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2022-12-13 07:10:06 +01:00
* TimeTrex is a Workforce Management program developed by
* TimeTrex Software Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 TimeTrex Software Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
* added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact TimeTrex headquarters at Unit 22 - 2475 Dobbin Rd. Suite
* #292 West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E9, Canada or at email address info@timetrex.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
* version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
* "Powered by TimeTrex" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
* feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
* the words "Powered by TimeTrex".
* Class PurgeDatabase
class PurgeDatabase {
static $parent_table_column_map = [
'users' => 'user_id',
'report_schedule' => 'user_report_data_id',
static $parent_table_map_array = [
'absence_policy' => [
'accrual' => [
'accrual_balance' => [
'accrual_policy' => [
'accrual_policy_account' => [
'accrual_policy_milestone' => [
'area_policy' => [
'area_policy_location' => [
//Can't automatically purge this table, as user_id is often NULL for company wide settings.
//'bank_account' => array(
// 'company',
// 'users'
// ),
'branch' => [
'bread_crumb' => [
'break_policy' => [
'client' => [
'client_balance' => [
'client_contact' => [
'client_group' => [
'client_payment' => [
'legal_entity' => [
'remittance_source_account' => [
'remittance_destination_account' => [
'payroll_remittance_agency' => [
'payroll_remittance_agency_event' => [
'company_deduction' => [
'company_deduction_pay_stub_entry_account' => [
'company_generic_map' => [
'company_user_count' => [
'contributing_pay_code_policy' => [
'contributing_shift_policy' => [
'currency' => [
'currency_rate' => [
'department' => [
'government_document' => [
'document' => [
'document_attachment' => [
'document_group' => [
'document_revision' => [
'exception' => [
'exception_policy' => [
'exception_policy_control' => [
'hierarchy_control' => [
'hierarchy_level' => [
'hierarchy_object_type' => [
'hierarchy_user' => [
'holiday_policy' => [
'holiday_policy_recurring_holiday' => [
'holidays' => [
'invoice' => [
'invoice_config' => [
'invoice_district' => [
'invoice_transaction' => [
'product', //Invoice payments are product_id = 0
'job' => [
'job_group' => [
'job_item' => [
'job_item_amendment' => [
'job_item_group' => [
'geo_fence' => [
'qualification' => [
'qualification_group' => [
'user_education' => [
'user_license' => [
'user_skill' => [
'user_language' => [
'user_membership' => [
'user_review_control' => [
'user_review' => [
'kpi' => [
'kpi_group' => [
'ethnic_group' => [
'user_contact' => [
'user_setting' => [
'company_setting' => [
'job_vacancy' => [
'job_applicant' => [
'job_application' => [
'job_applicant_location' => [
'job_applicant_employment' => [
'job_applicant_reference' => [
'job_applicant_education' => [
'job_applicant_skill' => [
'job_applicant_language' => [
'job_applicant_membership' => [
'job_applicant_license' => [
'recruitment_portal_config' => [
'recruitment_portal_field_map' => [
'expense_policy' => [
'user_expense' => [
'meal_policy' => [
'message_recipient' => [
'message_sender' => [
'custom_field' => [
'over_time_policy' => [
'pay_code' => [
'pay_formula_policy' => [
'pay_period' => [
'pay_period_schedule' => [
'pay_period_schedule_user' => [
'pay_period_time_sheet_verify' => [
'pay_stub' => [
'pay_stub_amendment' => [
'pay_stub_entry' => [
'pay_stub_entry_account' => [
'pay_stub_transaction' => [
'pay_stub_entry_account_link' => [
'payment_gateway' => [
'payment_gateway_credit_card_type' => [
'payment_gateway_currency' => [
'permission' => [
'permission_control' => [
'permission_user' => [
'policy_group' => [
'policy_group_user' => [
'premium_policy' => [
'premium_policy_branch' => [
'premium_policy_department' => [
'premium_policy_job' => [
'premium_policy_job_group' => [
'premium_policy_job_item' => [
'premium_policy_job_item_group' => [
'product' => [
'product_group' => [
'product_price' => [
'punch' => [
'punch_control' => [
'recurring_holiday' => [
'recurring_ps_amendment' => [
'recurring_ps_amendment_user' => [
'recurring_schedule_control' => [
'recurring_schedule_template' => [
'recurring_schedule_template_control' => [
//'recurring_schedule_user' => [
// 'recurring_schedule_control',
// 'users',
'recurring_schedule' => [
'regular_time_policy' => [
'report_schedule' => [
'request' => [
'request_schedule' => [
'roe' => [
'round_interval_policy' => [
'schedule' => [
'schedule_policy' => [
'shipping_policy' => [
'shipping_policy_object' => [
'shipping_table_rate' => [
'station' => [
'station_branch' => [
'station_department' => [
'station_exclude_user' => [
'station_include_user' => [
'station_user' => [
'station_user_group' => [
'system_log' => [
'system_log_detail' => [
'tax_policy' => [
'tax_policy_object' => [
'user_date_total' => [
'user_deduction' => [
'user_default' => [
'user_default_company_deduction' => [
'user_default_preference_notification' => [
//Can't automatically purge this table, as user_id is often NULL for company wide settings.
