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2022-12-13 07:10:06 +01:00
<?php /** @noinspection PhpMissingDocCommentInspection */
* TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
* TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
* added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact TimeTrex headquarters at Unit 22 - 2475 Dobbin Rd. Suite
* #292 West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9, Canada or at email address info@timetrex.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
* version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
* "Powered by TimeTrex" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
* feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
* the words "Powered by TimeTrex".
* @group i18nTest
class i18nTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
function setUp(): void {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
function tearDown(): void {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
function testTryLocale() {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_US', substr( TTi18n::getLocale(), 0, 5 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en', TTi18n::getLanguage() );
$this->assertEquals( 'US', TTi18n::getCountry() );
$this->assertEquals( '$', TTi18n::getCurrencySymbol( 'USD' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_CA.UTF-8', TTi18n::tryLocale( 'en_CA.UTF-8' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_US.utf-8', TTi18n::tryLocale( 'en_US.utf-8' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_US.utf8', TTi18n::tryLocale( 'en_US.utf8' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_US.uTf-8', TTi18n::tryLocale( 'en_US.uTf-8' ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, TTi18n::tryLocale( 'NOT REAL' ) );
//$this->assertEquals( TTi18n::tryLocale( 'en_CA' ), FALSE ); //Some installs may have this locale.
* @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection
function testMisc() {
if ( extension_loaded( 'intl' ) == false ) {
return true;
//$expected_lang_arr = array('en' => 'English', 'da' => 'Danish (UO)', 'de' => 'German (UO)', 'es' => 'Spanish (UO)', 'id' => 'Indonesian (UO)', 'it' => 'Italian (UO)', 'fr' => 'French (UO)', 'pt' => 'Portuguese (UO)', 'ar' => 'Arabic (UO)', 'zh' => 'Chinese (UO)', 'yi' => 'Yiddish (UO)');
//$expected_lang_arr = array('en' => 'English', 'da' => 'Dansk (UO)', 'de' => 'Deutsch (UO)', 'es' => 'Español (UO)', 'id' => 'Bahasa Indonesia (UO)', 'it' => 'Italiano (UO)', 'fr' => 'Français (UO)', 'pt' => 'Português (UO)', 'ar' => 'العربية (UO)', 'zh' => '中文 (UO)', 'yi' => 'ייִדיש (UO)');
//$expected_lang_arr = array('en' => 'English', 'da' => 'Dansk (UO)', 'de' => 'Deutsch (UO)', 'es' => 'Español (UO)', 'id' => 'Indonesia (UO)', 'it' => 'Italiano (UO)', 'fr' => 'Français (UO)', 'pt' => 'Português (UO)', 'ar' => 'العربية (UO)', 'zh' => '中文 (UO)' );
$expected_lang_arr = [ 'en' => 'English', 'de' => 'Deutsch (UO)', 'es' => 'Español (UO)', 'id' => 'Indonesia (UO)', 'fr' => 'Français (UO)', 'hu' => 'Magyar (UO)', 'ro' => 'Română (UO)' ];
unset( $expected_lang_arr['id'] ); //It seems Indonesian changes depending on the Ubuntu version, so just ignore it.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
$lang_arr = TTi18n::getLanguageArray();
unset( $lang_arr['id'] ); //It seems Indonesian changes depending on the Ubuntu version, so just ignore it.
array_pop( $lang_arr ); //Pop off Yiddish as it may not be installed everywhere.
$this->assertEquals( $lang_arr, $expected_lang_arr );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
$lang_arr = TTi18n::getLanguageArray();
unset( $lang_arr['id'] ); //It seems Indonesian changes depending on the Ubuntu version, so just ignore it.
array_pop( $lang_arr ); //Pop off Yiddish as it may not be installed everywhere.
