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CREATE TABLE notification (
id uuid NOT NULL,
user_id uuid NOT NULL,
sent_status_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
status_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
priority_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
acknowledged_type_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
acknowledged_status_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
type_id varchar(100),
object_type_id integer,
object_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid,
sent_device_id integer,
effective_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
title_short varchar(100),
title_long varchar(200),
sub_title_short varchar(100),
body_short_text text,
body_long_text text,
body_long_html text,
payload_data json,
time_to_live integer,
created_date integer,
created_by uuid,
updated_date integer,
updated_by uuid,
deleted_date integer,
deleted_by uuid,
deleted smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX notification_id ON notification(id);
CREATE INDEX notification_sent_status_id_status_id ON notification(sent_status_id, status_id);
CREATE INDEX notification_user_id_status_id ON notification(user_id, status_id);
CREATE TABLE user_preference_notification (
id uuid NOT NULL,
user_id uuid NOT NULL,
status_id smallint,
type_id varchar(100),
priority_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
device_id integer,
created_date integer,
created_by uuid,
updated_date integer,
updated_by uuid,
deleted_date integer,
deleted_by uuid,
deleted smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_preference_notification_id ON user_preference_notification(id);
CREATE INDEX user_preference_notification_user_id ON user_preference_notification(user_id);
CREATE TABLE device_token (
id uuid NOT NULL,
user_id uuid NOT NULL,
platform_id smallint,
device_token varchar(250),
user_agent varchar(300),
created_date integer,
created_by uuid,
updated_date integer,
updated_by uuid,
deleted_date integer,
deleted_by uuid,
deleted smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_token_id ON device_token(id);
CREATE INDEX device_token_user_id ON device_token(user_id);
CREATE TABLE user_default_preference_notification (
id uuid NOT NULL,
user_default_id uuid NOT NULL,
status_id smallint,
type_id varchar(100),
priority_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
device_id integer,
created_date integer,
created_by uuid,
updated_date integer,
updated_by uuid,
deleted_date integer,
deleted_by uuid,
deleted smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_default_preference_notification_id ON user_default_preference_notification(id);
CREATE INDEX user_default_preference_notification_user_default_id ON user_default_preference_notification(user_default_id);
ALTER TABLE user_preference ADD notification_duration INTEGER DEFAULT 120;
ALTER TABLE user_preference ADD notification_status_id SMALLINT DEFAULT 1;
ALTER TABLE user_preference ADD browser_permission_ask_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE;
ALTER TABLE holiday_policy ADD holiday_display_days INTEGER DEFAULT 381;
ALTER TABLE pay_period_schedule ADD create_days_in_advance SMALLINT DEFAULT 16;
ALTER TABLE pay_period_schedule ADD auto_close_after_days SMALLINT DEFAULT 3;
ALTER TABLE accrual_policy ADD COLUMN excess_rollover_accrual_policy_account_id uuid DEFAULT '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
ALTER TABLE pay_formula_policy ADD COLUMN accrual_balance_threshold int DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE pay_formula_policy ADD COLUMN accrual_balance_threshold_fallback_accrual_policy_account_id uuid DEFAULT '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
ALTER TABLE kpi ADD display_order INTEGER DEFAULT 1000;