//'user_generic_data' => array(
// 'users',
// 'company'
// ),
'user_generic_status' => [
'user_group' => [
'user_identification' => [
'user_preference' => [
'user_preference_notification' => [
'notification' => [
'device_token' => [
//Can't automatically purge this table, as user_id is often NULL for company wide settings.
//'user_report_data' => array(
// 'company',
// 'users'
// ),
'report_custom_column' => [
'user_title' => [
'user_wage' => [
'users' => [
'wage_group' => [
* @return bool
* @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection
static function Execute() {
global $db;
//Make array of tables to purge, and the timeperiod to purge them at.
Debug::Text( 'Purging database tables: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', time() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$purge_tables = [
'user_generic_status' => 2,
'punch' => 60, //Punch must come before punch_control
'punch_control' => 60, //punch_control must come before user_date
'user_date_total' => 60, //user_date_total must come before user_date
'schedule' => 60, //schedule must come before user_date
'company' => 120,
'company_deduction' => 120,
'company_deduction_pay_stub_entry_account' => 120,
'company_generic_map' => 125, //Since we don't bother mapping to all possible other tables, this value should be higher than any other table.
'company_user_count' => 120,
'legal_entity' => 120,
'remittance_source_account' => 120,
'remittance_destination_account' => 120,
'payroll_remittance_agency' => 120,
'payroll_remittance_agency_event' => 120,
'authentication' => 2, //Sessions.
'hierarchy_user' => 45,
'hierarchy_object_type' => 45,
'hierarchy_level' => 45,
'absence_policy' => 45,
'accrual' => 60,
'accrual_balance' => 60, //Doesnt have updated_date column
'accrual_policy' => 45,
'accrual_policy_milestone' => 60,
'accrual_policy_account' => 120,
'authorizations' => 45, //Must go before requests.
'bank_account' => 45,
'branch' => 45,
'break_policy' => 45,
'wage_group' => 45,
'cron' => 45,
'currency' => 120,
'currency_rate' => 120,
'contributing_pay_code_policy' => 45,
'contributing_shift_policy' => 45,
'department' => 45,
'exception' => 45,
'exception_policy' => 45,
'exception_policy_control' => 45,
'hierarchy_control' => 45,
'hierarchy_tree' => 45,
'hierarchy_share' => 45,
'holiday_policy' => 45,
'holiday_policy_recurring_holiday' => 45,
'holidays' => 45,
'meal_policy' => 45,
'message' => 45,
'message_sender' => 45,
'message_recipient' => 45,
'message_control' => 45,
'custom_field' => 45,
'over_time_policy' => 45,
'pay_code' => 90,
'pay_formula_policy' => 90,
'pay_period' => 45,
'pay_period_schedule' => 45,
'pay_period_schedule_user' => 45,
'pay_period_time_sheet_verify' => 45,
'pay_stub' => 120,
'pay_stub_amendment' => 120,
'pay_stub_entry' => 120,
'pay_stub_entry_account' => 120,
'pay_stub_entry_account_link' => 120,
'pay_stub_transaction' => 120,
'permission' => 45,
'permission_control' => 45,
'permission_user' => 45,
'policy_group' => 45,
'policy_group_user' => 45,
'premium_policy' => 45,
'premium_policy_branch' => 45,
'premium_policy_department' => 45,
'recurring_holiday' => 45,
'recurring_ps_amendment' => 45,
'recurring_ps_amendment_user' => 45,
'recurring_schedule_control' => 45,
'recurring_schedule_template' => 45,
'recurring_schedule_template_control' => 45,
//'recurring_schedule_user' => 45,
'regular_time_policy' => 45,
'request' => 45,
'roe' => 45,
'round_interval_policy' => 45,
'schedule_policy' => 45,
'station' => 45,
'station_user' => 45,
'station_branch' => 45,
'station_department' => 45,
'station_user_group' => 45,
'station_include_user' => 45,
'station_exclude_user' => 45,
'user_deduction' => 120, //This is related to payroll, so keep as long as pay stubs exist.