$this->assertEquals( $lang_arr, $expected_lang_arr );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_US', TTi18n::getNormalizedLocale() );
$this->assertEquals( false, TTi18n::getLocaleCookie() );
$this->assertEquals( 'en', TTi18n::getLanguageFromLocale() );
$this->assertEquals( 'fr', TTi18n::getLanguageFromLocale( 'fr_CH.utf8' ) );
/** @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection */
function testFormatCurrency() {
if ( extension_loaded( 'intl' ) == false ) {
return true;
//Canadian Dollars - INTL wants to us CA$ rather than just $.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( '$8.99', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-$87.99', TTi18n::formatCurrency( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '¥8,799', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8799.012345, 'JPY', 0 ) );
//US Dollars
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$this->assertEquals( '$8.99', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-$87.99', TTi18n::formatCurrency( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '¥8,799', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8799.012345, 'JPY', 0 ) );
//test euros
TTi18n::setLocale( 'it_IT' );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
$this->assertEquals( '8,99 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87,99 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.888.799,01 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 1888799.012345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'EUR 8.799,01 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8799.012345, 'EUR', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8.799,01 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8799.012345, 'EUR', 0 ) );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
//NBS = Non-Blocking Space. This requires PDF's (ie: Pay Stubs) to use UTF-8 encoding, even if they are English language. So we are removing NBS to avoid that.
//$this->assertEquals( '8,99 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8,99 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87,99 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.888.799,01 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 1888799.012345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'EUR 8.799,01 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8799.012345, 'EUR', 1 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8.799,01 €', TTi18n::formatCurrency( 8799.012345, 'EUR', 0 ) );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
function testNumberFormat() {
//english locales use #,###.##
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( '8.99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87.99', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-88', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9991 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8,987.99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 8987.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1,234.99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 1234.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123,456.99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123456.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123,456,789.99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123456789.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12,345.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( -12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-123.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( -123.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87.990122', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.990122, true, 2, 6 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87.90', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9000, true, 2, 4 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87.9901', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9901, true, 2, 4 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1,234.9901', TTi18n::formatNumber( 1234.990122, true, 2, 4 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123,456.99012', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123456.990122, true, 3, 5 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123,456,789.9901', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123456789.990122, true, 2, 4 ) );
//spanish locales show numbers as # ###,##
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
$this->assertEquals( '8,99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 8.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87,99', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87,99', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9901 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8.987,99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 8987.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.234,99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 1234.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.456.789,99', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123456789.990122 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87,990156', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.99015555, true, 2, 6 ) ); //rounding
$this->assertEquals( '-87,90', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.9000, true, 2, 4 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-87,9902', TTi18n::formatNumber( -87.990155, true, 2, 4 ) ); //rounding
$this->assertEquals( '1.234,9901', TTi18n::formatNumber( 1234.990122, true, 2, 4 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.456.789,9901', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123456789.990122, true, 2, 4 ) );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
//comparing TTi18n::formatNumber to Misc::MoneyFormat due to high usage of the MoneyFormat() in existing code.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.152, true, 2, 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.151, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.15, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.15, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.10', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.1, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.5', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.5, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( 12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12,345.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( -12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-123.12', TTi18n::formatNumber( -123.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123', TTi18n::formatNumber( 123 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-123', TTi18n::formatNumber( -123 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.152, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.151, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.15, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12345.15', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.15, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.10', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.1, true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12345.50', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.5, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12,345.12', Misc::MoneyFormat( 12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12,345.12', Misc::MoneyFormat( -12345.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.12', Misc::MoneyFormat( 123.12345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-123.12', Misc::MoneyFormat( -123.12345 ) );
function testBeforeAndAfterDecimal() {
$this->assertEquals( '12345', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 12345.92345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12345', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -12345.92345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '92345', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 12345.92345, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '92345', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -12345.92345, false ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
$this->assertEquals( '12345', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( 12345.92345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12345', Misc::getBeforeDecimal( -12345.92345 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '92345', Misc::getAfterDecimal( 12345.92345, false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '92345', Misc::getAfterDecimal( -12345.92345, false ) );
* @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection
/** @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection */
function testParseFloatFunctions() {
if ( extension_loaded( 'intl' ) == false ) {
return true;
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1,234.123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1, 234.123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '-12.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( (float)12.123 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0.00' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( 0 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( false ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( null ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( INF ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( -INF ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( +INF ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( acos( 8 ) ) ); //acos(8) = NaN
//Test parsing both comma and decimal separated in a locale that uses just decimal separator
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1.234,123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1. 234,123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '.12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( ',12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '-.12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '-,12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0.12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0,12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-0.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '-0.12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '-0.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '-0,12' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9', 1 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.91', 2 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91
$this->assertEquals( '12.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.912', 3 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9123', 4 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9', 1 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91', 2 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91
$this->assertEquals( '12.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,912', 3 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9123', 4 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.91' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.912' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9123' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91
$this->assertEquals( '12912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,912' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9123' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123
$this->assertEquals( '123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1, 234' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 1,234, or 1.234.
