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2022-12-13 07:10:06 +01:00
var Debug = function() {
//Global variables and functions will be used everywhere
Debug.data = {};
Debug.data.start_execution_time = ( new Date() ).getTime();
Debug.Arr = function( arr, text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity ) {
if ( this.getEnable() && verbosity <= this.getVerbosity() ) {
this.Text( 'Array: ' + text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity );
console.debug( arr );
console.info( '===============================================' );
Debug.Text = function( text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity, type ) {
if ( this.getEnable() && verbosity <= this.getVerbosity() ) {
var time = ( '00000' + Debug.getExecutionTime() ).slice( -5 );
var output = ' DEBUG [' + time + 'ms] ';
if ( file != undefined ) {
output += file + '::';
if ( class_name != undefined ) {
output += class_name + '.';
if ( function_name != undefined ) {
output += function_name + '():';
if ( text != undefined ) {
if ( file != undefined || class_name != undefined || function_name != undefined ) {
output += ' ';
output += text + ' ';
// Highlight the debug text if its a Warn or Error type. See Debug.Error and Debug.Warn
if( type == 'error' ) {
console.info( '%c' + output, 'background:#fde5e8; color:#ff0000; padding:4px;' );
} else if ( type == 'warn' ) {
console.info( '%c' + output, 'background:#fdedd8; color:#ff7700; padding:4px;' );
} else {
console.info( output );
Debug.Error = function( text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity ) {
// Suggested use is Debug.Error at verbosity level 1, 2 or 10.
Debug.Text( text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity, 'error' );
Debug.Warn = function( text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity ) {
// Suggested use is Debug.Warn at verbosity level 2 or 10.
Debug.Text( text, file, class_name, function_name, verbosity, 'warn' );
// Used to temporarily highlight text and values during development. Default can be level 1 as function use should be temporary, and not committed in code
Debug.Highlight = function( text, variable, verbosity ) {
verbosity = verbosity || 1;
if ( this.getEnable() && verbosity <= this.getVerbosity() ) {
var time = ( '00000' + Debug.getExecutionTime() ).slice( -5 );
var output = '%c %c HIGHLIGHT [' + time + 'ms] %c' + text;
var style_boolean = [
'border: 1px solid black',
'border-right: none',
'margin: 15px 0',
'padding: 5px 1px'
].join( ';' );
var style_keyword = [
'color: #375b7d',
'font-weight: bold',
'background: #c9def0',
'border: 1px solid black',
'margin: 15px 0',
'padding: 5px'
].join( ';' );
var style_text = [
'color: #000',
'background: #c9def0',
'border: 1px solid black',
'border-left: none',
'margin: 15px 0',
'padding: 5px'
].join( ';' );
if ( variable == true ) {
style_boolean += ';background:green';
} else if ( variable == false ) {
style_boolean += ';background:red';
console.info( output, style_boolean, style_keyword, style_text, variable );
Debug.backTrace = function( verbosity ) {
if ( verbosity == undefined ) {
verbosity = 10;
if ( this.getEnable() == 1 && verbosity <= this.getVerbosity() ) {
console.error( 'BACKTRACE:' );
Debug.setVerbosity = function( verbosity ) {
this.data.verbosity = verbosity;
Debug.Text( '<<<DEBUG VERBOSITY SET TO ' + verbosity + '>>>', 'Debug.js', 'Debug', 'setVerbosity', 0 );
Debug.getVerbosity = function() {
return this.data.verbosity;
Debug.getExecutionTime = function() {
return ( new Date() ).getTime() - this.data.start_execution_time;
Debug.getEnable = function() {
return this.data.enable;
Debug.setEnable = function( value ) {
this.data.enable = value;
if ( typeof this.data.verbosity == 'undefined' ) {
this.data.verbosity = 10;
if ( value ) {
Debug.Text( '<<<DEBUG ENABLED>>>', null, null, null, 10 );
} else {
console.log( '<<<DEBUG DISABLED>>>' );
Debug.closePanel = function() {
this.data.visible = 0;
$( '#tt_debug_console' ).remove();
// Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F12 to show the panel.
Debug.showPanel = function() {
//need to check for dependencies before running this code due to Debug.js being loaded statically in the doc head.
if ( typeof $ != 'undefined' && typeof Global != 'undefined' && typeof ProgressBar != 'undefined' ) {
//we can be sure jquery is loaded.
if ( $( '#tt_debug_console' ).length > 0 ) {
$( '#tt_debug_console' ).remove();
this.data.visible = 0;
} else {
this.data.visible = 1;
var $this = this;
Global.loadScript( 'views/developer_tools/debugPanelController.js', function() {
$( 'body' ).append( window.debug_panel_html );
$( '#tt_debug_enable_checkbox' ).prop( 'checked', Debug.getEnable() );
$( '#tt_debug_exception_verbosity' ).val( Debug.getVerbosity() );
$( '#tt_debug_console .tt_version' ).html( APIGlobal.pre_login_data.application_build );
$( '#tt_overlay_disable_checkbox' ).prop( 'checked', Global.UNIT_TEST_MODE );
} );
} else {
setTimeout( function() {
console.log( 'Debugger is waiting on dependancies to load before showing panel...' );
}, 500 );
Debug.showGridTest = function() {
var $this = this;
IndexViewController.goToView( 'GridTest' );
Debug.showAwesomeBoxTest = function() {
var $this = this;
IndexViewController.goToView( 'AwesomeboxTest' );
Debug.showWidgetTest = function() {
var $this = this;
IndexViewController.goToView( 'WidgetTest' );
* Pretty-print objects as an indented string
* @param obj
* @returns string
Debug.varDump = function( obj ) {
var result = '';
for ( var property in obj ) {
var value = '\'' + obj[property] + '\'';
result += ' \'' + property + '\' : ' + value + ',\n';
return result.replace( /,\n$/, '' );
Debug.save = function() {
if ( typeof this.data != 'undefined' ) {
//LocalCacheData object doesn't exist when this object is instantiated
localStorage.debugger = JSON.stringify( this.data );
Debug.load = function() {
//LocalCacheData object doesn't exist when this object is instantiated
if ( typeof localStorage.debugger != 'undefined' ) {
var debugger_data = JSON.parse( localStorage.debugger );
if ( typeof debugger_data == 'object' ) {
this.data = debugger_data;
} else {
} else {
function setDefaultData() {
Debug.setVerbosity( 10 );
Debug.setEnable( false );
Debug.data.visible = 0;
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( e ) {
var evt = e ? e : event;
var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
//CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F11(122) -- Enable API call tracing to browser console
if ( evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey && evt.altKey && keyCode == 122 ) {
if ( Global.enable_api_tracing && Global.enable_api_tracing == true ) {
alert( 'API Tracing is disabled.' );
Global.enable_api_tracing = false;
} else {
alert( 'API Tracing is enabled, please open your browsers developer console to view.' );
Global.enable_api_tracing = true;
//CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F12(123) -- Developer Tools
if ( evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey && evt.altKey && keyCode == 123 ) {
} );
//on load get cookie data
if ( Debug.data.visible ) {