'user_default' => 45,
'user_default_company_deduction' => 45,
'user_default_preference_notification' => 45,
'user_generic_data' => 45,
'user_group' => 45,
'user_group_tree' => 45,
'user_identification' => 45,
'user_preference' => 45,
'user_preference_notification' => 45,
'user_title' => 45,
'user_wage' => 120,
'user_report_data' => 45,
'user_setting' => 120,
'company_setting' => 45,
'users' => 120,
'recurring_schedule' => 0, //Delete these immediately.
'bread_crumb' => 45,
'system_log' => 45,
'system_log_detail' => 45,
'company_generic_tag_map' => 45,
'company_generic_tag' => 45,
'qualification' => 45,
'user_education' => 45,
'user_license' => 45,
'user_skill' => 45,
'user_language' => 45,
'user_membership' => 45,
'qualification_group' => 45,
'qualification_group_tree' => 45,
'kpi' => 45,
'kpi_group' => 45,
'kpi_group_tree' => 45,
'user_review' => 45,
'user_review_control' => 45,
'user_contact' => 45,
'ethnic_group' => 45,
'notification' => 21, //Keep notifications for three weeks.
'device_token' => 45,
if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) {
$purge_professional_tables = [
'request_schedule' => 45,
'report_schedule' => 45,
'report_custom_column' => 45,
$purge_tables = array_merge( $purge_tables, $purge_professional_tables );
if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_CORPORATE ) {
$purge_corporate_tables = [
'client' => 45,
'client_contact' => 45,
'client_group' => 45,
'client_group_tree' => 45,
'client_payment' => 45,
'client_balance' => 45,
'premium_policy_job' => 45,
'premium_policy_job_group' => 45,
'premium_policy_job_item' => 45,
'premium_policy_job_item_group' => 45,
'area_policy' => 45,
'area_policy_location' => 45,
'government_document' => 120,
'document' => 45,
'document_attachment' => 45,
'document_group' => 45,
'document_group_tree' => 45,
'document_revision' => 45,
'invoice' => 45,
'invoice_config' => 45,
'invoice_district' => 45,
'invoice_transaction' => 90,
'job' => 45,
'job_user_allow' => 45,
'job_group' => 45,
'job_group_tree' => 45,
'job_item' => 45,
'job_item_allow' => 45,
'job_item_amendment' => 45,
'job_item_group' => 45,
'job_item_group_tree' => 45,
'geo_fence' => 45,
'payment_gateway' => 45,
'payment_gateway_currency' => 45,
'payment_gateway_credit_card_type' => 45,
'product' => 45,
'product_group' => 45,
'product_group_tree' => 45,
'product_price' => 45,
'shipping_policy' => 45,
'shipping_table_rate' => 45,
'shipping_policy_object' => 45,
'tax_policy' => 45,
'tax_policy_object' => 45,
$purge_tables = array_merge( $purge_tables, $purge_corporate_tables );
if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE ) {
$purge_enterprise_tables = [
'job_vacancy' => 45,
'job_applicant_location' => 45,
'job_applicant_employment' => 45,
'job_applicant_reference' => 45,
'job_applicant_education' => 45,
'job_applicant_skill' => 45,
'job_applicant_language' => 45,
'job_applicant_membership' => 45,
'job_applicant_license' => 45,
'job_applicant' => 45,
'job_application' => 45,
'recruitment_portal_config' => 45,
'recruitment_portal_field_map' => 45,
'expense_policy' => 45,
'user_expense' => 45,
$purge_tables = array_merge( $purge_tables, $purge_enterprise_tables );
$current_tables = $db->MetaTables();
$total_purged_rows = 0;
if ( is_array( $purge_tables ) && is_array( $current_tables ) ) {
foreach ( $purge_tables as $table => $expire_days ) {
//For testing only, force expire_days to 0.