$this->assertEquals( '1.234', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1. 234' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 1,234, or 1.234 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1, 234.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1. 234,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123 456 789.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123 456 789,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123, 456, 789.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123. 456. 789,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123. 456. 789,912' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123456789.912345678', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123. 456. 789,912345678' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234567890123456789000.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1,234,567,890,123,456,789,000.123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234567890123456789123.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1,234,567,890,123,456,789,123.123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0,00' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0', TTI18n::parseFloat( 0 ) );
//Test floats with other bogus characters.
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '$123.91ABC%' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '$123,91ABC%' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( 'A123.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( 'A123.91B' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12A3.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123A.91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '123.A91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '*&#$#\'"123.JKLFDJFL91%' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '$123.91-' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '$123.91--' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '$123.91+' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '123.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '$123.91++' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.12', 2 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input matches precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.12', 3 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input is 2 decimal places which DOES NOT match precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.123', 3 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input matches precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.1234', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.1234', 4 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input matches precision value.
//Make sure parseFloat() can handle output from formatNumber()
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.1234' ) ) ); //Auto formatting decimals.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.12' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.123', true, 3, 3 ), 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.1234', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.1234', true, 4, 4 ), 4 ) );
//Make sure parseFloat() can handle output from formatCurrency()
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234' ) ) ); //Auto formatting decimals.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.12' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.123' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234', 'EUR', true ) ) ); //Auto formatting decimals.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.12', 'EUR', true ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.123', 'EUR', true ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234', 'EUR', true ) ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'fr_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.12', 2 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input matches precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.12', 3 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input is 2 decimal places which DOES NOT match precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.123', 3 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input matches precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.1234', TTI18n::parseFloat( '54333.1234', 4 ) ); //Has only one separator, and input matches precision value.
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1.234,123' ) ); //Has both separators, so can be parsed properly.
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1. 234,123' ) ); //Has both separators, so can be parsed properly.
$this->assertEquals( '1234.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1 234,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0,00' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( (float)12.123 ) ); //If its input as an actual float value, it shouldn't be touched.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1.234,123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1234.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '1. 234,123' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', TTI18n::parseFloat( '0,00' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '12.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( (float)12.123 ) ); //If its input as an actual float value, it shouldn't be touched.
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9', 1 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.91', 2 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91
$this->assertEquals( '12.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.912', 3 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9123', 4 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9', 1 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91', 2 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91
$this->assertEquals( '12.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,912', 3 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9123', 4 ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,91' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,912' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12,9123' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123 -- However since there is only one separator and it matches the decimal separator in the locale we can be certain.
$this->assertEquals( '12.9', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9, or 129
$this->assertEquals( '12.91', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.91' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.91, or 12, 91
$this->assertEquals( '12912', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.912' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.912, or 12, 912
$this->assertEquals( '12.9123', TTI18n::parseFloat( '12.9123' ) ); //Ambiguous as it could be assumed to be 12.9123, or 12, 9123
//Make sure parseFloat() can handle output from formatNumber()
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.1234' ) ) ); //Auto formatting decimals.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.12' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.123', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.123', true, 3, 3 ), 3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.1234', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatNumber( '54333.1234', true, 4, 4 ), 4 ) );
//Make sure parseFloat() can handle output from formatCurrency()
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234' ) ) ); //Auto formatting decimals.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.12' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.123' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234', 'EUR', true ) ) ); //Auto formatting decimals.
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.12', 'EUR', true ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.123', 'EUR', true ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', TTI18n::parseFloat( TTi18n::formatCurrency( '54333.1234', 'EUR', true ) ) );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
* @noinspection PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection
function testUserWage() {
//Test end-to-end setting of user wage and viewing it in a report.
