' => 1,
'l1' => 1.01,
'l2' => 1.02,
'l3' => 1.03,
'l4' => 1.04,
'l5' => 1.05,
'l6' => 1.06,
'l7' => 1.07,
'l8' => 1.08,
'l10' => 1.09,
'l11' => 1.10,
'l12a_code' => null,
'l12a' => null,
'l12b_code' => null,
'l12b' => null,
'l12c_code' => null,
'l12c' => null,
'l12d_code' => null,
'l12d' => null,
'l13b' => false,
'l14a_name' => null,
'l14a' => null,
'l14b_name' => null,
'l14b' => null,
'l14c_name' => null,
'l14c' => null,
'l14d_name' => null,
'l14d' => null,
$fw2->addRecord( $ee_data );
$gf->addForm( $fw2 );
$original_efile_data = $gf->output( 'EFILE', false );
$serialized_data = $gf->serialize( false );
//Create new GovernmentForms object and unserialize the data into it and ensure it matches the original above.
$gfb = new GovernmentForms();
$gfb->unserialize( $serialized_data );
$unserialized_efile_data = $gfb->output( 'EFILE', false );
unset( $gf, $gfb, $serialized_data );
$this->assertEquals( $original_efile_data, $unserialized_efile_data );