//if ( PRODUCTION == FALSE ) {
// $expire_days = 0;
$db->StartTrans(); //Try to keep the transactions as short lived as possible to avoid replication delays on the database.
if ( in_array( $table, $current_tables ) ) {
$query = [];
switch ( $table ) {
case 'user_generic_status':
//Treat the user_generic_status table differently, as rows are never marked as deleted in it.
// Therefore use updated_date instead of deleted_date.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) );
case 'system_log':
//Only delete system_log rows from deleted users, or deleted/cancelled companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as b, company as c WHERE a.user_id = b.id AND b.company_id = c.id AND ( b.deleted = 1 OR c.deleted = 1 OR c.status_id = 30 ) AND ( a.date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND b.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND c.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
//Quite a few system_log rows are created by user_id=0 (system), they aren't shown on the audit log anyways and don't need to be kept around for long.
//This also deletes logs that can't be matches to any user, or those that have already been deleted.
//This includes log entries for the cron system.
//$query[] = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' WHERE id in ( select a.id from '. $table .' as a LEFT JOIN users as b ON a.user_id = b.id WHERE b.id is NULL AND ( a.date <= '. (time()-(86400*($expire_days))) .' ) )';
//NOTE: Make sure NOT EXISTS is a strict join query without any other where clauses, as that can cause unintended results.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( ( $expire_days * 2 ) ) ) ) . ' AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from users as b WHERE a.user_id = b.id )';
//Delete non-critical audit log entries that bloat the database
// 45 Days
// - Station ( Allowed )
// 180 Days
// - Authentication
// - UserDateTotal ( Notice - Recalculating )
// - Exception ( Notice - Emails )
// - ReportSchedule ( Notice - Emailing )
// - Punch ( Telephone Start records )
// 1.5 Years
// - PayStubAmendment ( Edit )
// - PunchControl ( Add )
// - Punch ( Add )
// - Schedule ( Add )
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE
a.date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( ( $expire_days * 1 ) ) ) ) . '
( table_name = \'station\' AND action_id = 200 )
a.date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( ( $expire_days * 4 ) ) ) ) . '
( table_name = \'authentication\' )
( table_name = \'user_date_total\' AND action_id = 500 )
( table_name = \'exception\' AND action_id = 500 )
( table_name = \'report_schedule\' AND action_id = 500 )
( table_name = \'punch\' AND ( action_id = 500 AND description LIKE \'Telephone Punch Start%\' ) )
a.date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( ( $expire_days * 12 ) ) ) ) . '
( table_name = \'pay_stub_amendment\' AND action_id = 20 )
( table_name = \'punch_control\' AND action_id = 10 )
( table_name = \'punch\' AND action_id = 10 )
( table_name = \'schedule\' AND action_id = 10 )
case 'system_log_detail':
//Only delete system_log_detail rows when the corresponding system_log rows are already deleted
//$query[] = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' WHERE id in ( select a.id from '. $table .' as a LEFT JOIN system_log as b ON a.system_log_id = b.id WHERE b.id is NULL )';
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from system_log as b WHERE a.system_log_id = b.id )';
case 'punch':
//Delete punch rows from deleted users, or deleted companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING punch_control as b, users as d, company as e WHERE a.punch_control_id = b.id AND b.user_id = d.id AND d.company_id = e.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR b.deleted = 1 OR d.deleted = 1 OR e.deleted = 1 ) AND ( a.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND d.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND e.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
case 'punch_control':
case 'user_date_total':
case 'schedule':
case 'request':
//Delete punch_control/user_date rows from deleted users, or deleted companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as d, company as e WHERE a.user_id = d.id AND d.company_id = e.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR d.deleted = 1 OR e.deleted = 1 ) AND ( a.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND d.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND e.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
case 'exception':
//Delete exception rows from deleted users, or deleted companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as d, company as e WHERE a.user_id = d.id AND d.company_id = e.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR d.deleted = 1 OR e.deleted = 1 ) AND ( a.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND d.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND e.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
//Delete exception rows from terminated users after they have been terminated for 3x the regular expire length.