TTDate::setTimeZone( 'America/Vancouver', true ); //Due to being a singleton and PHPUnit resetting the state, always force the timezone to be set.
$dd = new DemoData();
$dd->setEnableQuickPunch( false ); //Helps prevent duplicate punch IDs and validation failures.
$dd->setUserNamePostFix( '_' . uniqid( null, true ) ); //Needs to be super random to prevent conflicts and random failing tests.
$company_id = $dd->createCompany();
$legal_entity_id = $dd->createLegalEntity( $company_id, 10 );
Debug::text( 'Company ID: ' . $company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $company_id );
//Permissions are required so the user has permissions to run reports.
$dd->createPermissionGroups( $company_id, 40 ); //Administrator only.
$dd->createCurrency( $company_id, 10 );
$dd->createUserWageGroups( $company_id );
$user_id = $dd->createUser( $company_id, $legal_entity_id, 100 );
$user_idb = $dd->createUser( $company_id, $legal_entity_id, 10 );
//Delete all wages so we there is a clean slate and there are no random wages that might occur *after* the ones we create below, which would cause the report to be different.
// Skip first wage on the employees hire date.
$uwlf = TTnew('UserWageListFactory');
$uwlf->getByUserId( $user_id, [ 'effective_date' => 'asc', 'wage_group_id' => 'asc' ] );
if ( $uwlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
$i = 0;
foreach( $uwlf as $uw_obj ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) { //Skip first wage effective date.
$uw_obj->setDeleted( true );
$uwlf = TTnew('UserWageListFactory');
$uwlf->getByUserId( $user_idb, [ 'effective_date' => 'asc', 'wage_group_id' => 'asc' ] );
if ( $uwlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
$i = 0;
foreach( $uwlf as $uw_obj ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) { //Skip first wage effective date.
$uw_obj->setDeleted( true );
//Get User Object.
$ulf = new UserListFactory();
$user_obj = $ulf->getById( $user_id )->getCurrent();
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $user_id );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$uw = new UserWageFactory();
$data = [
'user_id' => $user_id,
'type_id' => 20, //Salary Annual
'wage' => '54, 333.12',
'weekly_time' => ( 40 * 3600 ),
'hourly_rate' => '1, 123.98',
'labor_burden_percent' => '12.98%',
'effective_date' => strtotime( '01-Jan-2019' ),
$uw->setObjectFromArray( $data );
$insert_id = $uw->Save( false );
$uwlf = new UserWageListFactory();
$uwlf->getById( $insert_id );
$retarr = $uwlf->getCurrent()->getObjectAsArray();
$this->assertEquals( '54333.12', $retarr['wage'] );
$this->assertEquals( '1123.98', $retarr['hourly_rate'] );
$this->assertEquals( '12.98', $retarr['labor_burden_percent'] );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'fr_CA' );
$uw = new UserWageFactory();
$data = [
'user_id' => $user_idb,
'type_id' => 20, //Salary Annual
'wage' => '54. 334,12',
'weekly_time' => ( 40 * 3600 ),
'hourly_rate' => '1. 124,98',
'labor_burden_percent' => '13,98%',
'effective_date' => strtotime( '01-Jan-2019' ),
$uw->setObjectFromArray( $data );
$insert_id = $uw->Save( false );
$uwlf = new UserWageListFactory();
$uwlf->getById( $insert_id );
$retarr = $uwlf->getCurrent()->getObjectAsArray();
$this->assertEquals( '54334.12', $retarr['wage'] );
$this->assertEquals( '1124.98', $retarr['hourly_rate'] );
$this->assertEquals( '13.98', $retarr['labor_burden_percent'] );
//Generate Report in en_US
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$report_obj = new UserSummaryReport();
$report_obj->setUserObject( $user_obj );
$report_obj->setPermissionObject( new Permission() );
$report_config = Misc::trimSortPrefix( $report_obj->getTemplate( 'by_employee+wage' ) );
$report_config['columns'][] = 'labor_burden_percent';
$report_obj->setConfig( $report_config );
$report_output = $report_obj->getOutput( 'raw' );
$this->assertEquals( 54333.12, $report_output[0]['wage'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1123.98, $report_output[0]['hourly_rate'] );
$this->assertEquals( 12.98, $report_output[0]['labor_burden_percent'] );
$this->assertEquals( 54334.12, $report_output[1]['wage'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1124.98, $report_output[1]['hourly_rate'] );
$this->assertEquals( 13.98, $report_output[1]['labor_burden_percent'] );
//Generate Report in fr_CA
TTi18n::setLocale( 'fr_CA' );
$report_obj = new UserSummaryReport();
$report_obj->setUserObject( $user_obj );
$report_obj->setPermissionObject( new Permission() );
$report_config = Misc::trimSortPrefix( $report_obj->getTemplate( 'by_employee+wage' ) );
$report_config['columns'][] = 'labor_burden_percent';
$report_obj->setConfig( $report_config );
$report_output = $report_obj->getOutput( 'raw' );
$this->assertEquals( 54333.12, $report_output[0]['wage'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1123.98, $report_output[0]['hourly_rate'] );
$this->assertEquals( 12.98, $report_output[0]['labor_burden_percent'] );
$this->assertEquals( 54334.12, $report_output[1]['wage'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1124.98, $report_output[1]['hourly_rate'] );
$this->assertEquals( 13.98, $report_output[1]['labor_burden_percent'] );
function testRemoveTrailingZeros() {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.45, 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.45, 0 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.450000, 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '123.450000', 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( 'test', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 'test', 2 ) ); //Make sure if it can't work with the input value, we just output it untouched.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'fr_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.45, 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.45, 0 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.450000, 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '123.450000', 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( 'test', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 'test', 2 ) ); //Make sure if it can't work with the input value, we just output it untouched.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
if ( TTi18n::getThousandsSymbol() == '.' && TTi18n::getDecimalSymbol() == ',' ) {
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.45, 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.45, 0 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( (float)123.450000, 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( Misc::removeTrailingZeros( '123.450000', 2 ), (float)123.45 );
$this->assertEquals( 'test', Misc::removeTrailingZeros( 'test', 2 ) ); //Make sure if it can't work with the input value, we just output it untouched.
} else {
Debug::Text( 'ERROR: Locale differs, skipping unit tests...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 1 );
function testSetLocale() {
$this->assertEquals( true, TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_GB' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_GB.UTF-8', TTi18n::getLocale() );
$this->assertEquals( '€', TTi18n::getCurrencySymbol( 'EUR' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'en_CA.UTF-8', TTi18n::getLocale() );
$this->assertEquals( '$', TTi18n::getCurrencySymbol( 'CAD' ) );
function testTranslations() {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
$this->assertEquals( 'Empleado', TTi18n::getText( 'Employee' ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_CA' );
$this->assertEquals( 'Employee', TTi18n::getText( 'Employee' ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'yi_US' );
$this->assertEquals( 'Z', TTi18n::getText( 'Employee' ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'fr_CA' );
//$this->assertEquals( TTi18n::getText( 'Saved Reports' ), 'Rapports sauvs' );
$this->assertEquals( 'Rapports enregistrés', TTi18n::getText( 'Saved Reports' ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'fr_FR' );
$this->assertEquals( 'Rapports enregistrés', TTi18n::getText( 'Saved Reports' ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'ar_EG' );
$this->assertEquals( 'Rapports enregistrés', TTi18n::getText( 'Saved Reports' ) ); //valid locale with no translations returns the original string.
$this->assertEquals( 'Saved ReportsZZ', TTi18n::getText( 'Saved ReportsZZ' ) ); //valid locale with no translations returns the original string.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'zz_ZZ' ); //Invalid locale gets ignored and uses the previous locale.
//$this->assertEquals( 'Saved Reports', TTi18n::getText( 'Saved Reports' ) ); //invalid locale returns the original string.
$this->assertEquals( 'Rapports enregistrés', TTi18n::getText( 'Saved Reports' ) ); //valid locale with no translations returns the original string.