// This has to use updated_date rather than deleted_date in this case then.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as d, company as e WHERE a.user_id = d.id AND d.company_id = e.id AND ( d.status_id = 20 ) AND ( a.updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days * 3 ) ) ) . ' AND d.updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days * 3 ) ) ) . ' AND e.updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days * 3 ) ) ) . ')';
case 'user_identification':
//Purge biometric data from terminated employees within 45 days (expire time) of their termination date.
$query[] = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' as a SET deleted = 1, updated_date = ' . time() . ', deleted_date = ' . time() . ', deleted_by = ' . $db->qstr( TTUUID::getZeroID() ) . ' FROM users as b WHERE a.user_id = b.id AND a.type_id in (20, 70, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 100, 101) AND b.status_id = 20 AND b.termination_date <= ' . $db->qstr( TTDate::getDBTimeStamp( ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) ) ) . ' AND a.deleted = 0 AND b.deleted = 0';
//No break here, as it needs to continue through to message_recipient.
case 'pay_period_time_sheet_verify':
case 'message_sender':
case 'message_recipient':
//Delete rows from deleted users, or deleted companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as d, company as e WHERE a.user_id = d.id AND d.company_id = e.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR d.deleted = 1 OR e.deleted = 1 ) AND ( a.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND d.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND e.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
case 'accrual_balance':
//Delete rows from deleted users, or deleted companies. Accrual Balance table does not have deleted_date column.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as d, company as e WHERE a.user_id = d.id AND d.company_id = e.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR d.deleted = 1 OR e.deleted = 1 ) AND ( d.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND e.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
case 'pay_stub_entry':
//Only delete pay_stub_entry rows from deleted users, or deleted companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING pay_stub as b WHERE a.pay_stub_id = b.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR b.deleted = 1 ) AND a.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) );
case 'authorizations':
//Only delete authorization rows from deleted requests.
// Make sure we try still try to purge old authorization type_ids (10,20,30), as they could be left laying around from long-time customers.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING request as b WHERE a.object_type_id in (10, 20, 30, 50, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1100) AND a.object_id = b.id AND ( b.deleted = 1 ) AND ( b.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND a.updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.object_type_id in (10, 20, 30, 50, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1100) AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from request as b WHERE a.object_id = b.id)';
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.object_type_id in (90) AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from pay_period_time_sheet_verify as b WHERE a.object_id = b.id)';
if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE ) {
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.object_type_id in (200) AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from user_expense as b WHERE a.object_id = b.id)';
case 'notification':
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE deleted = 1 AND deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) );
//Delete *non-deleted* read notifications after $expire_days * 1, and unread notifications after $expire_days * 2. To prevent them from piling up especially if the user hasn't logged in for a while.
// Make sure effective date is before $expire_days as well, so the user at least has a chance to read a future dated notification.
// Since these are non-deleted records, use updated_date instead of deleted_date.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE deleted = 0 AND effective_date <= ' . $db->qstr( TTDate::getDBTimeStamp( ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) ) ) .' AND ( ( status_id = 10 AND updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days * 2 ) ) ) .' ) OR ( status_id = 20 AND updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days * 1 ) ) ) .' ) )'; //10=UnRead, 20=Read
case 'station':
//Delete stations that haven't been used (allowed_date) or updated in over two years. Only consider PC/WirelessWeb stations types though.
//Problem is when a station is created, a punch may be assigned to it, but the allowed_date is update on the wildcard entry instead.
// Use updated_date instead of deleted_date here as they records haven't been deleted yet.