$this->assertEquals( false, TTi18n::detectUTF8( 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+' ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, TTi18n::detectUTF8( 'ᚠᛇᚻ᛫ᛒᛦᚦ᛫ᚠᚱᚩᚠᚢᚱ᛫ᚠᛁᚱᚪ᛫ᚷᛖᚻᚹᛦᛚᚳᚢᛗ' ) );
function testStringFunctions() {
TTi18n::setLanguage( 'en' );
$this->assertEquals( 'test', TTi18n::strtolower( 'TesT' ) );
TTi18n::setLanguage( 'fr' );
$this->assertEquals( 'cumulé', TTi18n::strtolower( 'Cumulé' ) );
TTi18n::setLanguage( 'cn' );
$this->assertEquals( '壹', TTi18n::strtolower( '壹' ) );
//30,000 currrency formats on existing code took less than a second.
//30,000 currrency formats on new code took 1.24 seconds
//500,000 currrency formats on new code took 8.2 seconds
//500,000 currrency formats on old code took 9.95 seconds
// function testNumberFormatBenchmark() {
// TTi18n::setLocale('en_CA');
// $start_benchmark = time();
// for($i =0; $i<=500000; $i++){
// $n = TTi18n::formatCurrency($i.'.55555', 'CAD', true);
// }
// $end_benchmark = time();
// echo "time: " . ($end_benchmark - $start_benchmark);
// }
function testBCMath() {
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );
$amount1 = 510.9;
$amount2 = 90.9;
$this->assertEquals( 601.80, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) );
$amount1 = '510.9';
$amount2 = '90.9';
$this->assertEquals( 601.80, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) );
//If we switch setLocale() back to setting LC_NUMERIC, need to make sure bcmath handles comma decimal separators correctly like in UserDateTotalFactory->calcTotalAmount()
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
$amount1 = 510.9;
$amount2 = 90.9;
$this->assertEquals( 601.80, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) ); //BCMath fails handling floating point values with comma separator.
$amount1 = '510.9';
$amount2 = '90.9';
$this->assertEquals( 601.80, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) ); //BCMath fails handling floating point values with comma separator.
//This causes PHP fatal error on PHP v8.0.2: PHP ERROR - FATAL(1): Uncaught ValueError: bcadd(): Argument #1 ($num1) is not well-formed
//$amount1 = '510,9';
//$amount2 = '90,9';
//@$this->assertEquals( 0.00, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) ); //BCMath fails handling floating point values with comma separator.
//Test to show that bcmath() breaks when using LC_NUMERIC locales.
TTi18n::setLocale( 'es_ES' );
$valid_locale = setlocale( LC_ALL, TTi18n::generateLocale( 'es_ES' ) ); //Could return 'es_ES' or 'es_ES.utf8' or 'es_ES.UTF-8'
$normalized_locale = TTi18n::stripUTF8( $valid_locale );
$this->assertEquals( 'es_ES', $normalized_locale );
$amount1 = 510.9;
$amount2 = 90.9;
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '8.0', '>=' ) ) { //PHP v8.0 seems to handle comma separated floats.
$this->assertEquals( 601.80, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) );
} else {
@$this->assertEquals( 0.00, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) ); //BCMath fails handling floating point values with comma separator.
//This causes PHP fatal error on PHP v8.0.2: PHP ERROR - FATAL(1): Uncaught ValueError: bcadd(): Argument #1 ($num1) is not well-formed
//$amount1 = '510,9';
//$amount2 = '90,9';
//@$this->assertEquals( 0.00, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) ); //BCMath fails handling floating point values with comma separator.
//This causes PHP fatal error on PHP v8.0.2: PHP ERROR - FATAL(1): Uncaught ValueError: bcadd(): Argument #1 ($num1) is not well-formed
//$amount1 = '123456710,9';
//$amount2 = '90,9';
//@$this->assertEquals( 0.00, bcadd( $amount1, $amount2, 2 ) ); //BCMath fails handling floating point values with comma separator.
//Set locale back to the default so it doesn't affect other tests.
setlocale( LC_ALL, TTi18n::generateLocale( 'en_US' ) );
TTi18n::setLocale( 'en_US' );