//$query[] = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' as a WHERE a.type_id in (10, 25) AND a.deleted = 0 AND ( lower(a.station_id) != \'any\' AND lower(a.source) != \'any\' ) AND ( a.allowed_date is NULL OR a.allowed_date <= '. (time()-(86400*(730))) .') AND ( a.updated_by is NULL AND a.updated_date <= '. (time()-(86400*($expire_days))) .')'; //This will delete active stations. DO NOT USE.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.type_id in (10, 25) AND ( lower(a.station_id) != \'any\' AND lower(a.source) != \'any\' ) AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from punch as b WHERE a.id = b.station_id ) AND ( a.updated_by is NULL AND a.updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' ) AND a.deleted = 0';
//Delete station rows from deleted/cancelled companies
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING company as e WHERE a.company_id = e.id AND ( a.deleted = 1 OR e.deleted = 1 OR e.status_id = 30 ) AND ( a.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND e.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
//Disable iButton/Fingerprint/Barcode stations that have never been used.
// Use updated_date instead of deleted_date here as they records haven't been deleted yet.
$query[] = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET status_id = 10 WHERE type_id in (30, 40, 50) AND status_id = 20 AND allowed_date is NULL AND updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( 120 ) ) ) . ' AND ( deleted = 0 )';
case 'permission_control':
// Use updated_date instead of deleted_date only for table "a." as we are deleting records where the company is deleted and not where the record itself may be deleted.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING company as c WHERE a.company_id = c.id AND ( c.deleted = 1 ) AND ( a.updated_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ' AND c.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
case 'permission':
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE id in ( select a.id from ' . $table . ' as a LEFT JOIN permission_control as b ON a.permission_control_id = b.id WHERE b.id is NULL )';
case 'message_control':
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE id in ( select a.id from ' . $table . ' as a LEFT JOIN message_sender as b ON a.id = b.message_control_id WHERE b.id is NULL )';
case 'bank_account':
case 'user_generic_data':
case 'user_report_data':
//Delete all rows that are already deleted, since this isn't done in the DEFAULT case statement below
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE deleted = 1 AND deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) );
//user_id column can be NULL for company wide data, make sure we leave that alone.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING company as b WHERE a.company_id = b.id AND ( b.deleted = 1 AND b.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as b WHERE a.user_id = b.id AND ( b.deleted = 1 AND b.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
//Delete rows where the parent table rows are already deleted.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from company as b WHERE a.company_id = b.id )';
//bank_account can have user_id is NULL or user_id = 0, we don't want to purge those records in either case.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE ( a.user_id is NOT NULL AND a.user_id != \'' . TTUUID::getZeroID() . '\' ) AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from users as b WHERE a.user_id = b.id )';
case 'user_group_tree':
case 'document_group_tree':
case 'client_group_tree':
case 'job_group_tree':
case 'job_item_group_tree':
case 'product_group_tree':
case 'qualification_group_tree':
case 'kpi_group_tree':
$parent_table = str_replace( '_tree', '', $table );
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from ' . $parent_table . ' as b WHERE a.object_id = b.id)';
case 'authentication':
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING users as b WHERE a.object_id = b.id AND a.type_id NOT IN (100,110) AND ( b.deleted = 1 AND b.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
case 'company_generic_tag_map':
//Tag mapping is specific to almost every other major table, so need to handle it one at a time.
$table_arr = $db->MetaTables(); //Get list of tables, so we don't cause SQL errors if the table doesn't exist.
$cgtf = TTnew( 'CompanyGenericTagFactory' ); /** @var CompanyGenericTagFactory $cgtf */
$object_type_arr = $cgtf->getOptions( 'object_type' );
foreach ( $object_type_arr as $object_type_id => $object_type ) {
if ( in_array( $object_type, $table_arr ) && isset( $purge_tables[$object_type] ) ) {
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.object_type_id = ' . $object_type_id . ' AND NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from ' . $object_type . ' as b WHERE a.object_id = b.id)';
} else {
Debug::Text( ' WARNING: Table does not exist or is not in the purge tables array: ' . $object_type, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
unset( $cgtf, $object_type_arr, $object_type, $table_arr );
case 'company_generic_tag':
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from company_generic_tag_map as b WHERE a.id = b.tag_id)';
//Tables that don't require custom queries, but don't have a deleted/updated_date column.
case 'company_user_count':
case 'permission_user':
case 'user_default_company_deduction':
//case 'recurring_schedule_user':
case 'recurring_ps_amendment_user':
case 'hierarchy_user':
case 'hierarchy_object_type':
case 'company_deduction_pay_stub_entry_account':
case 'pay_period_schedule_user':
case 'bread_crumb':
case 'holiday_policy_recurring_holiday':
case 'station_branch':
case 'station_department':
case 'station_user_group':
case 'station_include_user':
case 'station_exclude_user':
case 'policy_group_user':
case 'premium_policy_branch':
case 'premium_policy_department':
case 'premium_policy_job':
case 'premium_policy_job_group':
case 'premium_policy_job_item':
case 'premium_policy_job_item_group':
case 'client_balance':
case 'tax_policy_object':
case 'area_policy_location':
case 'shipping_policy_object':
case 'payment_gateway_currency':
case 'payment_gateway_credit_card_type':
case 'recruitment_portal_field_map':
//Purge old tables from previous versions.
case 'message':
case 'hierarchy_tree':
case 'hierarchy_share':
case 'station_user':
case 'job_user_allow':
case 'job_item_allow':
if ( version_compare( APPLICATION_VERSION, '3.5.0', '>=' ) ) {
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table;
Debug::Text( 'Default Query... Table: ' . $table, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE deleted = 1 AND deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) );
//Handle orphaned data as well, based on the parent table.
if ( isset( self::$parent_table_map_array[$table] ) ) {
foreach ( self::$parent_table_map_array[$table] as $parent_table ) {
if ( isset( self::$parent_table_column_map[$parent_table] ) ) {
$parent_table_column = self::$parent_table_column_map[$parent_table];
} else {
$parent_table_column = $parent_table . '_id';
Debug::Text( 'Parent Table: ' . $parent_table . ' Parent Table Column: ' . $parent_table_column, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
//Skip some tables without deleted columns.
// remittance_source_account can be assigned to 'ANY' legal entity (Not Exists UUID), so make sure we don't purge data in it.
if ( !in_array( $table, [ 'remittance_source_account', 'bank_account', 'user_generic_data', 'user_report_data', 'system_log', 'system_log_detail', 'authorizations' ] ) ) {
//Delete rows where the parent table rows are already marked as deleted.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a USING ' . $parent_table . ' as b WHERE a.' . $parent_table_column . ' = b.id AND ( b.deleted = 1 AND b.deleted_date <= ' . ( time() - ( 86400 * ( $expire_days ) ) ) . ')';
//Delete rows where the parent table rows are already deleted.
//Keep records where ID = 0 or NULL as those can still be valid in some cases.
$query[] = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' as a WHERE a.' . $parent_table_column . ' != \'' . TTUUID::getZeroID() . '\' AND a.' . $parent_table_column . ' != \'' . TTUUID::getNotExistID() . '\' AND a.' . $parent_table_column . ' is NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ' . $parent_table . ' as b WHERE a.' . $parent_table_column . ' = b.id )';
unset( $parent_table_column, $parent_table );
//FIXME: With new punch method in v3.0 add query to make sure orphaned punches without punch_control rows are cleaned out
//select a.id, a.deleted, b.id, b.deleted from punch as a LEFT JOIN punch_control as b ON (a.punch_control_id = b.id) WHERE b.id is NULL AND a.deleted = 0;
if ( isset( $query ) && is_array( $query ) ) {
$i = 0;
foreach ( $query as $q ) {
//echo "Query: ". $q ."\n"; //Help with debugging SQL syntax errors.
$db->Execute( $q );
Debug::Text( 'Query: ' . $q, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
Debug::Text( 'Table found for purging: ' . $table . '(' . $i . ') Expire Days: ' . $expire_days . ' Purged Rows: ' . $db->Affected_Rows(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$total_purged_rows += $db->Affected_Rows();
unset( $query );
} else {
Debug::Text( 'Table not found for purging: ' . $table, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
//Purge saved punch images.
if ( getTTProductEdition() >= TT_PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL ) {
//This doesn't need to be wrapped in a transaction, and can take quite a while due to disk I/O. Doing so can harm the database performance, especially with replication.
Debug::Text( 'Purging Punch Images...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$plf = new PunchListFactory();
$total_records = -1;
$x = 0;
$i = 0;
while ( $total_records == -1 || ( $total_records > 0 && $x <= 250 ) ) { //Limit to 10 batches in total.
$db->StartTrans(); //Try to keep the transactions as short lived as possible to avoid replication delays on the database.
$plf->getByHasImageAndCreatedDate( true, ( time() - ( 86400 * 120 ) ), 1000 ); //Expire Days: 120 -- Limit to 500 at a time, as its mostly the file I/O that takes the time here.
$total_records = $plf->getRecordCount();
Debug::text( 'Batch: ' . $x . ' Punches with images older than X days: ' . $plf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
if ( $plf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
foreach ( $plf as $p_obj ) {
Debug::text( ' Punch ID: ' . $p_obj->getID() . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ) . ' Image File Name: ' . $p_obj->getImageFileName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$query = 'UPDATE ' . $plf->getTable() . ' SET has_image = 0 WHERE id = \'' . TTUUID::castUUID( $p_obj->getID() ) . '\'';
if ( $plf->ExecuteSQL( $query ) !== false ) {
} else {
Debug::text( ' ERROR: Update query to purge has_image failed... ID: ' . $p_obj->getID(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
Debug::text( ' Deleted Punch Images: ' . $i, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
unset( $plf, $p_obj, $total_records, $x, $i, $query );
//Since deleting a lot of records especially in system_log can cause large planning times of queries that select from that table. This manifested itself in the Audit tab taking 2-3 seconds to load.
// Therefore force a regular vacuum to run on the entire database once we are done. We could also tune the autovacuum parameters more for these tables to be extra sure.
Debug::text( ' Start VACUUM...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
$db->Execute( 'VACUUM ANALYZE' );
Debug::text( ' Done VACUUM...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
unset( $purge_tables, $current_tables, $query );
Debug::Text( 'Purging database tables complete: ' . TTDate::getDate( 'DATE+TIME', time() ) .' Total Purged Rows: '. $total_purged_rows, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10 );
return true;
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection */
static function getParentTableMap() {
global $db;
//Get all tables in a database and their ID columns to aid in creating export/import mapping
$exclude_columns = [ 'id', 'type_id', 'status_id', 'length_of_service_unit_id', 'apply_frequency_id', 'category_id', 'custom_field', 'ibutton_id', 'manual_id', 'exclusive_id', 'session_id', 'cc_type_id', 'originator_id', 'data_center_id', 'product_edition_id', 'calculation_id', 'severity_id', 'email_notification_id', 'default_schedule_status_id', 'phone_id', 'sex_id' ];
$table_name_map = [];
$table_name_map['user'] = 'users';
$dict = NewDataDictionary( $db );
$tables = $dict->MetaTables();
sort( $tables );
$map = [];
foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
$columns = $dict->MetaColumns( $table );
foreach ( $columns as $column_table ) {
$column_name = $column_table->name;
if ( !in_array( $column_name, $exclude_columns ) && stristr( $column_name, '_id' ) ) {
//Find out where the column maps too.
$tmp_table_name = str_replace( '_id', '', $column_name );
if ( isset( $table_name_map[$tmp_table_name] ) ) {
$tmp_table_name = $table_name_map[$tmp_table_name];
if ( in_array( $tmp_table_name, $tables ) ) {
//Found destination table.
//$out .= $table . ', '. $column_name .', '. $tmp_table_name .', id'."\n";
//$test[$tmp_table_name][] = $table;
$map[$table][] = $tmp_table_name;
} else {
echo "UNABLE TO FIND DESTINATION TABLE FOR: Table: " . $table . " Column: " . $column_name . "<br>\n";
//echo $out;
foreach ( $map as $tmp_key => $tmp_val ) {
echo "'$tmp_key' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'" . implode( "',\n\t\t\t\t'", $tmp_val ) . "'\n\t\t\t\t), \n";
//echo "'$tmp_key' => '$tmp_val', \n";